Meet your Posher, Shauna
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Hi! I'm Shauna. I'm from Bellefontaine and some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, CHANEL, Coach, VS PINK and D&G. Thanks for stopping by! I'm here to shop, specifically for purses, shoes, beauty items and PINK attire.Have a great deal? Tag me in your listing!

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If you still want it, I'll accept your offer! I'm trying to get rid of things! 😊
Nov 26Reply

@celesttayy i offered again!
Nov 26Reply

@guera8178 thank you! Im new to this but im trying to figire it all out lol
Dec 17Reply

Hey hun i see you received your package yesterday, i hope you love it and dont forget to accept the order :)
Dec 20Reply

Hi! Check out my closet if you get the chance! I'm currently accepting all offers on all items before I go to the donation center! I also have a vintage closet @vintagesierra if you're interested in different clothing pieces :) If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask! Happy Poshing! 🌻💕
Jan 29Reply

@jonesbrenne can't wait!!! Thanks so much!
Jan 30Reply

@jonesbrenne no problem, hope you get well soon!
Feb 02Reply

@shaunalusby hi Shauna. I'm Kerri. Nice to meet you. Come check out my closet when you get a chance. I have a new MK bag and it's beautiful.
Feb 10Reply

Hi this is Wanda you got my sunglasses buy mistake can you help me get them thank you do you still have them I got nothing for my money she has messed up bad posh is no help do you still have them thank you Wanda
Feb 11Reply

@mtawheels they are being shipped out tomorrow, I've been out of state on business all week. Do you know if or when I will get my order ???
Feb 11Reply

I contact posh I don't know what's going on they got to find a package because I didn't get anything
Feb 11Reply

I have only been pushing for a few months but have spend a ton of money on it I lost my mom last week and need the glasses for cataract surgery and I am so up set she won't send me what I payed for
Feb 11Reply

@mtawheels your glasses will be shipped tomorrow, I promise. Now I just have to find out where my items are
Feb 11Reply

See if she will let you ship them to me Wanda White 225 Cornell Dr Woodsboro MD 21798
Feb 11Reply

She just called me a liar and said you would ship me my glasses and said I had yours I text posh and told them I did not get it I will stay on it but will never buy from her again and I will check the notes that people leave I even offered to help if she lost any money then she said we can deal with it and I had yours and to send it to you I have been out of town my mother passed just let me know if you are sending to me or her please thank you
Feb 11Reply

I think the post office has messed up we have a Cornell Dr and a Cornell Ct I am going to try to find it and see if they got it and if they did I will get it to you I will pay to mail it and make it so it will have to be signed for if that is ok with you
Feb 11Reply

@mtawheels I promise I am shipping your glasses out tomorrow, this is all a big mess
Feb 11Reply

Yes it is if I can find it at the other Cornell Ct I will send it to you not her and is it ok to have it to be signed for I will pay for it not posh
Feb 11Reply

I didn't get to get my grandson to find it to go buy it and ask I was have test done over 4 Hr but I will try to tomorrow
Feb 12Reply

@mtawheels not quite sure but your package is in mail
Feb 12Reply

To me or her
Feb 12Reply

@mtawheels to you
Feb 12Reply

And now I'm still out $30 and any product
Feb 12Reply

Can you tell me what was in yours so I know what to ask them what I am looking for
Feb 12Reply

If I get it what address do yo want it to go to please put it down I am just praying that they have it if they will tell me if they did but I live in a very small town and and their good people I just won't deal with her because she called me a liar and she don't know know me and it's her mess and we're trying to fix it posh was no help eather
Feb 12Reply

I will do my best I know it's not right
Feb 12Reply

@mtawheels I got a bundle of 3 items. CHANEL earrings, a honey face toner and one other bath and beauty item. If you find them, I will give you an address to send them to
Feb 12Reply

Ok sounds good
Feb 12Reply

Hey girl! Thanks for your purchase/offer! I will try to send out your package tomorrow, if not tomorrow then Monday :) thanks again!
Feb 12Reply

@krystallove can't wait, thank you so much!!!!
Feb 12Reply

The guy that came to the door my grandson said they didn't get no package so it was scans but not left here I don't know where to look asked the people that lived around me it not I the bushes I don't know where else to look I guess it goes back to posh or the one that mess it up to begin I have lost one other like that before I sent her to her I never got mine it's been since 1 November
Feb 15Reply

We both have went out of our way to fix her mess I don't know what to do
Feb 15Reply

@lorymolloy hey girl, just letting you know that it snowed pretty bad over here and we're suppose to get freezing rain and hail today. I won't be able to leave my house because we're snowed in, so I will send out your package some time this week, asap when it's clear. Message me with any questions.
Feb 15Reply

I only got one pair sunglasses today I paid for two if you only got the one that's understandable I don't trust her I think she's nothing but a rip off con artist and if she did send them out like she said I'm sure you would have send them I have try to find yours they either scanned and stolen by the people that deliver or either took off my porch I had it I would send it to you because but she should have payed attention to what she was doing if I can help you in anyway trying to give you
Feb 16Reply

To try to give you half your money back and her give you the other half back if she will maybe you won't get ripped off I got ripped off pair sunglasses I'm getting to the point I don't trust these sights I got ripped off one pair sunglasses let me know what you want to do and I'll try to help
Feb 16Reply

@mtawheels yes ma'am I only got one pair, I sent the pictures to POSH when I opened the package. One pair of coach sunglasses in a silky cloth bag. I'm still lost on how to handle this issue on my end
Feb 16Reply

If you go back and read on her site where I was buying the two pair of sunglasses for $35 it is actually still there in writing but she changed it after all this started to one pair of sunglasses so she ripped me off for one pair I just contacted again Posh I'm beginning to think she did this deliberately because she said both pair were in my box the only thing I can think of is my grandson gets up from work at 7 PM and they either got stolen off my porch but it was a big box
Feb 16Reply

So she intended to rip me off one pair sunglasses to begin with and it just so happened that she sent it to the wrong place I'm beginning to wonder what she put in your box I can't wear those kind of earrings I have to have gold or silver I don't use the products
Feb 16Reply

@mtawheels this is insane.. worst experience I've ever had with POSH
Feb 16Reply

That you bought I will never deal with her again if she need money that bad she should take up a collection I am so disappointed because I trust people when I went to church on Sunday I talk to my pastor about it he said not to worry myself but to do what I could to help settle it I know sometimes postal people will scan things as well as UPS and they just keep them for their self I'm hoping this is not the case like to see the good in people
Feb 16Reply

@mtawheels after this whole ordeal is finished I'm blocking her as a seller
Feb 16Reply

Please go back and read where she sold me two Pair for $35 and you said you only got one so that means she ripped me off like I said I will help you even if it means given you half the money you payed she should do it because she messed up
Feb 16Reply

She didn't she's sent both of glasses I believe you not her get a hold of posh and if you can't get anywhere I will do what ever you want I wish I had your package but I dont
Feb 16Reply

Me to she wants a review from me because I got one pair glasses today and no way but if we don't she gets paid in three days so I don't know what to do with
Feb 16Reply

@mtawheels that's ridiculous that she gets paid.. I've emailed posh 3 times. I can't find a number to call.
Feb 16Reply

I wish I could find a phone number to she changed the picture and took out some of what she said all I can do is pray for a lire because if that is how she treats people I fill sorry for her
Feb 17Reply

Did you see the picture of 2 pair and now she changed it and where I asked her if it was to 35 and she said yes she had every intention off me off
Feb 17Reply

Hey I just got in bed and setting my bills up on bill pay and ever time I see where I payed posh it has a phone number on the account you payed it with so its on my checking account if I wouldn't already in bed I'd call him but I'm sure they have hours so if you pay them by debit card it's on it just thought I'd let you know and I'm sure we can get it off any credit card we put stuff on
Feb 17Reply

I will get you the number tomorrow she just flat ripped me off
Feb 17Reply

Got a question did you see where she sold me 2 pair for $35 and where I asked her if it was both pair
Feb 17Reply

@mtawheels I did not, I looked through her listing and couldn't find anything at all
Feb 17Reply

She raced it just like she change the picture from 2 pair to one she just done yesterday I will get their phone number tomorrow and I will also call them two
Feb 17Reply

Hi nothing has changed but I did get their phone number 650-488-7740 make sure you have the reference number
Feb 17Reply

@mtawheels thanks so much, I will be calling tomorrow
Feb 17Reply

Anything we can do to bring her down to make her stop doing this if you need anything else from me let me
Feb 18Reply

@mtawheels posh just emailed me and is giving me a full refund
Feb 18Reply

I am so happy for you I hope they give me a half of refund for the other glasses she could have done that for you I am so happy for you God bless you I hope you give her a bad review I always keep trying and I hope you don't think I got your thing because I didn't glad your is s good ending Wanda
Feb 18Reply

I am so very happy to you she keeps telling I have your things whey won't give me anytging at least you got your back
Feb 19Reply

@shaunalusby hi. Just wondering if you wore the tops yet and how they looked on? Hope you're your new clothes. 😎💗
Feb 25Reply

@shaunalusby *enjoying
Feb 25Reply

@kerrir414 I absolutely love them!!!! Wearing one now!! They fit perfect!!! Probably my favorite purchase on posh!!
Feb 28Reply

@shaunalusby oh I'm so happy! I never wore them and regret that because I loved them. So glad someone else is getting to enjoy them. :)
Feb 28Reply

Hi Shauna! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous evening ✨
💝 Carol
May 17Reply

I would love to share with you my closet and please let me know if you have any questions 😊💓
Enjoy shopping 😊🎉
Nov 04Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 06Reply
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