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Updated Feb 07
Updated Feb 07

Meet your Posher, Shawn

Meet the Posher

US$0 US$10,000,000


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Hi! I'm msmjallday Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, kate spade, and Free People and Ralph Lauren. I just got a fabulous πŸ˜πŸ‘  closet. I'm ready to πŸ›πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸ›πŸ›πŸ›to fill up with new things which means I'll be going through a purge. So πŸ˜„ πŸ›πŸ›. She who ❀️ πŸ‘  most wins!!!!Good πŸ€ thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
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2eas1tat Beautiful closet (literally). I have all your favorite brands to fill it, but it's all jewelry
Oct 21Reply
invisiblestyler Thanks. I'm coming overπŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
Oct 21Reply
desiredcloset I'm sure this will look fabulous when it's full of goodies!!!! 😊
Oct 23Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or... ...visit my closet & Id be happy to help U! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me....
Nov 11Reply
invisiblestyler Thx so much for the very warm welcomeπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’— In my short time as a posher I've experienced the very best and worst of it. I will hang with youπŸ‘πŸΌ. Just curious did you see my bad posher listing?
Nov 11Reply
invisiblestyler @katzkoz thx so much for the welcome!!!πŸ’–πŸ’– I'll hang with you. This posh 🌎 is 😜😱 did you see my bad posh listing?
Nov 11Reply
invisiblestyler Thx for the offer I dropped them off this morning to the post office. Happy new year🍾🍾🍾🍾
Dec 31Reply
beatingtheodds Thanks a bunch for the shares. Much appreciated.
Jan 31Reply
invisiblestyler @beatingtheodds so very welcome wishing you quick sales πŸ’žπŸ’΅πŸ›πŸ’΅πŸ’žπŸ›πŸ’΅πŸ’žπŸ›
Jan 31Reply
mfionathreads Good morning, happy Wednesday to youπŸ’•
Feb 01Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads good 🌞 😊 πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°to you. πŸ‘€ like you restocked your closetπŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›. I πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž. πŸ™πŸ» for sharing your day with me. See you later😘😍
Feb 01Reply
mfionathreads @em_jays @casuallyposh. Hey ladies, I want you to meet my friend Shawn. Not only does Shawn have an Awesome Closet, but great sense of humor. Let's add her to the Search For Sparklishness! And speaking of sparkle, it's been awhile since I found anything share worthy....... What you ladies got? πŸ’•
Feb 06Reply
mfionathreads Ok, headed to bed shortly..... And need to give the BF some attention. It's been a hard day - his father passed this morning. It wasn't expected. I called my parents today and told them how much I loved them
Feb 06Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads doll get some rest you will need your strength to be strong for the both of you take care
Feb 06Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads how is everyone today? Were you able to 😴 a little?
Feb 06Reply
casuallyposh @mfionathreads thank dear! Shawn, always a pleasure to meet new peeps on here! Just shared your stuff to the Outerwear Party... coz I've got nothing better to do in the middle of the day. πŸ˜†
Feb 06Reply
invisiblestyler @casuallyposh doll thx for the ❀️ I didn't have anything else to do today, this is my insomnia fix. 2 days no 😴 let's see how this chamomile works...
Feb 06Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Yes, I slept! The BF quiet mostly then very chatty about feelings this morning. "What is the meaning of life?" Etc etc. Me, I totally needed to get going but stayed attentive till he was done. I work for myself and luckily did not have a client meeting! Poor guy...... And today left for business travel. The whole drama of aging parents is big topic among my friends these days.
Feb 07Reply
froxydress Hi Shawn!! Nice to meet you. :) You have a lovely closet and I'm glad to include another sparklephile into the mix!! @mfionathreads Sorry to hear about your BF's loss. You're awesome for being there for him. But I already knew you were. ;)
Feb 07Reply
invisiblestyler @em_jays yes so 😁 i met the πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’
Feb 07Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads check out these MKs I know I over coordinate sometimes and yes before you say these are the MK slacks too. I need a second pair of these shoes.
Feb 07Reply
mfionathreads @casuallyposh @em_jays ladies, on my suggested user list today was "sassyshopper82" who sold me "new" silver jeans that were different than the ones pictured, misrepresented brand and there was a hole in them. Posh was great about the refund. B-l-o-c-k-e-d 😊
Feb 07Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I just added the pic to this post πŸ‘€ up
Feb 07Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads trifle life, I'm going over there I'm nosy😱
Feb 07Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday πŸ‘ on shoes & pants. I must get my butt to work! No idea what closet search will bring...... Hopefully something as cute as your pants & shoes!
Feb 07Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Hahaha! You're so funny - tip: don't get the silver pants😊
Feb 07Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads ok you still have a job finding my black pumps and now these MksπŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜.
Feb 07Reply
casuallyposh @mfionathreads thanks for the tip about the non-sassy user! Funny, I used to follow her and then got annoyed with all the MK stuff she was obsessively sharing. πŸ˜† I guess it doesn't take much to annoy me. lol @em_jays
Feb 08Reply
invisiblestyler @casuallyposh @mfionathreads @em_jays good morning ladies. Here's a new experience... so someone makes an offer as you noticed my stuff isn't pricey, I digress, anyway someone makes an offer and then shares basically my whole closet like that makes the offer better??? The item was less than $10 yes I'm cranky this wouldn't have πŸ˜• me but I'm off of 4 hrs 😴 over 3 days.
Feb 08Reply
froxydress @msmjallday ugh...some peoples children. I swear. Lol!! Sorry to hear about the unreal "offer". But even more sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. Been there! The worst!!
Feb 08Reply
casuallyposh @msmjallday sorry to hear that, Shawn! I've seen all kinds of inappropriate offers. At some point you just learn to laugh at those rude people and move on. It also helps to hear stories from the battleground from ladies on Instagram. I started following a few of them and it's like therapy. πŸ˜† Plus, I learn new stuff from them all the time. Hope you get some rest. Take care of yourself! πŸ€— @em_jays @mfionathreads
Feb 08Reply
mfionathreads Hey lady! How's your beautiful self today? I'm taking a brief break from work work work.....was on site at 7:00am today and am looking to Zzzzzzzzz. Unfortunately doesn't go over well with clients, the whole nap thing.😐
Feb 08Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads πŸ‘‹πŸ» it was a low key day. Hoping for 😴. Since when do preschoolers have so much πŸ“š 😜
Feb 09Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday OMG Preschoolers have the most stuff! You're made to feel inadequate if your kid isn't doing swimming, karate, music. Soccer, mommy and me along with those second and third languages.....
Feb 09Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads preach, I feel like a chauffeur
Feb 09Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Of course! The best dressed chauffeur at that. My kids are now 17, 15, 10. I miss spending 6 hours in the car a day.......πŸ˜‚
Feb 09Reply
invisiblestyler @casuallyposh @mfionathreads @em_jays hallelujer in my madear voice..I got some 😴😴😴😁😴😴happy Friday
Feb 10Reply
froxydress @msmjallday Hazaah!!Finally,girl. Glad to hear.I hope the trend continues for you. :) Happy Friday!!
Feb 10Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Hey! That's great on the Zzzzzzzzs. Woot woot! Running late this morning and will tag you later my beautiful Posh Friend!
Feb 10Reply
mfionathreads Why are those Uggs so expensive?!
Feb 10Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads πŸ€”full price?
Feb 10Reply
mfionathreads Why are you not πŸ’€
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I wake up at this time even when I don't go to work. I need to be at the gymπŸ˜‚
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday wow! Go Girl! No 🍩 this morning??
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads when do you 😴 πŸ’€
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Good question! I fell asleep around 10 then woke up at 2:00. I'm working most of the weekend and was feeling a little stressed....... Juggling lots of projects and details
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads girl don't give me no credit I haven't been in weeks. I fell of the wagon so hard it doesn't doesn't even have wheels im dragging the cart nowπŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Ok, how can I support you?? I understand about falling off the wagon - I've been eating hard since New Years!
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads same over here funny how everyone life the same so much to do not enough time. I just have one kid and he kickin my butt you got 3 YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday The kids are awesome. It's the working for myself that feels stressful at times. It's all good though. The BF is away till Wednesday so work work work this weekend
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I just liked some sneakers that should do it. πŸ˜‚ but seriously I need an accountability partner. I think I'm going to get a personal trainer again I was consistent with him before I got married
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday That sounds like a good plan. Something that works well for met is this slender tone belt. It sounds like a gimmick but my abs are completely different after 6 mos. you just have to wear it.
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads so proud of you! Never brave enough to leave Corp 🌎 always end up going back when I leave
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads send a pic I'll try it
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads Hey hey I tagged you on the two shoes - no pressure to buy from me. But I did not want to list and not offer you a good price. I feel like we are friends first and as such did not want you to ask me WHY I did not tell you I had these. Same goes in reverse. If you have shoes my size I want advance notice!!!!
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I think I responded on the black and whites I'm getting those next week when I come back I'm traveling tomorrow and will be home after v day hopefully hubs gives me πŸ’΅ πŸ’΅ so I don't have to pay for my 🎁😍
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Great! If you want, I can give you really really good pricing on the Bottegas also. The YSL black and white $50? Is that ok?
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads What are you up to today?
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads I'm work work working ALL weekend!
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I need to be im behind on some stuff I'm gonna work tomorrow to get caught up before heading out.
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads What are you getting at the Mall??? I need to go later and return. I bought a lingerie top to wear for Valentines but the BF is out of town until Wednesday. A relief actually. Holidays feel like too much pressure.
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads little dude hear of course
Feb 11Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads yes my sentiments exactly even married it's too much. Take the outfit back and buy something YOU REALLY want. I picked up the little dude the cutest ⚾️ jacket. I'm shopping at Nordstrom today like everyone else. It's really crowded...thx to the pres comments. πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚
Feb 11Reply
mfionathreads I have to run to a meeting......not kidding. In Novato with an architect. Only time we could find. Will chit chat later or tomorrow. So excited about your host pick!πŸ˜€πŸŽˆβ€οΈπŸ’•
Feb 14Reply
mfionathreads How's the conference? I've been a little out of touch, working long days plus being mommy.....
Feb 16Reply
mfionathreads Hey there - Happy Friday! How has your week been?
Feb 18Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads 😜 busy feels like I haven't talked to you in ever!!! Now I have to catch-up with work
Feb 18Reply
feliciana1 Hey luv. Thank u for sharing my closet. If u see something u r interested in let me knowπŸ˜‰ Bundle and Save BIG!
Feb 18Reply
breauxmode Hey, I just saw you sharing my closet. Are we in a share group together?
Feb 20Reply
invisiblestyler @breauxmode I guess πŸ€” I saw your shares and was just sharing the posh ❀️
Feb 20Reply
invisiblestyler @tominewman44 first congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠ 🎈 on the family growth spurt. How cool is that you and your sis get to be Nanas together. 😁😱. Thank you so much for the πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žand sharing my closet. Your closet will come together, I've been doing this for like 6 months Just post a few things a week. Tag me and I will always share back πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž I have some bπŸ‘ΆπŸ» boy Polo of course new with tags and gently used still to be posted in time for you to snag for your grandson
Feb 20Reply
mfionathreads Cancel your offer and offer $65, thanks!
Mar 02Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads 😱😁❀️❀️❀️❀️
Mar 02Reply
highendchicago Thanks for sharing my listings! Stay tune, there's more coming!
Mar 14Reply
invisiblestyler @highendchicago you are so very welcome. Looking forward to tuning in πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
Mar 14Reply
mfionathreads Good morning lovelyπŸ’•. I saw our trading friend has been at it - traded and sent the other person a sweater with a big hole! Eeeek πŸ’•. Sending good karma to the universe today😊
Mar 14Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads what a shame, sadly not surprised. Yes sending good karma to the universe.
Mar 14Reply
keepcalmnposhon @mfionathreads Ladies!!!!! Check the top of your news feed! I just registered for Poshfest SF & there's an eventbrite link. April 20th (thurs) all day. I would lurrrrrve to meet you girlies & do Poshfest with my local PFFs! Lmk if you can make it & if you can, be sure to register to secure your spot! Sounds like it's a great day of learning & funπŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰
Mar 23Reply
invisiblestyler @keepcalmnposhon @mfionathreads ladies have fun! I'm an east coast chic πŸ˜”πŸ˜Š and won't be able to attend please take pics and share hope to see you in the real 🌎 soon😘😍
Mar 23Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday @keepcalmnposhon I registered! Deb, I tagged you re: grabbing a quick drink beforeπŸ’•
Mar 23Reply
keepcalmnposhon @mfionathreads Omg silly me, Shawn! Sorry for not remembering that! I hope there's one locally for you to attend doonπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ€—
Mar 23Reply
invisiblestyler @keepcalmnposhon you can't remember it all! No worries I hope you have a great time can't wait to see the pics😘
Mar 23Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday @keepcalmnposhon Yes, pics and we will grab extra handouts. And we will have an extra drink for you too!
Mar 23Reply
mfionathreads Hey pretty girl! Why up at 3:30am?
Mar 28Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads I wish I knew I keep waking up way early😦 then when I get sleepy it's time for me to get up for workπŸ˜”
Mar 28Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads you should get u some rest, It's bed time. Don't let my crazy 😴 pattern keep you up.
Mar 28Reply
deborahmaynard @msmjallday thank you so much for responding about how the parties work and thank you for offering to tag me in. Another girl in our share group informed me about an upcoming party. I'll send you a message when I can remember the name!! Thanks again. So sweet of you.
Apr 13Reply
invisiblestyler I put an offer on those Brian Atwood's you found me, I'll tag you in the listing hopefully she accepts so I can have em in time for Friday
Apr 14Reply
sheepish114 Thanks for all the shares!!
Apr 15Reply
paxigirl Hello @msmjallday I'm sorry I just got to sharing back from Friday share group, sorry for delay and thank you for your posh πŸ’• love !
Apr 18Reply
invisiblestyler @paxigirl no worries life happens 😁
Apr 18Reply
paxigirl @msmjallday thank you πŸ’•
Apr 18Reply
boogsz You on Instagram ?
Apr 23Reply
invisiblestyler @boogsz nope the work I do it's best to stay off🀣
Apr 23Reply
boogsz @msmjallday ahhhh i see ., sucks would have liked to be friends
Apr 23Reply
invisiblestyler @boogsz dang it! 🀣
Apr 23Reply
boogsz @msmjallday 😏😊
Apr 23Reply
invisiblestyler @boogsz what's yours you just never know πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
Apr 23Reply
boogsz @msmjallday dah_flee_god_
Apr 23Reply
mfionathreads Good morning Pretty Girl! You should tag all the folks who liked my Michael Kors dress - the one where you have same with studs - on your listingπŸ’•
Jun 07Reply
mfionathreads You're brilliant! Can you help me match up some of our items - you've got fab shoes! That said it probably won't be till Sunday night before I can make edits! I'm so slammed with work and getting son ready for collegeπŸ’•
Jul 28Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads same here. I just picked up a new project and the mental juices were flowing so I said I better do this before I forget. Yeah I'll go through and match up outfits
Jul 28Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday I think you're amazingπŸ’•. I'll work on it too but I think you are waaaaay better at doing the shoe matchingπŸ’•
Jul 28Reply
mfionathreads @msmjallday Oh, and I still haven't got your package in the mail! I need to go to the Post Office later though so today could be the day, I Finally get your birthday gift outπŸ’•
Jul 28Reply
mfionathreads Did you get the box?
Aug 07Reply
invisiblestyler @mfionathreads not yet lovely probably tomorrow
Aug 07Reply
tmdalton14 Absolutely gorgeous closet!!!!
Aug 14Reply
invisiblestyler @tmdalton14 thx so much😊
Aug 14Reply
blueyedangel72 Love your closet! Thank you for the shares!
Aug 23Reply
invisiblestyler @blueyedangel72 thx so much for sharing!
Aug 23Reply
tnite_fashion I need this closet!!!
Sep 17Reply
invisiblestyler @tnite thx dahling! πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜˜ about the sizing on the πŸ‘— I recommend you size up on thisπŸ‘— to make sure you get the look and flow like the model. I can measure whenever I get🏑 so you can make sure it's right for you.
Sep 17Reply
hbpmenina Thank you for the shares, I so need to update my closet😳!! Like your closet!
Oct 07Reply
invisiblestyler @hbpmenina you’re so welcome! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Oct 07Reply
carlsincharge7 I will comment again with the pieces and price? I took a picture of you want me to email it to ya :)
Oct 18Reply
invisiblestyler @carlsincharge7 no you don’t have to email. The bundle is still in my history just need to split it. Only 2 pairs of shoes at a time with 2 clothing items in the bundle. It looks like you will need to make 3 bundles for all the stuff you had
Oct 18Reply
carlsincharge7 @msmjallday fine with me! Will i pay shipping thrice over aside that!? #excitedforthia
Oct 18Reply
invisiblestyler @carlsincharge7 no I will reduce the shipping cost in the discount for the last 2 bundles
Oct 18Reply
carlsincharge7 THANK YOU!!
Oct 18Reply
brooksyann I’m so sorry I’m new at all this never meant any harm!! Thank u for ur reply!! And fixed the rating πŸ™
Nov 17Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann thx so much I contacted posh and am waiting for a new label to send you a new pair since you said the others were defective no pockets not in returning them
Nov 18Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann Is 7 still the right size or do you need a 7.5 for your daughter?
Nov 18Reply
brooksyann Good morning my daughter has the size 8 boot right now.. so 81/2 would be the next size to get??? And I can send u back the 8?? Just give me ur address?? Thank u so much☺️
Nov 18Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann no need to send back if the zips are no good donate em. I will make a separate listing for you. To buy for $3. Since you updated the rating they won’t send a free label. I’ll gift you $10 what you will spend on the shipping for the new pair. The gift will be in the box when you receive it.
Nov 18Reply
brooksyann Bless u we will donate them and thank you πŸ™ I’m looking to shop more in ur closet.. and I appreciate you☺️
Nov 18Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann do you really want the stuff in the bundle? I can add the boots with that stuff, pick out the things you want and I will send a private discount whenever you’re ready. Thx again πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Nov 18Reply
brooksyann How do the tops and that sweater fit really want to get the correct sizes??? Do they fit small or bigger???
Nov 18Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann I don’t have an 8.5 in that color I just came back from storage do you want the other color or another pair of boots or shoes to replace them? As far as the shirts go they run pretty true to size.
Nov 18Reply
brooksyann The other color is great!!! And I’m going to check on ur closet before I finalize my order!! Thank u so very much!!
Nov 18Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann let me know when you are ready
Nov 21Reply
invisiblestyler @brooksyann just checking in let me know when you are ready i have the boots ready to go now I need to know what goes with them
Nov 27Reply
mlb1006 Thank you so much for all your shares! You have a beautiful closet! πŸ’ž
Dec 05Reply
jewelrybum Great closetπŸ’¦
Dec 06Reply
invisiblestyler @jewelrybum thanksπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Dec 06Reply
ses54 @msmjallday LOVELY Closet πŸ‘A+
Dec 07Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for the like on the RL shirt, like newβ˜˜οΈπŸ’šHave a great day. Helena 🌹
Mar 23Reply
crishari Good morning! Please enjoy a 10% discount on anything you please today!
Apr 06Reply
invisiblestyler @rebeccac6852 😊 the shoes are so cute
Apr 11Reply
nitrowin Thanks for ur return shares, but 2 b honest, I was just sharing ur listings w/some friends, and adding them to my Pintrest boards "my posh picks", and "badass festival gear on Posh Mark"
Apr 11Reply
invisiblestyler @nitrowin that’s even better than reg shares πŸ˜±πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž take care
Apr 12Reply
mochabarbee81 Love your closet! Very Nice! MochaπŸ’“
Apr 18Reply
invisiblestyler @mochabarbee81 β˜ΊοΈπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Apr 18Reply
garnie Thanks
May 01Reply
11huntington I am looking for tiffany&co hobo handbag blue??tag me if u can help,thank uπŸ˜€
May 02Reply
vizsla5 Thank you thank you thank you for your purchase today. I will get that packaged and shipped right out to you
Jun 01Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Feb 23Reply
invisiblestyler @spreadlove Melissa so sweet of you!!!😘😘😘. Yes I live meeting new peeps too thanks so much for stopping by
Feb 23Reply
tammysantos966 Did you get my text to please remove the shoe size 8.5 .. Thank you dear ..
Mar 30Reply
tammysantos966 Hello Dear , Tammy again .. My aloligizes .. I see I have purchased the 8.5 shoe , if still able could you please switch them out for a 9 ? That would be great .. And yes cancel my request for the second shoe order ..
Apr 01Reply
invisiblestyler @tammysantos966 the 8.5 was already shipped this morning
Apr 01Reply
dorota_k Hi if you’re interested (RL White jacket) give me the offer please and let me know, thank you 🌷
Apr 07Reply
invisiblestyler @dorota_k ok thx for being so sweet. I’ll pop back in your lovely shop
Apr 07Reply
dorota_k @msmjallday ,thank Your very much, you’re very nice person ❀️🌹
Apr 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❀️❀️❀️
May 13Reply
texjoy Hello!! I just purchased a dress from you:) Would you be able to mail it very quickly? I am leaving next Sunday on a trip and would love to be able to have it for my trip!:) Thank you!!!
Aug 31Reply
invisiblestyler @texjoy your sale has not come through as of yet, if it comes thru in the next 5 minutes I can ship if not I will shop Tuesday when post office opens
Aug 31Reply
kameron123f @invisiblestyler your shipment has just been shipped thanks for buying
Sep 08Reply
mfionathreads I couldn’t find you! Was sad as thought you had gone 😒
Nov 30Reply
lovelyere Hello☺️ I would like to invite you to check out my closet! I have really nice Indygena jacket, Norma Kamali, tory Burch, SCHUTZ, MK heels and more! Also Brighton bags, Gucci watches, etc. feel free to also make an offer πŸ’• Happy poshing
Dec 06Reply
cutehosiery @invisiblestyler Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 26Reply

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Fort Washington, MD
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Last Active: 29 hours ago

Fort Washington, MD
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