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Updated Mar 11
Updated Mar 11

Meet your Posher, Stephanie

Meet the Posher


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Hi! I'm Stephanie and I love Posh ❤️❤️. I love meeting new Poshers and Posmark has become such a part of my life .I am a Suggested User, Posh Mentor and I am here to help new Poshers if you have any questions. Love bright colors...feminine things andI love doing this as it is my hobby. I carry a variety of styles and sizes. I love Jesus, my husband, coffee, jewelry and pretty clothes. Glad you stopped by as I love ❤️ new friends as well. Reach out and say hi . Happy Poshing beautiful! 😘 XOXOXO
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miabellajia60 Hey Hun, I can't do $40 for the D&B on here bcz posh gets 25% but it is 40 on merc.❤️
May 19Reply
cheapbeauty Hey sweetie thanks for your offer. The lowest I can do is $195 on my Michael Kors tote. It's a beautiful $500 bag! It's a great deal. Sorry I can't go any lower :( let me know if this works for you
May 19Reply
samcamnat Hi There !! You can bundle your items together for one time shipping I can give you both for 18 each 😊💕
May 28Reply
langfordlove @samcamnat I just notice that both of the shirts were from you. I'm so sorry that I didn't bundle! Thank you so much I would love that sold
May 28Reply
samcamnat Do you want the other on as well ? I noticed you bought one
May 28Reply
langfordlove @samcamnat I bought the other is well. I just accepted your offer. It is okay if that generated two shipping. I'm so sorry!
May 28Reply
langfordlove @samcamnat by the way your store is fabulous! I found a few other things that I should get as well and probably will bundle
May 28Reply
samcamnat @langfordlove thank you !! I post new items daily so stay put 😊 have a great weekend ,
May 28Reply
s_rosebud Welcome to Poshmark!
May 28Reply
blingnthings Hi Stephanie! It’s so nice to meet you! I hope you’re loving your Posh experience. Have a great evening :D
Jul 19Reply
langfordlove @blingnthings thank you honey! You too.
Jul 20Reply
creative2 @langfordlove 😃a big WELCOME to Poshmark. Hope u r having FUN so far!💕💓😊
Jul 21Reply
swankythreads Hey!!! I am shipping your leopard shirt out today!! Sorry for small delay . Xo
Jul 27Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!❤️
Jul 29Reply
langfordlove @blingnthings thank you honey!!!
Jul 30Reply
langfordlove @kaleyheider thank you. You too!
Jul 30Reply
mysticalblue Hello❣ I'm Carolyn😊Welcome to Poshmark❣ You will find a community of Poshers who will be willing to help you, encourage you and share their Posh Love💜. Check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for Posh other info for Beginners.💖 If you have any questions, I'm always here to help, just message me at @mysticalblue. I wish you much success and Happy Poshing❣😃🌹🌷
Aug 16Reply
langfordlove @mctrenkler ♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 03Reply
samcamnat Hooray for your closet 🎉🎉🎉‼️‼️‼️‼️😊💕👍🏻. You are gorgeous in and out and your closet shows it ! I'll be sharing your items - love 💕Norma
Sep 06Reply
langfordlove @samcamnat Norma... you are the one that got me to do this because I was so impressed and obsessed with your store and still am. Thank you so much for your love and encouragement. I still have about a hundred pieces to post. I needed a hobby and needed something that I knew that I would love.
Sep 06Reply
langfordlove @samcamnat Both of my parents passed away and I buried them on the same day two years ago in December. I've just not been myself and I had asked the Lord to bring something in my life to keep me busy and to keep my mind off of things that just bothered me. Posh came along and the Lord use you to show me that this is my hobby now. I love you for that and I thank you so much..♡♡♡
Sep 06Reply
lacie510 Would you take 30 for the Vera and the blue/white strip hoodie?
Sep 13Reply
langfordlove @lacie510 yes I will if you purchase right now. I'll have to go in and change one of the prices so that it will be 30 total.. Let me know if you want to do that and I'll bring the striped one down to 12 so that will total 30
Sep 13Reply
langfordlove @lacie510 if you buy three or more it automatically adjusted by 15%. If you want just the two I can go in and change it so that it will be a total of $30. Is your brand-new with price tags just bought last week. 😍
Sep 13Reply
lacie510 @langfordlove You have a dress also I'm in love with ...
Sep 13Reply
langfordlove @lacie510 I saw that and I'm in love with that as well! I will post a picture in the next couple of days when I can get someone to try it on. I will tag you in it. I can't go any lower on that dress because I dropped it last week for $10 and was thinking about raising it back up because it's worth way more then what I'm asking!
Sep 13Reply
lacie510 @langfordlove Totally understand!!!!!
Sep 13Reply
pandicandy @langfordlove Very happy to hear that you love the vest. Enjoy it. Your note was very nice. Your closet is beautiful !
Sep 16Reply
langfordlove @pandicandy I so loved it. Thank you for being my new Posh friend. ♡♡♡♡
Sep 22Reply
hazeymae11 Absolutely Beautiful Closet Stephanie 🌻🌸🌻 Bookmarked some likes for purchasing :) Thx for the shares !
Sep 24Reply
leafmarie Hello. My name Monique. Pleased to meet you. Looks like your a newbie as well. Welcome to POSHMARK. I look forward to brousing through your closet. Mines a work in progress. I have loads of items to post, but wanna learn the ropes more. Any ideas would be appreciated. Plus to be honest it's a little addicting. Yep, I've helped 1 or 5 POSHERS out, lol. I love to share fellow POSHERS lovely items.
Sep 25Reply
leafmarie I like to think someone out there is looking just for that very one thing. I have found this community makes me very happy. Everyone is so helpful, kind, and sweet. Better than some department stores I know of. FYI....I was referred to look through your closet by a fellow POSHER. You have yourself a good evening. I'm off to brouse through your shop : )
Sep 25Reply
leafmarie Hello again. I wanted to add something. When I do go through closets if I see something I like I push that ♡ button. If I'm interested in buying an item i comment in the comment box only. I had an experience where a lady lowered her prices and I had no intention on purchasing the items. I just thought they were cool. Plus, sometimes it give me a reference to come back to when I have money for that item. If it's gone. It's gone. If that makes any sense.
Sep 25Reply
janine1110 Hey Stephanie! Love your closet!!! Looking for some long tunics/lightweight sweaters to wear a/ leggings. I'll be looking to bundle some things soon!
Oct 01Reply
cdelp116 Beautiful closet and Beautiful you!!
Oct 06Reply
aliciananderson @langfordlove Love your closet! Could you tell me where I can get a mannequin like yours?
Oct 10Reply
langfordlove @aliciananderson Hi honey! Do you have a Hobby Lobby where you live? That is where I bought mine. They always have a 40% off coupon online that you can print out. I hope you find one because she's done me well. She's become my best friend lately and I post nightly. Thank you for being my new friend on posh! ❤️
Oct 10Reply
aliciananderson @langfordlove Thank you so much! Yes I do have a hobby lobby very close to me, I'll go take a look, 😊
Oct 10Reply
lolitha84 Love your closet ,everything is so stylish and it's something we can all wear not just the young
Oct 10Reply
ktbaby89 @langfordlove oh my goodness girlfriend, you are absolutely stunning!!!!. God made a masterpiece with you my dear, so glad we met in love your so much I'm going to buy it all. Lol have a wonderful day doll. Xxoo 😆😍😘✌❤👄
Oct 26Reply
langfordlove @ktbaby89 oh my goodness, thank you so much for this beautiful comment. After my day, I needed this. You're very sweet! I am glad that we are new posh friends. You are beautiful as well.❤️️
Oct 27Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Oct 27Reply
janine1110 I love your closet!!!!! Beautiful things!
Oct 29Reply
pulchritude Happy Poshing!
Nov 02Reply
jbonds007 Beautiful woman, beautiful smile to match beautiful closet. I enjoyed browsing. I too have more to list. I suffer with chronic pain so I just don't have it in me most days. I've been out of work a year on 11/18 and just completed 2nd round interviews with what seems to be a great place. I may need to grab those printed button downs and come back for the rest😂Awaiting feedback on the price of the 2nd one; looks to be same as first, but huge price difference. Blessed Poshing!
Nov 09Reply
langfordlove @Jbonds0007 Thank you for the precious comment. I understand when you say Chronic pain. I too suffer with many debilitating issues. 7 Surgeries in 5 years...2 brain surgeries. Posh helps me wind down and relax when I get home at night from my corporate job. I made a mistake on the striped shirt. The original price was $49..I apologize. I have gone in and changed it.
Nov 09Reply
langfordlove @jbonds007 THe second one is $18 as well. If you just want those 2 shirts (which I know you will love.) I can bundle those for you at 15% off. Usually it is 3 pieces to get the 15 % off. But these are great interviewing shirts with Jackets. Rich, beautiful colors that would look awesome on you. Let me know if you would like to do that and you add them to a bundle. I can then go in and change the prices to help get you the discount..xoxoxo
Nov 09Reply
jenniferjs76 Gorgeous closet! Such a beautiful selection. Thanks for letting me peek. 😊
Nov 27Reply
langfordlove @jenniferjs76 Hi Jennifer! Thank you. Can I ask, do you have chairi? I do! 2 brain surgeries later, I'm still living with the daily struggles. Glad to meet you!! ❤️
Nov 27Reply
jenniferjs76 @langfordlove hey Stephanie! I do. Chiari I. Small world. No surgery for me just continue the daily struggle. So glad to have met you too. Hope to continue to talk with you again as we posh on.
Nov 27Reply
samcamnat Beautiful closet darling 👍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️️😍😍💕💕💕💕💕. Good to see you 😊😘
Nov 30Reply
melfstone @langfordlove thanks for checking out my closet Stephanie. I post new things several times a week. I love Posh. Have fun 😎
Dec 04Reply
thegreenbird Hi, you have a very nice closet! 😊Happy Holidays!🎄🌟
Dec 10Reply
youniqulyyours Awesome closet
Dec 15Reply
vverkuilen Just had to tell you I love your closet, never have I wanted so many items from 1 closet. 😊
Dec 15Reply
langfordlove @vverkuilen oh my goodness! I'm so glad. Honey, you can have anything you want from my closet! Remember I do bundles and you'll get an extra 15% off. I have about 50 new things I've got to post this weekend so just keep looking! Thanks for letting me know that doesn't make me feel good.❤️️❤️️💕😊
Dec 16Reply
langfordlove @youniqulyyours Thank you honey!!! ❤️️
Dec 16Reply
tkstoddard @langfordlove I asked a few questions on a sweater. Not sure if you seen them?
Dec 22Reply
dmwynne1214 Hi Stephanie, There are 3 or 4 items im interested in. Im new to Posh so i was hoping to bundle. Can you tell me how to go about it? Thanks so much!
Jan 22Reply
langfordlove @dmwynne1214 hi! I would love to share with you had a bundle. On each item that you were interested, when you open it up. Period. There should be an add to bundle icon. This way as your shopping through somebody's closet and you're interested in purchasing it, you just click on add to bundle and it's like a shopping cart.
Jan 22Reply
langfordlove @dmwynne1214 . Then you can submit it all at once. Hope that you see the little add to that new icon as you open up each picture. It will be in the comment section. Thanks for asking. I'm excited for you as this is your first time bundling ❤❤❤
Jan 22Reply
langfordlove @dmwynne1214 Thank you so much! I am so glad that you found these precious tops. You will absolutely love them! I will get these out to you first thing Monday morning. Welcome to posh and I'm glad that you're my new posh friend❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 22Reply
saucypirate @langfordlove Hi! Very pretty pics & nice closet!😍💃🏻
Jan 25Reply
anna13morgan Looks like we have the same mannequin!! Lol happy poshing love ❤️
Jan 31Reply
langfordlove @anna13morgan We sure do!!!!! Great taste honey!!!!💕💕💕
Jan 31Reply
lesawilburn @langfordlove hi I ordered a blouse and then canceled it because I was going to do a bundle but it still shows this sold can you relist it so I can try to get a bundle together I may not be able to afford it but I'm gonna try!thanks bunches
Feb 02Reply
langfordlove HI honey! I see where you were able to work it out. I am so glad it all worked out. Pretty tops and you will love them~ I will get them in the mail to first thing tomorrow. Thank you so much! xoxoxoxo
Feb 02Reply
kb3055 Hi Stephanie, hope you are great. thanks so much for all the shares!!:)
Feb 19Reply
langfordlove @kb3055 Thank you!!! Absolutely... you have some awesome posts! I definitely will follow you and share❤❤❤❤
Feb 19Reply
mattietee @mattietee @langfordlove Hello. I may bundle a few shirts and give you and offer- so please don't accept my offer on the shirt. I'm getting ready to go teach so it may be a little while. You have an amazing closet and I love buying blouses!😀
Mar 10Reply
nanajade Hi there dear friend!!!! I have gone through my bundle and selected items that I really need. Can you please make sure that you hold them for me until Friday. Thank you sweetie!!!!!
Mar 28Reply
abkea Hi 💕 I’m Alixe!! 😊Wishing you many sales and finding the best deals 💐🛍
Apr 07Reply
langfordlove @abmccaig Hi honey😘 Thank you. Many Blessings to you💕💕💕
Apr 07Reply
mlh10161 @langfordlove hi hon! I'm obsessed with your closet! 😍 so pretty. I'll be back when I have more money to shop lol
Apr 12Reply
langfordlove @mlh10161 Hi honey! Well aren't you just fabulous for sharing that with me. This is my fun hobby I do on the side and I love it. Glad you connected with me. Love ❤️ new Posh girlfriends!!!! Come back by anytime. I bundle and have about 100 new things I need to post. Hopefully you can find something that you can't live without and we can try to make you a great deal. Many Blessings to you!!!❤️🎈💕
Apr 12Reply
jkillenberg @langfordlove I am in love with your closet!!!just beautiful. 😍😍😍
Apr 14Reply
trentrop12 I just have to are absolutely beautiful honey!! 😘
Apr 17Reply
langfordlove @trentrop12 Well, I have to say you are absolutely beautiful too, honey!!!!! Thank you!!!😘
Apr 17Reply
trentrop12 @langfordlove And you're a sweetheart! Have a great night! 😊✨
Apr 17Reply
langfordlove @trentrop12 Thank you for the shares 😊😊😊😊 I am Stephanie. Thank you for reaching out. I ❤️ new Posh friends!!!!
Apr 17Reply
trentrop12 @langfordlove Thank you as well! I'm Telizia, nice to meet you. I love new friends. 😁
Apr 17Reply
oneinamillionjj Did you want me to share new listings with you as I post them? I'm a little confused by the whole new dressing room/stylists thing. Lol :)
Apr 28Reply
langfordlove @oneinamillionjj me too! I didn't mean to hit that. I am so sorry! I think what it means is your regular shoppers comma when you know they like something or have bought it from you before... share it with them so they don't miss out. Kind of cool once you look at it. Thanks honey! Sorry about that
Apr 28Reply
mdeleo01 Do you have a bundle discount?
Apr 28Reply
langfordlove @mdeleo01 Hi! I usually do have 15%off when you bundle 3 or more. But I have it. Off right now due to me having my day sale. I have dropped the price is a really much lower on many many items and cannot afford to have the bundle on those.
Apr 28Reply
langfordlove @mdeleo01 if you have found something that is not on sale, you're more than welcome to make an offer and I will counter if I need to. Have a wonderful day!
Apr 28Reply
gems6 Hi, I love your closet! I'm still new on here but I fell in love with the ring you posted, do you have the bracelet you were wearing in the picture for sale? Then I fell in love with your closet! I love jewelry and clothing with round beading like the shirt has! Maybe you will have more and jewelryto match the other shirt I got!
May 01Reply
langfordlove @gems6 hi hi exclamation point thank you so much for your purchase. Yes, I have tons of jewelry to post. Probably about 30 pieces that I have ready but unfortunately just takes forever to post. I do have the bracelet and I have a matching necklace from lia sophia. The bracelet was never worn. Lia sophia it was extremely expensive and I've had a hard time I'm thinking of putting it on here as I know I'll be losing so much money!
May 01Reply
langfordlove My girlfriends at work or wanting to see all the jewelry as I know I would make more money. But I think I will go ahead and post this week just to see if anything moves. The bracelet is gorgeous and it goes with a necklace that has deep blood red roses and then the big turquoise in the necklace is well. I will tag you in it when I post it. Thank you so much and I will get this out to you first thing in the morning. I appreciate you and hope you have a blessed day
May 01Reply
langfordlove @gems6 and BTW..... Welcome to Posh by the way!!!! 💕💕💕😘
May 01Reply
gems6 Thank you!! I've never heard of Lia Sophia before, it's all beautiful. I can't wait to see it all. I'm in Dallas every week. I could pick up. Lol
May 01Reply
runningwild Beautiful closet,just love it
May 02Reply
langfordlove @runningwild you are awesome!!!!! Thank you so much. I love doing this as a hobby. I have about 100+ things to post in the next week if I can get the energy. Come back and visit me as I would love to be your posh friend. By the way my name is Stephanie and it's nice to meet you❤️❤️❤️
May 02Reply
runningwild @langfordlove I be waiting, my name francina
May 03Reply
1131ry I just want to thank you for having such a beautiful closet! I had to buy more clothes hangers for all the wonderful items I purchased from you. Hopefullyyou will be seeing me soon. If I can restrain myself. Have a good timeposhing
May 07Reply
langfordlove @1131ry oh my are so precious! I needed this today. I am so glad that you love everything. I have another hundred plus things I'm posting in the next week if I can get the energy. You know I'll always work with you for the best deal if you love something and can't live without it. You enjoy your things honey. I love it! ❤❤
May 07Reply
fatty8 Hello, Stephanie! Thank you so much for all the shares! I truly appreciate you taking the time to share my things.💕💖
Jun 03Reply
langfordlove @fatty8 oh honey, you are welcome! Thank you for sharing so many of mine. Showing so much Posh love ❤️ tonight! Glad to connect with you . I noticed you had Bundled two items that were plus size. These have to be for someone else as you look so tiny!!!! I love your closet. So beautiful ❤️😘😊😊
Jun 03Reply
pretty_ascanbee @langfordlove hello. Stephanie you are so pretty. I started and still an spending more than I'm selling but eventually the right someone will look st my closet and like something right? In the meantime I enjoy looking through my fellow POSHERS spreading POSH ❤️ and meeting them. Thank you.
Jun 15Reply
pretty_ascanbee That didn't sound right Stephanie sorry (giggle) I meant I'm enjoying looking thru closets and also meeting fellow POSHERS and spreading Posh love ❤️
Jun 15Reply
langfordlove @madelrv oh my goodness... how sweet you are. I am sure not feeling pretty today! I've been sick for the last few days. Your comment made me feel better! The right people will come along if you share share share. Be sure to post every night in the 9 o'clock party. This is where you will pick up many new followers and sale when you least expect it 😉 be sure to follow me as I would love to be your new Posh friend😊💋🎈🎈👍❤️💕🌈
Jun 15Reply
pretty_ascanbee @langfordlove I am following you. Your closet has beautiful clothes that I'm looking at. Thank you so much for your consideration and offering to be my friend. You made my day. 💞💕❤️🌷🌺Lots of Posh love goin your way
Jun 15Reply
langfordlove @madelrv Sweet sweet lady!!!! ❤️
Jun 15Reply
ro_chelly @langfordlove God Bless you Steph...😇. You have a beautiful soul that shines through your words & smile. Happy Poshing💕
Jun 15Reply
langfordlove @ro_chelly oh my goodness! I soooo needed this today and the Lord knew it. thank you for reaching out to me and showing me some much needed Posh love❤️❤️❤️ you are a beautiful soul. May the Lord bless your precious heart!
Jun 15Reply
ro_chelly @langfordlove you're very welcome doll face😊
Jun 15Reply
hautebutterfly @lanfordlove. Luv luv luv your closet!!!
Jun 18Reply
langfordlove @teraburke329 thank you honey! Let me know if you see anything you like. I'm always taking offers! Blessings xoxo ❤
Jun 18Reply
rhondak145 Love love your closet! Please add me to any notify list you may have for price drop alerts. I love browsing on PM and always end up on your page. ❣
Jun 18Reply
miagill Thank you for all the shares!! Love your closet ☺️💕✨
Jul 16Reply
langfordlove @miagill Thats what Posh girlfriends are for!!!💕 I am Stephanie. Nice to meet you honey❤️
Jul 16Reply
langfordlove @janine1110 💕💕💕come visit me anytime!!
Jul 16Reply
langfordlove @sallyvannuys hope you are doing well Miss Sally! Just wanted to say hi💕😊😊
Jul 16Reply
langfordlove @janine1110 come visit me Janine anytime honey, ❤️
Jul 16Reply
langfordlove @cdelp116 💕💕💕💕
Jul 16Reply
30astylist Hi, Stephanie! I'm Elena, it's so nice to meet you here! I love your closet and sense of style. Wishing you many sales and happy Poshing, love! 😘💋❤️🌹✌️
Sep 11Reply
sman2251 @langfordlove Hello Stephanie, I'm Sofia, nice to meet you :) I was just making you a private offer on your bundled items when some of them Place your "must haves" into a bundle & I'll make you a private offer :)
Sep 19Reply
langfordlove @sman2251 Thank you Sofia! Nice to meet you honey! i wad just shopping for.things. i dont need....😚😚
Sep 19Reply
sman2251 @langfordlove Is this your final No mascara, are you
Sep 19Reply
langfordlove @sman2251 i am donr. See what you can do for me at your offer....i can decide And if I need everything. Thank you so much honey!
Sep 19Reply
sman2251 @langfordlove Throw in Lancôme Lipstick in Anime (It's from your likes) I'm giving it to you as bonus :)
Sep 19Reply
langfordlove @sman2251 Thank you sweet lady. That was a generous offer snd i am thankful. Appreciate you. 😚😚😚😚💗
Sep 19Reply
sman2251 @langfordlove Thank You for your purchase Stephanie! I will ship all your new goodies out to you today :)
Sep 19Reply
loveatchley Hi Stephanie! Thank you for your offer on the Booties. Just wanted to make sure you got the right size since these do run big.
Sep 27Reply
Sep 30Reply
meluverik75 Hi Stephanie thank you for the like! You are so beautiful. 😊 I'm open to all offers and giving discounts 😁.. Happy Poshing..👚👡👛👠👢👜👗👟👖👘
Oct 08Reply
sombraland Hey!! It was so good to "see" you too. And I am very glad you love the purse. I need to share your closet more often! You are awesome! And I appreciate your support very much 💐🤗
Oct 13Reply
roxx00 Hey Sweetie....just wanted to say HI... we're right down the road from ea other. Your closet is great & ill definetely be making some purchases as soon as I'm able. ♡♡
Nov 11Reply
busybanker Love your closet
Nov 16Reply
mattietee @mattietee Hi girl. I keep going back to look at your shirts- you have so many and they are all darling. I should be trying to sell instead of buying! Lol. I love your closet and will be back. Happy Poshing
Nov 18Reply
langfordlove @mattietee I love it!!! I am clearing out as i have tons of new things to post. You are welcome any time to my closet sweet lady! ❤
Nov 18Reply
gratefulheart4u I love your closet. You have fantastic taste. I have not been actively poshing long, but love, love it! 💚😉
Nov 19Reply
abstractdreams Happy 1.5 Year Poshaversary!❣I hope it's going well for you so far! I've been here since May 2012, if I can help or you have questions, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often!👍🏼Lots of additional info in my closet as well!
Nov 25Reply
langfordlove @abstractdreams Thank you honey! It is my hobby and I love it! I appreciate you reaching out. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Many blessings to you! ❤️🤗🌺
Nov 25Reply
cjorsdad Hi Stephanie, I just wanted to check something out with you. On my news feed it says you added items to a bundle but when I go into my closet it shows it as likes. Do you know why this is. It’s so confusing to me. I thought if it says you added item to bundle that you are requesting me to respond with my best offer. I have only been selling for a few months and still don’t understand everything. I am not sure if you want a quote or you just like it.
Dec 11Reply
langfordlove @cjorsdad Hi Cece! I had started a bundle and then thought that I did not need them. I am sorry, I removed them. Super cute Tops and I think I would love them. I shop at Steinmart and this brand is my fav there. Thank you for checking...❤️❤️
Dec 11Reply
cjorsdad @langfordlove Thank you for replying. I don’t know why the news feed does not update when someone changes from a bundle to a like. It confused me. I completely understand thinking twice about buying. It’s really easy to spend on things we don’t really need on here. Thank you😘
Dec 11Reply
cfarris001 Hey beautiful,thought about you today hope your day was good. I sent some prays up for you because I knew today would be difficult. Hopefully my prays did work and put you at ease even if it was just briefly. God will give you comfort and your family I am sure will give you support. Just remember take things one moment at time.
Dec 13Reply
langfordlove @cfarris001 oh my goodness, how precious you are to think of me. I have been so sick and working. I have walking pneumonia. I am so tired of the coughing. Yes, today I have thought of my momma and daddy a lot. You are so thoughtful to reach out to me. Are you on Facebook? I am going to look for you. It is obvious, we need to be friends. ❤️💋❤️
Dec 13Reply
cfarris001 Yes mam i am Facebook . I a, not all the time but i do stop by. I sure hope you start to feel better soon. Drink plenty of liquids and hot tea with lemon and honey and drop a cough drop in the tea. It should help with the coughing i know your ribs hurt by now with all the coughing. If you were living closer i would make you some
Dec 13Reply
kriketskloset Hi there Stephanie! Could you please send me your best offer on the items I recently bundled? Thanks dear!
Dec 17Reply
langfordlove I sent you my best offer since several of these were final price. Posh takes 20% so I would be losing if I went. any less ...I did offer to pay for a little bit of the shipping
Dec 17Reply
khgirl Hi!!!!🖐 Thanks for the like😄
Jan 07Reply
khgirl And the share😁
Jan 07Reply
litaof5 Hi Stephanie. I need your advice again. I listed two pair of jeans ($14 ea) and my 2 or more 10% bundle price ($25.20) PLUS I did a private offer of $23 which was almost 20% or $5 less than what I listed. I received a counter of
Jan 17Reply
langfordlove @litaof5 Your message was cut off. What was the counter offer
Jan 17Reply
litaof5 @langfordlove $20. That was a lot......but it's okay. I'm a kind Posher, lol. I accepted it. They need lovin', they're just hanging in my closet.
Jan 17Reply
langfordlove @litaof5 Yay you!! 💋🎉🎈🎉🌟🌟💋🌺💕😊👍😍🎈 Your first Sale! good job honey...
Jan 18Reply
litaof5 @langfordlove lol. Thank you BUT it's my SECOND SALE! YIPPIIEE! 😘
Jan 18Reply
pwyatt1021 Thanks for the offer @langfordlove! Trying for more solids than prints these days. 😉😉
Mar 12Reply
karinlouise Eventually I’ll start listing items n when I do I’ll find you for suggestions :)
Apr 08Reply
langfordlove @karinlouise oh...i would love to help you. This is my hobby and stress reliever. It is so much fun! I'm a posh mentor so I would love to help you get your closet started. I have over a 150 things I need to post within the next few days. That's the only thing that wears you out. I was addicted to shopping on here and then I thought I'm gonna turn it around. I started selling out of my closet and then shopping for others. It's a lot of fun!
Apr 08Reply
karinlouise @langfordlove pretty sure that’s going to be me I need to redo my bundle do delete n re add ?
Apr 08Reply
kslade10 Hi! Just wanted to reach out, say hi, and let you know I have a Rodan & Fields Brightening regimen for $140 listed. I saw you have shown interest in Rodan & Fields products before! Enjoy your week!
Apr 29Reply
langfordlove @kslade10 Thank you! 🌺
Apr 30Reply
langfordlove @becomewinners 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Jun 04Reply
pearlwhite Thanks for all the shares today!!!
Jun 04Reply
dkayscloset Thanks for the many shares, was a pleasure to share back from your beautiful closet! Love it!!😊💜🌻
Jun 12Reply
christiansister thanks for the awesome shares, Happy Poshing to you!!
Jun 19Reply
starbucksrn45 I would love to keep in contact with you. If you can give me your email address we could exchange info. I love making new friends
Jun 27Reply
ddarte26 I love your closet. Does Poshmark have a way to save favorite Poshers?
Jul 14Reply
langfordlove @ddarte26 Thanks honey! I wish there was a way to mark your favorite. Just remember Langfordlove. You can always type that in when you searching. I am about to start posting new things. I have about 80 things I need to get on here. Come back and check. Have a good weekend honey. ❤️
Jul 15Reply
roxsamaar 💕Thank you for all the shares 🌸 I really appreciate it 😊
Sep 20Reply
crazyauntiecoco Hey Stephanie! I ordered a bunch of stuff from you a while back, and we got to talking at one point about Mary Kay. Do you have an email address you'd mind giving me? I have a situation and I'm in tears. Very frustrating time going on right now! 😢
Oct 01Reply
annalisacoco @langfordlove hello! Stopped by to say hey! Nice closet. Have a good weekend! Happy Poshing! ✌️❤️
Oct 06Reply
berkiehall I 💖 so much in your closet!
Oct 22Reply
langfordlove @berkiehall so glad! Thank you doll. Thanks for shopping and viewing, come back anytime! If you see anything you are interested in....Let me know, I can always make a private offer giving you the lowest price that I can go. HAVE A wonderful week! Xoxo ❤️
Oct 22Reply
littletiny58 Hi Stephanie😃 I'm Michele, Your closet is Big And Beautiful!! Thank you for stopping By my closet and for Sharing😄 Happy Weekend to you And as Always Happy Poshing😘
Oct 27Reply
karinlouise Hello happy poshing happy sales Shared a bunch :) hope it helps
Oct 29Reply
langfordlove @littletiny58 Thank you! Happy Fall to you! 💕❤️💕😊
Oct 30Reply
langfordlove @karinlouise Hey! Thank you so much for showing me some awesome Posh Love! So appreciative. 💕 Many blessings!
Oct 30Reply
annieschmucker @langfordlove Hi dear💞 Odd question for you, do you know Angela Bancroft by any chance?
Oct 31Reply
langfordlove @annieschmucker Yes I do! Small world. 😊
Nov 01Reply
annieschmucker @langfordlove well actually she purchased something from me yesterday saying her house burnt so she gave me a different address to mail it to. Honestly It seemed suspicious so I canceled the order. Now i can’t reach her.... Anyway, I wanted to reach out to you and ask if you know her to be honest or if perhaps this is an issue and I should just resist the item. I’m truly sorry to bother you with this!!
Nov 01Reply
langfordlove @annieschmucker Yes mam. unfortunately , her story is true! She and her family have been through the ringer this past few weeks, I will reach out to her. No problem. 😊
Nov 01Reply
annieschmucker @langfordlove you’re so kind. Thanks! With that knowledge I will not relist the item at this time. I appreciate it💞
Nov 01Reply
langfordlove @annieschmucker For sure! I will get in touch with her and let her know there was a misunderstanding. Just curious, how did you know that I knew her? 😊
Nov 01Reply
annieschmucker @langfordlove you had commented on her profile to welcome her to posh. Just from your comment and her reply, it seemed like you knew each other outside of poshmark.
Nov 01Reply
karinlouise Thanks for the shares!!
Nov 06Reply
51twenty Hi Stephanie. I’m Carolyn. Welcome. It’s nice meeting you. Have you subscribed to Poshmark’s blog? has a great deal of info to keep you up to date.
Nov 18Reply
tris1957 I would love to buy, but c as nt till after yhe first of the yr.
Dec 13Reply
doomeduserv I'll do $130 for the Frye hobo, it's already a cheap price. I payed 265$ for it
Mar 22Reply
langfordlove @doomeduserv oh honey, I know! Thank you. I am looking at another one of yours and that is why I canceled. I did not know that you had many Frye bags. I don’t need to buy anything but I want one! I am going to comment on the one that I am interested and if you can send me your best offer, I would appreciate. Xoxo. Thank you!!!
Mar 22Reply
glamedup @langfordlove hi! So sorry that the sizing didn’t work out, it’s a shame that companies don’t use a standard size for all shoes.
May 29Reply
mommakatnyc I ADORE your closet 🤗 What is a "Suggested User"?
Jun 30Reply
mommakatnyc Also....if the item is marked "sold" not "sold out" does that mean you have others available for sale?
Jun 30Reply
langfordlove @mommakatnyc That is when Poshmark has chosen your closet as meeting their high standards. They suggest you to others! Are you new to Poshmark? If so, Welcome!!!!’
Jun 30Reply
mommakatnyc @langfordlove yes, brand new! Thank you!
Jun 30Reply
gabysbags Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet for your next NWT designer 👜 handbag! Like or add purses to bundle 🥰☺️ private offers will be sent to you💕
Jul 05Reply
teddy10 Question I bought a top earlier today from you. Just looked through your closet and saw 2 I liked which would be a bundle with top I already bought. If I bought the 2 other tops too is there a way to add to one I bought today so I would not have to pay shipping. With a bundle no shipping correct?
Sep 04Reply
langfordlove @teddy10 Which Top do you like ?
Sep 04Reply
langfordlove @teddy10 We can always cancel and i can do a bundle for you. Just let me know which other 2 you like! xoxo
Sep 04Reply
teddy10 The cupio ruffled Hemline in XL for $24. And stripped ruffled hem top in xL for $18. So yes please cancel and the bundle will be the 3 tops. Let me know the price. Sorry but found these 2 other tops too. Thank you
Sep 05Reply
langfordlove @teddy10 Sure things! Can you do me a favor and like the ones that you are talking about so I will have the right tops! thanks so much.
Sep 05Reply
teddy10 @langfordlove I did like them but will make sure.
Sep 05Reply
teddy10 Yes just checked. Liked them.
Sep 05Reply
unityblend Hi Stephanie, thank you for your purchase. I’ll ship your booties out tomorrow. ☺️
Jan 03Reply
langfordlove @unityblend Thank you honey!!!!
Jan 03Reply
unityblend @langfordlove Hi Stephanie, I apologize for not shipping your booties out on Saturday. My husband got food poisoning, BUT I am shipping your boots off today. In about an hour actually. Again, so sorry for the delay!
Jan 06Reply
captzemo Hi Stephanie, Can you send a picture of the shoes? I will send you a refund. I had no indication they would come apart, I would have never put the on Poshmark.
Jan 13Reply
langfordlove @captzemo Yes honey- I am so sorry i did not send already. I have been sick all weekend and was just taking it as a loss. I will send tonight. Thank u for reaching out to me. Top posh service. Xoxo
Jan 13Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 19Reply
happiness78 @langfordlove hi! I usually always know when I order from you I'm not disappointed well... today very dissatisfied and disappointed. The black top is badly stained that's the one I wanted for awhile now . I'm not sure how I want to rate this order. 😞😞😞
Mar 10Reply
langfordlove @happiness78 What in the world? What kind of stain? There were no stains as this is new! I have rolling racks of clothes up stairs and check everything. You are more than welcome to take pictures and open a case. You can keep everything or send it back. I lost terribly in this order, so please do what you would like to do.
Mar 10Reply
langfordlove @happiness78 I just cannot imagine what kind of stain would be in there as when I folded it- I inspect everything. I am sorry but truly don’t know how to respond to this.
Mar 10Reply
happiness78 @langfordlove their are two white stains one on the side and one on the sleeve right near the one on the side .They were pretty high up. I wash everything I get first thing so I worked on the stairs first and finally was able to get them out. I wonder if it was from your cat as there was hair on it too? Any way no worries I was able to get the stains out. Just wanted you to know.
Mar 11Reply
langfordlove @happiness78 that is so strange. I don’t have cats. I have a dog but he is not allowed upstairs and does Not shed. I have everything also against sweaters so I wonder if some hairs from a sweater got in it. I have no idea. I am just sorry that this happened. Thank you for letting me know.
Mar 11Reply
happiness78 @langfordlove hi they just reminded me to rate the bundle I purchased. I woke up and decided . I honestly don't want to give you a bad score. I honestly feel God didn't put me in this world to hurt people. I just wanted to let you know to try to help as I would want others to do the same for me. I found pet hair on numerous occasions but never said anything. Should I have ?
Mar 14Reply
langfordlove @happiness78 I do not know what you are talking about. I Have no pets in my house as I have an allergy. I have hundreds of pieces of clothing next to sweaters etc. You can rate me anyway you want. You are not going to hurt my ratings as I have hundreds that thing totally different than you. You get it at garage sale prices with me and I’ve always been nice to you
Mar 14Reply
langfordlove @happiness78 I’ve always lost and made nothing off what I have sold to you. I did it as you have been a repetitive customer. I’d rather have given away the clothes to someone who needed it then to sell to you. I made $14 off of all of that and literally paid $17 for that blacktop. You add up the math on that. Take care
Mar 14Reply
langfordlove I shared with you that you could have opened a case if you were so dissatisfied and I would have told them for you to keep everything as I have bigger things to worry about than 14 bucks.
Mar 14Reply
langfordlove And I do have one dog but he had no hair That sheds as I have allergies. No cats so frustrated at the thought of you complaining: please do not follow my closet anymore. . many blessings to you though.
Mar 14Reply
cdgrav66 Hi there! You have a beautiful closet!!
Jul 01Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Love your listings by the way!
Dec 06Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, welcome to checkout my closest 🤗
Jan 07Reply
em_runningwild @langfordlove I will be able to mail your purchase out tomorrow :)
Jan 29Reply
kayleyrose5 Wow nice picture
Mar 21Reply
zardiva1 I love your pretty curlies! 👍😃😍😘👩🏻‍🦱
May 17Reply
cutehosiery @langfordlove Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 24Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Oct 28Reply
sassyly_lee Thank's for your purchase I do really appreciate it so much!! & we're ship your item already!! Pls Follow and Hopefully you will come again!! Happy Shopping!! 🙏😁 .. Pls follow a 48 hours for tracking to update.. 😊
Mar 08Reply
langfordlove @sassyly_lee Thank you so much!
Mar 09Reply

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