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Updated Jan 14
Updated Jan 14

Meet your Posher, Susan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Susan. Some of my favorite brands are AGL, Michael Kors, and I.N.C. I am having lots of fun on this app!! One of my favs is offering you a discount if you like my postings!! I am smoke-free and a wonderful, loving pet owner... dogs and cats. Thanks for stopping by... 😉❤️🌹
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trendyjewels Thanks so much Susan for all the likes. Let me know if I can help with anything at all. Cheers, Silvia
Jan 07Reply
susanbb23 @trendyjewels Thank you very much. I just became a “boutique” qualified seller today, so I am learning. Thank you for sharing some items from my closet. ❤️🥳
Jan 07Reply
trendyjewels @susanbb23 congratulations! and no problem at all :) I do have a mystery bundle for 15 items for 50 dollars where I try and incorporate as much as possible items that you like, and could def include a lot of the ones you liked on my page. No pressure! Just let me know if i can ever help and have a wonderful rest of the night!
Jan 07Reply
susanbb23 @trendyjewels ok, I would like to try that!! And I love penguins!!! If you want fed to include any of those items in the mystery box!!😉🥳. How do buy this mystery box? Is it listed as one of your items??
Jan 07Reply
trendyjewels @susanbb23 @susanbb23 hello :) yes it's a listing. I can direct you to it now, and I'll definitely do my best, and have at least half of the items from the likes you've liked so far. I love penguins too! I will do my best to include a penguin or two yes :)
Jan 07Reply
honeyb_pm Hi Susan. Sorry for the delay in shipping your bracelets. I've been a little under the weather. I had a jewelry box out to put them in and totally didn't use it 😩 sorry. I hope you love them. Happy selling! Thank you
Jan 11Reply
susanbb23 @honeyb_pm no worries! Hope u are feeling better! 😷❤️🌹
Jan 11Reply
pradapurse Hello Susan, thank you so much for your purchase. I will get both your tops in the mail tomorrow.
Jun 21Reply
kmacvail Susan, thanks so much for your Lipsense order! It’s packed and will head to you tomorrow morning!💋 Please let me know if you have any questions about the application.....I’m happy to help or send a video!
Oct 24Reply
susanbb23 @kmacvail Thank you! I have used this Lipsense product for 9 years almost daily, and love it!! It is the only lip color I use!! It is the best!! 😘
Oct 24Reply
kmacvail @susanbb23 I’m so glad you are enjoying your package!😁 I love Lipsense too and especially like making new combos!💋💗
Oct 29Reply
geminigardens @susanbb23 Hi! Thank you for your purchase! Please let me know which size you would like S/M/L. I may have missed it. Please add me to in the comments section. Thank you!
Oct 30Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @susanbb23 hello there 👋thanks so much for stopping by🥰 Please reach out if I can help! All orders shipped with gifts and discounts on bundles! We wish you lots of sales! 🛍💕
Nov 01Reply
findsbyerica Thank you for sharing My Closet I appreciate it. Happy Poshing & Much Success Always! Tamara
Nov 22Reply
susanbb23 @findsbyerica U are so welcome. I love sharing and discounting!! This app is the best!!😘
Nov 22Reply
a_girl_thing Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any three items and receive an offer of $60 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Right now the free gift is osfm black leggings. 😀 Thank you!
Dec 13Reply
mirthandwhimsy thank you for all the lovely shares beautiful lady! Merry Christmas! 🐾🧶🕊️🌟
Dec 14Reply
ministercoco @susanbb23 Hello Susan I left you a few messages underneath a bundle I made with your mustard seed necklace I just wouldn't make sure that you were able to see them
Jan 30Reply
katch50 good morning, thank you for checking out my closet and for sharing. have a wonderful day.
Mar 04Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! New friends 🥰 will answer your questions❓and cheer👏 you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closets of others. At bottom of 'About` page, on R, click `See all closets.` Touch ea. blue 🔤 bar. It changes to white, meaning U are now following that closet. Share 5-6 items👚👖from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers U follow👣 will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR💃 closet. Stay safe. ❣ Saundra, Posh Ambassadorh
Jun 04Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi Susan, I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and wish you a Wonderful Day🌻🌻🌻🌻 Blessings to you and yours 👃♥️👃♥️
Aug 13Reply
janfeehan Hi there. Have been busy learning this app. Wondering why I have so many followers and shares. But not so many sales. I think they are priced to sell??? Also I noticed there is a Limited “page”. I have so many things from The Limited. How do you get featured on that page??? And how do you have sections labeled in your closet?? You did ask for questions. Didn’t you??!! lol
Aug 14Reply
susanbb23 @janfeehan Hi, great questions! My experience is people will just search for an item or see something you have shared in a party and then find something else they like and bundle or buy that item. I am not sure how a closet is sectioned off into different areas, I thought that might happen once a seller became an Ambassador. When I look at my closet, my items appear all over the place. 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
Aug 15Reply
susanbb23 @janfeehan Ohhh, and on the other question about appearing on the Brand Page, I think that is a selection by the Posh website. You ask some really great questions!! I searched in the FAQ’s. Feel free to send an email to Customer Service. They will respond. 😉
Aug 15Reply
janfeehan Thank you for coming back with answers so quickly. I am pretty new at this. Expectations are not realistic I guess. Many of these things in my closet were my friend’s. I am selling them for her husband.
Aug 15Reply
slloeper What a fun closet!
Aug 22Reply
susanbb23 @slloeper Thank you very much!! Mostly mine, a few are from friends. I love this app! So addictive. 🥰❤️😘
Aug 22Reply
icebly1956 Thank you so much for visiting my closet & for you wonderful comments❤️
Sep 02Reply
imashoeluver Susan 😇😇😇thank you for all your generous shares 😇😇😇have a spectacular Poshing weekend
Sep 04Reply
crystalco @susanbb23 Hi Susan! Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet as I truly appreciate it very much! I have been on since 8:00 AM, and I have Permanent Vertigo. My vision had detoriated terribly. My doctor has told me 2 hours per day 2 times per day. I have already exceeded this. I will share your items tomorrow. Thanks again!💕Patricia
Sep 09Reply
susanbb23 @crystalco Hi Precious, listen if I had constant vertigo, I would never be able to even concentrate. I rarely have that dang stuff and it is horrible!! I am sorry to hear that you suffer with it so severely!! 🙁 And don’t feel compelled to share back, I loved your items and am just sitting here watching tv and sharing away!! Plus, I was also taken with your love of charity for your daughter. ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
crystalco @susanbb23 Oh, now I have tears streaming down my face. You’re so genuine kind and caring. Thanks for being so understanding. I get so frustrated. There’s so much I want to do and can’t. I love to share, so this I promise, I will share your items. You have a lovely closet. 💕
Sep 09Reply
bufferbee Hi Susan and THANKS ALOT for all of the shares from our closet. Buffer Bee and I will do the same for you!
Sep 15Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, as you may have noticed I have lots of quality women’s, men’s and kids clothes, toys, plushes, craft supplies and home goods. I list daily. Keep checking back to see my new listings. We are a non smoking business. I keep my prices very reasonable, so I don’t make offers other than my generous bundled discount. I will consider offers from buyers. I’ve been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Top Rated seller and Poshmark Ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Sep 16Reply
hugsandprayer Thank you sooo much. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet just bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much.
Sep 20Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Susan, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Sep 23Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Sep 23Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Oct 04Reply
fryemeup Thank you for sharing my closet yesterday🤗I shared 20 back today🥳Have a Great Weekend💖
Oct 11Reply
hugsandprayer Hi Susan. Happy Sunday. I have another of the tunics that you loved in a Sz. S if you should need for someone special. Thank you sooo much.
Oct 18Reply
wjss52 Hey beautiful neighbor! So nice to meet y’all and thanks 🙏🏾 for all the sharing Happy 😃 Poshing 🥳
Oct 19Reply
susanbb23 @wjss52 Well, 🤠 howdy!! I was having fun sharing all your beautiful items!! You definitely have an eye for fine fashion!! 😘
Oct 20Reply
hugsandprayer Huge sale. All must go. Bundle up. Thank you sooo much.
Oct 20Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing. ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
Oct 26Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 04Reply
steve4art Hi Susan, thank you for the follow. I wish you a month of many thanks givings and receiving. I followed back.
Nov 05Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Nov 08Reply
cathy_phelps U have a very classy closet!! I like your style!!! I share share share. Have a great day!
Nov 23Reply
hugsandprayer Moving sale continues. Merry Christmas. Hugs and prayer.
Dec 12Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 17Reply
jebwa Hi @susanbb23 , thanks for following Jebwa 💗 . You will find the best selection of luxury handbags in our closet. Happy poshing!
Dec 30Reply
trinisunil 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Jan 15Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks so much for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Jan 16Reply
jem2006 Congrats on your party 🎉 check out my closet ❤️
Jan 21Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jan 22Reply
susanbb23 @proverbs2323 Thank you very much!! 😇😘
Jan 22Reply
thatssoposh77 Hi Susan, please visit my closet for possible Shoes Host Pick. Any consideration would be greatly appreciated! Leila@ThatsSoPosh77
Jan 22Reply
southernthrift Congrats on your upcoming party!!!! So exciting!!! 🎉😃🎉
Jan 22Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I’d love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop for any potential host picks! ✧ ♡
Jan 23Reply
rs6868 Hello Susan, just wanted to say Hi. I enjoyed browsing your closet and will come back again. You look a lot like Sharon Stone😀 beautiful woman and a great actress. Have a great weekend.Ren
Jan 23Reply
susanbb23 @rs6868 Hi, thank you very much! I have been told that before and take it as a compliment!! ❤️😘
Jan 23Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Jan 24Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I’m adding something new if you purchase any of my items that’s not jewelry or create a bundle then I’ll add any jewelry except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Welcome to poshmark😊🎊🎉☃️❄️
Feb 02Reply
susanbb23 @tgoldnred Hi, thank you very much!! 😘
Feb 05Reply
mortiz62269 Hi, thanks for following! Let me share the love through sharing! 😊❤️
Feb 06Reply
hugsandprayer Hello. I am having a big sale. Bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much. Hugs and prayer.
Feb 06Reply
chrishunte22 Very ez on the eyes
Feb 08Reply
duckieone HI and thank you for following me. I appreciate it. I followed you. Right now I have Threads for Thought item and some other items as well. The threads for thought clothes are made from regenerated beech trees, organic cotton, recycled plastic bottles and fishing nets. I also have select other items. Please know likers get a 10% or greater discount on any order. I also have a few freebies in my closet you can request with purchase, Have a great day
Feb 10Reply
jamielynndesign Thank you so much for following! You have such gorgeous and unique jewelry! I will definitely be back when I have a little more time to browse!! Thanks again!
Feb 12Reply
susanbb23 @jamielynndesign Hi, wonderful, thank you! My jewelry is in all price ranges and values. 😉
Feb 12Reply
teenie59 Thank you for all the sharing ❤️👍
Feb 15Reply
teenie59 My niece just got engaged today and she lives in Houston, I’m so excited💫👍
Feb 15Reply
susanbb23 @teenie59 How romantic and exciting!! ❤️. Your pics on your site are fabulous, you are beautiful!! ❤️🛍💕
Feb 15Reply
teenie59 Thank you 🌸
Feb 15Reply
teenie59 Happy Valentines Day 🥂
Feb 15Reply
hadiqabooks Hi ♥️ nice to meet you! You have beautiful treasures and your closet is so fun to shop! 🙏🏻 I’m brand new to pm so any advice or feedback is appreciated! Thank! 🍀 Best Luck, Lauren @hadiqabooks
Mar 11Reply
susanbb23 @hadiqabooks Hi, your closet looks really good. I like to provide lots of pictures and lots of info on my items, just like you have provided. And when someone shares your item(s), it’s nice to share theirs in return. If you ever have any specific questions, just let me know. 😉
Mar 11Reply
hadiqabooks @susanbb23 🙏🏻Thank You! 🍀
Mar 11Reply
susanbb23 @hadiqabooks Also, if you are interested in buying multiple pieces, you should bundle the items. You will save money on shipping and usually the Seller will discount your purchase. If you need help on bundling, let me know. 💕
Mar 11Reply
mariva931 Hi Susan! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet, I truly appreciate it! Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful day today!🤗😘
Mar 26Reply
rosierecycles Thanks so much for the shares!☺️😁🌹♻️
May 22Reply
linniek24 hi susan. i have been trying to get some answers from you about the prada bag i am interested in. i would love to hear back from you. if it is a shoulder bag i would def like to purchase it. hope you are well. best. linda
Jun 04Reply
ditooshop @susanbb23 Congratulations on cohosting today's Everything Plus Size Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Aug 03Reply
oniebeth68 Hi my dear Susan, thanks🙏a lot , really appreciate that you choose my item as a host pick in your Everyone Plus size psh party Tonite, hope this party will bring more sales And bountiful harvest GOOD LUCK🍀😍❤️🥰
Aug 04Reply
yourhotbuy Congratulations on Co-hosting The everything plus size Posh Party tonight. 🥳🎉👏
Aug 04Reply
susanbb23 @ditooshop Your item made it!! ❤️❤️🛍💕😘
Aug 04Reply
susanbb23 @oniebeth68 Sooo much fun!! 😎🎉❤️🛍💕
Aug 04Reply
ditooshop @susanbb23 Thanks for choosing my item.
Aug 04Reply
misterposher Thanks for the follow! 😍🤗
Oct 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hi🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy New Year!! ❤️❤️
Jan 04Reply
leilanext Hi i sell new Maje and Sandro clothes with tags! Affordable prices. If interested Che k my closet! Thank you
Feb 20Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 12Reply
ohmebella susanbb23 Hi Susan I just stopped by to share some of your jewelry in today's jewelry party 😊 I hope you are doing well 🌼
Mar 24Reply
kmmontone Hi Susan. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. I have a great wide variety. Mostly new or excellent like new condition. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks again and have a great night.
Jun 07Reply
cutehosiery @susanbb23 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 16Reply
poshmf Hi 👋,  Check out my closet sometime.  I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍  Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jul 21Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Aug 26Reply
poshmom12345 Thank you sooooooooo much for all the shares!😊
Sep 05Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will ship shortly ☺️
Oct 18Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 03Reply
somethingfrombs Thank you for the follow. My name is Coral and I have been helping my son with his closet.
Jul 28Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Sep 09Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Sep 26Reply
cooky2020 Hi❣️ I wanted to tell you about my big DKNY SALE. When you bundle: 1 item 30% off 2 or 3 items 40% off 4 or more items 50% off More items posted daily so keep checking back! Thank you for following me ❤️💕❤️
Oct 29Reply
jellybean626 happy holidays to you and your family 🎄❤️
Dec 12Reply
susanbb23 @jellybean626 hi cutie!! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🎄💚❤️💚❤️💚
Dec 12Reply
tash94sierra hello Susan!🧡 would love for you to check out my closet! I have every category and love all offers. Ships same day! hope you have a wonderful week! 😊 -Tasha
Mar 23Reply
treasures2luv Thank you so much for the bundle of three beautiful jewelry treasures ordered recently. I’m anxiously awaiting their arrival! Hope you are healthy and doing well.
Sep 12Reply

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Houston, TX
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