Meet your Posher, Tammy
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Hi! I'm Tammy. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

20 others
like this

Hi doll!!! Thank u for your purchase... these are super cute uggs.... im at work til 7 tonight but will send these off first thing tomorrow! ❤️
Nov 06Reply

@marcellad73 sounds good! :)
Nov 06Reply

@tammy99999 couldnt find the box... think my oldest packed with it on her way back to school awhile back ... sorry but i threw in a great little gift with your uggs! Enjoy!
Nov 07Reply

@marcellad73 ok great thanks!
Nov 07Reply

Thanks soo much for the boots and the vs tote! :)
Nov 10Reply

@tammy99999 Thanks for your purchase. I always add bonus items also. I think you'll be happy with your purchase!❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply

@pamthomas1960 thankyou :)
Mar 11Reply

@tammy99999 I have a small issue, in the pictures posted it looks like a hot pink color, I can only find salmon color and black and purple colors. 😲 I do also have a black set that has a longer handle than these. These measure about 6" I'm guessing, I'll find a tape measure. Let me know. So Sorry. Not sure if it was just the lighting or what, but I definitely don't have this color of pink!
Mar 11Reply

@pamthomas1960 i am pretty easy or purple is fine. :)
Mar 11Reply

@tammy99999 K. So Sorry. I'll do the purple then. They were exactly alike just different colors and I've never gotten around to posting all my available sets and single brushes! I'll make it up to you.❤ Thanks for understanding.😱❤😱
Mar 11Reply

@pamthomas1960 np 😁❤
Mar 11Reply

@tammy99999 Shipped, you should be able to start tracking today.❤❤❤
Mar 14Reply

@pamthomas1960 thankyou :)
Mar 14Reply

@tammy99999 You're welcome, almost didn't get your eyeshadow, Ugh, My poor heart. I wrote a note....I have very NAUGHTY kittens.🙀🙀🙀 They said "Sorry" I didn't believe them.😀🚫🙀
Mar 14Reply

@pamthomas1960 lol
Mar 14Reply

@tammy99999 Oh my, I was sweeping the kitchen floor and something was under the Wire Bakers Rack...It must have rolled off the island when Princess Sissy knocked the box off. It's the little bottle of QUAI Leave in conditioner! I'll see if I still have your address and I will send it ASAP! So, So Sorry!😺😿💕
Mar 15Reply

@pamthomas1960 ok thankyou
Mar 16Reply

@tammy99999 Just happy I found it. I have a small box in the larger box. I filled it full so that's why I didn't notice an item missing! I'm totally embarrassed about how wrong this has been for you. I need a Vacation I think!😁😱😁💕💕💕
Mar 16Reply

@pamthomas1960 its ok things happen. Lol
Mar 16Reply

@pamthomas1960 thankyou for all my goodies and the extra goodies. :)
Mar 17Reply

Hi Tammy, thank you so much for your purchase. I could not get to the ups store today, I will ship it out on Monday! Thank you so much! :)
Mar 17Reply

@princessrunner np thankjs :)
Mar 17Reply

Tammy, I see that our offers crossed! Did you mean to purchase two rings? If not, I will cancel one of them. Joanne
Mar 18Reply

@shopsavoir i only wanted one. Please cancel one thankyou
Mar 18Reply

@tammy99999 will do! By the way, I love this ring, I'm wearing mine now...never take it off!
Mar 18Reply

@shopsavoir thankyou :)
Mar 18Reply

@tammy99999 No Problem, You are welcome!
Mar 18Reply

@tammy99999 Okay, I definitely know I need a Vacation! I'm so glad you were happy with your purchase. I do really try. I received an order today and had to immediately throw them in the trash..It was unbelievable! I am still SMH! I was looking for something in my closet I'd listed and I saw I had been confused.
Mar 18Reply

@tammy99999 All of the items WERE in your original package. I think I just assumed it must have came from the items that had been on the Island ready to ship out. The item I found is listed seperatly in my closet. ❤❤❤ So I think we're square. I was just making sure you got EVERYTHING you ordered! Whew!😱💕💕💕
Mar 18Reply

@pamthomas1960 we are good thanks
Mar 18Reply

Hey girl! I just noticed you cancelled your offer on my popsugar bundle, please let me know if you’d like to reconsider or add any other listings to that bundle I am happy to offer a great discount for you 😊 enjoy your weekend ❤️
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for your purchase! I just got back home after spring break so I am packing up the items now and will ship out tomorrow morning. 😊
Apr 02Reply

@itsnancyscloset ok great thankyou
Apr 02Reply

Hey, thanks for purchasing! I didn't know this would go so fast, so never had a chance to update the descript., so if you have any qs about it, let me know! I will try to ship today, if not they'll go out tomorrow.
Apr 06Reply

@dkim613 ok great thanks :)
Apr 06Reply

Hey Tammy I just wanted to let you know the reason I countered is because that box has a retail value of well over $200, it includes two full palettes, jewelry, tarte, kylie and so many more brands, I know you will love it and I promise totally worth the money. Thanks Tracy
Apr 16Reply

@boutiqueamnesty great thanks. Looking forward to it :)
Apr 16Reply

Hey there saw you received your box, thank you for the rating I just hope everything was okay since you did not leave any comment. Please let me know if there was some kind of problem, also there is a small black circular pouch do not disregard it, there is a bracelet in there, I almost dismissed it lol Thanks Tracy
Apr 18Reply

@boutiqueamnesty i did leave a comment. .excellent shipment. I loved all the goodies. Thankyou very much :)
Apr 18Reply

I don't know why it is not showing up, but more importantly you enjoyed it and that is really what matters, I don't even know how you got through it all, so much to find anyway if you resell, do not worry it is all good. Keep what you like and you can actually make some money on the rest because it is all very high end. Anyway thanks again for your purchase - glad you found some great goodies - Tracy
Apr 18Reply

@boutiqueamnesty i dont know why either. It says it shows. I will enjoy all the goodies. I really wanted that golden palette so i am excited :)
Apr 18Reply

So glad to hear you got what you wanted and I have a feeling you will find some more - please keep enjoying and just so you know if you ever find anything else in my closet you are interested in, return customers get 20% off - so keep an eye out and just mention who you are in the comment if you want something else!! Tracy
Apr 18Reply

@boutiqueamnesty ok great thanks soo much. Loved all the goodies :)
Apr 18Reply

Hello Tammy. Thank you for your offer. Unfortunately, I won't be able to ship it out until Monday due to work. If that works for you please let me know and I will be more than happy to accept your offer.
May 03Reply

@milz_rod that is fine. I am in no hurry :)
May 03Reply

@tammy99999 Thanks! I have accepted your offer. I appreciate it. :)
May 03Reply

@milz_rod your welcome :)
May 03Reply

Hi Tammy I saw that you put in an offer on my box I just want to let you know that I will not go below 45, there is a necklace in there that is worth $68 alone and the total adds up to over 400 believe me it is worth the money you will thoroughly enjoy it and the products are unbelievable if you have any other questions let me know thank you Tracy💕
May 17Reply

thank you so much for your purchase I promise you will not be disappointed please enjoy every item in there plus the little surprises I added thank you again it will be out tomorrow Tracy💕
May 17Reply

@boutiqueamnesty thankyou very much :)
May 17Reply

@tammy99999 Thank you, will ship tomorrow 😁
May 25Reply

@rchasity07 thankyou :)
May 25Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 21Reply

@tammy99999 thanks love! I’ll ship first thing in the morning!😘
Jul 05Reply

@posh_day thankyou :)
Jul 05Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jul 07Reply

Hey Tammy, Although I was saying firm on the price you will always get a discount from me, thank you again for your purchase I hope you enjoy every piece let me know if you’d like to Me to give you a different make up bag so you don’t have two of the exact same, I have a ton. Anyway your box will be out tomorrow thank you so much once again Tracy💕
Jul 25Reply

@boutiqueamnesty i look forward to your goodies each month. I always enjoy them. Sure if you could switch out one of the bags with another that wpuld be great thanks :)
Jul 25Reply

I'm SO glad you're happy! 💜 @tammy99999
Jul 30Reply

@tammy99999 So glad you got your box, what did they say???
Jul 30Reply

Aug 02Reply

Hello! I’m sorry for the delayed shipment. I dropped the package off this morning. I had a personal situation that had me out of town for a couple days and I wasn’t able to send my sales off. I added a small extra goodie in there for you for the trouble. Can’t wait until you can enjoy your new stuff!
Aug 14Reply

@rina_bina_its ok thankyou :)
Aug 14Reply

Hi Tammy! I am new to Poshmark I saw the rating did you have to pay additional shipping?
Aug 16Reply

@rjennifer89. Yes i had to pay 4.56
Aug 16Reply

@tammy99999 oh no I’m not sure how that happened, but I’ll make it right I’m terribly sorry!
Aug 16Reply

@rjennifer89 ok thankyou
Aug 16Reply

Hi Tammy I wanted to let you know I reached out to customer support and they advised me you were probably charged for shipping due to the size of the packaging which was my error and im sorry. I tried to get it refunded, but they said If you reach out to them and let them know you want it refunded they can do that. I really am sorry I am new to this and still learning.
Aug 17Reply

@rjennifer89 i already gave you a rating and stuff so i dont think i can get a refund now. Thanks anyways
Aug 17Reply

Hey Tammy....I will do $ is late and I am tired and not thinking straight!😂. Just decline my counter my last offer with $26 if you are still interested and I will accept! Sorry😊
Aug 19Reply

Hi I’m sorry I declined your bundle, the bum bum cream is not available because someone purchased it. I’m not sure why it’s not saying sold on it. If you want the other 2 I will be happy to sell them to you 💕
Aug 23Reply

@corcastiglia i really wanted the bum bum but thankyou anyways
Aug 23Reply

@tammy99999 😊🍍Hello welcome to Posh😃 your Posh closet is looking great looking forward to seeing postings if you have the time, come by and take a look at my closet.
🌻Wishing you the best on Poshmark any questions please feel free to ask me🌷🐛
I am @midnightjewels When you post more up for sale please tage me, and I would be happy to share your closet. I am a posh mentor & Ambassador. You need advice please ask I offer FREE closet consultation 😊😉
Aug 23Reply

@tammy99999 Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! I packaged your items and I doubled the bag for extra safety because the basket and box might poke through. I will send it out first thing in the morning! 😊
Sep 08Reply

@meliax33 ok great ty very much :)
Sep 08Reply

@tammy99999 Sorry Tammy, not sure if you know but Poshmark takes 20% of my earnings. I already had my items priced less than most, I would be losing money.
Sep 12Reply

@missyleemommy i didnt know can u recounter i can accept
Sep 12Reply

@tammy99999 It doesn't let me recounter once declined. You have to put in an offer again, sorry.
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will ship out tomorrow! 😁
Sep 12Reply

@missyleemommy ty :)
Sep 12Reply

Sep 17Reply

I can't except your offer until I see how heavy it will be. If it's over 5lbs then I can not except it.
Sep 18Reply

Hi! I hope you’ve been enjoying Poshmark. Feel free to take a look at my closet!
Sep 26Reply

Hi there. Thanks for your purchase. I am so sorry I just noticed that I don’t have the Pac-Man necklace, only have love necklace. Would you want to substitute with love necklace or cancel the order? Let me know how you wanna do this. So sorry for your convenience again.
Oct 08Reply

@sharonwoh yes you can substitute that. :)
Oct 08Reply

@tammy99999 okay I will do that. Thanks so much for your understanding! Will ship out tomorrow. ^^
Oct 08Reply

@sharonwoh great thanks
Oct 08Reply

Check out my closet please !! I have name brand items & makeup 😊
Oct 30Reply

Good evening, I saw you had bundled a couple of items. Do you want me to send you an offer on all 3 or just interested in the one listing? 😊
Nov 11Reply

@jaduecker just decided on the one listing ty :)
Nov 11Reply

@tammy99999 Hey!! I just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet!! I have some things I think you might like!! And new items that go up weekly or every other week!! I’m Nicole- please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions!! 😀😀💖💖💞💞
Nov 14Reply

Hi hun sorry I have not shipped your skin care bundle yet I have been snowed in since Monday I'm aiming to ship it out tomorrow thank you for your patience xoxo
Nov 28Reply

@xmissaex its ok stay safe :)
Nov 28Reply

@tammy99999 thank you !
Nov 28Reply

@tammy99999 weather is still very horrible I am so sorry for the long wait. I'll throw in a extra goodie for the wait!
Nov 29Reply

@xmissaex ty..stay safe :)
Nov 29Reply

Hey Tammy! I sent out your package of nail polish with 4 other packages yesterday morning and all of them started tracking except yours. Not sure if they missed it or what but I will keep you in the loop. If it doesn’t start tracking within the next 2 days I will get in touch with USPS. Sorry for delay! -Abby
Dec 04Reply

@avivlamore29 ok ty
Dec 04Reply

Hi hon I will have your purchase out tomorrow evening...tysm
Dec 06Reply

@luv4harley ty :)
Dec 06Reply

@tammy99999 💖
Dec 06Reply

@tammy99999 I contacted Poshmark support & they said it wasn’t scanned from usps. I tried calling usps & they wouldn’t answer. So I am going to try again tomorrow. If they still don’t answer I am going to cancel your order. I’ve been on & off vacation so I won’t be able to drive to the post office until next wed or Thurs. If I cancel the order then you should get refunded.
Dec 07Reply

@tammy99999 If I can find the package I will repost the nail polishes to buy & include 2 extra free colors if you would like. I will let you know tomorrow what happens. I am so sorry for all of this! I’ve never had this happen! Thanks for being so patient! ❤️
Dec 07Reply

@avivlamore29 ok thanks for letting me kmow
Dec 07Reply

@tammy99999 okay so I talked to usps! They said packages have been crazy because of the holidays so it could have just not been scanned but still get delivered. She said wait until tomorrow to see if you get it. As for claiming a lost package I would have to wait 15 days. If you still don’t receive it by tomorrow I will cancel and then if you receive it after I cancel it then you can just keep it for the difficulty this all was.
Dec 07Reply

@avivlamore29 ok thankyou
Dec 07Reply

@avivlamore29 havent gotten package yet. Could still be on the way. Who knows still says pending usps scan
Dec 08Reply

@tammy99999 would you like me to cancel the order?
Dec 09Reply

@avivlamore29 we can wait a little if u want..may come monday
Dec 09Reply

@tammy99999 okay sounds good !
Dec 09Reply

Ty for the great rating...lmk if you need anything..
Dec 11Reply

@luv4harley yw :)
Dec 11Reply

Hi! Happy new year! Thank you for the offer! I don’t have much room to negotiate on the dress bc I’m selling it for a friend. If you are not happy with the counteroffer I can maybe give a better price on the bundle without the dress.
Jan 09Reply

@asmaibrahim does that mean u only have one set? Because i bought two
Jan 23Reply

@asmaibrahim ok ty :)
Jan 23Reply

@asmaibrahim ty
Jan 23Reply

@asmaibrahim ok
Jan 24Reply

@asmaibrahim ok when are u mailing cream?
Jan 25Reply

If you want to cancel the sugar skull bags and then create a bundle with those and the skull earrings for $26 then that would allow you not to pay shipping twice.
Feb 26Reply

I also just saw that you are local. I work in Greenville. I am checking to see if the shipping can be bypassed
Feb 26Reply

@mytwinsgc omg i didnt know you were close to me. I cant cancel skull bags...can you? Maybe we can make a deal through fb pm..for skull bags, earrings and fff stuff..i could pick up
Feb 26Reply

@tammy99999 i canceled the bags. Send me an email.
Feb 26Reply

@mytwinsgc ty. I sent you an email :)
Feb 26Reply

Thank you so much for the great rating! I'm so glad you love your item! If you ever choose to shop my closet again, please let me know you're a repeat customer and I will send you a private discount. Have an amazing day! :)
Apr 05Reply

@couture4her yw ty :)
Apr 05Reply

@tammy99999 - Hi Tammy! I noticed you’re into beauty bundles! I have two “mystery” beauty bundles that I’d really like to find a home for. One is more beauty themed, the other more spa themed. I have them both listed for $50, but I could come down quite a bit! They both contain a lot of really nice full-size products! Let me know if you have any questions!💕
Apr 25Reply

@sisterscloset11 thanks u too
May 16Reply

Hello Tammy I am selling the Kim Kardashian’s perfume while packing some of the products leaked and their is only a little left .. I care about what I sell and I wanted to inform u to see if u still want it because I didn’t want to cancel without your knowledge sorry it took so long for me to contact you
Jun 03Reply

@aw603107 yes please cancel thankyou
Jun 03Reply

Hi Tammy. I owe you an apology. I was out of town for a wedding and for some reason did not get the notification of the sale until I got a Do not ship email from Poshmark. I'd like to make it up to by offering you a 2nd tee shirt for free with your purchase if you are still interested. I can ship out tomorrow. Let me know and I am so sorry this happened. I'm usually on top of my orders but somehow I completely missed this one.
Jun 20Reply

@deresident thankyou but i will pass. Have a good day
Jun 20Reply

𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 ❤️❤️❤️
𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴🌹
Jul 26Reply

Hey :) I did add more things to the listing is your really interested. I’m sorry I couldn’t lower the price anymore. Really high end brand new items but I do offer amazing prices than I’m sure just one of the items in there would be way more than what I’m selling all this for ;) hopefully we can meet at a good price point I’m really just trying to not have these items go to waste
Aug 11Reply

@cassielynn460 hey there u deleted the pic of extra items after u accepted my offer. Are they still inc or no?
Aug 11Reply

@tammy99999 hi! my post office is giving me issues about shipping out those items with these other ones because of the weight. Do you still want this box as is? I would have to ship the remaining items separate as sold as a separate listing.
Aug 11Reply

@cassielynn460 no thankyou...i wanted what was all there and you deleted it...please cancel it then or i will
Aug 11Reply

Hi Tammy! I hope you're enjoying this awesome place. Just wanted to introduce myself I'm Dalila Feel free to visit my closet 💄👛👠Hugs and kisses 😘🤗😘🤗
Oct 22Reply

Happy holidays! I just got back in town will be packaging ur items today
Dec 27Reply

@kknorris1228 ty :)
Dec 27Reply

Sorry I haven’t gotten to u sooner I will be mailing ur package out the day after tomorrow we some one pass away and been dealing with every thing. So sorry
Jan 01Reply

Hey! Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that my husband will be mailing your items out today or tomorrow as I am traveling for business this week. So sorry for the delay, as I always try to get shipments out within 24hrs.
Jan 08Reply

@laurenlarsen888 ok ty for letting me know
Jan 08Reply

@kj11241124 ty
Jan 11Reply

hi there love❤️❤️, your closet is fabulous!!✨✨feel free to check out my closet as well & send me offers on anything you may be interested in!😇😇 happy poshing 🌸💓
Jan 16Reply

@tammy99999 I’m sorry I can’t go much lower than what I have the makeup listed for on posh. It’s listed for a little cheaper on Ⓜ️ er cari
Feb 01Reply

@loy4lty i dont have m
ty though
Feb 01Reply

hi just wanted to let you know that the exclusive JSC items sold on another website
Feb 09Reply

@tere_sa_ ok thanks..i had wanted them most thanks anyways
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for the nice comment! I can’t beleive you got in one ONE day!
Apr 07Reply

@carolinasus yw. yes we live close lol.
stay safe :)
Apr 07Reply

@tammy99999 you too! If you shop my closet again offer me 10% less and I’ll accept.
Apr 07Reply

Thanks for the wonderful rating and comment! 🥰🥰🥰
Apr 30Reply

Hello I am going to accept your offer for the subscription lot but before I do I want to make sure that you would be ok with this not shipping until Monday
May 13Reply

@emmieloumn yes that is fine with me :)
May 13Reply

@tammy99999 thank you so much I am not going into work daily at this point and I don’t have a printer at home to print the shipping label
May 13Reply

@tammy99999 just to let you know I shipped out your items yesterday I am not sure why they are not tracking in USPS yet. Hopefully soon, thanks
May 19Reply

Hi sorry I missed your offers. If your still wanting the bundle . Just make another offer .Thank you . Have a nice day .
May 27Reply

Hi Tammy! I just wanted to let you know that I shipped the Birchbox stuff out on Monday but it still doesn’t look like it’s tracking yet. I’ve let PoshMark know - hope it gets to you soon!
Jun 10Reply

@kelsey_kiefer thankyou
Jun 11Reply

Hiya! Thanks for purchasing the bundle! I’ll post out tomorrow! ❤️
Jul 28Reply

@becca_goe ok ty :)
Jul 28Reply

Hi there!
If you like homemade soaps and candles, I would like to invite you to visit my Poshmark Closet. I make everything from scratch and use all natural ingredients. Stay safe & Happy Poshing!! 🛍
🌸 Ariana 🌸
Aug 21Reply

Hi, Tammy!
Happy poshing!🥰 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! I have a large selection of quality items (jewelry,clothes,home deco...)in my closet. Have a great day🥳🥳
Aug 31Reply

Thank you for shopping in my closet! I will have your order shipped out today!! ❤️
Oct 27Reply

@ebonycherice ty :)
Oct 27Reply

Hey lovely lady! Hope you’re well! I have another bundle up! 💜
Oct 28Reply

Yay!! I’m going to get out your bundle tomorrow! Thanks so much once again! 💜💜
Oct 28Reply

@becca_goe ty :)
Oct 28Reply

Hi Tammy. Your Philly shirt was printed and picked up by the mail carrier earlier this week but tracking is still showing "pending shipment scan". I am not sure why they have not scanned the package yet. It has been days. We are trying to research it. We are concerned about this and are trying to stay on top of it. If it shows up on your end will you please let me know?
Nov 06Reply

@deresident i am in hospital right now but i will ask my hubby if he sees it. they may have just missed scanning it and it will show up here at some point thanks
Nov 06Reply

@tammy99999 I finally just got notification of the scan! That took 4 days to show up but Im glad it finally did. I hope you are ok and wish you good health and healing energy.🙏😎
Nov 07Reply

Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Mar 21Reply

Hi there! Sorry I missed your offer— if you resend I can respond... I had my notifications off :/
Apr 09Reply

Hey! So the box he weighing at 7 lbs
Apr 29Reply

I just finished a couple more listings if you wanted to then I could put some of this in there. Idk
Apr 29Reply

@ccchicky wpuld i pay more shipping?
Apr 29Reply

Hi Tammy! Thanks for shopping my closet!! I’d love to give you a better deal on the Find Your Happy set but I’m honestly losing $ @ $23. Lowest I’ve gone is $25-@ no profit. At listing price, it’s less than retail today. PM shipping fee makes it hard @ $7.50. I do bundle discounts & cross post on other sites-one has only a$3.75 shipping fee for this item!! You may want to check it out there & maybe we can come to a # that works for us both? Thanks again for checking out my listing!!
May 03Reply

Hi, welcome to poshmark love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I have good deals on everything and I have a bundle of 10% off of two or more items and I have some items 3/$20, 3/$15, 3/$12 and items 3/$10 deals. Have a blessed day!💗
Nov 05Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Nov 09Reply

🙋♀️Hi 💫It’s nice to meet you💫 🛍Hope you find everything you love 💕 on Poshmark 🛍.
💎There were so many beautiful closets here💎I’d love if you would consider stopping 🛑 by my closet and following me. 💫⭐️Wishing you all the very best of luck💫🍀. ⭐️Happy Poshing💫
Apr 25Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet❤️I wanted to let you know that my most popular sale is BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!! 3 for $25 EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jul 22Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 10Reply

Thank you! I really appreciate it! 💜 It will be shipped out next day the 11th =)
Sep 10Reply

@js_gems ty 😊
Sep 10Reply

@tammy99999 Thanks for your offer. I would have accepted your generous offer but the spices were already sold this morning.
Jan 21Reply

@blueb1rds ok thanks
Jan 21Reply
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