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Updated Apr 29
Updated Apr 29

Meet your Posher, Tammatha

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Hi! I'm Tammatha. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, kate spade, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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melllaaa_2011 Hey! 👋 welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🤗 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet as I sell your favorite brands! 🎀 happy poshing!
Oct 02Reply
hallmark26 Glad you liked the necklace. Please let me know if you ever need help on Poshmark. I am an Ambassador and top-seller (but still not an expert.) Thanks again for buying the necklace. Enjoy!
Oct 23Reply
sueg33 Hi Tammatha! Thank you so much for your purchase! I wanted to let you know I mailed it out this morning. 😍 Sue
Oct 23Reply
debhawk let me know if you are interested in more Silpada...I have more I am going to post!
Nov 03Reply
luvvthokies @debhawk - Thanks for reaching out! Yes, I’d love to see what else you have in Silpada.
Nov 03Reply
m_cosgrove Hi Tamantha,Thanks for shopping my closet.I'm new to Poshmart also.I've sold for a little over a month.I can't give you a refund because they dont pay me untill after you recieve the item.I have no idea how Poshmart even returns.I did see when I made you the offer they weren't bundled so I tried to give you a better discount with 20 %.I'll add a gift to try and make it up to you.Hope that helps a little.I know that every dollar counts to us all.I'll ship your packages tomorrow.Thanks, Mary
Nov 07Reply
m_cosgrove Sorry Tammatha, I spelled ypur name wrong in the previos comment. Thanks again Mary
Nov 07Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - No worries!! You don’t have to add anything! 20% off was in itself a generous offer. I haven’t tried selling on here yet but I’ve sold a few items on EBay. I really appreciate your note and thoughtfulness.
Nov 07Reply
m_cosgrove I've bought on eBay but never sold anything. That is so different compared to Poshmart. On there, I know I could of given you a refund because sellers did it for me when they shipped me more then one item together.
Nov 07Reply
jewelrybum Hi🤗 your earrings are on the way you. Thanks for stopping by and making a purchase. I hope you enjoy them. - Donna
Nov 08Reply
luvvthokies @jewelrybum - Thank you, Donna!
Nov 08Reply
m_cosgrove Tammy,I made a big mistake.Did you get a ring?I had 2 packages going to you and one to another buyer.She recieved your earings and gift.It said that a second package was delivered to you.I'm hoping it was her ring.Please let me know if you have her ring.She has your earings and sent a photo.I have to figure out how to get your earings to you and hopefully the ring to her.I'm usually so carefull &mark the boxes as soon as I close them.I have to make this right.I'm so sorry. Mary
Nov 09Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - Hi Mary! Yes, I just got the mail and checked your packages. I do have a black onyx ring for Julie. I did get the necklace. Let me know! No worries from me! - we will get it straightened out.
Nov 10Reply
jewelrybum Thank you for the rating 💕. Enjoy
Nov 10Reply
m_cosgrove @luvvthokies Thank you so much. The other lady was so understandable also. I'll let you know what we need to do. I will pay for whatever it costs. She still wants the ring and I hope you still want your matching earings. I am so mad at myself. I became a Posh Ambassador today and I shouldn't make these mistakes. Thank you for the rating and lovely comment.
Nov 10Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - Oh yes, I definitely still want the earrings. You know life is too short to get upset or not be understanding. Just let me know and I would be happy to mail these to Julie!
Nov 10Reply
m_cosgrove Of all the buyers out there to mess up an order on. I somehow got two angels. I will make this up to you both, I promise. She opened a case on the ring so as soon as we here. from Poshmark, I'll let you know. They might contact you also. She is so happy you have her ring. I'll be in touch.
Nov 10Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - any update on how we need to proceed? Just wanted to touch base! Thanks!!
Nov 12Reply
m_cosgrove @luvvthokies I messages you under the earings. If you can't see it please let me know. Still haven't heard smy thing though. I wonder if there is a way to talk to an actual person.
Nov 12Reply
m_cosgrove Julie said she is willing to just send them to you if you woukd be willing to send hers. It is probably faster. I'll reinburse both of you just let me know the cost. her seller name is denverjewels. I'll give her your seller name so that if you want you can exchange addresses.
Nov 12Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - that works for me! I think she’s following me now!
Nov 12Reply
denverjewels Hey Tammy it’s Julie-how do you want to exchange our jewelry? I can send you yours if you want to do it that way. Seems like it might be the quickest? Thoughts?
Nov 12Reply
luvvthokies @denverjewels - Hi Julie! Yes, that works for me. I can drop yours In the mail tomorrow. Can you send me your address? Mine is Tammy Brown, 3407 Lence Ct., Charlotte, NC 28269. I think this is probably the quickest way too!
Nov 12Reply
denverjewels @luvvthokies great I will do the same! Julie Warren 11425 W Last Dollar Pass Littleton CO 80127 Thanks! Think this will be way quicker.
Nov 12Reply
luvvthokies @denverjewels & @m_cosgrove - Hi Julie, Just wanted to let you know I mailed your package. I’m not sure how to attach a picture of the receipt and tracking #. The USPS tracking # is 9114902307224271039503. Mary - it cost $7.90 to ship to Julie. Thanks!! Tammy
Nov 14Reply
denverjewels @luvvthokies ok I mailed yours yesterday too-it started tracking. Let me know when you get it! And yeah there isn’t a way right now to send pics 🙄 here’s your tracking:
Nov 14Reply
m_cosgrove @denverjewels Hello Julie, Can you pease let me know what you paid to ship Tammys earings. I want to get both of you, your money out by tomorrow.Thank you! Mary
Nov 14Reply
m_cosgrove @denverjewels Thank you Julie and Tami. I'll be sending your reimbursement out in the morning. I just got back home from the PO. I don't trust putting it in my mailboxar all. But I do go to the PO everyday. I hope you both recieve your items soon and love them. Thsnk you again.
Nov 14Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove @denverjewels - I received my earrings yesterday Julie! I’m also glad we were on the same page! Thank you!! Mary - thank you for the surprise gift!! 😍 I love both pairs!!
Nov 16Reply
m_cosgrove @luvvthokies I left you a message under the earing page. 👍 Thank you!
Nov 16Reply
denverjewels @luvvthokies got my ring today too. Thank you so much for sending it!
Nov 16Reply
denverjewels @m_cosgrove got the ring today and I love it!!!! It was worth the wait. Need to order some more things!
Nov 16Reply
m_cosgrove @denverjewels Thank you,thank youb thank you! your freight reimbursement was sent out yesterday. Please let me know when you get it. I don't want you to be out one penny. You have already sacrificed your time.
Nov 17Reply
luvvthokies @m_cosgrove - Hi Mary! Happy Monday! I received the reimbursement today. Thank you!! 🤗
Nov 19Reply
m_cosgrove @luvvthokies Great! that makes me feel better and happy Monday to you. I hope you check my closet again sometime. I've listed many new items. I'm selling like crazy. This is so much fun. But I love to sell so that in itself is a huge plus for me. I've missed it terribly sense retiring. Have a fabulous week and thank you again!
Nov 19Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 13Reply
martinez_margie Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by. Reasonable offer accepted. 🤍🦋🤍 HAPPY POSHING 🤍🦋🤍
Apr 24Reply
bevpizza74 Glad you like the sweaters! Happy Poshing!
Jun 30Reply
margri518 Thank you !! for everything and Same to you , Be safe and healthy 🌸🌸
Jul 23Reply
mary_scottttt Hey! You recently purchased my black and white dress?! I was wondering if you still wanted me to ship?! I’m so sorry time ran out,, my notifications weren’t set properly!
Jul 25Reply
luvvthokies @mary_scottttt - oh my gosh yes! how do I go about purchasing again?
Jul 25Reply
mary_scottttt @luvvthokies I’m not sure! You might need to cancel and purchase again?!
Jul 28Reply
luvvthokies @mary_scottttt Hey! So Poshmark actually cancelled the order and issued a refund to me on July 11th. I know it still shows as sold on your page. I don’t sell on here so I don’t know how it works.
Jul 28Reply
mary_scottttt @luvvthokies I haven’t sold much so I’m not sure either lol! Let me see if I can figure it out!
Jul 28Reply
mary_scottttt @luvvthokies I reposted it!! You should be able to repurchase and I will send it today!! I’m so sorry about the confusion!!
Jul 28Reply
luvvthokies @mary_scottttt thank you!! I just purchased! Thank you again for reaching back out to me! I have this dress in a different color and I love it! I was excited to see another one but in different color!
Jul 28Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Aug 04Reply
saraadrian @luvvthokies hey thanks for your purchase I’ll get that shipped ASAP. Have a great weekend 😀
Aug 07Reply
luvvthokies @saraadrian - thank you! You do the same!!
Aug 08Reply
anitracarter Hey there🤗 I’m an Ambassador & would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. If you have any questions ask away! Thanks & Happy Poshing😉
Sep 06Reply
kumari_persaud Hey love feel free to check out my closet. I’m moving out of my house so I want to get rid of all my things, if you see something you like, you can make an offer or bundle to save ❤️ have an amazing week!
Mar 04Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda... Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile.. Best of Luck to you Jewelry Makes the Outfit...Stop by💋 🇺🇸Buy Made in America 🕊🕊
Jun 09Reply
vintagebitchaz 🎉MY BDAY IN NOV 4 🎉 so IM HAVING SALES! Thanks for the LIKE(s) 💛 I'm accepting all reasonable offers! Right now I'm running a BOGO SALE! Buy an even amount, GET an even amount FREE! Just LIKE 2 or more items & add them to bundle 🛍 & I’ll send an offer! ON ALL ITEMS IN MY CLOSET!
Oct 28Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Mar 26Reply

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Last Active: Feb 16

Charlotte, NC
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Last Active: Feb 16

Charlotte, NC
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