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Updated Aug 31
Updated Aug 31

Meet your Posher, Shelbi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shelbi. Some of my favorite brands are Sezane, madewell, doen, and Kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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amicinovi Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 09Reply
snootymissmooty Hi 🧸 I hope you find lots of treasures 👗👠💄👚👢 drop by my closet and you may find a gem 💎 If I can help just ask ❣️ Happy Poshing 🛍 Dawn
Feb 09Reply
hbdixon71 Welcome to the Poshmark family! 😀👌
Mar 29Reply
jean_e Hello and welcome to Poshmark. This is such a fabulous place to go shopping, sell, and find great deals. Happy Poshing!💕🛍
Apr 08Reply
shanna453 @shelbiiraee Thank you, I’ll ship first thing Monday. It’s a beautiful sweater
May 03Reply
shelbiiraee @shanna453 awe thank you! It really is I love sezane’s nude color 💕✨
May 03Reply
dressupskeleton Hi there! Thank you for your interest in my Sezane top! I wanted to reach out and let you know that I'm firm at my last offer for the moment! Its the only one listed on Posh and it's only been listed a few hours. Please do like the item so you'll be notified of any future price drops :)
May 30Reply
shelbiiraee @spugsley thanks! It’s not really my size and so my hope would be to have it tailored. But I’ll see if it sells!
May 30Reply
dressupskeleton @shelbiiraee No problem, I totally understand! If I hadn't just posted it tonight I'd be more willing to go lower but I'd like to give it a fair shot before I go too low from my asking price :) happy poshing to you 🥰
May 30Reply
shelbiiraee @spugsley to you as well! 🤗
May 30Reply
abfb Hi, I’m just stopping by to say hello and inviting you to check out my closet. I carry a lot of high end designer brands NWT up to 75% off retail price. I’m adding new items daily. Let me know if you see anything you like. I would be more then happy to help. I ship immediately🌷 Have a wonderful 4th of July 💕💕
Jul 03Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee hey hun did you ever get your mystery box from linenlace? I’m curious as to the condition of your items? I got sent a box of old outdated clothing NOTHING like what she has listed in the listing photos...I was curious as to how yours turned out!! Thank you kindly hun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 31Reply
shelbiiraee @brittnilb SAME. 3 old shirts nothing like what was listed. Can we do something about it? I mean not that it was super expensive but she basically lied about what we would get
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee go Look on @likelulu page on her about me posher listing and you’ll see she and I talking about how bad they were!! I’m warning everyone that I see purchase one from her!! I did write Poshmark and told them that I know that was no guarantees but what she sent me was ridiculous and the problem was I already got rid of one of the shirts!! apparently Poshmark will help you if you write them they’re trying to help the other user that I discussed a minute ago..
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee linenlace is straight up scamming people with her boxes making people think they are getting similar items to the listing photos!! Mine were full of dog hair as well!!!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee when I confronted her she said “nothing was guaranteed” But if you go look on the $65 listing that I purchased go up in the comments and you will see that I was very specific in my discussion with her about my box and she sent me crap
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee Also you should go comment on her list thing asking her about what she sent you to see what she says to you like I said mine was in a bundle so our comments were private but she said there was no guarantees & I said come on you know we discuss specifics & u had me believe u were sending me 3 sweaters & a pair of jeans & a pair of boots... what I received was 2 sleeveless dresses 1 sweater a three-quarter sleeve shirt & 1 ugly button up....all old outdated
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee She needs to know that other people are unhappy about what they got she is screwing people over seriously the items that I got probably aren’t even worth $15 altogether and I paid $65 two items even still had the Goodwill tag hanging out of it!!!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @sammiemarema same happened to this young lady!!
Aug 31Reply
shelbiiraee @brittnilb wow I confronted her and now she has blocked me lol lol. Whatever I’m still going to report it with pictures when I get home
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee yes please report her!!!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee I reported her as well!! So did the other lady!!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee where did you confront her? My friend jusr confronted her as well since I didn’t want to get blocked so I can warn others and she reported the comment as’s not harassment if it’s the TRUTH!! It’s horrible please let PM know because like I said there’s others that have contacted them will be 3 of us so far then I also asked another girl about her box but haven’t heard back yet
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee it is not fair to the Poshmark community for her to be misleading people into thinking they are getting beautiful clothing and it’s actually a bunch of bullshit old stuff!! I ordered a box from seller allie89 after I ordered from linenlace and my box was GORGEOUS!!! The items were so nice that I’m actually ordering more mystery boxes from allie89!!! Her boxes are worth it and as described in listing!!
Aug 31Reply
shelbiiraee @brittnilb well good to know! I will be sure to look at her page. And I agree, I have already reported a problem with the order and have reported her for misrepresenting what she’s selling. Not sure what will come of it but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee Give it a few days and they will reply asking you for photos of your items and you just explain that the photos in the listing of what she leads you to believe you’re getting but you get a bunch of old clothes...That’s what I told them I told them that she’s misrepresenting what she’s selling and that is in essence scamming people
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee I feel like once they’ve gotten all of these complaints that maybe they’ll restrict her From being able to sell mystery boxes because besides mystery boxes are reviews are good and she’s got a lot a beautiful items in her closet but that’s not what she sending people in the mystery boxes AT ALL!!! Let me know what they say!!
Aug 31Reply
shelbiiraee @brittnilb I agree. Thank you for encouraging me to do something about it, and also for sharing my listings!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee No problem hon I always look out for other postures I’ve been on here for seven years I’ve got on here just a few months after the app launched and I’ve been on ever since!!! I will ALWAYS speak out against someone doing others wrong....and what she is doing is WRONG!! She needs to be made to take down those photos and put actual photos of some of the boxes she’s ACTUALLY shipped out!! It’s a scam and I will not stop until something is done about it!!
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee I purchased that mystery box because I truly needed clothes to start college and I thought that would be a fun way to get a few things to get started and my total was $75 and not one item was something that I could wear or would wear or that I even expected to get because of her misleading photos and that was all of the money I had to get clothes at that time!!! I won’t have $ To buy more clothes until I get my college refund
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee I meant POSHERS not postures 😂😂😂 damn talk to text always messing up!!
Aug 31Reply
shelbiiraee @brittnilb Bahahaha that’s funny 😂 well thank you again. And whatever happens happens at least I didn’t spend a lot Of money on it. I care more about the integrity of it and I agree with you that this has scan written all over it. I can’t imagine that they won’t see that as the complaints come pilling in
Aug 31Reply
brittnilb84 @shelbiiraee exactly which is why I started reaching out to other poshers that have purchased her boxes!!! it’s WRONG misleading buyers with nice pics & sending a bunch of old stuff....that’s literally a SCAM & she’s using the “no guarantee” thing as a way to cover her ass!!But like you said I’m sure after several complaints something will be done about it!! Keep me posted hun! Have a goodnight!! Please let PM know about your box!! I’ve been emailing them as well!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 31Reply
michael_coors Thanks for your purchase ☺️
Oct 01Reply

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