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Updated Jun 29
Updated Jun 29

Meet your Posher, Shary

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shary. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Susana Monaco, Alice and Olivia, Hermes, Dolce and Gabbana, Rebecca Minkoff, Lululemon, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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bellanblue Hi I’m Jen. Very nice to meet you! Hope you are loving Posh as much as I am. Happy Poshing. Welcome to Posh!
Sep 05Reply
pemerson55 😀🌺🎈Hi there, I'm Pam and welcome to Poshmark.🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉. I'm a TOP SELLER and a POSH MENTOR and I'd be happy to help you in any way that I can. Your gonna love it here‼️👍🤗💯. Happy Poshing‼️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😀😘💕💕💕
Sep 05Reply
gasolineglam Thanks so much for your purchase, will ship ASAP!
Sep 06Reply
jessicacampbell Hi, thank you for the offer on the lulu tank. There is closet clear out going on and it ends tonight. When a price on a listing is lowered by 10% people who have liked the listing get notified of a shipping discount, that can be $1.95, $2.95 or free shipping, this only applies if the price on the listing is lowered not on offers. If you're interested, you need to "like" the listing, then I can lower the price and you will get the shipping discount ;)
Sep 06Reply
mnloving10 Hi shary- you made a couple of offers on my items! I'm always willing to negotiate offers, however since you're new to posh I thought I'd let you know that if you are interested in multiple items you can automatically bundle them yourself. There is a button that says add to bundle when you click on an item.
Sep 06Reply
mnloving10 Each seller has a set amount on what they offer for bundle discounts (mine is 20% for 2) it may save you more to do the bundle and have an automatic discount applied then have to pay for several shipping labels. Just thought I'd let you know :)
Sep 06Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Sep 06Reply
appletini1 Hello, I will accept your original offer of you want to resummmio ty.
Sep 06Reply
annabrownco Hi. I shipped the jeans to you yesterday !!! Just letting you know. Thanks
Sep 07Reply
fayevitt Nice to meet you on Poshmark. I'm a suggested user. I'd 💜 to help you if you have questions! If you're selling items, share your items & items from others to gain followers for higher visibility & more sales. I have a CLOSET CLEARANCE. Bundle items & pay only 1 shipping fee + I give an extra discount for bundling. If you ❤️ an item but not the price, use the offer button. Have fun! Shop my mothers closet @DizzyVal & my closet @FayeVitt for amazing deals & high quality fashion!
Sep 15Reply
angel05240 thank you for your purchase ...I will send your dress asap
Sep 17Reply
babyscloset Hi babe! Thank you so much for shopping in my closet! I'll send your items out tomorrow! You're going to LOVE that dress! Please let me know if you need anything. 💜 G
Sep 18Reply
officestyle @badlilbear hi friend! Saw you bundle the lululemon jacket! I am willing to sell it for $10 less if you just want that 1 item! Just make the offer and I will accept :)
Sep 20Reply
fayevitt Nice to meet you on Poshmark. I'm a suggested user. I'd 💜 to help you if you have questions! If you're selling items, share your items & items from others to gain followers for higher visibility & more sales. I have a CLOSET CLEARANCE. Bundle items & pay only 1 shipping fee + I give an extra discount for bundling. If you ❤️ an item but not the price, use the offer button. Have fun! Shop my mothers closet @DizzyVal & my closet @FayeVitt for amazing deals & high quality fashion!
Sep 26Reply
fayevitt Please let me know if you would like me to bundle then2 items for you. I can do a 5% discount for 2 items of you would like to purchase. They are both on clearance.
Sep 26Reply
badlilbear Thanks!! 😊👍🏼
Oct 11Reply
travelluver Thank for your offer-I have already reduced twice so cannot really go any lower-please consider this lovely dress- it's a fab designer piece at a great price! Thanks again!
Oct 20Reply
fayevitt @badlilbear please show me which items. Go ahead and rebundle them again and I will happily consider your offer. @fayevitt
Oct 24Reply
fayevitt Are you ready to let me know the items. I sent what I saw to you. Msg me back please.
Oct 25Reply
badlilbear I'll message you in a half an hour. I just got out of the grocery store
Oct 26Reply
la751 @badlilbear hi I cant do less than 1500. Will take 1250 🅿🅿
Oct 26Reply
badlilbear @la751 I offers $1250? You said you'd take $1250?
Oct 26Reply
la751 @badlilbear on 🅿🅿
Oct 26Reply
chelseamoser Hi, did you find my listing?! Can ship tomorrow if we clear tonight! 💕💕
Oct 27Reply
chelseamoser Please met me know as I will take the listing down if you aren't interested anymore. Thank you 😊❤️
Oct 27Reply
badlilbear I am interested. Haven't had a chance to look at it I've been busy at work.
Oct 27Reply
la751 @badlilbear Hi, unfortunately because of fees, I cannot go less than 1500. This bag is new and you will not find it at this price anywhere. Thank you.
Oct 28Reply
la751 Hi, unfortunately I cannot go any less than 1500. You really are getting a great deal. Posh takes 20 percent so its a loss to me.
Oct 28Reply
la751 @badlilbear e m a i l
Oct 28Reply
badlilbear Badlilbear gm
Oct 28Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Oct 29Reply
cileia @badlilbear Welcome to Poshmark!!!!!!
Oct 30Reply
kaleyheider nice to meet you!💕
Oct 30Reply
chelseamoser I adjusted the price on Ⓜ️
Nov 04Reply
chelseamoser In the search type in Bundle- Anna Beck Jewelry
Nov 04Reply
tweetboo55 Welcome
Nov 04Reply
dshine24 I adjusted your 30% off so your total should come out to the amount we discussed. I was hoping to ship your items out today but you haven't finished purchasing your bundle. Hopefully you're still interested, but I wont be able to ship until Monday now. 😞❤
Nov 05Reply
coescorner Thanks for sharing a Coe's Corner item! 😀
Nov 05Reply
professormel @badlilbear can you please tell me why you changed your rating on your purchase from me? You didn't include any comments. Keep in mind that you are rating me basically on customer service. If something does not fit or something similar, that is out of my control. I do want you to be happy with your purchases.
Nov 05Reply
havenjet @badlilbear hi... taking your bundle to the post office ... I couldn't find some tops this morning that I was going to drop off at church donation drive and I realized they are probably in your box. No worries tho, just keep them or do what you please with them.
Nov 05Reply
funlun88 Thank you for checking out my closet. If you decide to bundle I can offer you a 25% off discount instead of the 15% it shows. Just let me know and I'll change it for you whenever you are ready. 💗😊
Nov 05Reply
badlilbear Ready..
Nov 05Reply
funlun88 Ok I'm changing the discount now for you to 25% off 😊
Nov 05Reply
badlilbear Lol thanks @havenjet 😊👍🏼
Nov 06Reply
chelseamoser Hi there, it looks like i must have sold the drop statement earrings and didn't remove the listing. I have a few other Anna Beck earrings I can upload if you'd be interested in picking out a different pair? Let me know! So sorry 😊
Nov 08Reply
badlilbear K that is fine. I love those earrings they were cute.
Nov 08Reply
badlilbear @chelseamoser which ones did you lose? And yes please send me other available options. I love both of those
Nov 08Reply
chelseamoser I have the circle ones. Not the tear drop
Nov 08Reply
mashaka333 hi Shary, are u still interested in the bundle? if u tell me exactly which items, we'll work out best deal :)
Nov 09Reply
chelseamoser Tagged you on the options. Thanks!
Nov 10Reply
badlilbear I don't really like any of the options. The teardrop ones were my favorite. Don't know what happened to them. I will do the small green teardrops earrings and the leather bracelet to replace the original larger teardrops that you can't find.
Nov 10Reply
vintagedoll77 Open to offers on the D&G. Scarf :)
Nov 10Reply
dkcasey0920 Welcome to the Poshmark community, Shary! I hope you're enjoying the experience so far. If I can ever answer anything at all about the app, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Also, if you reach a point where you have items listed for sale, please feel free to tag me in a post. I would be happy to share them with my followers. Happy Poshing! 😍
Nov 10Reply
chelseamoser I see you've chosen to cancel your order. I'm really sorry to hear that. If you still want the other 3 pieces you selected I can adjust the the bundle price to $275. Let me know 💕
Nov 10Reply
funlun88 Thank you I will get your package out tomorrow 💗.
Nov 12Reply
tp051504 @badlilbear Thank you so much for your purchase! I will make sure your package goes out on Monday. :)
Nov 13Reply
mashaka333 @badlilbear hi Shary, just wanted to check in and see if u interested in a bundle I created for ya on mer.c, I'll do 500 if u still interested in purchasing. and meet up if u would like so no need to wait for shipping :) Please let me know, if u changed ur mind I understand... I'll remove the bundle listing. If u kindly comment yet or ney, thanks much!
Nov 13Reply
kattttt973 the lowest for the bundle is $45(: if you make that offer i will accept, lmk if you have any questions and all bundles come with a free gift!!
Nov 16Reply
smolfetas @badlilbear offer again and I'll accept!!! Sorry o didn't see it
Nov 17Reply
kattttt973 thank you so much for your purchase!! i will be shipping out this weekend(:
Nov 18Reply
itzeg So unfortunately I no longer have those galaxy leggings. I'm so sorry. Do you see anything else in my closet you'd like instead and I can add it in replacement? Again I'm so sorry. Those have been posted for a while and I didn't realize they were gone.
Nov 18Reply
itzeg The green ones that are still on sale are slightly thicker quality and less sheer than the galaxy ones. I can swap in any item as a replacement except for the gymshark leggings. Let me know and I can drop off your package tonight.
Nov 18Reply
badlilbear @itzeg too bad! 😳😬 The Galaxy leggings are for my daughter she was so excited and loves those!! 😢 maybe the blue kimono
Nov 18Reply
itzeg @badlilbear yeah the blue kimono is still available! I'll add that in instead :) sorry once again!
Nov 18Reply
divafashions @badlilbear please renew your offer: the items you made the offer on are all available except for the lulu crops. Please make new offer if you still want the bundle. Will take 45
Nov 18Reply
anothercaligirl Hey there! I wanted to make sure you received your package safe and sound :)
Nov 20Reply
badlilbear Not home. Will be back later tonight
Nov 20Reply
mashaka333 hi Shari, i'm sorry u can't match ur offer for the 14 items... i countered with my lowest for the bundle, sorry almost all the items brand new with tags, juts 1-2 items are like new. Thank u for the offer. In my counteroffer i'm giving 25% off the total. Thanks again 🌹
Nov 29Reply
amandamarino Hi. I had to decline your offer I'm sorry I cannot sell those 3 pieces for $55 total. If you'd like to negotiate a bit lmk ty💕
Dec 05Reply
ppamprrd Hi Shary, thanks for your interest in the Lafayette Turtleneck in touquoise. It's special bc of the high spun wool. Please note, Posh has a new feature now, where you can make an offer on a bundle and only pay shipping once. That's the reason that I took of the 10% discount for more than one item.😊😉
Dec 10Reply
iloveyouchanel Hi girl! I saw your interest in Rag & Bone Jeans. Check out my new listings you might find your right size ❤️ (I also have other colors/sizes that I haven't posted yet, so if you're looking for something in particular feel free to let me know & I'll check what I have)- PS: everything is brand new, for half the original price 😘
Dec 18Reply
iloveyouchanel Hi girllll. Saw your bundle- do you want them??
Dec 25Reply
ayishah thank you so much for your offer. I will get these things for you within the next two days! :) Thanks so much for visiting my closet!
Feb 21Reply
travelluver Thanks for your offer on my bundle/ I have countered- please advise asap as I have an offer for one of the items on another site- hope to make it work-thanks!
Feb 21Reply
princepessa @badlilbear Hi Shary! Gorgeous bundle you've put together. Would love to send these lovelies your way. I sent a counteroffer. Lmk your thoughts. Have a great day🌻
Feb 21Reply
travelluver Sorry - never heard from you - one of the items you bundled has sold and another set to sell on another site
Feb 23Reply
travelluver The Garnet ring has sold / I can bundle the remaining three for you but I don't know how to counter when one bundle item is not longer available - maybe you need to create a new bundle?
Feb 24Reply
designer4us @badlilbear Hi hun, that offer is to low sorry I cant accept. I can do 200 on 🅿️ including the priority shipping. If you are interested contact me Mpaz718 hotmail.
Feb 24Reply
travelluver Hi - thanks for your offer - I really can't go lower than the price listed for the gown as it is custom and was very expensive - but if you'd like, I can throw in one of the jewelry items you liked at no charge - just lmk - thanks!
Feb 25Reply
badlilbear @travelluver if you can do both jewelry for the 65 I will do it. Don't know whether the dress will fit me hopefully it will! Also I have to pay shipping. Thank you! 😊
Feb 25Reply
travelluver @badlilbear submit your offer for one dollar over and I will get back to you in the am - working! Thanks!
Feb 26Reply
loganannes HI! I'm sorry I missed your bundle offer! I've been out of town and see that it expired but if you would like to make the offer again I will accept. Thank u!
Feb 26Reply
travelluver @badlilbear please submit and I will accept - Thanks!
Feb 26Reply
travelluver I can't include that skirt in your bundle for that price - I don't mind the dress and jewelry but that skirt is worth much more than the asking price -
Feb 26Reply
etrading What happened. I just clicked accept
Feb 26Reply
badlilbear @etrading yes I want the original order plus the other one
Feb 27Reply
etrading @badlilbear your order is already packed. You can just submit your offer again. Will Mail tomorrow am
Feb 27Reply
travelluver I countered - I need to clear $75 so hopefully this works!! Thanks!!
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear can you purchase the shoes separately due to high shipping cost to me and I will take the $150 offer for the Mk platform shoes
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @melllaaa_2011 question on a bundle offer ? Why do we the seller have to pay more for shipping out our items?
Feb 27Reply
travelluver I'm preparing your items for shipping today - Lmk if u want others - I see u r working on a bundle
Feb 27Reply
badlilbear @travelluver thanks I've bought things from you before
Feb 27Reply
melllaaa_2011 @rbarreto65 I always break it into two listings if the shipping is going to be over 5lbs. Seems to work!
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @melllaaa_2011 yes that's my thought thank you so much 😊wow you live in st. Augustine so does all my family love it there
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear thought we agreed on the $150? Broken into 2 ???? So it's $75 each pair
Feb 27Reply
kristyncullis Hi. You made an offering on my page. I wanted to let you know the strap on the long blue flow dress is broken and needs to be repaired. I have been meaning to take it to my seamstress. If you still want all the items, then I will go ahead and accept.
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear honey do you want shoes ? Iam going to post office now for other products . I just want shoes to arrive very fast 😊
Feb 27Reply
badlilbear @rbarreto65 yes my offers are up. I can't change the offee
Feb 27Reply
badlilbear @rbarreto65 can you accept or counter
Feb 27Reply
badlilbear @kristyncullis will you take less considering the blue dress strap is broken
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear I countered at $75 can you accept?
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear it's your turn to counter or accept I can't accept yours after I countered
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear sorry this is silly 😳it's your turn to accept
Feb 27Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear are you purchasing both pairs? I got a notice to buy black ones only
Feb 27Reply
travelluver Your purchases on their way - Enjoy!
Feb 27Reply
paperflowerbtq @badlilbear hi let me know if you're still interested in the bundle. I can do $35
Feb 27Reply
jocelcopter Hey Shary! I'm packaging up your dresses today ☺️ I wanted to let you know that while I was wrapping up the DVF dress I noticed a few tiny holes at the bottom of the edge. Because of the print, I never noticed them and didn't include a picture of them when I posted the listing. I'm happy to mend it for you or if you don't want it now we can adjust the order as well. I just wanted to be upfront with you and let you decide. Lmk thanks. -Jocelyn
Feb 27Reply
loganannes @badlilbear Hi, this is Logan I just sold a bundle to you. I am so sorry but I just realized I sent the incorrect shirt. The Rag and Bone jeans are both in the box but I shipped the wrong shirt. I will ship out the correct shirt tomorrow. Please feel free to keep the other shirt as well as a token of my apologies! Thank you for shopping with me.
Feb 28Reply
badlilbear @loganannes ok thanks for letting me know
Feb 28Reply
badlilbear @jocelcopter yes, sounds like moths. Please cancel the order. Sad..
Feb 28Reply
loganannes @badlilbear of course and again, apologies for the inconvenience! I will have the shirt shipped out tomorrow morning. I appreciate you understanding.
Feb 28Reply
jocelcopter @badlilbear I'm disappointed too:( did you still want the Jessica Simpson dress?
Feb 28Reply
jocelcopter @badlilbear $18. Or you could bundle it with something else in my closet for our original agreed on amount?!
Feb 28Reply
jguadron85 450 was my lowest in the Choos and I'm goin down to $400. That's my lowest they are like brand new worn 2x . Thanks
Feb 28Reply
lawilson13 @badlilbear Hey Shary, I hope your day is well. As I was packing the silk blue BCBG dress I notice a few stains on the back of the dress. Is there anything else in my collection you may want bc I don't want to send this dress with a stain and I'm not sure if the cleaners will be able to get this stain out. Let me know. Thanks :)
Feb 28Reply
loganannes Hello! I just shipped the correct shirt for you, it should be arriving on Friday. Again sorry for the inconvenience! Thank you!
Feb 28Reply
kristyncullis Hello. I countered your offer for a bundle that was $125.00. I will accept your $125 if you offer again. I countered for $150.00, but I am willing to let all of the items go at $125.00
Feb 28Reply
kristyncullis But you will need to make an offer again. I think that is the o Ky way.
Feb 28Reply
hummingbird1111 Hi Im willing to accept your offer but without the Herve Leger dress. What do you say?
Mar 01Reply
badlilbear @loganannes thanjs!! 😊👍🏼
Mar 01Reply
badlilbear @lawilson13 I'll take a look. I was out of the country.
Mar 01Reply
badlilbear @rbarreto65 If the black ones fit, I'll buy the brown ones. Thanks!
Mar 01Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear ok keep me posted . They are a true size 7
Mar 01Reply
travelluver I'm so sorry they did not fit - were they too small- European sizes can be tricky - put them in your posh listings - that is what I have done with items that do not fit - or do you have another sales outlet like e bay to try? In any case, I appreciate the 5 star rating -
Mar 02Reply
travelluver You'll also need to accept the order- thanks
Mar 02Reply
travelluver And if you see any of the other jewelry items you'd like lmk and I can sent you a little something
Mar 02Reply
lawilson13 @badlilbear ok. I'll be waiting. Thanks :)
Mar 03Reply
lesnowich Welcome to a world of unbeatable prices and unbelievable styles. Feel free to stop by my closet
Mar 04Reply
rbarreto65 @badlilbear did you receive platform Mk shoes ? No acceptance?
Mar 08Reply
lawilson13 @badlilbear Why did you only give me 1 star? I told you there was an issue with the blue dress that's why we agreed on me sending the pink jacket. Thanks
Mar 13Reply
badlilbear @rbarreto65 yes I gave you five stars.
Mar 13Reply
badlilbear @lawilson13 sorry I didn't see anything about a pink jacket I'll look it up and see what we discussed.
Mar 13Reply
denimbluez I have a pair of Alice and Olivia wedges just added to my closet, similar to a pair you liked🌹
Apr 11Reply
mnloving10 Hi you bought a few dresses from me! Just wanted to let you know I am doing buy one get one 50% on all dresses!
May 07Reply
ltordoff Hi! Hope you are enjoying poshmark! Happy poshing <3
May 17Reply
tdannunz Hi Sharry, my name is Tara and I'm a huge Anna Beck fan. I noticed that you appreciate her jewelry as well. I just wanted to let you know that I have a few brand new rings that I have for sale and I'd be happy to give you a discount. Please let me know if you are interested at all. Thank you! 😊
Jun 02Reply
tdannunz Sorry I only meant to put one "r" in your name.
Jun 02Reply
carina_3707 Hi, please visit my closet and let me whatever you like, I will give you best offer. Thanks
Jul 24Reply
carina_3707 I would love to sell for you, please see my closet and let me know whatever you like, I will give you best offer. Hope to see your offer soon, take care
Jul 24Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Aug 12Reply
wardrobea @badlilbear Thanks for your interest! :) hope the bundle works for you! Most of these bags are at least 65% less than retail cost. Hard to find!
Sep 06Reply
wardrobea @badlilbear Hi :) let me know if you are interested in the bundle I sent to you! I'm removing those RM bags from my poshmark tonight if not so let me know!
Sep 06Reply
badlilbear @wardrobea I'm interested. Will review tomorrow
Sep 07Reply
ashtn_nicole @badlilbear If your still interested I can go $10-$15 cheaper on ♏️erc if you would like 💕
Oct 21Reply
zouzoubeauty You picked all of my favorites in my closet! Thanks for the offer :) I think I have everything except for the Under Armour top but checking now and I'll get back to you!❤️
Oct 21Reply
zouzoubeauty Hi Shary! I have everything except for the Under Armour Tshirt. Could you please submit the offer for the other 3 items and I can ship them to you today! Or if there's anything else in my closet you're interested in you can include 😊
Oct 21Reply
zouzoubeauty @badlilbear please see notes above!
Oct 21Reply
zouzoubeauty @badlilbear hi shary, I have accepted for now. If the tshirt not being included is an issue please feel free to cancel this order. Thanks again!
Oct 21Reply
zouzoubeauty @badlilbear hi sharp wanted to make sure you saw my note about the underarmour tshirt! I've packed everything up to ship to you first thing tomorrow AM ❤️
Oct 22Reply
badlilbear @zouzoubeauty do I choose another otem? Or do you credit for missing shirt?
Oct 24Reply
zouzoubeauty @badlilbear I can give you another $10 off or you could choose something else for the same price
Oct 24Reply
aslo14 I️ can do the Rebecca mink off purse for $50
Nov 10Reply
tweetboo55 🎉Welcome to Postmark
Apr 25Reply
bearssarah Hello. This top is still available! I abruptly stopped using poshmark during our communication due to a family emergency. I failed to ship your purchase. I am catching up with comments etc. I will be re-listing the top. It's yours if you are still interested! Any other items are negotiable (or possibly free due to my neglect). My apologies!
Aug 05Reply
bearssarah The Sailors in Love top ;)
Aug 05Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋
Nov 19Reply
cherrypicking Hi there, I noticed you liked a pair of new Blank NYC skinny classique jeans. Just an FYI that I have the same exact pair, same size, same wash for sale if you're interested. New, with tags! Happy poshing :)
Dec 07Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Visit my closet for fashionable and cozy winter items ⛄️ fun accessories 💎🧣 distressed jeans and athletic wear 🧘‍♀️ I love offers and fast shipping, always 😁
Jan 22Reply
pampermedapper Stopping by to say hi 👋
May 22Reply
ladykrc @badlilbear Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 05Reply
officially_posh Hi💜 I'm Jennifer, a Posh ambassador. Feel free to check out my closet for authentic Chanel & Louis Vuitton listings💜💜💜Happy Poshing!💕💜💕💜
Oct 22Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the like! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my other items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything. So what are you waiting for? Send some deals to get something new! And Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊
Mar 17Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌼🌼
Apr 11Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Skims, Victoria’s Secret, Wolford, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 16Reply
begakis2 Hello, the offer expired before I could accept. You can re submit your last offer and I will accept it and ship out the dress! Sorry for the delay!
Jun 18Reply
patriciamildred @badlilbear Hello there I’m sorry I just noticed your offer and I’m sorry but I can understand exactly what you are offering please get back to me thank you
Jun 25Reply
patriciamildred @badlilbear Good morning again my sincere apologies for not getting back to you about that gorgeous gown I wish that you would send in another request I can assure you I will answer immediately it was my birthday and things were crazy I’m sure you
Jun 26Reply
i_heart_shop Thank you so much for the follow! If you are interested please head over to my closet and bundle some items for a 50% off discount. Happy shopping & selling!!!
Jun 27Reply
ali_m22 Hi. I saw your bundle but a pair of shoes are unavailable
Jun 28Reply
gwyn_kuwazaki Hello! Check out my closet for some cute jeans, shorts, tops, and jackets! All offers are welcome and prices are low since I will be moving in August! Happy poshing 🌻
Jun 28Reply
badlilbear @ali_m22 Which shoes are not available?
Jun 29Reply
ali_m22 @badlilbear Hi. The Heels are not available.
Jun 29Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Jul 09Reply
jerkonaoo "Why not spend less and get same quality luxury bag Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ ⓘⒼ:behatsluxury ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦"
Aug 11Reply
candicemarie123 Hi! I paid $372 for the Gucci Sandals. You offered $145. That means I will only get $100. Would you accept the offer, if they were your shoes that you had purchased?
Sep 02Reply
cutehosiery @badlilbear Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 28Reply
tcon2145 can you do $135 on my Gucci sandals?? that's really the lowest I can go.
Nov 12Reply
suzyblueyes You can make me an offer on those boots they’re brand new in the box never been worn. I believe the stuffing is still in the beautiful cognac color.
Dec 03Reply
saintsandaints Hi I was going to counter. However, the weight would the 5 pounds and I will be responsible for paying the extra. My counter will include the extra shipping costs. I can also counter and send you two separate offers
Mar 31Reply
badlilbear @trulydesirehim ok So if it’s two separate offers it would work
Mar 31Reply
saintsandaints @badlilbear yes . Minus the lululemon tank, Paige denim and you choose two of the same free people dresses so it would include 1. Also shipping will be 3.99 after I make the listings and drop them to 125.00 each.
Mar 31Reply
saintsandaints @badlilbear right now you have 17 items. I will have to reduce by the 3 items. However if you accept the counter everything will be included.
Mar 31Reply
saintsandaints @badlilbear please advise the items with the tags are almost 1000.00 so either way it’s a great deal. Especially if you want to resell.
Mar 31Reply
saintsandaints @badlilbear 👆🏼Read the comments above. I stated I couldn’t include the lululemon, Paige, and 1 off the Free People dresses. It was never going to be 17 pieces at 250.00 . Poshmark takes 20% off of every sale so that would be like $13.00 each. The free people dress nwt is 88.00
Apr 02Reply
saintsandaints @badlilbear Hi , I am not sure if you received the message. I am ready to send the rest of the items just let me know if you agree on the price that includes the Lululemon top, Paige jeans and the new item added INC. Because the listing was meant to be drop to 125.00. I removed the 10.00 32 degrees short and added the Saks fifth Avenue and th BP tank dress. I am more than happy to work with you but I can’t take that much of a lost, Thank you
Apr 06Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will ship shortly ☺️
Feb 05Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jun 22Reply
dblodanish Hi there! I have some great things in my closet I think you will love, you should stop by and check it out! Happy shopping! 🤗
Mar 10Reply

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