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Updated May 12
Updated May 12

Meet your Posher, Susannah

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Susannah. Thanks for stopping by! πŸ’™ I believe in rescuing perfectly good shoes so they can have another chance to shine. πŸ’™ I believe in helping our environment by buying used and secondhand. Why create MORE waste?!? πŸ’™ I believe in creating a meaningful life for yourself by doing what you really love. I love selling on Poshmark. It feeds my soul. ***All shoes have been thoroughly cleaned and are ready for new homes! Thanks for reading. Happy Poshing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
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mst5717 Hi, welcome to Posh!🌷
Jul 04Reply
suziesshoes @mst5717 Thank you! What a great community! πŸ’™
Jul 04Reply
jackieo_8278 Hello there! Welcome to Poshmark! 🌺Thank you so much for the follow 😊All the best!
Jul 04Reply
suziesshoes @jackieo_8278 Thanks so much! Love your closet. πŸ’™
Jul 04Reply
snizzle2013 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Jul 13Reply
suziesshoes @snizzle2013 Thanks so much! It is! 😁😁😁
Jul 13Reply
katienichole00 Hello fellow posher! Thank you so much for the follow! If you see anything, make an offer! Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply
suziesshoes @katienichole00 Hello Posh-friend! Thanks for stopping by to say hi. 😁
Aug 10Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! πŸ˜ƒ
Aug 13Reply
suziesshoes @soriag Hi Gloria! Thanks so much for the welcome and the info. I am trying to be more active and gain more followers. I love seeing that number grow! 🀣 Any advice? Thanks again! SuzieπŸ’™
Aug 13Reply
evsaccents You also! Take care and have a great week on Poshmark!
Aug 13Reply
j3ssica_v Thanks for following let me know if you like anything in my closet πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™
Aug 14Reply
ddmouton I enjoyed shopping and sharing your closet --love shoes. Please visit my closet I am always adding new details trying to spark joy. Thanks and happy poshing!
Aug 14Reply
suziesshoes @ddmouton Thanks! πŸ’™
Aug 14Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Aug 15Reply
suziesshoes @chucky75 You’re welcome! 😁
Aug 15Reply
nanny0909 πŸƒπŸ’•Welcome to PoshmarkπŸ’•πŸƒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  πŸ’•
Aug 19Reply
suziesshoes @nanny0909 Thanks! πŸ’™
Aug 23Reply
marisolgomez64 Welcome to Poshmark. I am available to you should you have any questions or need any help as you start your Posh experience. As a seller, give your buyer a personal experience by sending hand written thank you cards with their items and ship as soon as possible. Keep your closet as full as possible to give buyers a selection of options. I have no doubt that your Posh experience will be as successful as it has been for me. Best wishes!
Aug 30Reply
suziesshoes @marisolgomez64 Thanks so much! I appreciate your words of wisdom. πŸ˜πŸ’™
Aug 30Reply
marisolgomez64 @suziesshoes you are so very welcomed! Good luck and happy Poshing!
Aug 30Reply
keeblers19 You totally deserved the stellar review, I am so happy with my boots!
Sep 01Reply
suziesshoes @jneaton87 You’re sweet, thanks! 😊
Sep 01Reply
suziesshoes @mandirueking Hi Amanda! Thanks for your purchase; I will send the boots out tomorrowβ€”I’ve got to find a big enough box! πŸ˜›πŸ’™
Sep 13Reply
suziesshoes @kitteh03 Thanks for all the shares!!! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Sep 14Reply
suziesshoes @rpabraham3 Thank you for such lovely feedback. 😊 You’re so sweet! πŸ’™
Sep 14Reply
suziesshoes @micanito Thanks for your purchase! I’ll get those shoes out to you tomorrow afternoon! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Sep 18Reply
micanito @suziesshoes thank you ☺️
Sep 18Reply
suziesshoes @mandirueking Thanks for a lovely review! Glad you like the boots! 😁
Sep 19Reply
suziesshoes @suzieq20182018 Thanks for your purchase! I’ll get those shoes out to you today!
Sep 19Reply
suziesshoes @erinhogo I’m currently β€œon vacation” (headed to Haiti, ha!) so I can’t accept your offer. I’ll contact you when I’m back. Thanks so much. 😁
Sep 21Reply
erinhogo @suziesshoes okay!! That’s awesome’ thanks for your communication :) hope you have a great trip!!
Sep 22Reply
suziesshoes @erinhogo I’m back! Send me an offer if you’re still interested! 😁
Oct 01Reply
suziesshoes @sue_sells Thanks! I will check out your closet! 😁
Oct 01Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following πŸ˜„
Oct 03Reply
suziesshoes @reynolds57 You’re welcome! 😁
Oct 04Reply
msneverending1 Susanna welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following my closet. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 07Reply
suziesshoes @msneverending1 Thanks, Carol! Have a great day. πŸ’™πŸ˜
Oct 07Reply
alletsamae1949 Hello there@ susieshoes! I’m so pleased to follow you. You have an awesome closet and I love your style. Do you ever have any 12ww? I’ll be checking back with you!πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰
Oct 09Reply
suziesshoes @alletsamae1949 Hi Stella! Thanks for the comment. I’ll keep you in mind if/when I get any 12ww! Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Oct 09Reply
suziesshoes @dpne Awesome! Thanks for the comment!! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Oct 09Reply
suziesshoes @ellies93 I’ll send the shoes out to you tomorrow! Thanks! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Oct 15Reply
ellies93 @suziesshoes thanks so much! 😊😊
Oct 15Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my closet! It is much appreciated :-) please let me know if you have any questions! Always accepting offers. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet further
Oct 26Reply
suziesshoes @designerchic03 Thanks so much! Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Oct 26Reply
suziesshoes @coppersma Thanks for sharing my closet!!! Much appreciated. Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Nov 27Reply
coppersma @suziesshoes You are so welcome!! Thank you in return!
Nov 27Reply
suziesshoes @adry13 Thanks so much for a great review! I appreciate it. Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Dec 04Reply
suziesshoes @michelleoco Thanks for your purchase! I’ll get those shoes out on Thursday as the post office is closed tomorrow. πŸ’™πŸ˜
Dec 05Reply
michelleoco @suziesshoes Perfect! Thanks so much! πŸ˜ƒ
Dec 05Reply
suziesshoes @michqq Thanks so much for your purchase! I’ll get the shoes out to you tomorrow as the post office is closed today. Happy Poshing! πŸ’™
Dec 05Reply
suziesshoes @michelleoco Thanks so much for a great review! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Dec 09Reply
suziesshoes @kewlpiez Thanks so much for a lovely review! Have a great holiday season as well! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Dec 11Reply
mzkimberc I accepted the offer on the little black square toe shoes but POSH over charged me the price b4 u made the offer. I cancel but will try again. Just letting u know what's going on.
Dec 13Reply
suziesshoes @mzkimberc No problem. Try again! I have them all ready to be shipped out. 😁
Dec 13Reply
suziesshoes @deeanna1p Thanks for a lovely review! Merry Christmas! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Dec 21Reply
suziesshoes @crussell1976 You’re welcome!
Dec 21Reply
suziesshoes @cosmicoboutique Thank you so much for the amazing reviewβ€”you made my day! I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Happy Poshing! 😁
Dec 28Reply
suziesshoes @beachnanny So happy you love the shoes! Thanks for a lovely review. 😁
Dec 28Reply
suziesshoes @santosantos I’ll get the shoes out to you Monday! Hope you love them as much as I do. 😁
Dec 30Reply
suziesshoes @tiffneyjames Thanks! I appreciate all the shares as well. Happy Poshing! 😁
Jan 04Reply
suziesshoes @sunshine267 Thank you for a lovely review! Please come and shop my closet again. πŸ’™πŸ˜
Jan 08Reply
suziesshoes @dress_happy Thank you for writing such a nice review! Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Jan 08Reply
dress_happy @suziesshoes You’re welcome! ❀️
Jan 08Reply
suziesshoes @karkomi13 Yay! So glad you love the shoes. I’m happy they have found a good home. Thanks for a nice review! 😁
Jan 12Reply
suziesshoes @nemesix So happy you love the boots! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Jan 14Reply
suziesshoes @arvel72 I’m so sad the boots are too big! Hope you can make them work or resell them. Happy Poshing! πŸ’™πŸ˜
Jan 25Reply
suziesshoes @aar31 Thanks for a lovely review! Glad the shoes fit so well. Hope your mom enjoys them! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Jan 25Reply
justinandtaylor Hi Susannah! Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it. If you ever need anything let us know. Nice closet! -Justin&Taylor
Feb 18Reply
suziesshoes @justinandtaylor Thanks! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Feb 18Reply
suziesshoes @seattlegracie So glad you like the shoes! Let me know if you’re looking for any other shoes for your capsule! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Feb 20Reply
suziesshoes Haha, @seattlegracie sorry, I thought you were the one who was working on a capsule wardrobe! Anyway, thanks for the lovely review! Enjoy those shoes! πŸ™‚
Feb 20Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❀️
Feb 23Reply
suziesshoes @vpl1116 Thank you! I will check out your closet! 😁
Feb 23Reply
suziesshoes @etaalbi Thanks so much for all of the shares! Happy Poshing! πŸ’™
Mar 02Reply
suziesshoes @mainecoonmommy Thanks for a lovely review! So happy you love the shoes. Happy Poshing! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Apr 18Reply
wubblesnugs Hello lovely, I want to learn how to become the best Poshmarkprenuer Possible. If you have any suggestions on what has made you successful, please by all means share! I know I will share my success tips as soon as I get them. What is you’re number one tip to becoming super successful? @simplysinclair
Apr 26Reply
leahgalleria Love your closet! I πŸ’– shoes, too! Happy selling!! πŸ’•
May 24Reply
suziesshoes @leahgalleria Thanks so much! I πŸ’™ your closet as well. Happy Poshing! πŸ™‚
May 24Reply
phyxated Hi πŸ‘‹ thank you for the follow! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day! 😁
May 31Reply
bunheadyogi Super cute shoes! Leaving a comment so that I can find you later on! πŸ˜€
Jun 06Reply
suziesshoes @bunheadyogi Thanks so much! Yes, come back and visit! πŸ˜πŸ’™
Jun 06Reply
2ndhandstudio Hello! I usually sell things on my closet to help pay for my dance tuition but I don’t know if you know this but it’s πŸŽ—childhood cancer awareness month and I’ve had 2 friends go through childhood cancer and they’ve luckily survived but I know there are tons of children who sadly aren’t as luckyπŸ’” in honor of this month, everything I make from poshmark will be donated to help find a cure for cancer and I would love if you could buy from my closet this month! -2ndhandstudio #findacureπŸ’›
Sep 10Reply
katz_meow Thanks so much for following my closet! Happy Poshing!
Sep 10Reply
suziesshoes @katz_meow πŸ’™πŸ˜Ί
Sep 11Reply
jrh812 Imagine my surprise when tracking told me I should have my boots tomorrow!😲 Then I saw the package was mailed from Lancaster! Do you ever go to the Drive-In? I am trying to talk my husband into going to Lancaster for the day!
Sep 19Reply
suziesshoes @jrh812 Yay for a speedy delivery! πŸ™‚ Nope, I’ve never been to the drive in, but now I’m going to have to look it up! Thanks for the tip!
Sep 19Reply
jrh812 @suziesshoes they have a good concession stand. Pizza is pretty good. We make it our dinner and movie date night
Sep 19Reply
suziesshoes @jrh812 Yum concession stand! I’m all about the food. πŸ˜› I’ll have to find a date and try it out! πŸ™‚
Sep 19Reply
leonelamaya Greetings from New York! A pleasure for me to greet you and wish you success in your daily work
Sep 30Reply
suziesshoes @emerald_fox Thanks for all the posh love! πŸ’™πŸ™‚
Oct 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovelyπŸ₯° I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask meπŸŽ‰ Happy Poshing❀️
Oct 16Reply
suziesshoes Thanks so much for the amazing review, @kotirb! 😊 Come back and shop my closet again. Happy Poshing! πŸ™‚πŸ’™
Oct 25Reply
kotirb @suziesshoes πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ‘ β™₯️
Oct 25Reply
martamaz Hello Susannah, I just want to let you know I absolutely love your Posher profile! So true!! I'm still learning about poshing, have been a Posher only since August. Buing a little and selling a little. People like you are such an inspiration!! Maybe one day I will be able to figure it out and do what you do. Thank you! ❀
Nov 04Reply
suziesshoes @haziesmom Thanks again for another lovely review! See you soon! πŸ˜‰
Jan 29Reply
haziesmom @suziesshoes you deserve it!!!!😍
Jan 29Reply
alexangarita123 Thank you for your purchase!!! I will get it shipped out first thing tomorrow morningπŸ’•
Apr 19Reply
suziesshoes @alexangarita123 Great, thanks! πŸ™‚
Apr 19Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸŒΉ
May 23Reply
frankmarz Hi Suzie. Thanks for following me! :-)
Jun 27Reply
ramosadam92 Howdy Gorgeous lady and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed night.
Jul 29Reply
asavage01 @suziesshoes thank you for visiting my closet πŸ₯°πŸ₯° I have a bundle sale (πŸ’3/15$ in title) going on in women men kids home. Look for the bundle of flowers. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ Bundle 3 or more selected sale listings and each item comes out to 5$ + 7$ shipping fee. πŸ’Œ no pressure #poshlove I am offering 30% off full price items too πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ
Jul 29Reply
fabulous518 Thanks for accepting my offer! :)
Aug 01Reply
suziesshoes @fabulous518 No problem! Thank you!
Aug 01Reply
fabulous518 Thanks again! sneakers are "Fabulous" and comfy...I tried to leave a love not:)
Aug 05Reply
suziesshoes @fabulous518 Yay! Glad you love them. You can add a love note to your rating if you want as well! Thanks again. Come back and shop my closet again, Fabulous! πŸ™‚πŸ’™
Aug 05Reply
suziesshoes @fabulous518 Well you just made my day! Thanks for the kind words. πŸ’™
Aug 05Reply
androgynousme Hello, Do you list large size womans shoes regularly? I'm looking for size 12 & 13. They are not easy to find. Love the styles you have had and sold. Hope to buy from you soon.
Aug 06Reply
suziesshoes @androgynousme Hello! Thanks for reaching out! I will keep you in mind if I find any 12s or 13sβ€”my sister is a 12 so I get the struggle! πŸ™‚
Aug 06Reply
androgynousme @suziesshoes Great! Thank you so much 😁
Aug 06Reply
earthbum Hi! Thanks for sharing a bit of my closet :)
Aug 06Reply
androgynousme @suziesshoes Well if your sister has some pairs she wants to list with you, I'd be interested.😁
Aug 06Reply
suziesshoes @androgynousme OK, I’ll have to ask her. I will keep you in mind!
Aug 06Reply
brandisstyle7 Good afternoon, thanks for following. Feel free to check out my closet. I accept all reasonable offers.
Aug 18Reply
unclaimed Susannah Beautiful picture,Hope you are well and in good spirits. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more from my close (free shipping on $25 purchase). Expires 9/31/20. l also wholesale , purchase any items in my. closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,with a minimum purchase of $100. l have over 3.000 designer items in my inventory. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Sep 04Reply
fulltimeseller Hey!!! Feel free to take a look at my closet, I’m doing 5 piece bundles for $18 w/ free shipping!!
Sep 18Reply
suziesshoes @maricarmenpi Thanks so much for a lovely review. Come back and shop my closet again! Happy Poshing. πŸ’™πŸ™‚
Sep 19Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends πŸ’—
Oct 03Reply
sipnshopchic @suziesshoes Hi darlin, USPS attempted to deliver your jeans but it says that they didn't have access. Do u know what went wrong?
Oct 20Reply
suziesshoes @sipnshopchic Awww, man! They are repaving the parking lot and all access was restricted. I hope they will try again tomorrow. Thanks for the update! πŸ™‚
Oct 20Reply
sipnshopchic @suziesshoes Ahhhh ok, most likely they will😊
Oct 20Reply
sipnshopchic @suziesshoes Yay! So glad u love the jeans, thanks so much darlin!😊
Oct 20Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi Welcome to poshmark and thanks for following me if you like anything from my closet send me an offer and I’ll happily accept have a great day😊
Nov 13Reply
lettiebt2 Hi Suzie i ordered the Salvatorre F 7 AA shoes I chk the ups track number No where to be found could not locate I ordered this since dec 8th Kindly check what happen to the delivery thank you Lettie
Dec 17Reply
suziesshoes @lettiebt2 Hi Lettie. Yes, USPS is VERY behind right now. All packages have been delayed. Hopefully the shoes will arrive soon! I’ll keep checking back.
Dec 17Reply
lettiebt2 Stay well and Healthy happy Holidays to you and family Thank you Lettie
Dec 17Reply
suziesshoes @lettiebt2 You as well! πŸ™‚
Dec 17Reply
averypc Hi! If you like emo/alternative clothing, I have a lot of items from brands like Tripp, Rude, Blackheart, and Hot Topic! Please feel free to check out my closet. I also have a listing that you can like to be notified when I drop new alternative clothing! Happy Poshing!πŸ€ŸπŸ»πŸ–€ :)
Feb 16Reply
jebwa Hi @suziesshoes , thanks for following us πŸ’— . You will find the best selection of luxury handbags in our closet. Happy poshing!
Feb 23Reply
janfast Hi Susannah! Thanks for sharing my beautiful suede jeans!
Mar 08Reply
pine_n_sunshine Awesome job on your closet. Great selection of shoes! I used to work in a high end shoe store that specialized in shoes that are good for your feet and you have some really great brands in your closet!
Mar 12Reply
suziesshoes @carolinasisters Thanks so much for the nice words! πŸ’™ I love shoes! It’s probably a good thing I have bigger feetβ€”if I wore a size 7 I’d be in trouble! 🀣
Mar 12Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!πŸ₯°
Mar 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 01Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Serfontaine Jeans !
Apr 02Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package πŸ“¦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Apr 22Reply
nancyconner645 Hi πŸ‘‹! I'm Nancy, and want to thank you for following me and sharing from my closet. I shared back, with extras (as long as no more than 20 were shared.) It's my way of sharing Posh love, and I hope you enjoy some sales from those shares! Have a blessed day πŸ™! πŸ™‚πŸ’•πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»
Apr 26Reply
suziesshoes @mmireles85 I had to laugh at your comment! Ha! That is amazing you can fit into that size! (I have big feet, so I’m always a bit jealous!) πŸ™‚
May 12Reply
gigisoma I love shoes!πŸ’–
May 17Reply
dressupplayer Hi, I missed your offer but just sent u an equivalent one, for the boots. Thx!
May 25Reply
suziesshoes @dressupplayer Thanks, just accepted!
May 25Reply
sargebill Susannah hi, and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
May 26Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word β€œWinner”
Jul 28Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi Susannah! I’m My Added Sparkle, and I’d love for you to check out my closet, full of jewelry and accessories! If anything catches your eye, I have a 3 for $30 sale going on! Or, if your bundle is over $50, you get not only a discount, but free shipping, too! Visit my website,, for great deals and ALWAYS free shipping! Use code β€œsparkle2021” for 25% off your purchase from our website! Thanks, have a great day! πŸ₯‚βœ¨
Jul 28Reply
sboyce140 Thanks for the follow cutie pie.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š
Dec 10Reply
mirandabullo931 Good afternoon I was in the process of buying the merral shoes and now that I've logged in after I submitted my payment they say reserved but I can not locate them in my cart, were this sold right as I was checking out?
Aug 20Reply
cutehosiery @suziesshoes Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 06Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I have womens mens kids in my closet. I am always listing more. always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays– womens s-4x lots unlisted NWT, nwot, like new $15 & under. tuesdays- kids share show train & pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. In LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5lb. you also get rewards- spend $100 with me. get $10 off next purchase. Thanks!-Ania
Jan 15Reply

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Last Active: 12 hours ago

Columbus, OH
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Last Active: 12 hours ago

Columbus, OH
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