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Updated Nov 05
Updated Nov 05

Meet your Posher, Tiffany

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Tiffany. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Louis Vuitton, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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materialistic28 Hi, yes the red thigh high booties are still available.
Nov 17Reply
mstiffany414 @materialistic28 I would like to make you a offer how soon can you ship
Nov 17Reply
materialistic28 I can ship it before the day is out!
Nov 17Reply
mstiffany414 @materialistic28 will you take $40 if so I will purchase shortly
Nov 17Reply
mstiffany414 @materialistic28 ty in about 30 minutes I go on break and will purchase
Nov 17Reply
lyz711 Order is on its way! :)
Nov 18Reply
mstiffany414 @lyz711 thank you hun
Nov 18Reply
mstiffany414 @materialistic28 did you ship out yet??
Nov 19Reply
materialistic28 Yes, it's on it's way. Thank you so much!
Nov 19Reply
lovesoccer17 Sorry I didn't respond I have had a concussion but you can make that offer again in the true religion kids jeans and I will respond sorry!
Nov 20Reply
mstiffany414 @lovesoccer17 Glad your doing better
Nov 20Reply
lovesoccer17 Sorry went into the hospital again! Couldn't go on my phone I am so sorry didn't answer!!!!
Nov 21Reply
tiffanysshop @mstiffany414 hello. You purchased a pair of my jeans on the 8 th of this month, USPS attempted to deliver on the 12th and ib still haven't gotten my money released. Could u please advise. Thanks
Nov 22Reply
mstiffany414 @tiffanysshop I received the jeans yesterday with no previous attempts however I did rate and mark as received so Idk what the problem is
Nov 22Reply
mstiffany414 They were in excellent condition and my son was very pleased which is why I gave 5 stars Thank you look forward to ordering again from you
Nov 22Reply
tiffanysshop @mstiffany414 there is no rating and it still says not delivered
Nov 22Reply
tiffanysshop @mstiffany414 I will contact Posh. I've no problems with anything else. There is no rating. Did u rate the correct item ;)
Nov 22Reply
mstiffany414 @tiffanysshop idk what is going on I gave 5 stars and I cant send you a screenshot but on my end it says delivered Idk why they haven't released your funds yet
Nov 22Reply
tiffanysshop @mstiffany414 must be glitch. Ive contacted them no worries. It will get fixed. :)
Nov 22Reply
mstiffany414 @tiffanysshop ok glad everything got straightened out Ty again
Nov 22Reply
tiffanysshop @mstiffany414 ty as well. Hagd!!
Nov 22Reply
jasz98 Welcome to Poshmark!
Nov 30Reply
ms_benson @mstiffany414 Oh yes very nice to meet you 😋
Dec 23Reply
tasha123jones Blue size 2x waist trainer 3 rows check it out
Dec 25Reply
princess_kenya Hey hun everything go okay with your package?
Dec 26Reply
lilshopaholicc Welcome fellow posher!
Jan 01Reply
kaitlinkay6 I'll take your offer on the uggs.
Jan 01Reply
mstiffany414 @kaitlinkay6 I thought they came with a box I don't want to pay $10 extra for the box they came in
Jan 01Reply
kaitlinkay6 @mstiffany414 it's okay then. I could do $5 but my uggs don't come with boxes.
Jan 01Reply
mstiffany414 @mechanical_phd yes I would like to purchase it
Feb 07Reply
poshmark8530678 😱DON'T MISS OUT‼️ Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. Buy multiple items and receive % off. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍💄👗👜👩🏻
Feb 29Reply
choclatecoco heyyyy i can bundle your likes for one low prices...jeans and wig for $$$28 kmp can ship off in the morning..
Apr 21Reply
polk2000 Good morning ladybug, Just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about your eyeshadows I'm typically very prompt with shipping, but my uncles funeral was on saturday and because he was a veteran we could not bury him till today so I have been a little thrown off. I will drop your package off at the post office tomorrow and there will be an extra something in there for you. Sorry for the delay.....
Apr 25Reply
mstiffany414 @polk2000 Im sorry for your loss thank you for taking time to communicate with me
Apr 25Reply
illherm Thanks for the like doll ^_^
May 22Reply
misstill @mstiffany414 hi, Hun I'm all for a discount but I do want to make some money lol you know posh takes a good percentage
May 28Reply
mstiffany414 @misstill lol give me a counter offer
May 28Reply
misstill @mstiffany414 I did you didn't get it?
May 28Reply
misstill @mstiffany414 did you get my counter offer?
May 28Reply
mstiffany414 @misstill yes I just checked it
May 28Reply
misstill @mstiffany414 feel free to counter offer make a new offer or you can purchase it Merc I'm on there as well then I can give you a really good price for it ;) on merc you can search for the listing under the same name salon quality synthetic wig unit
May 29Reply
choclatecoco hey u..i added some more items to my page...lmk what u will like to bundle
Jun 18Reply
lanadoherty Hi Tiffany, thanks for checking out my closet aand liking, any questions please feel free to ask :) Happy Poshing!!
Jun 22Reply
pattykoko Welcome to posh🎀
Jun 26Reply
shadeb Hi! I just shipped off the wig. Hope you Enjoy! 😊
Jun 29Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Tiffany! Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Jul 22Reply
amandapleasants Check out my belts
Jul 31Reply
sintera22 The package for the pants is put in my closet for purchase
Aug 06Reply
kylee1978 Thank u for the like
Mar 13Reply
wildtimefashion Hi welcome to the Poshmark family! I hope you're having a good time and enjoying the huge selection of closets to choose from. Please feel free to stop by and visit me in my closet anytime. Have a great day and happy poshing 🎉
Apr 12Reply
toryshop @mstiffany414 Tiffany/Im @toryshop(Victoria) I saw ur closet post & wanted 2 say Hi! I'm a longtime Poshmark Closet/shopper/mentor on site/welcome & if I can help please just message! I feel we might be fighting the same monster! I'm in a battle w cancer myself, over 2yrs/its been a rollercoaster! I'm here to offer support & kinship as well as my friendship. Please stop by @toryshop my closet tag, & we can get 2 know eachother! Help get you Poshing too! @toryshop💕
Apr 23Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet 😊 if u like something - make an offer with your price 🌺
Jun 15Reply
krishodny Hi Tiffany!! You had bought two pairs of men's rock revivals from me about a year ago. I wanted to let you know I was about to list some more if you were interested I would give you a good deal!
Aug 07Reply
boujiestyle @mstiffany414 hi. Are you looking to bundle the wigs?
Feb 05Reply
boujiestyle @mstiffany414 hi. Are you looking to bundle the wigs?
Feb 12Reply
tylertaj WELCOME to POSHMARK!!🎇🎆😀IF you see something that TICKLES your FANCY...and you want it..GET IT!!!#LIFESTOOSHORT!!🎊🎇🎆😀
Feb 15Reply
nanna216 Thank you for the like Diva Doll. Happy Poshing and may all your fashion dreams come true!
Feb 25Reply
jamaicanplush @mstiffany414 I have a Brazilian curly unit for sell‼️
Mar 14Reply
tveronicaj Thanks for the ❤ doll and Welcome to Poshmark😊
Mar 16Reply
mattparenteau Let me know if you are still interested I was away for awhile
Mar 19Reply
misspayne420 Miss tiffany I’m sooo sorry I missed shipping ur wig I was super sick if u still want to get it I can mail out today and I’ll even give u a bogo wig along w it for your trouble again apologies love hope u understand
Mar 25Reply
mstiffany414 @misspayne420 yes I understand and hope you’re feeling better I most definitely still want it thank you so much
Mar 25Reply
flippyfloop Are you interested in the belt?feel free to make an offer or purchase the item
Apr 04Reply
prettylia95 Did. You receive your wig
Apr 06Reply
prettylia95 From.Neeknaughty
Apr 06Reply
mstiffany414 @prettylia95 no why do you ask
Apr 06Reply
prettylia95 @mstiffany414 wanted to know if it was safe to buy
Apr 07Reply
mstiffany414 @prettylia95 I will let you know when I get them I hope it's all good
Apr 07Reply
Apr 11Reply
prettylia95 @mstiffany414 lol smh okay i won’t
Apr 14Reply
courtneyfrisco Hi, do you want me to cancel the other persons order make another listing & allow you to purchase ?
Apr 20Reply
mstiffany414 @courtneyfrisco yes Love I would be SOOOO HAPPY
Apr 20Reply
courtneyfrisco @mstiffany414 okay i will do that now.
Apr 20Reply
courtneyfrisco @mstiffany414 all ready. Please purchase before she does again. She is upset.
Apr 20Reply
leticias_closet Hi 😊 if you like to purchase wig send me offer I tried sending you offer but won’t let me again , if your still interested. Thanks for looking .
May 09Reply
mstiffany414 @letyzata yes I can't purchase it until Monday however if you will hold it that long
May 09Reply
leticias_closet @mstiffany414 whenever your ready 😊
May 09Reply
believer13 Hi Tiffany just stopped by to say hi and introduce myself - I am Deborah a Poshmark Ambassador newly but I happened to see your breast cancer awareness profile and not sure if you just support the cause or a survivor but either way 👍🙏😘🦋awesome Amen ❣️I am a Nurse Practitioner and RN and was a counselor for breast cancer survivors so I think support and education is so very important ! God bless you 🙏
Jul 30Reply
foundbyfran Hello! Thank you for liking an item in my closet! Feel free to send me an offer or bundle 3+ items for an instant 20% off! I ship immediately! Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 21Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers on anything you like!💕
Sep 28Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Tiffany, thanks for the likes. Hope I’m not bothering you. I’d be happy to offer a free item of your choice at the lowest value in a bundle. So buy three and get the forth for free, xoxo. I’m also accepting all offers on the spot. Mostly, Everything is also 15 dollars or less. Thank you 😊😊😊🐝
Oct 01Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Tiffany, thanks for the likes. Hope I’m not bothering you. I’d be happy to offer a free item of your choice at the lowest value in a bundle. So buy three and get the forth for free, xoxo. I’m also accepting all offers on the spot. Mostly, Everything is also 15 dollars or less. Thank you 😊😊😊🐝
Oct 01Reply
lynnaxel Hi ! Thanks for liking the lingerie ! I accept reasonable offers !
Oct 05Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 🎉😁
Dec 02Reply
mayasposhcloset Hi there! I realize I have shipped you the incorrect package and I sincerely apologize for that. I am fairly new to Poshmark and I know now to be more careful! I have notified the Poshmark team and they asked kindly that you just open a refund ticket and they will be able to refund you and send a label for return!
Dec 05Reply
mayasposhcloset —- after that I can then reship you the correct item. Again I am very sorry for this mishap and I appreciate your understanding! Thank you! -Maya’s posh closet
Dec 05Reply
mstiffany414 @mayasposhcloset what did you send
Dec 05Reply
mayasposhcloset @mstiffany414 I believe You received a pair of black Athleta workout Capris.
Dec 05Reply
ses54 @mstiffany414 Could you Plz rate you pink VS robe? Thank you
Dec 07Reply
scoot37 @ses54 bundle your likes I send you a private offer.
Dec 25Reply
Dec 27Reply
danigo Hi Tiffany, thank you for your purchase!! The post office closed early today so your bundle will go out on Monday. Enjoy your weekend ❤️🎉🥂
Dec 29Reply
abigail__jean Looking to sell my Sephora listing ASAP!! Open to reasonable offers !! :-)
Dec 31Reply
ljsourcedsold Hiiiii let us know if your interested in the jacket and sweater we are going to be doing some shipping this eve. Side note: I really like your pic btw........ I’m currently caring for my father who is looking for the cure as well. Positive vibes ur way
Jan 14Reply
kaleidokloset Happy Saturday! Thank you for the like! If you’re interested, I always consider offers, discount bundles, and ship next day (besides Sundays and Holidays). If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! Hope to hear from you soon. ❤️💃🏻🎉
Jan 20Reply
stacymelton110 Feel free to make Me and offered on the way it’s the last one I had to keep one because I liked it so much I came home one day and my husband said when did you have time to go get your hair done like that it was so funny because he didn’t know for a minute that it was away and I really liked it so I kept one myself and this is the last one so if you want it please send in an offer thanks
Jan 30Reply
stacymelton110 🎤 omg 😮.... talking about the wig Lol 😝
Jan 30Reply
carrot225 Hii hun thanks for your likee Feel free to make me an offer on anything you like 💕
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 I made a offer PLEASE accept it PLEASE
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 thanks for the offer girl unfortunately the wig is a great human hair wig and definitely worth a little more than what you offer, but i do have another wig around your price if your interested its on my page listed for $50 I can do that plus the waist trainer you liked all for $80 😊
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 counter offer
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 you can add the waist trainer and the $50 wig into a bundle and i will make you the offer for $80 for them I will decline the other offer for the other $155 wig
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 I can make another offer for the wig when you decline
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 okay I declined it so you can make an offer
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 I made a offer
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 again thanks for the offer but I probably won’t do anything below $135 for it since it is a great looking wig, and i paid a lot more for it, but i can always still give you the other wig i have thats for $50 plus the waist trainer you liked all for $80 💛 Which is a great deal for a price
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 can you do a private offer at that price with free shipping
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 youll have to add the items into a bundle hun
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 Decline the last offer
Feb 01Reply
mstiffany414 @carrot225 I just want the wig can we agree on 125
Feb 01Reply
carrot225 @mstiffany414 can you text me hun? My number is +15164447032 We can discuss about the wig there
Feb 01Reply
lashanda124 Hi! I currently have a lace closure wig in my closet about to go on sale, go check it out! Leave a like and I would be happy to give you a discount! Offers are always welcome in my closet and free gifts are included with every purchase!
Feb 11Reply
lisseths @mstiffany414 hello Sorry for the late response I was out of town I was about to ship the items today and then I noticed that on the bottom it’s ripped don’t know if you still want them I’m gonna post a picture of the area that’s ripped
Mar 26Reply
annesposhcloset Hi there! I just wanted to let you know I just dropped almost all the prices in my closet for a closet clear-out sale!! :-) feel free to check it out if you get a chance 😇 thanks and have a GREAT day! ❤️
Apr 04Reply
sofiacrea24 Hey girl I can take 300 🅿️🅿️ for my Tiffany and co set lmk!!
May 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Sanctuary, Moschino, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx, Anastasia Beverly Hills, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 11Reply
poshsellerxo Thank you for the like ❤️I accept most offers and give great deals on bundles💖 Free gift with every purchase🎁‼️
Jun 15Reply
ilovegod2023 Happy Poshing ...May your journey here be a success🤗🤗🤗God bless you Please feel free to stop by my closet❤
Aug 22Reply
kcrudnick Hi!!! They took my purse post down but I reposted. Are you interested in buying?? Send an offer I need to sell soon since they keep removing the post
Sep 26Reply
h_ellobeautiful Hi, if you bundle the two Jeans there's only one Shipping cost. Thought I'd let you know. Have have grand day 💕
Oct 22Reply
qom811 hi! do you still want the curtains? or should I re post them. I am willing to hold off until tommorow. ty!
Oct 26Reply
immortalprincez Welcome to Poshmark!!!! Thank you for visiting my closet. Feel free to send me an offer...
Nov 16Reply
madisonmurph989 Thank you for your like.💖
Nov 17Reply
immortalprincez Welcome to Poshmark!!!! Thank you for visiting my closet. Feel free to send me an offer...
Nov 17Reply
cddamoore Hi Tiffany are you still interested in the hair?
Dec 01Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 🎉🎉🎉😁
Dec 02Reply
lillieolivia I apologize. I forgot to give you free shipping.
Dec 03Reply
mstiffany414 @mel2ros thank you hun that was so considerate of you. MERRY CHRISTMAS ❤️
Dec 25Reply
yoelyabreu2018 Hey love I’ve seen your interred in wigs ! I have a great quality wig for cheap in my closet please go check it out and let me know if your interested 🥰
Dec 28Reply
mstiffany414 @mel2ros Thank you so very much for the kind gesture. I don’t know what you’re going through but I pray that God Guides you in the right direction and your journey to a successful outcome is peaceful and blessed. 🖤
Dec 30Reply
mstiffany414 @mel2ros I haven’t received it as of yet. I will let you know when It does. Thank you so much and I hope things are going well for you and family ❤️
Jan 11Reply
mstiffany414 @mel2ros my number is 2603488273
Jan 11Reply
mstiffany414 I sent you my number so that you could text me a picture of the receipt and I can track it on my end and find out what happened to the delivery.
Jan 12Reply
monicaaale3 Hi! I’d love for you to check out my closet! I am open to offers! 😊
Mar 03Reply
guamenthusiasts Hi there MsTiffany🤗 I just wanted to say hi and i also have a thigh high michael antonio boots just right above the knees, if you were interested. and its also in brown:)
Apr 19Reply
guamenthusiasts i am also open to offers as well and if you also have any questions, please feel free to ask me also:)
Apr 19Reply
sunnydayz0 @misstiffany414 hello pls feel free to make me an offer love trying to clear out my closet or I can do a bundle deal for you💗
Jun 09Reply
sunnydayz0 I can ship out in the am
Jun 09Reply
sunnydayz0 @mstiffany414 I just got another offer for the two piece set but I’ll wait for you since this is the last one
Jun 09Reply
sunnydayz0 @mstiffany414 Thanks I have your bundle ready to go🎉I think that you have to update your payment love.
Jun 09Reply
mstiffany414 @burberry_britt1 o ok I about to now Thank you
Jun 09Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets, Emporio Armani and Gucci purses that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jun 10Reply
sunnydayz0 @mstiffany414 hello love did you get your items💕
Jun 16Reply
ajalynn31 Hi there. Probably about 675 for both the bag and the pouch.
Jul 23Reply
a1023renee Hi Im sending messages out to anyone who has previously liked a item or items in my closet. Im closing my closet & Im accepting any & all offers as long as they are reasonable. I have approx 500 items to look through( many new items). Great for gifts. Will look like u spent a-lot 4 the gift but u didn’t break the bank. If u bundle I can save u on shipping & send all items with 1 shipping charge. Just send offer & I look forward to giving great deals as I close out. Thank you.
Aug 12Reply
jess_pasz Hello! i noticed you liked my listing well.. PRICES LOW AS $4 BUNDLE 4+ ITEMS FOR 10% OFF THE PURCHASE 🛍✨💕💖👑🌻🦋🦋🌞🥰🎁 FREE GIFTS AVAILABLE
Oct 11Reply
comelytwo Hi, just wanted to let you know I’m adding the eyeshadow set you liked to another listing of mine. Thank you for checking out my closet!
Oct 24Reply
ogposhqueen @mstiffany414 Hi I have a 4 for $25 deal going on in my closet right now! Any 4 items with the title, "4 for $25" qualifies. Just pick 4 items and send me a $25 offer😊
Oct 26Reply
glam_n3rd End of the year Greetings!! ❄️ ⛄️ 🥶 Just spreading some posh 💙 💙💙 and welcoming you to check out my closet! I have something for everyone! Bundle and save! 😘💋
Dec 27Reply
lovenarf Hi Tiffany. I just posted a pair of thigh high boots that might be of interest to you. Plus I have hundreds of other items in various sizes that I would love for you to see. Thanks for taking the time to visit my closet.
Jan 14Reply
lovenarf Hi Tiffany. Thank you for liking my Suzanne Betro dress. Today is closet clear out day. If I mark it down to $20 for you, Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you’re interested. It’s a very pretty, new dress.
Jan 15Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Jun 10Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day, ∞ Sнoppər| ShopSmall ∞,ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ ShopLocal + ✅ Verified Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ follow explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Oct 08Reply
yukare Hi! I notice you are intreasted in Chanel glasses like I just posted. Please check, it's reall good deal‼︎
Oct 28Reply
shopaholic100 @mstiffany414 Hello! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m Moving and I started a few different sales in my closet, including a BUY 1 GET 1... and a 4 for $25...AND JUST ADDED HUGE MYSTERY BOXES for an amazing deal! 🎁 😃 I also offer HUGE Bundle Discounts! 💸 🛍 I have some beautiful TIFFANY, 💎 LOUIS VUITTON DAMIER MM, 👜 , VALENTINO, 👝 TORY BURCH, MILLY Dresses 👗 Christian Louboutin Shoes 👠, BEACH BUNNY Swimsuits 👙, PET ITEMS, and much more! LOTS OF HOME items And a few MENS items!
Nov 09Reply
shopaholic100 @mstiffany414 And yes! I couldn’t agree more! They definitely need to find a cure! I hope I see it in my lifetime. Diagnosed 2019. 💝💪🏼
Nov 09Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 23Reply
ainsleith I’m having a limited time deal!! Bundle 3 items from my closet that are $12 or less for just $20! Don’t wait,supplies going fast❤️ Feel free to send offers! BUNDLE AND SAVE %15 ON BUNDLES OF 2 OR MORE!!
Dec 24Reply
susanakeawek "Why not spend less and get same quality luxury bag Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ ⓘⒼ:behatsluxury ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑥①③②⑧②⑤①①⓪⑤⑥"
Jul 27Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 07Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 27Reply
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Last Active: Mar 02 2022

Fort Wayne, IN
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Last Active: Mar 02 2022

Fort Wayne, IN
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