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Updated Sep 01
Updated Sep 01

Meet your Posher, Teresa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Teresa. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, for Love and Lemon J. Crew , and Banana Republic. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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kittyandbunny Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions or need any help! 💖🐱🐰
Jul 03Reply
fashions441 Welcome to poshmark! If you have any questions just tag me and I'll help if I can.
Jul 03Reply
ahnaveed When will you ship that shoes?
Jul 22Reply
ahnaveed @xuanhangdat thank u hope it has no problem and wearable:)
Jul 23Reply
luannefabila Hi teresa, i would like you to know that i received the white sandal that i bought from you. The sofft. Im so happy, it came out really good and clean. Very satisfied with the packaging too. Thank you.
Jul 23Reply
xuanhangdat @luannefabila Thank for the comments
Jul 23Reply
luannefabila You owned the white wedge sanda right? The euro soft by sofft?
Jul 23Reply
nikashops @xuanhangdat Hi Teresa🌻do you have more Free People items to list? I would be interested in bundling🌻
Jan 10Reply
xuanhangdat @nikashops yes, I do have in my more Free People in my closet, I will share to you
Jan 10Reply
nikashops @xuanhangdat Oh thanks! I meant that you hadn’t listed yet?
Jan 10Reply
xuanhangdat @nikashops That all , I have for now thank for shopping at my closet
Jan 10Reply
janowsk3 Amazing items at great prices!
Mar 28Reply
jakesheart i LOVE YOUR CLOSET !! Happy Poshing sweetie have a great weekend!! Xoxox
Apr 06Reply
kerry1313 Hey sweetie..welcome to Poshmark thank you for visiting me and following my closet happy poshing 😊🤗♥️🐾
Feb 26Reply
xuanhangdat @king_akshop19 You are welcome and thank for sharing my too
Apr 13Reply
msneverending1 Teresa just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Apr 15Reply
xuanhangdat @msneverending1 Thank you and same thing to you too, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 15Reply
ads939598 Great Free People items! Love your closet!
May 15Reply
bcarm Thank you!
Jun 09Reply
bcarm Thank you so much. I will be back to buy again
Aug 01Reply
bcarm Thank you so much. I appreciate you holding my items until payday each time. I shall be back soon.
Aug 12Reply
xuanhangdat @bcarm Your welcome I understand and next time if you want any items from my closet let me know so I can give you a good price
Aug 12Reply
bcarm @xuanhangdat thank you. Your prices already so good. I have 3 daughters and 1 daughter in law so it works out good for me. I bought most of this bundle for my daughters Birthday Sunday and I’ll stick the other ones back for Christmas.
Aug 12Reply
bcarm I am going to purchase today. I’m just waiting to hear back from 2 of my daughters and one of my daughter in laws. You have a couple more things I want, I just have to double check for size. I’m trying to see if the jeans will fit one of the 5 girls.
Aug 17Reply
xuanhangdat @bcarm Hi , you can cancel my offer and do a new bundle
Aug 17Reply
bcarm Sorry it took me so long to get my bundle together this time, but I had a hard time getting all 5 of my girls to get back to me and Free People runs so different, but I really appreciate all your patience. With the exception of a few items for birthdays, and a few items for myself, I’m putting everything back for my kids for Christmas. So thank you so much for working with me.
Aug 19Reply
xuanhangdat @bcarm no worries, I understand and thank you very much for keep buy a lot from me
Aug 19Reply
brandisstyle7 Happy Labor Day weekend
Sep 06Reply
pocketchangews Thanks for Following me 🥰 I made sure to follow back & share your items. You have a BEAUTIFUL closet! I appreciate all of the PFF love as a new wholesale supplier. 💘 Stay safe and have a fantastic day 🥂 Cheers Desire'e
Oct 04Reply
lassona Hi Teresa, Great Closet! 😊
Oct 14Reply
qponfive3 Hi Teresa👋🏼, it’s great seeing a fellow DFW posher👍🏼. Good luck with your sales👌🏼.
Oct 21Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed .....
Nov 05Reply
cpgranados Your closet is amazing. 🤗
Nov 08Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🍂 Happy Poshing 🦃🍁🍗
Nov 11Reply
janfast Hi Teresa! Thanks for following my closet! 😊
Nov 13Reply
ohusoneedthis Hi Teresa ! I’m Julie!!! Thanks so much for the follow! They are always appreciated!!! Wanted to share a little love in 💕❤️💕in your closet! I’m kind of low onit in my closet right now but, but have more to list! Impressed by your collection of FP! Some extremely cute items! I’m on one of my no spend periods—I’ve got 3 pre-loved luxury bags to list and have a Chloe already listed! I’m hoping to make enough to buy a brand new pr of pink Gucci horse-bit loafers!!
Nov 29Reply
ohusoneedthis They are just adorable and hopefully will have somextra left to go toward a new bag! Please check out my closet ! Kinda empty right now! I will be listing off and on over next few weeks! I believe I have 2 winter FP dresses that I must dry clean 1st. They haven’t been worn but, I found them on floor of a closet I use for storage! Well, thank you again for the the follow!! I will be back to visit!!!!
Nov 29Reply
jlas69 Hi, Thank you for following me
Jan 29Reply
mka22359 Hi Teresa! Beautiful photography and beautiful closet! Happy Poshing!
Feb 11Reply
dyanneher hi 😀 thanks for sharing!
Feb 12Reply
crissy811 Thank you! I received my free people pants and they are wonderful
Feb 25Reply
xuanhangdat @crissy811 thank you but can you rate me too on the listing so that Poshmark can release the money for me
Feb 25Reply
duckieone Hello and thank you for following me. I appreciate it and like your closet. I will follow you. Please know that anyone who likes anything in my closet gets a discount. Thank you.
Feb 27Reply
stylingshop Hi! are you in WA?
Mar 10Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 11Reply
laurandasart thank you 💝
Mar 25Reply
xuanhangdat @laurandasart you welcome, I will ship it out tomorrow thank
Mar 26Reply
mzpitty1 Bundle 2 or more items from my closet and receive a Special Discount and a FREE GIFT OF YOUR CHOICE
Apr 14Reply
mmadonna40 . 🎉🥂🌸Welcome to Poshmark!🌸🥂🎉 Be sure to stop by my closet & read my listing on Poshmark Tips & Tricks! There’s information in the photos, as well as. the comments at the bottom. Feel free to join us & leave a comment!💕😘
Apr 18Reply
xuanhangdat @lannie1211 First at all I don’t follow your seller and even if I want it I can do it, you are welcome to report to Poshmark see what they said. Second I been selling on Poshmark for 3y and having a lot following, I don’t need your follow Last please don’t message me and look on my closet, I will block you out
Apr 21Reply
thehoneychild Proceeds from all Poshmark @TheHoneyChild closet sales benefit the Delta Sigma Theta Endowed Scholarship Fund — Our Time Has Come Scholarship Program at Syracuse University.
May 21Reply
mark_boston Thanks for following me!
May 29Reply
cardhunter7 Hello chica
Jun 13Reply
nysurf9 Thank you for adding me 🤙🏻🤙🏻great site
Jun 24Reply
rickt3095 you are amazing
Aug 06Reply
mfitzgerald624 simply beautiful
Aug 11Reply
smcuster Hello Teresa @xuanhangdat My name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting! I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Sep 06Reply
jackiecristal Hi I am Jackie! 😊 You are welcome to come check out my closet @jackiecristal. I have lots of pretty dresses 👗. If you see something you like feel free to make an offer. Happy Poshing! 💕
Sep 13Reply
poshmelynne Awesome closet Ms Thai🤩🌺❣️
Sep 14Reply
jimmcmath Beautiful!!
Oct 01Reply
tatnaples Hi Teresa! Thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 08Reply
poshgothmilf94 Hello, My name is Brandy👻 Just wanted to say Happy Poshing🖤
Dec 06Reply
xuanhangdat @poshgothmilf94 thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 06Reply
kickbackthreads Thank you so much for accepting my offer! This will be the perfect Christmas gift for my Mom. Thank you, and happy holidays.
Dec 13Reply
xuanhangdat @kickbackthreads you welcome and I will ship it out tomorrow and Happy holiday to you and your family too
Dec 13Reply
slkk03 Love your closet! I plan to visit often!
Jan 14Reply
slkk03 Hello-regarding my $35 offer on your rose Eileen Fisher top - I based my offer after seeing that you had sold the same item (in a different size) to someone else for $35. Hoping you would be willing to sell it to me at the same price.
Jan 14Reply
xuanhangdat @slkk03 okay I will do, can you counter back for $35 so I will accept it
Jan 14Reply
slkk03 @xuanhangdat Done! Thank you!
Jan 14Reply
dsshopper13 Hi! I’m looking for a Hammitt medium Daniel in Freestyle like the one you just sold in case you ever get another one. I’m so sad I missed out on it! Love Hammitt bags! 😍
Feb 26Reply
sddtexas Thank you 🌼
Apr 09Reply
xuanhangdat @sddtexas you welcome and I will ship it out tomorrow thank
Apr 09Reply
urownbeautiful Hi! I’m Jaime. New to Poshmark. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. I list a variety of items and plan on buying from fellow poshers as well! I always send a 💝FREE GIFT💝 with every order. Stay dreamy 💫 and always Embrace Your Beautiful 💜 xoxo
May 21Reply
jujubehome Hi!!! Just received the dress from you and I love it!! I actually ordered another one from you of the same kind but accidentally ordered the same size as the first!! I meant to order a Large. Is there any way I could return the 2nd one (when it arrives) and pay shipping to have a large sent instead?
May 26Reply
alllblack Your dope 😎😎😍❤️🖤🥰❤️‍🔥🙏✊🤩😘😇
Jun 08Reply
kssjenni Which state are you shipping from? Trying to see if this will be here before I leave Saturday.
Jun 28Reply
xuanhangdat @kssjenni I live in TX and will ship it out today for you
Jun 28Reply
susansshanty your picture of the tunnel and trees is beautiful!
Jun 30Reply
emguerrieri02 Thank you for all the shares!!
Jul 30Reply
lamarquez16 Hello Ms. Theresa appreciate your follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Sep 03Reply
rickymun I ’m glad to be part of this family, the community is very supportive. Let’s share visits to other posher’s closets and live the experience. 😉
Sep 06Reply
tjharper23 i like the picture with the tunnel. it's very beautiful
Feb 14Reply
loriricci396 Your Closet is amazing!!!
Apr 27Reply
mspantidakis Hi there! We keep going back and forth on the Hammitt bag. lol If you can offer $120 with discounted shipping, I would love to accept. Thank you!♥️
May 09Reply
xuanhangdat @mspantidakis sorry I can’t with paying for Poshmark 20% I can barely make some profit. I can do $130 is a lowest thank
May 09Reply
mspantidakis Sounds like a plan! I totally understand. If you do 130 and discounted shipping I will accept. Thanks!
May 09Reply
xuanhangdat @mspantidakis because I did counter back to you now I can’t resend it. You can counter back to me $128 that is 130 and discount shipping
May 09Reply
mspantidakis Thank you for accepting my offer on the Hammitt clutch. Super excited to receive it! I’ve wanted one forever! Hopefully I’ll have it by Saturday for an event I’m attending ❤️♥️❤️
May 09Reply
xuanhangdat @mspantidakis I will ship it out tomorrow morning thank
May 09Reply
all4renew hello 👋🏼!
Jul 20Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, Nice Closet. I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace @thriftwgrace
Nov 13Reply
sealeb1278 Thank you so much for accepting my offer! How much quickly can you ship out? I would like to wear it to an event! Thank you!!!
Mar 15Reply
xuanhangdat @sealeb1278 I will ship it out tomorrow thank you
Mar 15Reply
colleenpasse I made a purchase from you and was charged TWICE. Please advise how to get in touch with you for a refund of duplicate charge.
Jul 02Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have womens, mens, kids in my closet. I am always listing more always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted, NWT, NWOT, like new, $15& under. Tuesday's – kids share show train & pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5lb. you also get rewards- spend $100 with me get $10 off next purchase! Thanks -Ania
Nov 01Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Grand Prairie, TX
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Grand Prairie, TX
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