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Updated Jul 22
Updated Jul 22

Meet your Posher, Stanetta

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Stanetta. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Old Navy, Lane Bryant, torrid, and adidas. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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Jul 24Reply
rjfinds Hey Stanetta welcome to Poshmark. I hope you have some great sales and awesome buys! When you get a chance continue checking out my every growing closet. See something you like make me a offer or bundle. Most prices on my items are negotiable. I’m sure you’ll find some cool clothes there you will love! If you have any questions about Poshmark don’t hesitate to ask.
Jul 24Reply
ozoz123oz Feel free to check out my jerseys and Nike/Jordan/Adidas shirts. I'm in the process of posting other jerseys so feel free to follow me too.
Jul 24Reply
tj_giftshop Thank you for visiting back and the likes. They are gorgeous sweater tops. Very comfy and trendy. 💝🛍✨
Aug 01Reply
yousef007 Hello Stanetta, Thank you for the like😊
Aug 01Reply
thuqqieee Hii!! I will accept your offer on the shoes but do you mind offering tomorrow afternoon? I can’t ship until Friday morning and I’d hate to lose my 1 day track record do you mind?🙂
Aug 01Reply
stanettafaison @thuqqieee I can definitely do that! Will you put them on hold? Thank you in advance!
Aug 01Reply
thuqqieee @stanettafaison ofcourse they are all yours!!🙂 thank you so much! Maybe tomorrow around 5:30 ish? And I will have them shipped on Friday morning
Aug 01Reply
stanettafaison @thuqqieee Ok, great! Will do! Thanks again!
Aug 01Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison Sorry, just decline it, I didn’t see you added another item. Thanks!
Aug 02Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 Thank You! What happened to the leggings that I had in the bundle? Do you have any other TC leggings?
Aug 02Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison I do ~ I can just add them to the order when I send it out. It’s a pair really similar to the listed one. They just aren’t listed.
Aug 02Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison The offer I sent is for the shirts at $3 each & the ARSNL sweatshirt at $4, with discounted shipping & I’ll send the other pair of LuLaroe TC leggings with the order 💞🛍!
Aug 02Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison I think I can find the LuLaroe Irma that goes with the leggings. I can send that too! I’ve got to clear out these extra clothes before I move 📦!
Aug 02Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 That Would Be Awesome Thank You!
Aug 02Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 Can you place this bundle on hold and let me pay you tomorrow? I get paid tomorrow.
Aug 02Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison Yes, I moved everything under “SOLD & updated to Not for Sale” the blue sweatshirt has an old offer on it expiring soon so if anyone tries to buy it~I’ll just cancel it. Just message me tomorrow when you are ready so I can update everything back to “For Sale” to purchase your bundle! Thank you!
Aug 02Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 That's Awesome! Thank you!
Aug 02Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison Everything is listed & ready to bundle again!
Aug 03Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 Awesome, doing it now!
Aug 03Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 I remade the bundle but don't see the leggings to add the bundle.
Aug 03Reply
srelihan I see you have a bundle going with me! Let me know when your done and I might be able to offer better than my bundle discount rate!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 03Reply
stanettafaison @srelihan I have completed the bundle. I'll look hear from you. Thanks!
Aug 03Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison Sorry, I was sleeping ~ I work nights. I’m just sending the leggings with the bundle ✨💞🛍
Aug 03Reply
stanettafaison @glamorous_1210 I have paid for the bundle. Thank you for working with me. I truly appreciate you!
Aug 03Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison ✨🛍🌺 No problem ~ Ms. Stanetta!!! I’ll package your order tonight & mail it in the morning! Thank you for your order! ✨🛍🌺!
Aug 03Reply
boutique2019 @stanettafaison ✨Thank you, Stanetta for your kind words & 💗📝 and taking time to leave it! I hope you enjoy everything in your bundle! Take care & Happy Poshing✨💞🛍!
Aug 10Reply
bitsandpcs Hi Stanetta! Thank you for visiting my closet. I do give discount for multiple items in case you want to bundle your likes!😊😊😐Thank you. Let me kniw if you have any questions. 😊
Aug 17Reply
loxluxjewelry Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you have any questions or need any tips please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Sep 06Reply
readwriteretro Welcome to Posh!
Sep 06Reply
knoxcollection Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing! 💖👛👓👢👡👗👚👖
Sep 06Reply
pennyks Welcome to Posh hope you love it here!
Sep 06Reply
solgarmac93 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark!! Happy shopping!! 😉😁
Sep 07Reply
kimjo328 Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet today. I saw that you liked a couple of items. Feel free to put them in a bundle and I’ll offer you a discount. Let me know if you have any questions. By the was the Hurricane?
Sep 28Reply
stanettafaison @kimjo328 No problem, will do. The hurricane was horrible. My parents had a lot of damage but its repairable. We did alright but my in-laws lost everything. We're pastors and our church is completely submerged and we lost 4 of our members in the flooding. We're all grieving but standing on our faith. Thank you so much for asking, it really means a lot. God bless you and yours. Apostle Stanetta Faison
Sep 28Reply
elephanttrunk Thanks for sharing from my closet 💕. Hope you have a great weekend of sales 🛍
Oct 06Reply
nonasnoopshop Happy Poshing! Now following 👻🤗⭐️❤️🐱
Oct 07Reply
stanettafaison @poisonpoet Thank you! I did and I created a bundle. 😊
Oct 11Reply
2turnheads Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh Ambassador here to offer any assistance and answer any questions about OFFERS, BUNDLES or selling on Poshmark. You will LOVE this platform. Posh closet shopping is fun, easy and you can find deals, steals and UNIQUE items. Please click on my closet name Parexcellence to be taken directly to my closet. It is diverse in styles, brands, sizes and price for BOTH women and men. Hope you LIKE it. Have a nice day and HAPPY POSHING!
Oct 12Reply
ldonselar @stanettafaison Hi! Thank you for sharing and shopping my closet. 🙂 Blessings to you and yours.
Oct 15Reply
blackcatmoon Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Oct 24Reply
olive1oil @stanettafaison hi you would have to make me an offer its say i cant nake a private offer the limit was exceeded.
Oct 25Reply
stanettafaison @olive1oil Ok, thank you.
Oct 25Reply
olive1oil @stanettafaisonhi the top and skirt set was bought already i dont know why it wasnt marked.. sorry
Oct 25Reply
olive1oil @stanettafaiso hi you can make me an offer if you like
Oct 25Reply
stanettafaison @olive1oil Oh, ok.. No worries.
Oct 25Reply
renee1st Hi, Thank you very much for sharing my closet. Have a wonderful weekend!
Oct 28Reply
willowsage2 Hi Stanetta, If you'd like, please place an offer for the items and I will offer you a bundle deal with discounted shipping. Thank you.
Nov 02Reply
itsajonesthang I will be shipping today. Thanks again for your purchase.😘
Nov 02Reply
thefoxyja47 Hey Hun I can seem to locate all the pieces except . That’s the dress with the tape measure on it
Nov 02Reply
gaylegathers Sorry it took so long to get back to you, my computer has to go to Best Buy for a tune up. Gayle
Nov 03Reply
thefoxyja47 Hey Hun located the item blouse/ Dress mailed them off this morning. 3 items in Total Jean Jacket with Stencils and leopard Pants and the Blue Shirt/ Dress. You should be receiving your tracking number. I wanted to make sure I located that dress and I did. Had to go to my other house 🏡 to get it. It’s done. ✅
Nov 03Reply
stanettafaison @thefoxyja47 Thank you for going the extra mile! I'm so excited and looking forward to wearing my new dress!
Nov 03Reply
thefoxyja47 Hey hun your package should get to u Tuesday or Wednesday. You will be receiving 2 separate packages because I tried to mail your packages out quickly. So I send 1 in the Am and went to my other house and mailed the other package out. I have already let poshmark know that I had to seperaTe the packages. But they both were mailed out on SAturday November3,2018
Nov 05Reply
thefoxyja47 Just wanted you to be aware of that.
Nov 05Reply
stanettafaison @thefoxyja47 Thank you so much!
Nov 05Reply
thefoxyja47 @stanettafaison welcome. Your next order I have many gifts for you for you returning and being a loyal customer. I appreciate that.
Nov 05Reply
stanettafaison @thefoxyja47 Awwww...that's so nice of you!
Nov 05Reply
willowsage2 Hi Stanetta, I tried to give offer on bundle, it said, "I have exceeded maximum bundle offers with no response." Haven't seen that before, so if you want to, please place offer as to what you feel is a decent offer and chances are I will too. :) Thank you.
Nov 06Reply
breezys332 @stanettafaison Thank you so very much for such a wonderful rating. That was just so very sweet and nice of you. I really do hope that we do cross large again. Working with people like you on postmark make it all seem so worthwhile!
Nov 07Reply
audreyartmann Stanetta, have you received your items?
Nov 17Reply
audreyartmann @stanettafaison I am so sorry. I keep checking the tracking and I don't know what has happened.
Nov 17Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from your neighbor in South Carolina
Nov 17Reply
stanettafaison @audreyartmann No worries, I'm patient.
Nov 17Reply
stanettafaison @foreverfortyone Greetings to you as well!
Nov 17Reply
jveee @stanettafaison. Thanks for the LIKE❤ on the OshKosh baby boy khaki overalls. Feel free to make an offer OR bundle it with other items and I'll send you a private (no-obligation) offer. Happy Poshing👗👛👒
Nov 19Reply
audreyartmann stanetta, anything in my closet is on a special sale just for you since you were so patient. thank you.
Nov 27Reply
ptahara Yayy, thank you for your purchase, your package will be mailed out first thing tomorrow morning 🤗🤗🤗
Jan 15Reply
stanettafaison @ptahara Thank you! I'm always looking for Lula roe dresses...either Dani, Maria or Ana. Let me know if you get anymore. Thanks again!
Jan 15Reply
mzpitty1 @stanettafaison YOU are right. I was going by previous offer SORRY. If you offer me $78 for bundle I will ACCEPT. I will also include a small gift.
Feb 02Reply
mzpitty1 @stanettafaison Just a heads up someone put the eShakti dress in their bundle. If you are serious about the two dresses now is the time to bundle and offer. I think if you are the first to offer you get it. No pressure just to let you know. They might not go through with it either...LOL
Feb 02Reply
timeclock59 Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate it.❤️
Feb 11Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Mar 08Reply
stanettafaison @aasare Thank you! I will definitely check out your closet.
Mar 08Reply
riversofkitsch Hi Stanetta! I have a lot of dresses and other cute things you might like in my closet and will be adding more all the time. Feel free to make an offer!
Apr 10Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜🦋your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚‍♀️
Jul 11Reply
waytoosunny Sorry that I missed out on your clothes! I think that I loved everything that you had I’ll keep watching please give me a heads up when you list more! You sell out so quickly! Thanks
Aug 12Reply
stanettafaison @waytoosunny Thank you for your I interest in my closet. New items will be going up on Wednesday this week. Please keep an eye out and let me know if I can be of assistance in any way.
Aug 12Reply
amloften I’m so excited you got the dresses! I would love to see how they look on someone. I’m so short and could not get a good idea but they are both gorgeous. I bet you will do them justice! Thanks again for purchasing!
Jul 09Reply
omitola I’m looking to buy Ankara garments. I’ll check back as I see most of your things have sold.
Jul 23Reply
edrisopal2 Hi Stanetta; thank you for stopping by my closet and the two LIKES of the skirt. COVID and being stuck at home facilitated weight gain and a lot of my clothes no longer fit, so I'm cleaning it out......My loss your gain! Why not add another, and BUNDLE for additional discounts. The black knife pleated skirt, the blue flowered one, or the pink shaggy one, are all good choices.So make your picks, Bundle and let me know for discounts. Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Feb 14Reply
edrisopal2 Hi Stanetta: Thank you for the LIKES. All are great choices. Why not BUNDLE for additional discounts?
Jun 08Reply
edrisopal2 Stanetta: Bundle and I can give you all four for $80 and discounted shipping.
Jun 08Reply
edrisopal2 Hi Stanetta: Would you be stull interested in three of the items from your previous bundle from my closet? They are the Navy Blue crepe dress,; the teal dress and the denim skirt.
Dec 02Reply
cutehosiery @stanettafaison Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 09Reply

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