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Updated Mar 18
Updated Mar 18

Meet your Posher, Sherita

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sherita. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Coach, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lomik and 330 others like this
maryq_boutique Hey welcome to poshmark and thanks for the likes I offer 15% off on any two items in my closet let me know if you have any questions happy poshing🙂
Jan 28Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi. Welcome to Poshmark.  I'm Cora and I'm a 5 star Poshmark Ambassador and Mentor. I'm here to offer you any assistance or answer any questions you may have.  Poshmark is the place to Buy and Sell merchandise securely and with confidence.  If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains and Offering a Mega Mega Sale Prices. Wishing you Abundant Success on your Poshmark journey.  Enjoy your experience.  Remember you can Posh in Pjs. ❄⛄❄
Jan 29Reply
freddielou64 Hi, Sherita. Welcome to Poshmark family. So glad you're here whether buying or selling. I wish you much success. Let me know if I can. Answer any questions on getting started. I would be happy to! Blessings to you. Happy poshing and happy New Year!
Feb 08Reply
gilberts1020 Hi Sherita, Happy Sunday and Welcome to Poshmark!! Thanks for the likes. 😊🌼. Feel free to bundle and make me an offer. I love offers. And Happy Poshing!
Feb 16Reply
sheritaw980 @gilberts1020 thank you and same to you
Feb 16Reply
rissylayne Welcome to Poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks, good luck poshing! 🥰
Feb 21Reply
sheritaw980 @mll0037 thank you. you have a nice closet. keep up the good work.
Feb 21Reply
vbergs1 Thank you for the Likes from my closet! Would you like to Bundle them for an automatic discount? Johnna
Feb 22Reply
sheritaw980 @vbergs1 I apologize I won't be able to at the moment. thank you and I will let you know.nice closet and keep up the good work
Feb 22Reply
vbergs1 @sheritaw980 No problem! Thanks for checking back and have a great day! 😃
Feb 22Reply
sheritaw980 @vbergs1 your welcome
Feb 23Reply
dchillas ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Welcome! Please feel free to make bundles of items or make an offer and what you’d like to pay new items listed almost every day. I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have... as you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers❤️❤️
Feb 23Reply
dchillas Hey gorgeous I saw you liked a lot of items in my closet if you’re interested in purchasing anything please push add to bundle you can add all of them and then remove them and we can talk about a price once you’ve decided on a bundle thank you for shopping my closet❤️
Feb 23Reply
demi_does_well Hey thanks for the likes in my closet ... I’ll send a bundle over to you !
Feb 23Reply
luisanyc826 @sheritaw980 hi thank you for the likes. Let me know what you think of the bundle price :)
Feb 23Reply
sheritaw980 @luisanyc826 I am unable to purchase or make an offer at the moment. I will let you know in the future. thank you. God bless
Feb 23Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩‍🎤👨‍💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet. Please ✓☞MY closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Feb 24Reply
fancylegalpad I’d love for you to check out my closet!
Feb 24Reply
sheritaw980 @fancylegalpad I like your closet. keep up the good work. God Bless
Feb 26Reply
angelspss Hi Sherri, I thought you liked a few items in my closet! That’s awesome, if you’d like to make a bundle I’ll give you a great deal on all three.
Feb 26Reply
sheritaw980 @sue_sells no problem. however I am unable to make an offer. I will let you know when I can. thank you and God Bless. Nice closet by the way.
Feb 26Reply
sheritaw980 @angelspss thank you.God Bless
Feb 26Reply
mariahgarcia953 Welcome to Poshmark 🙂
Feb 26Reply
sheritaw980 @sue_sells your welcome
Feb 26Reply
whatshalliwear Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to bundle all three likes together to receive a discount, and only one-time shipping. Bundling is the smartest way to shop on Poshmark! Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing. 🛍🛍🛍
Feb 27Reply
thirpp Thank you for liking some of the items in my closet. If you are ever interested in purchasing, please bundle and send to me. Thank you!!
Feb 27Reply
tstacktrendy Hi Sherita! Thank you for liking my items. Feel free to bundle for additional savings. I also throw in freebies for every item purchased! 💕
Feb 27Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Sherita, Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! May you be blessed  with success and great deals! 😙😚👙👘👗👖👕👔👚👟👞🎒🛍👜👛👛👒👡👠💄💍💎💎📿🎩👑👡👠👜👛
Feb 28Reply
alockart Hello Sherita. Thank you for visiting my page. I wanted to stop in let you know that if you bundle your likes I will give you a great deal. Happy Poshing!!! 😊
Feb 28Reply
rj2112 Hi Sherita, Thanks for visiting my closet. If you are interested in some of the jewelry that you liked, feel free to create a bundle. I offer discounts on bundles and love making deals on them as well! Thanks again!
Feb 28Reply
totsie28 thanks for all the love on the items! you rock!
Feb 29Reply
sheritaw980 @totsie28 your welcome. keep up the good work because you have a nice closet. God bless
Feb 29Reply
nonna5x Hi Sherita... I am Donna. I see were you liked some items from my closet. If you truly want to purchase anything I would suggest you bundle for a big discount. Let me know if I can help. Have a great day!
Feb 29Reply
totsie28 @sheritaw980 god bless to you too! Xoxoxo
Feb 29Reply
sweetshops871 Thanks for all the likes... please feel free to bundle. Thanks
Mar 01Reply
sheritaw980 @sweetshops871 your welcome. I love your closet.
Mar 01Reply
designerplace Welcome to Posh, if I can do anything to help you, just contact me.
Mar 02Reply
msalaska Hi Sherita👋🏼 Nice to meet you and welcome to Poshmark😊💐 Thank You for visiting my closet and for all the likes. Let me know if you have any questions at all😊💐
Mar 02Reply
unclaimed sherita beautiful picture ,thanks for your support Please enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25). expires 3/29/20.checkout the YouTube videos on Poshmark ,they are very beneficial in helping you to develop your business
Mar 02Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Mar 02Reply
vintagestyleny If you bundle those items you liked I’ll give you a great price
Mar 02Reply
sheritaw980 @msalaska thank you. God bless
Mar 02Reply
sheritaw980 @unclaimed thank you and you are beautiful yourself. You gave a very nice closet and keep up the good work. I will let you know. I am just figuring out what I want to purchase. God bless
Mar 03Reply
sheritaw980 @scorpiomvp thank you. nice meeting you and you have a nice closet. God Bless.
Mar 03Reply
sheritaw980 @vintagestyleny thank you however I am unable to do so at the moment but I will in the future. God bless
Mar 03Reply
msalaska @sheritaw980 🙏🏻😊
Mar 03Reply
sheritaw980 @angiek1955grama thank you and you have a very nice closet. God Bless
Mar 03Reply
saganmov Thank you for all of the likes. Please let me know if you’d like to make an offer or if you’d like for me to make an offer. 😁😳
Mar 03Reply
sheritaw980 @saganmov okay. Thank you
Mar 03Reply
shortyrock69 Hello! Welcome to Poshmark 😍 Thank you for the likes... If there is anything your Interested in please bundle and save ❤️ Remember to post an make some extra income
Mar 03Reply
dina_fiore Hi Sherita! Thank you for all the awesome shares! You rock! If anything interests you, bundle it and I’ll work a great price for you M if just browsing that’s great too! Have a wonderful evening 👋👏😊❤️❣️⭐️
Mar 03Reply
dina_fiore @sheritaw980 👍🥰❣️
Mar 03Reply
litlcee Hi Sherita! Welcome to poshmark!! Thank you for checking out my closet!! I noticed you liked alot of items. Feel free to bundle your likes for a discounted price and to save on shipping. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!!
Mar 03Reply
mo1420 Welcome to posh mark and thanks for sharing my closet. Feel free to ask and make your bundles I will send you free shipping ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺
Mar 03Reply
evalinasjewelry Hi Sherita, thank you for the follow and the likes🥰 if you have any questions let me know or if you’re interested in any items, feel free to make an offer. I am most likely to accept! 👍🏽
Mar 03Reply
a_girl_thing 🌸Thanks for stopping by my closet. Bundle any two items and receive an offer of $40 with discounted shipping. All purchases are shipped with a gift.🎁 Have a great day!😀
Mar 03Reply
monikens Welcome to Poshmark 🌺
Mar 04Reply
monikens Thank you for visiting my closet and the like.
Mar 04Reply
sheritaw980 @monikens thank you. nice closet
Mar 04Reply
sheritaw980 @litlcee thank you. same to you
Mar 04Reply
monikens @sheritaw980 thank you so much. 🌺. Have a blessed day.
Mar 04Reply
infiniteelaine Thank you for the likes and shares! If there's ever anything in my collection you want to buy, please feel free to make an offer. Always happy to sell! Happy Poshing! -- Elaine
Mar 04Reply
sheritaw980 @infiniteelaine thank you and same to you
Mar 04Reply
maidmarian I’m flattered 💖 Mix it up in a bundle and let’s make a deal! I’m Marian btw! Nice to meet you 💖
Mar 04Reply
letsgotravel @sheritaw980 Hi, thanks for the likes!! Ohhh you design clothes..super cool!! I bet you are going to have a blast on Poshmark!! Good luck and if you have any questions, just ask, you will find a ton of nice people on Poshmark. Have a great day!!!😊
Mar 04Reply
13_pieces Hi Sherita! If there is more than one piece from my closet that you are interested in purchasing, you can do a bundle and that way I can give you an additional discount! Happy Poshing 💞🌈💞💖💕☺️
Mar 04Reply
kan10 Thankyou for all the likes !
Mar 04Reply
helencoachstyle @kan10 welcome to poshmark, thanks for visiting my closet!!! Make me an offer put in a bundle and save more. 💕😊🙏🏽
Mar 04Reply
sheritaw980 @letsgotravel thank you and same to you
Mar 04Reply
debbieocic19 Hello thank you for checking out my closet 😀would you like me to bundle your items you liked and make a great offer to you if you like that idea if you want no pressure I just wondering🤔lol anyways no worries either way🤗
Mar 04Reply
nikkialbosta @sheritaw980 Hi Sherita! I just made you an offer on your bundle - not sure if you've seen my comments to you there. If you're not interested in buying, please tell me, and I'll stop commenting on it. If you are interested, feel free to counter the offer I just made you! I'm definitely willing to go lower since there are so many things in your bundle!
Mar 04Reply
sheritaw980 @nikkialbosta can't buy right now. Thank yoy
Mar 04Reply
mntntop4me Hi there THANK YOU FOR LIKING! Would you like to make a BUNDLE for your likes and then I will give you a GREAT OFFER????
Mar 05Reply
mntntop4me Hi Sherita! Welcome to Poshmark! It is a fabulous way to buy and sell!! Hope you find lots of treasures and have happy sales too!!
Mar 05Reply
sheritaw980 @tsubo sorry I can't at the moment. Thank you
Mar 05Reply
qtboss1 Hi Sherita I saw you liked quite a few of my items thank you so much. When your ready to buy something you can put the items in a bundle and you’ll get a good discount. Now on the other hand I am a Poshmark Ambassador so if you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime. It already looks like you are meeting a lot of people. This is a great community of people. Thanks for stopping by my closet and happy poshing😁💕
Mar 06Reply
sheritaw980 @qtboss1 okay. Thank you and God bless
Mar 06Reply
lookather Thank you for sharing! BLESSINGS ✝️🙏😁
Mar 06Reply
sheritaw980 @lookather your welcome. same to you
Mar 06Reply
pamelaoatis Hi Sherita❣ Thanks for visiting my closet. 👁 c you have an 👁 for fine things. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. Bundle any and all items and I make you an even better deal to save you more 💰💰💰💰 Happy Poshing 1❣❣❣
Mar 06Reply
tanzilatoma81 Would love for you to visit my closet and thank you
Mar 06Reply
marsala Hi, and welcome to Posh! I see that you like 2 of my beautiful handbags..... if you bundle them I can give you a discount! Please let me know when you are ready.. no rush. Thanks. 💕💕💕💕💕
Mar 07Reply
destivia_design Hi Sherita! Thank you for shopping my closet! Let me know if you would like a bundle offer. 10% off, plus discounted ship on 2 or more items. Let me know if you have any questions. Kim
Mar 07Reply
pink_beast_mode Thank you for visiting my closet and for all the likes :) If you would like to create a bundle, I will send you an offer with discounted or free shipping. Have a great weekend - Audi
Mar 07Reply
sheritaw980 @tanzilatoma81 yes I love your closet. God bless and keep up the good work.
Mar 07Reply
sheritaw980 @marsala okay. thank you.
Mar 07Reply
trahan_trends Howdy Sherita, welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the follow and likes. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. When and if you add items to your closet, please let me know and I will share them. Happy Poshing!
Mar 07Reply
stylecollector Hi! Thank you for your likes on my items, if you bundle them together I can send you a discount price to save on shipping! 🥰
Mar 07Reply
ashashleybooboo thank you for the posh love if your interested in buying any of my items let me know :)
Mar 07Reply
themintdaisy hello and welcome to poshmark! so happy to have you part of the team! I noticed that you liked several items in my closet. if you want to add them to a bundle I'd be happy to send you an offer for them. I usually do 20% off bundles of three or more but I would be happy to do more or you. let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing 🌼
Mar 07Reply
mfriedline89 Hello! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Have a great night!
Mar 07Reply
taniqwacloset_ Hi 👋 Feel free to browse and shop my closet anytime! Bundle with 2 or more items for a 10% discount and a possible shipping discount :)
Mar 08Reply
monicaclaire38 @sheritaw980 Welcome to Poshmark! It’s a lot of fun! 💕😊💕
Mar 08Reply
carrie2075 Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my closet & all the likes 💕 Please let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing😀
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @themintdaisy thank you and same to you
Mar 08Reply
trahan_trends @sheritaw980 you are welcome!
Mar 08Reply
midoa Thanks for the likes Sherita 😘😘 bundle your liked items and I’ll give u a discount and a free shipping!! Hope to work with u my dear fellow posher 🤗🤗
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @midoa thank you
Mar 08Reply
aliciainbagland Thank you for your 11 Likes! I sent you a 20% OFF OFFER! Hope you ACCEPT! 🤗 😉
Mar 08Reply
georgiemama Hi, Sherita! Thank you for liking some items in my closet! Whenever you decide you want anything, just LMK and we’ll work out the best deal we can! Have a blessed evening!😄
Mar 08Reply
sholtsublettlaw Hi beautiful! If you’d like to bundle some/all of your likes, I’ll make you a sweet offer💛
Mar 08Reply
redtudorrose2 @sheritaw980 Hello Sherita, Nice to meet you ! Thank you for the likes on my closet items. If you decide to sell your designs on Poshmark please tag me and I would be delighted to help you share them. Have a great weekend, Regards, Lisa
Mar 08Reply
jeas95fm @sheritaw980 thanks for the likes in my closet! I bundled them and sent you an offer! Let me know if you have any questions!!! 💗
Mar 08Reply
seltchi Thanks for All The Likes!!!😊 Wish You All The Best!!! :) :) :)
Mar 08Reply
ladestiny29 Thanks for checking out my closet. Feel free to bundle your likes for a great offer with discounted or free shipping. Happy Poshing! 👚👙👛👗👠🛍
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @georgiemama thank you and you do the same
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @lilhoneybee75 thank you and same to you
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @seltchi thank you and same to you
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @freddielou64 thank you and same to you
Mar 08Reply
ladestiny29 @sheritaw980 You're very welcome.👍
Mar 08Reply
keikiscloset Hi Shetira! Hoping you’re having a fabulous weekend! Noticed you liked some stuff in my closet. I’m giving ridiculous deals on bundles... clearing out my closet. LMK if you see something you fancy and I’ll give you a really great price. Have fun poshing! 🌺
Mar 08Reply
mmarinatustin Thanks for all of the likes 😄 if you’re interested in purchasing more than 1 item, feel free to bundle them and I can give you discount 👍 Happy Poshing!
Mar 08Reply
fireglow Sherita, thank you for all the likes! Liking is a great way to save items for later, but bundling them will keep them all in one place and you don't have to purchase until you're ready. Also, when you are ready, you can add and remove items too! I'm bundling your items for you and I will discount them and reduce shipping for you. Poshmark only allows this discount to last for 24 hours, so when it expires, just write a comment in the bundle and I'll add the discount again! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😊
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @mmarinatustin thank you and same to you
Mar 08Reply
weavinggems Your so sweet. TYVM for liking my handmade jewelry. If you have any questions just let me know. Of course I would love to bundle a bunch of these up for you and send them to you. I can make alterations in sizes and sometimes colors if you would like. Just let me know hun. 💐🌹🙏
Mar 08Reply
fireglow You're welcome. Thank you for all the new likes. If you decline the bundle offer I sent you, then I can add all the new liked items to your bundle so when you're ready to buy, you can decide which ones you want to keep. 😊
Mar 08Reply
kloth_n_leather Thanks for the likes, Sharita! Beautiful smile!😃😁
Mar 08Reply
sallie_4242 Hello! Thank you for liking items in my closet! Please feel free to bundle your favorites and I will send you a special price and discounted shipping!
Mar 08Reply
sheritaw980 @labeled4less thank you. you are beautiful yourself and you have a very nice closet. God bless
Mar 09Reply
cosabella05 Hello Sherita Thank you so much for the likes. If there is anything that you would like to buy for yourself let me know and I’m open to offers with free shipping. Thanks again🦋
Mar 09Reply
sheritaw980 @cosabella05 thank you and your welcome
Mar 09Reply
nanayros thank you for all your shares🤗🥰, please if you see something you like add it to your bundle and I will give you a discount price. Happy poshing 🤗🛍🤗🛍
Mar 09Reply
kurtagice Thank you for your interest 🌷 I sent you offer for pants and shirts for boys bundle with a sweater and I can send you in the morning 😉
Mar 09Reply
sheritaw980 @kurtagice I am looking to see what I am going to church.
Mar 09Reply
kurtagice @sheritaw980 check if you like my price and will send it in the morning
Mar 09Reply
jevitoledo Welcome to my closet, in it you will find a great variety of new merchandise quality and at the best price. I'm happy to give the best customer service. I accept any reasonable offer. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Mar 09Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🍀
Mar 10Reply
sheritaw980 @iranybrito thank you and same to you
Mar 10Reply
t6363b come by my closet for a discount anytime thanx forshopping!!
Mar 10Reply
yonnievj63 Hi sharita I’m please to see you like so many items in my closet I am willing to let them all go including the 400 coach bag for a fraction of the cost so that my family can contribute to a fund for the sudden loss of our nephew I’m already in debt because of the unexpected travel so if you would like to bundle all or some of the items I’m willing to work with you just name a price after you bundle them and I will negotiate in your favor 😊😊
Mar 10Reply
georgeks Hi Sherita! Thanks for the closet likes❤️🥰. It means a lot. Please feel free to make an offer or bundle and save shipping $ and 15% discount.!!come back often! Karen
Mar 10Reply
sheritaw980 @t6363b your welcome
Mar 10Reply
sheritaw980 @yonnievj63 I apologize. however I do not have the money to do so. if I had the money trust me I would help. I will keep tyou and your family in my prayers God will take care of you. continue to pray.if there is any way I can help you just let me know.
Mar 10Reply
sheritaw980 @georgeks thank you and your welcome
Mar 10Reply
t6363b 😊😊😊
Mar 11Reply
denejkivdom Beautiful Evening! I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Mar 11Reply
sheritaw980 @t6363b thank you. I am looking for women items in your closet. however you have a very nice closet.
Mar 11Reply
sheritaw980 @denejkivdom thank you and I will.
Mar 11Reply
t6363b thank you!! for shopping
Mar 11Reply
sheritaw980 @t6363b your welcome
Mar 11Reply
denejkivdom thank you so)))
Mar 11Reply
bijoubel Hi Sherita, thanks for the many likes from my closet. Can see you've got a rousing welcome from fellow Poshers already. This is run like a family where we all help each other succeed so, jump right in - buy, sell or both. You're in good hands. Happy Poshing. 🌸🌸
Mar 11Reply
sheritaw980 @bijoubel thank you very much and you have a very nice closet. God bless on your success.
Mar 11Reply
bijoubel @sheritaw980 Thank you. 🌹🌹
Mar 11Reply
sheritaw980 @bijoubel your welcome
Mar 11Reply
ashashleybooboo welcome to poshmark! thank you for the shares :)
Mar 11Reply
destivia_design Hi Sherita! Thank you for shopping my closet! Let me know if you would like me to send you an offer on any individual itemThanks, or if you would like a bundle offer. I’m offering 10% off all items, plus discounted ship. Free ship on orders over $50! Reach out to me if you have any questions. Kim
Mar 12Reply
sredington50 @sheritaw980 Hi! Thank you for your offer on my 5 stacking rings. I apologize - when I got them out I saw a mark on one of them so they are no longer available and I will be deleting the listing. If you are interested in any other items in my closet...make an offer and there would be free shipping. Again I’m sorry for the situation and thank you for shopping my closet!!!!
Mar 13Reply
sarynkgrout Hello Sherita! I hope this message meets you well. Feel free to bundle any and all items you like from my closet and make an offer - I’ll be more than willing to work with you on coming to an agreeable price. Have a great day. 😇
Mar 13Reply
sheritaw980 @cabinandsea thank you and same to you
Mar 13Reply
sheritaw980 @sredington50 thank you very much. God bless.
Mar 13Reply
jmc22560 Thank you for all the likes !😊 Let me know if you want to make an offer👍😊
Mar 13Reply
honey77 Thank you for all the likes! Feel free to bundle up for s discount! Have a great night! 😊
Mar 13Reply
deborah72371 Thank you for visiting my closet!!! Would you like to do a bundle.. I will give you 30% off and free shipping!!❤️❤️
Mar 13Reply
sheritaw980 @honey77 thank you and you as well
Mar 13Reply
sheritaw980 @deborah72371 I can do bundle. however I won't be able to purchase until the near future. thank you
Mar 13Reply
madisondscloset Hi Sherita!! thanks so much for all the likes! Would you like to make a bundle? I can give you a great price!
Mar 13Reply
sheritaw980 @madisondscloset sorry not at the moment. thank you
Mar 13Reply
deborah72371 Hi.. No worries.. Thank you for visiting my closet !!❤️
Mar 13Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi, Sherita! It’s very nice to meet you!!! 💕 Welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉💕🎊✨Thank you for visiting my✨Instantly Chic Boutique!✨All the items you liked are GORGEOUS!!! 😍 You will love them!!!!! Feel free to add any of the Beautiful Handbags, etc., in my boutique, into a bundle, and I’ll send you a special private discount offer with discounted shipping!!! 💕👛👜🧣👗💎 Thank you, my friend! God bless! 💖😘
Mar 14Reply
sheritaw980 @fashionsavy1ny thank you and same to you
Mar 14Reply
fashionsavy1ny @sheritaw980 Thank you! 💕
Mar 14Reply
1a_leslien TY for the likes. Let me know when you are ready for a bundle offer. It looks like from the comments above you are just looking atm. You can also create you own bundles in a specific closet. Hit the little shopping bag icon (when you are ready) and create your own bundle in your fave closet(s). Most all poshers are happy to create their best price when you combine more items and you save on shipping and some of us offer free shipping (I do with a larger bundle). XOXO Happy poshing.
Mar 14Reply
ally_marc @sheritaw980 beautiful picture, love your smile 🙏🏻💗🌺
Mar 14Reply
sheritaw980 @leslie_n okay. thank you so much. God bless.
Mar 14Reply
ktplata Hello dear 😊Thanks for your likes. If you are looking to buy 🌟I accept offers and bundles. I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you 💝
Mar 14Reply
sheritaw980 @ktplata thank you and your welcome
Mar 14Reply
sunbylor Thank you for all the likes 🔆😀😀 Have a great day !
Mar 14Reply
sheritaw980 @sunbylor thank you and your welcome
Mar 14Reply
groovy22 Hello Sherita! Thanks for checking out my wares during these crazy days! Feel free to make an offer on anything! Stay safe and happy Poshing!
Mar 14Reply
sheritaw980 @groovy22 thank you and same to you
Mar 14Reply
mybusycloset Thank you for all the love and the shares👌
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @mybusycloset thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
kathryn1214 Hello! I noticed you were interested in BeBop shorts, and I have a few items you may like, I would love for you to check out my closet sometime. Happy poshing!💗
Mar 15Reply
joycies welcome to Poshmark thanks for stopping by my closet and the like♥️ let me know if you need anything or have any questions I sent you a private offer on the item too have a wonderful day and fun shopping cheers Joycies Closet
Mar 15Reply
sweetcake22138 Thanks for the like on the waist trainer! I just wanted to let you know I can lower the price to $13 if ur interested let me know or make a offer for $13 I’ll accept it :)Trust me it’s definitely worth it!! It gives a hourglass sexy shape to the body :)You can even wear it under clothes and it won’t show! N Instantly get a curvier shape and a flatter tummy plus after a few weeks of wearing it on/off you will start to see results without it on!! Purchasing will be helping a local animal shelter 🐶
Mar 15Reply
fabstyle4ever Hello thank you for the likes and visiting my closet Have a nice day😍
Mar 15Reply
stclair_b Thank you for sharing the 🍀posh love🍀 please feel free to bundle items or send offers ❤️❤️♥️ I ship frequently too Happy SUN-DAY 🌟
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @kathryn1214 thank you and same to you
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @joycies thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @sweetcake22138 thank you.i am browsing at the moment
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @fabstyle4ever thank you and your welcome. you do the same
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @stclair_b thank you and same to you
Mar 15Reply
joycies I sent you a private offer let me know if you need anything
Mar 15Reply
saraposhsf Thank you for stopping by my closet and liking a couple items! Happy poshing! ✨
Mar 15Reply
daffodildog23 Sherita, if you want a discount offer on any of these let me know-also if you’re window shopping-welcome🤓best regards, Elizabeth
Mar 15Reply
smaroulis 🎉Hi Sherita 🛍I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador. I want you to feel completely confident my closet for new designer items from 74AM, Ralph Lauren, Vince CAMUTO, Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein, Coach, Handcrafted Sterling Silver Earrings🇺🇸 & more!🌟I’ve personally shop from top retailers only, as well as items from my own smoke free closet. Each item is top quality & authentic 🎉
Mar 15Reply
_bowserr Hiii!☺️ Welcome to Posh!! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to checkout my closet ✨🌻 xoxo Tori
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @saraposhsf thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @daffodildog23 thank you and same to you
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @smaroulis thank you and congrats on being a 5 star seller. God bless
Mar 15Reply
smileycutie Hi r u spam?
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @smileycutie no I am not spam
Mar 15Reply
smileycutie @sheritaw980 ok was just checking, xoxo
Mar 15Reply
swimmingb_ Thank you for checking out my closet ❤️ if your interested I’m always open to offers ! :)
Mar 15Reply
miayeta39 thank you for sharing my items @sheritaw980 . I will share yours also
Mar 15Reply
miayeta39 thank you for sharing my items @sheritaw980 . I will share yours also.
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @miayeta39 thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @swimmingb_ thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
smaroulis @sheritaw980 thank you! I try my best❤️
Mar 15Reply
smaroulis And thank you for all the likes!🥰
Mar 15Reply
therainbowkittn Thank you so much for all the likes! 🙏🏼
Mar 15Reply
sparkielane4u Welcome to Poshmark Sherita! Thank you for visiting my closet and you're like.💕 Bundles and reasonable offers are welcome.😊🛍
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @smaroulis your welcome
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @sparkielane4u thank you and your welcome
Mar 15Reply
marlyb718 Thank you so much for sharing my closet !
Mar 15Reply
everythinggreat Hi, Sherita! I don't think I've ever seen so much Posh love for a new Posher. Super special posher! Thank you for the likes. I'll send you a couple of offers. If you want, you can make a bundle and send me an offer. Welcome Spring and have an amazing time shopping this jungle safari!
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @marlyb718 your welcome and the same to you
Mar 15Reply
mschickel320 Hello, thank you for stopping by my closet and liking a couple of items. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always open to offers and bundles! 😊
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @everythinggreat thank you and same to you
Mar 15Reply
everythinggreat Thank you!
Mar 15Reply
sheritaw980 @mschickel320 thank you and same to you
Mar 15Reply
esasu @sheritaw980 hi thanks for visiting my closet. I will be happy to make a bundle of items you liked at a discount and free shipping
Mar 16Reply
sheritaw980 @esasu thank you and I am browsing for the moment. hopefully I make a purchase in the future.
Mar 16Reply
welovelalv Hi Sherita! Thanks for the like ❤️s please feel free to ask me any questions. Put all your likes in a bundle and I’ll send you a private offer and reduced ship. Have a great week ahead! ☮️❤️😃
Mar 16Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 16Reply
dodatdoubletake Wow thank you for liking so many of my items in my closet. I give discounts on bundles and love reasonable offers. Put a bundle together and/or make an offer. Let’s make a deal! 😊
Mar 16Reply
baap48 make a bundle doll. I will give you an incredible offer☺
Mar 16Reply
tenvisions Hello Thank you for visiting my closet and liking some items. No pressure to purchase, just want you to know I do accept reasonable offers. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing.
Mar 16Reply
sheritaw980 @baap48 I am browsing at the moment. thank you
Mar 16Reply
sheritaw980 @tenvisions thank you and same to you
Mar 16Reply
baap48 Ok doll😊😊
Mar 16Reply
kabbalah18 Hi 👋I see that you are interested in some items in my closet. You can always make a bundle for more savings
Mar 17Reply
inlovewithluxe @sheritaw980 feel free to make me an offer on the items in my closet or bundle items together
Mar 17Reply
sheritaw980 @kabbalah1966 okay. thank you
Mar 17Reply
oksurpriseme Welcome to Poshmark ⭐️
Mar 17Reply
sheritaw980 @oksurpriseme thank you and same to you
Mar 17Reply
happylife1014 Hi there 😊 Thanks so much for visiting my closet & all the posh love ❤️💕🤩 I offer great discounts on bundles! Feel free to make an offer on any of your likes or bundle them up and I can send you a private offer. Have a great day! 😎😊 Judy
Mar 17Reply
sheritaw980 @jabelanger thank you and same to you
Mar 17Reply
sinystylin 🧵 Welcome greetings & Happy Poshing 🎉
Mar 17Reply
sheritaw980 @sinystylin thank you and same to you
Mar 17Reply
sja_ Hi 😊let me know if anything interest you in my closet. Looking to get rid of my closet so I’m willing to negotiate/ compromise. Thank youuu
Mar 18Reply
ocaballero Thank you for all the love ❤️. If ever interested in something, don’t hesitate to send me an offer :)
Mar 18Reply
sheritaw980 @sja_ thank you
Mar 18Reply
boll69 THANKS GORGEOUS SO ALL YOUR SWEET SHARES 😍💝☘️ So much appreciated. Stay strong & healthy 🙏
Mar 18Reply
sheritaw980 @boll69 thank you your welcome and same to you
Mar 18Reply
siemprebella91 Hi! welcome to poshmark i invite you to visit my closet! Feel free to message me with any questions or if you want to bundle and save on shipping please let me know. Happy shopping !! 🛍 🤗 acceptting reasonable offers
Mar 18Reply
sheritaw980 @siemprebella91 thank you and same to you
Mar 18Reply
sheritaw980 @storm501 okay. thank you. however I am browsing.
Mar 18Reply
anarina Thank you so much for liking so many of my listings!!! If you like to bundle them up , I”ll offer you great discounts with free shipping.
Mar 18Reply
sheritaw980 @anarina thank you and same to you
Mar 19Reply
skylight31 Welcome to Poshmark, checkout my closet when you have a chance. Offers are welcome. Happy poshing.
Mar 19Reply
tobevayng Thank you for checking out my closet. Please feel free to bundle those items and hopefully we can work out a price. Thanks again! ❤️❤️
Mar 19Reply
sheritaw980 @skylight31 thank you and same to you
Mar 19Reply
sheritaw980 @tobevayng thank you and your welcome
Mar 19Reply
sheritaw980 @gin43 your welcome and however I am browsing at the moment. thank you and God bless
Mar 19Reply
txgirl1979 Thanks for all the likes doll 🌹
Mar 19Reply
baby5466 Hello😁 I just saw you liked a few of my items and wanted to mention that I give 20% off any bundle and always welcome considerate offers. Thanks for checking out my closet. Stay healthy
Mar 19Reply
sheritaw980 @txgirl1979 your welcome and nice closet
Mar 19Reply
sheritaw980 @baby5466 thank you your welcome and same to you
Mar 19Reply
happydaysahead Hi Sherita. Warm Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you enjoy this new community, as you buy, sell or trade, so many things, and meet great new friends. I would be happy, to share some tips, about how to set up your Closet, or offer “how tos” when you are in the buying mode. Have Fun🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🌸🌸😀😀😀🌼🌼🤗
Mar 20Reply
coachandtrunk Hi Sherita, it's nice to meet you. I'm Sharon. Thank you so much for all the shares!!!! I appreciate you taking the time to that.💜 If you have any questions let me know. Hope you're having a good day.🌞
Mar 20Reply
frock_n_fashion Thank you for your likes. Bundle and get a great discount.
Mar 20Reply
sheritaw980 @frock_n_fashion thank you and your welcome
Mar 20Reply
stormtreasures @sheritaw980 Wishing you a safe Blessed 2020 to you and yours--Thank you for liking the three items--We offer you all three pieces for your pleasure for $75 Stay Blessed Deacon Ricky
Mar 20Reply
sheritaw980 @stormtreasures thank you and same to you
Mar 20Reply
sntcler Hello. Thank you so much for the likes on the Vendi vintage hand bag and the Liz Claiborne handbag. If interested feel free to send me an offer. I love and usually accept most reasonable offers. And if you bundle you’ll save on discounts and shipping together! I’d love to hear from you 🌺
Mar 20Reply
happydaysahead 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💕💕
Mar 20Reply
sheritaw980 @happydaysahead thank you and same to you. 😄😄😜😜💖💖
Mar 20Reply
aliciadenise @sheritaw980 welcome to posh !!! Bundle and save on your likes 💋💋💋
Mar 20Reply
charclem thank you for liking my pink make up bag. I will give you a great price if you are still interested
Mar 21Reply
jeannyrs Welcome to Poshmark!! I want to invite you to my closet!! Feel free to make offers and bundles!!! Have a Great Day!! Happy Poshing💕
Mar 21Reply
sheritaw980 @charclem thank you. however I am browsing at the moment.
Mar 21Reply
sheritaw980 @jeannyrs thank you and same to you
Mar 21Reply
fashion_nympho Hey love! I’m having a Bogo (buy one get one free) promotion! Just choose two items by adding them to your bundle & then I will send you an offer for both items! Happy Poshing! 🌸💜💜
Mar 21Reply
bahamiangirl96 Hi hun thanks for all ur like I do offer a 15% discount on 2 or more items please feel free if u have any questions Happy shopping 🛍
Mar 21Reply
dina_fiore Hi Sherita! Welcome and thank you for checking out my closet! If interested in anything, bundle the items as pricing is always better in bundle then on initial offer! If browsing that’s cool too! Have an awesome evening 👋👏😊❤️
Mar 21Reply
sheritaw980 @arinval2 thank you and same to you. however I am browsing at the moment.
Mar 22Reply
sheritaw980 @bahamiangirl96 thank you and same to you
Mar 22Reply
sheritaw980 @dina_fiore thank you and same to you
Mar 22Reply
simplestylesc Welcome to the PORSHMARK ❣️😍🎈🛍
Mar 22Reply
finishingtouch1 thanks for all the likes! let me know if you are interested in a bundle!
Mar 22Reply
shelbix Thanks for all the likes, beautiful! I take 20% off when you make a bundle purchase! Happy poshing 😊💗🌸
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @simplestylesc thank you and same to you
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @starz211 thank you and same to you
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @shelbix thank you and I am browsing for the moment. God bless and be safe
Mar 23Reply
vip_kids @sheritaw980 Thanks for the like! FYI All my items are listed cheaper in my other shop on Vinted called vip_kids if you're interested.😊🛍
Mar 23Reply
psychfan27 Hi there 🌼 I am having a huge sale! All Items with a 🌼🌼is 4 for 25$. Create a bundle and I will send you the offer. ( no shipping discount). Come shop With me 🥰 have a great day!
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @vip_kids thank you and God bless
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @mbk27 thank you and however I am browsing at the moment. God bless
Mar 23Reply
psychfan27 @sheritaw980 Thank you hon. Have a blessed day and let me know if I can help. Be safe and stay healthy. 🌼🌼
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @mbk27 thank you your welcome and same to you
Mar 23Reply
tennismom07 Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet, feel free to reach out with any questions and check back often as I post new items daily. 🤗
Mar 23Reply
sheritaw980 @tennismom07 okay. thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 23Reply
tennismom07 @sheritaw980 likewise 😊
Mar 23Reply
dolphinlight Hi Sherita ~ Thanks so much for your likes in my closet. I really appreciate it! You’ve chosen some of my favorites 🌺😊 I’d be happy to send you a special private bundle offer on any or all of the items. No pressure, just wanting to check in & see if you’re interested. Hope you have a wonderful evening & many thanks again for visiting my closet 💖🍃🌷🌸🥰💚
Mar 24Reply
destivia_design My entire closet is 40% off!!!! The Sak, leather bags, Skechers, Clarks, Nike, Adidas, Keds, Born, and more! I’m offering 40% off, plus discounted ship. FREE ship on orders over $49. Like the items you are interested in, and I will send you an offer with the sale price. Sale ends Wednesday night. 😉 I am currently using the USPS pick up service, so that I can continue to ship daily.
Mar 24Reply
sheritaw980 @dolphinlight thank you and your welcome. God bless
Mar 24Reply
sheritaw980 @destivia_design thank you and your welcome. However I am browsing at the moment. God bless
Mar 24Reply
nicky112873 Thank you for visiting my closet and for all the likes. If your interested in bundling a purchase let me know . As I see from all the comments you are not ready to purchase at this time so come back and visit when your ready 🤗 hope your staying safe
Mar 24Reply
sheritaw980 @nicky112873 thank you your welcome and God bless.
Mar 24Reply
talshop Hey there! If you bundle 2 or more items in my closet, you’ll get 15% off & free hoops earrings (your choice of color!) let me know if you’re interested 😊
Mar 24Reply
sheritaw980 @talshop thank you however I am unable to purchase at this time. God bless and stay safe
Mar 24Reply
julesjess12 Hi! I see you “liked” my Celine bag! Thank you for checking out my closet! I can offer you an $800 price decrease if you’d like:)
Mar 25Reply
varietycloset92 Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to take a peek in my closet in your spare time ! I have a variety of items and sizes available! Thanks and HAPPY POSHING! 🎉
Mar 25Reply
achepati Thank you for the share 🤗
Mar 25Reply
sheritaw980 @gurujules sorry I am unable to purchase at the moment. thank you and God bless
Mar 25Reply
sheritaw980 @tiasti thank you and same to you. God bless
Mar 25Reply
sheritaw980 @achepati your welcome. same to you and God bless
Mar 25Reply
greatxpression Hi Sherita, if you bundle your likes. I will give you a discount. Thanks🛍️🌸
Mar 25Reply
sheritaw980 @greatxpression thank you and I am I unable to purchase at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @chicdiane thank you and your welcome . God bless and stay safe
Mar 26Reply
greatxpression @sheritaw980 No worries I completely understand. Stay safe as well
Mar 26Reply
loribearz I see you liked a few items in my closet , I would love to work out a bundle with you ! Accepting all reasonable offers 👍🏻👍🏻
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @joycies thank you and God blesd
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @saraposhsf thank you and same to you
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @daffodildog23 thank you and same to you
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @smaroulis thank you and God bless
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @sdg1rl thank you and I am unable to shop at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @_bowserr thank you and God bless
Mar 26Reply
smaroulis @sheritaw980 God bless & stay safe🙏
Mar 26Reply
princessmarcy Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 26Reply
sheritaw980 @princessmarcy thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 26Reply
triciajanzen thanks for all the loves in my closet!
Mar 26Reply
fancylady5 Thank you for visiting my page and sharing items from my page I greatly appreciate it. Have a wonderful Blessed day ,stay safe :-)
Mar 27Reply
sheritaw980 @triciajanzen your welcome and God bless and stay safe
Mar 27Reply
sheritaw980 @fancylady5 thank your welcome and same to you. God bless and stay safe
Mar 27Reply
oliviariley9 Thank you for the likes! If you would like to bundle your items, I'll send you a discounted offer:)
Mar 27Reply
amyellis311 Hi Sherita! Thank you for all the likes! ❤️
Mar 27Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey 👋 I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 California Happy poshing 💕🛍🛍💕
Mar 27Reply
sheritaw980 @oliviariley9 thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 27Reply
sheritaw980 @amyellis311 thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 27Reply
sheritaw980 @nazaninaskari67 thank you and nice to meet you. God bless and stay safe
Mar 27Reply
grojivxatu Good Evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a beautiful evening! Thank you, George
Mar 28Reply
mycustomcloset hey there! you are like me. I'm torn between shoes and purses so I just buy it all :-) thanks for stopping by my closet 😘 I'm happy to help, happy to bundle. just want you to be happy and have fun shopping!
Mar 28Reply
jjordan4threads Thank you for your love shares.💕
Mar 29Reply
thesassyzebra Hello Sherita thank you for visiting my closet. Bundle your likes for an amazing offering! And check all the amazing SALE and asked any questions or offer an offering! Happy Poshing! Thesassyzebra❤💖👀💚❤💝
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @grojivxatu thank you and you have a very nice closet. I am.unable to make a purchase at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @mycustomcloset thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
grojivxatu @sheritaw980 Thank you anyway!
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @apparelbyg thank you. however I am unable to make an offer. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @apparelbyg thank you so much for the concern and scripture. Thank you again I wil continue to pray for you and your family. You have a very nice closet as well.
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @thesassyzebra thank you and your welcome. I am unable to make an offer at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
thesassyzebra @sheritaw980. I understand and when you are ready just do so. Keep in touch and let me know if I may help. Please be safe and take care ! God bless you and your family. Thesassyzebra Mary💙💕🔼💝❤😍
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @apparelbyg thank you and I will. Have a nice weekend.
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @jjordan4threads your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
twagg3 Thank you for the likes! I really appreciate it! :-) Enjoy your Saturday night!
Mar 29Reply
concetta53 Hello thank you for checking out my closet. offer a bundle and I will give you a great price. Stay safe. ❤
Mar 29Reply
rdkrugler Hello. Wanted you to know I lowered price on my bracelets. You put in in a like when they were a bit more. Be safe!
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @twagg3 thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @concetta53 thank you God bless and stat safe
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @rdkrugler thank you God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @happymrs thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
permigal Hello Sherita - thank you for liking my photographs and item 😊. I appreciate it!😊🌺
Mar 29Reply
sheritaw980 @permigal thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 29Reply
joy2poshworld62 Hi.. I normally send offers to all my "likes"... however you like so many of my purses and wallets not sure you want that many.. if there's one or 2 that you would like special pricing on please bundle and I'll be happy to send an offer. ty for looking in my closet..J🌎Y
Mar 30Reply
sheritaw980 @joyrice1962 thank you and your welcome. I unable to make an offer at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Mar 30Reply
curlyqs_closet Thank you for all the ❤️.
Mar 31Reply
sheritaw980 @curlyqs_closet thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Mar 31Reply
angelbritton hey Sherita welcome to Posh!! We are family here! I hope all is well with all that's going on in the world...God bless😘💞
Apr 01Reply
jinxy231 Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Apr 01Reply
kmariejohns90 Hey girl thanks for looking at my closet ! If I offer a private discount at the minimum 10% I will actually owe you money so they won’t let me do it but if you bundled any other items I will offer you a discount. If it’s 3 or more then you receive a free mystery beauty item !!!!
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @angelbritton thank you and God bless you. Stay safe
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @jinxy231 thank you. same to you and stay safe
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @kmariejohns90 thank you unfortunately I am unable to buy at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 01Reply
jinxy231 @sheritaw980 No problem and you too. Thank you for liking my items. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 01Reply
tkh0918 Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for checking out my closet. I noticed you liked a few items and wanted to let you know if you make a bundle I can give you a better discount, or make me an offer...all reasonable offers are welcome and accepted! Hope you’re doing well and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Have a great day!! 😁🌺
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @jinxy231 thank you again and your welcome
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @tkh0918 thank you however I am unable to purchase at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 01Reply
sheritaw980 @tkh0918 thank you however I am unable to purchase at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 01Reply
jinxy231 @sheritaw980 No problem 😊🎃🦇🕸️🍁👻🍂💀
Apr 01Reply
tkh0918 @sheritaw980 no worries, just thought I’d mention it. God bless to you too!
Apr 01Reply
tatianabl83 Thank you so much for the share, I really appreciate it🤗 💚
Apr 02Reply
sheritaw980 @tatianabl83 your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 02Reply
prettypinkshop Thank you for all of the likes! Please let me know if you have any questions! I do bundle deals and I take offers! 💖
Apr 02Reply
kaysuniverse @sheritaw980 welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 i specifically carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Banana Republic, Guess, and Ralph Lauren. im very flexible on pricing and i luv offers... so if ur interested feel free 2 make me an offer 😀 happy poshing!
Apr 02Reply
sheritaw980 @fancybaby5 thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 02Reply
sheritaw980 @kaysuniverse thank you and same to you. God bless and stay safe
Apr 02Reply
vicksfinds Hi WELCOME to Poshmark!😀 Thanks🌺 for the likes!😀
Apr 02Reply
krede715 Hi Sherita. Thankyou for all of the likes! I give great deals on bundles if you’re interested and if not there’s no pressure to buy anything. I’ve liked lots of items that I didn’t buy. Thankyou also for checking out my closet! 🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉🛍🎉
Apr 03Reply
sheritaw980 @vicksfinds thank youband same to you. God bless and stay safe
Apr 03Reply
sheritaw980 @krede715 thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 03Reply
krede715 @sheritaw980 God bless you and your family too! Stay healthy! 🙏❤️
Apr 03Reply
kaysuniverse @sheritaw980 ur very welcome 🙂
Apr 03Reply
vicksfinds @sheritaw980😘😘😘
Apr 03Reply
mhilt0013 Sup, I’m Mary💋 Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile Best of luck to you✨ Come check out my Closet babes😇
Apr 05Reply
brittanymuse8 hi, sherita I am new to poshmark, I saw where you liked the Michael kors wallet. are you interested in buying it?. I am great at buying stuff lol. but I've yet to sell anything. it popped up on my phone like you had made an offer. I'm sorry to bother you. if you are interested let me know. sorry I'm new to this. thanks
Apr 05Reply
sheritaw980 @mhilt0013 thank you and your welcome. you have a very nice closet. God bless and stay safe
Apr 05Reply
sheritaw980 @brittanymuse8 thank you and same to you. I am browsing at the moment. you have a nice closet keep up the good work. God bless and stay safe
Apr 05Reply
victoriawrr18 Thank you for stopping by my closet.❤️
Apr 05Reply
linda0606 Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
Apr 06Reply
candy258 Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Apr 06Reply
sheritaw980 @victoriawrr18 your welcome. Thank you God bless and stay safe
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @linda0606 you have a very nice closet. God bless and stay safe
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @candy258 thank you and same to you
Apr 07Reply
sinsofcyn 👛Sherita💗 Thanx to you, for Sharing some LOVE 👠  💍Please  allow yourself to Relax & Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS😉JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties ( Old & New) Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Junque👛  CYNTHIA  🐓 IF POSSIBLE ......... 🐛STAY HOME, BE SMART, STAY ACTIVE,  BE HEALTHY 🙏 Cynthia
Apr 07Reply
bothsidesnow @sheritaw980 Hi🌹welcome to posh. I wanted to invite you to my closest as a VIP customer🌸 I have a little bit of everything women's. men's, kids, jewelry, makeup, purses and homegoods. I always offer discounts,( more for bundled items) & am very easy to work with❣If you need anything at all please feel free to reach out to me❤. I also include a gift with every order😊
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @bothsidesnow thank you and your welcome. you have a very nice closet. God bless and stay safe
Apr 07Reply
freshnewlook 🤗🤗🤗
Apr 07Reply
baylee_snyder Welcome to poshmark 🌸🌸 I would love if you would Take a look at my closet 🛍🛍 I do bundle deals and take reasonable offers to save you money 💰💰my shipping is also usually done the same day of your Purchase or the next day so super fast 📦📦 happy poshing 💕💕
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @freshnewlook thank you. 💓💓💓
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @baylee_snyder thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe. I will consider purchasing in the future.
Apr 07Reply
thread_vault Hey stop by my closet! I have unique stuff and I will most likely accept your offer if you send me one! Let me know!
Apr 07Reply
lovelylady720 Hello again😀 I just wanted to say welcome to Poshmark 😀😀😀 But I also wanted to tell you that I think it's awesome that you create your own clothes!! What a gift!!😀
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @gnargooch69 thank youband God bless and stay safe
Apr 07Reply
sheritaw980 @lovelylady720 thank you and same to you. God bless and stay safe
Apr 07Reply
thread_vault @sheritaw980 thanks! Check out my closet I’ll give you a good discount!
Apr 07Reply
rebelthrift I really appreciate the likes. You made my day. Be well ❤️
Apr 08Reply
kmariejohns90 Hey! Thanks for taking a look! Add the item you liked in a bundle with one or more items and I will send you a discounted offer ! Buy three or more items and I will give you a FREE mystery Beauty item !! If beauty isn’t your thing maybe I can pick another category ??
Apr 08Reply
sheritaw980 @rebelthrift thank you and your welcome. you have a very nice closet. God bless and stay safe
Apr 09Reply
sheritaw980 @kmariejohns90 thank you. I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 09Reply
bettydelph62 You liked a pendant in my closet. If you want to make an offer.... I'm ready to do some more auctions and change up my closet! I miss doing the auctions! Lol! My daughter says I'm addicted! Stay safe!
Apr 09Reply
sheritaw980 @bettydelph62 thank you and I am browsing at the moment. God bless Happy Good Friday and you and your family stay safe
Apr 10Reply
designdiva2020 Thanks so much for the shares 💐 I noticed you “liked” a few items -really appreciate you visiting my closet. If you’re interested in a bundle &/or an offer on any of the items you liked please let me know. Have a safe and awesome day. 💐 Candice
Apr 10Reply
sheritaw980 @designdiva2020 thank you and your welcome. God bless and Happy Good Friday stay safe
Apr 10Reply
designdiva2020 God bless you as well :) 🙏🏻
Apr 10Reply
msgtr Welcome! to Poshmark. There are so many good deals. Take your time shopping..Enjoy and best of luck in your search.
Apr 11Reply
amcilwa Hey beautiful! Please check out my page 😅😀🙏🏻❤️❤️
Apr 11Reply
sheritaw980 @msgtr thank you. God bless and stay safe
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @amcilwa thank you and your closet is very nice. God bless and stay safe
Apr 12Reply
amcilwa @sheritaw980 thanks🤩🤩💙💙
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @amcilwa your welcome. Gos bless and Happy Easter
Apr 12Reply
carolynw2019 Thank you for the likes (I made you some offers!!) and for sharing my closet. I looked up your site and it's very nice! Very nice!!
Apr 12Reply
amcilwa @sheritaw980 happy Easter to you too!
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @carolynw2019 thank you and your closet is nice it self. Thank you again for checking out the website. I am browsing at the moment however God bless and have a happy and safe Easter
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @carolynw2019 thank you and your closet is nice it self. Thank you again for checking out the website. I am browsing at the moment however God bless and have a happy and safe Easter
Apr 12Reply
carolynw2019 @sheritaw980 Thank you. It's been a quiet day, for sure. Our kids live away and with this virus, we are not able to get together, trying to abide the recommendations. We sure miss them and their families. Hopefully, soon. You have a Blessed day, too. Enjoy browsing!!
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @carolynw2019 thank you and same to you
Apr 12Reply
eysjewelry2 Thanks for the likes! Happy Easter!
Apr 12Reply
sheritaw980 @eysjewelry2 thank you and you welcome. God bless and stay safe. Happy Easter to you as well. Your closet is very beautiful
Apr 12Reply
shortydoucette hi there sherita!! welcome to poshmark. this is a great group of poshers also very helpful and friendly. please check out my closet. I'm self taught and I do gemstones crystals wire wrapping and beadweaving jewelry and special ornaments meant to be displayed.. all handmade by me. there's something for everyone!! Thanks so much. welcome again. much posh love Melissa
Apr 13Reply
phyillbabe Thanks for checking out my closet. If you have any questions on any item I would be more than happy to answer them. Stay safe and happy Poshing
Apr 13Reply
sheritaw980 @shortydoucette thank you and you have a very nice closet. God bless and stay safe
Apr 13Reply
sheritaw980 @phyillbabe thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 13Reply
chaescloset Hello thank you for liking my closet!😘 Stay safe sweetie.
Apr 14Reply
sheritaw980 @chaescloset your welcome and same to you
Apr 14Reply
maggiesuz Hey Sherita!! Happy Tuesday!! 💫❣Thank you for liking the items from my closet!!! 💥❣ Let me know if you have any questions about any if the items. Also, you can always create a bundle for a private offer. Thanks again and have a blessed day❣
Apr 14Reply
retromirror Hello there !!😊😊Thanks for stopping by my closet.Please don't be afraid to ask question.Bundle to save more and discount on shipping!!🤩🤩Get a free gift with all purchase over $20!!!😍😍😍😍
Apr 14Reply
sheritaw980 @maggiesuz thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 15Reply
sheritaw980 @maggiesuz thank you and your welcome. God bless and stay safe
Apr 15Reply
sheritaw980 @rearviewmirror1 thank you and I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 15Reply
lindanguyen236 HappyPoshing ❤️
Apr 18Reply
rwebster013 Hey I see you liked three of my wallets/wristlets. Make a bundle and send an offer! 🎁 willing to negotiate
Apr 18Reply
sheritaw980 @lindanguyen236 thank you and same to you. God bless and stay safe
Apr 18Reply
sheritaw980 @rwebster013 thank you and I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 18Reply
sheritaw980 @rwebster013 thank you and I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 18Reply
sheritaw980 @rwebster013 thank you and I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
Apr 18Reply
antst111 Thanks for all the ❤️ love ✨✨I hope you are safe and well and please let me know if you’re interested in any items in my closet 🌝
Apr 19Reply
gerardif Hello Sherita, my name is Franny! I see that you liked one of my listings (Calvin Klein Mini Purse)! If you are still interested, want to counter, or have any other questions, please let me know. Also, feel free to check out the rest of my closet! Thank you!
Apr 19Reply
sheritaw980 @antst111 thank you and same to you
Apr 19Reply
sheritaw980 @gerardif thank you God bless and stay safe
Apr 19Reply
usedscar Thx😎 Be safe stay sweet.
Apr 21Reply
sheritaw980 @usedscar your welcome
Apr 21Reply
samanthalynn022 ⚡️FLASH SALE! ⚡️ bundle and save or make me an offer! Come visit my closet for some great deals! 😀
Apr 22Reply
lilanastasia Hi Sherita! Thank you so much for all the likes in my closet!! If you would like a bundle offer from me, please place those items in a bundle and I will be happy to send you a special offer! Also, in case you didn’t see it, this past week I have started sending along a free gift for bundle purchases of 2+ listings! 🤗
Apr 22Reply
lilanastasia @sheritaw980 You’re very welcome!
Apr 22Reply
socalchiccloset Hi Sherita!! Thanks so much for checking out my closet :) if you are interested in making an offer or have any questions regarding my Michael Kors crossbody let me know - happy to provide additional info/pics :) happy poshing!!
Apr 23Reply
sheritaw980 @socalchiccloset thank you and same to you
Apr 23Reply
posh_girl34 Hello, I noticed that you liked some of my bags... would love to give you a great price on any & all that you may like in my closet. Very flexible when bundling.😊Any questions just ask. Thank you 😊
Apr 23Reply
sheritaw980 @starla34 thank you and your welcome. I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stat safe
Apr 23Reply
posh_girl34 @sheritaw980 Thank you so much & too!🙏🏼😊
Apr 23Reply
corabellscloset Sherita, thank you for taking a peek at my closet and liking an item, if you bundle two or more items I offer a discount. Stay healthy and well 😊
Apr 24Reply
ash818 Hey I just wanted to say if you were interested in anything on my page I'm including items for free
Apr 24Reply
sheritaw980 @corabellscloset thank you and same to yoy
Apr 24Reply
kingshia take a look in my closet love! bundle and save 💗💕💞
Apr 25Reply
stonegrownvtg Just listed some kids clothes and shoes, check it out!!
Apr 25Reply
sheritaw980 @kaylaharner thank you. I don't have any kids but I will check it out
Apr 25Reply
familyvipbiz @sheritaw980 Hope you are doing well. I see you have like several items in my store. Please contact me and let me know which ones you would really ❤️ live to have and I will give you a BIG DISCOUNT!!!! Thanks so much 😊🌺🌸
Apr 25Reply
sheritaw980 @familyvipbiz thank you and your welcome. I am browsing at the moment for future consideration. God bless and stay safe
Apr 25Reply
seldomseenonce Thank you for checking out my listings. How can I view your listings.
Apr 28Reply
sheritaw980 @seldomseenonce I believe you can type my name sherita.w and look at my listings. You can check out the website where I have different listings if products available for purchase. the website is I have new shirts available in different sizes and colors. The shirts are called Love yourself and you can receive a 20% discount my using the code sw86. Thank you and you have a very nice closet.
Apr 28Reply
seldomseenonce Thank you and I will differently visit your sites. Have a blessed day and stay safe.
Apr 28Reply
sheritaw980 @seldomseenonce okay. Thank you again. God bless and stay safe
Apr 28Reply
bestbuycloset WELCOME TO POSHMARk! My name is Cindy! 👱🏻‍♀️ Nice to meet you ☺️ Hope you are enjoying poshing 📦🛍🛒 Pls stop in if you have any questions! I’m happy to help! 😍 HAPPY POSHING! Cindy 👱🏻‍♀️🍍🍍
May 01Reply
bestbuycloset @sheritaw980 WELCOME TO POSHMARk! My name is Cindy! 👱🏻‍♀️ Nice to meet you ☺️ Hope you are enjoying poshing 📦🛍🛒 Pls stop in if you have any questions! I’m happy to help! 😍 HAPPY POSHING! Cindy 👱🏻‍♀️🍍🍍
May 01Reply
sheritaw980 @bestbuycloset thank you and same to you. God bless you and stay safe
May 01Reply
bestbuycloset @sheritaw980 Stay safe as well!!!! 🙏
May 01Reply
glammajanis Hi Sherita, if you are interested in the 3 purses that you liked, I would be happy to accept an offer of 54and mail them in the morning before the PO closes early on sat. Regardless, stay safe💕
May 01Reply
bigrob1827_ Add stuff to your bundle and I’ll give you my best price !!!
May 01Reply
golden_moon14 Hi Sherita! I would love it if you could come check out my closet. I have a cute Scout wristlet, and lots of friendship bracelets too! Stay safe and Happy Poshing.
May 01Reply
sheritaw980 @bestbuycloset thank you again
May 02Reply
sheritaw980 @glammajanis thank you however I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
May 02Reply
sheritaw980 @bigrob1827_ thank you however I am browsing at the moment. God bless and stay safe
May 02Reply
sheritaw980 @josephinedl thank you. God bless and stay safe
May 02Reply
nestle77 Hi sweetie! Would you be interested in a bundle buy for the items you liked? 😊
May 02Reply
sheritaw980 @nestle77 actually I am browsing at moment. God bless and stay safe
May 02Reply
nestle77 @sheritaw980 no worries at all sweetie! Let me know if you have any questions! Be safe and healthy and happy!
May 02Reply
sheritaw980 @nestle77 okay. thank you again
May 02Reply
007laurenm Hi Sherita! Share! Grow! Posh! ✌️🌷🙌🛍🍃 Elle
May 04Reply
sheritaw980 @007laurenm thank you and God bless
May 04Reply
rosymejia593 Welcome to Poshmark
May 04Reply
sheritaw980 @rosymejia593 thank you and same to you
May 04Reply
kitie2u 🐈 Good Afternoon! Thank you for being a guest in my closet. Please stop by anytime to say, Hi! Chat! or Shop! Blessings in Ur direction always! 🐈 From The Kitie2u Closet
May 06Reply
sheritaw980 @kitie2u thank you and same to you
May 06Reply
atouchofgold Hi! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! Please check out my closet. Everything is brand new and never worn! Prices are negotiable! ☺️
May 07Reply
margaret_herz Hi..thank up for the likes. I'm back from vacation ! Blessings and Peace to you .
May 08Reply
caseycarson274 Hi would love for you to check out my closet, will be donating most of it soon! Feel free to make and offer!
May 08Reply
liledeglace Sherita, thank you for your generous like of my profile❤happy mother's day tomorrow❣
May 09Reply
sheritaw980 @atouchofgold thank you and nice closet. God bless and stay safe
May 09Reply
sheritaw980 @caseycarson274 thank you and God bless
May 09Reply
sheritaw980 @liledeglace thank you and your welcome. Happy mother's day to you and your family. God bless and stay safe
May 09Reply
dquinn9 @sheritaw980 Hi Sherita! Thanks for the like! Just wanted to let you know, now through Sunday, I'm accepting offers of 15% off the listing price automatically. Hope you have a great weekend and stay safe! (Happy Mothers day as well, if you are a mother)!
May 09Reply
liledeglace @sheritaw980 you too❣💜God bless❤ love your unique name. stay safe👍
May 09Reply
pbjfox Hi I offer discounts on bundles have lots of stuff new and vintage
May 09Reply
sheritaw980 @dquinn9 thank you and God bless. Happy mother's day to you.
May 09Reply

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Last Active: Jan 16 2024

Buffalo, NY
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Last Active: Jan 16 2024

Buffalo, NY
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