Meet your Posher, Shari
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Hi! I'm Shari and I am excited to be a member of the poshmark community!! Thanks for stopping by! I am back and ready to post away!! LOTS of new items coming to my closet!! Sorry for any inconvenience! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hey, Thank you! Will ship everything tomorrow💕💕
Sep 02Reply

@fernandaa17 Thank you! I am excited! I will be uploading a bunch of designer purses and other related clothing and shoes etc in a few days! I am so jazzed to be a part of the Poshmark community!😆💖💗
Sep 02Reply

Well, WELCOME you're going to love it. Awesome!! Looking forward to seeing your closet stock up 😌😁✨👏🏻
Sep 02Reply

@shariberry78 just wanted to thank you for purchasing a few items!!! Please let me know if you would like any others for a good deal!!
Sep 05Reply

Let me know if you still want the coach shoe, resubmit your offer and I'll accept it, thanks!
Sep 05Reply

Let me know if your interested in buying any shoes
Sep 07Reply

Hi love interested in buying anything?
Sep 07Reply

Hey!!! I did research if a bundle is created, I have to pay for extra weight to ship if it exceeds 5 lbs. so with that being said, before you bundle, I will either up something in price or we can do multiple bundles? Let me know what you think
Sep 07Reply

I can't thank you enough for purchasing !!!
Sep 07Reply

@mollycat93 multiple bundles is fine with me! I got it all bundled in one big bundle too FINALLY and then The app crashed so I gotta do it over again anyways LMFAO!! 😂
Sep 07Reply

@mollycat93 If I disappear again it's the app! Idk do you know if it's against the rules to give you my personal contact info on here??
Sep 07Reply

@shariberry78 I'm really not sure, what's your email address?
Sep 07Reply

@shariberry78 try again and only do maybe 3 items then buy and we'll see how that works!! Maybe pair a jean with 2 shirts
Sep 07Reply

Is it working for you?
Sep 07Reply

@mollycat93 it's starting to but not all of it is working yet unfortunately but there's progress!🙂
Sep 07Reply

Hi love just checking in again to see if you were interested in anything you liked or commented in
Sep 07Reply

@mcrobben yes I am but I gotta see how much is left in my budget after I do a large bundle with another posher but yes I am VERY interested in a few things as you probably can tell from all my likes!😉😆
Sep 07Reply

Awesome just let me know thanns
Sep 07Reply

@mollycat93 yes I did two bundles and blew my wad for the day! LOL Thank you so much!☺🙂
Sep 07Reply

@shariberry78 okay sounds great!!! I will ship out asap and I will list more items for you to check out!!
Sep 08Reply

@mollycat93 Awesome! Thank you again!! I am very interested in miss me rocks and trues and silvers lucky brand etc girls where I live love getting a bargain on cute jeans lol and leggings, tanks and cute t shirts etc and shoes especially ugg type boots and sturdy heeled boots are always a hit!
Sep 08Reply

But I am always interested in checking anything cute out!😉
Sep 08Reply

@shariberry78 I have a pair of black and a pair of dark brown talk uggs I will list for you!!!!!!
Sep 08Reply

@mollycat93 sweeet!! Thank you!!
Sep 08Reply

Hello!! Did you get the shoes? :) can you please accept ASAP :) thank you
Sep 08Reply

Check my cousins closet out @kikilanier she has some super cute stuff!!!
Sep 13Reply

Check out my Tory Burch Sandals !!!!
Sep 13Reply

@shariberry78 all your packages are shipped!!!!! Let me know when you are ready to purchase more and I will post everything I have!!(which is a ton) 😀
Sep 13Reply

@mollycat93 Thank you very much and yes I certainly will!!
Sep 13Reply

@shariberry78 are you still interested in purchasing everything I have for an Awesome deal before I take to goodwill? If so I will list everything and several bundles can be purchased
Sep 19Reply

@mollycat93 yes I am very interested I wish there was an easier way to communicate with you on here like private messaging lol do you have a TOTAL price in mind for the ENTIRE bundle? That just makes it easier on me to price out stuff for my second hand store ☺
Sep 19Reply

@shariberry78 I have over 50 items not listed... we could do $4-5 each and see what it comes to? I will count and try to list everything tonight
Sep 19Reply

@mollycat93 Awesome sounds great!
Sep 19Reply

Hi, The two bundles you recently purchased.. delivery was attempted and a notice was left on September 15 and 16, 2016 because there wasn't anyone available to accept the package. The packages were sent back to me.. I think I can resend them but please let me know ..
Sep 20Reply

@shariberry78 ☝🏻️☝🏻️☝🏻️
Sep 21Reply

@shariberry78 hey!! I believe the packages are available to pick up at your nearest post office. Check and message me back if not
Sep 21Reply

@mollycat93 yeah I got them today I've been out of town so I had an overly full mailbox lol I am about to accept the delivery on here thank u so much everything was perfect!
Sep 21Reply

@shariberry78 oh good!!!! I was worried something went wrong!
Sep 21Reply

@shariberry78 please accept both!! ☺️
Sep 22Reply

@mollycat93 oh jeez I am so tired I totally thought I did lol
Sep 22Reply

@shariberry78 hello!!!! I've got everything ready and will be listing it all tonight!! You are still interested correct?
Sep 30Reply

@mollycat93 yes I am! ☺ Are u on Facebook or pintrest by any chance? I am if you'd like to be friends on there My name is Shari Worden 😆
Sep 30Reply

Hi Shari! Thank you for your purchase!! I will ship your package either money morning or after noon✌🏻️
Oct 02Reply

Oops! Meant Monday *.
Oct 02Reply

@mollycat93 hey have you posted those yet? ☺ sorry ive been MIA my mom just passed away unexpectedly
Oct 02Reply

@shariberry78 oh I am so sorry to heard that!!
Oct 03Reply

@shariberry78 oops my phone acted up and sent before I was done, I am so sorry to hear that. I will get them posted tonight for you!!!!!
Oct 03Reply

@mollycat93 thank you very much for your condolences and no worries!!
Oct 03Reply

@shariberry78 hello, I'm starting to post more clothes, remember if you bundle only do about 4 items per bundle!!!! (So the shipping label will cover it without having to add more weight) Please purchase all you want bc im going to goodwill this weekend!
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 please look over all the wrinkles, there from being folded for so long. I will wash and get them out before i ship!
Oct 04Reply

@mollycat93 I like the pistings so far but I may only be able 2get away w buying a cpl things cuz my hunny has sent me on a mission 4sweaters&Designer jeans womens mens&I don't knw if ur aware but I just found out from a customer that "Goodwill" isn't a charity based thrift store so if ur wanting the stuff2 benefit the disadvantaged I wouldnt donate2 them lol Idk what u have in your local area but I was SHOCKED 2find out goodwill doesn't bebefit any1 but the corporation that owns it!
Oct 04Reply

@mollycat93 but I will keep an eye out on what you post and I'll grab whatever I think I can get away with buying 😂
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 I have a lot of sweaters I will post now!
Oct 04Reply

Good morning, I'm so very sorry to inform you that the purse you have selected to purchase was already sold by my mother I do apologize :(. I'm new to this site so I don't really know what to do maybe you can cancel it?? Because it won't let me, and it you do choose anything else in the future I'd be happy to bring the price down for you. Thanks and again I'm so sorry
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 ^^
Oct 04Reply

@tessramona not sure how that works at all I think It just takes a lil bit of work lol but I am sooo bummed because now I am personally in a bind because I was purchasing it for a customer....😔
Oct 04Reply

I did see a bunch more, maybe you can get another good deal.
Oct 04Reply

@tessramona I hope so!! I am gonna look and see what I can find but first I gotta figure out how to cancel the order I'm pretty new@ poshing myself lol so I don't know how to do a lot of things yet! 😂
Oct 04Reply

I've been looking in the FAQs but nothing about canceling from what I've seen.
Oct 04Reply

@tessramona yeah me too and I haven't found an answer I will probably have to email customer support lol
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 please see my comment about bundling!! (On my coach shoes ad) If you accept I will change pricing and we can go from there
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 @tessramona go to my purchases, click on the item, go to the bottom- problems/order inquiry and then click accidental purchase. Follow from there!! Hope this helps 😁
Oct 04Reply

Yes thank you!! It's been canceled
Oct 04Reply

@shariberry78 do you still want to bundle?
Oct 05Reply

@shariberry78 did you get the bundle yet?
Oct 27Reply

@highendjeans I just got informed that my husband picked them up😊
Oct 27Reply

@shariberry78 okay great! Thanks 😃😆
Oct 27Reply

Hi Shari, I hope all is well with you. Just wanted to let you know I am still interested in the red boots. Please let me know.
Nov 03Reply

@scamppy68 Hello,things are going okay lol I just found out I need to have Microvascular decompression brain surgery so that explains a lot of my lack of patience with my printer and mu phone (along w/a fat side of grief) but I'm having intermittent issues with my poshmark app so email me at cuz even tho we cancelled the sale they are still listed as sold lol
Nov 03Reply

I also have an ariat button up shirt u may like what size are you?
Nov 03Reply

@shariberry78 Hi! Can you please accept and complete our transaction.
Mar 08Reply

@cosmicmomma33 I am going to double check but I don't think we have recieved them yet, I have been having some issues with packages not getting to my local post office lately in a timely fashion and I resolved one of those today but I still have several missing that are supposed to be there tomorrow morning. I will let you know as soon as I pick up in the morning and if they aren't one of them I'll have to track em. I apologize for the delay
Mar 08Reply

@shariberry78 hey :) just making sure you got the Miss mes! Please let me know :)
Mar 13Reply

Can you please accept your purchase so funds can be released? They were delivered 2 days ago.
Mar 17Reply

Hey girl!! Don't forget to accept and review those jeans!! I hope you enjoy them! :)
Mar 17Reply

Can you please let me know if you received the Miss me jeans??
Mar 18Reply

@emileecurtis Here's the thing, in the description of the pants there is no mention of a rip in the thigh/crotch region of the jeans and you can only see the rip in an UP CLOSE zoom of the first picture &I am very unhappy because it's a $45 dollar repair.
Mar 18Reply

@shariberry78 oh my gosh I am so so sorry!! I was completely unaware of that myself. 😕
Mar 18Reply

Hi! Please bundle all three jeans if your interested in all of them :) then you won't have to pay shipping for each pair !!
Jul 13Reply

Hi. Just wanted to let you know your package was mailed 8/7/17. There has not been any update on delivery / tracking since 8/11/17. I contacted Poshmark and I will contact the post office tomorrow. I will get back to you when I know more. Very sorry
Aug 15Reply

Hello! Wanted you to know you're package had been ready for pickup since Monday 8/14. Thanks!
Aug 17Reply

@shariberry78 I can take $19 for the Miss Me Jeans you put offer on.
Sep 29Reply

@shariberry78 can you tell me what the problem was with the item I mailed you?!
Oct 05Reply

@shariberry78 The jeans are boxed and scheduled for pick up tomorrow. Thanks for your purchase. 😀
Nov 16Reply

@shariberry78 Can you please accept your order. Thanks and have a good Thanksgiving!🎆
Nov 21Reply

Hi! Thank you for your purchase! I will ship the Rocks tomorrow!
Jan 16Reply

@shariberry78 I hope all is well and your jeans were revived. Looking forward to working with you again in the future! Thank you for the purchase!!
Jan 23Reply

Thanks for your purchase! They'll ship tomorrow! 😀
Mar 08Reply

Hey I wanted to thank you for your offer but at your $20 offer on the miss me Jeans I would only make $16 after fees and I paid over $100 for them
May 22Reply

hey love I have tons of vera Bradley stuff available if interested please check it out thanks
Jan 09Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 27Reply
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