Meet your Posher, Teresa
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Hi! I'm Teresa. I'm from naples and some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret,coach,pretty much everything..My favorites are perfumes and cardigans.
I also like alot of unique clothes...We all love the nice things but some cheap things can be just as nice....
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
My house is smoke,animal clothing will come cleaned 2 u.
Thanks again ..Teresa

30 others
like this

Welcome to Posh Teresa!💕I've been here since 2012, lmk if you have any questions.
Dec 08Reply

I'm new to this as of yesterday...I am a small top but curvy bottom and a girlfriend told me about this place for stuff I like...I also would want to sale items but don't know how to just yet....any suggestions on who to follow for xl and 14-16 nice CLOTHES? Thanks Teresa
Dec 08Reply

Thanks again 4 the welcome...😍
Dec 08Reply

Dec 08Reply

@tesalupi35 welcome to posh . I would suggest following people who like what you like in similar sizing. It's so much fun and ask questions 😊💞💞good luck and you're gonna love the jeans and denim top 😍😍😍
Dec 09Reply

Welcome to poshmark 🎄🎁🎅
Dec 10Reply

Thanks classygirl41...:)
Dec 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Dec 12Reply

Hello Teresa, welcome to Poshmark! Just wanted to say hello and see if there's any questions I can answer for you. Also wanted to advise you that I offer a 20% discount on two items to new Poshers. Excludes miss me jeans products. Please let me know if you're interested and I will update the discount for you. Bundled discount of 10% off 2 or more items applies to entire closet. Happy shopping!🎄🎁🎄🎁
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to posh happy poshing
Dec 12Reply

@ashleey20 thank U so much....
Dec 12Reply

@callie5510 thank U so gonna look at your closet in,depth tomorrow...and possibl6 purchase some,items...Thanks Teresa
Dec 12Reply

@ashleey20 any other closets i should check out please let me know....once i figure how to share a closet i will share yours....Have a good night and,Thanks again....
Dec 12Reply

Hi welcome you will get the hang of it little by little you could look around all the closets and see how they fix their clothes your size all of this but that's great thanks for checking my closet out
Dec 12Reply

Hi Teresa! Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! I have a 30% discount on a two or more item purchase in my closet.
Dec 12Reply

@mistyheart Thanks So much...Your closet is keeping me up but i must get sleep before i buy 2 much tonight....i will bundle some things tomorrow...Thanks again 4 the welcome....
Dec 12Reply

@tesalupi35 thank you for checking out my closet! If you buy the watch I will throw in the coat for free but this weekend only! I have another buyer that wants to buy Tuesday.
Dec 12Reply

@tesalupi35 thank you for visiting my closet.
Dec 12Reply

@tesalupi35 , Welcome to the Poshmark community. Thank you for visiting. Let me know when you are up and running
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to posh
Dec 12Reply

@foxythreadazine Thank U...I will...Have a great Day
Dec 12Reply

@exwolfe you are welcome...Thank U...
Dec 12Reply

Hi welcome to Posh! I hope you have time to check out my closet. Thank you so much for your like. I wanted to let you know about a sale I was having if you mention "12/12Sale" for the rest of the evening If you bundle 3 or more items you can take $2 off each item and then still get 20% off ur bundle price!
Dec 12Reply

@breehamburg thanks so,much...i will stop by your closet and take a look...anything in my closet is available with any offer made if ita for the right price.and a discount is available also...just Ask..T
Dec 12Reply

Hi Teresa! ! Welcome.. hope u love it here.. I do. If u ever need help just ask..most everyone likes to help each other bc if u succeed, we do to.🌻🌻🌻Dee
Dec 13Reply

Welcome! Nice to meet you 🎉🎉🎉🍀
Dec 13Reply

@tesalupi35 posh . to look around my closet.
Dec 13Reply

@kylej thanks so much....
Dec 13Reply

@moon123 I will do just that...Thanks...Please look at my closet also and anyone u know like my stuff please share with anyone u know...
Dec 13Reply

@tesalupi35 buy the D&G watch and I'll throw in the zebra print coat 😊
Dec 15Reply

Dec 16Reply

@8lack8etty30 isee the message and i go to get the watch and its GONE....😭
Dec 16Reply

@cali1018 Thank much.
Dec 16Reply

😊😊Hello and Welc🙃me to Posh
Dec 16Reply

@tesalupi35 awww I'm sorry. I'm trying to get rid of as much as I can before Christmas!
Dec 16Reply

Hi how ru? How was ur Christmas?
Dec 29Reply

I'm happy ur back :)
Dec 30Reply

Welcome to Posh! 💕
Jan 01Reply

@ohmynay thank u so much..its been fun...enjoying myself and the people..
Jan 02Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listing!☺️
Jan 02Reply

@tesalupi35 Hi there! I'm glad to find another Teresa without a 'H' in her name! Lol. Thanks for all the shares! I'm getting caught up with my sharing today, but I will get back to you!! T🎀
Jan 02Reply

@tamiller Theresa Ann...nice to meet u..Yes very little Teresa's with or without the "h" out there in posh
Jan 02Reply

@tesalupi35 Beautiful closet. We are neighbors, I live in Orlando.
Jan 02Reply

Happy 2016!! Check out $15.00 Express Jeans in size 10 and 12. Rachel Roy Collection for $15.00. Shoes in size 8, 9, and 10.
Jan 03Reply

@dlauren1977 naples isnt that far...very nice to have a posher close 2 me....👠👗💄😃😁
Jan 03Reply

I just had to say you have really gorgeous eyes! Lmk if you like anything in my closet, its mostly negotable.
Jan 03Reply

@snowflake2 thank much....i qill take a looksee at your closet..have a great night.
Jan 04Reply

Hi just letting all my likes know with a bundle of 3 I'm offering 25%. Just bundle what you want and comment to me and I will change my settings for you. Thank you and I will share your closet too!!! Sending posh love your way XOXO
Jan 07Reply

Changed my settings 3 for 25%. So you could see what your bundle would be. Please let me know if I can answer anything at all. Xoxo
Jan 07Reply

Hi Hun ❤️ didn't know if you still wanted to put together that second bundle? My closet is 15% off and the first person to purchase the next bundle is getting some great freebies 😘 xox have a great weekend!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for your kind words ❤️
Jan 10Reply

@shariutter1122 thank u...
Jan 10Reply

@jackiec1012 u r welcome hun...
Jan 10Reply

@tesalupi35 Thank you for the shares and likes. 😂 😂 you to have a lovely setup.
Jan 10Reply

check out my closet! I have a bunch of items I think you might like! I'm also accepting all offers and give 30% off bundles! Let me know if you're interested in anything!
Jan 10Reply

@foxythreadazine thank u...very much..have a great day. ..Happy Poshing. .
Jan 10Reply

Hi Hun how ru?
Jan 18Reply

Wondering if u still want the shoes u ask me to hold on . I have a offer on .
Jan 18Reply

@aisha1 sell them..i have a whole closet of yours to choose from....
Sorry ive been sick with the flu....i feel like death...hope all is well with u
Jan 18Reply

Hi Hun how ru? Getting better? Sorry so busy no time to write back.... Let me know how ru doing !
Jan 21Reply

Just a reminder, January Clearance over on the 31st, SHOP NOW for the items you liked in my closet 25% for 3 items bundled!!! Before they are GONE! Just added a bunch of new listed items also.!!!
Jan 29Reply

Welcome to poshmark! feel free to ask me any questions and to check out my closet- as a newer posh member feel free to take 20% off one item or a bundle in my closet :)
Jan 31Reply

@aisha1 im better,just busy like season and my husband and I own a tax and financial firm and WE are slammed. ....
Jan 31Reply

Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! You're off to a great start. The best advice I could give you is to follow as many people as possible & share their items. They'll do the same. This will help build your business. We all try to help one another sell. I'm on Poshmark 7 days a week, many times a day. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me. 💚
Feb 02Reply

@couponer920 thank u so much...its nice to know everyone on here is so helpful. still getting the hang of it ....but i too am on here daily and multiple times a addicted as they a great Day...Teresa
Feb 02Reply

@tesalupi35 You too! Donna
Feb 02Reply

Great closet!!! Check mine out when you have a chance :)
Feb 02Reply

@tesalupi35 I saw that you liked a few of the items in my closet, if you're interested in a bundle of them I'd be willing to negotiate prices before the bundle discount. Let me know 😊 if you just wanted the watch, use the offer feature and I'll accept the $20!
Feb 04Reply

Welcome to Posh!💕You have beautiful eyes & a great closet started. I can tell you tho, that listing perfumes will keep you from getting the full support of the PM community. Many Poshers will not follow, share or buy from non compliant closets. Check my 2 listings for a quick breakdown of what's "allowed."👍🏽I've been here since 2012, lmk if you have questions.💋
Feb 20Reply

You have a really chic closet! I think that I also might have some items in my closet that would fit you, so feel free to check it out and let me know if u have any questions! Happy Poshing!😊💕
May 24Reply

Oh gosh I love Naples!!! There's this Sushi Thai Too place I loved. Naples is beautiful, as are you! 😍
Jul 21Reply

@amiasmomak thank u so much...u are a beauty as well...naples is good yes but tourist see only certain here is awesome. ..i just hate being young the town shuts down by 9....but that's the price of the beach living
Jul 21Reply

@tesalupi35 aww thank you! Yes that's the only thing! I went to Bonita springs a lot too I loved it but also no nightlife. Haha just depends but Florida is such a retirement place....that's funny. Poor thing! That's true being a tourist there is nothing like living there. Haha but beach life is awesome. Love the beach! 🙃
Jul 21Reply

Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet and starting a bundle! Just wanted to let you know that I accept reasonable offers and give additional discounts on bundles! Happy Poshing!😊💕
Jul 22Reply

Welcome to Posh beautiful! Come check out my closet. Let me know if you have any
Questions!! Thank you💕💕
Jul 30Reply

@tesalupi35 hi! I see you created a bundle in my closet.. I offer bundle deals.. Let me know when your ready for purchase, ill give you a discount
Nov 21Reply

I just increased my sale for bundles! Or just bundle and make any offer. Hope your having a great day!!
Dec 08Reply

@tesalupi35 ty for the likes bundle and save same day shipping
Dec 19Reply

Hi Teresa that's my name thanks for the likes I came over to share your closet hopefully when I share my followers will add u
Jan 09Reply

@tessbeauty thanks...i have bought from u in the past and i just bought a wig from u on the other site u are on...under the last name lupi...i just except the item so u get paid....i love your products...i tell all my followers here and there about your items..
Jan 09Reply

@tesalupi35 I'm sorry didn't recognize you my daughter and nieces run my online stuff since they can't put their phones down I usually do posh but only at night and I ship when I go in the morning your name I may have seen on a package when I was shipping thank you
Jan 09Reply

@tesalupi35 thank you for your business I appreciate it I'm look again in your closet I took a quick look and didn't notice anything for sale so I shared your bio
Jan 09Reply

Happy Saturday! I am running an awesome Buy One Get One SALE this weekend. Shop with me and get BOGO offers on all items♡
Feb 25Reply

@tesalupi35 Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet. I was going to share yours in return, but all your items are sold, lol. 😁😁
May 03Reply

Beautiful thank you so much for the like! I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!! Please feel free to make an reasonable offer and I would love to hook you up girlfriend!!! That top has your name on it!!! I have fabulous bundle incentives!!! You have nothing to loose but you could be blessed immensely!!! Peace and love!!!
May 26Reply

Thank you for checking out WorldCollection Closet. Hope we can earn your business.
Jul 09Reply

hi, i made an offer on your bundle! but if want to take any of the jeans i shared from my closet i will add them for you for $25 each! thanks for shopping my closet!
Oct 10Reply

Teresa thank you so much for the likes!!! I sent you a private offer, but I noticed that you had another item that you liked!! Why don't you decline my offer, and add the top to your bundle, and I'll send you another private offer!!! Girlfriend, I promise I will hook you up!!! Trust me!!! Peace and love!!!
Oct 10Reply

Hi Teresa: I just placed an offer of over 25% for the bundle you chose. Please be assured they are from a smoke and pet free home. We are "neighbors" I'm in South Florida also! Regards, Barb😎⛱
Oct 26Reply

Hi Teresa: Hope you are still interested in the bundle you chose from my closet. I placed my offer again (sorry, beige VS bra sold) the leopard VS bra still available and in your bundle. Hope we can finalize the purchase. Regards, Barb😎⛱
Oct 27Reply

@tesalupi35 if you're interested in your bundle, but the price is too high, please make me an offer😊
Dec 03Reply

@tesalupi35 I hope you’re enjoying the Christmas season! Visit my closet!
Dec 09Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 10Reply

@tesalupi35 thank you for liking my tarte eyeshadow! If you are interested in purchasing, if you want to bundle with 1+ item I’m happy to give you discounted shipping! :)
Oct 06Reply

Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 23Reply

Thanks so much for the purchase.🥰
You’re gonna LOVE them!💛🖤!
Shipping in a few hours!
Aug 03Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 25Reply
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