Meet your Posher, Tabby
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Hi! I'm Tabby. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

13 others
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Welcome to Poshmark!
Dec 20Reply

If your interested in pink hat I'm taking offer
Dec 22Reply

Thanks for visting my closet
Jun 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jun 17Reply

Hey Tabby, hope you have a wonderful day! Happy poshing ♥️
Jun 18Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE Brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a bundle, if it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jun 18Reply

Jun 18Reply

Hi love! Just wanted to pop over and welcome you! We are all about vintage, color, and chic work outfits- we’d love if you visited our closet! Just for being a new comer here’s 30% off an item if you’d like! Use discount code “BEE THRIFTY” in the comment of the item you want to buy and we will give you a great deal! This is a one time use only discount. Happy shopping! 🐝
Jul 13Reply

hey I saw u liked an item of mine! Make an offer and we can work something out :)
Aug 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! let me know if you have any questions or need any help!
Aug 24Reply

Hi Welcome tabby!! ❤️I’m new to posh & adding new items daily! Slowly cleaning out my closets I’m moving next year & have plus size clothing/petite/&’reg sizes! Plse check out my closet! Have more than just clothes! Lots of nice gifts 🎁! Love checking out posher’s closets too! Open to trades!
👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share share share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌹 day
Sep 01Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Sep 10Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Nike, Philosophy skincare, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 27Reply

Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Feel free to come on over and check out my closet! Happy Poshing! 😊🛍📦
Oct 01Reply

Hi beautiful!💞 I offer discounts on bundles of 2 or more items🍾Come take a look around! +add to bundle and from there let me know if you have any questions at all :)-- Amy 💞
Oct 10Reply

Thank you for the like on the shorts. If you create a bundle, I can offer you a special price and cheaper shipping. Please let me know, I can ship out tomorrow
Oct 13Reply

Thank you for the like on the Nike shorts. If you purchase tonight, I can ship out tomorrow. Please let me know.
Oct 13Reply

Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊 Please check out my closet! I have lots of fun baseball caps, beanies, gloves, scarfs and jewelry. 🧢🧣🧝🏻♀️🧤
Nov 25Reply

Hi I would love for you to check out my closet. I have something for everyone and I’m very fair with pricing. If you see something you like please feel free to send me an offer. Happy holidays and happy poshing.
Nov 27Reply

Hi Thank you for all of the likes! Let me know if you are interested in anything & I will send you a discount. 💜
Jan 15Reply

Hi! I purchased a handbag from your closet but still waiting shipment and haven’t heard from you. Poshmark has contacted me about canceling the order. Can you please communicate what the hold up. Thanks
Feb 18Reply

Hi Delaine, of like to offer you a bundle price on your 3Calvin Klein likes, a bralette and 4 panties for 32$ and 4.99 discount shipping. Rob
May 09Reply

Hi! I want to know if you have any other dresses and tops that are available for sale.
Aug 02Reply

Hi! I just purchased the mama bear slippers from you! So excited to receive them! Hope to see them ship soon! Thanks! :)
Dec 04Reply

Thank You for the Like ☺️. I’ve sent you a Private Offer 😊
Feb 10Reply

Hi there! I have a NWT White Tommy Hilfiger Turtle Neck Fleece Pullover for sale that I thinik you might like! There is a discounted price for being the off-season. Check it out and let me know if you have questions! Thank you and have a great day!!
Jul 21Reply

@dalainie_marie hi I noticed that you liked the Sol de Janeira cream just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Aug 18Reply

Hi 😊 I'm doing a special on my tees right now & giving 10% off of 2 tees plus discounted shipping. If interested, put your likes with correct size in a bundle & I'll send you the offer. XO, Liz
Aug 19Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 29Reply

Hi 👋 Thais for the like on one of my items on my page I lowered the price of your still interested 🥰
Sep 15Reply

Hi thanks for the like all clothing only 5$ hope to see you back soon take care
Jan 28Reply

Hi Tabby, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the VS PINK bra. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😄
Mar 09Reply

@dalainie_marie Hi & thank you for the likes
Please let me know if you have any questions
Apr 01Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 22Reply

@dalainie_marie Hi! Thank you again! If you’d like, please feel free to create a Bundle for a discount and reduced shipping.
Jun 25Reply

Thank you for stopping by our closet 🖤 stay safe ❤
Aug 01Reply

thanks for popping by and taking the time to like the Chesapeake bay fall scented tea lights. all offers are appreciated
Aug 17Reply

@honey1anne2 think you
Nov 05Reply

Hey thanks for the like! I have tons of deals happening and just updated my closet (11/3). I also have some free items when you bundle marked 🌀!
Please create a bundle of items you are interested in and I’ll send an offer! Happy Poshing ✨
Nov 12Reply

Hi Tabby did you want an offer on my 2 Pink Vs leopard Large Jackets? I’m giving 25.% off 2 items and 3 or more is 30% and discounted shipping. A great sale. Let me know. Ty Serena4957 Ps. The two jackets are in a bundle now. FYI ty
Dec 16Reply

Hi Tabby This is Serena4757 again. I sent you a discounted offer on discounted items already hun. I took 30$ off the Pink Vs. Lepord Jackets. and discounted your shipping. Your pretty much getting a jacket for free. Once in a lifetime deal. I'm trying t pop get to my daughter who's having a water birth. So no pressure I'm jus ty reaching out because no one seems t pop see my sale goin go on. I don't get it. Anyways if you can please message me back please. ty Serena4957.
Dec 19Reply

Hi! Thank you for the like on the UGG shoulder bag. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Dec 22Reply

Thanks for your interest feel free to make an offer 😊I always accept or counteroffer - check out the rest of my closet to see if you are interested in any of my listings that are free with purchase 💌let me know if you have any questions
Dec 22Reply

Hi Tabby! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Dec 30Reply

Hi there 💖 The VS PINK Bling Faux Fur Jacket you liked from @murtbouette actually belongs to me. It seems they created an account solely to attempt to scam people with my photos, as they have nothing else for sale & are using my picture for their profile & cover photo as well. I reported this to Poshmark but just wanted to let you know as I’d hate to see anyone get ripped off. Apparently putting my watermark on my photos multiple times STILL doesn’t stop people from stealing them! All the best ✨
Jan 09Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jan 12Reply

Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You have a lovely closet :)
Here I would like to say Hi and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 400+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 18Reply
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