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Updated Jun 27
Updated Jun 27

Meet your Posher, Sharon

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sharon. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Coach, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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801threads Thanks for the like! If purchased your item will be shipped out TODAY🎉🎉
Sep 17Reply
sorayah1940 Thank you for the shares. Have a blessed day.
Dec 02Reply
_sharonposhing @sorayah1940 😇 Happy Poshing 😇
Dec 02Reply
kathypshop Good afternoon I don’t know how to do this but I don’t know how to give you another offer on your bundle it won’t let me do it so I was going to offer to all like hers but there are other Likers at least one so you have to be ready for it so let me know when you’re ready OK
Dec 29Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like have a safe and blessed night send a offer if you like be careful out there
Mar 26Reply
spanishluna thanks for the sharathon have a safe and blessed week be careful out there
Mar 27Reply
_sharonposhing @spanishluna Sharon is caring. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 27Reply
_sharonposhing Welcome, I adore 🥰 fashion and quality Construction items. Shop my closet for nice items. Any marks scraps and scuffs will be listed. If I don’t feel items are quality enough to sell, I will donate and not waste your (or my) time. Shop with pleasure. Happy Poshing 🛍
Apr 06Reply
kellycesarski Not sure if this is the best way to communicate, but I wanted to let you know…you just put a bid on some shoes I have, but I’m out of town so I can’t get to the shoes right now.
Jun 19Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jun 21Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Jul 29Reply
_sharonposhing Happy Poshing check out my closet.
Sep 17Reply
priscillapealer Thanks for browsing my closet. Your purchase is being prepared for shipping.
Jan 21Reply
Jan 21Reply
ladyk5 Hello! Again, I will receive more funds by the last week of July, 2022. Then, I can proceed with offer, and purchase. Have a nice day /evening. Take care, and be safe.
Jul 13Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 Thank You Happy Poshing
Jul 13Reply
ladyk5 Hello again! I was wondering in mind if you could hold this wallet for me til I receive more funds by last week of July, 2022 or no later than August 3rd? It's a birthday gift for me. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for the attention in this matter. Have a nice day. Take care, and be safe.
Jul 13Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 no problem I’ll hold it just let me know when you are ready. I will have to make it available.
Jul 13Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Okay! Thanks so much for holding it for me. I will let you know when I am ready to make purchase for it with possible offer. Have a nice day / evening. Take care, and be safe.
Jul 14Reply
ladyk5 Hello! In regards to the hardware of the wallet, is it silvertone, or goldtone? Please respond back on this matter today. Thank You!
Jul 17Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Okay! That's what I thought. Just wanted to be sure. I will be glad when my funds become available to make purchase for the wallet with offer. Thanks for the response. Have a nice evening, etc.
Jul 17Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Hello! I am ready to make purchase for the wallet. What is the lowest offer you'll accept for it? Please respond back on my inquiry. Thank You!
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 Hello again! I am ready to make purchase for this wallet. Please make it available for purchase, and I would like an acceptable offer from you for it. Thank You!
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 Is it possible to waive the estimated tax? Yes or No
Jul 22Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 sorry I don’t know how to do that.
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 Hello again! Please disregard previous inquiry. Thank You!
Jul 22Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 Thank You, Happy Poshing.
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 I have made the purchase for the wallet. Once it's been shipped, and processed I will be expecting the arrival of it in a timely manner from USPS United States Postal Service. Have a nice day, and weekend. Take care, and be safe.
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing You're welcome. Glad I was able to make purchase for it. It's an upcoming birthday gift to me. When do you plan to ship it?
Jul 22Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 will ship as soon as possible I hope you enjoy your Birthday 🥳 🥳
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Okay Thanks! My birthday is coming up on August 4th.🙂
Jul 22Reply
ladyk5 Hello! I seen from your Poshmark profile that items are shipped in 2 days. I am thinking in mind that you'll be shipping my item by Monday, July 25th. Hopefully, that's the case. USPS (United States Postal Service) is awaiting item. You mentioned from your previous comment that it will be soon as possible. Can you give me a specific date as to when my item will be shipped? This way, I can start counting the days before delivery. Please respond back on my inquiry today. Thank You!
Jul 23Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 item has been shipped.
Jul 23Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Okay! Thanks for the response. Have a nice remaining weekend. Take care, and be safe.
Jul 23Reply
_sharonposhing @ladyk5 same to you, you should receive notification of tracking information it’s in USPS hands now wanted to make sure you receive it for your Birthday 🎉
Jul 23Reply
ladyk5 @_sharonposhing Thank You! & Bless your heart.
Jul 24Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Jul 24Reply
_sharonposhing @appareltrends that’s my name _sharonposhing 😄
Jul 24Reply
_sharonposhing @beautifynails Thank You 😊 I know where to go for fingernail supplies.💅🏻
Nov 02Reply
marybehan33 Hi Sharon! Can u reserve the red cami that expires soon? I had vertigo earlier so couldnt make bank deposit. I can purchase in the morning. Pls lmk. Thxs
Mar 06Reply
_sharonposhing @marybehan33 that would not be a problem however it’s listed as Orange please take a look (monitors differ) and let me know if you are still interested.
Mar 06Reply
marybehan33 @_sharonposhing The color is fine. Thxs
Mar 06Reply
_sharonposhing @marybehan33 okay I’ll reserve it for you. Contact me tomorrow when you are ready. Happy Poshing
Mar 06Reply
marybehan33 @_sharonposhing Hi Sharon, feeling better. I can purchase today. Lmk ur offer and if u can do $4.99 shipping?
Mar 07Reply
marybehan33 Hi Sharon! I didn't feel well enough to drive. Hope I'm up to it tomorrow and it will be available. 🙏
Mar 08Reply
_sharonposhing @marybehan33 your private offer expires in 13 hours. I hope you feel better.
Mar 08Reply
marybehan33 @_sharonposhing Ty am dizzy and unbalanced. Hopefully feeling better soon. Hope ur well!
Mar 08Reply
ronlouis what does vintage mean to you?
Dec 21Reply
_sharonposhing @ronlouis 20 years or older
Dec 21Reply

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