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Updated Jan 21
Updated Jan 21

Meet your Posher, Susan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Susan. I'm from Melrose and some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, kate spade, Nike, and Tory Burch. I am a mom of 2 children and I have a variety of different types of clothing size and styles and stuff for the home as well. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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greenwheat 🍁🍁Welcome to Poshmark!🍁🍁
Oct 18Reply
sue735 @greenwheat Thank you! Glad to be here. Will have a lot of postings by weekend for a variety of stuff...mostly women’s clothes, handbags, and children’s clothes 👍🏼❤️
Oct 18Reply
masibossy @sue735 welcome to poshmark woman! my name is Macia and I am an ambassador and am happy to answer any questions you may have and to help get your sales going! share and follow everything and everyone to build your network! Remember: shares = sales! I will share your closet now! Happy Poshing!
Nov 11Reply
masibossy @sue735 good-looking huge dog!
Nov 11Reply
sue735 @masibossy thank you 😊
Nov 11Reply
sue735 @masibossy Thank you for the support! I appreciate it!
Nov 11Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am glad to know you😃My endeavor includes being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🌸sharing🌺caring🌻💐and supporting your efforts😇I will be humbled should you choose to check out my closet🌼it is not a requirement however🎀I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Nov 11Reply
sue735 @madblk3 Thank you 🙏🏼
Nov 11Reply
sandfiddler Beautiful dog and seller
Nov 16Reply
sue735 @sandfiddler why thank you 🙏🏼 Happy Poshing!
Nov 16Reply
sandfiddler @sue735 ❤️💕
Nov 16Reply
mariam2sell Hi, getting ready send the colorful boots and notice size 10 is sold out there is size 11 not much difference in sizing but the back of one of the boots shows like a patch of glue. I posted a picture on the available listing for you to see. Please let me know what you would like me to do.
Nov 20Reply
mariam2sell It's actually shows on the first photo of listing
Nov 21Reply
sue735 @mariam2sell thanks for the message! I think I am going to cancel if possible! Thanks so much for your honesty. Not quite sure how Poshmark works is it possible to cancel? Does the seller do it?
Nov 21Reply
mariam2sell @sue735 There's a size 10 on the black/pink
Nov 21Reply
mariam2sell as well black and brown
Nov 21Reply
sue735 @mariam2sell black and pink will work! Thank u!
Nov 21Reply
mariam2sell @sue735 Thank you it will ship tomorrow
Nov 21Reply
debrajf1234 Thank you soo much for following my closet. I hope you’re enjoying the wonders of Poshmark 😄 I wanted to let you know that I am clearing out my closet to get ready for a huge move and I am having a sale. All items with a 🎄 in the title are 3 for $25 or 6 for $50 plus add a free gift of any item marked with a 🌺. See something you like, please make an offer and it’s yours. Lots and lots of brand new gifts, home decor, clothing, accessories and more. Thank you again and Happy Poshing!!
Nov 21Reply
drjeannie0208 Hi Susan and very large adorable dog! Thanks for sharing. Will reciprocate! I am a newbie and appreciate all the Posh love and shares. You are a beautiful lady with your closet! 💕💕
Dec 07Reply
drjeannie0208 If you like the jacket and pants will drop to $7. and any top $3. The two brown tops are cute with this. But you look tiny and it is L!
Dec 07Reply
sue735 @drjeannie0208 thank you! 🥰
Dec 07Reply
rmg1976 Just started “poshing” today. Lots to learn yet. I’ll be trying to sell lots of stylish clothing and shoes - men and women - in the near future. // rmg.
Dec 27Reply
tony_san9 Thank you Sue for share my stuff! 😉
Dec 27Reply
sue735 @rmg1976 Welcome!!! It’s very addicting once you make your first sale! Remember to follow a lot of people and share a lot of other peoples stuff too!
Dec 27Reply
sue735 @tony_san9 Your welcome!
Dec 27Reply
sue735 @lorevers no worries 😊
Dec 27Reply
polka5dots Thank you for all the shares. Love your big puppy and what’s staked in the background. Happy New Year!
Jan 08Reply
sue735 @polka5dots same to you!!!! Thanks 😉
Jan 08Reply
mindysuzmoney That face on your pups! Is adorable 😍
Jan 11Reply
sue735 @mindysuzmoney thank you 🙏🏼
Jan 11Reply
csl1178 Thank you for the follow 😊 You look amazing
Jan 13Reply
zardiva1 Your 🐶 looks like a sweetie big baby - awww! 😃😘
Jan 14Reply
sue735 @zardiva1 lol, thanks 😊
Jan 14Reply
zardiva1 @sue735 You’re welcome 👍🙂
Jan 14Reply
grantreeves93 Your dog is amazing 😍
Feb 22Reply
melissaotakie the dog is bigger than you! Looks like a magnificent creature 🐾
Mar 30Reply
sue735 @mattnichols2 thank u 😊
Nov 22Reply
micheleforaker I wanted to let you know I shipped your SAL item on Saturday and it still hasn’t shown as being scanned in. I have reported this to Poshmark. There has been a lot of issues with the postal services lately. Hopefully it’s on its way to you and there’s some kind of technical issue with the tracking.
Jan 26Reply
sue735 @micheleforaker no worries, the struggle is real🤣
Jan 26Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Feb 01Reply
lillybelles56 Hi Susan, Thank You for visiting my closet! I love your dog. Mastiff? I see you have liked items in my closet. If you want to bundle I will give you a discount. 🥰🌺😁
Jun 26Reply
lillybelles56 Hi Sue, thanks for purchasing the bracelet. I will ship it out tomorrow. 😁🥰
Jun 30Reply
peachystatus I’m so sorry to decline your kind offers, but I have all items reduced to maximum lowest prices with fees. Thanks for understanding.
Jun 30Reply
sue735 @vintagestatus no worries! Thank you :)
Jun 30Reply
jeannine15 Susan, I accepted your offer in the scrub pants. I am out of town and won’t be able to ship them until Monday after work. Will this be ok? Thank you!
Jul 15Reply
anix44 I see you have a lot of jewelry for sale, I have lots of small boxes and bags for similar brands if you’re interested in bundling items in my closet.
Aug 16Reply
miwilliams Thank you for considering my offer! I understand!
Sep 20Reply
jimmcmath Can you make me a bundle price on the Stella? 😂😋
Oct 09Reply
bjoconnell20814 Hi Sue! Early morning pre coffee and I think I accidentally poofed 1 item off your if you would bundle all 3 again, I would offer $150. You'll be getting a great deal on my fave items! Bette
Oct 10Reply
bjoconnell20814 Hi Sue, just checking to see if you got my message about my accidentally deleting 1 of your bundled items. Being new to Posh I'm not sure how to fix it. sorry Bette
Oct 11Reply
rawluxe_world @sue735 Awwww! you & yer bb are so cute!!!
Oct 28Reply
sue735 @rawluxe_world awww thank you!!! ❤️
Oct 28Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you like 👍 is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers 👍🇫🇷💎✅💍
Jan 29Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 28Reply
kristenkreation Hi @sue735 thank you for the follow! Im Tink! I offer a 10% discount on Bundles of 2 Items or More so feel free to take a look around! Thank you and have a great day! Happy Poshing! 😉
Aug 10Reply
sopranoduck ADORABLE DOGGO!! 😍😍😍
Sep 02Reply
cutehosiery @sue735 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 06Reply
sue735 @lisanurse74 thank you❤️
Oct 08Reply
sue735 @beautifynails thank you so much❤️ yours is fabulous to🥰
Oct 29Reply
jaxshadow Hi Sue, Love the dog!❤️
Mar 12Reply
trevonaachey susan ty for sharing my listing
Apr 20Reply
sue735 @glennlowney Your Welcome!
May 02Reply
sue735 @beautifynails Your Welcome!
May 02Reply
sus15an Hi, just wanted to thank you for all the shares you do from my closet, appreciate it! You and I have very similar closets, I love your pieces. Curious, I am not a personal fan of doing a live posh show, I do not feel comfortable. Do you do them, and do they work well? I have to imagine too hard for selling jewelry...thanks for your insight.
May 02Reply
sue735 @sus15an and we have the same name 🥰. Thank you for the compliment, yours is very nice as well!!! I haven’t tried to do a posh show yet, I’m not one that loves the spotlight, I have been meaning to research if you can just put the items in the view of the camera and not be in it. I’ll let you know if I ever try one 👍🏼
May 02Reply
sus15an @sue735 we do have the same name, and both have nice big dogs too! Your pup is beautiful. Thanks for keeping me in the loop on your research. Someone reached out to me a week or so ago and asked me for a few items to share on her live show. I sent her 5 listings, but she told me I had to be on with her, so it was a no-go for me. The other thing is I don't want to be haggling on price on a live show...these are not cheap pieces...
May 02Reply
dawnyall Hi Sue. I’m Dawn. I’m so bummed I missed out on the Movado watch you just sold. I offered more than $100 so did you sell it for less than my offered price? 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’ll find another and it’s ok just wondered how I got blown over?. Continued happy sales to you ! ✨✨😊😊
May 10Reply
sue735 @dawnyall I know and I’m so sorry, I never get 2 offers on the same item back to back!! And of course I am at work and just accepted the first one I saw🤦🏼‍♀️ and realized after. I would have naturally accepted yours because it came in first. My sincerest apologies ❤️
May 10Reply
dawnyall @sue735 don’t worry. I found another at around the same price. I’m hoping it is keeping time. I’m waiting for an answer. I also am active during the workday too and can make mistakes. Oops. Honestly it’s ok. Have a great day ✨☀️
May 10Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
May 24Reply
second_street Thanks for all your shares! Much appreciated!!🌸
Oct 24Reply
toddcolichia First off, I have a soft spot in my heart for Mastiffs!!!! Secondly, thank you for sharing my Infinity necklace by Tiffany and Co. However, you know what they say: turnabout is fair play, and I would only be right to share a few of your items with my followers!
Jan 06Reply
mimi23wbl Thanks for sharing
Jan 15Reply
beyourselfie88 Hi. I am new her can you tell me once an item says sold how do you receive payment?
Mar 10Reply
sue735 @beyourselfie88 if it says sold then payment went through on the buyers end. It would not say sold if there was a payment issue. Also, you don’t receive your funds until the item is delivered and the buyer accepts it. If the buyer doesn’t get around to accepting it, but doesn’t report a problem with the item then your funds will become available to you three days after it is delivered. Hope this helps and I wish you many many sales.❤️
Mar 10Reply
beyourselfie88 @sue735 What form of payment?
Mar 10Reply
beyourselfie88 Postmark only had me add my address I didn't so see no area to receive payment
Mar 10Reply
bearmountain8 Love the jewelry ! Is the dog for sale ? Lol
May 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 09Reply
tyandby Wonderful closet, I got lost! Love it!
Jun 12Reply
audrinafla Love ❤️ your pup lol. What a face!!
Jul 14Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 15Reply
lyndiemodica If you bundle 3 or more items, I will give a discount🥰
Aug 24Reply
mrytelewski Hello! Thanks for stopping by my closet! Glad you found a treasure you like! Stop by anytime! Reasonable offers are always welcome! Happy Poshing!😊
Dec 16Reply
lovemum24 @sue735 Hello Susan!! Welcome to Posh!! I LOVE your GORGEOUS Closet!! Your Puppy 🐶 is soooo Adorable!!🥰 Such a sweet face! My puppy is 2 years old but only 5#, so she would be a snack for yours!!!😂 She Loves to play with Big Dogs 🐕 better than smaller!😘 Can’t Wait to buy from your Closet!!🎁
Feb 11Reply
williamnicoleh Hello and Thank you for the like! Is there a particular ring that you're interested in? 😀
Feb 17Reply
cathyanner Hi Susan! Make me an offer on the Silpada Frozen Lake Ring. Great pup 🐶 !
Feb 22Reply
monsterstien2 Big pup would eat my little puts love Stella Thanks for sharing
Mar 01Reply

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Last Active: 9 hours ago

Melrose, MA
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About the seller



Last Active: 9 hours ago

Melrose, MA
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