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Updated 46 mins ago
Updated 46 mins ago

Meet your Posher, Shauna

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H! I'm Shauna 😊 welcome to my closet. I have a mix of jewelry, crystals, and clothing. feel free to search for whatever you are looking for within my closet, to get the best results. I hope you love my closet. 💜💕❤️💖💜✨❤️💕❤️💖💜✨ bundle 4 or more items and receive 20% off... I am... 🦋posh ambassador II 🦋top seller 🦋⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ seller 🦋1-3 say shipper ❣️❣️❣️❣️🥰 🦋here to answer any questions you have 🦋smoke free home 🦋catmom of 1 😊❤️ like, comment, follow and share my closet. I will follow back & share back. top 10% sharer here 😻☺️👍🥰 happy poshing ❤️
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 4+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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avm1033 @resingershauna Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Looks like you are off to a great start! Do share your listings and fellow Posher's listings to generate interest and sales. And don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!!
Feb 23Reply
shauna_marie787 @avm1033 thank you so much !! ❤️ I've become a posh-aholic very quickly ;)
Feb 23Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Mar 02Reply
shauna_marie787 @zardiva1 hi thank you so much!!!
Mar 02Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Apr 03Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Apr 27Reply
amudtoy @shauna_marie787, Hello there! Did you sell the hills tribe fish earrings already?? I noticed they had disappeared from my favorites list, and I gotta know! 😣 Thank you!
Apr 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @amudtoy hi thank you for reaching out about them :-) so I recently sold a pair of my Hill tribe earrings and the person that bought them is very familiar with Hill tribe and she said that she does not believe they are Sterling silver. and so I got very worried and concerned about selling them because I'm not 100% sure if they are Sterling silver. I still have the fish earrings and I am considering selling them for cheaper since I'm unsure if they are Sterling silver.
Apr 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @amudtoy so that is why I deleted the post. but if you're still interested in them I can relist them
Apr 28Reply
amudtoy @shauna_marie787, Oh no! That's a bummer about them possibly not being sterling! Im sensitive to metals, but I make jewelry so I could modify them. I still love them and want them to be a part of my garb for an upcoming event this summer. I don't know if I can afford them right now (not sure how much pm credits I have left) but I would still love to own them!! (especially at a possible discount!!) 🥰 Lol I greatly appreciate your openness and honesty!!
Apr 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @amudtoy of course! I really didn't feel morally right about continuing to sell them if they are possibly not sterling! but honestly there is still a possibility they might be. so I'll definitely re list them and give you a discount. I'll probably re list them tomorrow and tag you :D
Apr 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @crystalmw232012 happy posting love 💕❤️❤️❤️
May 28Reply
vintagevixennn @shauna_marie787 Thanks for the shares. 🥰
May 28Reply
tweetboo55 Welcome to Poshmark
Jun 01Reply
shauna_marie787 @tweetboo55 thank you ❤️❤️
Jun 02Reply
shauna_marie787 @marcoadriano haha of course 🥰🥰😊 and thank you too!!
Jun 12Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Jun 19Reply
wcwcustodio your Blue Russian furry friend is so snuggly Cute 🌹🌺 ...i must say ... your jewelry collection is outstanding 🌹 Luxurious Beautiful Exquisiteness 💍💎
Jun 24Reply
lebadance I’m a cat 🐈‍⬛ lover, unfortunately my husband is very allergic to cats😽. Hopefully there’s no cat fur around 😻. Cats are the best people 😸
Jun 24Reply
shauna_marie787 @lebadance hehe kitty is not around the jewelry or clothing. I store it away but I will be sure to clean the jewelry and clothing before shipping. so I will get it sent out to you by tomorrow. if you change your mind I understand. my littler kitty is the best 💓💓💓 his name is monkey lol
Jun 24Reply
lebadance @shauna_marie787 kitties are the best!😻thanks again 😸
Jun 24Reply
shauna_marie787 @wcwcustodio thank you so very much. my kitties name is he is the best 💓
Jun 24Reply
5catmommy Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Thanks for all the shares! Appreciate you. ❤️❤️Blessings and Best Poshing to you! 🇺🇸❤️😻🐾🐈‍⬛🐾😻❤️🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
shauna_marie787 @5catmommy aww thank you 🥰❣️ happy 4th... I appreciate you too 🥰🥰🥰🥰❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jul 05Reply
styles_you_love you are fun! I am a cat mom too 🐱. how do you get your inventory? I can't believe you started in February you have so much stuff! good stuff!
Jul 27Reply
shauna_marie787 @styles_you_love what kind of kitty you have ❤️ and thanks again for the compliment!!
Jul 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @styles_you_love aww we used to have a tuxedo kitty. we named her panda. love them. mine is breed called nebelung lol
Jul 29Reply
styles_you_love hey there, I'm back from vacation that I took the pretty jewelry from you on!📿 please come shop my closet and see if there's anything you're interested in😊
Sep 02Reply
daviddelvientoo Hey beautiful i was wondering if you have any crystal rings for sale?
Dec 15Reply
shauna_marie787 @daviddelvientoo hey! :) i don't have any crystal rings for sale. just bracelets and necklace mainly. but I can make some stretchy ones if you tell me what kind you are looking for! I have a bunch of beads and crystal beads 🙂
Dec 15Reply
daviddelvientoo @shauna_marie787 aw that’s sweet but it’s okay I’m looking for silver or sterling silver rings do you know of any good places to get some in Tacoma😁
Dec 15Reply
shauna_marie787 @daviddelvientoo haha oh! didn't realize you lived in Tacoma lol I'm not too sure on that but I do know on here lots of people sell sterling silver rings so I'm sure you can search for that specifically and the stones you're looking for ❤️
Dec 16Reply
daviddelvientoo @shauna_marie787 okay thank you gorgeous😌
Dec 18Reply
sususea Everything about you is so beautiful 💐 May I ask your zodiac? -♓️
Dec 28Reply
shauna_marie787 @sususea aww thank you! I am ✨ aquarius ✨♒♒♒ 💜💜💜
Dec 28Reply
allicistreasure @shauna_marie787 hello, thank for the like on my listing. Just so you know, they are $3 or free with another purchase! Happy Poshing!
Jan 01Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply
shauna_marie787 @beautifynails hello! share away :) I will share yours as well! I love your closet too! thanks so much! have a great day.
Jan 04Reply
daehtopking Stopping by to SHOW you some you some 💚🖤💚🖤🌹🌷🌹🌷🍍🌮🍍🌮🍌👽💀🪬🧿🤤
Jan 23Reply
dramamama22 I have a new posture. was told I needed to check out your closet by chelleandbelle. excited to start this journey! You have some really fun things!
Feb 22Reply
shauna_marie787 @dramamama22 aww yay :) so glad you decided to check out my closet!! chelleandbelle has one of my fave closets ❤️🙂 it's nice to meet you :) let me know if you have any questions or anything!
Feb 22Reply
mommasboy411 you make me want to dye my hair 😩😩😩😍😍😍🤣
Apr 03Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨
May 07Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
May 25Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart!😋
Jun 25Reply
shauna_marie787 @shinaut2 hahaha he sure does! thank you
Jun 30Reply
free_woman Hello, hope you are in a great summer mood and have a Sun-filled day))) Please find a min. to check my little bohemian closet, You may see something you love 🌺 Tx. Iva
Jul 10Reply
art_stone Good Morning, may the coming day be a great blessing for you. New day, new friends! Feel free to check my closet, you may find something you like, bundle/send me offers anytime 🎁 Tx.
Jul 15Reply
jeffys Just noticed we’re neighbors , just south of you in Eugene, Or. Or and Wa are sister states. Very similar. 😊🌻
Aug 08Reply
zanne0921 Thank you for following me! You cat is adorable!
Aug 09Reply
shauna_marie787 @jeffys that is awesome Jeff! noticed you were close when I shipped the package ❤️
Aug 09Reply
shauna_marie787 @zanne0921 awwww thank you. ❤️ he is a precious little boy ❣️
Aug 09Reply
zanne0921 @shauna_marie787 What is his name? My cats are Kiska and Amiira.
Aug 10Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!!
Aug 16Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹and Welcome to Poshmark🎊🎉I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………. I’ll be accepting any and all reasonable offers even on bundles!
Aug 18Reply
natalie_renfro Thank you so much Shauna for the earrings and bracelet you sent with my order! 😍 I love them, that was so sweet of you! :))
Aug 21Reply
shauna_marie787 @natalie_renfro you are so welcome Natalie! I am so glad you loved them ❤️❤️
Aug 21Reply
ikarus201 Thanks for stopping by My name is Stan! Just wanted to let you know Im having a 50% OFF $4.99 Shipping on all Summer Women's Apparel marked with a ⛱️ and 40% on everything else in Women's Closet 50% off Sale on all Men's Shirts 40% off home holiday items and...I also give a 30% discount to ALL new customers on what's not on sale
Aug 24Reply
ginathegreek Love your Yin Yang ring! ☯️ 😍🤤
Aug 27Reply
shauna_marie787 @ginathegreek thank you girly!! I think I still have it somewhere lol 😆🤪 love yin yang stuff haha
Aug 27Reply
goodbuysales22 Congratulations! You have been chosen for a Host Pick! Happening now 9/4 @12 PST! Jewelry Party. You don’t have to do anything. Just come and enjoy the party! ♥️
Sep 04Reply
shauna_marie787 @goodbuysales22 yayy thank you!!!
Sep 04Reply
sarah1882 @shauna_marie787 not sure how I didn’t see this before, did you upload new pics to it!? You’re just so gorgeous brother 😭😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹😂😂 but seriously! And Poopie posing on the back of the couch is killing me 😂😂😂😂
Sep 12Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarah1882 awwwww thank you brother!!! 🥰🥰 I didn't add any new ones. it's been like over a year since I have lol maybe I will soon 🤩🤩🤩
Sep 12Reply
sarah1882 @shauna_marie787 🫠🫠🫠🫠 I pay such close attention if you can’t tell!! 💀💀💀
Sep 12Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarah1882 I have tons more pics of poopie too lol
Sep 12Reply
sarah1882 @shauna_marie787 I just love that fat fuzzy bastard so much!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Sep 12Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarah1882 he is Soo effing precious lmao!!!
Sep 12Reply
sarah1882 @shauna_marie787 HE ISSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭
Sep 12Reply
cutehosiery @shauna_marie787 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 24Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Nov 12Reply
alllblack 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Dec 03Reply
thriftcounselor love your cat!!!!
Dec 10Reply
shauna_marie787 @thriftcounselor thank you :) yours is so cute too!
Dec 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 if u order tonight I will give you your choice of a Steven King IT item or a Dollskill Jewelry item
Dec 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 is there a different otem u want in place of juicy item it is not available. I forgot to take it off
Dec 17Reply
nicholepruitt73 do you want like 10 pair of earrings in its place
Dec 17Reply
nicholepruitt73 I can do 1/2 dangle 1/2 stud and gem
Dec 17Reply
nicholepruitt73 or I can cancel order
Dec 17Reply
shauna_marie787 @nicholepruitt73 I added a comment to my bundle ❤️
Dec 17Reply
shauna_marie787 did you see my comments on my bundle?
Dec 17Reply
nicholepruitt73 right now we r just trying to close out the bundle u have with juicy item and panda earrings. so if u r OK with my offer I will get that ready and if u want to look at jeans u can look into that
Dec 17Reply
shauna_marie787 @nicholepruitt73 ok sounds good!! thank you ❤️
Dec 17Reply
italiaking extremely beautiful and stunning closet!
Jan 09Reply
shauna_marie787 @italiaking thank you 🥰💗💗💗💗
Jan 09Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Posing!
Jan 11Reply
mickelsen2020 Hi there!:) I just discovered your closet! Beautiful items! Your beautiful and I love your cat,so cute! Have a super day!
Jan 22Reply
shauna_marie787 @mickelsen2020 aww thank you so much 🥰🥰 I hope you have a great day!!! :)
Jan 22Reply
Feb 17Reply
shauna_marie787 @alli_65 hello! I am not doing anything. it showed you bidded. I did nothing... but I can absolutely cancel your order after the show. no worries ❤️❤️
Feb 17Reply
alli_65 @shauna_marie787 PLEASE CANCEL ALL—I HAVE NOT PLACED ANY BIDS. This is very weird. I don’t get it
Feb 17Reply
shauna_marie787 @alli_65 yes I'm so sorry I have no idea why! but I promise you i will cancel after the show. my shows are long and it won't let me cancel til after it's over, but I will send you a message as soon as I'm able to and I'll let you know I've cancelled
Feb 17Reply
alli_65 @shauna_marie787 Thank You soo much! Im trying to figure out how it’s happening…I haven’t been on any shows nor have placed any bids. If any more show up I have and will not be bidding. Soooo weird!!!
Feb 18Reply
shauna_marie787 @alli_65 yes that is so weird :( I'm so sorry! maybe it somehow accidently clicked in my show or something, but still so weird! I had someone not cancel my order before and it sucked. so don't worry Id never do that!!
Feb 18Reply
alli_65 @shauna_marie787 I appreciate it. It doesn’t make any sense..
Feb 18Reply
alli_65 @shauna_marie787 Hi! Just checking to see if you canceled the bids. Please let me know😊
Feb 18Reply
shauna_marie787 @alli_65 hey love! still doing my show but I should be done within the hour and then I'll cancel! sorry my shows are so long lol ❤️
Feb 18Reply
alli_65 @shauna_marie787 oooh ok😊Thank You! Im still trying to figure out how that happened….
Feb 18Reply
erink7775 Beautiful closet 🩷
Mar 12Reply
shauna_marie787 @erink7775 aww thank you ! same to you. beautiful stones and you have a good mix of everything!
Mar 12Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi Shauna Marie 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋
Jul 31Reply
shauna_marie787 @bestdressed995 thank you ❤️😊 it's nice to meet you too!!
Jul 31Reply
littlepeachxo 🤍🍑 Hii, I’m accepting most offers due to overstocked inventory. I have lots of clothes, accessories, jewelry, collectibles: such as sanrio & disney and a large variety of items. A bit of everything. 🍑🤍
Aug 24Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Sep 22Reply
gidget368s Thanks for all the Shares ❤️ Luv ur Kitty Cat 🐱 😇
Sep 23Reply
shauna_marie787 @gidget368s Awww thank you so much!! and same to you! thanks for all the posh love ❤️❤️🥰
Sep 24Reply
hugznkissz welcome to Poshmark 💕 my name is Michelle!!! Feel free to check out my closet 💟 prices are negotiable on everything 🎯 Accepting offers and Bundle for Better Deals 💘 Happy Shopping 🛒🛍️❤️
Oct 07Reply
shauna_marie787 @hugznkissz thank you so much!
Oct 07Reply
winstondunbar Hope You Having A Fabulous Poshday! ❤️ 👌
Oct 31Reply
shauna_marie787 @winstondunbar thank you so much!! 💓
Oct 31Reply
sarahposz Hey love 💜💜💜 I was wondering if I could order some candles from you??
Nov 30Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz hi love! sorry just now seeing this. got caught up with the fam for thanksgiving:) you can definitely order some candles love! I can custom make them for you with scent, stone, flowers etc. and I have several different sizes. big 3 wick candles are $20. 7 oz glass are $15 and the smaller 4 oz are $10, as well as the sun and moon tins, those are also $10. just let me know and I can get to making them for you love!!
Nov 30Reply
sarahposz @shauna_marie787 I’m so excited!!! Ok, I would like three suns and three moons, and two big 3 wick! The more colorful, the better! Anything like your: wish fairy, serenity, root chakra healing, relationship balance, gothic, garden fairy and healing moon fairy! 💜🥰💜
Dec 01Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz ok love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can definitely make ones that look like those for you and colorful! yay!! I'm so excited to make them!! making the candles is like therapeutic for me 💯 I love it !!!🥰😍 so I think they will be done by next Saturday/sunday. I realized I am out of the big 3-wick tins. I ordered them and so they should get here by Friday. so I'll make them this weekend if that works for you :)
Dec 01Reply
sarahposz @shauna_marie787 Yay!!!!!!! 💜🥰💜 I really do wish my notifications worked a bit better because I had to search to find your reply, probably my inability to deal with technology, lol. Or its Posh’s fault 🤣 It makes total sense that it’s therapeutic to make candles! It’s funny cuz it made me think of a series my hubby and I started watching, Resident Alien, and the mayor makes candles for therapy but, unlike You, his do not turn out!!!
Dec 05Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz OMG girly my mom and I watched all the seasons of resident alien and it's sooo funny!! love when he laughs and how awkward he is lmao. it's such a good show lololol!!! and it's definitely posh's fault lolol 😂😉 I will let you know and tag you in those candles as soon images I make them. I'll add to your bundle and mark not for sale ❤️❤️
Dec 05Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz hey love :-) Amazon took longer for me to get my package then I thought it would. I just poured the candles and they are drying. so I should be able to decorate them and list them tomorrow. I think that if I decorate them, it would be better to list tomorrow because the lighting might not be good by the time I decorate them. so tomorrow they will be up! so sorry about the wait 💖💖
Dec 10Reply
sarahposz @shauna_marie787 yes! We’ve seen the first season and almost all of the second season of Resident Alien!! You’re so right, his laugh and just how he talks is hilarious!!! It’s definitely up there in my favorites list! By far my most favorite is Last Man on Earth with Will Forte (I think on Netflix?)! The candles are breathtaking and I’m so excited to gift them to my loved ones 💜💜💜🥰💜💜💜
Dec 12Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz ohhh I think my brother was telling me about the last man on earth! we need to check that out. I couldn't believe how funny resident alien was. laughing the whole way through hahaha 🤣🤣 I'm sooo glad you loved the candles love and makes me so happy to know you're gifting them too!! yayy 🥰🥰🥰 whenever you'd like to purchase just let me know and I can mark them for sale.. or I can even run them for you at next show. (and tell no one else to bid ) just let me know girly ❤️🎄🥰
Dec 13Reply
sarahposz @shauna_marie787 whenever you’d like, bundle those beauties or make them purchasable, lol…that’s not really a word, I don’t think.
Dec 14Reply
shauna_marie787 @sarahposz hahaha ok let me do that now love ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 14Reply
carolhealer39 Happy Holidays! 💕🎄💕
Dec 21Reply
shauna_marie787 @carolhealer39 thank you so much Carol :) happy holidays 🎄🎄❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 22Reply
wr_enthusiast @shauna_marie787 Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! 💕🦋
Feb 07Reply
shauna_marie787 @wr_enthusiast Awww thank you so much!!! ❤️
Feb 12Reply

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