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Updated Oct 19
Updated Oct 19

Meet your Posher, Shantel

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shantel. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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madsruth Hi! Welcome to PoshMark ☺️
Oct 19Reply
zenfulco Hey darling 💜🌸if you're interested in those 2 scarfs I can give them to you for only $7 both if you want to bundle them(:
Oct 22Reply
gemmated Welcome!!!!! Take a look in my closet :) open for offers right now
Oct 22Reply
cathiv Hello😊it’s nice to meet you 🌸welcome to Posh and thank you for the like🌺
Aug 06Reply
madisond0505 Thank you for liking!!✨💞
Aug 18Reply
ash818 Thanks for the like- if your interested feel free to make an offer. & if you bundle ill give you a huge discount. thanks again :)
Aug 23Reply
ash818 Everything you liked totaled to $74. If your interested I’ll do everything for $55
Aug 23Reply
ash818 Still interested ?
Sep 19Reply
belle_sby Hi Shantel Welcome to Poshmark =)  please feel free to browse my side of the closet I'm constantly adding new items. I  Love Poshing.  Hope you enjoy my closet
Oct 03Reply
lea_5504 Hey! Feel free to check out my closet!
Oct 14Reply
theresellinguru Hey there!! Thank you so much for your purchase :) I did see you liked two other listings from my closet, if you’d like I can cancel the previous order & you can make an offer for all three likes! Let me know what you’d like to do, so I can start packaging your purchase if you don’t want to purchase your other likes :)
Oct 14Reply
aniri515 Hi Shantel! I just wanted to explain that mistake took place at the website. 2 orders, probably at the same time, were placed on 2 Adidas hoodies. I shipped them to the buyer that I accepted the offer from. Since your order went trough automatically, I didn’t realize that those items were sold twice. Sorry if it caused any inconvenience. I contacted Customer Service today. Thank you again. Hope to more sales with you in a future ( with better outcome😂).
Feb 13Reply
missshellsells Hi there🌼 thanks for your likes! Make an offer, I'm cleaning out the closet 😊
Mar 08Reply
kwcavanaugh3 Hey I seen you liked some of my stuff. If you want to throw together a bundle I’ll give you a good deal
Mar 30Reply
poshglamgirl Hi precious❣noticed u have too few shares. You want to MEGA share to promote/expose ur items to potential buyers U must MAJORLY follow ppl to gain followers they r only ones who'll see ur items when u share See my followers & shares Go to ur feed, share & follow ppl who share/follow u -its how u spread the posh luv, sharing is caring Read posh blogs, search search posh success tips & lotsa utube PLZ I'm happy to answer questns Much success & happy poshing😊
Apr 11Reply
poshglamgirl Hi precious you're in Louisiana!!! Wanted to be sure I'd personally extended to u a very special invite to Lafayette's 1st Posh n Sip this Sat.🎊🎉 Come meet local poshers, get tips to help increase sales, share & network.  Mix mingle eat & drink & learn everything posh! Go to my closet now for tickets. Only $5. Hurry tickets now very limited. Hope u can make it!!.🎊😊💕🎊
Apr 11Reply
dekern27 @meanmy03 Hey there 😀 I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark 🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet sometime. Hopefully you’ll find something you love 😊👍🏼
Jun 22Reply
changingseasonz Hey Shantel🙋‍♀️❣ Thank you for your purchase! I will ship out tomorrow! I hope you have a great weekend!! Happy Poshing! Dana
Jun 29Reply
chellier Thanks for following
Jul 05Reply
onlysale Thank you for the like. Also I accept a reasonable offer💕💕
Jul 10Reply
emilyjann Hi Shantel ☺️.. Happy poshing 🌟🌟🌟
Jul 20Reply
nildin7 Hi,check out my closet. I have pieces to fit any style. You can find both NWT and preowned items. Like or bundle 3+ items to receive an automatic 10% discount and I also add a discount when you bundle multiple items. I respond quickly and ship quicker.I can’t wait to hear from you. Blessings!
Jul 28Reply
teresit2011c Hello just stopping by to invite you to check my closet I have some beautiful clothing excellent high quality fabric! Handpicked and uniques styles for women’s! Happy poshing and thank you so much! 😘🌸😘😘🎉
Oct 15Reply
livelikecoco Thank you for your purchase. It will be on its way to you shortly! Let me know if I can help with anything else. Melissa
Nov 10Reply
bfashion1 @meanmy03 Hi Shantel when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in different sizes. My sale today: Make a bundle of any items in my closet and take an additional 50% off the total price. Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. Happy Poshing 🤗💕
Nov 17Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 I will accept your offer on the Steelers jacket. but I want you to know because it's closet clear out I want to save you a few dollars on shipping. I will decline offer, and as long as you have ❤️ the jacket once I lower to agreed price you will get notification of lower price and discount shipping and can then purchase. How does that sound?
Dec 17Reply
meanmy03 @pristy08 sounds great going look to see what else I may buy
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 sounds good. I will decline your offer. once you decide if you only want the jacket I will lower price for you. Or if you create a bundle of 5 or more items I have automatic bundle feature set up for 30% off your entire purchase. Plus, I will include free gift in with bundling.
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 I am going to lower price. you should get notification of it along with discount shipping. Please know that Posh only offers discount shipping for 6hrs once I lower the price.
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 unless you see something else you want. I will wait about 15 mins to see if I hear back from you about wanting anything else. Thank you for visiting and potentially buying. Merry Christmas
Dec 18Reply
meanmy03 @pristy08 I have to add some more cash to my card want be able to do that until tomorrow morning so if you can wait I will appreciate it
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 I can but unfortunately you wouldn't be able to get the discount Shipping rate that Posh is offering only today.
Dec 18Reply
meanmy03 @pristy08 that’s fine if I can’t get it if it’s still available I will truly get it tomorrow. Sorry was seeing to my kids
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 not a problem at all, totally understand. have a good evening and when you are ready tomorrow just let me know.
Dec 18Reply
meanmy03 @pristy08 I will you have a great evening also
Dec 18Reply
meanmy03 @pristy08 I’m ready to order jacket
Dec 18Reply
pristy08 @meanmy03 sorry was at work. I am lowering price now for you. thank you
Dec 18Reply
anitadevine1970 Good morning I noticed you liked a few things from my closet and wanted to let you know I am running a sale. 4/25 . Thank you and have a great day.
Dec 30Reply
nickiruhl10 Hi there!❤️ I would love it if you checked out my closet and let me know if anything sparks your interest!🌟😊
Jan 22Reply
lyanabeato Come check out my closet love☺️💓
Feb 20Reply
papagrazie Thanks for the 5 star rating and comment! Hope you are enjoying the shirt!
Mar 25Reply
mckenziejruud hi there, looking to get rid of everything in my closet asap. all prices lowered to as low as $6 and will lower even more for bundles🙂 everything must go within the next week.
Apr 03Reply
fgchs Hi Shantel!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I’ll either accept it or counter to a price we both can agree on, have a great rest of your day 👍😊
Apr 22Reply
blingnthings Hi Shantel! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of fun items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great day and stay healthy ✨ 💝 Carol
Apr 26Reply
skyesellsstuff Hey Shantel! I saw you liked a pair of shoes in my closet. If you have any offers or questions about them please let me know! 😊💛
Jan 23Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 19Reply
cutehosiery @meanmy03 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 07Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Oct 07Reply

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Last Active: Dec 20 2024

New Iberia, LA
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Last Active: Dec 20 2024

New Iberia, LA
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