Meet your Posher, Tery
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Hi! I'm Tery. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

57 others
like this

Thank you soo much for your purchase!! I will ship out tomorrow morning!!💖💖
Feb 04Reply

I had to cancel your order I'm so sorry!!! I had washed it and hung it to dry and I didn't notice but it had little stains all over the front of it . I tried to get them out but they wouldn't remove and because o didn't mention it in the description because I didn't notice it until I got under certain light I didn't feel it was fair. Sorry about any inconvenience just wanted to be honest!!! Thank you for checking out my closet!!!
Feb 04Reply

How bad are the stains? I think it was for my son to wear at work send me a picture if u get a chance, thank you
Feb 05Reply

Thanks for your purchase ❤️ will ship tomorrow 😊 enjoy! ⭐️
Feb 20Reply

Hi, come check out my closet! I can do the sweater for 28-30. It's brand new with the tags
Mar 19Reply

Sorry hun, I can't go quite that low, the jacket has never been worn and extremely flattering!
May 02Reply

I can do $150 via 🅿️ay🅿️al for the Prada quilted chain bag
May 18Reply

@timphan2014 hi there call me or text 414 659 6933
May 18Reply

@terybalistreri I just did. 914-4501000
May 18Reply

Hey love resubmit ur offer if still interested and u can have it 🌹thank you
May 28Reply

I can do 700 with 💙p
Sep 28Reply

@terybalistreri I reposted the bag. You can make a new offer.
Oct 04Reply

Thank you for rating. I appreciate it. I offer 30% discount in appreciation for return buyers. More listings soon
Oct 04Reply

Hi there sorry I don't have a closet. I really should I have way too much I love the bag, my first chanel I only bought LV That's what I need to do is sell the ones I don't use, do you like selling on this site? I have never sold before only purchase ( to much at times) thank you again
Oct 05Reply

Thanks for your order! I’ll ship that out tomorrow, thanks! 😁
Oct 10Reply

@terybalistreri There was an issue processing your payment 😊 if you're still interested, please update your payment method.
Oct 20Reply

Yeah for some unknown reason they're saying my visa doesn't match my ZIP code I have no idea i'll try and get it straightened out this evening when my husband gets all that now just borrow one of his cards
Oct 20Reply

Hi dear tery,thank you for the likes🌹stay blessed and beautiful 💝🌹🙏🙏
Oct 28Reply

Hi! Welcome to the Poshmark family! I hope you are having a great time checking out all the fabulous closets! If I can be of assistance let me know! Please feel free to come visit me in my closet anytime! I am a Poshmark Ambassador and always adding new, fun, exciting stuff! My closet is a boutique =NEW. So priced great compared to buying in store. Have fun and as always happy poshing!
Nov 02Reply

I'm ready to give you a huge discounts do you want to bundle?🤗🎀💥💥💥
Nov 25Reply

@27dresseslove do u have a pic
Nov 29Reply

🎄🎁 Thanks for the follow, I'm returning Love💌
Fyi I have a
💥BOGO 1/2 OFF💥
Cyber Week SALE gong on NOW! Get a 2nd item of equal or lesser price 50% off 👢🛍
Dec 04Reply

I accepted your offer you just have to update your credit card info with Posh
Dec 12Reply

Hey there were you able to update your card info?
Dec 12Reply

Hi! If you bundle the tops you want, you only pay shipping once! And I’ll give you a good deal. Just click add to bundle. :)
Jan 01Reply

@bdubinion omg I'm having a rough morning went to a wedding late last night I may still be a bit intoxicated my apologies happy new year
Jan 01Reply

The white shirt is it true to size or does it run bigger or perhaps smaller
Jan 01Reply

@terybalistreri lucky you!! The white top is pretty true to size, if anything maybe smaller
Jan 01Reply

Going to get my granddaughter after I will look at your items to bundle any chance that you will be getting any larger sizes in that white shirt
Jan 01Reply

@terybalistreri ok! No, Large is the largest size I have in that one.
Jan 01Reply

Hi there! Thank you so much for your offer. I made a counter. With the amount posh takes out ...the counter is a great deal for you I would only be getting about $5 per item and there's a brand new item in your bundle worth $39. If you order today I can ship today!😀
Jan 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmnark😊
Jan 19Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always open to reasonable offers and I give great bundle discounts too ❤️
Mar 08Reply

If you want to add your likes to a bundle I'd be happy to send you a great offer 💗
Mar 08Reply

Hi Terry! Thanks for the like!✨
Mar 13Reply

🌹Welcome to Postmark
Mar 18Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. It is promo discount for selected few. Pls note that the kate spade dress is not included in this package but if you r interested you can pls add to the bundle and a new discounted offer will be submitted. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Apr 13Reply

Hey 👋🏾 just lowered the price for you so you can get discounted shipping as well. Take care!
Apr 13Reply

@terybalistreri Hi Teri, thanks for bundling the little girls clothing. I sent you an offer, less than 3.00 an item with shipping. There are several items, if shipping goes over I will pay the difference and add a free gift +, I appreciate my buyers. Just let me know before offer expires. If it does expire just re bundle items and make me the offer again if not sold. I will be working late tomorrow but will ship for you on sat if you want them. Adorable and in great condition, thanks, Edie
Apr 27Reply

Thank you soo much for the purches
Apr 27Reply

@boutique18 Hi Teri, just wanted you to know I didn't get to the PO before it closed on sat. Will ship priority on Monday. 🐸
Apr 29Reply

@iheart1290 no problem
Apr 30Reply

Hello, just wanted to touch base with you about the gold dress. I haven’t heard back from you so wanted to see if you are still interested or if you found one already. Hope to here from you soon 🤗
Apr 30Reply

Hello.... I tried to mark he stole as “not for sale” but it wouldn’t let me do it because there are active offers.... my offer went to 7 people. I will absolutely not accept any counter offers, I will wait until your laptop is ready to go.
May 01Reply

@terybalistreri hi Tery, thank you for your offer on the items in my closet. if you accept my counter offer on the bundle, i will include the clear Sephora make up bag (thats listed in my closet) with your purchase. :)
May 03Reply

hello I wanted to comment that sending a package to address by mistake was for another client and I do not know how
May 04Reply

hello I want to know if you received the package sent by equibocation to your addre
May 12Reply

@terybalistreri Hi, I wanted to know if I got the package sent by mistake
May 14Reply

@boutique18 yes!! It’s in my office how does this happen ?who do I send it to ? Do I have to pay for shipping? Who am I supposed to contact if this happens again?
May 14Reply

@terybalistreri hi you cant call me 214 5290509
May 15Reply

@boutique18 can I call you tomorrow morning?
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri yes eny time
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri my adress 320 thorougbred ln grand prairie tx 75050
May 20Reply

@terybalistreri I’m accepting all offers!! 😊😊😟
Jun 04Reply

@terybalistreri Thanks for your likes !! Have a great night 😊😊
Jun 04Reply

If you can do 250 for the jimmy choo bag I’ll take it if your still interested
Jun 09Reply

Hi Tery! Welcome to Posh, nice to meet you. I just noticed your last name- it’s the same as mine. Lol. Mine is spelled with 2 L’s though. Would be funny if we were related somehow. 😊
Jun 16Reply

Hi!! Hope your summer is off to a great start. I just posted a ton of new items if you want to check out my closet!! I have items from Tory Burch, Reed Krakoff, Sperry, Clarks, and tons more. Everything’s in great condition and I’m accepting all reasonable offers, just trying to help people get an awesome new wardrobe for the summer!! 😁🌻xx
Jun 22Reply

@terybalistreri Thanks for the like! Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to negotiate!
Jul 09Reply

Hi! @terybalistreri 😊 I accept your offer for the items you bundled but there was a payment issue, your information may need to be updated. Once this is fixed I will be able to ship out your items! 😊❤️
Aug 13Reply

I saw you submitted offers on a few items in my closet. Do you want to create a bundle so you only pay for shipping once rather than 4+ times
Sep 01Reply

Hi i gave u a private discount if you're interested in buying the bundle you created on my closet 👡😊
Sep 02Reply

Hi do you want to add the dress to your bundle?
I can give u a discount 👗👡😊👍
Sep 02Reply

Hi Tery! I see that you checked out my closet and liked one of my listings. Feel free to make an offer, bundle for a discount, or ask any questions you may have about my product ! Satisfaction is key when shopping:)
Sep 05Reply

Evening.. Hope all is well... Were you still interested in the eyeshadows.... Let me know. I put the special together for you.... If not in an going to remove it.... Thanks
Oct 04Reply

Hi see the offer
I can ship it today if you decide to buy it👗👡😊
Oct 05Reply

No longer interested?
Oct 05Reply

Hi! Check out my buy on get one free sale I have going on. I am also accepting all reasonable offers. :)
Oct 09Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to Poshmark 💕🌺🌺
Nov 13Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you are having a great time finding those special items. Thanks for the like. It is a cool jacket and would look great on you just by looking at your post. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing and I will mark it down some. Have a blessed week.
Nov 15Reply

thank you for stopping by my closet today! offers are welcome on all items :)
Nov 19Reply

Thanks girl :) I'll ship the shirt after work. You can bundle your likes next time and we can sort out a deal btw - happy holidays!
Dec 07Reply

Holy cow, girl! I'm gonna have to find a bigger box. Lol soooo many girls clothes. There's a possibility that the post office may charge you a few more dollars upon pickup because Posh only covers 5 lbs for shipping and I didn't predict the weight. I'm packing it all up right now and will be on your way first thing Monday! 🍧
Dec 16Reply

Hello- I just wanted to let you know you re item has been shipped not sure why it’s not tracking ( should update soon ) added a free gift for the wait. 🙂❤️🤶🏻
Dec 21Reply

@cauldron_hi there & Merry Christmas no stress thank you so much
Dec 21Reply

@missmal92 Unfortunately with Poshmark I’ve never received anything I had to pick up at the PO not even sure how I would handle that one LOL if not do two boxes
Dec 21Reply

@terybalistreri what do you mean you never received anything?
Dec 21Reply

@missmal92 shit wrong message meant for someone else lol Merry Christmas yes I received it I already gave you five stars
Dec 21Reply

@terybalistreri hahaha it's all good. Not to beg but if you have time leave me a review! It seems you buy large quantities at a time. My kind of girl! Lol
Dec 21Reply

@missmal92 Do you mean the five star review or do I write something
Dec 21Reply

@terybalistreri Like writing something about it- although I am grateful for the 5 stars already!
Dec 21Reply

@missmal92 Where would I write the post
Dec 21Reply

Heading out to a Christmas party after I will
Dec 21Reply

@missmal92 what does it mean when people are following you
Dec 22Reply

@terybalistreri it's just like facebook honestly it doesn't really matter on posh.
Dec 22Reply

Hi Tery! Thanks for your purchase your items will ship out tomorrow morning :)
Dec 28Reply

Thank u so much for shopping my closet. Happy New Year to u and ur family! Happy Poshing!!😊
Dec 31Reply

Thanks for the like! Sending you a private offer for the Jimmy Choo Boots through bundle. If you're interested let me know. All the best to you!🙂🌻
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for the like, please make offer
Jan 10Reply

Hello Tery. Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of cool and unique goodies, including Menswear. I offer a Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship the next day. If you ever have any questions about Poshmark, or anything in my closet, I will be happy to help you out. I wish you well.✌❤
Jan 15Reply

@binab79 yes
Jan 24Reply

@binab79 yes I would
Jan 24Reply

Hi! I purchased the Chanel from Stephanie’s closet but am thinking about buying a newer one (2015 and up). Would you be interested in it? It’s coming today in the mail but I can tag you on it if you’d like. Thanks!
Jan 28Reply

@erigirly sure
Jan 30Reply

Hey Tery you are welcome to counter offer on the watch again if you didn't like my offer! 💗I was just trying to get about half of what I was listing it for which is pretty close to your last offer. Also you could counter the Chanel offer as well and I will let you know my lowest I could go.
Feb 27Reply

@willzen1939 is there something wrong with you
Feb 27Reply

@willzen1939 your rude and disrespectful remarks I didn’t do or say anything you ! I’m going to the admin
Feb 27Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed this weekend will ship Monday morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Mar 09Reply

Hi Tery! How about $45 for the shoes and $15 for the belt?
Mar 10Reply

@coin2017 hi there I can only do one this week and next weekend the other lol
Mar 10Reply

Oh ok - I actually didn’t want to go below $50 but forgot to put Firm on my original post! Am still in the learning curve!
Mar 10Reply

@coin2017 no problem thank you
Mar 10Reply

I changed my mind and accepted your offer because you were so nice and polite! So, thank you!
Mar 10Reply

@coin2017 omg thank you!
Mar 10Reply

They’ll be in the mail tomorrow :)
Mar 10Reply

Hi Terry thanks for all the likes!! Would you like to bundle those likes and I’ll give you a really good deal? You can keep liking my stuff on IG @linamartinimodel cheers
Mar 12Reply

@martinicloset well I just bought another Chanel bag so it’s going to have to wait till Friday
Mar 12Reply

@terybalistreri that’s great! Chanel is forever amazing. Cool, send me an offer when you’re ready. 🤠
Mar 12Reply

@martinicloset thanks you bad influence lol
Mar 12Reply

@terybalistreri I am lol 🛍 is the best 😋
Mar 12Reply

Hi Tery! Thank you for the like! : )
Mar 16Reply

I don't have problem with that at all. Kindness goes a long way with me. Remind me on Friday!
Mar 18Reply

If you do not want the long bill cap I will take your offer of 15.00 for the three other pieces! Just let me know. Thx
Mar 27Reply

Headed to Post Office within the next 30 minutes if you would like the 3 pieces for 15.00! I will mail out today! Thx again.
Mar 27Reply

@sherryamru sure just except my offer
Mar 27Reply

@terybalistreri I will except 15.00 for the short bill cap, scarf and purse.THX
Mar 27Reply

@ldlipstick sorry I bought 2 Chanel bags this month my husband is going to snap
Apr 04Reply

@ldlipstick 😘
Apr 04Reply

Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Steve Madden, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Apr 19Reply

Good morning!! Can you please text me when you get a minute 😊 it’s regarding shipping packages. Thank you!! (562) 896-2988
Apr 22Reply

Congratulations, you’re an official follower of my closet! Take advantage of the platform by bundling or liking items to receive special deals in my closet.
I’m a top rated seller and posh ambassador- if you have questions I’m here to help!
Happy Posh-ing💞
Apr 25Reply

Hi Terry, I noticed your last name- lol. Spelled almost same as mine but mine is spelled with 2 “L”s. Wonder if we are related lol
Apr 28Reply

On the Gucci hat I’d take 110$ for it
Apr 30Reply

@trendmood2 can you send me the offer on Wednesday I will purchase please
Apr 30Reply

@terybalistreri I’m sorry I asked my mom just to make sure and she said the lowest we can do is 130$ is that ok?
Apr 30Reply

Will you put it on hold
Apr 30Reply

@trendmood2 actually I just asked my daughter to put it on her card lol I don’t think she’s got all that I could do it tonight for $110
Apr 30Reply

@terybalistreri i can put it on hold but 130$ is the lowest
Apr 30Reply

I will give the bundle to u for $12!!!😁
May 02Reply

@terybalistreri File a return request through Poshmark and they would be sending you a shipping label. There's an option in the sales page under problems/inquiry
May 06Reply

Thanks for the ❤️!
May 06Reply

Welcome to my eclectic vintage closet and welcome to Poshmark ☮️marian
May 18Reply

Hello Terry from Everson Wa.👋 Thank you for your purchase.👍 I will ship out first thing In the morning.Have a great evening.🙋♀️
May 21Reply

@terybalistreri hi please visit us soon . I bet you will fall deeply 🥰
May 21Reply

Hello again lovely!! You came by !!👋👋🥰🥰thanks hun!! Offers are always welcome , thanks again🥰🥰🥰🌺🌺
May 21Reply

Hello Tery 😊 Thank you for visiting my closet and for your likes!! I’ve offered you a private discount on both of the items. I also wanted to let you know that I offer an automatic 10% discount on all bundles with a private discount too!! 😉😉🛍💰 Please let me know if you have any questions!! 🌹🌻🦋🌸🌴
May 26Reply

Still want the bape hoodie?
May 27Reply

@tee19262 yes I do can you hold till Friday? Send me the offer will purchase
May 27Reply

Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. In most instances I ship same day. Any shares or likes you give me is greatly appreciated. Wishing you much success. 😊
May 28Reply

Not sure how to offer- if u wanna just offer me again thats b good
May 30Reply

@tee19262 I’m sending you an offer excepted after play date today I get paid technically on Friday
May 30Reply

Hey girl! Let me know if you’d be interested in a huge discount off my Balenciaga listing, or anything that catches your eye in my closest💕
Jun 01Reply

You’re so pretty
Jun 07Reply

@terybalistreri I tried to accept
But it wouldn't take it🤷♀️😳
Jun 15Reply

@terybalistreri but the 275.00 was just for the bag!! Which I will still do for you
But w/the glasses it's 350. and that's 50. Off on them!!!💕💕💕
Jun 25Reply

Are you on West Coast?? I'm on East Coast
I'll be working 12 hours today!!!
I thought we were waiting till 7/1/19?
Jun 29Reply

@kellygates58 hi there I live in Wisconsin yeah I wanted to ask you if you could possibly keep me posted on the black Chanel as well next month lol
Jun 29Reply

@terybalistreri sure but I can't do much better I traded a 700. Chanel bag plus paid her I think 1500. !!!! And I keep putting on sale !!!
But but what were you thinking??💕💕🌺
Jun 29Reply

@anaortiz $275?
Jun 30Reply

@anaortiz wondering if you could possibly counter back at $275
Jun 30Reply

Thanks for the love ❤️
Jun 30Reply

Hi :) Regarding the Chanel Diamond Stigch tote, do you think you could do $630?
Jul 08Reply

@chanceuxj unfortunately I can’t do anything till the 1st right now I have $400 on my card I could do that or wait till the 1st and offer more
Jul 08Reply

@terybalistreri Hi :) I’ll do my best to hold it for you but I can’t make any guarantees since it’s about 3 weeks until the 1st.
Jul 08Reply

Hi :) how would we do two payments?
Jul 09Reply

@chanceuxj hi there I bought a Chanel and she did two partial payments so what’s your absolute lowest price I will give you half Friday and then pay the balance off the following Friday so I’d give you half you’d put it not for sale and then when I pay you will you ship out the purse so you have to be trustworthy because on my end I’m taking a chance
Jul 09Reply

And if you don’t sell the watch I’m going to purchase that too
Jul 09Reply

@terybalistreri Hi :) I can do $620 total for the purse and then whatever figure we agree to as downpayment. I can provide you extra info you need for security purposes.
Jul 10Reply

Hey those shoes are literally brand new. There’s no way I can sell them for $30
Jul 12Reply

@kristinaxxo didn’t realize that they were brand new so what’s your lowest
Jul 12Reply

@terybalistreri $65 is my lowest because posh mark takes so much of my earnings:(
Jul 12Reply

@terybalistreri I accepted your offer, but it looks like there was a payment issue
Jul 14Reply

Hi there, I have the LAFD sweatshirt in size large and extra large… Which would you like?
Jul 15Reply

@bunny1075 men’s large please
Jul 15Reply

@terybalistreri Hi, are you still interested in the watch and Chanel bag?
Jul 15Reply

@chanceuxj what’s your lowest price?
Jul 16Reply

@terybalistreri Hi, the lowest I can go is $610 for the Chanel but you can do it in two installment payments if that’s better for you.
Jul 16Reply

@chanceuxj yes let’s do $600 two payments of $300
Jul 16Reply

@terybalistreri ok. How do we do that?
Jul 16Reply

@terybalistreri also do you still want the watch?
Jul 16Reply

Hi :) do you still want the watch and how do we do the split payments for the bag?
Jul 19Reply

Thank you for stopping by. Would you like to submit an offer on the Australia Luxe boots?
Jul 20Reply

Keep me posted if you lower the price
Jul 20Reply

Hi there, I sorry to said the bundle you purchased. As I packing and double check the juicy shoe. I realize I post wrong size. Is not a size 2. It is size 1. Let me know if still work for you or I can cancel as well. Apologies for your inconvenience.
Jul 20Reply

@yenyen2 yes perfect
Jul 20Reply

@terybalistreri great! My apologies. I will include more dresses and slipper for the little one. May I ask. How old is the little one?
Jul 20Reply

@yenyen2 hi there my granddaughter is 3 turning 4in February
Jul 20Reply

Omg thank you she needs slippers her mom keeps taking everything home! So I appreciate it thank you
Jul 20Reply

@terybalistreri I have already shipped. But I am sure the size in included she will able to use it. Maybe little big for now. Hope she like the surprise.
Jul 20Reply

Hi dear, plz check out my page, for some cool pieces. And a free stunning bracelet (details on top of my pg). Thank you 🌻
Jul 27Reply

Hey! We have a great Harvard hat up on our page!
Aug 04Reply

I’ll sale you both for 200
Aug 09Reply

Hello! if you want check out my closet!!
Aug 10Reply

Hi! I noticed you liked two of my free people jackets, if you want to bundle the two I'll do 42 on em instead of the original 60. I also sent you two separate offers if you just want one :) thanks for looking girl! Happy shopping :)
Aug 11Reply

Aug 15Reply

Hi Tery saw your rating on the FP sweater you bought. I apologize you weren’t satisfied. I washed it right before shipping it. Can I ask what it smelled like? I shipped it the same day as another item which unfortunately had the same comment, which is odd, I’ve never had anything but a 5 rating. Wondering if it was the detergent used when washing it or the tissue paper It was wrapped it in? Honestly just baffled & want to know what it is so it doesn’t happen again. Feel free to request a refund!
Aug 16Reply

@emily_bollman hi there I’m sorry but it smelled soo I had to say something now I feel bad because it wasn’t your fault if you washed it right before you shipped it I cannot explain the smell unfortunately
Aug 16Reply

Hello! I accepted your offer and can ship that out tomorrow, but you need to update the info on your end. Thank you! :-)
Aug 18Reply

@queserakara my apologies after you didn’t take my offer I purchased a Gucci diaper bag for my daughter I will take it on Friday if it’s still available
Aug 19Reply

Hello Gorgeous 😍 We are a lingerie and accessories boutique! 👄 Feel free to stop by and make an offer on something you fancy! 💖😘
Aug 21Reply

Hello. Hope you are having a good day. Please feel free to check out my closet. If you have any questions about any of the items I am happy to answer. I am also open to offers😊. Happy Poshing!☀️🎉🌼
Aug 31Reply

@terybalistreri Hello! The black suede Zara bag is still available if you are still interested. If not, no worries, I just got back from vacation and am following up on things.
Sep 05Reply

@eyecandyshop I have spent $1000 on one channel bag this week I have purchased over 30 bags this year on just Poshmark this is a site you bid on and have the opportunity to counter and your old ass Gucci bag was going to be a donation for my granddaughters school for an auction Trust me I wouldn’t be sporting that I would be donating to goodwill next
Sep 06Reply

@eyecandyshop stop Harassing me reported to Poshmark
Sep 06Reply

False accusations almost need a restraining order something very unstable with this person
Sep 06Reply

Hey hun, I have a gold VIP Chanel keychain. I remembered you were interested so I didn’t list it yet. It’s the same as the silver one sold, just gold . I can post it once you are on. It’s $40
Sep 10Reply

@reibuy could you possibly do $35 because shipping and taxes I’m going to be over on my Poshmark credit card I only allow myself to spend $800 a month. Yeah I’m sick I may have a bit of a shopping addiction. Im interested in a bag you have also
Sep 10Reply

@terybalistreri hi, yes definitely. That’s the offer I accepted for the silver one as well. I will go ahead and post it now hun.
Sep 11Reply

@terybalistreri it’s up ❤️
Sep 11Reply

Hey hun, I would hate for you to have to pay shipping twice. Is there a way for you to cancel the first order and then bundle the two? Or I can add the gold charm to the Limited Edition Chanel’s listing as a package deal for $85, $35 + $50 Just let me know.
Sep 11Reply

@reibuy hi your going to have to cancel it on your end unless it’s still available on the first then I’m probably gonna purchase your bag as well
Sep 11Reply

@terybalistreri I canceled it so you can bundle 😉
Sep 11Reply

Your purchase supports the onRoute22 safe space for women. With these funds onRoute22 can provide those Poshing with gift cards to help them purchase food, fuel and a little bit extra! 🌸🥰🌸
Sep 12Reply

I'm sorry the sweater didn't have a belt with it, I wasn't aware a belt was part of the item. Sorry for the inconvenience
Sep 15Reply

Hey I wanted to make sure you saw the picture of the serial number & see if you have any other questions ❤️ Please let me know!
Sep 20Reply

I can give you the price I lowered it to on sale last week when you ask me to hold it for you. Posh takes 20 percent. I had already lowered a 1200$ Bag extremely affordable. Thank you, Summer
Sep 20Reply

Hey yes I will hold the shoes for you till Friday
Sep 24Reply

Hello Tery! Thank you for the like on the receiving blankets! Please check out my closet for some more fun stuff and bundle your likes for a private discount or make me an offer!😊
Sep 25Reply

Good morning the item will be held up until one
Sep 27Reply

I noticed that you have p/pal I give discounts through that; I just need your e mail thanks
Oct 07Reply

@channelover hey my daughter in law has some of my Chanel bags I gave her she’s selling them if you want to swap lol
Oct 07Reply

@terybalistreri send me picture 360/420/3824
Oct 07Reply

@channelover is this your cell?
Oct 07Reply

@channelover I have soooo much you wouldn’t believe me I don’t sell anything but I shop all the time
Oct 07Reply

@terybalistreri yes , LOL so long messages time to delete hon
Oct 07Reply

@channelover I have sooo much I have over 109 bags
Oct 07Reply

@terybalistreri I can tell , I buy Designers , if you have LV, Gucci , Chanel , Prada or something LOL
Oct 07Reply

@terybalistreri do you buy in M e r c too
Oct 07Reply

I will send you pictures i take it you like Chanel my daughter in law is on here I gave her Chanel bags & shes seems to be selling the ones she’s not using so we could just swap some jewelry
Oct 07Reply

@channelover Yes I feel Poshmark is better why I don’t know the other sites you get to many rude people & hustlers
Oct 07Reply

It’s more on my end but it’s worth it in the long run
Oct 07Reply

Going to bed message me tomorrow anytime so we can figure it out if it will work or not
Oct 07Reply

@terybalistreri I agree check my review also . I just listed DY Necklace with diamond
Oct 07Reply

rscalma1970 just recently purchased my leather backpack, however as I was preparing and cleaning it up to package it up, i noticed the zipper would not close. The zipper does move but it does not clasp to close the pocket. I can cancel your purchase or I can still send it if you still want it. I apologize for this. Pls let me know:)
Oct 08Reply

@rscalma1970 hi there just send it please my daughter is so excited I will get it fixed
Oct 08Reply

Hi again! 😊
Oct 10Reply

@johannellis2916 hello I shared your info to Sarah let me know if she doesn’t touch base with you by tomorrow afternoon if she does and you possibly would be interested in a bag let’s trade
Oct 10Reply

Thank you so much for the 5 star rating💓 I’m glad you loved your bundle! I hope you keep my closet in mind for the future😃
Oct 10Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet if you like the blue stone necklace,I can give you reduced S&h and I'll take off 20%
Oct 12Reply

@terybalistreri Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Oct 20Reply

Hi, glad you came back for the bag! I will ship it tomorrow. 🛍
Nov 01Reply

@queserakara thank you
Nov 01Reply

Hi Tery! It’s great to meet you!💝
Nov 01Reply

@rposen hi there!
Nov 01Reply

Hello Tery, I invite you to visit my closet, I Have some beautiful 100% handmade Jewelry and high fashions, but 2 items get 3rd item FREE of equal value, thank you and have a nice day!!
Nov 09Reply

Hello 🎶🌹💋 Welcome to Poshmark & Welcome to my closet !! Ty for your Visiting 💞
Feel free to bundle your likes & I’ll take 20% + off any 1st order from my closet, of *2 or more items** Hope you have Have a great Nt & fun on here! 💜 Warm wishes. Adrienne
Nov 10Reply

Hey I have your bundle for the 2 Balenciaga Fairchild Prints I have for sale. Did you want to make a deal? Thanks!
Nov 14Reply

@jwilsonball5 send me a bundle price
Nov 15Reply

Dec 08Reply

Hi Terry, it’s not costume jewelry but thank you for your interest. Happy Poshing.
Dec 14Reply

Hey! I sent you a offer on your bundle!!! Let me know if that works for ya
Dec 28Reply

@terybalistreri hi 🖤 let me know if you have any questions about the tee or hat! Everything can be shipped tomorrow 🖤
Jan 09Reply

Could you send me the offer again for the ugg slippers I have listed, I will accept it
Jan 09Reply

@georgerodawig9 good morning yes thank you
Jan 10Reply

I can’t go lower than 150 on those bracelets
Jan 10Reply

@serenakeenan When I bundle day your price was 60 not 150
Jan 10Reply

@terybalistreri I realized that I made a mistake in the price. You can have the largos and a sterling bracelet for 90
Jan 10Reply

@serenakeenan No I want the two that I bundled and you had $60 on that bracelet so why don’t you meet me halfway and do 130 for both
Jan 10Reply

Ok change your offer I’ll accept
Jan 10Reply

I have to leave Podh now just redo your offer later I’ll accept
Jan 10Reply

@serenakeenan thank you so much
Jan 10Reply

@terybalistreri it says you need your payment info updated
Jan 10Reply

Hello terry the number you gave me is a land line it says
Jan 12Reply

Hi Terry! I'm Michelle, nice to meet you. Let me know if there's anything I can do to best assist you. May you have a great week and a happy 2020!!
Jan 13Reply

Looks like your box will arrive tomorrow
Jan 14Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Kappa, Umbro, Puma, Champion, Band Tee’s & Licensed Tees for Men, Women & Kids. Feel free to make an offer or ask about our 3 for $25 sale! 🤗
Jan 24Reply

Hi, Just wondering if you’re still interested with the lululemon jackets? 😊
Jan 25Reply

Hi Tery, Thank you so much for your purchase and for shopping my closet. I'll ship your Sorels tomorrow.
Feb 01Reply

Hi I think I forgot to send you the Zara scarf? When u ordered a bundle from me? Idk why I think so please lmk
Feb 02Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Feb 17Reply

@terybalistreri Hello Tery 🌿 I’d like to invite you to take a look in my closet when you get a chance please. I have some listings that you just might like. Hope to see you there 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Feb 18Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Feb 18Reply

Hi tery nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Mar 02Reply

Hey love I keep accepting your offer but it says you need to update payment info :)
Mar 05Reply

@caroles_place2 sorry hey question is that a protective screen thing on there also?
Mar 05Reply

@terybalistreri I believe so I would have to check when I get home but I believe so :)
Mar 05Reply

@caroles_place2 thank you
Mar 05Reply

@terybalistreri It’s not it’s just a bumper .
Mar 05Reply

@caroles_By any chance do you know if you can add a screen protector with this if not just cancel my order my apologies
Mar 05Reply

I do want it I’m sorry I can still get a protector I looked thank you
Mar 05Reply

@caroles_place2 My apologies I just went on here they have them with the protectors and the case for 10 so please cancel my order
Mar 05Reply

@terybalistreri yeah no problem love ❤️ I totally understand if there is anything else I can help you with let me know :) I’ll do it now :)
Mar 05Reply

@caroles_place2 thank you
Mar 05Reply

@terybalistreri your welcome I’m sorry it wasn’t the right one :(
Mar 05Reply

Hi sorry i wasnt able to access my acct for a few days. If ur still interested go ahead and submit ur offer for the Louis scarf
Mar 12Reply

Thank you for the likes! Looking forward to seeing your closet treasures 🤩
Mar 13Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Puma, FILA, The North Face, Umbro, Champion & Licensed Tees for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about our 3 for $25 sale! 🤗
Mar 13Reply

hello you offer $50 you can offer again $50 ill accept it.
Apr 10Reply

@upshawjane18 could you possibly do $43? I just bought my granddaughter a top that was $7 !
Apr 10Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Apr 14Reply

Did you still want the uggs poncho? 40 for it and the banana republic sweater?
Apr 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for liking my item. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 25Reply

Thank you for the visit ❤️
May 02Reply

hello! if you bundle you get 30% off!
May 03Reply

Terry I am so sorry I had to cancel your order for the bundle of men’s Nike tshirts, nice shirts and the long sleeved T-shirt because when I went to package the shorts had a hole in them I did not notice. Let me know if you still want the other items and I can make a bundle offer. Again I apologize but didn’t want to send once I saw this.
May 08Reply

@terybalistreri thank you for your purchase I will ship the Nike dri - fit pants tomorrow.
I still have the belt as well , the person that bought it sent it back cause I posted PRICE REFLECTS THE OBVIOUS AND I GUESS THEY DIDNT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANT .
It’s a great Replica. Let me know .
May 15Reply

@bobbyclo what’s your lowest price for the belt? Is it black ?
May 16Reply

@bobbyclo hi there just wondering what’s your lowest price on the belt?
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri 125 fair ? You tell me .
If so I will repost it
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri black on one side brown on the other its reversable.
May 16Reply

@bobbyclo can a lady wear it? I m m wean is it just a man belt or can it go either way? Lol
May 16Reply

Hi tery! I actually have the Starbucks cups listed as low as I can on here to just make back even what I paid for it! Thanks for understanding
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri you can wear it too , either way , I will repost now for $80
May 16Reply

@bobbyclo thank you so much
May 16Reply

@terybalistreri done reposted at 80
May 16Reply

Do you still want the Nike dri fit pants ?
May 17Reply

Hi, beautiful! Thanks for the Like & starting a bundle. Hope you can find more goodies. My bundle discounts are generally 30-50% off & you can get so much more for high shipping 😊🛍
Take Care ❤️
May 17Reply

Hi. I made you an offer in big bundle, I can ship today if interested. Thanks
May 18Reply

nice to meet you. thanks for shopping at my poshmark closet. I did notice you got your product, however you haven't except it. if there is a problem or something has delay you marking it delivered, please let me know. payments not made until you do that. thanks Jennifer
May 24Reply

hi Terry this is Diane and you had bought the dolls from me the Chucky doll I had put the wrong label on it and it went to somebody else but got in contact with this person and they're going to be shipping it out to you so if you can bear with me for a few more days the problem should be resolved my apologies in sorry for the inconvenience
Jun 12Reply

Hi t
Jun 14Reply

Hi there! I noticed that you were interested in the
Jun 14Reply

Hi, beautiful. The bundle items you liked are being deleted. I commented on your bundle, they can be counted as freebies & can offer 45% off remaining items with reduced shipping. Please let me know if interested😊
Take Care ❤️
Jun 16Reply

@terybalistreri Hi! Thanks for the offer. I counteroffered but if we could meet at 18 I would accept that counter offer if you’re interested. ☺️
Jun 16Reply

Thank you! Happy that you are pleased with your purchase 💕
Jun 19Reply

Hey girl, I’m going to check with the post office Monday to see what’s up with your order. The tracking seemed to stop after the first scan in.
Jul 04Reply

Hi your purchase is on the way and sent out. Thanks again for your purchase.
Jul 08Reply

Hi your purchase of the Guam active wear will be delivered very soon. Thanks again for your purchase.
Jul 11Reply

@serenakeenan Serina are blocked your to unstable
Jul 12Reply

Hi Terry, thanks for purchasing the reader sunglasses.
Jul 16Reply

@terybalistreri Hi! Just accepted your offer :) I'll package it up and get it shipped out with an ice pack tomorrow. Thanks !
Jul 17Reply

hello. thanks for the Like. I'm open to offers and let me know if you have any questions ;)
Jul 20Reply

Hi this is irowles. I cannot offer any additional discounts unless you bundle.
Jul 21Reply

Hi Tery, I saw you liked the Melissa and Doug Magnetic doll dress up set so I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a 30% off bundles of 3 or more items sale right now if you would like to check out my closet some more. If your just interested in the one item I love to get offers!!!Have a wonderful night!!
Jul 21Reply

@terybalistreri Hi! Thanks so much for the 5 ⭐ rating ! Have a great day !
Jul 23Reply

Have you gotten the extensions??
Aug 14Reply

@jjstroud511551 No I have had the worst luck with extensions on Poshmark lol seriously though my hairdresser is going to kill me
Aug 14Reply

I just tracked it supposed to be delivered today never delivered so I’m praying for tomorrow because my appointment is at 2:30
Aug 14Reply

@terybalistreri I hope it delivers by then too! I guess it’s taking longer than usual because of covid, is your appointment tomorrow or Saturday!?
Aug 14Reply

Hey Tery! I have another set of three of the wood wick wax warmers you previously purchased if you are interested in getting more. I have two pumpkin butter and one cinnamon Chai. If interested plz send an offer :) Thanks !
Aug 16Reply

Hi Tery! Thank you for shopping my closet!!!! Hope you are having a great holiday weekend. Stay safe! ⭐️📀🎸✌️🙋♀️👏👏👏🌺👑🔮🤗🎤🎹🤹♀️🔥💜💄🏈🏀🏐🎩☪️💃
Sep 06Reply

I only have black one left( teacher)
Sep 10Reply

will do $35 on your order and you will get a FREE HOTEL GRADE HOOKLESS SHOWER CURTAIN for shopping my closet😍
Sep 10Reply

thank you pretty girl for 5*. here's $3 credit.
check out my new barbie clothes
Sep 19Reply

just a heads up with the items u r trying to purchase I will have to do more than 1 order due to weight.
Sep 23Reply

I will discount shipping with all orders for you and give u extra discounts
Sep 23Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Sunglasses liquidation, as well our Gucci limited edition collectionHandbag and wallets, and adding new deals every day. Check us out, Sharing is Caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Oct 02Reply

Hi Tery! I see you have shown interest in the 5 sets of baby girl pajamas I have posted. Send me an offer, I’d be happy to negotiate with you! 😊 I also might have some other girls clothing possibly 10/12 or 14/16 size. Thanks again and let me know. 👍
Oct 05Reply

@terybalistreri hi Terry 😊 hope you're having a great day 💐 would you please take a look at my closet and if you see anything you like in my closet just send an offer with 25% off the listed price and I will accept it 😊 this my welcome to you on your first purchase 💕 enjoy posh 🛍🛍 I also send gifts with purchase 🎁🎁🎁 have an awesome day 💝💝
Oct 12Reply

@terybalistreri hi Tery hope you're having a wonderful night 😊 I put the bracellets you liked in a bundle and gave you 30% off and discounted shipping and will send youna gift if you decide to purchase it💕🎁
Oct 14Reply

glad you recieved your quilt and liked it🙂thanks for the 5 stars and your purchase!!
Oct 27Reply

Hi!! I just sent you a new offer on your bundle because one of the items sold today. If interested just let me know🙂. Have a great night!!
Nov 03Reply

Hi, thanks for the like. I just put out an offer before your like. If you want make me a reasonable offer. I need to clear out some items.
Nov 15Reply

is it $50 for both
Nov 18Reply

I see you have received your accent covers!! thanks for the 5 stars and I hope you enjoy them!! thanks again
Nov 24Reply

@terybalistreri Hello! The girls pajamas you wanted from me (12M) are on sale for $7 for Black Friday! Get them before they’re gone!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Nov 26Reply

I have the baby pajamas for $7! Last day
Dec 01Reply

Hi! Thanks for the offer on the North Face jacket. Feel free to bundle with any other items and I can go lower in price. Thanks.
Dec 04Reply

Hello! I made you a bundle with your baby girls pajamas in them. Are you interested? They are currently only $7 (originally $15) for a limited time! I extended my Black Friday Sales for you to purchase! Thank you! Let me know if you have any questions.
Dec 06Reply

Hey there! Feel free to check out my closet and send me any offers if you see something you like! I love accepting offers ☺️ Happy Poshing 🥳
Dec 11Reply

Hello Ms Tery , Thank you so much for your Purchase, Will take to the Post Office Monday. Enjoy your items once received. Hope to see you soon again shopping with us- I post new things often. Please come back to check out our 'Purse” inventory and current sales for awesome discounted Prices. Send me a message next time that you are a return customer for discount. thank you again -have a awesome day from Papito1920
Dec 12Reply

End of the year Greetings!! ❄️ ⛄️ 🥶 Just spreading some posh 💙 💙💙 and welcoming you to please check out my closet! I have something for everyone! Bundle and save! 😘💋 Happy Poshing❤️❤️
Dec 30Reply

Thank you for your order! I’ll be shipping it out today ✨
Jan 04Reply

Hi there are you still interested in the kids bundle of clothes?
Jan 27Reply

Hi there. I am so sorry I missed you offer on the Lois Hill. I am happy to take 60 if you still want it. Let me know and thank you for looking. I never got the notification. Alice
Jan 29Reply

hi! saw you liked three of my items and i tried to make you a bundle but i don’t know if it worked - feel free to make me an offer on it and we can work out a deal! happy poshing!
Feb 16Reply

Hi!....just got a message that the baby doll got there today!!! Yea! Let me know how she likes the doll and the extras I sent to her....Also...please remember to rate me so I can get paid....thanks again! Carolyn
Feb 21Reply

I’m So Glad she likes it!...please give your daughter a Hug from me!!!
Feb 21Reply

Hey, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Gucci Cashmere and Wool Scarf liquidation sale as its still cold out for a discount of 50% on Gucci which is normally unheard of. Gucci Wool Scarf at $199 and Cashmere Scarf at $249 which is a steal. Send us an offer and we will accept. Happy Poshing:)
Feb 22Reply

hi Terry..thanks for your kind offer on the GRATEFUL sweatshirt..I just lowered the price to 35$...maybe you can make a bundle with some of your other likes in my closet and we can make a deal!
Apr 05Reply

Thank you for your purchase of my Gucci Sunglasses! Will send them out as soon as I can. :)
Apr 09Reply

I’ll take 60 for the shoes counter offer 60 and they are yours
Apr 30Reply

Hi there, Tery! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet. If you like anything, I’ll be happy to work on the price with you! 😊
May 07Reply

Hi sorry for bothering you so much. Just please decline my current offer on the black shirt. I will just include it in your order since you ordered so much.
May 17Reply

hello, girly! i hope you’re doing good <3 i just wanted to let you know that i have a chanel bag that you might be interested in ☺️ i’m 100% open to offers xx
May 29Reply

@terybalistreri hi, fabulous! Thank you for your bundle purchase! It’s boxed up and headed to the post office first thing in the morning! 🥰🌸🌱💕
Jun 10Reply

Hi Tery! Thank you for the great rating on the girls North Face jacket and Nina shoes. I am glad you are happy with the items. Please check back on my closet for any additional items you like. I like giving repeat customers nice discounts. Have a great night!
Jun 23Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes and items, something for everyone!
Check back often
I try to post new items weekly 😊
so stop back often!
Jun 25Reply

Thanks for purchasing the “tie bundle”, I will ship it to you on Monday asap, have a great weekend!😊
Jun 26Reply

Hi, I made you an offer for the shorts bundle you created from my closet. Hope you're interested! :)
Jul 01Reply

do you by from somewhere else
Jul 10Reply

I am so so sorry! I am middle of a move and ended up gifting those cups to my friend and had completely forgotten they were in my closet. 😭😭😭 again, I’m so sorry!
Jul 22Reply

Hello! FYI I've been out of town but I'm mailing out your item today. 🙂🌻
Sep 15Reply

Sorry, I just noticed your offer, my wife isn’t here and I’m not sure what she wants to sell it for. I will ask when she gets home and send you an offer if she will sell it at your offering price.
Nov 01Reply

@cstan1269 no problem I noticed that’s what she sold it for before looking for a birthday gift for my daughter she’s turning 30 I hope she accepts it lol
Nov 01Reply

@terybalistreri 👍. It sounds stupid but I gotta make sure I can find it, My wife is a Shop-o-holic and has tons of stuff. She works at a hospital so she is busy and I am home on disability so I get stuck selling all her stuff! 😩
Nov 01Reply

@cstan1269 I like her she’s still making you work from home LOL
Nov 01Reply

@terybalistreri I’m not telling her you said that!! 😁
Nov 01Reply

@terybalistreri I’m sorry, my wife doesn’t want to go that low. She said the purse has some wear but new it is around $2,000. She bought it used a year ago for $750.
Nov 03Reply

the Jimmy choo bag is beautiful like new
Nov 06Reply

Thank You for your purchase
I’ll get in mail tomorrow
Nov 08Reply

Thank you for your like on my sapphire bracelet!🤗
Nov 28Reply

Go ahead and make another offer on that bracelet. I'm sorry the offer thing didn't work correctly.
Dec 09Reply

I have a DEAL OF DEAL happening right now. Pic any item you want then choose another item of equal or lesser value for absolutely FREE.
Dec 22Reply

hi girl! i’d love if you would come check out my closet! it looks like we have a lot of the same style :) all clothes are brand new and i'm open to ALL offers!
Jan 11Reply

@terybalistreri hi Tery I’m so sorry for any inconvenience or if I upset you. I was going through a hard time at one point. I would really appreciate it if you Checked out my closet. I can give you a huge bundle for 20 bucks. My stuff is in perfect condition I would hate to throw it away but I’m moving soon and I need to minimize my closet. God bless u thank you 🙏🏻💖
Jan 14Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 06Reply

Hey there! I noticed a like of yours on a pair of super cool jeans. I’ve got a ton in my closet that are awesome brands for teeny prices.
I love to cut you a deal, make offers and bundles ❤️
Brands include Seven, Silver, AG Adriano Goldschmied, Levi’s(newer and vintage), KUT, AGOLDE, Best American, American Eagle, Madewell, Rock Republic, Calvin Klein, KanCan, BKE, Tommy Hilfiger, and more!
Apr 30Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Aug 12Reply

Hey! You bought a bundle of Starbucks tumblers from me a while back. One of the ladies asked me to let you know if I had more listed. I’m sorry but I couldn’t remember which one of you had asked that so I’m sending this to you to let you know I have a big bundle listed now. Thank You & Happy fall!
Nov 02Reply

please reset your payments so I can actually sell something to you. cheers
May 12Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 09Reply

Hi. Thanks for checking my closet and liking a few items. If interested in purchasing multiple items you can add them to a bundle for a discount. Also you only pay 1 shipping fee.
Jan 08Reply
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