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Updated Jan 27
Updated Jan 27

Meet your Posher, Terri

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Terri. 🙂 i like browsing closets and finding something unique! Thanks for looking at my things, hopefully something was interesting! And i really like offers, so go ahead. Try one! And above all, have a fantastic day! Make someone smile!🙂🇺🇸
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sigi_bebe Hi Terri - CONGRATS on getting your Closet started! Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following the Sigi Bebe' Closet! We upload some interesting new and barely used items daily (vintage, retro, minimalist, fly) so if you don't see anything that makes you want to click "BUY NOW" PLEASE check back!
Apr 23Reply
foresttreasures Hey Terri! 🙋‍♀️ I'm Cindy from the mountains of North Carolina! WELCOME 🌺 🌸 TO 🌸 🌺 POSHMARK! Just wanted to stop in & introduce myself. I'm always 👀 looking for new Posh friends to shop with, share the listings in your new (yay!) & pretty closet, & share the treasures in my closet too! Come take a 👓 peek & let me know if you have any questions. I’m a Posh Ambassador & Mentor, so always happy to help! HAPPY 😀 POSHING!!! 💋 Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳Forest!
Apr 24Reply
terri_wowk @foresttreasures Thank you for the welcome, i appreciate that! Still learning my way around but i will certainly reach out if i need some advice!
Apr 24Reply
styledtr Hello and welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you success and major sales! Enjoy 😊
Apr 24Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark,, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, I give discounts on bundles 😃 Happy Poshing
Apr 25Reply
luvstitch17 Thank you for the shares!!😊 Have a blessed day!
Apr 25Reply
terrio7 Thanks for all the shares! I shared all the items in your closet...happy poshing!
Apr 26Reply
kitfox Welcome to Poshmark 🌸 Have fun buying selling and meeting new people 😃 Feel free to ask me any questions 🌷
Apr 27Reply
terri_wowk @terrio7 Thank you as well! Have a fantastic night!
Apr 27Reply
terri_wowk @luvstitch17 of course! Have a terrific evening!!
Apr 27Reply
terri_wowk @kitfox Thank you!
Apr 27Reply
teacherbargains Welcome to Poshmark. Enjoy and Happy Poshing!!
Apr 29Reply
tommyposher Thanks for the shares Terri! Nice closet! 🙏🤗
May 01Reply
terri_wowk @tommyposher of course! What little i can do, i hope brings you success! Have a fantastic day!
May 01Reply
vintagemess Thank you for following my closet! Happy Poshing
May 08Reply
luxgigi Great closet! Thanks for the follow!
May 09Reply
poshsissy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! We're glad you're here! Whether you're here to buy, sell, shop or all of the above - you're going to love this positive online community! Let me know if you have any questions - I am a Poshmark Ambassador & Mentor. Also, I give a 🎁free gift 🎁with purchase! Let's go shopping! Click on @PoshSissy to check out my closet. I also recommend @nyposhboss. Have fun & enjoy Poshmark!💕
May 10Reply
terri_wowk @cali3542 Of course! You have a nice closet! Thank you as well. Have a fantastic day!
May 12Reply
ryebeachlee Thank you for sharing my closet!😊
May 12Reply
lilyspring 🎊🎉 Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸 Any questions, just tag me in your closet or in a bundle. Have fun Poshing! 💐🌞
May 14Reply
donnacarl59 Wowza!! Thank you for the shares!!! ❤️
May 15Reply
terri_wowk @donnacarl59 You're welcome! You have nice things!
May 17Reply
sherihen Ummmm.....ok, you got my attention! Thank you for the shares!😂😊❤️
May 23Reply
terri_wowk @sherihen Haha! You have beautiful things!! And really nice presentation. Thank you so much for reciprocating, it is appreciated!!!! Have a terrific evening!
May 23Reply
sherihen @terri_wowk thank you! Your closet is amazing for a new closet, I can’t believe how much you have listed already! You go girl!
May 23Reply
terri_wowk @sherihen Thanks Sheri! That was so nice to hear! 😁
May 23Reply
sherihen @terri_wowk 👍 😊❤️
May 23Reply
mpython Shared your closet on f.b. Beautiful collection -!! I can't wait to show my daughter
May 28Reply
terri_wowk @mpython Thank you so much! I appreciate your sweetness!! Have a truly terrific day!
May 28Reply
notablethreads Thanks for all the shares ☺️
Jun 04Reply
terri_wowk @groovygeekygirl of course! Have a great day!
Jun 04Reply
terri_wowk @lorieap Beautiful closet! Wish i was a few sizes smaller. 😊
Jun 04Reply
workhard86 Thanks for sharing if your interested I’ll sale them for 650 for u just making u the best offer❤️❤️
Jun 11Reply
terri_wowk @workhard86 Thank you Malik! But very much out of my price range. Have a terrific day though!
Jun 11Reply
workhard86 @terri_wowk ok sorry and u have a great day as well!
Jun 11Reply
1plumeria_closn Thanks for the plethora of shares. The favor has been returned. 😊🙃🤩 Have a wonderful day!! 🥰🦋🌺🌼🎍
Jun 12Reply
terri_wowk @plumeria_shop Thank you as well!! Have a terrific day!
Jun 12Reply
flutter_buys Hi Terri, thanks for sharing my WHOLE CLOSET!!! I appreciate it. I’m Karen in case you didn’t see my listing. I just shared a few of your things. I’m only on now to check notifications but I’ll be back later to finish sharing. Thanks again! And nice to meet you! 💜😁
Jun 12Reply
terri_wowk @flutter_buys Nice to meet you as well Karen! Have a terrific day and thanks for sharing back!
Jun 12Reply
tgboutique Thank you for the shares, have an awesome Posh Day 🛍️💕
Jun 12Reply
terri_wowk @tgboutique Thank you as well! Have a fantastic day!
Jun 12Reply
artbylee @terri_wowk Hello Terri I'm Lee, so glad to meet you! Thanks 🙏🏽 for ALL of The Poshmark Love ❤️, I appreciate your sharing! If you have questions on my items please let me know! Thanks again and Happy 😊 Poshing!
Jun 21Reply
stanori808 Hi Terri! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for visiting my closet and for Sharing. I also joined Poshmark recently (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and really appreciate it. You have some beautiful things in your closet that I just had to Share. Please come back for another visit. Have a great Friday! Thanks again!💐💖
Jun 21Reply
terri_wowk @stanori8370 Happy Friday to you too! Good luck selling!
Jun 21Reply
verdenana Thank you for sharing my items!! Wishing you speedy sales! Have an awesome weekend!! 🥰💚
Jun 21Reply
stanori808 @terri_wowk Hoping we both have many more sales! Thank you again!💖🌹🎀
Jun 21Reply
raymondbub Thank u for the share
Jun 26Reply
gmanedwards @terri_wowk Thanks for sharing, I will do the same. 😎
Jun 27Reply
kamikundu Thank you for the shares 🙏😀🌺 Nice closet 😘🎁☀️
Jun 28Reply
terri_wowk @kamikundu Thank you as well! Happy Friday! :)
Jun 28Reply
expert2016 Thank you for sharing my closet, this particular piece means a lot to me.Thank you.
Jul 01Reply
tdca1575 Same here thank you also. Have a great posh week
Jul 02Reply
elmocunningham Thanks for sharing my listings!!
Jul 02Reply
fnchgrl t h a n k y o u! i appreciate A L L the shares! a f
Jul 04Reply
tudie11 Thank you for sharing me on Tumblr. I don't use that platform and appreciate the exposure. Again, Thanks!
Jul 20Reply
roscoe88 Thank you so so much for all of the shares!! I really appreciate it! 💕😊🌺🌸
Aug 14Reply
eddiej314 Good luck 🍀 2U🌷
Aug 15Reply
Aug 20Reply
trista101s Thank you so very much for sharing so many items from my closet. I appreciate you for that. I really like your closet. Your pics are right on. I see you created a nice style for yourself. Have a great day wishing you well. :)
Aug 21Reply
terri_wowk @trista101s Thanks!! You have a fabulous day too!!!
Aug 21Reply
zoenmad 😊...Thank you 🙏🏻 for the shares. That was unexpected and oh so appreciated🥰. Happy Wednesday...and my best for a fruitful week🌺
Aug 21Reply
marcelavegam Hello ! Thank you for share my closet ❤️
Aug 22Reply
traci80 Wow! Thank you so much for all the shares!😘😘
Aug 27Reply
1kittendeville Wow thank you for the posh ❤️
Aug 29Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸 and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 30Reply
fatmike1974 Man you are totally awesome! I promise I will share the love. Thanks again
Sep 03Reply
billieandjo Thanks Terri♥️
Sep 09Reply
terri_wowk @billieandjo Thank you as well! Have a fantastic day!
Sep 09Reply
irinashev Thanks for all the share love 💕! Wishing you many speedy sales, and much success! Cheers, Irina 💕
Sep 09Reply
terri_wowk @irinashev OMG, thank YOU as well! Best of luck here, you have beautiful things!!
Sep 09Reply
irinashev @terri_wowk Thank you 🥰 you as well And you have some awesome prices!!!
Sep 09Reply
rockaroni @terri_wowk Hi Terri, thank you so much for all the shares🥰
Sep 09Reply
laurareiff Terri , Thank you so much for sharing my listings, I really appreciate it! Posh On !
Sep 16Reply
twiceasnice02 Thanks for the shares! 💕
Sep 19Reply
believer13 @terri_wowk thank you for the shares - abundant blessings Neighbor 🙏🥰
Sep 22Reply
cindysfaves828 @terri_wowk thanks for the fabulous shares!
Sep 23Reply
hoardernomore Thanks for the shares! 😘
Sep 25Reply
terri_wowk @hoardernomore Thanks you as well! Have a terrific day and good luck!
Sep 25Reply
scarletsecrets Thank you so much for all your generous shares. Wishing you an awesome weekend, and happy poshing with tons of sales
Sep 27Reply
terri_wowk @scarletsecrets thank you right back! Have a terrific weekend and happy selling!!
Sep 27Reply
sargebill Hi Terri and good evening to ya, thank you for the kind follow too, Bill
Oct 01Reply
moderndaymystic You have a beautiful closet! Thank you for shares! In gratitude-✨🌙Aimee
Oct 17Reply
terri_wowk @moderndaymystic Thank YOU as well. Have a terrific evening!
Oct 18Reply
dianejohnson707 Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales enjoy 😊
Nov 04Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Terri, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🎉 Peace be with you!🙏n☮️n💗
Nov 06Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Nov 06Reply
isaidmelanie Hi Terri‼️ I am Melanie. Thanks for the follow😊🎉
Nov 12Reply
baggaliciouz Thank You for following & Welcome To Stop By Anytime 🎀 open to Offers also 🎀
Nov 12Reply
stoney918 Thank you so much for all of the shares! I’m going to be famous on this app! 😂 you are now my favorite poshmark seller! 😊 Cheers! 🍻
Nov 12Reply
chris870 Terri, thanks for all the shares 😁
Nov 15Reply
modarisen Thank you for sharing 👍😀😇
Nov 24Reply
stacy_osborn Thanks so much for sharing my listings! I really appreciate it! Happy Holidays!!
Nov 24Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and FUN. I also wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. God Bless
Nov 28Reply
robyn2414 Thanks for the follow! Check out our Boutique and closet or shop 24/7 at - enjoy a $5 credit with promo code "notifyme" xoxo😘
Dec 04Reply
booklover4ever Thank you for sharing I shared your entire closet back! Happy Poshing! xoxo
Dec 11Reply
terri_wowk @booklover4ever wow!!!!! that is amazing! Thank you so much and have a terrific day!!!
Dec 11Reply
booklover4ever np! Thank you,likewise♥️
Dec 11Reply
jdavis7589 Thank you so much for the shares!! 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗
Dec 23Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Bundle and buy at a discounted rate and keep for yourself, gift it, or resell it. Have a great day!
Jan 07Reply
anavgarcia83 Thank you for sharing!! have a wonderful day.🌹💙
Jan 13Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃 make me an offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Jan 31Reply
dmf1998 Thank you for all the shares! I hope you have a great evening.
Feb 01Reply
terri_wowk @dmf1998 you as well. 🙂
Feb 02Reply
mrsmcrz @terri_wowk thank you for the sharing, as a scrolled thru your closet, amazing deals and finds, best of success and sales to you. Happy Poshing🌸
Feb 17Reply
toyegriffin Thanks for sharing items from my closet. I really appreciate it!
Feb 17Reply
terri_wowk @mrsmcrz Thank you! Much luck and success to you. Have a terrific day!
Feb 19Reply
terri_wowk @toyegriffin It was my pleasure! I hope you have a fantastic day and get some sales!!🙂🙂
Feb 19Reply
purposeonline I Terri Tony here, I new as well and learning my way around as well, thanks the following, I too will do the same, again thanks!
Feb 20Reply
allisonbraun882 Thx for the shares, Terri!
Feb 25Reply
terri_wowk @allisonbraun882 Thank you right back!! 🙂 Have a great night and good luck with sales!
Feb 25Reply
freshsexychic Thank you so much for all the shares!!! ❤️🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾❤️
Feb 25Reply
miss_pixie Hey Terri thanks for the love girl! Your closet is wonderful I’ll swap shares with you anytime!💖-Pixie
Mar 03Reply
terri_wowk @miss_pixie Thanks! You have some lovely vintage items! Have fun, good luck and a terrific day!
Mar 03Reply
terri_wowk @lorevers Of course! You have terrific vintage items. Have a fabulous day Loretta!
Mar 05Reply
jaws944 @terri_wowk Thanks 💋
Mar 09Reply
terri_wowk @jaws944 Thank YOU right back! Have a great day and good luck selling! You have beautiful things. :)
Mar 09Reply
andvanodell Thank you for sharing! 😊
Mar 09Reply
ahrie_96 Thank you for sharing my listings. I greatly appreciate it 😊
Mar 10Reply
glamoursmadame Great closet.. Love it!!
Mar 10Reply
janfast Hi Terri! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 11Reply
chellier Great pics! Thanks for following!
Mar 11Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher is hustling for a new Chanel bag to add to my 2020 wardrobe. I made a resolution to save more but there’s a grey crossbody calling my name constantly. I must respond. 😀 Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Mar 12Reply
cantu37 @terri_wowk Thank you for all the shares and checking out my closet.💖 Wish you well in your sales. Happy Poshing🌸
Mar 13Reply
terri_wowk @cantu37 To you too! Have a fantastic day!
Mar 13Reply
angeldarling Hi🙋‍♀️Terri! Nice meeting you! Thank you for sharing 👗👜👠Have a blessed night!🙏😊
Mar 18Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings..... Mel
Mar 22Reply
katyaskorner Just wanted to thank you for sharing back items in my closet. I’ve picked a few people to share their closets when I share mine. Stay safe and healthy during this tumultuous time. I wish you and your family well.
Mar 24Reply
terri_wowk @katyaskorner thanks! I'll bookmark yours too. Stay safe and remember to smile and someone else smile too!
Mar 24Reply
katyaskorner @terri_wowk Posh It Forward is my idea behind helping fellow Poshers. I have picked you and other Posher’s closets to follow and share daily. I give each closet 5 minutes of my time and share as many of their items within that time frame. Sales are slow and I am hoping this might help people increase sales. It is just a small way to help during this crazy times. I’ve got your closet on my Posh It Forward list. Please choose one or more closets to Posh It Forward. Find happy in every day!
Mar 24Reply
katyaskorner @terri_wowk How do you bookmark it!😬I need to do yours.
Mar 24Reply
terri_wowk @katyaskorner i just put a like onto the persons profile pic. then it shows up in "My Likes"
Mar 24Reply
katyaskorner @terri_wowk thank you so much
Mar 24Reply
terri_wowk @shop_efj505 Of course! Good luck and Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
terri_wowk @loganberry10 No worries! Stay safe and make sure you smile today! 🙂🙂🙂
Mar 28Reply
slaggers Thank you for following my closet! I’m running a 50% off sale starting today until next Sunday April 5. Make an offer or bundle items and I can send you an offer! 👍🏼❤️✅ please, stay safe and healthy. Next day shipping!
Mar 29Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow beautiful 😌
Apr 02Reply
konahed Thank u for the shares
Apr 03Reply
rickofricksc137 Thanks for the shares😁. I return the favor with my own shares. Be Safe😷🙏
Apr 12Reply
chiaracampanale Hello! Thankyou for checking out my closet! I'm currently running a 5 for $20 & 7 for $27 sale on all items marked🌹 Also I'm offering 40% off total bundle prices of 2 or more, not available to combine with the above offer!!
Apr 14Reply
reid_makaila Hello! I am having a buy 2 get 1 free, buy 3 get 2 free, buy 5 get 3 free sale. Check out my closet and see if there is anything you are interested in! Wishing your closet much luck and many sales 😊🛍☘️
Apr 14Reply
fashion1510 Thanks for the shares ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏
Apr 14Reply
whocaresdamnit Thanks 😉
Apr 16Reply
reid_makaila Hello! I am having a buy 2 get 1 free, buy 3 get 2 free, buy 5 get 3 free sale. Check out my closet and see if there is anything you are interested in! Wishing your closet much luck and many sales 😊🛍☘️
Apr 22Reply
purposeonline Thanks Terri!
Apr 24Reply
kpearl005 Thank you so much for sharing my closet 🥰
May 07Reply
kirsfinefinds Hi Terri! 👋🏼 Thanks so much for sharing my closet. Sending some shares back. Yours is beautiful! Especially like your jewelry, shoe & bag pics!
May 08Reply
terri_wowk @kirsfinefinds Thanks Kirsten! Photography is a hobby of mine so i appreciate that. Have a great day, thanks for the shares and hope the day is full of smiles!
May 08Reply
ads939598 Thx for the shares Terri! I appreciate it!
May 08Reply
bethcarrera The you for sharing my closet!! stay safe and healthy during this crazy time!!
May 08Reply
raphael59 Thank you for sharing items in my closet, it’s truly appreciated. 🦅
May 08Reply
terri_wowk @raphael59 And thank YOU as well, I hope you enjoy the shirt! I shared a few more of your items.
May 08Reply
cwill85 Hi Terri 👋..thanks for following I really appreciate it 🥰...I only have a few items but please let me know if anything catches your eye 👀 with a "like" & I can send you an offer with discount. Thanks again & Happy Poshing 🛍💕
May 09Reply
marietx Thanks for the shares Terri!!🤗🌸
May 19Reply
newkirkyaya thank you for visiting and sharing my items 😊
Jun 02Reply
hellodarrrling Good Morning Terri~🍃🌸🍃☀️☺️ You have such a Beautiful closet and such amazing style! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and sharing. I really appreciate it! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend so far! I will share anytime! Enjoy your Saturday!~XO Alisia💕🌎🙏🏻🌸🍃😊 Stay safe!
Jun 06Reply
terri_wowk @hellodarrrling You're so kind! Thank you! You have a beautifully styled closet, great photography! Hope you are smiling and enjoying the day as well. Good luck selling! And you stay safe too!
Jun 06Reply
onemoni Hello!! Thank you for sharing items from my closet🤩. Stop by anytime. I am going to take a peek into yours:)).... Have a great weekend☀️
Jun 06Reply
kasiafal Thank you for the shares!!!
Jun 09Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I am accepting all offers tonight! I am moving and looking to clear out my closet! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! It will be accepted! Bundles are also welcome :) Thank you
Jun 17Reply
dappleddoxie Thank you for your shares😍 Love your closet❤ Shared back at ya 100 Times May you have a fantastic day with many sales Oh and thanks foe making me smile🥰
Jun 23Reply
terri_wowk @dappleddoxie Glad to make you smile, now I am too!! Have the best day!
Jun 23Reply
dappleddoxie @terri_wowk 🥰❤🤩💯😍🌻💥🥳
Jun 23Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Terri on sharing from my family closet 💜🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 10Reply
atelier54 Hey Terri, I'm finally on Poshmark! l 😃 like your offerings!
Jul 10Reply
terri_wowk @atelier54 So exciting!!! You look pretty in that photo! Good luck my friend and I will share your stuff every chance I get. I am almost up to 80K followers!
Jul 10Reply
atelier54 Thanks Terri... You have great offerings!!!!
Jul 11Reply
secondchancebtq Hi there! I have recently re-branded as “Second Chance Boutique” and am excitedly working on my inventory. I appreciate your support as a follower, wish you many sales, and hope you are staying safe!
Jul 17Reply
bjm84 Hi! Thanks for the shares! I have you book marked so that I can browse! ❤️
Jul 27Reply
allsales792018 Hello thanks for sharing my closet . I invite you to visit my closet. I have very beautiful, modern clothes and handmade clothing, have a wonderful day. Thanks for visiting my closet, blessings to you and your family.
Aug 10Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing .....
Aug 11Reply
karlensclassics Hi Terri, thanks for following me today, it was a pleasure browsing your closet and sharing, you have done a great job with your listings. Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply
terri_wowk @karlensclassics Thanks Tina! I shared your closet as well! Wishing you many smiles and sales!!
Aug 11Reply
pickychix Thank you for all the shares, 🥰 Deanna
Aug 13Reply
graceochoa Very nice closet, please visit my closet sometime!
Aug 19Reply
graceochoa Thanks for all the shares💕
Aug 19Reply
terri_wowk @graceochoa Of course! Sending you smiles too!
Aug 19Reply
fashionpix Super cute! And thanks for the follow :o)
Aug 25Reply
brokegrandmom Thanks for the shares! Shared 30 in your closet.
Aug 25Reply
terri_wowk @wifezilla416 Thanks! Good luck selling!
Aug 26Reply
terri_wowk @amb15931 Thanks Alice! You have a nice assortment of items. Wishing you sales and smiles!
Aug 26Reply
jpazdesign Thanks for the follow
Aug 26Reply
glamoursmadame Thanks for all the shares my friend! 🥰
Aug 27Reply
terri_wowk @glamoursmadame Likewise! Wishing you good sales and smiles!
Aug 27Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!!❤❤❤
Aug 28Reply
terri_wowk @lilac_and_daisy Of course! Have a terrific day full of smiles!
Aug 28Reply
stylesbytere Hello there ! 💕🌸🛍 thank you for all the Shares !! Happy poshing
Sep 03Reply
caffcartel Hi and thank you for following! I'm following back, please also feel free to follow me on instagram: ! I'll be watching and learning from you! Wishing you lots of luck & sales. Happy Poshing!
Sep 04Reply
kessandtill Hi Terri! Just wanted to drop by and thank you for the generous shares! I'm still pretty new to Poshmark and I sincerely appreciate your kindness. I love all the positive ☺️ SMILE ☺️ vibes you send out into this crazy world! You have an amazing closet, and I'm honored to share it with my followers! 🌸💮🌸 All the best, janelle.
Sep 10Reply
terri_wowk @kessandtill Aww, thanks Janelle! That made my day. I'll share your closet whenever I can. Have a great day full of smiles and sales!
Sep 10Reply
acespm4me Hello Terry, Thank you for visiting my closet and for all of the shares! I shared from your closet as well. Wishing you many, many sales! Happy Poshing!!😊🌺😊🎈🌺
Sep 11Reply
hikeitgirl Loving all of your fabulous products! Thanks for following my closet and sharing my items.
Sep 16Reply
terri_wowk @hikeitgirl Thank you Shannon! wishing you many sales and smiles!
Sep 16Reply
pats_attic Thank you so much for all the shares. Have an awesome day.
Sep 23Reply
serenecloset Thank you for sharing my items. Very much appreciated. ⭐️❤️⭐️
Sep 24Reply
staciamartiez @terri_wowk thank you for the follow. Feel free to check out my closet.😊 what kind of brands or stuff do you like?
Sep 27Reply
fabianregio Thank you for following me 😉😉
Oct 05Reply
metisangel Hi Terry, I am Sheryl Ann @metisangel. Thanks for visiting my closet. I visited yours and shared a few things. I hope you can share something from my closet. Be patient as I figure out how to add shipping from/for USA.
Oct 08Reply
lisascheffler19 You have. A great closet. A lot of variety!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend😊
Oct 09Reply
terri_wowk @lisascheffler19 Thanks so much Lisa! You have some pretty jewelry items too! Have a fabulous weekend and cheers to sales and smiles!
Oct 09Reply
kids_poshshop Thanks for sharing. I’ll share too! If you like some of my items and ‘like’ means you’re interested in buying them, build a bundle. I don’t send offers but will consider reasonable offers from buyers. I give a 15% discount on bundles of three or more items. I have a closet, richmondsrelics, for ladies clothes and home goods
Oct 16Reply
prattlife Welcome pretty eyes ☺️
Oct 19Reply
vintagewear36 Thank you for the shares.🙂
Oct 19Reply
mimitrend Thanks for the Posh L❤️VE !🤩😊🥰
Oct 19Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey girly!!! I am offering $2 off any of my items today:) just counter offer me your ideal price! if you bundle its even cheaper!!!! Stay safe xoxo
Oct 19Reply
cen550 Thank you so much for all the shares 🤗 much appreciated, Aloha 🤙🏽🌈
Oct 22Reply
terri_wowk @cen550 Of course! Have a fantastic day!
Oct 22Reply
cen550 @terri_wowk Thank you! You have an Amazing day as well 🌈😊
Oct 22Reply
timara9006 Heyyy queen thanks for checking my closet out 💕. I truly really appreciate the support 😊. Right now until 12/1/2020, if your order is $30+ you will receive a FREE T-shirt‼️ Again thanks for helping a fellow posher out. Hope you have an amazing day 😍
Oct 23Reply
twboymom Thanks for all the shares! I will gladly return the favor.
Nov 03Reply
steve4art Hi Terri, I loved your closet and your style!! Thank you for the follow. Do you have a background in design?? Your closet is superb. I followed right back.
Nov 13Reply
terri_wowk @steve4art Thanks Steve! I am an artist and a graphic designer. I dabble in photography. Thanks for the appreciation, it really made me smile!
Nov 13Reply
kathytosolt Thanks for all the shares😊
Nov 21Reply
kessandtill Back again!!! You shared a ton of my things back in September, and again now when it seems like my sales have taken a Thanksgiving break! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I absolutely adored your bubbly personality and sweet spirit and it still applies! What kindness to share so generously! I love your closet, it is so well curated! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 21Reply
prattlife Welcome cutie ☺️
Nov 21Reply
terri_wowk @kessandtill Hi Janelle! yes, i remembered you and wanted to share again! Hope it brings you some $ sales $. Have a great day!!
Nov 22Reply
kenedie14 Thanks for the shares! Make sure to check out my closet where you can get any three of my styles for just $12! Have a wonderful day :))
Nov 24Reply
jjjewelz13 Thank you for all the ‘shares’! I haven’t quite gotten this all figured out, yet am still working at it! Have a Great weekend!
Dec 05Reply
terri_wowk @jjjewelz13 You are doing great Julia! You have nice items for sale. Follow others so they will follow you back. Share other peoples items and they will share yours back! Its a good community and the key is to get exposure to lots of different people. Have a great weekend as well!
Dec 05Reply
jjjewelz13 @terri_wowk thank you for all the info!! Appreciate you taking the time, Terri! Stay well!
Dec 05Reply
alphonso13 Thank you for your sharing! 😊
Dec 10Reply
polished_penny Thank you for the shares! 😊
Dec 12Reply
terri_wowk @doyle9418 Thanks Nancy! I appreciate that! Have a great new year with plenty of smiles and sales!!
Jan 02Reply
avm1033 @terri_wowk You have a lot of things that fit the posh party I sent a bunch :D Happy New Year!
Jan 03Reply
terri_wowk @vm1033 thank you! I shated yours as well! Good luck!
Jan 03Reply
smcdsmith55 Hi Terri!! Thanks for sharing my closet!! You have a sweet closet!!! Wishing us both many happy sales!! Is interested in anything from mine or have any questions please ask. Thanks again!!! Happy Poshing and New Year!!! 👠🎒💄👗👚👜🥳🥳
Jan 04Reply
terri_wowk @smcdsmith55 Hi Shirley! It is sweet that you reached out. When I looked at your closet and your smiling face, I KNEW you had to be a nice person. It shines through! Have a terrific day, filled with smiles and hopefully sales! Happy New Year!
Jan 04Reply
smcdsmith55 Oh Thank You!!! My family puts that smile there!!! You have beautiful smile too, cutie beside you too!!! 👍🏼👍🏼❤️👠🎒💄👗👚👜
Jan 04Reply
smcdsmith55 OH MY!!!! THANK YOU!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Jan 04Reply
smcdsmith55 BTW, I go back and share previous purchasers too!! Just started doing it, had grandkids over Holidays!! Lol. It will show them new items, my thoughts...I’ll let u know if it works. Sure can’t hurt!! I’m happy if I can help others sell!!! All in this together!! 👠🎒💄👗👚❤️👜
Jan 04Reply
sweetcloverposh Thanks for sharing my closet! 🙌
Jan 06Reply
lreid8375 Happy New Year my dear Poshmark closet,mate!!! So kind of you to share my closet. I also noticed that you graduated from one of my favorite schools....F.I.T. Started my creative work years ago there in the late seventies... found out I wasn't ready,but its never too late to complete what you started.🙂 Pray our lives will be better than last year. 🙏❤ Thanks again!!
Jan 09Reply
terri_wowk @lreid8375 hi Linda! yes, i did 4 years in the Advertising & Graphic Design program. Loved that school. I work in the creative field but love all design and art and do most of the fun stuff on my own. Painting, drawing, crafting, photography. Never too late to open up that creative eye and just let ideas and energy flow. Have a great day full of smiles and sales. Nice of you to reach out! 🙂🙂😁🇺🇸🎨
Jan 09Reply
mountainwoman3 Thank you for the shares!😊♥️
Jan 10Reply
terri_wowk @nene_castro Thanks Nene! Good luck selling and hope you have lots of smiles!
Jan 12Reply
5stella555 a quick thank you for the share Terri...thanking you back. inviting you to swing by anytime to visit my cupboard... door is always open. STAY SAFE AND WELL @5stella555
Jan 17Reply
sosaltyandsweet Thank you for the shares, Terri!☺ Your profile pic is lovely. Come back any time!
Jan 22Reply
lovetheplanet Thanks for all the closet shares! Have a lovely day 😊
Jan 22Reply
starshinefinds1 Thank you for the shares!
Jan 23Reply
mitchkamerman Hi Terri!!
Jan 25Reply
makeyawannaslap Well hey Terri! looking forward to building and network with you.
Jan 25Reply
maplebetsy Hi Terri, thanks for the shares as well! ❤️☺️ have a great week!
Jan 25Reply
charlesaburns23 @terri_wowk thank you for all the shares! good luck to you and many smiles your way as well!! ☺️💚
Jan 26Reply
mrsleonick thank you for sharing my items! 🦋 have a beautiful day🥳
Jan 28Reply
tazzies21 Terri, Thank you for sharing. Happy poshing. 🤗🤗Vicky
Jan 30Reply
hangerswanted Thank you for the shares. You have a beautiful closet!
Jan 31Reply
terri_wowk @hangerswanted Thank you as well!! Wishing you lots of sales and even more smiles! 😁
Jan 31Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares!🥰
Feb 01Reply
corksiet thanks 😊
Feb 01Reply
fashion4allfam Thank you for sharing my closet! 😍🌹
Feb 02Reply
terri_wowk @milyguthrie Likewise! Wishing you lots of sales and even more smiles! 😁😁
Feb 02Reply
fashion4allfam @terri_wowk Thank you! You too 🥰🤞😊
Feb 02Reply
pattysparlor Hi Terri, Thanks for the shares! Love your pics, and love your closet. 🤗🤗🤗
Feb 02Reply
averypc Hi! If you like emo/alternative clothing, I have a lot of items from brands like Tripp, Rude, Blackheart, and Hot Topic! Please feel free to check out my closet. I also have a listing that you can like to be notified when I drop new alternative clothing! Happy Poshing!🤟🏻🖤 :)
Feb 03Reply
joeandrews954 Hello do you love wearing athleisure apparel. Check out my website
Feb 03Reply
lakesmusicpage How do you share so many items so quickly?
Feb 04Reply
terri_wowk @lakesmusicpage LOL! I have gotten really good at clicking. I work on my desktop computer.
Feb 04Reply
lakesmusicpage I’ve never actually tried the website, just iOS app. There are some closets I want to share 30 items and often don’t due to time constraints. I’ll have to give the website a spin!
Feb 04Reply
terri_wowk @lakesmusicpage Definitely try it Scott. Each has their advantages. I share items faster on the website but follow people faster on the mobile app. Good luck and hoping you see some great sales!
Feb 04Reply
jaaymack Nice meeting you , thank you for the add ! Wishing you and your family both success and happiness for all of 2021 , and many more years to come 😁👍🏽Happy Poshing❗️
Feb 09Reply
terri_wowk @jaaymack Nice to meet you as well Jay! Wishing you lots of sales and even more smiles! 😁😁
Feb 09Reply
jaaymack @terri_wowk Thank you for being so awesome, take care!
Feb 11Reply
kaz55 Thank you so much for all of your shares! Stay safe and have fun!
Feb 11Reply
tanyaz1 thanks so much for all the shares 😃😍
Feb 11Reply
cindylew56 Thanks for the shares have a great week🦋
Feb 16Reply
lilwolfe1 @terri_wowk Hi Terri! Thanks for the shares and kind words. Have a blessed evening!😊🤗❤
Feb 17Reply
beverlyamabee I have marked all my likes and will shop on payday.❤️❤️
Feb 18Reply
terri_wowk @beverlyamabee You are so sweet! Have a terrific day filled with smiles Beverly! And when you are ready, I will certainly make you the best deal on the items you choose.
Feb 18Reply
beverlyamabee @terri_wowk ❤️❤️❤️Thank you!
Feb 18Reply
ckru11 Hi there! Thanks for the little note! So positive and uplifting ❤️ Wishing you many sales as well! Have a lovely evening!
Feb 19Reply
justinconrad862 Hey!! Thanks for the follow :) I’ll be checking out your closet soon. I also have a bundle discount. If you bundle 3 or more items you’ll get a 10% discount and free shipping!! Enjoy the rest of your day 💙💙 Everything is 15% off today only!! Plus bundle 3 or more items and get an additional 10% discount and free shipping!!
Feb 23Reply
mitzpaws1 Thank you for the shares. I am very grateful 🙏
Feb 23Reply
randeescloset Hi Terri, Thank you for the shares🌷 Wishing you many sales😎 Randee
Feb 24Reply
raychii 🌷Thank Yiu for all the Shares, Terri ! 🙏I love your Closet BTw!!😍Wishing you many sales and thanks fir making me smile !!🙌💕👯‍♀️🛍🎀🎈
Feb 25Reply
luxsarashop Amazing closet!!!
Feb 27Reply
shopkatsclosett Thanks for the shares Terri, I’m very new and just getting the hang of everything😊 I’m so excited!!!!
Feb 28Reply
terri_wowk @kehicks5 Thank you right back! And if you have questions, just let me know. Definitely beware of scammers who try to get you to go off the app. Ask any questions and I can certainly try to help!
Feb 28Reply
dagnylane @terri_wowk Thanks for the shares & positivity! Wishing you much success & smiles along the way! 😍
Mar 02Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me! I’ll check out your closet and share - hope you’ll do the same! Recently retired and hoping to downsize the master closet and kitchen cabinets! 😊😊 Betty
Mar 08Reply
bettyboopertoo P.s. - just saw you were from Malvern. I dated a guy from VS Central who lived in Malvern when I was a sophomore at Elmont Memorial! A lifetime ago! LOL 😊😊
Mar 08Reply
terri_wowk @bettyboopertoo lol! still is a beautiful town!
Mar 08Reply
millersmarket Thank you very much for sharing!!!! hopefully we both do get sales !!!
Mar 09Reply
tjackovich Thank you for your sweet comment. Wishing you many sales too. Many blessings. Tina
Mar 16Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! Could you check out my closet? The top two things are only available for the next few days and I need to sell them fast! I started poshmarking to earn money for a missions trip that I would like to go on this summer. I’d really appreciate any help you could give me! Thanks 💕💕
Mar 28Reply
pmo3ws Thank you too Terri!! Many sales and always keep smiling !!
Apr 02Reply
eclecticzinnia Thanks for all the shares! I appreciate the support 💕😃 Nice closet! Wishing you much success 🌺
Apr 05Reply
ventobunny @terri_wowk Hi Terri! 👋 I hope you have a beautiful and successful 2021!! If you ever want to chat or have a question for me, please do not hesitate to contact me on my Meet The Posher page or through the comment section of a bundle with me! Best wishes and many blessings 🙂 Much 💞 love and light 💫 from your Poshmark friend in PA, 💖Lindsey
Apr 06Reply
lotzathingeez Hi Terri, thanks for sharing my items too. Check out my blues too and follow that may get you more sales. All my items marked FINAL are 3 for $15 if interested, let me know. Happy Spring sales!!! 🌻🌷🌾
Apr 08Reply
mitzpaws1 Thank you so much for the shares. Have a great weekend ⚘
Apr 09Reply
pdufault120 Thank you for sharing back!🌹🌹
Apr 09Reply
brian2nv Hey! 😊 Thanks for the follow sweetie
Apr 11Reply
ninacrispell You too!! Have a great day!!!
Apr 14Reply
lewisl13 Thanks Terri!🤗 I'm smiling now,😁 Thanks for the shares & Happy Poshing!🛍🛍🦋🦋
Apr 14Reply
sweetsdeals1 @terri_wowk I just saw that you are also in New York but I think that part is upstate right? My ragweed and pollen allergies wouldn't let me live upstate so I"ve always been downstate in the boroughs. (Manh & now Qns).
Apr 19Reply
terri_wowk @sweetsdeals1 no, just over the Queens border in Long Island. 🙂
Apr 20Reply
sweetsdeals1 @terri_wowk Surprise: that's much closer since I'm a few minutes from the Qns Center Mall. Seems by vehicle that is like 30 minutes depending on traffic. I have no vehicle but I went to L.I. with a friend over 16 years ago. Nice to meet a fellow New Yorker & pls check my closet for great gifts as well.
Apr 20Reply
maxofmiles Thank you for sharing Terri!! Many sales for you as well🥰 Such a pretty smile!
Apr 21Reply
terri_wowk @maxofmiles You are too sweet! Now I am definitely smiling! Have a great day!
Apr 21Reply
ur1finegrl Just wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for the follow 🤗 and to say not only do you have a BEAUTIFUL closet but you take such pride in your listings and it shows in the beautiful pictures you take to display your items. I list on a few sites and I know how difficult and how much time taking a great a picture to display your item can be. Your items are displayed beautifully ❤❤
Apr 22Reply
terri_wowk @ur1finegrl Thank you so much Rebecca! That was such a wonderful compliment, truly made me smile. 🙂🙂😊 I do enjoy showcasing the beauty of everything. I had seen it when I purchased, so I hope that someone else sees it too! Have a fabulous day!
Apr 22Reply
ur1finegrl @terri_wowk A well deserved compliment sweetie 😉 I love to see people take pride in their work. It says a lot about your character and the experience that you want for your customers to have ❤👏👏
Apr 22Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Apr 22Reply
terri_wowk @yizzie74 of course, best of luck!!
Apr 22Reply
yizzie74 You as well
Apr 22Reply
jnjpartyof5 Thanks so much for the comment!!!! You have a beautiful smile, I can see why you SMIZE 😊😊😊(In the words of Tyra Banks!) have a blessed day!
Apr 29Reply
mscapricorn53 Hi Terri, Thank you for all the positive words, you also have a great day!💞
May 03Reply
jnotare Thank you as well Terri and good luck! To both of us! 🎉😊🎈🥳🤩💕
May 05Reply
keishacampbe695 😍 Thank you Ms. Terri!! Shared some from your closet as well. Yes, let's make those sales💰🥂 Hugs 💖
May 10Reply
fufushikiluv @terri_wowk Thanks for the shares. 💞
May 11Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 13Reply
terri_wowk @jenn123456 A good tip to boost your sales, share other peoples items. It gets you more exposure!
May 13Reply
siciliandreams Hi Terri, thank you for sharing my earrings!🤗 if there's anything that you would like to bundle message me and I will give you an extra discount🌷🌷😃
May 13Reply
terri_wowk @ferrja51 Wow! You must know it well! Beautiful place.... Have a great day Jeremy. 🙂
May 22Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
May 24Reply
terri_wowk @beclassybebold I appreciate you sharing as well! Good luck to us both for great sales.
May 24Reply
beclassybebold 👏👏😃🙏
May 24Reply
lakela17 Thanks Terri!! Same to u! Thanks as well! Stay safe! 🤙🏼🌺☀️ great closet !!
May 24Reply
londonschells8 Hey pretty lady!!! Thank you for following me! I took a peek at your closet and can’t wait until I have time to get back and peruse it further! Hope you’re having a FANTABULOUS day! Happy Poshing! 💜
May 24Reply
estariv645 thank u so much for sharing!
May 29Reply
mashken51 Thank you for sharing my stuff
Jun 04Reply
sweetsdeals1 terri_wowk Hello fellow New Yorker. Been awhile. Got caught in stormy rain today near 4pm, what about u? Hope all is well. I added new listings so pls have another look. signed B in Qns.
Jun 04Reply
yummybeauty I do like browsing your closet!
Jun 06Reply
izzy374 Hello Terri, thank you for the kind words. wishing you many sales!!
Jun 08Reply
tamshopping_tf Hi fellow Posher Thanks for the welcome and the share!
Jun 14Reply
aussieally Hi Terri! thanks for your kind well wishes, much appreciated! I hope you have a lovely day and good luck poshing!
Jun 16Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jun 17Reply
cashmans Thank you for sharing. You’re the best! 😊
Jun 20Reply
terri_wowk @cashmans of course! Have a fantastic day!
Jun 20Reply
cashmans You too sweetie! 🤩
Jun 20Reply
terri_wowk @m00314111 You are very welcome. Good luck to us both. Have a terrific day!
Jun 21Reply
kaimana84 Aloha thanks for sharing my listing. More is on the way. Mahalo nui Loa “thank you very much” 🤙🏾
Jun 23Reply
kaimana84 Thanks for sharing. 🤙🏾🤙🏾
Jun 25Reply
kf1332032 @kaimana84 hey thanks for sharing that Gucci and jeans. Really hoping for people the buy my stuff. Have a great rest of your day!
Jun 25Reply
ms_robin_mm Hello! Thanks for stopping by my closet all the shares! You've got a pretty swell closet as well!
Jul 01Reply
bullittsmom Hey cutie patootie!! Thanks for all the shares❤️👍🏼😘
Jul 03Reply
sarabarre777 Thank You so much for sharing my listing! I appreciate it so much! 😻💌
Jul 03Reply
nrp72wife Hi Terri! Thank you for your shares as well and for your kind message! I’m trying to navigate my way around as best I can and appreciate your encouragement. You definitely made me smile today. Good luck to both of us! Thanks again so much! Happy Poshing! 🥰
Jul 09Reply
hmurph0685 Thank you for all the shares!🥰
Jul 13Reply
sheeleyr Fabulous 💕 Stunning 👌 Selection 🤗 like a party by itself 😉 very well styled 😉 I hope you don't mind me sharing 😉 for your 50TH🎉🎊💖🎉🎊 Speedy sales 👍 Trying to put together A Bundle 🤗 Have a wonderful evening and Happy Poshing 🤗
Jul 21Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I am looking to clear my closet out before moving in a month! I'll be accepting ALL offers until then! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Jul 21Reply
empoweredme Happy Birthday to you!! 🎉🥳🎉
Jul 22Reply
terri_wowk @empoweredme Thanks so much Emily! Have a terrific day!
Jul 22Reply
jerry_holmes awesome pic 😍😍
Aug 01Reply
51twenty Hi Terri. Beautiful closet! Nice to meet you. Carolyn
Aug 05Reply
terri_wowk @51twenty Good morning & I appreciate you sharing Carolyn! Thank you! Good luck to us both for great sales. Hope your day is terrific and you find lots of reasons to smile! 😁😁
Aug 05Reply
51twenty Happy Poshing!
Aug 05Reply
itzme4sure @katecarroll6 Hey Terri! It took me a hour to get to the bottom of all your well wishes😂...That shows that you are very thoughtful and kind🤗. Thank you for stopping by and I'm returning 💞 with wishes of great success! Happy poshing!😘
Aug 05Reply
terri_wowk @itzme4sure Aww, thanks Sandra! Always trying to put positive energy out there! You never know when someone needs it. 😁Stop in anytime, I will always share back. Have the BEST day!
Aug 05Reply
drewm87 Thank you so very much for the shares and likes and all your doing !! ❤️ very much appreciated maam How you have a great day hun! -posh❤️
Aug 10Reply
terri_wowk @drewm87 Of course! Have a terrific day!
Aug 10Reply
pipita0905 Thank you for sharing my listing!
Aug 10Reply
gingerjordan75 hi terri!!! thanks for all the shares doll, I really appreciate it ❤ 🙏 😊 ☺ 😘
Aug 26Reply
lakesidetrades Hey Terri , TY for visiting and all the shares 😊I appreciate it tons 🎉
Sep 07Reply
terri_wowk @lakesidetrades Likewise Carolyn! Have a terrific night! 🙂
Sep 07Reply
barginlady64 Thanks for posh share sales I hope you get it right back!!!
Sep 16Reply
1divasouthern Thank you for the shares! I am so close to Ambassador & love to help nice people@
Sep 17Reply
kamo74 Hi thanks for the shares! Happy Poshing! 🦋Kam
Sep 22Reply
nkdjewellers Hi, Check my closet for the best jewelry collection. for USA
Sep 22Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the shares! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything
Sep 24Reply
atl14420 @terri_wowk ❤❤❤ Sale today and Everything $4.99 shipping ❤❤❤ Offers welcome ❤❤❤
Sep 25Reply
nikkiscloset208 Thank you for the message and shares today. I appreciate the visit to my closet. Wishing you wonderful Posh sales and shares. Have a wonderful week!
Sep 30Reply
amv03 Thank you Terri! Have a wonderful day! :)
Oct 01Reply
rach1964 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my items! 🌸😀💜 I shared some of yours as well!
Oct 03Reply
heartsplendor Hi Terri, Thank you for your words of encouragement. Always nice to hear from other sellers. I hope that you too will get a sale that will make you smile as well. Keep up the good work and have a great day too. Rita, for heartsplendor 💕
Oct 04Reply
kevin_max Hi Terri! Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing such nice words of encouragement. You have a wonderful spirit 👐 about you and you succeeded in making me smile today 🙂. I wish you the best on your posh endeavors. Have a wonderful day! 🌺
Oct 04Reply
terri_wowk @kevin_max Fantastic Kevin, a smile is magic! Have a great day!
Oct 04Reply
_arla_ Hi, Thank you for the shares! Your closet is lovely!
Oct 05Reply
cherylnclothes Thanks for your kindness and your time🌹
Oct 07Reply
elizlgellen Hi: Thank you so much for sharing too! I hope you have lots of sales & a great weekend ahead. Take care ~😃😃
Oct 08Reply
rxllwllms Hi Terri! Thank you for stopping by and the kind words! You have a very lovely closet! I will be sure to browse through and follow! Have a wonderful blessed weekend!<333
Oct 08Reply
pink_passion112 Good morning. thanks for all of todays shares . good luck and hopefully a fun and prosperous day for us both 😀🎉🤞
Oct 11Reply
atl14420 @terri_wowk Happy Fall 🤗 New Items Just added 🤗 Offers Welcomed 🤗 Fast Shipping 🤗 Top Rated Seller 🤗 Low Prices on Brand Names 🤗
Oct 12Reply
nikijacinto Oh cool!! Thanks!! 😃👍🎉
Oct 19Reply
pink_passion112 Hi!! Just wanted to.say thank you for our little partnership! i hope uou are selling alot. have a great day 😀
Oct 19Reply
annmarielin Thanks so much for Sharing🤗💕
Oct 20Reply
marcparr72 Thank you for sharing items from my closet ❤
Oct 22Reply
myspace2yours99 Thanks for all the shares! You rock!! I’ll try to keep up lol
Oct 24Reply
terri_wowk @toddtheg And you as well, thanks for all the Posh Love! wishing us both good luck for some sales today!
Oct 24Reply
2ndtimesold Thank you for sharing items from my closet.
Oct 27Reply
iejewett Love your closet! I noticed your Polish pottery pie plate and wanted to mention, since I have a lot of the same pottery I picked up when we were stationed in Germany, that it is also microwave safe as well as oven safe. It’s wonderfully made. I also love the black sequined jacket but I’m not yet down to a medium😩 . I am slowly adding to my closet and I hope you stop by once in a while to see my progress.💕
Nov 09Reply
terri_wowk @iejewett Thanks Isabel! I appreciate the tip and hope you achieve your goal!!
Nov 10Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 20Reply
lakefashion22 Hi welcome to poshmark 👋🏼 you have a beautiful closet. Whenever you get a minute hop on over to lakefashion22. I have bundles and other deals too. Hope you have a wonderful day ☺️
Nov 26Reply
lakefashion22 Hi welcome to poshmark. Your closet is beautiful. Whenever you get a minute to hop on over to lakefashion22. I have deals and bundles. Hope you have a wonderful day 😁
Nov 26Reply
blessingsup 🎄Hi Terri and thanks for the share! I appreciate your time & support. Please accept this personal invite to come and visit my closet. I am having my huge Semi Annual Closet Wide Sale (Nov 27- Dec18) and offer 50% off 3 or more bundled items. I look forward to seeing you and thank you for looking! Blessings, Debbie
Nov 30Reply
craftygranny Thank you for the shares! Have a blessed one and hugs!
Dec 06Reply
craftygranny Stopped by and shared! Have a great day! Hugs!
Dec 06Reply
4winwin l appreciate you! Thanks for sharing the Posh love.
Dec 14Reply
nantiquedelight You have a beautiful closet!! Thank you for all the shares❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Happy Poshing 💜💜💜💜💜
Dec 18Reply
terri_wowk @nantiquedelight Yours is fantastic as well Nancy! All that lovely red glass... Have a terrific day full of smiles and sales! 🙂💰
Dec 18Reply
parlourobscura 💙💚Hi…🥰Thanks for all the “SHARES”🥰 Let’s keep sharing. I am putting up new items frequently and will be adding a lot of different categories mid January💚💙. 🦋Parlour🦋 Hope to do business with you👍🛍
Dec 19Reply
fzsabiramay thanks ma'am plz share my closet I am a new seller
Jan 10Reply
fzsabiramay thanks ma'am no np i will
Jan 10Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Jan 11Reply
devonalison1 Hi Terry Thank you for sharing my listings! As you will see I have shared some of your listings too! Have a great rest of your week & weekend, with lots of sales! Alison.
Jan 12Reply
fkado Thank you for sharing my stuff. Your closet is lovely.
Jan 29Reply
terri_wowk @fkado of course Flo. You have many striking pieces as well! Good luck for some good sales coming up!💰💰
Jan 29Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following me! Feel free to make me a reasonable offer. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, ornaments, toys, and jewelry. I have brand new items from brands like Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Book of the Month, and more. I mail next day. Happy shopping!
Jan 31Reply
peachpeonyt Hi Terri! Thanks so much for all the shares, appreciate the help. I'll be returning the favor. Happy POSHing 💖
Feb 09Reply
davidlikeyalot Thank you for the shares. Have a blessed weekend.
Feb 12Reply
shopaddictguru Thank you so much for sharing my items! Hope you have a blessed week! 🥰
Feb 16Reply
mygrant486 Hello Terri and thanks so much for the shares!! 💞💙💛
Feb 18Reply
terri_wowk @mygrant486 Of course Sally! Let's hope for a great weekend! 💰💰
Feb 18Reply
mygrant486 @terri_wowk Yes!! That would be wonderful!! 💝🤞💰
Feb 18Reply
casazul_ent Hello! Thanks for the welcome and for looking around as I get started. Your listings are so clear and your communication is fantastic. Best of luck
Feb 22Reply
terri_wowk @casazul_ent Thanks for the compliment Willy, I appreciate that! Reach out if you have any questions, I can try to help! Good luck!
Feb 22Reply
bellatesoro2021 Thank you Terri, for sharing items from my closet. I appreciate your support. 😊
Feb 27Reply
elmocunningham Thanks for sharing my listing! I appreciate your support!
Feb 28Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 09Reply
terri_wowk @zardiva1 Thanks so much for that Meya!! Shared you back. Good luck for great sales followed by wonderful smiles!!! 🙂😁🥰
Mar 09Reply
zardiva1 @terri_wowk Awww, you’re welcome! 🤗 And thanks! 👍😃🥰😘
Mar 09Reply
marieee81 Thanks fir the kind words and all the shares 🍒 Warmly, Marie
Mar 14Reply
watsonlilmommy @terri_wowk hello check out my closet see something you like I can help you out an also can bundle some things if you like at a good price
Mar 17Reply
shinnayscloset thank you for all the shares😻😻😻😻🎉🎉🎉✨✨☺️🤗
Mar 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 18Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 23Reply
kreatedbykarea Hey, pretty! I would love it if you could please support my small business and follow my Instagram @kreatedbykarea💕 I’m trying to reach 100 followers to do a giveaway.
Apr 10Reply
shyenneworle183 thanks for following me, feel free to check out my closet and make an offer or a bundle on anything you like. anything marked with a * is $15!
Apr 20Reply
bluerop Hey Terry, thank you so much for all the shares!!!❣️❣️❣️🥰 It means the world to me and thank you for being so kind!
Apr 30Reply
tazzies21 Hi, Shared 50💞 Vicky
May 03Reply
terri_wowk @tazzies21 Hi Vicky. There were no shares from you. Perhaps you sent me this message by mistake?
May 03Reply
tazzies21 @terri_wowk that's concerning I know I shared. Going to try again. 🤗 Vicky
May 03Reply
terri_wowk @tazzies21 Lol, they certainly came through now, thanks so much for the Posh Love Vicky! Returning the favor as well. Have a terrific day and good luck! 😁💰
May 03Reply
tazzies21 @terri_wowk Lol, I thought something was wrong with my Posh!!🤗 Thank you Vicky
May 03Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! ty for the follow! I shared some of ur items.pleaze check out my DOGGY pic .there are several SUPER CHEAP CLEARANCE DEALS to pick from plus a free ⭐🎁 with every $20 purchase!! please have a look! u can use 2 deals in 1 bundle also ! listing TONS MORE SOON! tons of collectibles and vintage soon!
May 05Reply
littletiny58 Hi Terri 🤗 Thank You for checking out my Listing and Sharing 👍 Happy Shopping 🛍️ And Poshing To you and have a wonderful Week 😊
May 09Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi!Terri .. Thanks for following our closet and sharing it.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
May 15Reply
andyncleo thank you
May 23Reply
andyncleo thank you for sharing
May 24Reply
diva_502 Thanks for the shares. It's much appreciated. Happy Poshing! 🤗
Jun 18Reply
holyflipinmomma Thanks for the follow! I am a new posher and appreciate the support. ❤️ I have followed you back and shared some of your listings.. 😃 Many Blessings Javany 🌼
Jun 21Reply
hijabiessential Hi Terri!
Jun 23Reply
neenesboutique @terri_wowk Hi good morning thank you so much for your shares I truly appreciate it!
Aug 15Reply
blessingsup Hi Terri and thanks for the mutual shares. I love all the special & unique things in your closet! May we both be blessed with many Sales this week! Debbie
Sep 04Reply
rad0529 Hello Terri, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Sep 08Reply
curlygirlyx3 Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the day. Happy Poshing 😊
Sep 27Reply
charleshamil280 Beautiful
Oct 07Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 23Reply
etw72 Thank you for the share😁
Dec 02Reply
etw72 You are awesome!!! Thank you😁
Dec 02Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Dec 05Reply
dollar3370 @terri_wowk Terri, Thanks for your kindness, taking your time to share items from my closet. I really appreciate your help. I'm fairly new to Poshmark and I need all the help I can get. Hope you have a blessed day.
Dec 11Reply
retroragz22 If you see anything please make me an offer
Dec 20Reply
rvnk74 Thanks for the follow/shares, I give a 10% discount in the event there's anything you're interested for your self. It can be used on a single purchase or even a bundle. Happy Holidays 😊
Dec 22Reply
freindly_merch Hey, thx for sharing! Preciate it specially when we get a sale. LOL Good luck!
Jan 06Reply
thebears333 Thank you for sharing my listing. I really appreciate it!
Jan 08Reply
earlgrey15 Really appreciate all the shares of my handmade pottery pieces! Sharing back & have a great day! 🌞
Jan 27Reply
yourstruly_cj Hi! I hope that you are having great day. I just want to introduce myself. Im a new posher and I’d like to invite you to check out my closet. Thank you for your support and have a great day! :))
Feb 10Reply
thebears333 Thank you for sharing my listing. I really appreciate it!
Feb 25Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Feb 28Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am offering a free 925 sterling silver heart pendant necklace with the purchase of any purse.....
Mar 10Reply
sparavati I love your Closet!💕 Thank you for sharing mine!
Mar 21Reply
littlelulu35 Thank you so much for all your shares. I wanted you to know that I am selling my home to move out of state by July. Now is the time for real bargains. If you see something you like, make an offer, because reasonable offers will never be turned down. Please take another look!!
Apr 26Reply
cutehosiery @terri_wowk Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 12Reply
kqhgo 😊 thank you so much for the follow, new to Posh Mark community and oh my gosh, so amazing! I love it … a little too much I think 🤣 Fixing to browse your closet! I appreciate you! 💕🦋🌸😊 @kqhgo
Jun 24Reply
terri_wowk @kqhgo Thanks so much and good luck here! Reach out with any questions!
Jun 24Reply
kqhgo Thank you you are awesome! 💕🌸🦋💕
Jun 24Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jul 20Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Terri and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Aug 25Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you are having a Happy Friday and successful Poshing!😊
Oct 20Reply
ig0000 Thanks for sharing my closet.
Oct 21Reply
pjhb Hi Terri! Thanks so much for sharing my Paul Mcartney DVD!! I appreciate it so much!😃
Oct 30Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 06Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing! I
Nov 08Reply
starplunep 💗💞💓💗💞💓💗💞💓💗💞💓💗💞💓
Nov 15Reply
wnybda What a fantastic closet! Hoping my shares bring you Poshperity!
Dec 11Reply
retailtherapytn Good morning Terri! I love your closet! I’ve been at this POSHMARK stuff about a year now and was wondering if you could give me your top advice! I try to listen to podcasts and etc but should I being using an app to share my listing and stuff like that? Should I be sharing more? Following more people? Taking better pictures? I want to succeed at this but want to spend my time wisely and not just spin my wheels! Thanks in advance for any help you can give me! Xo! Michelle
Jan 10Reply
feelinfine1973 gm terri! say I'm interested in the stein but I have one question? I'm looking for 2011 & 2013 as well? you wouldn't happen to have those also would you?
Mar 08Reply
danabella_92 Hi, I’m Danielle! 💕 Thanks for taking time to look through my closet! I currently have a bundle offer of 10% off 3 or more items. But even if you see 1 item and want to send me an offer, feel free. I’m sure we can work to find a price thats perfect for both of us. 💕
Nov 24Reply
rchampion80909 Hi lovely...just checking on candle 💗💗💗
Dec 13Reply
terri_wowk @rchampion80909 Thanks for the offer, I appreciate the interest. But an offer for $4 leaves me with a $1 earning. I will have to decline. Best of luck, I'm sure you'll find something terrific! 😊
Dec 13Reply
rchampion80909 Hi love...I totally understand...I just check to see if sellers might be liquidating at the end of the year...would you be able to offer 5.00 shipping💓
Dec 13Reply
loredosaul84 terri 😘
Feb 04Reply

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