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Updated Jul 06
Updated Jul 06

Meet your Posher, Terri

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Terri. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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leasher Will you please accept on here so I can get my payment. Thank you!
Jul 16Reply
coliver3 Hi. I am shipping the miss me's you purchased from me. I had my friend who wears a 28 try them on and she said they were tight. I wanted to let you know because I told you they weren't. Let me know if you want to proceed or cancel with the order.
Mar 09Reply
helmsdavidson I prefer them to be tighter in the leg and tapered rather than full in the leg and fit like dress pants, so yes go ahead and proceed.
Mar 10Reply
helmsdavidson I checked the status this morning and it says "in Process" It doesn't say delivered like the other item said that was delivered Friday, April 10th. You sent me a message Friday March 10th and asked me if I still wanted you to ship them and I said yes so I don't know how I would have received them on that same day, all I know is I have not received them. Should we track the package?
Mar 14Reply
helmsdavidson Have you shipped the miss me capris yet?
Mar 17Reply
helmsdavidson On march 9th you sent me a message stating you are shipping the miss me capris I ordered, today is March 23th. here we are 2 weeks later and no capris. I hate when people say they will do something and then don't . I am cancelling this order and I am done with poshmark. TOO many people like you on here.
Mar 23Reply
cathyp62 Thank you for purchasing my Miss me jeans 👖 and shopping in my closet
Jun 25Reply
fineqfinds If You like to dress up for occasions feel free to view my closet
Jun 26Reply
cathyp62 I am happy to find out that you are happy with the Miss Me jeans
Jul 01Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 01Reply
carlyarnold2498 I haven't received a label.would love to fix this a.d not loose u as a potential future buyer.
Jan 20Reply
carlyarnold2498 Not a label excuse me, how do i refund u?
Jan 20Reply
tigggy27 Thanks so much! I’ll send your items out tomorrow 🙂☀️🌸
Mar 19Reply
helmsdavidson Thank you sounds great
Mar 19Reply
tigggy27 Terri: Hi, I went ahead and canceled that bundle. You can just make the new offer now when your ready.🙂
Mar 19Reply
tigggy27 Hi Terri! I had to go back and relish your items you wanted. After you cancel an order I guess that’s the way Posh does it, they consider it sold. So, i relished your items. Just look around my closet. You’ll find them. So, now you can create the bundle you want. Have a great day!☀️
Mar 20Reply
crystalandre150 Hi there! The status on your order is pending acceptance if you have not opened your package yet, just a heads up, I accidentally mixed up the orders so you will be receiving someone else’s order. 😬 I am so unbelievably sorry. 😞 Don’t accept it and open a claim- let me know if you need help. It will get straightened out I promise. I’m so so sorry!!!!
May 24Reply
helmsdavidson I sent the Victoria secret bras (that was mailed to me by mistake) to the lady who bought them in Florida last Thursday (with the prepaid label). I haven't received my addidias shorts yet. Do you know when I will??
Jun 04Reply
helmsdavidson @crystalandre150 I sent the VS bras mailed to me by mistake to the right buyer in Florida using the prepaid label last Thursday. Do you know when I might receive my right order of the red addidas shorts??
Jun 04Reply
crystalandre150 @helmsdavidson hi there! Thank you for sending out the other buyers order. I appreciate it and once again, I’m really sorry!! I just sent her a message, but I’m going to contact Poshmark Support to see if they can contact her. I’ll let you know when I hear back from either.
Jun 04Reply
lyanna_8 I’m willing to sale you there white athletic shorts for $7 if you still want it! Just trying to declutter😊
Aug 01Reply
sapp12 @helmsdavidson Welcome thanks for the like 🌸
Sep 15Reply
whitecoatnp I'm going to send out your Anorak today. I apologize it didn't go out Sat. I'm I'm the middle of a big plumbing project and our pipes were leaking with a mess so my inventory was moved and everything is not where it's supposed to be. If you'd like to cancel-I completely understand but unless I hear otherwise i will mail out today. Thanks Alex
Nov 25Reply
whitecoatnp So sorry about the delay but thank you for your patience and the rating! Alex
Dec 06Reply
kristyberry Hey! Just wanted to let you know I have cute sweaters, scarfs, and shirts for fall in my closet! I also have name brand clothes like Nike, Adidas, and PINK! Feel free to stop by! 💕💕💕
Dec 16Reply
ksicola Hi! Feel free to check out my closet! I have clothes listed from Victoria’s Secret PINK, American Eagle, H & M, Forever 21, Torrid, Under Armour and more! Happy shopping!!💓
Jan 25Reply
debmprice Hi! 🙋‍♀️ I hope you are enjoying your poshmark experience. Please come check out my closet if you get the chance for some great deals on brand new with tag items from Nike, Under Armour, North Face, Spyder, Columbia, Fabletics, Calia, and Adidas! Have a great day!
Feb 05Reply
ellenj2017 Hi.. You might consider the bundle option for the shorts. Disc shipping and disc for multiple items. 💕
Apr 09Reply
laupresentacion Hello! Thank you for your Like ❤️ You can make me an offer!
Oct 23Reply
brandyth1013 Hi! I’m so sorry I’ve not shipped your Nike pants! I’ve bn out of town! I promise to get those shipped out tomorrow! Again, I’m so sorry!
Nov 01Reply
epattinson Hi, I just received a notification that your package which I shipped out on December 10 will be arriving late. I’m so sorry to hear this as I know you would like it for this Sunday, December 20. I hope that it arrives in the next couple of days. Perhaps the delay is due to the holiday season and so many packages out in the mail.
Dec 18Reply
jeans_kings The lowest we’ll go is $50. That will cover more than half of the shipping cost:)
Feb 09Reply
macaron87 Hi @helmsdavidson, thanks for the purchase :) I'll drop your package off at the post office tomorrow am
Jun 16Reply
hvankam Hi I will be shipping out still! I apologize I’ve had a crazy week and didn’t get a reminder until today. I will let you know when I drop it off.
Jul 27Reply
helmsdavidson I would appreciate it, the friends themed bridal shower is this saturday
Jul 27Reply
hvankam @helmsdavidson dropped off ! I apologize ❤️
Jul 28Reply
milka24dj hi!! welcome to poshmark if you have any questions im happy to help 😊 check out my closet i have great items 💜 i do bundles and im accepting reasonables offer 👍😀 happy shopping 🎉
Sep 10Reply
vellagmama Hello Terri 🌞 Thanks again for shopping my closet. I hope you've had the opportunity to look your purchase over. I hope that you are satisfied with your purchase. your acceptance and feedback would be greatly appreciated confirming your delivery and Poshmark will release my portion of the sale. Have a Blessed and Safe Weekend. 😊
Sep 23Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thanks for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 2 items & receive your 3rd item free! 😉😊
Mar 12Reply
tkov25 hi!!! you just bought shorts from me. I wanted to let you know that I am on vacation until Monday. I will ship Tuesday as soon as the post office opens!
Mar 18Reply
tkov25 Monday the 27th I return!
Mar 18Reply
helmsdavidson @tkov25 sounds good have fun
Mar 19Reply
karaoke54 Hi Terri! Thank you for your purchase. Il get it packaged and on its way to you! Have a great week! KrisXO
May 08Reply
helmsdavidson @karaoke54 thank you, I hope it fits
May 08Reply
laurasalke @helmsdavidson I am sorry I was out of town and in a bad service area, just saw that ur bundle had expired, if u are still interested let me know and I will get it shipped tomorrow!
Jul 29Reply
helmsdavidson @laurasalke I did resubmit my offer on the bundle 2 days ago, its about to expire again
Jul 31Reply
laurasalke @helmsdavidson I just saw this, I will have to let it expire unless we can figure something else out. I left town and will be gone for the rest of this month. Won’t be back til the last week in August and don’t have anyway to ship them to you now. So sorry.
Jul 31Reply
helmsdavidson @laurasalke let me know when your back and I'll make the offer again
Jul 31Reply
laurasalke @helmsdavidson I can do that or if I find someone who is willing to ship them for me, I will let u know also. Sorry again, I travel a lot for my work!
Jul 31Reply
laurasalke @helmsdavidson I am back in town for the month if u are still interested. Make the offer and I will get them shipped!
Aug 25Reply
simplyrae08 Good Morning! Just sending out my Black Friday SALE starting TODAY through Black Friday! 🟢&🔵 5 items for $10 🟠&⚫️ 5 items for $25 🟣 $10 items Earrings & Key fob wristlets 5/$10 All other items 50% off!
Nov 15Reply

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