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Updated Dec 23
Updated Dec 23

Meet your Posher, Tammie lehner

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tammie lehner. Some of my favorite brands are Nike and Adidas. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kimmy_gabriel @tkflood hi. I noticed you bundled 2 frozen items that are listed for $20 each, if you want to purchase I will lower them to $15 each. Let me know
Dec 23Reply
purplearies @tkflood Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊❤️
Jan 07Reply
officestyle Hi friend, if you're interested in the pink dress for a little girl… I could ship it out to you for $10. Just make the offer :-)
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 Hi Hun, Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to poshmark ❣ If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me❣ 💖
Jan 12Reply
cajunqueen1962 @tkflood Welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 13Reply
cajunqueen1962 @tkflood the 6 kids items to added to a bundle come to a total of 74.00, I can offer them to you for 64.00 plus shipping. If you are interested click on the offer button and I will accept. In addition to that I will add a gift to go with one of the outfits, just let me know the child's age. Thank you for your interest!
Jan 13Reply
adriane8121 Hi,if you're interested in purchasing tonight I'll give you a bundle discount of 20% instead of 15%.. Thank you!
Jan 16Reply
veryposhy So sorry Tammie I see that your added items to a bundle and I totally forgot to delete the boots I just donated them on sat to a friend In nn so sorry I was meaning to delete this item but it slipped by my thoughts .
Jan 16Reply
silvaa0517 @tkflood Hello, thanks for liking the shirt! Bundle and get 15% off of two items, enjoy!💕
Jan 17Reply
dagza Hi Tammie, i see you added two items to a bundle. Add one more item and the size 7 1/2 shoes will be gifted to you 😌
Jan 17Reply
dbklyn Hi Tammie, I see you added some items to a bundle. New posh feature is you can make an offer on the bundle as a total. Please Lmk if you have any questions, thx!
Jan 17Reply
shoptherapy22 Hi!! Thanks for all of your likes😘 Please feel free to make offers on your bundled items!! Check back often, I'm always trying to add more items😊😊Happy Poshing!!
Jan 17Reply
foxowlclothing Welcome to Posh! 💕
Jan 17Reply
swirlygurl2 Hi Tammie and welcome to Posh! It's a great and welcoming group here. Some tips I found helpful: follow all Posh rules in your closet, ⚡️share a lot, as it gets your items seen and can help you gain followers⚡️, and most of all HAVE FUN. If you ever have questions don't hesitate to ask. Good luck❣️
Jan 17Reply
kittyswardrobe If there's anything you need, a bundle discount, ? Or if you want to make a bundle offer, Im open to all offers! let me know!
Jan 17Reply
janineturtles @tkflood I noticed that you bundled some of my items, I have many things UN listed for 8-12 year olds. Is there anything else that you need for your kids? Welcome! 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jan 17Reply
aggiegal01 @tkflood I see you added some kids items to a bundle. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks💕
Jan 18Reply
shopjibposh18 @tkflood thank you for checking out my closet! Please let me know if you have any questions. ❤
Jan 18Reply
thethriftyash Thanks for stopping by my closet! Nice to meet you 💕
Jan 18Reply
niomilc Hey hun, if your interested in the bundle you made in my closet make me an offer! :) I'm honestly just trying to get rid of as much as I can. Let me know if you have any questions. If you do happen to purchase or make an offer I'll throw in all the rest of little girl stuff I have including the shoes! :) so let me know hun. We'll work something out, also I'll send first thing in the morning.
Jan 18Reply
suzy1561 Go ahead and buy that bundle and I will include a Build A Bear skateboard free!
Jan 18Reply
craezee_daezee Hi I saw you wanted to add an item to a bundle please let me know which items you would like I'd be happy to help you, thanks Brandi..;)
Jan 18Reply
erinsincyr1223 Interested in a bundle?
Jan 18Reply
craezee_daezee Hey are you trying to add something to a bundle? I just had a message again that you are trying to add something to the bundle... if so you can make an offer...😊
Jan 19Reply
niomilc Hey doll, if you interested in all the baby girl stuff I'm willing to accept your offer! :) tons of baby girls stuff. Clothes, hairs, accessories, shoes ,hats and books. Bedding for a baby crib as well! let me know doll will to do buy on get one free or, 50% off your entire purchase!
Jan 19Reply
hopesparkles ✨ Welcome! ✨
Jan 19Reply
maizehyperion53 Thank you so much for your interest in my item! If there's anything I can do for you or any questions I can answer please don't hesitate to ask! All of my items need new homes asap! Offers are always welcome; I can almost always go down in price! I'm also more than willing to give you a price for multiple items. If you'd like to contact me off app just ask for my email but I do NOT sell off app. Happy poshing! :)
Jan 20Reply
ekaufhun Hi! Thank you for your interest in some of my kids items! Feel free to make me an offer as I am doing a closet clean out and happy to pass these great pieces along to you! 💗
Jan 20Reply
miss_bribri Hi Tammie! If you find items you like I can personally bundle them for a better deal. Also, @searley is listing items as well, if you find some of those you like I can bundle any of them too.
Jan 20Reply
stylegossip Hi! I noticed you bundled a few things. I can lower the price a bit of something if you'd like
Jan 20Reply
lichen5216 Hi there, thank you for visiting my closet. I see you add items into bundle. Feel free to offer your desire price. Happy day to you.
Jan 20Reply
anatreasures Thank you for stopping by my closet.
Jan 21Reply
bubbleduckie123 Thanks tammi 😊 I have a whole bunch of other kids clothes, brand new with tags if you're curious!
Jan 21Reply
huntingpetra Hi there! I noticed you added 4 of my listings to a bundle :) if you would like I can give you all 4 things for $20+ shipping Let me know :)
Jan 21Reply
sew_n_bows What a precious picture!!☺️💕
Jan 21Reply
reuseagain 🤗Hi! Welcome to me closet ❤ I saw you put some items in a bundle 😊if there is any questions I can answer ....feel free! I consider reasonable offers 😉
Jan 21Reply
zoeyscloset1 Hi Thanks for checking out my closet. I saw you added some items in a bundle if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks Michelle
Jan 21Reply
drdnp19 Let me know if you have any questions about you bundle!(:
Jan 21Reply
luxdesignvault I see you created a bundle. Some of the items I have listed by themselves and some I went ahead and created a bundle by the size. We are open to any offer. Never offended. Just may have to negotiate. 😊 PUHLEASE TAKE IT ALL LOL
Jan 21Reply
steinmeghan2 Hi I just saw that you added my listing to bundle (yay)! Just so you know all bundles of 4+ items are an additional 20% off!
Jan 21Reply
steinmeghan2 Just so you know I ship same or next day!! Hope you make an offer on the bundle!! 😊😊
Jan 21Reply
laura2357 Good evening, if you are interested in Balenciaga purple bag, i can sell it with same discount of 15% without bundle. Let me know, tnx
Jan 22Reply
brendabcannon Hi. You put 3 boys items into a bundle which should automatically give you a 10% discount
Jan 22Reply
chupchick what an adorable photo... very cute =)
Jan 22Reply
babyinpink @chupchick love your profile picture it's so adorable 😃💑
Jan 22Reply
babyinpink If interested in some of my items I'll give you 20% off when you buy three items 😃instead of 15%😃
Jan 22Reply
dorajones4 Hi. Seen that u bundled. I m open for offers. My kids clothes are not selling. And wanna get rid of stuff.
Jan 22Reply
deniseo1983 Thanks for the likes !!! I'll ship fast ...
Jan 22Reply
sophiasmother @tkflood Welcome to Poshmark, love your profile pucture! Thanks for checking out my closet, if you have any questions let me know
Jan 22Reply
megolina I try my best to accept offers and work with people so we both come out good,
Jan 22Reply
abir1977 Hi there welcome to poshmark the best place to buy and sell 😘😘very nice to meet you ❤️💚👍please check out my list and let me know if you have any questions 🌹all of my items about %65 off original price. I ship same day so I make sure you get your items as fast as possible so you can enjoy it 🤗🤔I love to bundle it's the best way to save money 💰 so you buy multiple items and pay only one shipping fee 😍😍
Jan 22Reply
nikler Hello!! My name is Nikki i noticed u had a large bundle in my closet at $137 w my discount it would be approximately $100 id be willing to give to u all for $80 today plus free items!!! Let me know if u want to proceed ill be happy to answer any questions u have
Jan 23Reply
jtasmomma @tkflood I noticed you have added several items to a bundle. If you are bundling these for purchase I can offer you a bundle discount. Thank you for your interest in my closet listings.
Jan 23Reply
ayomasu Hi Tammi. Thank you for your interest in my closet. If you would like to buy these items I can take $10 off for a total of $47.00 not counting shipping which I honestly have no idea. This offer will only be available for 24 hours since Im going out of town on Wed afternoon and a few items have had a lot of interest. So let me know. Thanx for poshing
Jan 24Reply
ayomasu @tkflood oh sorry forgot to tag you.
Jan 24Reply
alyssarstone @tkflood thanks for bundling! Can mail out tomorrow :)
Jan 24Reply
alyssarstone @tkflood well... later today!!!
Jan 24Reply
amaraanthony Good morning, Tammie! Which nail appliqués are you interested in (the Essie or Sally Hansen)? I'd be happy to throw them in free of charge with the purchase of the bracelet. 🙂
Jan 24Reply
kaymarie6 Hello, I noticed you bundled several items! Feel free to make an offer in the bundle or I can create a separate listing for you for a discount! 😊
Jan 24Reply
emmastacks Hi! Send me an offer :) I accept most!
Jan 24Reply
sassyglamslayd I see about 30 sellers commented on here asking this person if she wanted to go ahead and go through with all the items she's bundled but the weird thing is she hasn't replied back to not one seller she also went in my closet and bundled 10 items I don't know guys but to me this looks like it's a fake profile so I wouldn't waste my time
Jan 24Reply
glam_grrll @suki100 Yes!!! I was just thinking the same thing!! Bitch! Dont get me excited!! Lol
Jan 25Reply
sassyglamslayd @glam_grrll seriously I'm saying that's why when I seen her bundle 10 items and not comment on anything I didn't even leave her a message because I already knew what was up if somebody really wants to buy something they're going to comment on at least one of the items you know if they don't just leave it alone don't even send them a message it will sell eventually if not to them someone else will buy:)
Jan 25Reply
glam_grrll @suki100 Yeah... How do all these people not see shes a serial bundler!! Lol
Jan 25Reply
ayomasu @tkflood I can no longer offer this as a bundle. In the future please just like single items
Jan 25Reply
monagilardi Hey Hun, if you want to purchase the three items you bundled right now, today I can do 10% off a bundle of 3 for you?! 🤗
Jan 25Reply
_morgan_f Hi! I've noticed you have added my listing to a bundle. Make sure to leave me a comment so I can tell you if I have the pattern you're looking for:)
Jan 25Reply
bagladydeb Hi, I noticed you bundled several items from my closet. If someone buys more than 2 items I usually offer them 20% off. So, if you wanted all 4 items you bundled, I could do $39 + $6 Shipping for a $45 total. Thanks for looking at my closet! Have a great day😊
Jan 25Reply
sassyglamslayd @glam_grrll seriously & sellers are still writing her messages after we put these comments on here the struggle is real lol
Jan 25Reply
kidslibrary Thanks for adding my items to a bundle, discount is available.
Jan 25Reply
glam_grrll @suki100 lolololo lo olol... It took me 2 min to figure it out!! Then I saw your comment... Smh
Jan 26Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy January ☃️ I hope you are enjoying your poshmark experience as much as I have 👍🎁💝💸🛍😍
Jan 27Reply
emattie Thank you for checking out my closet and adding a ton of items to a bundle! Please let me know if you are interested and I can give you a good deal and have it shipped out right away :)
Jan 27Reply
brittriggs89 Hello! I noticed that you added two of my items to a bundle! If you buy one of them items I will send the other item with it for free! Offer is for today only!
Jan 27Reply
classygirl41 @tkflood welcome to posh and thank you for the likes don't forget to use the bundle feature so you pay shipping one time 😊💕❤
Jan 28Reply
robinyrobin Hi! I saw you were making a bundle of stuff in my closet, feel free to make an offer on it if you still want the items! 💜💜💜 Happy Poshing!
Jan 28Reply
luvlypnay Adorable angels! Happy poshing luvly lady! God bless!
Jan 29Reply
kobirishgirlfl Hi if you would like to purchase the bundle you made I could offer you 50% off
Jan 29Reply
executive_ink hi there!💟 thank you for stopping by!⭐ i noticed you added some listings to a bundle,, is there anything i can help you with,, do you have any questions??💌 please let me know if there's anything i can do for you,, &+ come back any time!🎉 respectfully yours, britt.💕
Jan 30Reply
mamabeecloset Thank you for considering a bundle! If you have any questions or need more photos, just let me know. Thanks! 😊🛍
Jan 31Reply
cam182 Hello thank you so much for your interest in my items. I saw you bundled 3 items...I went ahead and added them all up for you and I'd love to give you a discount for all 3... They all total out to be $33 o can give you all 3 for $29 .... That's $5 off... Great deal! Basically free shipping!
Jan 31Reply
cam182 Let me know if that sounds good for you and I'll make you a bundle listing just for you and set the price at $29 then you can buy and I'll ship all items. Thanks again! 😊😊
Jan 31Reply
broklin @tkflood hi thanks for stopping by my page if you're interested in any of the items you added to bundle let me know.
Jan 31Reply
alicekleiner Hello and Welcome to Poshmark, such an adorable profile photo! !!!  A few terms I didn't know when I first started that I hope will help you... GUC GOOD or GENTLY USED CONDITION EUC..EXCELLENT USED CONDITION Few more Hints if you want to remember a special closet like one or two items in that closet so that you can find your way back!! Also Do lots of following and sharing to build your network =) Happy Poshing =) Alice
Feb 01Reply
cgramirez Hi Tammie! :D Noticed you started a bundle, let me know if you have any questions...your kids are adorable!...I just had my baby in LOVE!Thanks for stopping by!
Feb 01Reply
cami_16 Saw you were making a bundle happy poshing
Feb 01Reply
10acgal6801 Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 01Reply
daintycry1 Hey doll, I see that you've added few girls items to a bundle. if you need further assistance please let me know. In the mean time the same items are listed at my daughter's closet @mommysmi. just click on the name here and it will take you to her closet . Thanks much 😊🎁🎀🌼🌸
Feb 02Reply
sarancloset Hello are u interested in your bundle
Feb 02Reply
lovedolly4 Hi Tammy, I am Pauline. Just a few suggestions. Search out Posh university. Much good ideas and suggestions. To list your 1st item, go to sell and take a picture. Fill out the information, next and list. Simple. I am a Posh mentor. If you ever want assistance, please feel free to contact me. Happy Poshing😊☔🍸💍🔱💄
Feb 02Reply
amberscreations Hello I saw you added my glass beads to a bundle. Let me know if you have any questions or are looking for something else in particular. I have so much to add to my closet. Thank you and have a great day ☺
Feb 02Reply
8gold Thank you for putting my items to your bundle list...happy shopping. . :)
Feb 03Reply
dbklyn Hi! Happy to help you with the bundle you started so you can take advantage of my BOGO Sale. Thx n happy Poshing!
Feb 03Reply
nancynichols1 Love your pic! So precious! If you are seriously interested in the items you bundled from my closet I would be happy to give you a discount. Just let me know. Thanks for looking and happy poshing.
Feb 05Reply
luckyhandmedown @tkflood thanks for making a bundle! Just make an offer and they can all be yours :)
Feb 05Reply
needsnwants18 Thank you for checking out my closet! Happy poshing :-)
Feb 05Reply
sweets3034 Beautiful babies😚 thanks for adding my item to your bundle😃 free shipping available on custom bundles😉 let me know if you have any questions🙆
Feb 05Reply
bsherwood69 Sweet children.
Feb 06Reply
bsherwood69 Hi, I see you made a bundle of items from my closet. Please make an offer on the bundle. Thanks.
Feb 06Reply
debby0302 @tkflood hi. I noticed you added a ton of items in my closet to a bundle. Also saw all the comments above about bundles. Did you mean to make bundles or did you want to share those items? I see you have no shares and only one purchase. If you have any questions on how posh works any one of us is willing to help. The more you share the happier everyone is😊. Let me know if I can help in any way. 😊
Feb 06Reply
haru717 Hi Tammie, thank you for visiting my closet. Noticed you bundled multiple items from my closed and just gently following up. Please feel free to send me your Bundle Offer Price via the Offer Button whenever you are ready. OR feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for stopping by :)
Feb 07Reply
ashlie522 Thank you for your interest in some of the items in my closet!! <3 I'd be more than happy to give you a SUPER discount if you're still interested!!! I'm looking to clean my current items ALL out. Just make me an offer and I'd be more than happy to consider it!
Feb 07Reply
riverlove722 Welcome to Posh and thank you for your like. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always happy to assist and would love to have your beautiful family as new customers!💝💝💝 I have a plethora of brand name clothing all at amazingly low prices! Darling little boy clothes as well as ladies💗
Feb 08Reply
katewaz Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking my items! I look forward to helping you out when you make an offer on your bundle 💕😍
Feb 08Reply
jackieb07 I saw that you created a bundle of some items , let me know if you need anything or have questions !!!
Feb 09Reply
lichen5216 Hi there. I just wanted to follow up with the bundle. If interest please feel free to offer your desire. Don't hesitate. Thank you
Feb 09Reply
beachjl Hello, I can give you additional discount for the bundle you made ( 3 listings). Thanks!:)
Feb 09Reply
newyorker81 @tkflood I saw you added a few girl dresses to a bundle I am always feel free to send one 😊
Feb 09Reply
newyorker81 Sorry typo I am always open to offers! Thank you for viewing my closet 🤗
Feb 09Reply
alicekleiner Thank you for visiting my closet! ! I welcome all offers =) I have all 5* ratings and ship within 24 hrs if not same day. Thank you again
Feb 11Reply
kascolnik Hi there! I noticed you added many of the items in my closet to a bundle. I would be more than willing to work with you on items and pricing if you are still interested in anything. If not, I apologize for the bother. Hope you are having a great day!
Feb 15Reply
suzieswap Thanks for all the shares!😃
Feb 20Reply
a_hunter Welcome to Poshmark !! 💕
Mar 15Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy March 🍀 I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I have 🛍💸🎁🍾 If you have any questions regarding my closet or want to chat with a fellow posher in general, please let me know 😍
Mar 20Reply
jassgill  Hi dear.welcome to poshmark. Its a great place to shop n sell.i have pretty good stuff with reasonable price . We can make offer on some stuff if u like. If u wants to add 4 or  more then 4 item let me know i will give u 20% off on listed stuff and picture are very define everything..nothing hidden. I wants to empty my closet ASAP.
Mar 22Reply
atlantalaurie Please take a peek in my closet. I have many sizes and styles. I'm also adding new items daily! 😊
Apr 24Reply
tricia77r Aww cute! Happy poshing! 😀
Jun 11Reply
feliciasmiles Hello! I'd love for you to check out my closet I just added new clothes for little girls 😊
Jun 13Reply
2muchstuff3691 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 💚 15-20% off private bundle offers 💚 ❤️ MOVING SUPER SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO ❤️ ☀️ LA BASED ☀️ 💎 HANDMADE JEWELRY 💎
Jul 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Selling terrasoles new in box with tags size 9
Jul 11Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet. . We are "The Indiana Hillbillys"
Jul 28Reply
cle957 Hi Tammie. I am Chrys. You have a couple of cuties there!! 😄. I also noticed that you started a bundle of several really adorable things that would look super cute on your little one. Because of your bundle size, I thought I could do a little better on a discount for you so I sent an offer. Let me know if it works for you! 😄
Aug 03Reply
killak22 Hey girl thanks for peeking at my closet(: i made you an offer on the bundle; i will include a free clothing item of the sizes you bundled; as a gift of appreciation 🎁 THANK YOU
Aug 04Reply
chenderson0720 Hi - thank you so much for your purchase. I am on my way to the post office now 😊
Aug 05Reply
zandiye Blessings 💮🐝🌷
Aug 07Reply
freeastheocean Hi there! I have a ton of kid's clothing if you're interested!
Aug 10Reply
clking76 @tkflood thanks for bundling. I've sent you a great discount price on your items. Hope to hear from you❤
Aug 18Reply
poshsellerxo Hey can you check out my closet? 😀
Aug 22Reply
crystalis12 Just sent u a offer❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Aug 27Reply
crystalis12 Lmk just submitted a private discount offer!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Aug 27Reply
tj_giftshop My apologies to letting you know that the policy dress up custom is currently out of stocks. Please check back to add other items may interest you to your bundle any time if you have any questions.😘😘😘💞💞💞💞
Aug 30Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet. . We are "The Indiana Hillbillys! Offers welcome!
Aug 31Reply
chenderson0720 Good morning ☀️ I see that you liked some really cute toddler clothes previously and I wanted to say thank you and let you know that I am always willing to consider reasonable offers and I Love ❤️ discounting bundles 🌺🌹🌸 I have also added new clothes to my closet and I will be adding more this weekend! 🌷🌼🌻
Sep 02Reply
ambra26 Check out the picture I added to the hello kitty hat page. Kids are so great!!
Sep 18Reply
gatsers789 Hello. I can offer $27 for the bundle you created.
Sep 18Reply
petrovice Hi I send you lower offers...
Sep 19Reply
mjbp @mjbp🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁welcome to Poshmark 🍂🍁🍂🍂hope u enjoy ur time 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂please feel free to ask any question as a suggestive user and mentor 🍂🍁🍂I invite u to window shop at my closet great fashion at affordable prices 🍂🍁🍂happy poshing 🍁🍂🍁🍂@mjbp
Sep 20Reply
jatrabari Hello! Thanks for bundling my items! I have few more 3t dresses please check I can lower the price for you if you like , you can have them useing the same shipping.
Sep 22Reply
plumswardrobe @tkflood Hi Tammy, thank you for your interest in a bundle of children's clothes. Unfortunately I have just made a mistake and put in the wrong numbers. My offer is $52. The Minnie costume was expensive...I can't go that low on all. If you accept it, I'd have to cancel and you would have to re bundle for me to give you the right amount. If $52 is too high, pls feel free just to decline. Thank you again for your interest! You have very cute kids!!!
Sep 24Reply
plumswardrobe @tkflood Actually, with the bundle discount on three items it is $48. I can offer you $45 for all. For purchases over $35 I offer either a top of your choice under $9 or one of the totes for free for priced $10 and under. Let know if you are interested and I can share those items if you don't have time to search for them:0) Hope you have a blessed night!!! Szilva
Sep 25Reply
plumswardrobe @tkflood Hi Tammie, I have sent you a private offer on a three item bundle. I'm sorry I was a bit dummy the other night. Gave you confusing prices. I'm new to Poshmark and I need to learn how to look at the numbers when someone bundles calculating my 15%off plus Poshmark's commission. If you are not interested anymore no worries...
Sep 27Reply
plumswardrobe @tkflood ... in case you are interested you could choose a free Top of my closet priced under $9 or a free Tote under $13. This is what I offer with purchase $35 and above while my supplies last. Have a nice night. Szilva @plumswardrobe
Sep 27Reply
petrovice You are interested kids stuff I send you offers please take look thank you
Oct 03Reply
cheerup Hello, I apologize because I didn't see your original offer, but I would accept the $55 for the items you cancelled, if you place the offer 🤗. God Loves and Bless you and yours 🙏💕💕💕
Oct 03Reply
rkc4321 I'm sorry I can't go any lower. That amount of shoes will require additional shipping costs on my side.
Oct 03Reply
cheerup Thank you very much for your purchase, it's truly appreciated 😘. It will be shipped today 🤗. God Loves and Bless you and yours 😇💕❤️💜💝🙏
Oct 03Reply
kletlaw Hi Tammie, aweet photo, i wanted to invite you to check out my closet Bundle and save more and i accept most reasonable offers Happy Poshing and have a great day Thanks
Oct 06Reply
sitpretty Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Oct 09Reply
boopboutique I saw that you liked the Hello Kitty socks. I was just about to post a lunchbox if you can believe it. Did you also see the Hello Kitty necklace?
Oct 15Reply
boopboutique Tell me if you'd like to see the lunchbox
Oct 15Reply
alyson108 Awe, they're cute! Happy Poshing!
Oct 15Reply
Oct 15Reply
precioussouls Hi, I see you started a bundle. What sizes are you looking for . I have way more not posted. Let me know . Thanks !
Oct 21Reply
whitevera 10/21/17 - Thanks so much Tammie for the purchase. I will not be able to send it out until 11/2/17. Is that ok with you? Please let me know. Thank you. Vera
Oct 21Reply
fromourcloset @tkflood Sorry the 4 NB Sleepers sold on another site. If you would like to make an offer on the remaining items feel free 🙂
Nov 03Reply
lots_a_love @tkflood Ill be posting more toddler clothes soon.
Nov 23Reply
crystalis12 @tkflood hey! Can you please respond to my offer?? Thanks!!!
Nov 23Reply
crystalis12 @tkflood can you please resond to my offer???
Nov 23Reply
canarygreen Hi hun. I sent an offer. PM takes 20% or I would do even better! Hope it is ok. My boxes I send are fabulous!👍🎅🎄⛄❄😘
Dec 03Reply
canarygreen Oh and a welcome to Posh!😘
Dec 03Reply
canarygreen Alma? I toured all through Michigan. Livonia, Novi, Plymouth, the schools! Great. Florida schools are horrific so now I Posh!👍
Dec 03Reply
cityfeathers Thank you for checking out my closet! I’m always adding new items M-XXL, so follow if you’d like notifications. Stay posh!
Dec 07Reply
luxdesignvault You liked a Carter's sweater I have. I am taking almost all the girls clothes to donate this weekend. If you want any just make an offer. If you create a bundle I will send you an offer. :) Merry Christmas! God Can't Fail!
Dec 08Reply
oniebeth68 Hi👋my dear💝💝thanks🙏🙏for passing by on my closet and for the likes, if you want that 2 item I can give it to you for $15.00 ; happy poshing , Take care 💝💝and may you have happy holidays🎄🎄🎄🎄 Pass by my closet once in a while I'm listing a lot of kids stuff ...... T H A N K S 😍😍😍
Dec 09Reply
canarygreen Hi there! Welcome to Posh! I sent an offer hun. Let me know where you stand! Thank u!😍😘😗🤗😉
Jan 23Reply
htyson4 Hi!! 😊 Thanks for checking out my closet! I noticed that you added some items to a bundle. Feel free to make an offer on anything you like. 😊
Jan 23Reply
nedra2014 Welcome to posh! I hope u enjoy it !
Jan 30Reply
egammeter Welcome to Posh!!! 💓 Hope you are having lots of fun so far!! 🛍
Feb 21Reply
blckpicktfnce Keep bundling those items in my closet so I can send you an offer w HUGE SAVINGS, like garage sale price savings!
Mar 07Reply
itsameg Hello Tammie 🌻 Thank you for bundling the Easter 4 piece! I wanted to offer...... BOGO FREE kids 🎈 If you like, bundle any other kids item and the lowest $ is FREE😊 PLUS get a free gift as well! Thank you so much for checking out my closet! And let me know if you have any questions! Always, Meg 💕
Mar 09Reply
nicknat14 @tkflood Hello 😊 My name is Karen, I’m so glad you stopped past my closet🎉🎉 Thank you for your interest, I submitted an offer and hope we can settle on a reasonable price for both of us😊
Mar 09Reply
anlikidzkart Thanks for the ❤️.... Everything you bundled you will love and will be shipped today !!!!
Mar 09Reply
absbabe Hello - I see that you have stopped by and bundled some items- it appears that one of the items have already sold. if you are interested in the other items id be happy to work out a deal with you. thank you!
Mar 09Reply
phoenixsunshine Hello Tammie, happy 4th of July 🎉🇺🇸 thanks for adding the Nike boy shirt into bundle. Do you want to add other stuff? You are welcome to make a reasonable offer 🌹 let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day 💖
Jul 04Reply
kcharmaine Hi I created a special bundle price for the 7 pairs of shorts and Nike shoes you bundled I will also include some free shirts with this offer.
Jul 05Reply
lalalalalala122 Hi! Thank you for your offer!! I just now have cell service due to vacation location, so sorry for the delay. Super cute things in your bundle:)
Jul 07Reply
tnwalkerbabe Hi welcome to Poshmark!
Jul 22Reply
thexmworld @tkflood Thank you for liking my socks. Let me know if you want to bundle together any ofthem or would like a private offer on any of them. Brian
Sep 11Reply
sashimi567 Hi there!!! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet and make an offer 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Happy poshing n my best wishes to you 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Oct 20Reply
vangui_03 @tkflood I wanted to stop by and say hello! Hopefully you are enjoying your Poshmark shopping! 🤗💖✨
Oct 25Reply
jessie_hardman Welcome to poshmark. Hope you find it fun: it is a great place to make some money and find great deals. Best wishes. Please check out my closet and I will check yours out as you get listings. Thank you for your like on my vintage Absorba jumpsuit.
Apr 23Reply
abcdecaf Thank you for visiting my closet and for liking all of my Appaman listings!
Apr 24Reply
wubblesnugs GREAT NEWS! I just started offering my new line of SIMPLY FAT QUARTERS. I would love your opinion on my selection. ♥️Patti
Jun 30Reply
mumoodenim Hello there friend!! Welcome to Mumoo Denim. Each item is handmade from preloved denim. I love our planet and try my best to keep it green. Don't forget to stop by. Happy poshing 🌱❤✌
Apr 02Reply
picsonly Happy Poshing, Tammie lehner, check out my closet! What a Sweet precious pic!
Sep 30Reply
abel6583 Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! Take a peek if you dare 😉 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 28Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Nov 04Reply
melswilson ❤️👶👶
Jun 13Reply

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Last Active: Oct 16 2019

Alma, MI
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Last Active: Oct 16 2019

Alma, MI
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