Meet your Posher, Stoney
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$5 items are free with purchase. Just ❤️ you favorites and I’ll add them to your order.
You also can fill a 5# box with $5 items for $20.

56 others
like this

welcome to poshmark. Lets get it!
Aug 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and happy Poshing😊
Aug 29Reply

@sally43_posh thank you. I’m trying to watch videos on how to use Poshmark and what everything means. I’m so confused but I’d rather list and then learn.
Aug 29Reply

@stoneyrbell sure.. watching videos will definitely help.. feel free to ask if you need any help from me..
Aug 29Reply

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵WELCOME TO 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸POSHMARK 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Aug 29Reply

Happy Poshing! Now Following 🤗❤️🤪💞
Aug 30Reply

Welcome to poshmark happy poshing.
Sep 01Reply

@stoneyrbell Welcome to Poshmark! Poshmark reports if you have 15+ items = higher sales.
FYI💋👍💋LIKE some things 💕FOLLOW people & ✅🎁SHARE lots of things 🎁
💥💵 💥SALES💥💵💥 (Lots of SELF SHARES 2)
There are so many wonderful people on Poshmark. It’s a great place to find special items to enhance your wardrobe/style. I’m here for you if you have any questions. Have fun!
🌹Happy Poshing🌹
Sep 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! It is September and a super great time to share items from your closet to your new PFFS! Here come the holidays! Be certain to share at least three times a day! Also, enjoy striking up conversations with your fellow Poshers. This is the best social media outlet out there! Enjoy!🍁🌻🍂🧡❤️
Sep 09Reply

I appreciate you following me! Let me know if you have any questions. ⭐️💎⭐️
Oct 31Reply

Thank you so so much for all the sweet shares!💗💗
Mar 14Reply

@stoneyrbell love your meet the Posher picture! I adore animals ♥️
Mar 23Reply

Oh my gosh!!!!! Stoney!!!!! I have never met another girl named stoney and it’s ey toooo!!!! 😊
Apr 18Reply

@stoney_b are you really a Stoney? I thought I was the only female stoney. My last name is Bell. I see your last name starts with a B it looks like. That’s awesome.
Apr 18Reply

@stoneyrbell I know!! Me too! I have met men Stoney but never women. Yes. My last name is Bourne. Two Stoney Bs!!! Lol
Apr 18Reply

I was named after a Lobo song called Stoney. Have you heard it?
Apr 18Reply

Hi. Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much! Have a great day!❤️Patricia
Apr 22Reply

Thanks for the share
Apr 23Reply

Welcome to my closet and if you find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping. Also wait for me to submit a offer for the shipping discount.
Apr 25Reply

Beautiful fur babies! Thanks for following me and mine!
Apr 30Reply

Hi @stoneyrbell 🌸Thank you for following my closet!!! Please feel free to take a look at my pretty earrings! If you add two or more to a bundle, you can save $$$!
May 01Reply

Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
May 10Reply

Hi Stoney! Thank you so much for sharing part of my closet. I love your closet and shared yours as well. Continued blessings to you with Poshing 💕✝ 😊!!
May 16Reply

Hi Stoney, So delighted you’re following my closet & glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies, as I’m here to help, & always open to feedback. ✨🌸✨
Warm Wishes of Success to Us All,
Posh Ambassador & Mentor
May 19Reply

Closet 54! Love it😁🤩❤🌟🥳💃🎶🎭🧚♀️
May 21Reply

@geminimkay Gemini? When is your birthday? Mine is the 28th.
May 21Reply

May 30Reply

Thanks so much for the share,I will return the favor.Happy poshing.😍👠👗👒👙
May 30Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Jun 03Reply

Love your closet!!
Jun 07Reply

@cassie555 thank you. 😊
Jun 07Reply

@stoneyrbell thank you for sharing my listing 💜
Jun 09Reply

Hi Stoney! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jun 11Reply

@appelbc awe! Thank you. I love the Poshmark community.
Jul 20Reply

What a sweet doggie. Thank you for the share and follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Oct 03Reply

Hi Stoney! Thank you for following and the share! I’m following back and also shared. Wishing us many speedy sales!! 💰😊💰
Oct 06Reply

Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Oct 07Reply

Thanks for sharing my listings.... Mel
Oct 13Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listing!
Praying an abundance of Posh success for you as you sell and find great bargains 🙏🏽👡👟👚👠👛👗👜💍👢👞🧢🥿👔👖
Oct 21Reply

thanks for sharing my fellow Tennessean!
Oct 23Reply

Hello! Thank you for following me and sharing! You have some really cute stuff in your closet🥰😍🥰. I appreciate you stopping by my closet and showing me some Posh Love👌🌹
Nov 18Reply

Hello! Thank you for following me and sharing! You have some really cute stuff in your closet🥰😍🥰. I appreciate you stopping by my closet and showing me some Posh Love👌🌹
Nov 18Reply

your closest is AMAZINGLY CUTE!!!!
Dec 13Reply

@cutenclassy81 thank you.
Dec 13Reply

Hi Stoney,
Thanks for sharing from my closet and I shared items from yours. If something did attract your attention, just let me know. I'm willing to adjust the pricing for you.
Jan 09Reply

Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher is hustling for a new Chanel bag to add to my 2020 wardrobe. I made a resolution to save more but there’s a grey crossbody calling my name constantly. I must respond. 😀 Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Feb 03Reply

Hello🙋♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following and sharing my closet/boutique 😊 I’m happy to do the same for you 🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for the shares.
Feb 12Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing, Stoney! ;) Sending you Posh love and wishing you much success! <3 $$$$
Feb 23Reply

thank you for sharing! 😊
Mar 05Reply

Hey come check out my closet
Mar 07Reply

glad u like jacket it's hardly worn I will make deal🤓😎💜🖤
Mar 22Reply

Thanks for the share! 🦋 🌙
Apr 03Reply

Just received the jeans I ordered, very happy with my purchase and also with the sweet note I got in my package. Thanks neighbor!
Apr 03Reply

@tinambolli awe. Thanks. I was surprised how close you were to where I used to live. Now I’m in Karns. Take care. 😊
Apr 03Reply

Apr 10Reply

THANKS for all the love and likes.
Apr 19Reply

thank you for visiting my closet! happy posting. peace and love ❤
Apr 22Reply

Cute pictures and I love pets.
May 03Reply

Such a cute closet!!! Love your stuff!!!🥰
May 18Reply

@kristenmia1973 your closet is really cute too. I love Betsey Johnson. Thank you.
May 18Reply

@stoneyrbell thank you so much!!! I LOVE her too. Lol
May 18Reply

Blessings Stoney on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy Memorial Day weekend 🇺🇸🛍🙏🇺🇸🤟🏻❤️💜
May 22Reply

@stoneybell Hi, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed day!
May 26Reply

Stoney! Thanks SO much for the share - I appreciate it - and I enjoyed rattling around in your closet!
Jul 13Reply

I have looked at your closet and I must say it looks very very nice .Please take a look at mine and if you would be so kind, check out my YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder . This has been designed to help all of us with our online business. check it out and thank you for your support
Jul 19Reply

Hello Stoney. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for following me! Much appreciated! Check out my closet when you can. I’ve got great prices and items and am open to offers. Have fun and enjoy all the closets. Happy Poshing!🤗🙏🌸
Jul 27Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for following my closet, I’m having a BOGO Sale Today Only! Bundle 2 items and I’ll send you the offer.
Aug 25Reply

if you see anything please make me an offer
Sep 27Reply

Hey Girly!!! I am doing $2 dollars off all items in my closet today!! Even cheaper if you bundle. Just counter offer me if you like things:) I normally ship same or next day!! Stay safe xoxo
Oct 16Reply

I had to take a break from looking at your closet, just to tell you that is probably the most awesome closet I've ever come across. You have the lowest prices the most beautiful things and some unique things thrown in. And I'm still not out of the five dollar section LOL
Oct 26Reply

@sirena15 awe thank you! It used to be basic but I myself love unique and novelty items so I’ve been trying to list more of that kind of stuff. Like stuff that is just fun to look at. I appreciate your comment. Made my morning. 💕
Oct 26Reply

@stoneyrbell well I'm glad I made you feel good this morning. Because I really enjoyed looking at it now I just have to save up a little bit of money because there's a few things I really want LOL I'll be talking to you soon love
Oct 26Reply

Thank you, but I’m going to decline the offer for the Beetlejuice. I just thought you should know that you can get it at hot topic for like $23 so I don’t know if people see that if they will want to pay more for it. Just telling you why I personally am not getting it even though I love it!!! Best of luck!
Nov 10Reply

thanks for the love I'm actually from Portland Oregon and I'm here in Palm Springs with my mother over the holidays hiding out from the rain and the cold and I hope you're having a great season so far if you like anything of mine always offer thanks
Nov 27Reply

Thank you SO much for the share - really appreciate it! Will be sure to return the favor! ✨✨
Dec 05Reply

Hey thanks for following I’m Emily if you like any of my items create a bundle or send an offer for a Sweet Deal! Happy New Year😊☃️❄️🎊🎉
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing!
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for sharing items from my closet. As a new seller I appreciate the generous shares and support. I will be doing the same for you too. Happy Poshing!😊 PS. You have so many great tops in your closet!😍
Apr 21Reply

👋💕Hello there. Feel free to check my closet when you get I have variety of Starbucks New released / bling tumblers and many more items 💝
May 21Reply

Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also
size most of our rings for free.
Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink:
Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
Jun 01Reply

Thanks if you interested this item please contact with me
Jul 03Reply

Hi Sweetie, I invite you to take a look at my closet @mini_ritz. My webpage is:
Please let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. I ship same day and respond to questions quickly. Please note, I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. Happy Poshing! Blessings ❤️🙏❤️
🎉Coming Soon - Solid Black OS/TC/TC2 LuLaRoe Leggings🎉
Feb 03Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Feb 10Reply

Thank u for follow & shares💕😊
You're cordially invited to
🖤🎀Miss-Ink's Closet 🎀🖤
🌟Your next treasure awaits u🌙
For fun, share games, chances to
🏆win 50%* Off/Free* items🏆thru
BOGO*50% Off/BOGO Free $ales.
[*Items of equal/lesser value]
Shop w/confidence~ 5-🌟 Seller, honest, description, Replies,
Ships fast, item(s) ship w/care 💕 USPS updates/ETA 'til 📦 arrives
Many Brands, Sizes,& styles to choose from...🖤🎀💖🎀🖤
Hope to see y'all there...
Feb 13Reply

@stoneyrbell If u ever need anything, help any time u have
any ?'s about the site, any Posh Ambassador, including me, will analysts be here. Take❤Care hun💕
Feb 13Reply

Have a great weekend!
Mar 20Reply

Hi Stoney...thanks for browsing our closet. You've got a fab closet full of goodies! Blessings to you and yours for a successful and happy year!
Mar 20Reply

Thanks for the share! 🥰
Jun 22Reply

@stoneyrbell — Hi Stoney, I have a bundle on 2 animal print dress 4P. Is that possible for this bundle at $20 + $4.99 shipping? Please let me know! Thanks!
Jul 01Reply

@exclusivegifts7 I already sent the offer so I can’t change it. Can you do the math and calculate that with shipping so it comes out the same and send me a counter offer?
Jul 01Reply

@stoneyrbell - Thanks! When I counter offer, the shipping will return to $7.67, while you gave me a discount of $4.99.
The price I’d like to offer: $20 + $4.99 = $24.99.
In order for me to keep the same price, then I have to counter offer you for $18 (I can’t offer $17.32) for a bundle + $7.67 shipping = $25.67 total which means $1.68 above my offer! The best way is just put the change in the inside of the package when you send it to me.
Jul 01Reply

@exclusivegifts7 I can do that.
Jul 01Reply

@stoneyrbell — Thanks Stoney! I already sent in my counter-offer!
Jul 01Reply

Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Jul 06Reply

Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷 P.S. EVERY ORDER FROM MY CLOSET COMES WITH A MYSTERY GIFT!! Yay!!!🎁speedy sales to you
Oct 06Reply

Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Jan 17Reply

Thanks for connecting with me! I wanted to invite you to my end of the month sale!
For the next 24 hours! So make the offer I'll accept or counter!
A cleaning out inventory and a lot I will be redonating so I can revamp my closet this up coming spring and summer with new items!
Nerf darts are buy 100 for $12 get 100 free!
Mar 29Reply

Hey there Stoney! Thank you SO much for the shares!! I shared your listings as well! I really appreciate the help and support, especially as a single mom with a teenage daughter, while also going through a personal emergency. I’m very grateful for you! 🥺🙏🏼❤️
Wishing you lots of love, happiness, good health, peace, laughter, joy, blessings and success in all areas of your life! 🤗🌷💛💃🏻💕
Jul 22Reply

@stoneyrbell Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 16Reply

Hi! I attempted to order the pier1 galvanized vase but order was canceled. Im more interested in the galvanized part versus the glass. I assume the glass was damage. Please let me know if you are willing to just sell the base. Thank you
Jun 17Reply

@charlotgreene I’m sorry. As soon as I saw the glass was broken, I threw it away and canceled the order. The trash has already been picked up. I’m very sorry.
Jun 17Reply

hi there!
I've bundled my likes you have already sent sn offer on separately. . can you send me another offer on my bundle so I can have 1 shipping cost?
Jun 24Reply

Beginning Friday, August 2, 2024, until Sunday Night,
August 4, 2024, at Midnight Eastern Standard Time, BUNDLE ANY 2 OR MORE ITEMS FROM OUR CLOSET and GET 50% OFF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE.
Aug 03Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Nov 04Reply
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