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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

Meet your Posher, Sheilaa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sheilaa. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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justbechic Hi welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community to be a part of. If you have any questions just let me know I am happy to help. I am a suggested user and I enjoy sharing others listings💐, and I share back. Feel free to check out my closet and follow me. Enjoy exploring the app and Happy Poshing! Beth @justbechic
Aug 05Reply
msa5123 Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark 🤗 Please feel free to check out my closet 😀
Aug 05Reply
cherrymae28 Welcome to Poshmark
Aug 05Reply
filthycoffin Hi from Filthycoffin ❤❤💕💋 Thank you for stopping by my closet of Vintage and oddities 🖤🦇🍀🌈✨
Aug 07Reply
perfectred30 @sheilaamariee27 hey sweetie, bundle your likes, and I will give you an amazing deal you won't get anywhere else🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 11Reply
paulalozano6969 Hi. Thank you for your 💕 make me an offer 💞
Sep 21Reply
unclaimed Nice pictures, nice closet ,best wishes for your success Thanks for your support
Oct 29Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊All merchandise purchased this evening will ship tomorrow 😊
Nov 15Reply
shtonn @sheilaamariee27 thanks for liking my Cheetah Print Ugg Boot listing! Start a bundle with them and I’ll make you a private offer! :)
Dec 10Reply
mrnblue Welcome to Poshmark!🌺
Dec 19Reply
jai_raquel Hi! Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 26Reply
jill555 @sheilaamariee27 hi and welcome to posh! 😃 let me know when you are ready to purchase. I’ll give you free shipping and good deal
Dec 29Reply
jared_esparza Hi thanks for the like 😊 Let me know if you are ever interested in purchasing the item ❤
Jan 09Reply
ggen Hi hun, Welcome to Poshmark! This is an amazing app. Have fun! And thank you also for likes of my items in my closet. Feel free to send me offers. I’m willing to negotiate. Thank you! 😊💗
Jan 10Reply
bre21fhs bundle to save happy poshing
Jan 13Reply
alexusgalvan I seen you liked a top😊 I can go down to $8, if not have a wonderful weekend 🌻
Jan 14Reply
stephsgr8stuff Welcome to Poshmark
Jan 15Reply
stephsgr8stuff Welcome to Poshmark
Jan 15Reply
tambalynn Hi there! I'm Tamba, wanted to welcome you too the Poshmark community. I know you'll have a blast on here selling and purchasing items, it's pretty addictive I have a great time on here. If you have any questions I'd be more them happy to try to help you with it. Have a fabulous day and happy Poshing!
Jan 31Reply
tambalynn Hi there! I'm Tamba, wanted to welcome you too the Poshmark community. I know you'll have a blast on here selling and purchasing items, it's pretty addictive I have a great time on here. If you have any questions I'd be more them happy to try to help you with it. Have a fabulous day and happy Poshing!
Feb 01Reply
khrysse @sheilaamariee27 hi. Let me know if you already get your item thank you ❤️
Feb 09Reply
musmast12 Hi. If you put your likes in a bundle I can discount it for you 😃😃😃
Feb 10Reply
vicky4044 Thank you for your interest. Feel free to make an offer! I also have a matching beanie 😊
Feb 13Reply
maddiegreennn Thanks for the like!!💓 I hope you’ll consider purchasing, let me know if you have any questions
Feb 18Reply
doremifasolati 💕Thanks for Likes on my Kate spade bow Velvet shoes. If you click on the little hanger icon and "Add to Bundle", I will send you a private discount. You don't need to buy more than one item to qualify. I hope this helps! 😊🌸
Feb 19Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by 💋🥂🎉
Feb 23Reply
vfajardo44 Hi girlie!! Thanks for the ❤️ I am accepting reasonable offers & can come down on all prices. Bundle & save if you’re interested 😊
Mar 09Reply
vfajardo44 Hi Sheila! There’s a couple listings you like in my closet. Would you like to bundle & make an offer? 😊
Mar 12Reply
jeaneparadis Hi, Sheilaa !💐 and welcome to Poshmark! I’m Jean, Poshing since March 2017 and enjoying this busy and creative community! You’ll learn a lot and make friends all over the country. And you get to see the most amazing collections!!🌺 Remember: Share, Like, Comment and Follow! And please let me know if I can ever help as you open your closet and begin to navigate around! Best wishes for a wonderful year! ❤️🌸🌺🌸❤️
Mar 14Reply
luvlaula 💜🌷Welcome to Poshmark!🌷💙 Thank you for the like! Offers are welcome. Hope you have a happy poshing day! 😊
Mar 15Reply
fashioncloset00 Welcome to Poshmark! ⚡️🎉 Check out my closet for Kate Spade, Tory Burch, Coach, Michael kors, zara, Express and more. Feel free to make offers 😊❤️ Happy Poshing!!
Mar 19Reply
tanyamarie1 Hi! Your profile came up under my screens to follow so thought I drop by and say hello! If you have a chance please stop by my closet <3
Apr 10Reply
dabdo Thanks for the like if you’re interested let me know
Apr 26Reply
stevierae1717 Hey girl I just sent you an offer !! Im sending $50 gifts with all my orders today too that are stunning !!!
Jun 08Reply
tjposhmarket hope you like the offer on the watch
Jul 17Reply
tcbeap @ sheilaamariee27 Thank you for the review! I'm so glad you love the clutch!!! :)Thanks again.
Jul 19Reply
poshgarden Thank you for stopping by. My gift to you: FREE SHIPPING❣️
Aug 05Reply
jodisweeney Just stopping by to say hi. Be sure to pop in my closet and check things out when you have a chance. Happy poshing!!! 😊😊😊
Aug 14Reply
elenimus ❤️Welcome to Poshmark Sheilaa!🌹Thank you so much for your likes and for your follow! If you're interested, you can bundle your likes and I can offer you an awesome deal!✨ let me know if I can help in any other way ^-^
Aug 21Reply
senia_styleshop . 🌸⭐️🌸⭐️🌸⭐️🌸 Welcome to Poshmark 🌸⭐️🌸⭐️🌸⭐️🌸 . My best advice to share your closet and others as well as they will return the love and give your pieces more exposure. Also, share to parties, that also helps! . 🌟Happy poshing🌟
Aug 26Reply
nicolep337 Hey I’m Nicole! Feel free to check out my closet any time, I’m always open to offers :)
Sep 23Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, my name is Isabelle. Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Oct 01Reply
trina2175 Welcome to Poshmark!! Let me know if you have any questions! It can be a little tricky getting around :)
Oct 11Reply
sheilaamariee27 @trina2175 thank you so much!!!!!! I might just reach out to you bc I have no idea what I’m doing lol
Oct 11Reply
simplyyyalexis Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to ask! Happy Poshing!🎉💓 I also have a TON of PINK listed & open to offers!
Oct 11Reply
emilycallister Hello! Welcome to poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet! Thank you so much!
Oct 12Reply
misszim Thanks for stopping by ❤️ Please let me know if you have any questions ❤️
Mar 11Reply
sluvscats Hi Sheilaa, if you want any other info about this great Alexander Wang Dress, please let me know. I am open to reasonable offers. Thank you for browsing my closet, Sandy
Apr 01Reply
sapp12 welcome thanks for the like
Jun 10Reply
kimfuentes Your bundle is coming today!
Aug 26Reply
sheilaamariee27 @kimfuentes yay!!!!! I know!!!! I’m so excited!!!!! 😃
Aug 26Reply
briannansorenso thank you for liking my listing :)
Dec 09Reply
2017hw Hi friend!! I see that you liked one of my items in my closet and I was wondering if you are interested and if you are I can help you by answering any questions or getting measurements if you need to. Thank you!!
Dec 13Reply
2017hw Hi friend!! I see that you liked one of my items in my closet and I was wondering if you are interested and if you are I can help you by answering any questions or getting measurements if you need to. Thank you!!
Dec 13Reply
kfab333 @sheilaamariee27 Hello! 🌸Thanks for stopping by! Please take advantage of our Pre Spring Event! 💝Buy 3 Get 1 Free! Simply Bundle Your 4 or more items- I will take off the lowest priced item before you checkout! 🥰 - My Best! - Kimberly
Feb 02Reply
juststeel Thanks for looking in my closet bundle up some jewelry
Mar 03Reply
sinsofcyn 👛💗 Thanx to you Sheilaa, for Sharing some LOVE 👠  💍Please  allow yourself , when You NEED SOME CALMING TIME, to Further STROLL💃my CLOSET & CUPBOARDS 🛍Remember BUNDLES just make sense and even more cents in your  WALLET 😉CUPBOARDS are JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties ( Old & New) Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Junque👛  🌄 IF POSSIBLE ......... 🐛STAY HOME, BE SMART, STAY ACTIVE,  BE HEALTHY 🙏  Cynthia
May 07Reply
love_brit Feel free to bundle your likes for a special offer!! ❤️
May 20Reply
plethorafashn Thank you for your purchase. I will have it wrapped up and mailed out today.
Jun 02Reply
kylieeubanks Hey! If you’re interested in stretch jewelry - I have a pair of hand carved horn gauge 0 / 00 never worn - check them out 🌚🌝
Jun 11Reply
hillmill61 hey Sheilaa, nice to meet you! come see our natural gemstone sterling silver designer jewelry, etc.
Jun 19Reply
dkathletics Beautiful closet! I love the roses! Thanks for visiting my closet to give me tips. I'd like to have everything marked sold, like I see in your closet. Way to go! :).
Jul 02Reply
reservedchic 🤗 Hi thanks for checking out ReservedChic Poshmark boutique. Please feel free to bundle for a special offer.
Jul 07Reply
jean_e Aloha! I see you like several items. If you bundle, I can give you 50%. Thank you for browsing my closet. 🤙👍💕🏝
Jul 18Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Jul 29Reply
eclectic_cali Hi Sheilaa! Thanks for adding my closet💕 i sent an offer on the painting you liked!
Aug 07Reply
black_dots Hi, I wanted to find out if you are still loving the ring you bought from Kristie44?
Aug 13Reply
sheilaamariee27 @black_dots hiiii there. Yes I did love it BUT I hated that it tarnished like really fast. So I only wore it like 3-4 days before throwing it away 😖
Aug 13Reply
black_dots @sheilaamariee27 Thanks for responding. I was interested and that's exactly the thing I was worried about.
Aug 13Reply
sheilaamariee27 @black_dots yes of course. It’s sooooo pretty to look and and I got so many compliments but it tarnished so I had to stop wearing it ☹️
Aug 13Reply
black_dots @sheilaamariee27 Well,at least we know now. I'm sorry that you had to waste your money though. Thanks again!!
Aug 13Reply
sheilaamariee27 @black_dots yes!!!! I ask now in the comments if they tarnish. If there’s no reply, that means it does tarnish lol (in my opinion) but yes you’re welcome. Always happy to reply
Aug 13Reply
black_dots @sheilaamariee27 I have been lucky once on here, but she no longer has a closet. Good luck in the future and thanks again.
Aug 14Reply
sheilaamariee27 @black_dots now with jewelry I’m skeptical. But now I’m gonna ask or google jewelry that tarnishes. But you’re welcome (:
Aug 14Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade.. and I always working on new pieces. I have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Aug 20Reply
unabashedtrash Hiya! Thank you for going on a little share spree with me <3 Your closet is full of such lovely things. :) Have a great week!
Sep 28Reply
ashleykemp061 @cyndisales hi if you like my rugs make offer thank you
Dec 15Reply
cwishrn I’m stopping by to say Hello! I invite you to check out my closet and maybe you’ll find something just right for you. 🛍 Brands I have include Vera Bradley, kate spade & Coach. 🛍 I’m a Posh Ambassador who is available for questions, support, anything you may need...I’m here! ❄️Happy Poshing ⛄️
Jan 14Reply
valdy523 Hello Sheilaa I hope you are doing fantastic. Thank you so much for your likes on my products. As a token of my appreciation, I left my best deal. Talk do you very soon.
Feb 09Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Commando, Tory Burch, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Mar 07Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 07Reply
jewelry_heaven Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also size most of our rings for free. Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink: Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
May 25Reply
esthersgifts Thanks for the likes! I consider all reasonable offers and discount bundles of two or more items if you’re interested. Have a great day!
Aug 05Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of clothes and press on nails 💅 Listings are added every few days 😊
Sep 17Reply
april6633355 Aloha!!!! I see you like some of them. I can give you a discount if you pack it. Thanks for going through my closet. 🤙 👍 💕 🏝
Nov 20Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely closet :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 700+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 30Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 10Reply
hellobrigid Hi👋 My Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% Off 🌈 I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. ☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the offer 💕 Brigid
Sep 09Reply
tumbleforyou Hi Sheliia! I sent you a offer in the Hurley flipflops. I want you to know I have a pair also. They were my favorite shoes this summer. I can have them out to you in the morning.
Sep 28Reply
marissa__andrea @sheilaamariee27 Hiiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll received 10% off your bundle! Only found one item ? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping!! 🙂
Dec 08Reply
oliviaami Dear @598538a1a457c8615b119f85 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 14Reply
oliviaami Dear @598538a1a457c8615b119f85 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 14Reply
cutehosiery @sheilaamariee27 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 15Reply
jennifereveart Hi Sheilaa thank you for all the likes💞💞🩷🎉😚I bundled them for you and sent an offer. please reach out with any questions or counter offers and have a fantastic Thursday xoxo Jenny
Aug 03Reply
suzystardust Hi thanks for visiting my closet and showing interest in my B&B works Bat Wallflower..if you are interested please let me know Happy Poshing
Oct 20Reply
cecebuck76 Hi!! Happy Holidays ⚘️ I have Great Christmas Sale Going on 🥰 Hope to see you soon 💋
Dec 09Reply
sheilaamariee27 @cecebuck76 thank you for letting me know! See you soon! ❤️
Dec 09Reply
rawrxx27 @sheilaamariee27 hi I sent offer on shirt but if you’re not happy with offer send me offer and I’ll accept :)
Jun 15Reply
rawrxx27 @sheilaamariee27 hi new price on nightmare before Christmas shirt if still interested.
Jun 18Reply
a_deal_awaits_u 🛍 Happy Poshing 🛍
Jun 30Reply
lalascloset16 Croc charms / Jibbitz Available and I’m accepting offers ❤️. Please come check out my closet ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 16Reply

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