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Updated Feb 14
Updated Feb 14

Meet your Posher, Stella

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Hi! I'm Stella. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jteach102 Welcome to Poshmark! In order to increase your number of followers, like or share a fellow posher's listings. They will appreciate the advertisement and do the same. 🎉
Feb 14Reply
mariamlsmaria @stellaanyokwu hi thank you for the offer in the bracelet set. I declined the offer I have an acceptable and reasonable chart in the beginning of each category please use that to make another offer if interested. Thank you 👍🏻😃
Jul 06Reply
mariamlsmaria @stellaanyokwu thank you for your purchase. I am shipping this out to you tomorrow. Enjoy😁❤️
Jul 12Reply
mariamlsmaria @stellaanyokwu I see your item was delivered today please accept your order and rate your purchase when you get the chance
Jul 15Reply
isellclothing Hi Stella! I saw your offer, I will get back to you shortly!
Sep 22Reply
kathy421 I am so sorry about the mix up in your purchase!!! This has never happened before!! I had 3 shipments in 1 day and got confused!! I have never done that before. My apologies. I hope you love the purse when you get it. Again, I'm so sorry!
Sep 23Reply
stellaanyokwu Kathy421 how do I go about returning the wrong item I received please?
Sep 24Reply
kathy421 @stellaanyokwu A new shipping label was emailed to you so just put the new label on the original box and bring to the post office. That's how the other lady sent you your purse :) Thank you, sorry sgain. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Oct 01Reply
kathy421 @stellaanyokwu I didn't see your original post to me 6 days ago because you didn't put the @ symbol before my name so I didn't get a notification. I was just about to send you another note on this page when I noticed your note. Always use the @ symbol before a person's user name so they get a notification ;)
Oct 01Reply
kathy421 @stellaanyokwu Have you shipped the boots yet?
Oct 02Reply
stellaanyokwu @kathy421 The boots have been shipped.
Oct 04Reply
butterflyme33 Hi Stella.. I just sent your package though usps..i have the tracking number 420652039405510899359178809279 they scanned it at 10:20:38 eastern time here in Ohio.. but the site hasn't got it updated yet..just wanted to let you know.. and i hope you like the dress as much as i did and i sent it in a pretty pink box for you.. Because i love pink and I'm a breast cancer survivor 2 1/2 years now.. God bless and thank you.. Sincerely Ruthann
Oct 04Reply
stellaanyokwu @butterflyme33 Thanks! I am glad you are a survivor; you are a very brave woman to have fought and conquered cancer.
Oct 04Reply
butterflyme33 @stellaanyokwu thank you so much i was hard but im still here..
Oct 04Reply
stellaanyokwu Hang in there sister. I admire your strength.
Oct 05Reply
tsommerf Welcome to Poshmark Stella! Thank you for your purchase I will try to get this out in the mail to you in the next few days. Have a great evening!
Oct 11Reply
corpexcel @stellaanyokwu the bow belt isn't included it's a regular white belt. Still interested?
Oct 21Reply
coolcaiti I moved house and am waiting for the pants to arrive (being mailed by my sister) before I'm able to mail them to you! I sincerely apologize for the wait and any inconvenience caused, but you should have them by early next week. I apologize again!
Nov 16Reply
imarrero20 Hi my dear😊 according to the poshmark shipping status you already got your item. I am just wondering if you are happy with your purchase. Please feel free to let me know. Have a wonderful Sunday 💐💐
Nov 20Reply
lizolvera217 Hi Stella I got your offer for the Zara Blouse... I currently have a BOGO special buy 1 ref. Price and 50% second item, and wanted to see if you wanted to take advantage of it before I counter back???
Nov 28Reply
stellaanyokwu @lizolvera217 how about the warehouse shirt dress? I will like that as well.
Nov 28Reply
lizolvera217 @stellaanyokwu perfect can you bundle them and send me an offer.
Nov 28Reply
celestegeorge Hello Stella. Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you. I was in Los Angeles taking care of my Auntie. So, I see you have made an offer on two items. If I were to accept the offer on both Poshmark will charge you $5.95 shipping on on each item. Would you like to save & only pay one shipping fee?
Nov 28Reply
celestegeorge If you use the bundle button to purchase both together you will get 20% off your purchase & only be charged one shipping fee of $5.95. I believe with the 20% discount you will get close to the price you are asking.
Nov 28Reply
stellaanyokwu @celestegeorge thanks! How do I get the bundle button please?
Nov 28Reply
celestegeorge Go into the post & scroll down to the comments area. "Add to Bundle" button is right under it. Do that to all the items you would like to purchase. The 20% applies to 3 or more items so you can get what ever you want. If you only want 2 items let me know & I will change it. Otherwise have fun! 😊😉 let me know if you have more questions. Celeste
Nov 28Reply
celestegeorge Stella, I am so sorry. I changed my bundle to two items for you, 20% off & saved you $5.95 on shipping. I will need to stay at $47 for these two items. 😊😉 I hope you understand. Sorry I can not do more.
Nov 28Reply
celestegeorge Thank you so much for your purchase. I will be home in about 90 minutes. LA traffic is horrible. It will be packed & dropped off at the post office today. It was a pleasure Stella. 😊😉 Celeste
Nov 28Reply
lovelyelas Hello, I am so sorry for cancelling your order checked my closet and the leggings didn't have the tag I do have other leggings available if you're still interested let me know
Dec 07Reply
jokaye9 hello love!! thanks for buying my shoes! i just wanted to let you know that i will be shipping them monday(:
Apr 01Reply
pschwenke Hi Stella, I received your offer on the True Religions, but am out of the country until Friday. Are you okay with me sending this weekend? Please advise. Thank you
May 24Reply
stellaanyokwu @pschwenke it's ok; you can post it as soon as you are able to please? Thanks!
May 24Reply
1229maria Hey I'm sorry the clutch bag has to be purchased with the voodoo set I'm sorry not to make it clear
May 24Reply
stellaanyokwu @1229maria hi! What is the voodoo set please? I tried looking for it in your closet but didn't find it.
May 24Reply
1229maria @stellaanyokwu it's okay I'll just send the clutch to you . But I'll raise only 2 dollars since it was originally one of the items for the voodoo set. Instead of $3 I'll raise to $5. Is that okay with you ? Since if I make a sale of only $3 I only get but 05. Cents from the deal
May 25Reply
stellaanyokwu @1229maria that sounds good. Thanks!
May 25Reply
stellaanyokwu @1229maria do you need me to repurchase the bag please?
May 25Reply
1229maria @stellaanyokwu just posted it haha you're on point ! I changed the price and updated present pictures
May 25Reply
1229maria @stellaanyokwu so since I canceled the previous purchase you have to repurchased at the. New price. Ok thanks ! If you have any questions feel free to ask ! I'll be momentarily in process of posting in the time being
May 25Reply
pschwenke @stellaanyokwu Hi Stella, I am so sorry for the delay in shipment. I returned from overseas and have been very ill. I have not been well enough to go to the post office. I promise to send soon. I understand completely if you choose to cancel. My sincerest apologies.
May 28Reply
jdbachan Your fascinator is En route to you! Sorry for the delay--- I was traveling for the holiday! Best, Danielle
May 28Reply
stellaanyokwu @jdbachan no problem; it should still get here in good time.
May 28Reply
stellaanyokwu @pschwenke I am sorry to hear that you have been ill; I will expect the package as soon as you are strong enough to post please!
May 28Reply
pschwenke @stellaanyokwu Thank you for your patience & graciousness!! I was able to make it to the post office today. My sincere apologies for the delay.
May 30Reply
lyless What's the problem with a purse?... it's a new purse..
Jun 07Reply
stellaanyokwu @lyless I sent pictures of the peeled areas all around the edges of the purse. Thanks!
Jun 07Reply
lyless Sorry, it couldn't been anything major, cause I had stored away...if you don't want ,just send it back..that a good deal, on a new purse.
Jun 07Reply
stellaanyokwu @lyless it was really major; if it was just a nick I wouldn't have minded and I usually don't return items for a slight flaw. I will wait yo hear from Poshmark' s instructions for return I am sorry it didn't work out this time. Thanks again!
Jun 07Reply
ladyglam80 Thank you for your purchase! It's on its way, hope you love it! 💕
Nov 22Reply
ladyglam80 @stellaanyokwu Thanks for the great rating! 💞😆 Hope you enjoy the jacket! Have a great week! 💕
Nov 26Reply
surelymine Hi darling. Just wanted to super apologize for your order being late. Got a new phone and looks like my push notifications were not coming through. I happen to look at my account this day to notice that you had purchased the top.
Jan 16Reply
surelymine @stellaanyokwu hi babe. Please see message on top of this
Jan 16Reply
stellaanyokwu @surelymine that’s fine; please post as soon as you are able to. Thanks!
Jan 17Reply
surelymine @stellaanyokwu you are too sweet. I mailed it today hun. Thanks again so much and once again so so sorry.
Jan 17Reply
thecalicactus Thank you for your purchase 🤗will ship today.
Jul 11Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the like. Bundle another item for 15% or send me a reasonable offers.
Jul 12Reply
msalaska Hi Stella! Nice to meet you and welcome to Poshmark 😊💐
Sep 17Reply
freshpample Thank you very much for your purchase! I shipped it out today, so it should be arriving in a few days. Hope you have a lovely evening!
Sep 25Reply
showcases Check out my closet I have lots of adorable accessories for you.
Feb 03Reply
unclaimed Stella beautiful picture Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Sep 15Reply

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