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Updated Jan 07
Updated Jan 07

Meet your Posher, Stephanie

Meet the Posher



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jeffys and 4 others like this
beachladyfl Great Closet! I hope you enjoy selling here on Poshmark. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, I just like to share a few tips to make more Sales! It is important to SHARE! items from your closet as well as other Posher Closets. Be Sure to Follow Closets you like and build your followers. It helps If we all work together to promote sales for everyone. That's Poshing! 👗👠👜👡📿👛👙🩱🛍💍
Jan 27Reply
mrshark413 Hi Stephanie! I'm MrShark413 🙂 🦈
Feb 26Reply
beachladyfl Hi Stephanie I sent you an offer for the Tie Dye top..I didn't see the dress. If you'd like to purchase both , just decline my offer. An I resend another offer, when you are ready.
Mar 08Reply
stephkram @beachladyfl ok! Yes I am looking through your closet a little more! multitasking, so it will take me a minute 🙂 Thanks!
Mar 08Reply
beachladyfl @stephkram OK Ill be here on line for about 2 hours
Mar 08Reply
stephkram @beachladyfl ok found it! I saw your black top this morning and finally found it to make my bundle complete 🙂
Mar 08Reply
beachladyfl @stephkram OK I'll do the best I can some have already been Reduced to the lowest..
Mar 08Reply
cutehosiery @stephkram Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 21Reply
stefcurry1 I loved being at the share show & interacting with you! I spell my name Stefanie! After hearing about your grandmother from Poland’s story, I prefer Stefany! 💗 That was so cool! Taking a look around your awesome closet.
May 12Reply
stefcurry1 Love your beautiful pups btw! 😍
May 12Reply
stephkram @stefcurry1 Yes so fun! My parents actually named me after her, too, but spelled Stephanie 🙃 Hope to see you again, I love Lisa's shows.
May 12Reply
stephkram @stefcurry1 I have four pups running around here! 2 Border Aussies & 2 Husky Mix. I start going live next week and I'm sure they will pop in front of the camera time to time 😁
May 12Reply
stefcurry1 @stephkram I love her shows too! I’ll definitely be back & can’t wait to see you again! Love that you were named after your grandma! 💖
May 12Reply
stefcurry1 @stephkram oh my goodness that’s going to be FUN!! I’ll like your banner so I can join your shows if you’ve got one up?
May 12Reply
stephkram @stefcurry1 You reminded me to actually make up a show listing LOL.... just put one up for my first show next week! YAY! Yet I'm nervous excited 😁
May 12Reply
stefcurry1 @stephkram You’re going to do FANTASTIC!! I’m coming to check out your banner now! So awesome & exciting that you’re doing your 1st show! 🙌
May 12Reply
rabbitink Stephanie, Thank you SO MUCH for all the shares of my listings… I appreciate You!!!! 💜💜🐰🐰Laura
Jul 17Reply
stephkram @rabbitink Absolutely!! 🙂 You have a great closet! I would have stayed in your show longer to chat & support but unfortunately I have myself a nice list of things to get done before family visits at the end of the week. Thankfully all my pups took a long afternoon nap today to let me get started LOL 🙂🐾❤️
Jul 18Reply
rabbitink @stephkram awwww, how thoughtful of them!! 🥰🥰
Jul 18Reply
michaelshrew681 Thank U for the shares
Aug 08Reply
stephkram @michaelshrew681 Absolutely! 🙂
Aug 08Reply
313amberdawn hey there beautiful 😍 thought I'd shout you out on your on page lol. ya we got a wicked electrical storm come through around 1 this morning. I got some killer video I'm trying to send to TWC. I'm obsessed with weather... and that's putting it mildly. lol want to see a tornado 🌪 before I die. next time I'm up north I have to meet up with you! good luck and best wishes today for everything love💋
Aug 24Reply
stephkram @ambersobczynski OMG so fun!! YES wicked weather - ME TOO! Except hurricanes, they scare me with all the water, I leave that one off the bucket list lol. Yesterday when the storm woke me up around 5am I jumped out of bed in hopes to catch some lightning photos!! No luck yesterday due to the clouds but I have a few from last summer 😃😃⚡️🌩
Aug 24Reply
313amberdawn @stephkram ohhhh Steph I think we are going to be great friends 😁 bc I did the same thing this morning when that thunderstorms cracked down like a fiery torch with explosives at the end of it. the lightning was so close! it's an ok video at best but I really wanted to share it with the whole nation lol I watch TWC all day everyday. I'm in love with Alex Wilson! She's my favorite🥰 my mom has a crush on Jordan Steele lol
Aug 24Reply
313amberdawn @stephkram oh ya and no to hurricanes too. I could handle the wind and downpours but that storm surge is another beast. I'm good on all that. don't want to drown
Aug 24Reply
313amberdawn hey there beautiful 😍 hope you have an awesome Tuesday and an amazing week!
Sep 12Reply
stephkram @313amberdawn awww you have no idea how much I needed that smile this morning! 🙂☕️ Some mornings are just..ugh ..sigh ..breath.. kiss the dog, pour the coffee, turn on the music loud and just roll with it!!! Hope you have a great day too!! ❤️🪵🤥
Sep 12Reply
313amberdawn @stephkram awwww I am sending lots of xoxo's your way.💞💗💝💕 I'm driving up north today. only 2 hours north but hey it'll be fun🥰
Sep 12Reply
313amberdawn good morning to the beautiful @stephkram 🥰 may your day be filled with smiles and sales 🤩
Sep 15Reply
bamster44 Thanks got sharing my items. 10% off to you on anything you may want.
Nov 24Reply
stephkram @zkp23 Thanks girl! 🥰
Jan 22Reply
rmsilvey Aloha! Welcome to my Closet!!! I LOVE fashion and shopping for amazing clothing and bargains. Used to wear it when I worked in TV but now I own a Pilates Studio and live in black leggings!!! But shopping is my therapy and my entertainment. So let’s all SHOP SAVE SELL AND SHARE OUR WAY TO SUCCESS! Happy Poshing!
Nov 26Reply

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