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Updated Feb 06
Updated Feb 06

Meet your Posher, Tammy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tammy. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jordandickstein your bundle is ready!
Feb 23Reply
brooklynnginley Hi! I saw you liked American Girl? I'm 13 now and Ive grown out of dolls. I have many outfits and accessories, and lightly used Samantha,(no box) Isabelle (with box, book, and highlights) and Grace (with box, and charm bracelet) lmk if your interested!
Mar 13Reply
tammyox @preppykid have you looked at what it's worth? All you have to say is no thanks. No need to be rude
Apr 02Reply
gabby_cusano i am really sorry it was over ten pounds and i couldn't ship it @tammyox
Apr 03Reply
gabby_cusano i can try and post on ebay if u really want it was close to 17 pounds @tammyox
Apr 03Reply
tammyox @gabby_cusano how much do you think shipping is?
Apr 04Reply
tammyox @gabby_cusano I didn't see the lamp on the desk. Do you still have it
Apr 04Reply
gabby_cusano idk about the shipping it weighs like 20 pounds and i think i have the lamp @tammyox
Apr 04Reply
tammyox what are our options if we do it on ebay? Do you ever sell on M?
Apr 04Reply
amplyler Hey Tammy! Thank you for your purses of the AG dress. I am on a mini vacation and won't be home until Sunday so I can get it in the mail on Monday. Please let me know if that isn't convenient for you. Again thanks!!!
Apr 07Reply
aliyah_cheer Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎀
Apr 08Reply
laurynp Did you ever get the counter offer
Apr 09Reply
amplyler Hey Tammy! Just wanted you to know I shipped the AG dress today! Thanks!!
Apr 11Reply
tammyox @amplyler thank you !
Apr 12Reply
dancer2016 Hi the dress you just offered on I can't do more then 20 I payed 80$ for it. Sorry
Apr 18Reply
dancer2016 Hi are you still interested in the American girl dress I have?
May 03Reply
tammyox @dancer2016 I am. What is the least you will take for it
May 03Reply
dancer2016 Do you have any kids?
May 04Reply
tammyox @dancer2016 yes. I have 2 girls and a boy :)
May 04Reply
dancer2016 Ok thank u
May 04Reply
tammyox @dancer2016 my daughters LOVE the stuff you sent. Thank you
May 11Reply
pckswim Hi there. I have some American girl doll outfits if you're still looking :)
Jun 13Reply
tammyox @pckswim are these 2 all that you have? Make a deal on them?
Jun 13Reply
pckswim Yes those are the two that I have, what about $21 for the 2?
Jun 13Reply
pckswim Hello, just wondering if you saw my message about the doll clothes. Thanks
Jun 13Reply
tammyox @pckswim Good Morning. I just seen your message. I will go look
Jun 17Reply
pckswim No problem, just let me know what you are thinking
Jun 17Reply
jillianjgreen hey, if your looking for American Girl Dolls, i have 19 dolls in perfect condition to choice from at an amazing price
Jul 05Reply
tammyox @jillianjgreen do you have Sonali or Cecile?
Jul 06Reply
stephanieayala_ I received a counter offer from you about the American Girl Doll send me a message- would like to talk more about the doll (262)-203-3904
Jul 12Reply
vxmas My bitty baby twin boy is also on Ⓜ️ feel free to make me an offer on there if you're interested! :)
Jul 25Reply
tammyox @vxmas what is your name there
Jul 26Reply
vxmas Dealosaurus
Jul 26Reply
aash331 hi! i see you like AG items, i just posted some outfits!
Jul 26Reply
tammyox @aash331 I'm very interested will you make a deal on all 3 outfits
Jul 27Reply
aash331 i also added a 4th listing of a top and some accessories. if you're interested i can sell all 4 postings for 65. the 3 outfits i can sell for 55.
Jul 28Reply
tammyox @aash331 I would love to have the three outfits. Is there any way you can hold til Friday
Jul 28Reply
aash331 @tammyox i've marked them as not for sale as a hold til Friday for you
Jul 28Reply
tammyox @aash331 thank you
Jul 28Reply
sarahb178 hi love, thanks for checking out my closet! please let me know if anything in particular caught your eye so we can work something out :)
Aug 09Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi there! I have an AWESOME selection of jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested. Plus, if you select multiple items there's a % off 😀. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 Do you have Mia
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 do you have her for sale?
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 No do you have any ag dolls
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 Mia is so pretty.
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 I know o know this girl selling her do you want me to tell you her account
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 yes a couple
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 Bribray2 is her account I asked her on her Felicity charm and she told me she had her
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 Will you sell any dolls
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 I have a beautiful Kanani I can part with
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 are you looking for a specific one
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 How much I just sold my shopkins just to buy a kannani
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 I've wanted kannani forever well since I got my first doll she is amazing doll
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 She is so pretty I love her hair. I will sell her for 150. I can sell her on mercar
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 Maybe could you hold her for me?😊
Aug 10Reply
tammyox @mermaidabby1 for how long
Aug 10Reply
mermaidabby1 I don't know I have 50 right now but it might be awhile so if you want to sell her it doesn't matter because it might take me awhile
Aug 10Reply
mandy_c123 Hey are you interested in American girl dolls?
Aug 22Reply
mandy_c123 CHECK OUR MY PAGE and I have many unlisted clothes and shoes! I have five one name kani one named Samantha one named Julie another named Kirsten and idk a red head they all have original outfits plus extra outfits !!!
Aug 22Reply
mandy_c123 I tagged u in the clothes! And the shoes!
Aug 22Reply
mandy_c123 R u still interested?
Aug 22Reply
jacklyn1211 Thanks for your purchase!!! I have something else to ship tomorrow so yours will be too!
Aug 27Reply
tammyox @jacklyn1211 thank you so much
Aug 27Reply
twinyy @tammyox Hi! I need to know if you are still interested in Molly?;)
Sep 07Reply
tammyox @iamtaylorgall you're very welcome. Please message me if you list more.
Sep 09Reply
tammyox @tsujiom make a new listing for all the items and post it with the new price
Sep 12Reply
tammyox @tsujiom yes. I just got home and it was here ! My daughter LOVED newspaper it was wrapped in
Sep 15Reply
lindacaroldavia I am posting the American girl clothes now come check them out
Sep 30Reply
joyful_in_hope HI! It's Laura again. The first 2 poshers in front of you have changed their mind-there is one person behind you to decide at this point. Please select you options and let me know-THANK YOU! ALL AG and SOPHIE items are open to you at this point. I will decrease your bundle by at least 20%...I would be grateful if you would share w/me your submission as soon as possible. THANKS AGAIN!
Oct 01Reply
joyful_in_hope OKAY-I think we are set: The items set aside from which you can select before anyone else buys or bundles include the comprehensive list found under the AG UNDERWEAR Posting...I will give you 25% off if you select more than 5 well, you can select 6 free gifts!
Oct 02Reply
joyful_in_hope Did you receive my dismal offer of $60 for all the AG and SOPHIE items left? If I charged you for what they are all listed as at present it would be $108. I need to know ASAP. Sorry, don't mean to be pushy at all...others are waiting and I need to release the "reserved" off of these if truly interested. Many Thanks!...TRULY!
Oct 02Reply
joyful_in_hope Tammy, I created a special listing just for you (your name-posted)...but can only hold until 2 PM CST. Please review. I am able to wait on payment up to 2 weeks if you affirm you will pay in the note section. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 02Reply
joyful_in_hope I have had to let some of the items go as I'm taking a "sabbatical" r/t physical issues for the next couple I will only be taking orders this eve into the early morning. Please submit your choices NOW-as items are going quickly! Feel free to submit an offer or ask any questions. I will also take reservations if you need-giving you up to 2 weeks to pay WITH a commitment to pay. I will help you get as many AG items as possible. Blessings and Best Regards! Laura~D
Oct 03Reply
joyful_in_hope I still have some AG outfits/items and SOPHIE outfits still available....I really need to know if you want them. I feel so bad...but I already extended my "stay" a couple days longer than planned...If there is anything posted individually that is not reserved-please tell me immediately and when I wake up or later tonight, will be sure you get whatever you've chosen. I will see the time you submitted your preferences and prioritize this accordingly.
Oct 03Reply
joyful_in_hope I do hope you are able to get some of the items you had hoped for...I truly didn't know how best to handle this....THANK YOU!!!
Oct 03Reply
joyful_in_hope This is what I have left. I am not planning on taking orders after tomorrow afternoon.... Here is what I was able to hold out...though there is one other individual who is commitments yet. CONTINUED...
Oct 03Reply
joyful_in_hope AG Faux Collar $10 . . . . AG Dog House with Matching Pillow $15. . . . Sophie Pink SweatSuit w/Matching Clogs $14 . . . . Sophie Burgundy Shoes w/Embellishments $8 . . . . Sophie Lt Blue Faux Fur Outfit w/Fuzzy Vest & Matching Boots & White Leggings/Long Sleeve Shirt $20 . . . . I would give you a bundle DEAL-one listing w/one price...if you are interested and these are still available-I would need to know asap. I want to help...I am sorry I couldn't do more...I am quite ill...
Oct 03Reply
joyful_in_hope I hope we can get something to you...If not I will try to hunt for deals for you at a later time. Blessings, Goodnight for now
Oct 03Reply
miahorwath Hi! Just listed some AG stuff here, also have listing on M and EB, please check them out! M @MiaHorwath, EB @khorwath :)
Oct 10Reply
mattshunnybun Thank you for you like! If you are interested just let me know
Oct 12Reply
chancehack I. Priced you had asked another seller about American girl clothes and products. I have not posted mine yet but plan to. I have multiples of every outfit produced until a few years ago. And dolls. What type of clothing are you looking for? If you let me know I will see if I have them!!
Oct 13Reply
tammyox @chancehack I am looking for dresses, Christmas items, Any kind furniture, shoes. Etc. Thank you much for getting with me. My daughter has a. Birthday soon and Christmas coming before you know it.
Oct 13Reply
tammyox @chancehack I would love to purchase a large bundle of stuff in decent condition for my little one. As well. War dolls d I you have
Oct 13Reply
tammyox I was checking back with you to see if I you have listed any AG things :)
Oct 14Reply
alexlegreat_ Interested in my American girl outfit @tammyox
Oct 17Reply
tstillwachs Hi I saw on another post you have an hatchimal owlicorn? How much are you looking to get for it? @tammyox
Nov 15Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Dec 05Reply
wfbarne I accepted your counter offer for my American Girl Doll. Are you still interested? Thank you.
Dec 27Reply
sarahbearah4 Hi! So poshmark removed all of my listings from my @americangirl101 page, and I'm not sure why. I think someone reported my page. I am currently trying to contact customer service so that they can tell me how to proceed. The money from your purchases is still pending, so I'm wondering if I can still ship it since the label was already made, but I'm not sure if it'll go all the way through. I'll keep you posted. Sorry for this inconvenience 😕
Dec 28Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I was wondering what happened. I had looked at the site and it said listings removed. Did you print a label for both bundles?
Dec 28Reply
sarahbearah4 @tammyox I have both of the labels but since my account was restricted I don't know if it'll go through and if the money will transfer. I will let u know as soon as the email comes in
Dec 28Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 winder why they did that. I thought maybe you sold everything. Was it because they were toys
Dec 28Reply
sarahbearah4 @tammyox yeah I think it's because they're toys. But people sell that all the time. Not sure I'll keep you posted
Dec 28Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I will contact them too and see what they say
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 I'm going to play around with a couple other apps like Letho, ect. I'm not sure if they have a bundling system similar Poshmark's, but if so would you be interested in purchasing them that way?
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 Or Ⓜ️ercari
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I use the one starting with an M
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I did contact posh I'm waiting on them now
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I like mer better
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 @tammyox would you be able to bundle through there as well?
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 the way it works is I would tell you which items i would want to bundle or you could already have them in a group. They only take 10% fee
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 @tammyox and then would one shipping label be made for that bundle?
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 So I created the mer account. The name is AmericanGirl101! One of the bundles I have you paying shipping for and the other one I will pay the shipping. Both bundles equal the amount of money you would have been paying through poshmark. Thanks so much!
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 What is your mer account name?
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 I have deactivated the listings so no one else buys them. So let me know when you're ready and I'll activate them again.
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 my name there is flutterbye give me the name of one of your listings so I can find
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 My name is AmericanGirl101 and one of my Listings is called Authentic American Girl Doll Bundle
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 I'm looking I can't seem to find just call one listing flutterbye hopefully I can find
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 Kay I did
Dec 29Reply
tammyox @sarahbearah4 have you heard from posh?
Dec 29Reply
sarahbearah4 No 😕
Dec 30Reply
gmsub I saw you received your maxi dress today!! I hope you love it!
Feb 28Reply
tammyox @gmsub I will check the mail today my Dad is in the hospital 300 miles away and I am just getting home
Feb 28Reply
gmsub Sorry to hear about your father.
Feb 28Reply
tammyox @iowasara I contacted the seller before it was even sold. She wasn't aware that she would have to pay extra postage for an oversize/overweight package. Besides, the lady didn't even know what she had. She had never sold anything like that on Posh before. Posh takes 80%, and she has to pay for upgraded shipping, what is she left with? Why should she get burned? She had a right to know. The right sale will come along for you, and it will be fair to you and the seller. Best wishes.
Mar 28Reply
pralinequeen Greetings Tammy ! Come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures 👸👑🌹
Mar 29Reply
annaal123 Tammy I just deleted all my numbers by mistake including yours I am changing the bed now text me again so I put in your phone number
May 04Reply
annaal123 Tammy text me I deleted your phone number by mistake while I was hitting buttons I am changing the bed now
May 04Reply
annaal123 I won't be able to text you until you text me I have no numbers on my phone
May 04Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to posh!! 🎉🎉 I sell your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! 😇 I offer 50% off bundles of five or more items!!! ❤️happy poshing!
May 04Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox are you interested in the American girl doll
May 04Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox hi are you interested in the American girl doll
May 04Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox hi are you interested in the uggs
May 05Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox hi sorry to bother are you interested in the American girl doll
May 05Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox the dolls hair is in good shape
May 05Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox hi are you still interested in the American girl doll
May 05Reply
tammyox @guitar2015 I am but can't afford that much right now
May 06Reply
mattdolezal Hi Thanks for your offer on the bundle 💕could you do $55? 😍
May 30Reply
badabing0443 You offered $15 for the American Girl Doll Gardening outfit. The price was $25. Your offer is 40% off the price. That is low balling and in addition Poshmark takes 20% after that. Enough said.
Jun 20Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox would you like to buy the American girl doll
Jun 22Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox still interested in the American girl doll
Jun 25Reply
tammyox @guitar2015 yes, but she is not in my budget
Jun 25Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox you can send me an offer
Jun 25Reply
guitar2015 @tammyox like how much can you pay for her
Jun 25Reply
emmafrothingham the bundle you made ? are you still interrested ?
Jul 17Reply
tammyox @emmafrothingham yes, haviing trouble with internet
Jul 17Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi I accepted your offer for the American Girl Doll . She's beautiful an in excellent condition most of the time displayed. There seems to be an issue with the transaction I hope it will be resolved . Thx so much
Jul 22Reply
tammyox @diezcanseco2992 not sure why its having a problem but will check first thing in the morning
Jul 22Reply
snatanov Heyy, I’d love it if you could please check out my closet!! I do private discounts and accept most reasonable offers!! Thank you and Happy Poshing :)
Jul 23Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi Tammy I just posted a American girl doll take a look at my closet 🌸
Aug 12Reply
diezcanseco2992 Congratulations Tammy you will Love her Are you interested in the boots ? I gave you a discount on the boots if you want them they are in excellent condition 🌸
Aug 12Reply
tammyox @diezcanseco2992 the boots are super cute . I am Trying to convince my daughter she needs these
Aug 12Reply
diezcanseco2992 Okay just let me now thanks
Aug 12Reply
satisfactory I'm gonna be posting some American girl dolls most likely and I was wondering if you were wondering in buying one for a low price.
Aug 14Reply
tammyox @satisfactory show me what you have in always looking for affordable dolls for my daughter
Aug 14Reply
satisfactory I actually just posted somethings. Feel free to make offers. I even have a discount on bundles.
Aug 14Reply
satisfactory If there are specific items your looking for let me know cause I have lots that I haven't yet posted.
Aug 14Reply
tammyox @satisfactory I am looking for doll dresses, dolls and furniture
Aug 14Reply
satisfactory I can post a set of different doll dresses for you or you can check out what I have in my closet at the time. Let me know if you wanna see more.
Aug 14Reply
satisfactory Just posted a whole set of dresses. Let me know if your interested.
Aug 14Reply
satisfactory Hey!! Sold a couple of things but still a lot of things left. Let me know if you wanna purchase or make a bundle.
Aug 16Reply
satisfactory I'm so so so so sorry that your daughter isn't feeling well and I know that all this doll stuff probably makes her feels better. I really wish I can help put a smile on her face. If you do decide to buy I'll lower the price and add in some extra clothing just for her!!
Aug 16Reply
motherofandwife Hi. I updated my American girl listing
Aug 17Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi Tammy so glad you love her I included a pair of boots and headband 🌸
Aug 17Reply
diezcanseco2992 Heads up Tammy I lower the price on the boots if you are interested thx once again
Aug 17Reply
diezcanseco2992 @brooklynnginley Hi how much are you asking $ you can find me on FB
Aug 17Reply
tammyox @diezcanseco2992 the gold boots are to die for :) if your selling anything else American girl let me know!
Aug 17Reply
diezcanseco2992 I will let you know ahead as I'm posting , I had a bike , Guitar , bed surfboard but I sold it on EBay topically I like to sell American Girl Doll items they sell best .
Aug 17Reply
satisfactory @tammyox are you still interested or looking for anything to buy from my closet?
Aug 18Reply
satisfactory @tammyox I'm so sorry about that message from before!! I totally sent that to the wrong person. You may think I'm crazy but I mean we all make mistakes😝😝
Aug 19Reply
tammyox @cscarlettb Thank you! His name is Puppy Cat!
Aug 24Reply
jerseygirl555 Hi!! Im gonna post some American girl doll stuff and i just wanted to know if you were interested in buying or if i should tag you in the posts. And you cab make a bundle and get a discount. Let me know.
Sep 06Reply
tammyox @jerseygirl555 yes I am interested in buying:)
Sep 06Reply
jerseygirl555 @tammyox is there anything specific you looking for that I cab post tomorrow and tag you in?
Sep 06Reply
jerseygirl555 Are u still interested?
Sep 06Reply
gabyquezada i have a lot of american girl stuff in my closet!!:)
Sep 24Reply
tammyox @gabyquezada I will go look! We lost everything in Hurricane Harvey, I would love to find my daughter some things
Sep 24Reply
gabyquezada @tammyox aww i am praying for Texas I'm so sorry that is devastating i would be happy to being a little light to that terrible situation :)
Sep 24Reply
gabyquezada @tammyox if you like anything add it to a bundle i would love for your daughter to have some
Sep 24Reply
vspinkvalley Hi! I️ saw you were interested in an American girl I️ just wanted to let you know I️ have some listed for sale as well and my prices are flexible
Nov 12Reply
christinasimon Hi, Tammy I just tried dropping off your package, it wouldn’t fit in the drop off bin. I apologize for the late shipment. I wanted to let you know what was going on. I will need to go in when the post office is open tomorrow and get back to you. Again, I’m sorry about this Christina
Dec 23Reply
tammyox @christinasimon Thank you for letting me know
Dec 23Reply
christinasimon @tammyox Hi Tammy, your package is officially on the way. Please let me know if anything isn’t as it should be, otherwise happy holidays :) Christina
Dec 23Reply
christinasimon @tammyox I love your cat picture by the way, it’s hilarious
Dec 25Reply
tammyox @christinasimon His name is Puppy-Cat. He feels VERY entitled! He think he can go anywhere his human goes. You can't imagine the places he has stowed away!
Dec 25Reply
christinasimon @tammyox haha! He’s perfect
Dec 25Reply
christinasimon @tammyox Tammy, it looks like usps hasn’t picked up the tracking on your package so updates will be sent to my cell and when I go there tomorrow I’ll see if it got left behind. If not, I think it will most likely get processed when it arrives at the next location. Worst case, it‘s lost and in that case, you just claim the item is missing so payment isn’t relased to me. This happened before. I got the package back eventually but hope it’s not that complicated
Dec 25Reply
tammyox @christinasimon I'm sure it will update. Did you send it USPS? I have had some stuff that didn't update until it was delivered.
Dec 26Reply
christinasimon @tammyox Yes, USPS and it says “awaiting arrival, shipping label created” that’s it so I hope they’re just out of sorts because of volume which is fair but I’m still going up there anyway. They’re nice and will double check Merry Christmas by the way ❄️😊
Dec 26Reply
tammyox @christinasimon Thank you for checking up on it. Merry Christmas to you too!!!
Dec 26Reply
christinasimon @tammyox I just got a text and it said it departed and might be there by 8p.m. tonight
Dec 26Reply
tammyox @christinasimon WOW! That's great
Dec 26Reply
brelena_rose Tammy that one dress you bought with the Emily dress is NOT an American girl dress.
Jan 22Reply
tammyox @brelena_rose ugh. Kinda what I thought. Wonder how I cancel. Thank you!!
Jan 22Reply
brelena_rose @tammyox yes, thought I’d warn you! Ag never made a dress that looks like that and by the stitching it looks handmade.
Jan 22Reply
tammyox @brelena_rose I didn't look close enough and I should have
Jan 22Reply
satisfactory Hi! Are you interested in buying some American girl things from my closet?
Feb 12Reply
lovemariac I have tons of children’s clothing to list and American girl clothing for the dolls and children. I also have a lot of children’s shoes I am just need to start listing more I will tag you as I get a bigger selection I have quite a few now but have not listed any American girl items
Mar 01Reply
giulinicole Hi if you’re interested in AG dolls I have Emily Bennett (retired) and I can sell her for a really great price with free shipping!! Let me know and I will include some free gifts with her too❤️
Apr 26Reply
baglady111 Hello: you just bought 3 AG dolls. I will package them soon. How can I take s picture of them?
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 not sure what you mean. I will be happy to help you if I can :)
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 are you talking about a picture of them all boxed up?
May 31Reply
baglady111 @tammyox the outfit may vary but the doll will be what you wanted. I want to show you a picture but don’t know how to post one or maybe I’ll post as a listing for you.
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 i would like to purchase Mary Ellen outfit don't matter
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 my daughter lost all of her dolls in hurricane Harvey we are slowly buying them now
May 31Reply
baglady111 Hi pls check my closet. I just posted the dolls I thought you chose. Pls advise.
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 the doll wearing the celebrate shirt doesn't look like the same one. I wanted the one that looks oriental.
May 31Reply
baglady111 @tammyox pls go to my closet and scroll Down. The doll wearing celebrate shirt does look Oriental.
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 Perfect. It was hard for me to see in the pic with the 3 of them. Will you be relishing Mary Ellen?
May 31Reply
tammyox Relisting not relishing lol
May 31Reply
baglady111 @tammyox I just received a private offer for ME. Let’s see if they pull through. Buyer was willing to pay more than listing price. Will contact you as soon as it falls through. Sorry to hear your daughter lost her dolls!
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 is the other black haired doll oriental too? I think she was in the black dress
May 31Reply
baglady111 I think she is. Do you want to see more pics?
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 yes please. Can you reserve her for me just in case she is?
May 31Reply
baglady111 Pls look at my new listing. I have one in a purple dress
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 she is beautiful!! My daughter is really looking for truly me #4. I thought maybe the one in polka dots and the head band was her?
May 31Reply
tammyox Will you be listing more dolls?
May 31Reply
tammyox Are these your dolls you are selling or are you selling for your daughter
May 31Reply
tammyox I guess the other person got the one in the black dress. I wanted to buy both
May 31Reply
baglady111 @tammyox hi. I’m selling for my niece! And there may be more. I will ship your 3 out tmo. 2 are wearing purple dresses by Truly Me and the Asian One has the celebrate shirt! I will let you know about ME tmo
May 31Reply
baglady111 Hi tami. The box with three dollars to cost more for shipping because they weigh more than 5 pounds almost close to 8 pounds. What would you like to do?
May 31Reply
baglady111 Hello I’m not sure what to do. Postage will be more and since these dolls are discounted I do not want to pay for additional shipping
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 hey there, sorry for the delay.
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 how much is the extra postage
May 31Reply
baglady111 @tammyox I’m Not sure. If I request I need to take the label. Can I pack 2 dolls and then 1 doll? Can you cancel and buy separately? Not sure if this is the best way.
May 31Reply
baglady111 $12 for 8lbs
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 sorry for the delay again, I'm in the hospital and Dr. Popped in
May 31Reply
tammyox Let me look in the faq and see what the best way would be
May 31Reply
anthonyt1026 Hi Tammy I’m so sorry for the delay American girl dinner ... due to holiday The diner will be shipped tomm Friday . The table and bench willl be shipping out sat in a separate box 📦 Thank u !
May 31Reply
tammyox @baglady111 go ahead and cancel the sale. Since I'm stuck where I am at unexpectedly. I can't seem to get my thoughts together
Jun 01Reply
baglady111 @tammyox ok so I will release all the dolls even the Asian one you asked me to reserve
Jun 01Reply
tammyox @baglady111 would you mind holding off until tomorrow? Life may look totally different tomorrow
Jun 01Reply
baglady111 @tammyox ok I’m Sorry.
Jun 01Reply
anthonyt1026 Hi Tammy haveing an issue with shipping this can u please call me 516 3220878 it’s 57 $ to ship out ... if u still want it i can mail me a money order or check please contact me
Jun 01Reply
tammyox @anthonyt1026 Hi Anthony, holy cow wow on the shipping. I am actually having surgery in a few min. I'm waiting for them to take me back. I will call you later today or tomorrow to discuss what to do.
Jun 01Reply
anthonyt1026 @tammyox ok no worries
Jun 01Reply
baglady111 Hi. How long would you like to hold these? Pls advise.
Jun 01Reply
tammyox @baglady111 I'm just getting back to my room. Please text me please that way i can hear notifications. My cell is 361 332 9888
Jun 01Reply
baglady111 @tammyox Hope you are ok. Do you still want the dolls? No luck on ME
Jun 07Reply
tammyox @baglady111 I had some unexpected complications and I'm back on hospital. Go ahead and cancel.
Jun 07Reply
baglady111 Ok bummer! Feel better
Jun 08Reply
flashdeals I have an offer for $38 on the doll, if you can do $40 I will accept!
Jun 13Reply
tammyox @flashdeals could you do me a favor and drop the price to 40 so it will reduce shipping?
Jun 13Reply
flashdeals lowered!❤️
Jun 13Reply
tammyox @flashdeals if you find any more American Girl stuff you want to sell please let me know. My daughter lost all of her dolls in hurricane harvey
Jun 13Reply
tdubbs2016 The woman who was going to buy the clothes wants me to sell them to you. If you still want them I will put them back up in my closet. Just let me know!
Jun 14Reply
tammyox @tdubbs2016 yes please
Jun 14Reply
tdubbs2016 @tammyox they’re posted again for you!
Jun 14Reply
tdubbs2016 @tammyox will try to ship by Saturday!
Jun 14Reply
baglady111 @tammyox hi!!! Hope all is ok. I found a ME doll. Message me if you are interested ASAP
Jun 17Reply
baglady111 @tammyox ok let me se how much shes planning to sell for.
Jun 18Reply
tdubbs2016 Did you receive your clothes I sent? I mailed them several days ago and was just making sure they got to you!
Jun 22Reply
kaitlin_renee I have some American girl clothes and a bath tub if you are interested :)
Jun 25Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi Tammy I recently started a new hobby I’m making clothes for dolls that are 18 “ Inch height I just added a Dress that fits the American Girl with a patriotic theme American Flag . Will be posting more . Please Stop by my closet thx 💐
Jul 19Reply
e_h_f Hi! I got an offer for the nicki doll at 115$, I really like to be far and it was on hold for u first so please let me know
Jul 20Reply
tammyox @e_h_f. Make the title like this American girl reserved flutterbye
Jul 20Reply
tammyox I should see it
Jul 20Reply
e_h_f @tammyox are u going to buy right now?
Jul 20Reply
shegunmed @tammyox Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Aug 08Reply
shegunmed @tammyox Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Aug 08Reply
jennylee1978 Hi Tammy!! Nice to meet you here. Thanks for the ' like' 😊😘
Sep 04Reply
bethesdababe Do you have any AG stuff left? If so how much?
Sep 30Reply
tammyox @bethesdababe we lost all of our AG collection In hurricane Harvey. We are trying to rebuild it
Oct 01Reply
kjohns81 @tammyox thanks for the offer! I’m sorry but there seemed to be a problem w your payment but as soon as it is fixed I can ship out tomorrow 😁😁
Oct 02Reply
kjohns81 @tammyox hi Tammy! Please let me know if you were still interested in the scentsy Whale 😁. I accepted the offer but for some reason it didn’t go through 😢
Oct 04Reply
bean1dog @tammyox no, this cat is beautiful 😻😻😻lol I’ll check I’m not sure and want to sell as a set👒🧥
Nov 13Reply
tammyox @bean1dog Believe it or not his name is Puppy. LOL. He thinks he is a dog
Nov 13Reply
bean1dog @tammyox aaaaamazing 😘😘😘😻😻😻😻
Nov 13Reply
tammyox @bean1dog Going to make an offer on doll crossing fingers you accept it.
Nov 13Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi Tammy I just posted a American Girl Doll You bought one from me once before she’s pre-Loved but in good condition please take a look at my closet if you purchase I will include an extra dress.
Dec 09Reply
bean1dog @tammyox I can do $160 if you still interested 😬❤️🌹
Dec 10Reply
carofashions Hello! I saw you like American Girl. I will be listing some of my dolls soon, who are in great condition!! I have some pets/accessories listed right now if you want to check those out. Have a great day💕💕
Jan 27Reply
carofashions I have Isabelle, Mia, Chrissa, Lanie, Truly Me, Mckenna, Kit, and Kanani. ⭐️⭐️
Jan 27Reply
tammyox @carofashionsThank you for letting me know. I am very interested in dolls and cute dresses for them. My daughter lost all of her precious dolls when Harvey our house was destroyed in Hurricane Harvey. We are just now in a place where we can afford to get her some AG things again
Jan 29Reply
alwaysfeellike Thank you so much for the 5 star review. It really makes me happy knowing you liked the items💕
Mar 31Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi just posted a American Girl Doll visit my closet 🌷
May 18Reply
diezcanseco2992 Hi Tammy I have a new listing American Girl Doll I know You Love them stop by closet , make a reasonable offer Get a discount 🌷
Jul 12Reply
popcool Hi, I have some American girl items if you want to check out my closet. Also I didn't list all my items yet, let me know if you are interested. Hope you find something you like 😊
Oct 02Reply
abbyfossey i saw u liked american girl! if you’re interested i have tons of dolls and clothes listed that i can get to you befor xmas!
Dec 12Reply
nyrosee Hi 🙋‍♀️ please check out my closet 🌸 🌸🌸🌸3 for $15🌸🌸🌸 Anything marked with a 🌸 is 3 for $15🌸 Just make a bundle and I will give you a discount! :)
Dec 13Reply
gigi11155 What a cutie FURBABY!!❤️ I noticed you liked Barbies do come check mine out!! I also have a BOGO FREE SALE going on that they’re included in!! So it’s 2 for the price of 1!! And $60.00⬆️ FREE SHIPPING!! Happy Poshing!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹
Mar 24Reply
rosierose03 Hey!!! We’ve done some AG business in the past and I just wanted to let you know that I recently posted some new collectible items. I’ll willing to negotiate prices if you have any interest!!
Oct 21Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 02Reply

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Port Aransas, TX
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Last Active: Sep 08 2020

Port Aransas, TX
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