Meet your Posher, Sundsunday
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Hi! I'm Sunny. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark!! The social platform for a community of eCommerce entrepreneurs & advocates. There are amazing Poshers all working together to support one another in the name of fashion & style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, & selling special items from your closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, & helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, & reducing. Good luck & much success to you. I am just a closet away.
Treasure Resale 😎
Feb 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 26Reply

Hope you are well, and hope you enjoy this marketplace. I love styling, and am pretty chill in general, so I’d love to help out if you’re ever interested🤘
Feb 28Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Mar 03Reply

Hi! I saw you liked a Burberry Sweater and wanted to let you know that I just posted a similar one on my page! I am open to all offers! Does that look like something you might be interested in?
Mar 05Reply

Hey. Feel free to check out my closet and offer on any of my items you might be interested in! Have a good one 👍🏼
Mar 15Reply

i have ch shirts, some ted baker and hugo boss if you want to see the polos
Mar 25Reply

CHECK OUT MY 5 STAR CLOSET with Burberry, Chanel.Louis Vuitton.Ralph Lauren..Vince Camuto..Mens designer etc..always open to offers..Happy Poshing....always willing to help and dont winningPLEASEforget to share
Mar 26Reply

Hi thxs for stopping by I give bundle discount for more than 1 item ..if interested in leather bag..make offer!! Have a great day!!
Mar 26Reply

@demilehr2 okay so what will the discount be
Mar 26Reply

@toymoney1the bag cost 400..I reduced to 180 ..already Posh takes 20% of price so u have to let me know what works for you please
Mar 26Reply

@toymoney1 you have to make varies per item
Mar 26Reply

@demilehr2 that’s wat I have for it
Mar 26Reply

@toymoney1....ok thank you Sunny for stopping by..happy Poshing!!!
Mar 26Reply

Visit we have the bape vans you liked for $100! Cheaper on my site than on here
Mar 27Reply

Your order has been shipped, again thank you for ur purchase hope to post more items in ur interest in the near future your seller Moneyboss2
Apr 09Reply

@moneyboss2 thanks and just pray it’s exactly how rate it and authentic and will always be your best customer
Apr 09Reply

Apr 10Reply

Hi there, thank you for your offer ! I sell new Levi’s Jeans NOT used , so plz make a fair offer for me!!! Thank you
Apr 13Reply

Good evening, I just received an email letting me know that the belt was delivered. I was wondering if you wouldnt mind doing the acceptance so the funds can be released as my youngest daughter that's 21 is 7 months pregnant and everything I make on here is going to her right now to help with a very pricey medication she's got to be on during her pregnancy, so I would be incredibly grateful if you wouldn't mind doing that for me! Thank you so so very much, I appreciate you 😊
Apr 13Reply

@rapop75 am sorry I didn’t get the belt yet post office didn’t deliver it yet and can’t accept what I didn’t get
Apr 14Reply

@toymoney1 Oh okay, not a problem!! Thank you!! :)
Apr 14Reply

@toymoney1 I’m a little confused, and more so just making sure that my belt that you purchased is where USPS says it is. Tracking number 940551089935972361945
On the USPS website verifies definite proof that the belt was delivered in or at your mailbox at 12:03 PM today. In Irvington, NJ 07111
Yet when I had messaged you, you stated you had not received the Item and you couldn’t exactly accept an item and do that on something that the post office HAD NOT even delivered to you yet...
Apr 14Reply

@toymoney1 Due the given situation I would like it very much if you would accept the item as After you denied that it hadn’t been delivered to you, despite me calling USPS and them confirming it had been, I would appreciate it if you could do the acceptance no later than tomorrow morning. I’ve contacted poshmark to let them know and provided documentation from usps as well as your message to me this evening to inform them of the situation. I would appreciate it very much, but thank you.
Apr 14Reply

@toymoney1 thank you! I actually shipped out on 4/6 if you look up the tracking number, it was the postal service who held up the shipment, I did personally go to the post office and they informed me that I did INDEED ship on the 6th and they’re not sure at all why it was held in the distribution center for 5 days.
Apr 15Reply

@toymoney1 I can provide you with a tracking number if you would like, I always ship out quickly and I also accept my purchases upon delivery. So the three star rating, I sold you a $500 belt and made 48.00 off of it secondly, the review of could improve on shipping time, that one IS NOT ON MY END, that was the postal service.
Apr 15Reply

@toymoney1 a very unfair review and comment considering the deal I gave you and I DID ship on the 6th, That was a very unfair and not too cool to review me in that way; had you just tracked it, you still can look it up, you would have seen I DID everything correct on my part. Thanks!
Apr 15Reply

@rapop75 I get it fixed check now
Apr 16Reply

@toymoney1 Thank you, I do appreciate that very very much! 😊
Apr 16Reply

🌼 just liked one of our items🌼Check out the rest of our shop!!TONS of🌼NEW SURF🌼items🌼HOLD down the screen to ADD your FAVORITES by pushing🥝ADD TO BUNDLE🥝for ONE ..SHIPPING..cost💛we list FREE items for bundles
🌼I SHIP every day🌼
Apr 16Reply

I can 45 for the Mickey Vans if you still want it?
Apr 16Reply

Please don’t Low ball - it’s rude. Ty
Apr 17Reply

@tequilagirl18 tell me what’s ur last offer
Apr 17Reply

@toymoney1 my last offer? It was just posted today... and why would my last offer matter... wouldn’t sell for what u offered either way.
Apr 17Reply

I could do 250 plus free shipping
Apr 20Reply

I can do 200$ rn if u can offer it again
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 150$
Apr 20Reply

@forsockscloset 50$
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 i got an offer for 175 so lowest I’ll take is 200$. 200$ and it’s urs
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 if u decide you want it just shoot me the offer
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 just get off work now and see it’s sold 😡😡
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 if you can do 250$ I’ll sell it to u
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 which shoe is that
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 the blazers
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 you offer me 150 but can get for 200 if u ready
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 the already sold for 200$ so if u can’t beat that then I’m sorry
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 210
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 can you shoot me a quick text 719-367-4434
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 don’t get u
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 I can do 210 just text me real quick
Apr 20Reply

@bmillhauser5 it’s sold already nothing you can do did you have the other off white available
Apr 20Reply

@toymoney1 nope just these for sale. I can cancel this order and sell for 210 if we can use Mercar.i. It doesn’t take 20% in ur profit, it only takes 10% so both ways it would be better
Apr 20Reply

Thank you for your purchase! Have a great day!
Apr 23Reply

Hello o have accepted your offer but there was a payment issue, I can ship today if you like ❤️
Apr 30Reply

Hi, thank you for your purchase however there’s an issue with your payment therefore the transaction could not completed. Have a nice day!
May 06Reply

@coolstyletique am
Sorry find out it’s not authentic
May 06Reply

Leave an offer if interested in anything 👍
May 07Reply

hey! thank you for showing interest in an item i am selling. i am currently having a big sale and trying to get rid of as many things as i can tonight. feel free to bundle up and clothing you like so i can send you a bundle offer!
May 11Reply

Hello, I’ve decided to accept your previous offer, if you are still interested and could resend it to me I will gladly accept, thanks!
May 14Reply

$400 is lowest I’ll go, I will not accepting anything lower than that they are in great condition . Thanks !
May 14Reply

Hello, I accepted your offer but it seems like your payment didn’t go through and now you cancelled it 🤔
May 15Reply

Thanks for looking, i uploaded the receipt! Have a nice day
May 17Reply

Hi, I can do $120 if you offer again. Thanks!
May 23Reply

@ross2722 70 is what I have now will you accept it ??
May 23Reply

Hi! I saw you liked a listing of Louis Vuitton Shoes and I wanted to let you know about the pair I just posted for sale on my page! They are the exact same size and In Fantastic Condition! I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Please let me know what you think!
May 25Reply

I sell you the fendi wallet for 140 off Poshmark
May 31Reply

@toymoney1 is authentic bro is not fake
Jun 08Reply

Offer accepted on the Tommy Jean's but your payment method needs to be updated before shipping :-) thank you
Jun 24Reply

did you get my counter offer??
Jun 25Reply

@tjposhmarket yes but that’s what I can offer
Jun 25Reply

@toymoney1 can you do 15 at least? i will accept that
Jun 25Reply

@toymoney1 go ahead with it
Jun 25Reply

@toymoney1 12 i mean
Jun 25Reply

I accepted by you have a payment issue please fix so i can ship today
Jun 26Reply

@tjposhmarket I have and try and ship today
Jun 26Reply

@toymoney1 its not fixed still says payment issue
Jun 26Reply

@tjposhmarket check now
Jun 26Reply

@toymoney1 now we are good 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Jun 26Reply

Look up prices on vintage tommy flag rugbys. I can’t even respond to that brotha that’s a huge low ball
Jun 26Reply

@new_era_vintage am sorry I offer what I have and if is not gud u counter offer to see ur last price
Jun 26Reply

Seen your offer of $30 it’s too low for a shirt like this gotta fake at least 45-50 you known
Jul 03Reply

Counter offer me 75 and it’s a deal. For the dolce shirt
Jul 09Reply

@lealove1111 okay I can’t offer
Jul 12Reply

@themenzshop crazy man what’s your problem I never offer you what’s the mean of the fucking post on my wall
Jul 24Reply

You just a mad man I purchase from you and didn’t fit what you post and give you just 2star you posting shit on my way get a sense
Jul 25Reply

@toymoney1 that $20 iceberg offer had to be a joke lol ? Or we’re u serious
Aug 13Reply

Hey brotha I’ll tell you what. I’ll even add my the off white Virgil shoe bag that costs another $250 if you accept the offer
Aug 24Reply

@dkim3017 that’s what I have bro will be happy if u accept my offer
Aug 24Reply

I mean that’s really low of a price u offered man
Aug 24Reply

@dkim3017 what’s ur last price
Aug 24Reply

Aug 25Reply

@dkim3017 300 and we have a deal
Aug 25Reply

Brotha 300$ is to low for these brand new off White shoes man. And plus if I list the shoes up for $300 then I only get $210 because of the Poshmark fee. There’s no way I can I’ll let these go for 300$ man I apologize. I’ll do $499 is my final offer and it’s yours.
Aug 25Reply

I’ll also add a offwhite shoes bag that costs another $125
Aug 25Reply

@toymoney1 Heyy, thank you for shopping my closet! I just counteroffered your offer.... (that one is definitely a tounge twister, haha😜). Unfortunately, I am already taking a huge hit listing them at almost 75% off of what I originally purchased them for... since they are brand new WITHOUT the tags.😔
Aug 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕
I’m so glad you found us and desided to be here. We are a great community here who help each other out all the time, so if you need help to set up your account or have any questions please feel free to ask anything
And if you want to check out my closet please feel free to do so. I give always discounts, and even better once in bundles.
With every package I send out comes a free surprise Gift 🎁 to my customer
Happy poshing and I wish you lots of success
Aug 31Reply

hello, i am selling the fendi shoes , do you mind to do on paypl or mecari because on posh they cut % too much. please let me know asap thanks .
Sep 06Reply

Make me a good offer to get you this moncler white ball cap to you asap
Sep 18Reply

Meet me in the middle at 65?
Sep 19Reply

Hi. Thanks for the like on my item. If you’re interested in that item or any items in my closet, fell free to use the Offer Option with a reasonable offer and I will accept. 🤗
Sep 27Reply

hey how are you? they are brand new and last pair in this style
Oct 28Reply

@newluxurycloset I know boss 90$ is all I got
Oct 28Reply

Hi, thanks so much for the offer. I tried to accept the offer but it didn’t go through.
Nov 05Reply

Hurry and place offers and check out my page!!! Thank you
Nov 18Reply

Hi Sunny, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! And we get to shop in our pjs! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Nov 27Reply

Let me know if you have any questions on the FOG shirt! I can ship out tomorrow as well and all purchases come with a free gift!
Dec 15Reply

Text me at 646 725 4320 about your offer on the shoes please
Dec 21Reply

@geoscloset711 why did you cancelled the order
Dec 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Congratulations on listing your first item! I hope you enjoy your shopping experience and find lots of great items! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Happy Poshing!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for liking my Helmut Lang shirt 😊 if you love it or anything else let me know I ship my sales out every day
Jan 30Reply

Please don’t send me anymore lowball offers it’s offensive
Feb 04Reply

Hi Sunday, you recently made a $35 offer for my Alexander McQueen skull print shorts. I’ll let them go for $35 today. Thanks!
May 04Reply

@toymoney1 Sorry but price is firm due to PM high fees. Sorry
May 06Reply

Hey I made a mistake on those tiger shoes I’ll accept the $200 if u make the offer again sorry it was a mistype
Jun 12Reply

Hi, I counteroffered on the gucci shows. Let
me know
Jun 20Reply

@davidflores315 send offer
Aug 15Reply

Thank you for your offer!! Unfortunately it doesn't cover my cost as u know btw taxes and 20% posh fees it is hard to make big discounts like THAT! I gave you my lowest .. Thank you Anyway 😘
Oct 16Reply

Make that offer for 120 between now and 4:30 I will accept and ship today
Nov 05Reply

@robertfischerf 90$
Nov 05Reply

Feel free to send an offer!
Nov 06Reply

I have to pay fees, bot selling a robert graham shirt for 18$
Dec 01Reply

is it showing that I accepted your offer? it says accepted, but its not showing up in my sales history, I can't find it anywhere and its not showing up in my pending balance
Dec 02Reply

@doomeduserv will u ship today
Dec 02Reply

@toymoney1 yes, I can
Dec 02Reply

@toymoney1 but its not showing up in my sales history, its not showing that it was sold
Dec 02Reply

@toymoney1 but I can't ship it until it sells, I accepted the offer, but I guess you have completed the transaction. so just let me know when you buy it and I'll get it ready to ship
Dec 02Reply

@toymoney1 yea, it says "payment has not been completed". so as soon as you complete it, I will get ready to go to the post office
Dec 02Reply

@doomeduserv ✅
Dec 02Reply

remember to rate me, it should be delivered tomorrow. enjoy the Robert Graham shirt
Dec 08Reply

can u rate me for the Robert Graham shirt
Dec 10Reply

Hi, I received your order but I will be able to ship the jacket on Tuesday (01/05) as I’m out of town this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
Jan 03Reply

Hey! Payment didn’t go through. If you could review your payment preferences I’d appreciate it
Jan 10Reply

Hello, sorry about the inconvenience I was out of state when u order I am now back, and able to ship your item today! Is that ok?
May 31Reply

@allexis123 ok thanks
May 31Reply

Can you do $70 for the Valentino shirt ?
Jul 09Reply

Make sure you return my same exact shoe because I don’t know what type of games you’re playing but please Do Not Play with me
Jul 18Reply

You been had the receipt you could
Of called before I sent the speakers why you wait until you get them to say this. All I can call Farfetch in 3 way and prove you wrong just send me my stuff back and like I said do not play with me I’m so serious.
Jul 18Reply

@shennacann I told you earlier if I confirm it’s not authentic I call them yesterday and they said the order number does not exist
Jul 18Reply

@toymoney1 you’re lying I order from this company all the time they will NOT give you no information under my account only I can call them and verify my information for them to verify any order number. Send me my items back Is all I ask at this point
Jul 18Reply

@shennacann then best answer for a fool and dumb ass like you is silent keep ranting like a dog
Jul 18Reply

@toymoney1 you’re the dumb ass LYING trying to get over on someone idk what you got going on but you better send my shit back thats all I know. ASAP
Jul 18Reply

@shennacann dumb ass will send your fake sneakers back to you
Jul 18Reply

@toymoney1 please do and they better be in the same condition you got them in. Only thing fake is your dumb lying ass making up fake stories when you can’t even call and get no information regarding my purchase ONLY I CAN. Play these games with someone else dummy
Jul 18Reply

@shennacann once poshmark give me go ahead and send me shipping label I will please stop sending me msg ..poshmark will decide or will block your ass
Jul 18Reply

The only person that’s gonna be blocked is YOU fr my fucking page go suck a dick and my shit better be right or that’s yo ass. We don’t play them games over here Jersey bum boy
Jul 18Reply

@toymoney1 This is Gucci bro, send better offer
Jul 21Reply

hey brotha! idk if i can do 350 on these. theyre barely used and i paid 685 after tax. hope we can meet somewhere in the middle.
Jul 27Reply

Hi dear im willing to accept offers and give great discounts if you are interested in one of my items just let me know
Aug 11Reply

Hey check my profile maybe you will be interested of luxury brands like dior,burberry,gucci etc :)
Aug 21Reply

Hello friend please check out my closet for some nice shirts to spice up your look & style… im willing to accept reasonable offers you can send offers if you’re interested in one of my items..create bundle so you can get extra discounts & free shipping its all about the savings 💪😎 sharing is caring stay safe and be blessed🙏
Aug 22Reply

hi friend please check out my closet let me know if your interested and if there's something you like reasonable offers are welcome be safe & stay blessed🌺🥰😎
Oct 13Reply

@toymoney1 Hi Sunny! I was going to accept your offer on the jeans but was going to see if you wanted to bundle them with the shorts you liked for $5 more? Either way I’ll package and ship tomorrow :)
Jun 09Reply

Hi! I tried to accept your offer but there was an issue with the payment if you could take a look into it!
Mar 12Reply

@shop_with_farah will confirm now pls hope it didn’t run big is it 41us
Mar 12Reply

@shop_with_farah 7us
Mar 12Reply

@toymoney1 A 41 usually converts to a US 8
Mar 12Reply

Hi , I accepted the offer for the Burberry jacket . Shows that there was an issue with the card payment
Nov 09Reply

@alfredo_wendy want the other one sorry
Nov 09Reply

@toymoney1 they always I can go to the other one is 700, I can tgo lower than that
Nov 10Reply

@alfredo_wendy 600
Nov 10Reply

Hi, your payment didn’t go through for the Yeezys
Nov 21Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Dec 01Reply
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