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Updated Apr 17
Updated Apr 17

Meet your Posher, Susan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Susan. Some of my favorite brands are CHANEL, Coach, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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luxefindsllc Welcome to Poshmark! ☺️
Apr 17Reply
denimmunkies Welcome to Poshmark! Hey I'm Mel Your new P.F.F. + Posh Ambassador + Plus Size Stylist ! I know being new to anything can be overwhelming so please DONT hesitate to reach out if you have any ?'s & come check out my awesome closet when you have some time!
Apr 17Reply
gemsanddresses Welcome to Poshmark! You're going to love it! I'm a PM Ambassador so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Happy Poshing!
Apr 17Reply
catherinejdunn Welcome to your beautiful dog...too cute
Apr 17Reply
therarae Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉🎉🎉 My name is Thera, and I’m one of the ambassadors. We’re here to answer questions and help new members get going. 👍👍👍 Good luck selling and buying! 🍀🍀🍀
Nov 01Reply
mcmuffin13 hi I noticed you liked some of the items in my closet I have a 5 for $25 and a 3 for $25 sale going on if your intrested bundle the items send me the $25 offer and I will accept. thanks 😊
Nov 12Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Nov 20Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Dec 02Reply
jebwa Dear @butterflysj73 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗. We are the top luxury handbags seller here on Poshmark. Let us know if you are interested in any of my items. Happy poshing!
Dec 20Reply
jenmartin05 @butterflysj73 Hello love! Would you like to make a bundle with the things you liked?! I do discounts (:
Jan 26Reply
divas_n_dingers Thank you so much for shopping my closet. I pride myself in keeping competitively priced. You can find new and old items just like I’m listing for more money. I am a smoke free, pet free home. Feel free to make me an offer. Thanks again for your interest!
Apr 15Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma , a Poshmark Ambassador!  Please check out my closet for name brand clothing!  ❤️❤️Because I have so much listed & I list new items everyday, things get out of order so you will have fun playing in my closet! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Please follow my closet @Missmoly. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I sell Torrid, Lane Bryant in plus sizes, men, women’s & children’s all all sizes! 😊😊😊😊😊 I also have many other items! 😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰😊❤️🥰
May 14Reply
tiny2005 Hi welcome please look at my listing for more nice clothing accessories and home bundle a couple and I will give you discount 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
May 15Reply
dogtownusa omg your dog is precious
Jun 06Reply
elizabethliz777 Hi I noticed you liked the fitness board and shorts please ignore prices if you see anything you like in my closet please let me know and we can together come up with a realistic price. I need to close for awhile my mom is ill and I am homeschooling the kids. I just do not have the time so before I close for awhile have fun. I am a 5 star seller so you are safe.
Jun 07Reply
poochiesgirl Hi. I’m in the process of moving. I will get the bathing suit out to you on Monday I promise. I’m so sorry
Jul 09Reply
butterflysj73 @poochiesgirl were you able to ship this out yet? It’s still showing awaiting shipment?
Jul 14Reply
poochiesgirl I’m so sorry it’s been crazy. I will definitely ship tomorrow
Jul 14Reply
butterflysj73 No way for you to get it out today is there?
Jul 14Reply
butterflysj73 Or put a rush on it when you do?
Jul 14Reply
jmill31 Happy Poshing 😊
Aug 17Reply
vintagelini Hello! I saw that you liked a listing of mine :) if you’d be interested in a bundle, at the moment all bundles are 50% off (or more for larger bundles)😃 Let’s work something out!
Sep 05Reply
poshforfun02 Hi! If you’re interested in more pure romance items please check out my closet! Thanks!!
Sep 17Reply
shanabanana Welcome to posh dear happy shopping 🛍. I hope you have a wonderful experience while meeting new friends along the way. Please let me know if I Can help you with anything.
Oct 10Reply
starzelda7 Hi Susan, Cute pup! 🐶 Just curious, Are his/her ears flipped back?
Dec 28Reply
butterflysj73 @starzelda7 lol yes they are
Dec 28Reply
starzelda7 @butterflysj73 😄🐕‍🦺❤️
Dec 30Reply
amandajane621 Hi! I saw you liked the blue and black camo hoodies. I sent you a special priced bundle, if you are interested. No pressure. Have a great day! 💕
Jan 12Reply
nanawell if you want to bundle the pants and shirt you only pay 1 shipping fee and I'll give you a discount
Feb 15Reply
paulvilkin Hi Susan, pleasure to connect with you. You have beautiful dog. I noticed you liked CBD oil for pets.
Mar 26Reply
jordanminerd Hello! If you see anything in my closet I will definitely be open to negotiate.! Please leave a comment!
May 09Reply
khoke74 @butterflysj73 hi Susan feel free to bundle send offer I’m a 5 star seller and ship daily ❤️
Jul 26Reply
dianecoco hi hello I hope you're doing well and I hope you feel like shopping for 2 weeks all my new friends are getting 40% off any item in my closet have fun shopping I hope to hear from you soon sincerely Diane
Aug 25Reply
caitlinsplus Hi!! I’m having a Labor Day Sale Sunday 09/04 through Monday 09/05. 20% off all single items, 30% off and free shipping for bundles of 3 or more. New items being added today and tomorrow. Hope you come check it out! 😊
Sep 02Reply
trinigal956 thanks for liking from me to you & ur" twin sister:)
Sep 07Reply
butterflysj73 @trinigal956 thank you lol it’s mother and daughter ☺️
Sep 10Reply
trinigal956 just saw ur" message taught u" guys were sisters God bless.
Sep 10Reply
atl14420 @butterflysj73 🌻🌈💚Sale Items Under $10 🎈🌟💛 15% Off Bundles 2+ Items🎉💎🌺Offers Accepted 🎀💫🌷Stay Fabulous and Happy Poshing 🎇🧡🌹
Sep 28Reply
anniemc39 @butterflysj73 thank you so much for the like.
Oct 08Reply
larlensposh Those 👂 ears!!😍
Oct 09Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Oct 22Reply
selmahe23 Hi, I saw you liked a bunch of my items! Can you bundle and I will send a discounted price?
Dec 30Reply
sawyerdh Good morning!! I made a bundle a few items you liked and discounted it 45%! If you want make smaller bundles or offer anything on any items feel free! Im willing to lower the prices on a lot of items!!
Jan 25Reply
all_my_xxxs Welcome! I’m a fairly new seller and am loving it so far! Being able to shop and sell from the same platform is a win-win! I look forward to seeing what you post. Meanwhile, have a look at mine. I have 3 storage units full of brand new and gently used clothing, holiday, and gift items waiting to be listed, so check back regularly. : )
Feb 23Reply
beadblingjewels Good morning, the Puma shorts you liked earlier today have been discontinued and you get discontinued shipping through Poshmark for the next few hours. Thank you. Have a great day!
Mar 10Reply
bevbromfield @butterflysj73 make a bundle of the items you like and I will work out some deals for you
Apr 13Reply
hodgepodgevicki Hello, Thank you for the likes! You can bundle your likes and make an offer! Have a great Sunday. Vicki
Apr 30Reply
marissa__andrea @butterflysj73 Hiiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll received 10% off your bundle! Only found one item ? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping!! 🙂
May 16Reply
mountainmomsoap Hi Susan it’s nice to meet you 💜
Dec 13Reply
marissa__andrea @butterflysj73 Hiiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll received 10% off your bundle! Only found one item ? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping!! 🙂
Dec 22Reply
reneeetv Hello there, I have some items in my closet that you might be interested in. Be sure to use the filters to find exactly what you’re looking for😊 Bundles of three or more items receive free shipping
Feb 24Reply
stacy_gaines Have a fantastic evening and Happy Poshing!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Apr 10Reply
tdaller What a pretty puppy! If you would like to put your likes into a bundle I’ll make you an offer 😊
Apr 13Reply
wmossrn Hi Susan, I see you like three items from my closet if you would like to bundle & save plz make me an offer or I can work with you on the items individually 🙂 Wendy
Apr 28Reply
booboo3726 Hi Susan! Please feel free to make a reasonable offer on the likes bundle and I can ship in the morning! Thank you 😊
Jun 04Reply
catlynn2020 Hi, saw you liked 3 items in our closet. We give 30% off 3 and will do a tad more plus reduced shipping if interested. Thanks for looking
Jun 09Reply
winstonpoopi Hello I see you liked some things from my closet and I am having a moving sale. Put what you like in your bundle and I promise you will be happy with the offer I send. Thanks so much for your interest
Aug 06Reply
katydidsdodads Thank you for the ❤️ on an item in my closet. Fridays and Sundays are “Closet Clear Out”. If a seller lowers the price 10% or more, anyone who ❤️ the item will receive a notification & discounted shipping on Poshmark!! So….watch your news feed. A notification is headed your way!! 🦋Katy
Sep 15Reply
jacobmeade84 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to make your best offer if anything interests you from my closet! We never decline only accept or counter all offers! Have a blessed day 🙏
Sep 29Reply
fadhionlover @butterflysj73 Hi and welcome to my closet. Bundle and Save. 25% OFF any 3 or MORE listings. All $10 & under listings are 4 for only $20. Plus only 1 shipping fee no matter how many items you buy. let me know if you have any questions. I wrap with care and ship fast.
Oct 06Reply
tammyedwards526 Hi. Sent you and offer on that bra and meant to add discount on shipping. Am currently trying to navigate a way to fix that. I have 4 or 5 more very nice bras in these size if you are interested. Will try and get them on tomorrow.
Dec 17Reply

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Last Active: 12 hours ago

Barbourville, KY
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Last Active: 12 hours ago

Barbourville, KY
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