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Updated Jul 08
Updated Jul 08

Meet your Posher, Shelly

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shelly. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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karenpanzirer Hi Shelly - I am SO sorry but my sister without telling me added the Amalfi heels to our donation clothing so I don’t have them to sell. I apologize for not updating the listing but I didn’t realize it!
Nov 30Reply
terrikay101 Hi Shelly, I must apologize, I just saw your offer on the perfume bottle, it has expired, I'll try to send you the $17 offer u made, but if it doesn't let me maybe you can send it again. I'm so sorry I missed your offer the first time.
Dec 06Reply
terrikay101 Hi Shelly, I just noticed your order was duplicated. Did you want 2 of the bottles? If not, you should be able to cancel one of them. Let me know if I can help.
Dec 07Reply
sjsealeswa @terrikay101 Thank you for catching that. I will try to cancel one and let you know what happened. Thanks again.
Dec 07Reply
esmwings Thanks for the 5 stars and kind words, much appreciated!!😊❤️
Dec 08Reply
sjsealeswa @esmwings - of course! You earned it. 👍
Dec 08Reply
esmwings @sjsealeswa I just saw your second package is slightly delayed, hope you get it soon, so funny because I mailed it right away, thanks again for your purchases !!
Dec 08Reply
cheryllynn502 Hi thanks for your past order. I am currently having an amazing bundle offer buy any 2 items for $9 and over choose 1 item for $8 and under and I’ll throw the 1 $8 item in for free. Plus you receive a 10% discount on you bundled items and one price shipping. Because you are a return customer I’ll also give you an extra 20% return customer discount. Come check out my closet for this amazing offer and new listings. ☺️
Dec 08Reply
cheryllynn502 Thank you for the awesome rating!!! Glad you liked your items and the fast shipping. I’m adding items daily. If you choose to shop more items in my a closet bundle those items and let me know you are a repeat repeat repeat customer and I’ll give you 40% off and you’ll also receive your 10% bundle and one price shipping. Thank you for visiting my closet and for your orders. 😊
Dec 09Reply
marriah_m86 hi, just dropping by to invite you to my closet, i have lots of gently used and semi used kids clothes..shoe etc, let me know if you need anything
Dec 10Reply
esmwings Thanks again for the 5 stars and wonderful review, much appreciated 💕💕
Dec 11Reply
sarrah Hi there. So nice to meet you! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique and closet. If you have any questions please let me know, I’m happy to help. Have a beautiful day and happy poshing 💛 Sarah
Dec 11Reply
sjsealeswa @sarrah thank you. I've just cruised through your closet. Beautiful things. Will be back to shop just for me soon.
Dec 11Reply
sarrah @sjsealeswa Thank you so much ♥️🥰
Dec 11Reply
cheryllynn502 Thank you for your order your rating and comment. I add items often please let me know if you like any new listings let me know you are a return customer multiple times over and I’ll give you 40% off on any one item or if you bundle you’ll get 50% off your bundle and one price shipping again thank you 🙏🏻 😊
Dec 13Reply
cheryllynn502 TYf for orders. Here is a little about me. I was In An accident in April of this last year I was hit at high speed from behind I. My Toyota Tacoma truck. I worked I. Dallas and owned a home in the country which that’s were I was headed. My truck rolled 3 x. My dogs were in the bed of the truck in a crate and survived. I brake both bones in my upper forearm and had my pinky amputated. I was a certified professional coder. I’m selling my closet because I can no longer work. TY for your order
Dec 13Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️❤️
Dec 18Reply
mia_lynch34 hi shelly! the scarf you bought actually had a hole so my mom sent it to goodwill, however, i do have 2 more on my poshmark that are equally as pretty if you would like one of those instead… also these were my grandmas that she never wore and gave to me before she died and her name was also shelly but we called her honey so you actually made my day by buying this i saw it as a sign. just let me know if you would like a different scarf instead or i can just cancel the order… thank you!
Dec 20Reply
sjsealeswa @mia_lynch34 oh, I'm sad. I looked at that scarf 3 times. I really loved it. It kept calling to me. thank you for the other offers but it truly was about that specific scarf.
Dec 21Reply
mia_lynch34 @sjsealeswa omg! it is your lucky day!!! my mom got rid of the other blue one. it was a miscommunication! i will ship it out tomorrow! i am so sorry for the confusion!
Dec 21Reply
sjsealeswa @mia_lynch34 oh my goodness! no problem. thank you so much. I have a feeling this is going to be a very special piece for me. thanks again.
Dec 21Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly...Im shipping your blue glasses tomorrow. Its taken me a minute to find everything in your bundle and will ship ASAP. Thanks for your purchases!
Dec 21Reply
tiifff hi thank you.....for your order and for the 5 stars happy holidays....☺☺
Dec 22Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collections of Indian and western outfits for women , girls and babies . I’ve also got handmade crochet baby dresses and hand painted decorative glass wares on sale . Please let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you .. Happy poshing 💐
Dec 23Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi thank you for the purchase ❣️I will ship the dress tomorrow , happy holidays and merry Christmas 💐💐
Dec 24Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly....I will accept both of your offers. Woylld u like to bundle them for an additional 10% iff?
Dec 24Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 Yes please. I appreciate that very much.
Dec 24Reply
sjsealeswa @sheerinfarhana thank you. Happy Holidays to you too.
Dec 24Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Okay awesome. Just bundle the two and i will change the amount. Also...i have 2 of the 3 items for your previous bundle. I m trying to locate the scarf as things have been moved around.🤦
Dec 24Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa I forgot to offer a discount so I will add the discount in an envelope with the glasses in cash. Are you good with that?
Dec 24Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 that's fine. thank you.
Dec 24Reply
cheryllynn502 Hi Shelly. Hope your holidays are going amazing well. I have added new items to my closet if you’d like to stop by and check them out 😊
Dec 27Reply
sheerinfarhana Thankyou for your rating and love note 🥰
Dec 27Reply
anitracarter I’m Anitra & I would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer or you can send me one. Thanks & Happy Holidays 😉 Posh Ambassador
Dec 30Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Hi Shelly...I sent your glasses out and for the life of me I'm still looking for the swimsuit. If u can bear with me another day....ill search tomorrow. thanks!
Dec 30Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 i can't find a picture of the bathing suit. Can you send it to me.
Dec 30Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Look on the 16th of December
Dec 30Reply
smilineyes95621 Hi Shelley, As someone who has purchased from my closet before, I really appreciate you!💗 I want to extend an exclusive offer of a 40% discount on a bundle of two or more items today (12/30), tomorrow (12/31), and Saturday (1/1/22). I am celebrating the end of 2021 & the beginning of a wonderful new year, 2022 🎉 Just bundle your likes, send me an offer for 40% off the bundle and I'll accept! Happy New Year!
Dec 30Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! Would you like to trade out these shoes for the swimsuit?
Dec 31Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 is it a little girl's bathing suit? I'm still pretty new and I do this on my phone app. And I don't know how to go back and look at pictures of orders. I wasn't able to find the order. that why I keep asking for a picture or a description. Sorry - getting old.
Dec 31Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Lol....I feel ya! The swimsuit was a women's size 18. I will search again tomorrow...i had to relocate stuff and I m not finding things. Its all good. I hope your glassware arrived safe and sound!!
Dec 31Reply
taradavis904 BTW...if you go to " My Purchases" after clicking onto your name in the lower eight corner it will show you everything.
Dec 31Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa I do everything on my phone.
Dec 31Reply
vintagedivine88 Hi Shelly, I noticed late last night (my time) you repeatedly made and cancelled identical offers on my vintage earrings. Let me know if there’s something I can help you with!
Jan 01Reply
sjsealeswa @vintagedivine88 my apologies. I'm new. 😆 And it was getting later than I'm usually awake. Anyway, I started by putting the item in a bundle so I would have it there if I found a couple of other items. somewhere along the line I had one in and one out. so I was trying to adjust it. I'm sure there is a better way and I need to get used to seeing the same ads for some items. I've done this before. Thank you for offering your help I appreciate it.
Jan 01Reply
vintagedivine88 @sjsealeswa no problem! Just let me know any time you might need help! We were all new here once and sometimes it takes a while to figure things out!
Jan 01Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly....Happy New Year!! I'm a little concerned that the glasses made it okay to you.
Jan 02Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! In so glad the glasses made it to you in good shape! Thank you so much for all of your purchases and the kind words! You should be getting your next package shortly.
Jan 04Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 of course - you've earned it and I can tell you are very dedicated to your business. And thanks for helping me. I hadn't ever bought anything on Poshmark until this Christmas Season. When everything settles, I've got a few items I might put on. Thanks again. Hope your Holidays were great.
Jan 04Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa It's my full time gig since retiring last year. Its fun and I like hinting for treasures. You will have fun as well...and I will shop from your closet too!!
Jan 04Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 oh - Good for You. It's nice to do something that you like AND you're the boss. 👍👍👍
Jan 04Reply
sinsofcyn G'MORNING SHELLY 🌄 Great Taste in UniqueGlassware 😉( viewed Your past purchases ) 🙏 BEST WISHES for YOU & YOURS in the NEW YEAR 🍾 Cynthia 🐾 PLEASE 🐾FOLLOW 🐾🐾🐾 🐕 MY MESSY LIL CLOSET AND VINTAGE STUFFED CUPBOARDS 💃 STROLL 💃 OFTEN .......... OPEN 24/7 LOL 🛍 🎁 CUSTOMIZED MYSTERY BOX AWAITS YOUR REQUEST 🎁
Jan 04Reply
hoarderhaven Thank you so much for your order, I had some other German jewelry vintage and most of it was stolen. I’m sorry your order is late, was already to go but bc I do not have a printer or car, I hire someone to go to UPS to pick up the labels. I explained a little bit on my homepage, but this time the emails I sent to UPS are lacking the attachments and So my orders are all backed up until we can fix this tech problem which is never happened before
Jan 05Reply
hoarderhaven Since I became bedridden I have to also find someone to go to the post office for me but I did manage to get your label and so it should be mailed tomorrow, just thought I better let you know, thanks again, Trina
Jan 05Reply
sjsealeswa @hoarderhaven Thank you. I'm sorry you've had to deal with all that. Apparently Poshmark sends out e-mails after a certain amount of days. I didn't send anything. No worries. I know all about being bedridden. It has happened to me as well. A difficult adjustment. Take care.
Jan 06Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! Thank you sooooo much for your latest are becoming my best customer!! I mailed the glass dish today. Its packed in a food delivery box...just a heads up for you. It has the safest packing material.
Jan 06Reply
smilineyes95621 Hi. Happy you liked your purchase! Thanks for the great review! Your other order is going to take a bit longer according to Poshmark. Darn Post office! I hope it arrives soon. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 07Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Shelly :)
Jan 07Reply
deli126 Hi there, 💕Welcome to Poshmark. Stop by anytime and check out my closet. I have so many items to chose from. Open to Reasonable offers, also bundle and save and shipping too. 🛍
Jan 08Reply
smilineyes95621 Hi Shelly! Glad you liked the dress! it was beautiful on my daughter. Enjoy!
Jan 09Reply
bohobeth42 Thank you for your patience between bad weather and Covid booster shot side effects the item just went out today
Jan 10Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! Oh I'm so glad the bowl made it in one piece!! And thrilled that you love it!!
Jan 13Reply
taradavis904 Shelly...You are quickly becoming my nest and favorite customer!! Glad the Octopus makes you happy!!
Jan 14Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 and I'm very picky. So that tells me how good you are running your business. Very good job. Thank you.
Jan 15Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa And Thank you for your kind words!
Jan 15Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , how are you? We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off. Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our 400+ Listing Accessories. Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 16Reply
mar112233 Hey Shelly!! Welcome to Poshmark 🥰🎉 Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, Calvin Klein, Zara, Michael Kors, Betsey Johnson, Vince Camuto, Lucky Brand, and many more designer brands, all SIZES, all NWT and all at 50% - 70% off retail prices. I am open to offers! I hope you are having a wonderful week and a Happy New Year!! 🥳 ♥️
Jan 20Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! I got the bowls washed and am ready to ship but I notices that The bigger ones are actually Anchor Hocking and the smaller 3 are Pyrex. They all fit beautifully together but I miss- labelled them. Do you still want them?
Jan 21Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 no worries. if they fit thats fine.
Jan 21Reply
bellanova14 @sjsealeswa Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchase is $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total plus discounted shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁
Jan 22Reply
aa_boutique Thank you Shelly for your rating ❤️❤️❤️just to let you know I have a sale going on in case you like something else from my closet 🤩3 items for $25 plus 2 surprise gifts 🎁🥳🥳🥳happy poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 23Reply
nat_med Hello! I will get your order shipped in a few days! Family thing came up but getting your item to you is my priority for tomorrow! Thank you!
Jan 23Reply
sjsealeswa @nat_med Thank you. Sorry to hear about the family issue. As long as everyone is safe all will settle. 👍
Jan 23Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤It’s nice to meet you🧤 Wishing you a healthy, happy 🥳 New Year🥳
Jan 24Reply
sjsealeswa @bestdressed995 thanks. You too.
Jan 24Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! You have very good taste!
Jan 24Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 It's also my favorite color!
Jan 24Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Oh nice! I shipped it today. Did the bowls all arrive safely?
Jan 24Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 yes - perfect. I'm doing my accepted part now. They are great and arrive perfect. I love your friends boxes. They are perfect for these items. Thank you! ❤️ You do a very good job.
Jan 25Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Thank you so much for all your business!!
Jan 25Reply
taradavis904 oh wonderful!! so glad they made it in one piece! Did you find your gift?? Thanks for all the kind words!! You're on of my favorite buyers!!! have excellent taste!!😜
Jan 25Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 I only shop at the best places. 😎 Yes - I did - very sweet of you. I've got this ocean/teal thing going on. Goes with my mermaid collection. 😁 Thank you Tara. I appreciate it.
Jan 25Reply
taradavis904 Awesome!! glad you like them.
Jan 25Reply
ambersfasion756 🌹Hi there, feel free to check out my Buy 1 get 2 Free Sale on All items in my closet🌹 ❤️I am Also Open to All Offers❤️
Jan 25Reply
sjsealeswa @shopsiec I'm so sorry I'm getting back to you late. Thank you for all your help. I decided I didn't need the white dress and that's the only way I knew how to do it. I'm looking forward to receiving my order. Very nice items in your closet. Wish I were a bit smaller. I could really, really have some fun. Thanks again.
Jan 26Reply
ruecler Thank you sooo much!! Your bracelet will be in the mail tomorrow!!
Jan 26Reply
sjsealeswa @ruecler Thank you!
Jan 26Reply
isabel_hicks Hi 👋🏽 thank you for your purchase. Your item will be sent ASAP. :) 🌺
Jan 28Reply
sjsealeswa @isabel_hicks Thank you dear.
Jan 28Reply
loriricci396 ty for the great review on the hue pant. I have several pair listed. please feel free to make an offer. :)
Jan 28Reply
3unflower @sjsealeswa Thank you for your purchase I will ship out today :)
Jan 28Reply
cheryllynn502 Hi Shelley. I just made you a private offer on your likes. I just want to let you know that if you except this offer I’m going to through in a special free give based on a match of your previous likes items or items you have ordered in the past maybe both. Thanks for visiting my closet and for your past orders!! 🥰
Jan 28Reply
sjsealeswa @cheryllynn502 Excellent! Thank you. I will check it out. You are very good at customer service. I appreciate that.
Jan 28Reply
sjsealeswa @cheryllynn502 hey I've found a few things. maybe more tmew. 👍
Jan 29Reply
sjsealeswa @shopsiec no problem. I can wait. I hope your parents recover quickly and are well as soon as possible.
Jan 30Reply
coconutsparks Hey Shelly! You just purchased my bracelet for $3, that’s with a $30 purchase, love. Let me know if you want to cancel or keep shopping❤️
Jan 30Reply
sjsealeswa @coconutsparks I keep doing wierd things like that. I think I should take the training course. I'm going to look at your merchandise real quick and I'll get right back to you.
Jan 30Reply
coconutsparks @sjsealeswa It’s perfectly ok 😉 It took me forever to learn the little that I know, lol. Just let me know, if you do decide to make a bundle, I can give you a great discount. ❤️
Jan 30Reply
sjsealeswa @coconutsparks I got to $30. picked up a couple of things that are very nice. If these are your clothes you are the size everyone would like to be. As we were when we were younger. Thanks for you patience. You have some very lovely things in your closet.
Jan 30Reply
coconutsparks @sjsealeswa Awwww you’re too kind❤️ You’ve picked some really cute things! I’m happy to ship you one of the bracelets. I can only let one go though because they are for larger purchases. Thanks, Shelly🥰
Jan 30Reply
sjsealeswa @coconutsparks I thought they looked like fun. I don't work anymore. Not to mention I'm way past traveling at this point as well as your size. 🙂 You do whatever you need to do.
Jan 30Reply
classydiva55 Hello Shelly. Thank you so much for shopping with me 💗 I will ship your purse today 🙂
Jan 31Reply
laurafay Vintage earrings are not ever going to be in brand new condition.
Feb 03Reply
sjsealeswa @laurafay thank you. I have many vintage items. Just love them.
Feb 04Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! Im so happy you like the glasses!! Thanks as always for your kind words and orders! Tara
Feb 04Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!!!. You are by far my favorite person on Poshmark!! I will ship Monday. Thank you!
Feb 06Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 Thank you. You have fantastic merchandise and are very easy to work with and I appreciate that very much. I'm going to have to buy another cabinet for all these beautiful things. 😍😊
Feb 06Reply
taradavis904 @sjsealeswa Lol...I don't have one of those!😜 And you have great taste!
Feb 06Reply
jennifereveart Dear Shelly, Welcome to Poshmark! Please visit my closet.💜 I PROMISE you will find something that you want to make your own🥰 I have a selection for Women, men, kids, one of a kind artwork and some amazing and classic vintage treasures. Have an absolutely lovely upcoming week and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or offers💜 Jennifer Eve
Feb 07Reply
taradavis904 Thank you for all the kind words. So glad you like the martini set!!!
Feb 11Reply
parlourobscura 🤗Hi Shelly. 💕 stop by my closet anytime. I am at a new merchandise weekly.👏 💙Enjoy💙. 🦋Parlour🦋
Feb 11Reply
tinkszxo thank you so much for the review
Feb 17Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi and 🍍Welcome 🛍Hope you find everything you need on Poshmark 🛍 I would 💕 love it if you would consider stopping by my closet and following me 💫. Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
Feb 18Reply
bestdressed995 Hi Shelly, thanks for stopping by my closet and for the likes 👍
Feb 19Reply
twinsdesign @sjsealeswa Love Poshmark! Love how everyone has something different and open 24/7. Stop by anytime I have One Of a Kind handmade jewelry and more. @Twinsdesign
Feb 22Reply
tspille11 Hello! If you are looking to do a little shopping I invite you to check out my closet. I am a nursing student trying to sell to help pay for school. I am very willing to negotiate any price. My closet is free shipping on bundles over $40! Thank you!
Feb 23Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Thanks for the 5💫 star rating.
Feb 23Reply
ptrunner99 I'm glad you love the Hue leggings! Enjoy
Feb 23Reply
frankiescloset_ Hey!! I am mailing out your package today. I have been at a work conference in Florida and the post office never grabbed your packets for pick up on Wednesday. I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience!!!
Feb 26Reply
sjsealeswa @frankiescloset_ OK- thanks for letting me know. 👍
Feb 27Reply
karol9594 I would love to share with you my closet and please let me know if you have any questions 😊💓 Enjoy shopping 😊🎉
Feb 28Reply
wildergrey Hi Shelly! Thanks so much for the rating and your kind words ☺️. So glad you’re happy with the dress! ✨🖤✨
Mar 02Reply
tinkszxo hey there, thanks for the review 🥰 hope you enjoy it!
Mar 03Reply
sjsealeswa @tinkszxo it's very nice. A gift for my daughter. She will love it. 😍
Mar 03Reply
lapatatedouce @sjsealeswa Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchase is $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total plus discounted shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁
Mar 03Reply
propick2018 Thank you for your purchase. I will ship your shirt tomorrow 😎
Mar 03Reply
sjsealeswa @propick2018 I'm looking at some more things in your closet. 👍
Mar 04Reply
propick2018 HAVE FUN😎
Mar 04Reply
propick2018 Thank you for your purchase. I will ship your handbag tomorrow.😎
Mar 04Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying and/or selling on Poshmark! I'd love it if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet 🥰 Happy Poshing!
Mar 04Reply
Mar 08Reply
bellanova14 @sjsealeswa Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 08Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on an item that catches your eye 🥰
Mar 09Reply
breeana Your crystal will ship today, thanks a bunch and I hope all is well- I’m going to be a Grandma in November!!!! 💗💗💗
Mar 10Reply
sjsealeswa @breeana awww. Congratulations. You will enjoy that for sure. ❤
Mar 11Reply
halfpint_team welcome to check out my Closet and My friend @halfpintlove
Mar 12Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 12Reply
melllkcia ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women, men and girls items.If you bundle, you’ll be able to save money!! ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Mar 14Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Mar 14Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷
Mar 16Reply
cattees Hi Shelly, thank you for purchasing my insulated wine bag. I will pack it up this morning and have it in the mail before noon today! Thanks again 😊 Cathy
Mar 16Reply
bellanova14 @sjsealeswa Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I send you a special discounted offer of 25% off on your total plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Mar 18Reply
melllkcia ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women, men and girls items.If you bundle, you’ll be able to save money!! ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Mar 19Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Mar 19Reply
Mar 20Reply
cattees Hi Shelly, just saw your review - thank you for the 5 stars and your positive feedback! I appreciate it very much. Thanks again and enjoy your bag! Cathy
Mar 20Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️ Hi 🛍Its nice to meet you🛍 I hope you find everything you ❤️love on Poshmark 🛍. 💎There are so many beautiful closets here💎 I’d love if you’d consider stopping by my closet and following me. 💫I am a posh ambassador so feel free to contact me if you have any questions❓ When I first started on Poshmark, I found the Poshmark FAQs helpful as well as asking a direct question On Google. There are also how to videos on YouTube. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
Mar 24Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! Please let me know if you have any questions & I will try to help you. Please check out my closet for name brand clothing! Please follow my closet @Missmoly. I sell Torrid, Lane Bryant in plus sizes, children’s boutique and regular nice brands and much more. (ROCK REVIVAL , Miss Me, Bke, KanCan, ARIAT and so much more!) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 25Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Moschino, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Mar 25Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Mar 26Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤 It’s nice to meet you🧤 🛍 I hope you find everything you love on Poshmark🛍 💎There are so many beautiful closets here💎 I’d love if you would consider 🛑 stopping by my closet and following me. 💫 When I first began on Poshmark, I found it helpful to use the Poshmark FAQs as a reference. 📖 I also found it helpful to use ask a specific question on Google, and, using how-to videos on YouTube. I’m a Poshmark Ambassador,contact me with any ?’s. Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Mar 27Reply
cutenbougie Hey love! I have a lot of jewelry and clothes sales going on! be sure to check out my closet!
Apr 12Reply
whodat26 Hello fellow posher!🎉🎁🎉 looking for DISNEY PINS I have been selling on posh since 2013-check out my closet of Disney Pins to create custom bundles of tons of listings I have to choose from. I will include a free gift with your 1st bundle purchase. Check out my many 5🌟ratings to be assured of my product as well! Happy shopping! Make sure to mention this 😁😁
Apr 14Reply
utopia21 Thank you Shelly @sjsealeswa .. I will ship tomorrow⚘️
Apr 17Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷
Apr 18Reply
bestdressed995 👋 Hi. 💫It’s nice to meet you 💫 🛍 Hope you find everything you ❤️ love on Poshmark 🛍💎💎 There are so many beautiful closets here 💎 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Apr 19Reply
ldmtreasures Hey Welcome I’m Linda Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours💋 I Love Jewelry ALL Styles and Shapes Buy Made in America One Of A Kind Jewelry
Apr 21Reply
its_crystal28 @sjsealeswa Hi Shelley🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗
Apr 24Reply
shabbyjeans50 @sjsealeswa Hi Shelly ~ Thank you for your purchase. This top is really cute. I hope you will love it. I will get your package out today. Blessings, Shell
Apr 27Reply
cutehosiery Hey, gun. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 28Reply
thelaurelleaf Thank you for your purchase, Shelly! It will ship today. 😃
May 02Reply
bestdressed995 Hi 🙋‍♀️ 👋It’s nice to meet you👋. 🛍I hope you find everything you ❤️ love on Poshmark 🛍 💎There are so many beautiful closets here💎 💫Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
May 03Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋It’s nice to meet you👋. 💫I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark💫. There are so many beautiful closets here. I’d love 💕 if you would consider stopping by my closet and following me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
May 05Reply
shabbyjeans50 @sjsealeswa Shelly, thanks so much for all of the wonderful reviews and 5 stars. You are truly appreciated. Shell
May 07Reply
thelaurelleaf Thank you so much for the great rating, Shelly! Happy to hear that you are pleased with your purchase! 🥰 💕
May 09Reply
alyssahartle351 Hey!! I would love it if you’d check out my closet!! I am super negotiable, so feel free to bundle and offer:))
May 10Reply
pattyalbers Hello Shelly, I’m Patty. Next time you are enjoying shopping on Poshmark, check out my closet. I have a variety of items, you might find a treasure or two! Have a beautiful day 🌻
May 10Reply
starcruson Hey there...stop by soon. Great items! Blessings!
May 15Reply
freardon14 Hi! I see that you bought the NASA t-shirt. I will be shipping that to you today!
May 20Reply
nikler Hello I see your mermaid costume arrived I hope u love it and don’t forget to rate it and I thank u again
May 20Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time :) I am accepting every offer!
May 26Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelley! Thank you for both if your purchases! I disnt see the soup tureen until after I shipped the necklace and earrings. Will ship tureen tomorrow.
May 27Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! I am accepting every offer for Memorial Day! :)
May 28Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 31Reply
darlascottage Thank you so much (again!) Great to “see” you! Darla
May 31Reply
chicnation @sjsealeswa hi happy early summer from Chic Nation
May 31Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 Its nice to meet you 👋. 🛍 I hope you find everything you ❤️ love on Poshmark🛍 💎 There are so many beautiful closets here. 💎I’d love ❤️ if you would consider❤️ stopping by my closet and following me. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
Jun 02Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly! Sorry for the delay in shipping. I mussed the window at the P.O. today so will ship first thing Monday Have a great weekend!
Jun 04Reply
yousneakymom Hi thanks for the rating and nice comments. Glad everything worked out for you. 💗💗
Jun 04Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 05Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Jun 06Reply
thebohomermaid 🌼🦋🍄Hi! My name is Katie! I hope this finds you well & brings you an abundant amount of Posh love!🥰💟I invite you to👀 at my closet that is filled w/TONS of UNIQUE boutique jewelry pieces📿, women’s/kids clothing👗& more! 🌈 All items $11⬆️=Buy 2 Get 1🆓 ➕ $10⬇️=5/$25 ✨ ~Katie, 🏆Posh Ambassador/Top Rated Seller🧿🪬🔮☮️
Jun 06Reply
happygomall Shelly, Thank you for your purchase. I will get it in the mail to you tomorrow! Rachel
Jun 07Reply
montreasures Hi!! I just wanted to stop by and let you know about my 3 for $20 sale! EVERYTHING in my closet is eligible 🎉 I have TONS of items for sale so you will definitely find something you love! Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jun 09Reply
shrinkmindy Hi Shelly- Unfortunately I think I donated this robe by accident. My apologies for the disappointment and your loss of time. I need to cancel.
Jun 09Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jun 12Reply
happygomall Shelly, Thank you very much for the rating and nice note. I’m so glad you like the earrings! Rachel
Jun 12Reply
taradavis904 Hi Shelly!! Im so happy it made it the safely! Thanks so much for the business! Happy Summer!!
Jun 13Reply
sjsealeswa @taradavis904 yes! Thanks Tara. It's very pretty. looks so pretty in the kitchen. ttyl 👍
Jun 13Reply
happygomall Shelly, Thanks for the nice rating and sweet note. I’m so happy that you’re happy! Rachel
Jun 13Reply
happygomall Shelly, Did you mean to purchase the same earrings that were already in your bundle?
Jun 13Reply
sjsealeswa @happygomall i don't think so. Which ones are they? I've been buying a pair here and there.
Jun 13Reply
sjsealeswa @happygomall you earned it. Good job. 👍
Jun 13Reply
happygomall You bought an acrylic pair from me today that are also in your bundle. Do you want me to switch to the Ruby red pair you liked or did you want two of the same?
Jun 13Reply
sjsealeswa @happygomall Oh Yes! I liked those as well. Thank you!
Jun 14Reply
happygomall @sjsealeswa Ok. I will put the red ones instead in the box. I thought 2 of the blue/ green ones was probably a mistake !
Jun 14Reply
sjsealeswa @happygomall thank you. I appreciate your patience and support 👍
Jun 14Reply
happygomall @sjsealeswa I wish everyone in the world was as nice as you. It would be a much better place! Rachel
Jun 14Reply
ninaracquel hi! please rate your purchase from me when you can. thanks for buying! 🙂
Jun 14Reply
utopia21 Thank you Shelly @sjsealeswa .. I will ship today⚘️
Jun 15Reply
justbagit Hi Shelley why don’t you make an offer on a Tommy Hilfiger white blouse? It can’t hurt. Lol
Jun 15Reply
fozchi Hi Shelly! Thanks for your purchase. I will ship tomorrow, sorry I couldn’t get it out sooner as I am in transit but wanted to let you know.
Jun 17Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi Shelly! We’re My Added Sparkle, and we’d love for you to check out our closet, full of jewelry and accessories! If anything catches your eye, we have a 3 for $30 sale going on! Or, if your bundle is over $50, you get not only a discount, but free shipping, too! Visit our website,, for great deals and ALWAYS free shipping! Use code “sparkle2022” for 25% off your purchase from our website! Thanks, have a great day! 🥂✨
Jun 17Reply
montreasures Thank you so much for the 5-star rating and kind words. I am so glad you loved your purchase. Have a wonderful evening 🎉
Jun 17Reply
happygomall Shelly, Thank you for your rating and thoughtful note. I appreciate that you always take the time to do that! Rachel
Jun 18Reply
sjsealeswa @happygomall I appreciate your professionalism very much. 👍
Jun 19Reply
happygomall @sjsealeswa Awwww…Thanks, Shelly!
Jun 19Reply
aa_boutique Hi 👋 I am doing a sale ❤️I have like 250 items in my closet left 😉‼️EVERYTHING MUST GO‼️ Take a look and let me know♨️if you like something ❤️❤️❤️ I am open to all offers 🙋🏻‍♀️ I have a sale in my closet 3 items for $25 , take a look and bundle your likes ❤️❤️❤️ plus 2 free gifts 🎁
Jun 19Reply
denejkivdom Hello, how are you today, Hope you find a minute to take a look at my closet, offers are always welcome! Thank you for looking and have a wonderful day))) Viva @denejkivdom
Jun 19Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would for you to stop by and take a look at my closet, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉❤️💫
Jun 20Reply
vintagebitchaz Happy Monday! Thanks for the like I'm accepting all *resonable* offers ❤️1 DAY SALE! Right now I’m running a BUNDLE 6 Items get 50% off! So come take a look! Thanks 😊
Jun 20Reply
addictionsbyali @sjsealeswa Aye Shelly. Thanks for the purchase! I apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately, I am away from home until the weekend (Friday evening). I plan to ship Sat - Mon. Is that alright?
Jun 22Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Jun 22Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time? I am accepting every offer!
Jun 23Reply
pamelamarie62 🌸🐾~*Hi, check out my closet for brands you ❤️~*🐾 🌸I have a closet full on wonderful items and offer great deals and discounts especially when bundled😊~*Current Specials: ⭐️10 for $10 Sale. Look for items that have the ⭐️ symbol, like & bundle! 5 Lb limit per order⭐️
Jun 26Reply
pamelamarie62 🌸🐾~*Hi, check out my closet for brands you ❤️~*🐾 🌸I have a closet full on wonderful items and offer great deals and discounts especially when bundled😊~*Current Specials: ⭐️10 for $10 Sale. Look for items that have the ⭐️ symbol, like & bundle! 5 Lb limit per order⭐️
Jun 26Reply
fozchi Hi Shelly! Were you able to ship the dress mistakenly sent when I accidentally swapped orders? I see the other buyer did send your correct item. Poshmark has sent over a slip to mail the package over. I’d greatly appreciate it so that the other buyer can be fulfilled. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience (it was my first orders!).
Jul 01Reply
sjsealeswa @fozchi oh dear. I'm glad you sent me another message. I forgot all about it. I'm so sorry. Can you send a photo to me. I don't remember which one it is. That would be helpful because I really don't remember getting anything that I hadn't ordered but that doesn't mean it's not here. I just have a lot going on and can't remember it. Thanks.
Jul 01Reply
fozchi @sjsealeswa totally understand! Thx 4 responding. basically your navy blue satin pjs went to someone &their orange Zara dress went to you (I goofed,put wrong labels on). Poshmark emailed you a label to ship the other item to correct buyer & the other buyer shipped you your correct item. I can’t figure out how to send a pic or message to you but I asked Poshmark to do so. If you go to my shop I think you could see it’s Zara. Orange. 3/4 bell sleeve,length at about knees.
Jul 01Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Jul 08Reply
missdanielle27 Hi Shelly! I just packaged and dropped off your order! Thank you so much for shopping in my closet and encouraging me to continue on my Poshmark Journey! Have a great day! 💙💌📫📦
Jul 12Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋. 🛍 I hope you find everything you love ❤️on Poshmark🛍. 💎 There are so many beautiful closets here💎. I would love if you would consider stopping 🛑 by my closet and following me. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any help you may need as a new Posher. 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Jul 15Reply
bellanova14 @sjsealeswa Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗 💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases $50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I will send you a private special discounted offer of 20% off on your total purchase plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁 Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍 All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Jul 17Reply
linds8848 Hi, welcome to poshmark love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I have good deals on everything and I have a bundle of 10% off 2 or more items. I also have 3/$10, 3/$12, 3/$15 deals! Kids deal is 5/$13! Have a blessed day!😊🛍
Aug 02Reply
bohochictrends ❤️ Hi Beautiful. I am clearing out my closet offering great deals on individual and bundle orders. "Like" any item in my closet and you will receive a 32% discounted offer plus $4.99 shipping. I have Kate Spade, J. Crew, Lululemon, FLY London, Vintage Suede Coats, RL Long Puffer coat, boho items, Free People, lots of leather shoes, plus around 200 decor pieces I am selling for a friend. The more you bundle, the larger the discount. ❤️
Aug 03Reply
its_crystal28 @sjsealeswa Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to you
Aug 04Reply
halfpintlove ❤ Welcome To Check out my shop
Aug 08Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋Its nice to meet you👋. 🛍 I hope you find everything you love ❤️ on Poshmark 🛍 There ate so many beautiful closets here. 💫Please stop 🛑 by my closet when you get a moment 💫
Aug 13Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet with 👋 🛍 I hope you find everything you love ❤️ here 🛍 Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me. 💫 💫 💫 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck🍀
Aug 16Reply
papocha Hi Shelly, thanks again for your past order and for leaving me a love note. I’m back in the States and selling even more HP and bookish related items if you’re interested! And if not, no pressure, thanks again :)
Aug 17Reply
its_crystal28 @sjsealeswa Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷
Aug 17Reply
tjalkio hi, please check out my closet too.
Aug 26Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 ⭐️ I hope you find everything 💕 you love 💕 here 🛍 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Aug 26Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Sep 02Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Sep 03Reply
shopwithjulieee Hi 👋🏼 please feel free to check out my closet I am having a huge sale! ❤️ Stay blessed 😊
Sep 27Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Oct 08Reply
clothes1234 Hi I invite you to my closet lots of quality jewelry and handmade Swarovski jewelry. I offer EXCELLENT bundle discounts and deals. Thank you kindly and happy poshing 🥰-Stella
Oct 10Reply
shoedip ✨would Love for you to stop by my closet! 🤗✨
Oct 23Reply
superblessed131 happy poshing 😊
Nov 13Reply
aici Hi there, feel free to check out my closet ❤️
Dec 21Reply
radjacketsareus Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝 I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚‍♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 check me out doll
Feb 09Reply
ldmtreasures Hey, I’m Linda & I Love Jewelry~All Kinds. “Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours.” Jewelry Makes the Outfit💕
Apr 03Reply
wanderlust0389 happy Tuesday ☺️☺️ having a mega sale !! add 4 or more items to a bundle get 50% off ENTIRE BUNDLE 💗💗. ALSO HAVING BUY ONE GET ONE FREE DRESS AND PANTS SALE MONTH OF JUNE 🔥🔥🔥 choose which sale works for you 💗💗 same day shipping ❣️💪smoke and pet free home. free gift included in purchase ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Jun 13Reply
jimbel21 Welcome to posh. Feel free to check out my closet.
Jul 13Reply
bellanova14 @sjsealeswa hi please come and visit my closet and if you like something put it in a bundle and I will send you a special discounted offer 🤗💐🛍🎀 I also have a special offer 25% on clothes & 20% off on any 2 or more jewelry take advantage 🤗💐🌺🎀🛍
Sep 07Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🥳 Welcome to Poshmark 🥳 ⭐️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment ⭐️
Oct 09Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello , Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items 🛍️Stop By To Shop🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Womens Mens Kids Fashion Jewelry Holiday & Home Decor 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Apr 27Reply

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Last Active: Oct 08 2022

Oklahoma City, OK
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Last Active: Oct 08 2022

Oklahoma City, OK
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