Meet your Posher, Susan
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Hi! I'm Susie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hi! I saw that you liked both of the flats that I’m selling. If you’re interested, I’ll give them both to you for $35. Let me know!
Sep 23Reply

@nvon33 how much shipping with the $35? I just made another offer on a single pair of shoes so I’ll have to wait for that one to end until I’ll know
Sep 23Reply

@suepwenger I can do $5.95 shipping
Sep 23Reply

Hi Sue, It's Wally Barbee, from "sell on Etsy". I want to thank you for your order, and apologize for the delay. I hope to have your item shipped off real soon. If you want to cancel, I will send them to you free of charge. My problem is that I haven't been able to locate the pink shoes! I have over sourced, and almost swimming in inventory!! I know they are here, and will send them right away, the minute I find them!! please forgive my foolishness! Thank's again Sue! Sincerely, Wally Barbee
Oct 01Reply

@w0613barbee Hi. I got your message about the pink patent leather shoes. I loved these so much and have been looking for a similar shoe for so long!! I was so excited to get them! I didn’t cancel the order as I was hoping you would find them but I guess poshmark automatically cancelled it. When you find these how can I go about receiving them or rebuying them. I really want them!!
Oct 04Reply

Hi Sue! They are cute, and I am so sorry! But don't worry, I haven't given up yet! I am sure they are here, and I will keep looking! I promise you that the minute I find them, I will be happy to send them to you free of charge! just hang with me for just a little while longer, o.k? Thank's Sue!
Oct 04Reply

@w0613barbee thank you so much for your response!! Sounds great!
Oct 05Reply

Hi Susan! GUESS WHAT????? I found the shoes!!! I was so excited! I want to get them to you, and I am not sure how? let me know as soon as you see this, and I will relist them for like $3.00 and free shipping. , and you can just be the first one to just jump on it, as soon as I list them. How doe's that sound to you?
Oct 05Reply

Hi Susan, I just relisted them for $3 hurry and jump on it before someone else see's them, and I will will ship them right out to you! o.k
Oct 05Reply

@w0613barbee I just saw this message now and was so excited but I can’t find the shoes. I looked in your closet and did a price search from low to high and nothing cane up for $3.😞. Are they still there?
Oct 06Reply

I posted them, and started getting likes right off! so I took them down to save for you! Let's say tomorrow I will relist them for you for $3 at 12 noon, will that work for you?
Oct 06Reply

@w0613barbee thank you!!!
Just saw this. How about now?
Oct 06Reply

I think I see them now? Is it the blurry photo? I mean I thjj in no it’s them but I thought you said something about free shipping and these have shipping. It’s fine it’s just I want to make sure I’m buying the right thing!!
Oct 06Reply

Was supposed to say I mean I think it’s them but you had said something about free shipping. It’s fine I just want to make sure I’m buying the right thing
Oct 06Reply

yes! hurry! I just got a like, blurry photo and all!
Oct 06Reply

@w0613barbee it’s crazy someone liked that🤣😂. I bought them. Thank you
Oct 06Reply

Hi Sue! I have been trying desperately to reach you! I mailed another ladies order accidently to you, and need it back right away to get to her! I am so sorry for this inconvenience! I and will cover return shipping plus a nice gift for you in return! please get back with me right away! Thank you Susan!!
Nov 19Reply

@w0613barbee yes I got the butterfly pin a couple of days ago and searched for the seller and contacted you but I’m thinking from your response here that you never got that message. I couldn’t figure out why it was mailed to me so I thought it must be a mistake. How can you pay for the shipping. I’m confused. What do u want me to do?
Nov 20Reply

Hi Susan! yes, it was a mistake! and I am sorry for inconviencing you! but I need to get it to the right lady! If the package wasn't opened, you could have refused it or just have put "return to sender"
Nov 21Reply

but since it was opened, you may have to pay to get it back to me, (Which I will most decently refund your money back) as well as give you a nice gift from my closet! talk to your post office, tell them the situation. maybe they will let me pay the postage cod when it gets here
Nov 21Reply

Whatever you are willing to do, I would be most grateful! I appreciate you getting ahold of me, and letting me know! alot of people wouldn't have done that! your honesty is admirable! and your a really neat lady! Thank you so very much Susan! let me know what happens, o.k? Wally
Nov 21Reply

@w0613barbee I opened it as I had no idea what it was or who sent it to me. I can talk to the post office but I’m not sure when I’ll get there. Maybe I’ll just put a note on it in my mailbox and then they will take it. If not, how would you refund my shipping cost. Still a little confused about what u r saying.
Nov 21Reply

try that (Just write on package "refused Return to Sender") after resealing it. Just drop it in your mailbox. That should work. If not let me know and I will send you money right away to reimburse you for the cost of sending it back to me. This poor lady is waiting patiently for this order! What a mess! Thank's for your help Miss Sue!
Nov 21Reply

@w0613barbee putting it in the mailbox now. I hope it works😉
Nov 23Reply

So I put it in the mailbox with a return to sender note stating it was sent to the wrong person. After two days the mailman took it but I received it back a few days later with a note saying I must affix $9.25 to remain this package! So can you send me a a paid shipping label through poshmark or money through Poshmark to pay this somehow?
Dec 01Reply

I mean maybe you just want to send an address label to me with postage that includes the correct lady’s address?? This is what a seller did for my daughter when the buyer sent the wrong package to her. I’m not going to pay $9.25 to mail a package I didn’t buy unless I receive the paid shipping label to do that
Dec 01Reply

Hi Sue! I still haven't received the package back yet! Do you have any idea on the status of that? waiting anxiously! Thank's!
Dec 08Reply

@w0613barbee I had sent you two long texts about how this has been returned to me in the same feed in which you just sent me this question.
Dec 08Reply

@w0613barbee just scroll back. You’ll see the messages. And then respond with how you’ll get the return shipping sent to me.
Dec 08Reply

@suepwenger sorry Sue, I had not seen those text. I will see if I can get you a label today, I will be back in touch after a few phone calls! thank you!
Dec 08Reply

sue, I will just send you $10 to cover the shipping, if you will just please send me the package back! the lady paid for it in October, and has been waiting for it ever since! I can't talk to a real person at poshmark! and this is just crazy! I will get money or a label to you today somehow! if I have to drive there! lol!
Dec 09Reply

@w0613barbee it I get the money from you to send it, I’ll send it. I may be going to the post office in one hour if you can’t get me the postage paid shipping label by then
Dec 09Reply

@w0613barbee I mean. You also have my address from my previous purchase. You could send me the $10
Dec 09Reply

hey Susan! I will get that money mailed to you tomorrow! Thank's!
Dec 11Reply

@w0613barbee sounds good!
Dec 11Reply

Dec 11Reply

Susan, I have the label, and I can mail it to you, but thats going to add extra time, I don't see a way to add a photo of it for you to download, so is there any other way to get it to you? let me know, and if not, I will mail it out Monday. morning. Thank"s!
Dec 11Reply

@w0613barbee I’m fairly new to Poshmark and I can’t figure out how to attach a photo either. Do I guess just mail it.
Dec 11Reply

Was supposed to say so just mail it to me.
Dec 11Reply

@suepwenger Hi Susan! well after all that, she canceled the order, and wants a refund! I sent you a shipping label yesterday addressed to her, but just mail it back to me, I guess! Wally Barbee 521 Shadowrock Dr. Forsyth, Mo. 65653. I appreciate it! sorry for all the trouble! I still am going to send you a nice present, when we get all this behind us, o.k? Thank's Susan! Happy Holiday's! Wally
Dec 15Reply

@w0613barbee Ok. Thanks for letting me know.
Dec 15Reply

@suepwenger sure! I just read my earlier text to you, and it sounds like I was saying to mail the shipping label to me, but of course I meant, the broach! with the label addressed to me! I think you can just mark the other lady's name off, and put my address? boy! nothings easy is it! this has really been a mess! sorry!
Dec 15Reply

@w0613barbee finally got that shipping label from you and mailing it in the next few hours. I changed the address to your address as you requested.
Dec 21Reply

So I mailed the package tonight. I took it into our main city’s post office so it would be transported more quickly.I covered the address just like you said and replaced it with yours.They gave me a tracking slip. But when I got home I saw the packing slip said Portland Oregon.So apparently with priority mail it goes by the address connected with bar code on the packing slip you sent and not the handwritten address.
Dec 22Reply

I’d send you a photo of the tracking slip if I could. I’m afraid even though I changed the address to you as you stated it is still going to the other lady. I’m sorry about this. I followed your instructions exactly but only realized this after the post office was closed.
Dec 22Reply

If you want to try to contact the post office to see if you can intercept this some how the tracking number is…..
9405 5092 0556 8904 0032 37. Sorry about this. Like I said I followed your instructionsas I covered the address on the label you sent and put yours.
Dec 22Reply

Were you able to see my reply in your purchase to the Baylor sweatshirt? Ty
Jul 24Reply

@lindytennet YES and I answered….twice😂
Jul 24Reply

hi hun! I sent you an offer but don't let it expire 😉
Jul 27Reply

Hi! Check out my closet for some great options and deals 💖
Oct 24Reply

@suepwenger Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 14Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉
Sep 06Reply

Good Morning Susie 🌞 Thank You For Sharing My Listings 🤗 How Very Kind And Encouraging ✨ Have A Wonderful And Blessed Day 🏜️ Always Ann 💞
Oct 19Reply

Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Oct 29Reply

Sep 21Reply
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