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Updated Feb 07
Updated Feb 07

Meet your Posher, Shauna

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Hi! I'm Shauna. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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terbearco Welcome to Poshmark! I'm so glad you're here! Let me know if I can help you with anything
Feb 07Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @emma_marino Hi what do I need to do, I am new to Poshmark ,sorry.
Feb 08Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @emma_marino 210-376-8954 you can text me
Feb 08Reply
baggirl8294 Please decline offer or counter thank you!!
May 05Reply
katymcoleman Hi there, I apologize for not responding to your offer sooner. Somehow slipped by me this weekend. Bag is still available if you would like to resubmit your offer.
Jun 17Reply
angiewcloset @gonzalesshauna1 313 346 7889 can you text me about the LV Wristlet if your interested
Aug 02Reply
hodaya Hi dear, plz check out my page, for some cool pieces. And a free stunning bracelet (details on top of my pg). Thank you 🌻
Aug 15Reply
ladykrc @gonzalesshauna1 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 17Reply
jujubean1177 @gonzalesshauna1 Hi. Be careful... that LV you were asking about.., I bought it and cancelled. She’s a scammer.
Nov 01Reply
gonzalesshauna1 Ok thank you, I appreciate it. I have run into a few scammers on here.
Nov 02Reply
breezym182 Hey that Louis Vuitton Bond Street Magnolia Handbag you commented on from user kathyn320 is a huge scam. Please report her. She's a well known scam artist on poshmark. She asks you to text to see if it's still available then asks you to pay thru ZeIIe. Once you send the funds she blocks you and never sends a bag. She'll even provide a tracking number. She's sent another user a box of baby wipes in place of a $1,500 bag. Please report! She has multiple profiles & phone numbers too.
Nov 14Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @breezym182 ok thank you , wow this is getting out of hand with these scammers ...
Nov 14Reply
luxurynbaggs Thank you for your purchase 💕
Dec 18Reply
yvettellanes How much would you like the LV for you can text me 3059625612
Jan 26Reply
yvettellanes Would you take 1050 for the Louis
Jan 26Reply
yvettellanes I’ll go as low as $1000 for the LV if you are interested
Jan 26Reply
yvettellanes Would you go 1000 for the Louis
Jan 26Reply
lala12410 Hey love! I saw you recently bought an Adele wallet. If you ever want to resell let me know. Thank you 😍
Feb 08Reply
joco19 @gonzalesshauna1 don’t buy neverfull limited she blocked me and cancels my order after I paid
Mar 16Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @joco19 oh ok thank you, I thought she was a scammer after I saw her other listings.
Mar 16Reply
joco19 @gonzalesshauna1 your very welcome I just heard she did it again to someone else ☹️
Mar 16Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @joco19 wow ok, that’s terrible
Mar 16Reply
maria1455 Hi! Thank you so much for your offer ... I believe my price is fair , couple days a go I share another listing, for people compared , the prices and the see how well kept is my hand bag. Thank you for visiting my closet....
Mar 20Reply
houseofbyas Hello lovely 💞🌸💞 just checking in with you & wanting to ask that you take another glance at my closet. I have frames that would look gorgeous on you & another purple handbag. Would love for you to shop with me 🛍
Mar 24Reply
pinkmacaron11 Hey girl! If you still want the LV bag for $900 I’ll accept your offer! After thinking a little more on it I just want it gone!
May 06Reply
yvettellanes Thank you for purchasing the LV I’ll be shipping it by Monday.
Jun 06Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @yvettellanes ok thank you, is there any issues with the bag? I forgot I submitted an offer.
Jun 06Reply
yvettellanes The bag is fine I’m sending it out in the morning it took me some time to find the authentic card. I couldn’t find it but I’m Sending the receipt and barcode. The bag includes the keys to the lock and an extra long strap.
Jun 09Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @yvettellanes hello just following up was the bag sent out? Have not received any notifications yet, please advise.
Jun 12Reply
frankt1012 Thank you for your purchase! Enjoy the necklace
Jun 13Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @jewelsbyyuri hi there I’m not home yet , but I will let you know as soon as I get there and pick up my mail😉
Jul 08Reply
bee_amaziing Hi there welcome to Poshmark. Visit my closet for authentic Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Reasonable offers are always welcome 😊
Aug 20Reply
shopholicxox Hi! I have the Louis Vuitton pochette if you’re interested. Saw you commented on another buyer’s post
Oct 03Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith and many of my items one of the kinds of exclusive Artisan Finds. Everything in my closet is real, authentic, high-quality guaranty and made with Love. I also have handmade items from other designers as well. You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you. George @grojivxatu
Nov 08Reply
hi_its_nicole Please don't call that person with the LV bag, I'm sure it's a scam!!!!!! As a matter of fact, don't call ANYONE that asks you to from this site!!!!! I can guarantee it'll always be a scam and they won't send you the item!!!! Please be careful!
Nov 21Reply
hi_its_nicole @breezym182 YES!!! I just left a comment about that!!!! NO ONE SHOULD EVER CALL ANYONE OFF THIS APP. It's always a scam!!!!!
Nov 21Reply
ansukolsky Don’t buy the lv speedy off “daisyxtreasures” she is trying to scam me!
Dec 08Reply
thatgirl20 @gonzalesshauna1 be careful buying that David Yurman ring from the seller I purchased a ring didn’t get the one that was posted she also blocked me it toke her forever to ship it but Poshmark refund my money
Dec 20Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @thatgirl20 okay thank you. Well I’m sure they will cancel the sell or not ship. I had that happen with another seller they promised to mail , never did , cancelled my sell saying the item was no longer avaliable and then I saw them reselling it for twice as much.
Dec 20Reply
thatgirl20 @gonzalesshauna1 wow I was so pissed .. I am shipping the ring back too her .. I purchased a white topaz but got a green emerald type stone I couldn’t believe she blocked me she try to say she shipped the wrong ring..
Dec 20Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @thatgirl20 that’s terrible. I can’t believe dishonest people out there . Why waste the time and effort. SMH
Dec 20Reply
ladykrc @gonzalesshauna1 Hello fellow Posher! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕I would like to invite you to visit my closet store🌈OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 03Reply
lb27732 Hi there Thanks for the offer on the TB. I have noticed that you have made a purchase from my closet before. I just can't less than $200 on this one. I let the DB go for a very low price but can't this time. PM fees are brutal. Just Wanted to reach out to let you know that I appreciate your offer! thanks again
May 17Reply
lb27732 hi Shundra I can do free shipping for you...
May 17Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 hi there , no worries 😉I understand
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 Thanks so much for understanding and thanks for shopping my closet. can you do 190 and free shipping? this offer is only for you because you've purchased fr me recently
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 thank you and yes I will take that offer 🙂
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 awesome - on it!!
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 thank you 😉
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 Oh no, thank YOU, Doll!! if you see anything else in the future, you will always be given the best price 😉 ❤
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 thank you again 😉 I will definitely be back !!!
May 18Reply
lb27732 oh and I'm shipping out first thing in the morning. you will not be disappointed it is a gorgeous Tory!
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 thank you , I can’t wait! I love the dooney!!! It’s gorgeous .
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 I believe you're going to love love this one too. the leather is so soft. It's stunning. and it's the same as the Dooney....brand new condition! can't wait to hear what your thoughts on it 😊
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 thank you again! Appreciate the discount🙂
May 18Reply
lb27732 Have you seen the black and white Tory with the matching pouch? That one is brand new with tags. it's absolutely gorgeous too!
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 Thank you! it's a pleasure doing business with you!
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 oh yes I saw that too , do you mind sending more pics of that one?
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 I'll retake several in the morning. Got a new phone ,so pics should be much better. I'll measure you when done 😃
May 18Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lb27732 good deal!! Thank you
May 18Reply
lb27732 @gonzalesshauna1 hi there I've posted a few mo pics with better angles, let me know what you think. Tory on the way 😃
May 18Reply
lindseyjackson7 Hi there! I was just wondering if you were still interested in the Louis Vuitton handbag I had listed last week? The buyer fell through and I will resist if you would like it. Thanks and have a great day!
Aug 04Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lindseyjackson7 hi I’m sorry don’t remember which bag it was?
Aug 04Reply
lindseyjackson7 @gonzalesshauna1 Louis Vuitton Stresa PM Damier Azur White Canvas shoulder bag 😊
Aug 04Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lindseyjackson7 what are you listing it for?
Aug 04Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Aug 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 31Reply
uniquegiftbyme Hello, just an fyi., I see there's an item that you like from my closet, I offer a 10% disc on any 2+ items, plus I offer free shipping on bundled items over $60 ♡
Sep 25Reply
sarrah Hi there. So nice to meet you! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique/closet. If you have any questions please let me know. I’m happy to help. Have a great day 💕 Sarah
Nov 15Reply
stepping2it hello I see you have received package, it's a really gorgeous bracelet and if it's to your liking I would appreciate if you could rate your seller so that I may receive payment before Thanksgiving thank you a lot and have a blessed holiday season thank you.
Nov 23Reply
ns2798 @gonzalesshauna1 Happy Holidays! Yesterday you made an offer on my David Yurman watch, which I countered. If you are still interested in the watch, I will accept your offer if you resubmit it. It is beautiful and deserves to be worn. Best wishes!🌹
Dec 10Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @ns2798 thank you! I really appreciate that! It’s a beautiful looking watch.😉
Dec 10Reply
ns2798 @gonzalesshauna1 It is, and I just never have occasion to wear it. I am happy that it will go to someone who will appreciate and love it.💗
Dec 10Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @ns2798 thank you again 🌺😉
Dec 10Reply
ns2798 @gonzalesshauna1 You are most welcome and thank YOU!💗🌷💗
Dec 10Reply
mocharh Hello I couldn't figure out how to message u back on your offer. if u wanna buy my Tiffany's Bottle necklace thru Offer Up, I will sell to u fir the $225. This app takes a little too much. Just let me know. Thank u
Feb 14Reply
blueporschegal Hi! I just bought what I thought was a Dooney & Bourke red bag from you. I need to make sure that it is authentic. If it is not, I need to return it. I'm not a Dooney & Bourke expert, so I need to know, so I can re-sell it (if I want to) with confidence that it is authentic. Thank you for your kind assistance. I appreciate it.
Mar 04Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @blueporschegal hello yes I only see authentic items, I would not sell something that was not real.
Mar 04Reply
blueporschegal Thank you for your reply, Shauna. Do you know of a way that I can tell that it is? Is there a identification number on the bag or something? I do believe you, but it would be good to know. Thank you.
Mar 05Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @blueporschegal I’m sorry I don’t have the bag in front of I’m not sure.
Mar 05Reply
blueporschegal Not a problem, Shauna. Have a great weekend! Happy selling!
Mar 05Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Mar 29Reply
mrsevt Hi Ms Shauna,how are you? I'm just stopping by to say hello.👋 I am selling 18K gold jewelries and you might wanna check my page. Thank you and have a great day🙏❤
Jul 18Reply
lukesmom1 thank you so much for the $825 offer on my Louboutin bag. I really can't go less than 895. The bag is like brand new with no imperfections and it's sold for $3700 originally plus tax. I did counter and I hope you understand. Have a wonderful evening!
Oct 28Reply
gonzalesshauna1 @lukesmom1 hi yes I sent you a message on marks or stains? It looks like there are marks on the key fob hanging off the bag? Are there anymore marks throughout the bag?
Oct 28Reply
lukesmom1 only on the key fob & they are pretty slight.
Oct 28Reply
karindubose Hello - It’s Karin Dubose who sole you the James Avery bracelet. I just received word from Poshmark that they authenticated it and have shipped it to you. Just thought you’d like to know it is on its way!
Dec 02Reply
penlims hi did you buy any Yurman recently? its FAKE
Feb 06Reply
melissared19 @bodykantina Hello, sunshine you bring a lot of love to postmark I can tell. I would love to make you a lifetime customer. If you like the item make an offer or if you bundle I’m doing a special open till Valentine’s Day if you buy two or more items you get 10% off plus free shipping and a free gift. I hope you have a wonderful evening and I hope to hear from you soon.
Feb 08Reply
penlims Hi I have started uploading short videos about FAKE David Yurman jewelry on YouTube. Search for FAKE vs REAL David Yurman and you will see it. I will be doing more and more. Keep checking my channel. I Hope it will help you to avoid buying fake jewelry. Alex :)
Feb 09Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Mar 09Reply
jennnziegler hi Shauna, missed your offer on the MIA Flats. meant to hit accept. still interested?
Apr 24Reply
sraeh88 Thanks for liking me LV cosmetic pouch! Please let me know if interested in purchasing? Would love to send out to you first thing on Monday. Comes with LV dust bag!
May 20Reply
cutehosiery @gonzalesshauna1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 23Reply
s_martella Hello. I will go down to 1100 send me offer if you are interested
Apr 03Reply

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