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Updated Apr 11
Updated Apr 11

Meet your Posher, Susan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Susan. I hope you can find a treasure or two in my closet! I posh my own stuff (I just shopped too much during Covid while stuck at home)- most of it NWT or worn once and I just decided it wasn’t me. I’ve also dropped a few sizes past year so I have lots of beautiful things that just don’t fit and do need new homes!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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kirstk206 Welcome to Poshmark. Happy poshing 😀
Feb 05Reply
leslieloudspeak Great style! 😍
Feb 26Reply
alohacowgirl @leslieloudspeak thank you Leslie! You too!
Mar 29Reply
garnie Thanks
Apr 30Reply
bambina510 No, thank you. They’re for my stepdaughter!!!😊😊 I’m super excited to give them to her♥️
May 19Reply
justsimplyrosey So glad I found you!!! Mark is on a rig 28 on 7 off, I’m bored out of my mind... this helps me get my mind off my lil bullfighters when they are traveling!
Jun 12Reply
alohacowgirl @justsimplyrosey I’ll start posting more western stuff (jewelry and clothes) if you’d like! I worked for PBR and then ABBI so I have tons of event clothes I don’t wear/need anymore! I feel for you - that world is so nerve racking!!! I hated watching my friends ride and the bullfighters at work. So glad my husband is long retired from rodeo!
Jun 12Reply
justsimplyrosey @alohacowgirl thanks Susan, we met several years ago, I like to thin we have a mutual soul sister Sugar and Jeannie , although I don’t see them often enough either!! I look forward to shopping with you! Poshmark has been a great way for me to rejuvenate my wardrobe and clean out at the same time! Happy Poshing! God Bless
Jun 12Reply
alohacowgirl @justsimplyrosey oh duh! Sorry I thought we might know each other but couldn’t figure it out by your posh name! 😂 Thanks for your purchases and I’m including something else I hope you’ll like😘
Jun 12Reply
justsimplyrosey @alohacowgirl Thank You!! Dangerous combination this app and girls like us! When we are at our home outside of Stephenville this is the only way to go’. 🙂🙂😘
Jun 12Reply
alohacowgirl @justsimplyrosey I hear ya! Our house is for sale so I’m trying to clean out my 3 closets but I swear I’ve bought more than I’ve gotten rid of! And I live in Big Spring now so you know I need this app!!!
Jun 12Reply
york2578 @alohacowgirl hi there or aloha from the north. Thank you for the bundle purchase. I have been under the weather since Saturday but dragged my butt out into the world today. You picked some great items. Enjoy them😊
Jun 13Reply
alohacowgirl @york2578 feel better! Thank you for shipping when you feel 🤢 but I could’ve waited!
Jun 14Reply
york2578 @alohacowgirl 😊 I am feeling so much better and the sun is shining. All good. Hopefully you will have the items by Saturday. Have a great weekend.
Jun 14Reply
alohacowgirl @york2578 so glad and I bet I’ll be shopping your closet again soon! Just wish my feet were smaller and somehow I missed your Joy Division t shirt ( and I’m old so I saw them back in the day multiple times but lost my concert t during some distant move)!
Jun 14Reply
york2578 @alohacowgirl that is amazing and I am so jealous. My first concert was Sugarcubes, PIL and New Order. I do remember bumping into the most beautiful boy with a Joy Division Tee in the Merch line. I currently have 2 so this one can go. I am a sucker still for concert Tees.
Jun 14Reply
alohacowgirl @york2578 I was lucky to grow up in LA in the 80s! I will be adding that T to my next shopping spree. Have seen PIL and NO but never got to see Sugarcubes :( Thx again!
Jun 14Reply
fashion_finds13 Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! I will put your bundle in the mail tomorrow :)
Jun 18Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jun 21Reply
cdposhgirl1995 Hi! You purchased a bag in my store but I don’t understand why it is “held at your post office at your request”! The package arrived on time, but the transaction can’t be released 🤨😔😢 could you please tell me why? Thank you for your understanding.🙏🏻😢
Jul 23Reply
alohacowgirl @cdposhgirl1995 sorry! It’ll come today. We were just out of town on Friday and Saturday so the mail was held because we have a really exposed porch so I don’t like packages sitting outside in the elements. I’ll accept it the second I get it today :)
Jul 23Reply
cdposhgirl1995 @alohacowgirl thank you soooooo much!!!!🙏🏻👍🏻❤️
Jul 23Reply
alohacowgirl @cdposhgirl1995 I accepted it even though my post office didn’t bring it today :(. I’ll go down to post office tomorrow and track it down but that why you aren’t waiting on funds to be released. :)
Jul 23Reply
cdposhgirl1995 @alohacowgirl god bless you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️thank you so much!😘👍🏻
Jul 23Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 03Reply
alohacowgirl @spreadlove hi Melissa! I’ll check out your closet too! Thx for stopping by new posh friend!
Aug 03Reply
kanderson1675 Thank you sooo much for the freebie!!! The best one I have ever received!!! I accepted to package, but physically did not get to open it until just now because I was out of town and OMG!!! The best posher ever!!! Thank you so very much!!! 🧡🧡🧡
Aug 14Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 08Reply
styledbydee Hi! Please come by and check out my closet! Thank you and Happy Poshing!
Jun 28Reply
nearandfar_ Hi! Check out my closet :) I think you’ll like what you find💗
Apr 04Reply
alohacowgirl @adoringstyles I sure will! Sorry life’s been a little hectic so I’m bad about checking Posh!
May 08Reply
cutehosiery @alohacowgirl Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 19Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Carlsbad, TX
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Carlsbad, TX
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