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Updated Mar 20
Updated Mar 20

Meet your Posher, Sharon

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sharon. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Coach, Nike, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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nikler and one other like this
nutheories Welcome to poshmark. Please come check my closet💕 Have a great monday🌟
Mar 20Reply
mdawg31 @sharon1008 thanks for the likes sweetie
Mar 29Reply
rwarden138 Hi, if you're interested in adding more to the bundle let me know so I can possibly lower prices. I will lower the price of one the blue shirt now
Mar 30Reply
wildtimefashion Welcome to poshmark family! I hope you enjoy all the great closets to adventure in🎉. Please feel free to come visit me in my closet anytime. Happy poshing💋
Apr 03Reply
rwarden138 Do you want to add those Levi boots to the bundle? I can only take a couple of bucks
Apr 03Reply
nikler Hi Sharon. Sorry for the delaying accepting your offer. I was actually working and I just noticed it. So I'll pkg tonight and ship in the am! Thank u! Have a great day
Apr 06Reply
aici Hello Sharon, nice meeting you here💝💝
Apr 11Reply
aici @sharon1008 thank you for all the Likes ❤️
Apr 11Reply
alma4posh Hi Sharon get those shorts! They're worth so much more on other sites. If you don't like the fit sell them.
Apr 13Reply
tamekiarobinson Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for your interest in my closet. If you have any questions, just let me know😀
Apr 20Reply
katzkoz Welcome to Posh!💕 It's a very supportive and social community and if you have questions there's always a Posher to answer them.  Or... ...visit my closet and I'd be happy to help! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me......💜
May 05Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎉 I sell your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! 😇 I offer 50% off bundles of five or more items!!! ❤️happy poshing!
May 15Reply
iamjillr Hi Sharon, make an offer on the pink Gap jeans, I'm looking to sell. Thanks, jill❤️
May 25Reply
glitters0629 @sharon1008 I am so sorry but I had my assistant help with the packaging today and they just informed me that they sent out your shoes this morning but did not include the T-shirt. If you would like we can cancel the order and you can send the shoes back or you can look at something else in the closet that you might like and I can give you a really great deal and also send you the Mickey shirt for free
Jun 03Reply
glitters0629 @sharon1008 hi I decided to go ahead and cancel the order but the shoes were dropped off at the post office already today so they should be scanned and still sent your way if you do receive them go ahead and keep them free of charge and if you don't I'm so sorry cuz I don't know if Poshmark will cancel the ship shipping payment or if they still will ship to your location or get return back to me either way if you do get them just go ahead and keep them and you will be getting your money back
Jun 03Reply
dmnmcutler Thank you for the like ❤️. If you add your like/likes to a bundle I can make you a private offer and you can then get a discount on one item instead of needing to bundle 😉
Jun 21Reply
thisladym Hi. I see you receive your bundle. Please don't forget to accept and rate.
Jun 22Reply
thisladym Hi. I see you opened a case for your bundle. Is there something wrong?
Jun 22Reply
sharon1008 @thisladym the shoes had more stains then expected I love all my item's doe my husband pickier then I sorry
Jun 23Reply
thisladym @sharon1008 Oh man. If posh doesn't accept the return, I hope you can get them out. If they don't, I can offer a discount on another item in my closet also check out my sister closet @that_lady_m
Jun 23Reply
strongerthanb4 Hello🤗 If you're still interested in the hologram heels in my closet, please make an offer now and I can have them shipped out to you today.
Aug 30Reply
amazingally hi. ita amazngally. i have your 2 ts ready to go. then got srtyling notice. i a so have so much more in style size etc.. even more. so let me lnow and we can add before shipped. i have tons not posted yet as well. get in touch and ma,e perfect bundle. very little $...i love to spread my love.need space so add up girlfriend. kinda new and dont get the bundle thing but addup or ask what you would like . probably 1000 plus things just like tjis. xoxo Ally
Dec 12Reply
sharon1008 @amazingally hi thankx I've looked an there nth else I would like at this time you hav a lot of small sizes and some of the things are very expensive so I was just like two things that I have thank you you have a great day but I am following you and keeping my eyes on you LOL
Dec 15Reply
amazingally make offers or requests i have sooo much more i can post for you:)
Dec 15Reply
amazingally @sharon1008 all ur what 2!
Dec 16Reply

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Last Active: Oct 30 2019

River Falls, WI
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Last Active: Oct 30 2019

River Falls, WI
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