Meet your Posher, Shelia - KenBrey Boutique
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Hi! I'm Shelia- a Fashionista! My favorite brands are Coach, Kate Spade, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

4 others
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Welcome to Poshmark! Be sure to share your listings several times a day. That's how your followers see them. Sharing to parties puts them in front of new people. Comments asking you to email or take your transaction off of posh are scammers. Don't fall for it! Feel free to ask any of us if you have questions. Type @ in front of a user name to tag a specific person. @tnite Have fun and good luck!
Sep 27Reply

@tnite Good Morning - thank you for visiting kenbreyboutique closet and sharing my listings! Also, I really appreciate you for welcoming me to POSHMARK! I am so excited to be a part of this community. I do have a few questions: 1) do you share your listings everyday 2) how do you respond quicker to people that share your listings - can I set up an automatic response and 3) how do you put all your items together for ex) al the skirts together, all the dresses together, etc - Thank you! Shelia
Sep 27Reply

@kenbreyboutique 1. In order to share your listings, click on one of your items and look in the upper right-hand corner. There is a rounded off square looking icon. Click on that. A screen will pop up with a share menu. There will be a button to share with your followers there. If there is a party going on, there will be a button to share to the party also.
Sep 27Reply

@kenbreyboutique 2. There is no way to set up any kind of automated response that I know of. 3. When you share your items, they will appear on your page in the order that you shared them. In order to group your items together, share all of your shirts, then all of your skirts, etc. If you want them organized by size also, choose extra large shirts and share it, then large shirt and share it, etc. Let me know if you have further questions.
Sep 27Reply

@tnite Thank you for replying back to me - the information was very helpful!!!!! I really appreciate it and I will reach out to you if I have anymore concerns!!! Also, if I can be of any assistance to you, let me know - Shelia
Sep 27Reply

@kenbreyboutique Thanks!
Sep 27Reply

@tnite Good Evening - the previous information was very helpful. Can you please explain how the,"dressing room" works (someone put my ideas in their dressing room or put items for me in the dressing room). Also, how do you "bundle" and when? Thanks
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique When you like an item on someone's closet, you mark it by clicking the heart at the top right of the listing. One way you can find those items again is by clicking on the icon at the lower right side of your main screen and selecting "my likes" on your menu screen, which will show you everything you have liked.
Sep 28Reply

@tnite Ok, what do you do when the have selected your items in their dressing room?
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique Another way to look at them will show you all items you have liked, sorted by the closet you liked it in. On the same menu where you clicked my likes, there is also a link to your closet. Go to your closet and click the hanger icon on the upper right hand of the screen, which will take you to the dressing rooms.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique The first thing you will see, are listings from your closet that other people have liked or bundled. There is a filter button on the left side about a third of the way down, that will allow you to sort those items by bundles, likes, or all. It's a good idea to look there daily, and check to see if anyone has bundled. If you see that someone has bundled items, but not purchase them, you have an option to offer them a lower price for the bundle.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique at the top of that screen you will see the words shop and sell. If you click on the word shop, it will take you to the items you have liked in other people's closets. This is where you can bundle. Some sellers have a discount if you bundle two or three items or more and buy them all at once.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique If you decide you want to buy multiple items, there will be a bundle button underneath each listing in that area. Click that button to put that item in a bundle. That screen will show you how much your bundled items will be with that discount. If you like the price, just click the buy button and make your purchase.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique if someone has put the items from your page and their dressing room, is because they have liked the item or items. In general, if someone has only liked one item from my closet I don't do anything. Some people will respond to each and every like on any of their items.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique Everyone has a different idea on the etiquette involved. Some people like to be approached and others will block you from their closet for responding to a single like. Some people feel like it's a badgering, but not everyone does. I usually wait until someone has liked two or more of my items to respond in anyway.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique I am going to share a listing to your closet. I keep it at the top of my page, and I also use it as a way to connect with people who have liked multiple items and make them aware that I have a discount available. If someone has like two or more items I will direct share it to their closet.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique The way to direct share a listing to someone's closet is to click on the hanger icon at the top of their page. It will initially popped up showing items you have liked in their closet, or pretty much nothing if you haven't. Go to the top of the screen and click on the words in the middle. That will allow you to flip over to your side of the closet and gives you the option to share from there.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique you can also Connect by making a comment to them, either on their meet the Posher page or on your listing if you want to. Some people like it better if you just share a listing like I do, some people like it if you don't do anything at all, and others like it if you comment. There's no way of knowing which method is going to be OK with each person. So do what you feel comfortable with doing.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique you can also request that someone "styles" you. They will then direct share items to your closet that they think you might like. Sometimes people share these listings without the request from you.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique if you like any of the items that were shared to you, just click the heart to like it and save it for later, or buy it. This is another etiquette dilemma. Some people don't mind if you share to their closet without them requesting it, and other people get really annoyed by it.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique I know it was long-winded, but I figured it was easier to explain it this way and make sure you have a thorough understanding. Hopefully I answered the question in the middle of that somewhere. If not, let me know.
Sep 28Reply

@kenbreyboutique A lot of times people are just windowshopping and like in the items they find along the way. Sometimes they like them so they can buy them later, sometimes they like them because they just like to come back and look at them. There is a pair of Alexander McQueen shoes that I'm obsessed with. I will never be able to afford them in this lifetime, but I like to go look at them.… LOL
Sep 28Reply

Thanks for the like 😊I am open to offers@gemstone14kt
Oct 04Reply

Hi Sheila, you have such a beautiful wardrobe. Its nice to meet you. Happy Sunday Hugs ~ Anna
Jan 29Reply

@steveanna29 Hi - it’s nice to meet you as well - your closet is just as beautiful - I really appreciate the POSH love and I am going to share your closet with my followers, too!!! Stay in touch and Happy POSHing!🌹
Jan 29Reply

@kenbreyboutique Aww ty sheila, If you would like to.... i have a 20 for 20 share listing if you post there, we can always help each other share, anyday anytime lol. 😘
Jan 29Reply

@steveanna29 Hi - ok, I would be more than happy to help you -
Jan 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hi there ! 😊 I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark. I invite you to check out my closet for brand new items with Tags from the most popular brands and in all sizes. Items for men and women. Check out my closet for sales like BOGO 50% OFF on all Winter items, and many more. Feel free to make offers on the items you like and I will work with you. Happy Poshing 😃
Mar 10Reply

Hi Shelia! You have a very nice closet! 😊
Mar 18Reply

@breez_74 Hi - I didn’t know you POSHmarked!
Jun 17Reply

@kenbreyboutique lol yassss
Jun 17Reply

Hi Kenbrey, not sure how to contact you other than leaving a comment. :) Just wanted to be sure you received my payment for the Tory skirt. Haven’t received it yet but looking forward to it.
Thanks a bunch and let me know if you need anything else.
Jul 25Reply

I love the fashion drawings at the top of your page !!
May 24Reply

@studioplum Hi - thank you!
May 25Reply

☺️Thank You for the Likes☺️
May 03Reply
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