Meet your Posher, Terrie
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Hi! I'm Terrie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hello Terri. Thank you for your purchase. Which color did you prefer and what size?
Aug 19Reply

Please kindly let me know which color. I can’t tell from the order. Thanks so much. 🙏🌺❤️
Aug 19Reply

@beamieandgoo Hi! I'm sorry! I'm brand new here and still figuring a few things out (not that THAT had anything to do with this problem!). I'm afraid I can't recall what the garment was, so could you send a pic if it's still available? As I obviously didn't notice the color choices, I probably wanted whatever color appears in the listing photo. Thanks.
Aug 21Reply

@terrierocca hello Terri. I completely can relate. I’m fairly new as well. The photo has both black and also white. I decided to send you both to choose from.
Aug 21Reply

Hi again. Color me dumb! Tried using the link in your email on three different devices with no luck! Don't know where pix are. Help! (Though. I DO have a headache I am not usually THIS clueless...😭) Again, thanks.
P.S. A bell just went off in my head. Is this by any chance a Free People tunic? If so, I wanted the white. Here's hoping, lol.
Aug 21Reply

Thank you! Can't wait to receive everything!
Aug 23Reply

Hello and welcome! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that my closet has many new items available and I am currently accepting offers. I think you may be interested in viewing my closet when you have a moment. Thank you and have a blessed day 💕💕💕
Sep 14Reply

@terrierocca Miss you! Hope all is well with you and the furry ones...
Oct 25Reply

@dressyouup36 I'mAlive!BadSideEffects,NewMigraineRx.12 DaysFlatOnBack.Had4BUSYdaysLastWk,Incl UnendingDMVvisit(TWOtrips,lol!),MDapptiInNapa(3.5hrsRndTrip)+LONGappt@StanfordNeuroscienceDept(HeadacheClinic)thatMyOldestSis,thkGod,droveMeTo.WORSTheadacheSatSun+nowBackProbsThatWon'tQuit.Won'tTakeOpiates,soBeenDowningMyExpensiveMuscle RelaxantsWhenIsimplyCan'tDeal.TryingToBook1stMassageInYRS!I'mAbigFreakingHairyMess,LOLl!BUT,DagwoodDoingGREAT!SilverLining!DebbieDowner!😂
Oct 30Reply

Hope u can read that! Knew it wild be long!
Oct 30Reply

@terrierocca Oh my goodness, I'm SO sorry you're going through all of this. But also so glad to hear from you. What's the prognosis? Are you still on that medication? Assuming you found out the hard way that you're allergic (or something)? Prayers with you, Terrie..I really hope you feel much better, and fast.
Oct 30Reply

@terrierocca Happy Halloween! Hoping you're doing at least somewhat okay. And that Dagwood didn't freak out tonight. My cat was tearing around the house all day. Cats and Halloween, an interesting match!🎃🎃🎃
Nov 01Reply

Lol, silly kitty! Dag and I slept most of the day. You caught me at what has been my awake time lately! Gave myself 2nd shot Sunday. So far okay. Fingers crossed! MUCH better today. Yay. Continuing with muscle relaxants. Either those or migraine Rx are helping headaches, not sure which. Maybe both. Thanks for writing! How r u and ur daughter? What was she tonight?
Nov 01Reply

@terrierocca I just saw this! My daughter dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was pretty excited. We have enough candy to last months! I see you haven't been on here in over a week..I'm really hoping you're ok. When you're back on, I'd love to know how you're doing.💖
Nov 14Reply

Aww! My "little girl's" (kitty's) middle name (lol) was Bella... That was what her foster mom named her, so I kept it. Wish I could see ur daughter's costume; I'm sure she was adorable! I've been inundated with tasks (incl. picking Medicare provider, ugh) and appointments. I'm much better, thks, but incurring some major uncovered medical expenses, so shopping has to slow down :( for awhile! Hope ur ok! Later...
Nov 16Reply

@terrierocca Hi, I just thought I'd see if you were back online. I really hope you're feeling ok and just maybe relaxing. Please take good care. 💜❤💙
Jan 22Reply

Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any three items and receive an offer of $60 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Right now the free gift is osfm black leggings. 😀 Happy Holidays!🎄
Dec 17Reply
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