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Updated Dec 22
Updated Dec 22

Meet your Posher, Sloane

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sloane. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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smittenspice They take a large percentage here... but I can go lower on m e r c.... if you want.
Mar 22Reply
schuylersloane @smittenspice Im not sure what merc is... (feeling stupid) I want this to be good for both of us...
Mar 22Reply
schuylersloane @smittenspice Wait...I got it! Installing it now...
Mar 22Reply
meghanfells Sorry, I can't go any lower than 80.. even at 80 I'm still losing money.
Apr 21Reply
schuylersloane @meghanfells I understand. I can only go as far a 60. Im sure you will have no problem selling them for 80.
Apr 21Reply
emc_2rd Cutest dog everrr!!
Sep 12Reply
schuylersloane @missymb Thank you! Trixie is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi - Blue Merle colouring We call her "hell on stumps" ... she is a handful!
Sep 12Reply
emc_2rd @schuylersloane never have I seen a corgi in this color! Love love love!
Sep 12Reply
schuylersloane @deanna_col You are so sweet...we are all so busy ... please do not give it a thought! 😊
Nov 19Reply
gosia2017 Adorable pup, what breed is it ?? ♥️
Apr 23Reply
schuylersloane @gosia2017 Trixie is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Her "colouring" is Blue Merle. She is bigger now, about 30lbs.
Apr 23Reply
gosia2017 @schuylersloane thank u, she is beautiful
Apr 23Reply
schuylersloane @gosia2017 Thank you so much! I cannot say enough good things about this breed. They are just wonderful, she is my 4th.
Apr 23Reply
tawnyamurphy Hi, I am the person you bought the frye purse from. I just realized that I forgot to put the dust bag in the package. I am going to send it tomorrow. Sorry for the mistake.
Apr 25Reply
schuylersloane @tawnyamurphy Please don't worry 🤗...mail it when you can 😊
Apr 25Reply
eholder You have great taste! I love your bundle choices. Just for fun, please add everything to a bundle. I’ll do %25 off.
Jun 01Reply
schuylersloane @eholder Thank you! I have NO IDEA what I am doing...does it show? 🤣
Jun 01Reply
eholder @schuylersloane lol, does anyone, really? I love it!
Jun 01Reply
eholder @schuylersloane ps...your bundle can be larger because I can fit it into a box! And I’d rather sell to a fellow posher than tomorrow at my estate sale to a stranger.
Jun 01Reply
schuylersloane @eholder I have been spending waaayyy too much money on here lately! I don't believe I can meet your price. I'm sorry😢 My max is about 50 or so 😞 This is the, "its me not you" moment in our relationship" 😂😏 Good luck with your move. I hope everything goes smoothly and safely. When you open your closet again...shipping will be almost "hourly" to me 😉 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jun 01Reply
schuylersloane @eholder Hi! 😊 I would really love to take those 2 items off your hands...😘
Jun 03Reply
eholder @schuylersloane I would love you to have them!
Jun 03Reply
eholder @schuylersloane I am in midst of my estate sale. I will evaluate what's left on Sunday night/Monday morning.
Jun 03Reply
schuylersloane @eholder I understand...😊 My offer is not meant as a low-ball is just my current budget. Good luck on your sale 🤗
Jun 03Reply
eholder @schuylersloane I totally understand. No problem.
Jun 03Reply
schuylersloane I hope its going well!?!!!!
Jun 03Reply
badasslady Your welcome, I will ship tomorrow morning . Thank you.
Jun 05Reply
schuylersloane @jessicaross634 You are welcome 😊
Jun 05Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 07Reply
schuylersloane @spreadlove Hi! Nice to meet you! Thanks for "coming up to me" and introducing yourself...
Jun 07Reply
paigebolton Adorable!!!!
Jul 23Reply
schuylersloane @paigebolton. Thank you!! 😊
Jul 23Reply
evsjewels Your dog is adorable!!!
Nov 05Reply
evsjewels Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the beautiful Silpada ring. I am always open to offers. Have a great week! 🌸😊
Nov 05Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Nov 07Reply
schuylersloane @maismo50 No thanks! Your stuff looks like cheap crap made in China. I suspect you are a large corporation posing as an individual on this platform. Your greed takes money away from the honest people on here looking to make a little extra cash... Take your "blessings" and see your way off of my post. Feel free to block me 😊 I welcome NEVER interacting with you ...
Nov 07Reply
dreamjewels84 @schuylersloane Oh, I am very sorry for your comments, maybe you are having a bad time in your life and you find hatred in your heart ... I sincerely hope that God will heal all bitterness and unleash all his chains of hatred and aggression. God bless you and your family if you have it.
Nov 07Reply
schuylersloane @maismo50. Unbelievable! I consider this harrassment I made it very clear I did not want you to interact with me. Im reporting you!!
Nov 07Reply
bfashion1 @schuylersloane Hi Sloane, when you get chance take a look at my closet I have a mix of items women ,men & children of all sizes. I am having a great sale now Bundle any two or more items in my closet take 50% off the total price. Thank you in advance for looking. 🤗💖 Happy Poshing!
Nov 17Reply
casualpilgrim hi there! i believe you may be receiving the wrong item & that the labels were switched up as another customer has received your bag. i’m so sorry! is there any way you can return the item to me so i can ship you the correct one? i believe poshmark can provide a return label. i know that the bag has not arrived yet according to tracking. if you can refuse the package and have it sent back somehow, i would be so grateful! of course, i will attempt to refund you totally for the trouble.
Dec 24Reply
schuylersloane @casualpilgrim Hi! 😊 I can try to refuse the package, but I often miss the postman...
Dec 24Reply
schuylersloane @casualpilgrim when I got home from work, my package had been delivered. I can refuse it on the Poshmark app ... (I am not going to open the package )but only if you give me the go ahead! I hope this won't ruin your "standing" with Poshmark ... this is a mistake and it happens. I hope the other person isn't mad... Im not 😊
Dec 24Reply
casualpilgrim @schuylersloane thank you so much for understanding! so sorry for all the confusion! glad it is resolved now & once i get those back i will get your correct item shipped out ASAP! hope you are having happy holidays! 💜💜
Dec 27Reply
schuylersloane @casualpilgrim. There are waaayyy more important things to get excited about... I just dropped it at the post office, about a half hour ago ...
Dec 27Reply
schuylersloane @casualpilgrim I am having a wonderful holiday and I hope you are too! Thank you for asking!
Dec 27Reply
lshopnyc Hi! Feel free to check out my closet. I’m accepting ALL offers thru 12/31🥳
Dec 28Reply
schuylersloane @lshopnyc Hi! Nice closet ...
Dec 28Reply
lshopnyc @schuylersloane thanks :) happy holidays 🥳
Dec 28Reply
ttcmoore Thank you for liking my listing. I like to give a discount for the first like. My offer just to you is $32. Posh me back if interested. ☺️
Feb 27Reply
allywanderland Hey girl! Just wanted to reach out real quick regarding the Eileen fisher top you ordered from me. Unfortunately as I was packaging the order I found a large spot on the item and I didn't feel comfortable sending it out in the condition. I tried to remove it but it didn't come out so I have refunded your money! :)
Mar 08Reply
schuylersloane @allywanderland. Heyyy...😊 Im so glad to hear from you 🤩 Sell it to me for $5. and I will figure out how to get that spot out 😎
Mar 08Reply
oregoonie Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️💕❤️ Is that a corgi in your profile picture?! I also have a Corgi puppy. Love them!
Mar 14Reply
schuylersloane @taragee80. It is! She's a big girl now - almost 3. Aren't corgis the best breed ever?!!!!??!!!! Thank you for saying "hi"...
Mar 14Reply
flamingo5050 Corgi ears! Love them! My guy is corgi mixed with schnauzer, bichon and bull dog but resembles a small terrier with those adorable Corgi ears! Have fun poshing !
Apr 02Reply
schuylersloane @flamingo5050 Hi! Do you have a pic of your dog on your page? It sounds lovely...
Apr 02Reply
flamingo5050 @schuylersloane There is now! All 15lbs plus ears. He’s in the posh star listing.
Apr 03Reply
schuylersloane @kavkirk You're very welcome! I hope we can do business again ...
Apr 14Reply
clothinghouse Thank you for your love note! it’s buyers like you that make Poshmark a great community! I hope we can do business again in the future ☺️ Also, I’m so happy you loved the Eileen Fisher pants! 👖💕 Warm Regards, Samantha 🌞
Apr 25Reply
schuylersloane @clothinghouse I did! Thank you! I hope we can do business again!
Apr 25Reply
cstreed Thank you for the review. Your love note made my day! I have 2 more pairs of the same linen pants in green and flax in you are interested. I'm willing to bundle and make a deal : )
Apr 25Reply
schuylersloane @cstreed Awww...I meant every word! I have the flax coloured pants ... let me think about the green. *hug*
Apr 25Reply
cstreed @schuylersloane sure thing! love your pup :-)
Apr 25Reply
schuylersloane @cstreed Trixie - she's a big girl now (3). She's a blue merle cardigan welch corgi ... Let me think about the bundle ...
Apr 25Reply
cstreed @schuylersloane such a sweet girl. have a great day!
Apr 25Reply
llathleticwear Long sleeve tie dye crop top Super cute and soft Great spring and summer top Cute with jeans, skirt or shorts 96 rayon and 4 spandex Thank you for stopping by and please check out my other items Front length from shoulder 19” then the tie portion comes up a little bit Size small armpit to armpit is roughly 16” Offers and bundles welcome Pair with my distressed jeans for a great outfit! The color reflects my pics more than the model. Brand is gaze 15.5 “ from Armpit to armpit
May 03Reply
llathleticwear Sorry I meant to say visit my closet for fashionable items, fun accessories and athletic apparel 😁
May 03Reply
drewecoble Thanks for liking the EF dress from my closet. Drew
Aug 09Reply
corporettechic Hi Sloane! You bought my vintage Icelandic wool sweater and I don’t want you to worry. I saw your comment. I had two sweaters one men’s, ones women’s, and I deleted the mens listing because I wanted to keep whichever I didn’t sell. I’m shipping yours on Monday, is that alright?
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic Also, I too have a corgi. Pembroke! Corgis are great dogs!
Oct 26Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic It was the E.X.A.C.T. same listing - with the E.X.A.C.T. same measurements. 🤔 I am looking for an oversized sweater ...
Oct 26Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic ... And typically lopapeysa's are unisex ...
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic @schuylersloane it’s going to be over sized. The men’s sweater had the same measurements, but was labeled men’s. The one you bought isn’t. I bought them from the same store. I’m guessing some kind of awkward his and hers thing. but is the same design. It’ll be oversized, as it’s way oversized on me. As for the pics, that’s from me loosing light and not having time to take the other pics.
Oct 26Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic JC 😆. Im sorry - I keep hitting "enter" - its cool if you send it Monday. I don't expect people to mail things out right away (unless we agreed on it) ... To be clear - its oversized - a "boyfriend" sweater?
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic @schuylersloane I don’t know what that is. But I will keep that in mind.
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic @schuylersloane on me it fits like a boyfriend sweater. But I’m petite with boobs. What’s your build? I can have someone go try it on and tell me. I’ve got a bunch of grad students of various sizes watching my corgi this weekend.
Oct 26Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic a "lopapeysa" is what this sweater is ... Ummm...Im like 5'9 between a womens med. and large. It doesnt have to be hanging off me - but big enough to be oversized 😊
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic @schuylersloane girl I got you. The one I use to get things off the y’all shelves is your size. Give me about an hour.
Oct 26Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic Ive got nothing but time 😆😎...
Oct 26Reply
corporettechic Hey girl hey. Had two grad students that are 5'9" try on your sweater and they both said that it had a boyfriend fit, AND I made my boyfriend try it on and it fit him, and he 6'1". Popped it in the mail yesterday. Trying to be very thorough.
Oct 29Reply
schuylersloane @corporettechic Thank you! You went above and beyond 🤗😎
Oct 29Reply
corporettechic @schuylersloane psh, your comments to other people made me laugh, I like people that advocate for themselves.
Oct 29Reply
kberg134 Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes! FYI: I ship out same or by the next day , offer 10% off Bundles (2+ items), I’m 5 star rated and always open to reasonable offers! Happy Poshing! 👖👢💕
Apr 15Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hey! 👋 welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🤗 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet as I sell your favorite brands! 🎀 happy poshing!
Sep 16Reply
ssmith0951 Welcome to Poshmark!! I love your closet already! If you have a few minutes please hop over to my closet and offer if you’re interested i’ll be sure to give you the best deal!💕💕 Happy Poshing🤩🥳
Oct 18Reply
tootie2258 Welcome🙋‍♀️ Hi, are you just admiring 2 of my purses and a cardigan or would you like to BUNDLE and get an offer? Thank you for your time to reply💕
Jan 19Reply
annabella8 Hi beautiful baby❣️ I had a pembroke welsh corgi but he’s gone now. So fun, so sweet!
Feb 18Reply
schuylersloane @annabella8 Hi! Thank you! She's my first Cardi - my other 3 were Pembrokes ... Corgis are the best! Aren't they?!! Thanks for saying "hi"
Feb 18Reply
schuylersloane @annabella8 Im sorry your furbaby went to the Rainbow Bridge ... he's not alone ...
Feb 18Reply
bessglenn57 I have to add to the your growing list of poshers loving your so very unique adorable dog! Is it the corgi”s who don’t bark? His markings are just so perfectly placed!and that face❤️🐾
Oct 08Reply
schuylersloane @bessglenn57 Hi! 😊 Trixie is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi - her coloring is blue merle ALL Corgis bark!
Oct 08Reply
bessglenn57 @schuylersloane thank you and my apologies for calling Trixie a he when obviously she’s a she!
Oct 08Reply
schuylersloane @bessglenn57 omgoodness - I didn't even notice 🤣. I wouldn't be offended by that ... she's a dog ... No apology necessary!
Oct 08Reply
love7leanna What a cute pup, those ears!
Oct 09Reply
schuylersloane @love7leanna Thank you! Those are her "yoda ears" ... The picture is from when she was a baby - she's a big girl now! Those ears are now even bigger now - like satellite dishes - 😊🥰
Oct 09Reply
love7leanna @schuylersloane I saw that he's a corgi - such a fun breed and sure is a conversation starter! Give him some pets for me 😍
Oct 09Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Jun 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Mar 11Reply
linaberkeslove Hello there, welcome to Poshmark, please stop and visit my closet and see if there's anything you would like? I do live shows, there's a flyer in my closet if you can like it to be notified when I go live if you would like to join me, my shows are for the most part share shows, yours & mine, so I can share your listings and we can meet new poshers together. I hope you have a good time here at Poshmark. Thanks for shopping sustainable!!! 🪷🙏🫶🏻🫶🏿🫶🏾🫶🏽🫶🏼🕉️☮️✌️🕊️🥰
Nov 04Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!  I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me! Please follow my closet @Missmoly. ❤️P.S. If You Love Torrid, You Have Come To The Right Place.  I Have Torrid All Over My Closet & List New Torrid Everyday!
Apr 07Reply

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Albany, NY
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Last Active: hours ago

Albany, NY
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