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Updated Oct 22
Updated Oct 22

Meet your Posher, Sharon

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sharon. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, kate spade, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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bentleyl83 Hi! Thank you for the follow!! I wanted to drop by and share my current sale. 2 or more items receive a 25% discount 💰. All of my shipments receive a free gift 💝 as a thank you. I hope you come see if I have any items you like and want ♥️🌞
Jan 29Reply
khutch32 Hi! And welcome to Poshmark ☺️ Please check out my closet @khutch32 as I have a HUGE collection of clothes (women’s, men’s, kids (boys and girls)) and home items! I offer GREAT bundle discounts! Happy shopping, Kate ☺️
Jan 29Reply
amarciascloset Hello Sharon. Welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 29Reply
jennifereveart Good morning from snowy NYC and thanks for the follow !
Jan 29Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 30Reply
fma Welcome to Poshmark. Wishing you much success!!🥳
Feb 01Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Feb 03Reply
_1busynurse Thank you for the shares 😊
Feb 07Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Feb 09Reply
danettekabe 🌸💋🌺💕🌸💋🌺💕 Happy🌸🌸Poshing🌸🌸Continue🌸🌸With🌸🌸 Much Aloha🌸🌸 Success🌸💋🌺💕🌸💋🌺💕 Be fabulous!🌸
Feb 16Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Feb 18Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Feb 20Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Feb 20Reply
marshie99 I love your Shibu. My sister has one too and they are special little dogs.
Feb 27Reply
sharon_novack @marshie99 — thanks so much!! this is my 4th one - they are such little pains but I love them so! I actually have two right now I’ll have to figure out how to put the other one on here as well 😊
Feb 27Reply
ssposhdiva Very cute dog! :)
Feb 27Reply
melrdl Your fur baby is absolutely precious and should have a modeling contract!!!! Soooo cute/ that face!!!
Feb 28Reply
sharon_novack @melrdl aww thx so much - he’s a character that’s for sure 😂
Feb 28Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal!
Mar 03Reply
sherib216 Precious Shiba! I had one for many years. Love the paws crossed❤️💕💕
Mar 04Reply
sharon_novack @sherib216 thanks so much! He’s our 4th and the naughtiest 😂
Mar 07Reply
kmmontone Hi Sharon. Thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Hopefully you might find something you want. I need to sell everything I can, so I'm flexible on offers and I discount bundles. Thanks again for following. Have a great evening. Kay
Mar 07Reply
pjhb Hi Sharon! Thanks so much for all these listings!!! Jewelry is handcrafted with quality! Thanks for visiting my closet! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ seller!
Mar 08Reply
benbrookboy53 Love the Shiba, I also have one his name is Nike. I also have a German Shepherd and a heeler mix. I have the full spectrum of personalities. I bet you can't guess which one is full of himself. Owning a Shiba is more like being in a relationship sometimes good other times not so much but you always love them. Have a great day.
Mar 15Reply
sharon_novack @benbrookboy53 lol - you got that right!! He is our 4th shiba and by far the biggest troublemaker - I need to have my daughter show me how to add another picture so I can add my girl there too! I have Hiro (pictured- age 1) and Mochie (6)
Mar 15Reply
pursestrings21 Your furbaby is beautiful is it a Shiba Inu?
Mar 16Reply
sharon_novack @pursestrings21 yes ❤️🐕 — I just love the breed even tho they can be little a-holes!!
Mar 16Reply
pursestrings21 @sharon_novack Aww, I hope to have another pup one day 🐶💕🐾my ex got our 4 dogs in the divorce, now that's an a_hole I'd say🤬
Mar 21Reply
sharon_novack @pursestrings21 ALL 4!!! was that really necessary, I agree a-hole indeed!!! Best of luck to you!
Mar 23Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
Apr 06Reply
salasasa25 love your pooch
Apr 07Reply
complicitfeline ❤️ Is that a Shiba Inu? Gorgeous dog! 🤩
Apr 09Reply
sharon_novack @complicitfeline yes thanks 😊 I need to add a pic of my female as well - I’m feeling like a bad dog mom!
Apr 09Reply
auntnecia In love with your Shiba!!! Beautiful! ❤️
Apr 10Reply
sharon_novack @auntnecia aww thanks - he’s a character
Apr 11Reply
rahluxe Greetings! Posh Ambassador here! I’m Stopping by to check out your closet. Feel free to check out mine :) I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. I consider all reasonable offers. I’m having a clearance bundle sale! Create a bundle by adding 3 clearance items and only pay for 2!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
May 01Reply
ezfashion1 Hi beautiful, cute dog 💕 Welcome to poshmark!!🌹😍🙋‍♀️👋 I have found this site to be awesome for buying and selling I hope that you enjoyed this site as much as I do. Thanks you for your like and follow Feel free to reach out and ask any questions, or Leave me a command. You can bundle and save in items you like I offer 10% discount on bundles, just add 3 items of your choice to the bundle. Wish you happy poshing And good luck on buying and selling 🌈🌈💖💖🌺🌺❤️❤️🛍🛍 Hope to c you soon!
May 03Reply
claireleslie07 Love that dog!
May 05Reply
sharon_novack @claireleslie07 aww thx! He’s a sweetie ( as he sits chewing on my wall 🙄)
May 07Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Jun 15Reply
mattsmarket Thanks for sharing some of my items! 😁
Jul 08Reply
k8skate Pretty pup
Jul 26Reply
sharon_novack @k8skate thank you 😊
Jul 27Reply
missamyrogers 🌷Thank Y🌼U for following/Sharing my closet 🛍 Posh On❣️
Aug 11Reply
terrythemom @sharon_novack thanks for the follow! Had to stop by and peek in at yours a bit— what an adorably p pop refectory fit any you have! I have a pretty good assortment of dog- lover related items you might want to check out! I do personal progressive bundle discounts!
Aug 15Reply
beadshine Hi Sharon, Just wanted to pop by and let you know All the Posh love is much appreciated. Happy Poshing. 😊 Big Smiles, @Beadshine
Aug 19Reply
jetsonscdb Beautiful dog!! Akita? I had 1 Akita and chow mix looked just like yours in the face. Happy poshing
Sep 25Reply
sharon_novack @jetsonscdb shiba inu / same family just smaller 😊 great dogs just stubborn as heck - just like my kids - haha!! happy posting to you as well!
Sep 25Reply
sharon_novack @gratef2you aww thanks - he’s a shiba inu! I have a female as well - really should add her pic somewhere as well - their names are Hiro and Mochie!
Oct 31Reply
sharon_novack @gratef2you thank you 😊
Nov 01Reply
coracoller Just wanted to thank you for following me. I shared.some awesome closet ☀️ Love your fur baby. I have 4 miniature poodles that are my fur babies
Nov 10Reply
sharon_novack @coracoller of course - 4, that’s awesome ❤️ this one decided to go cruise our neighborhood at 12:30am ( can’t believe he squeezed through the fence) - finally caught him at 1:45am - lots of caffeine this morning 😳
Nov 10Reply
pamharris11 Your Shiba Inu is gorgeous! I’ve owned 3 and they are very special ♥️
Nov 10Reply
sharon_novack @pamharris11 thanks - yes this one is my 4th ( I really need to add my girl on here too)!! Special indeed - I got to chase the little a-hole thru our neighborhood at 12:30am - jerk was out for over an hour ( squeezed thru our fence) - but I still love him and the breed ❤️
Nov 10Reply
pamharris11 @sharon_novack they do take every opportunity they can to escape & roam. That personality trait is so frustrating so it’s a good thing they are cute. My 2 shibas were 17 yrs and passed away last yr. I terrier mutt & a 1 yr old sheltie pup. Amazingly the sheltie does not try to roam - she thinks I need to be herded so she stays by my side. I can play fetch in the yard & she never ventures away. I love dogs & each breed has their unique quality and charm - woman’s best friend ♥️
Nov 10Reply
sharon_novack @pamharris11 agreed!! Definitely my best buds - 17 years that is awesome! I lost 1 at 12 and the other on his 15th birthday! I have a 7 yr old female and 2 yr male now! Funny you have a sheltie - that was the other breed we were looking at years ago!! Love shelties!!!
Nov 10Reply
pamharris11 @sharon_novack shibas are funny - mine were brother and sister. My sister breeds them so I got 2 from the same litter. She told me you can’t have 2 of the same sex because they fight. I loved them so! I adore my sheltie - extremely smart and personable. They are very vocal though - ALL THE TIME. My shibas were fairly quiet
Nov 10Reply
pamharris11 @sharon_novack I have a quick ? - I’m fairly new on Posh. Is there anyway to save someone’s closet to check back on it, or can you just save items you like? There are some gorgeous closets I would love to be regularly checking out. I joined to sell but unfortunately I’m buying more than selling 😣
Nov 10Reply
sharon_novack @pamharris11 - i think the only way would be to like items or add to bundle - you could also follow them but I think then you have to rely on your memory for the name lol ... and I hear you - I noticed posh goes in spurts sometimes really active other times very quiet!!
Nov 11Reply
sharon_novack @pamharris11 awww mine are 1/2 sibs - same dad! The youngest is the loudest shiba I’ve had - he did not get the shibas should be quiet memo - he’s also the most destructive - So cool your sister breeds them - I could not do that or I’d have 200 shibas 😳😂
Nov 11Reply
pamharris11 @sharon_novack that’s awesome you have sibs too! My sister also shows them. She has a lot of them. The 1st time I heard the ‘shiba scream’ was when I bathed my female for the first time - terrifying lol. They should come with a warning sticker for that 😳
Nov 11Reply
sharon_novack @pamharris11 so cool!!! Only the 4th one screams - the first time I heard it was when he was a puppy and poop was stuck to his butt - he was so loud ( and I was laughing because it really was funny) but he interrupted my neighbors zoom class (she is a teacher and we were currently shutdown at the time - he’s a covid puppy) - the class interrupted her and asked - is that a kid or a dog?? But again, how could I have had 3 that never screamed and then mr drama king - 😂
Nov 11Reply
yelfawal Look at that beautiful pupper 😍
Dec 24Reply
sharon_novack @yelfawal aww thanks! He’s lucky he’s cute - lol
Dec 24Reply
deltachristine @sharon_novack Hi Sharon! Thank you so much for following me! Would you be kind enough to share my only listing? 😊
Dec 24Reply
sharon_novack @deltachristine of course - done 😊 Merry Christmas 🎄
Dec 25Reply
capebretondeals Welcome to my Posh Mark. I am ambassador here in Sydney check out my closet and if you didn’t make a purchase yet use my name @capebretondeals as a signup bonus code and you get $15 FREE of your first purchase FREE Shipping Fridays . Now and for a limited time to promote my store bundle 3+ Bundle any 3 items or more of $33 dollars or more for a total price of $99 after any discounts or offers net price of $99 pre tax will get you free shipping if order is placed and paid on Fridays
Mar 01Reply
awanarsala Beautiful Sheeba in the picture! Great dogs! Welcome to poshmark feel free to use my code at checkout to save on shipping AWANARSALA
Jul 19Reply
jimmyoliveira 🇨🇦🇨🇦bravo good work ❤️
Aug 25Reply
debkvans Love your dog.
Feb 08Reply
sharon_novack @debkvans aww thanks - he’s a naughty one tho!! He’s lucky he’s cute!
Feb 08Reply
corinnesechrist Thanks for following me. I am new to,poshing so my closet doesn’t have a whole lot but more is to come. I am not necessarily in it for the money, hence my low prices but just want to sell so I can keep on crafting.
Apr 03Reply
miguel_fym Thank you for all of the shares!🫸🏽💥🫷🏽
Jun 25Reply
thepangolin Hi Sharon :-)! I just wanted to give my true thanks for the follow, I really do appreciate it!! Thanks for making me feel welcome. Feel free, if you have any interest, to please check out my ecological ethical palm free skin care at the link in my heading. I really do wish you such a beautiful Sunday evening and thanks again! -Alexis
Aug 11Reply
crazyhorse21 Hi!! Thanks so much for choosing to follow me!! I wanted to let you know that I am having a BOGO 1/2 off sale through until Sunday at midnight in honor of Fall!! I also have tons of items listed 5/$30!! I'm always open to reasonable offers and will counter if it's something I can't do!! You can bundle as many items as you'd like for the BOGO!! I hope you find something you like in my closet!! I'm going to look at your's now!! Happy Poshing!!! 🙏🏻🫶🏻
Sep 28Reply

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