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Updated Jun 24
Updated Jun 24

Meet your Posher, Tiffany

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tiffany. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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rangerric Welcome to our community! I hope you have a safe and wonderful year!
Jun 24Reply
mfionathreads Hi Tiffany, I was contacted by Posh re: unable to process payment. If you can get this resolved in the next couple of hours, I'll be able to ship this morning. Happy Saturday💕
Jul 07Reply
lilysposhdeals Hi Tiffany, congrats! I will ship it for you tomorrow :) It's a beautiful skirt and I am happy to give it a new home. Hope you enjoy it.
Nov 08Reply
tiffanygold Thank you
Nov 08Reply
superbargain Hi, I just counter offered you for the Ermanno pants. If you’re still interested, I can lower it more to $45. Just put counter offer for $45 and I’ll accept it. Thanks for your interest.
Nov 18Reply
meliss2916 Hi Tiffany! Is the tracking information I’m seeing correct for your purchase from me?? I can’t understand why it’s taken 9 days and it is still has not been delivered. Please advise if this is accurate so I can try to make some contacts to push this along. Thank you! :)
Jan 09Reply
hollydvines I love your poodle , I had 2 St Poodles one white and one chocolate, loved them both so much .
Jan 31Reply
tiffanygold @hollydvines thank you! yes; poodles are great!
Feb 01Reply
tiffanygold Hello Thank you for accepting my offer. I plan to travel to a colder area (I currently reside in California) and was wondering when you would be able to ship the coat?
Feb 02Reply
hollydvines Are you going to be sending my coat back soon ? I have a friend that has tried it on and wants to buy it and have it hemmed up . I sent it Fed Ex with 500 $ insurance . Sorry you didn’t like it .
Feb 11Reply
ania60202 Hello- your Stella McCartney jacket is on its way. It should start tracking within a few hours. Thank you!🌸
May 30Reply
tiffanygold Okay. Thanks for letting me know.
May 31Reply
poshpainter Hi there! Thank you so much for purchasing the Brunello CUCINELLI sweater! I will ship I on Monday as there is no post tomorrow! Happy Poshing! @Poshpainter
Nov 09Reply
poshpainter P.S. Love your puppy!!🥰
Nov 09Reply
poshpainter Hi Tiffany. Thank you so much for the 5 star rating! You are too kind! Hope you enjoy the sweater!🥰Sandra@Poshpainter
Nov 19Reply
carmenchic i Tiffany, thank you for checking out my closet and for your offer on the Loro Piana shirt. my offer is the lowest at this time, the shirt is flawless and I've recently reduced it quite a lot. Have a great day
Feb 13Reply
thereddot Hi Tiffany! Thank you for the offers on the J. Mendel and St. John Couture blouses. Do you want to bundle them together so you don't have to pay shipping twice? Or I'm happy to do it I you tell me what to do. 😘😘
Feb 23Reply
tiffanygold Hi, That’s fine. Thanks for letting me know .
Feb 23Reply
joelleyjelly Hey Tiffany! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve dropped off your package at the post office. Thank you again for your purchase!
Apr 21Reply
tiffanygold @joelleyjelly Hi! Thanks for letting me know.
Apr 22Reply
joelleyjelly @tiffanygold no problem 😊
Apr 22Reply
belleblair hi pls don't forget to leave me a rating thanks for purchasing ❤💐
May 20Reply
aladdin381 Hi Tiffany. I’m gonna send the Gucci shirt tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know that the sleeves are open from the cuff to the upper arm. The photo of the slits didn’t upload onto the post so I wanna make sure you want this, if not, we can cancel the transaction. Thank you!
Jul 20Reply
tiffanygold @aladdin381 Hi, Thanks for letting me know. That’s fine.
Jul 20Reply
aladdin381 @tiffanygold Thank you!. I’ll be sending it tomorrow
Jul 20Reply
mrsdewitt2u HI Tiffany🙂Thank you so much for checking out my closet. I hope you accept my counter offer. It’s the lowest I’m willing to go for luxury skincare, as PoshMark takes out fees that are above normal😅on the good side you will receive 2 free gifts for your purchase ☺️
Aug 06Reply
msm2136 Hi @tiffanygold ! Thanks so much for the purchase- I’ll drop this off at the post office Saturday morning 😊
Aug 07Reply
mrsdewitt2u Thank you so much for your purchase😊I dropped your order at the post office this afternoon.
Aug 08Reply
suziscouture Hello!😄Just counteroffered the Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater u liked. Feel free to counteroffer. It’s a brand new cashmere sweater. ❤️ I am a 5 star rated posher. Can get g th his sent out to u ASAP. Please follow my closet. I post new items almost everyday. Thanks again! Feel free to negotiate. Happy Poshing!👚👚❤️
Oct 17Reply
suziscouture Hello! Feel free to counteroffer what zi just sent! Thanks! I know u will look great and feel wonderful in this cashmere!👚👚❤️
Oct 17Reply
suziscouture Hello again!😄Sorry to bother u. But if u can only do $45 , send offer back through on counteroffer. Enjoy!👚👚❤️
Oct 17Reply
suziscouture Thanks so much for your purchase of Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater. ❤️U will love it! I will ship ASAP! Have a great weekend! Thanks again!👚👚❤️
Oct 18Reply
rooteddrawers Hey there! Thanks so much for your purchase! I will have this sent out for you tomorrow. 😊
Oct 22Reply
pattys_poshmark Hi Tiffany, I have the boots boxed up for you but there was an issue with your payment. Please place the offer again and I will accept and send them out soon 😊
Oct 24Reply
dejanew_csovi Hi Tiffany, thank you for your purchase from my closet❣I have shipped your Vintage Fur Headpiece so keep an eye out for tracking notification if you would like to follow the progress. Stay safe and healthy 💕😷💕
Oct 30Reply
jaguar05 Hi Tiffany I tried to except your offer but it would not let me because I missed the 24 hour time. I sent a new offer.
Nov 03Reply
sobecrashpads @tiffanygold those shoes are over 100 on every website i paid over 500 that’s really to low your getting dior shoes cheaper than sketchers or nikes and all they need is cleaning
Nov 15Reply
thequietrioter Hi... Your sweater was shipped this eveving. I apologize for the delay. I was out of town when you purchased. My Stepmother passed away, and I just got back home midweek. It's on it's way, though, and should start tracking by tonight. Thank you! Enjoy!!
Nov 19Reply
tiffanygold @eaw Thank you! Happy thanksgiving!
Nov 25Reply
gingibaby Hi i can ship the denim skirt today so you can have it asap if you accept :)
Dec 07Reply
kmeinhardt Hi there, I am willing to sell you the sweater for the price that you requested but I can’t figure out how to approve it. If you make another offer, I will accept and ship right away. Thanks for your business.
Dec 08Reply
goodbuygirls Hi Tiffany. Thank you for your purchase. I'll ship your package today, and you should be able to track it on Posh sometime tonight. 🤗🤗
Dec 08Reply
tiffanygold @goodbuygirls Thanks for letting me know.
Dec 08Reply
hnnnnnne888888 Hello Tiffany, I just sent out my lowest offer that I will take already 💕
Dec 22Reply
kamizklozet Hi Tiffany. You made an offer on a Tomas MAIER shirt in my closet. I wasn’t able to access my closet for a while, now I’m back on I just want to apologize for not responding.
Jan 03Reply
mrsdewitt2u Good morning dear🙂I can give you discount shipping and free gift if my counter offer is accepted. That is the lowest I can go as the product is literally brand new. Sealed in its original packaging 🥰
Feb 02Reply
hellen2812 Hello Tiffany Thanks so much for your purchase! I will mail it tomorrow/
Mar 19Reply
tiffanygold @hellen2812 Thanks for letting me know.
Mar 19Reply
msdevonxoxo Hi! Thanks for your offer, I countered. If you’d like to accept I can ship the shirt today. It’s so beautiful.
Apr 19Reply
jmolstad Hi Tiffany, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. I’ve countered on your offer to $45, but I wasn’t fast enough before it expired. Please re-offer in this price range and I’ll accept.
Apr 30Reply
cnicholas126 I did not see your new offer until now. Was out with the ladies. If you remake your last offer, I will honor it.
May 09Reply
tiffanygold @cnicholas126 Hi, I made a re-offer again now.Thanks for letting me know.
May 09Reply
cnicholas126 I am away from my residence until Thursday. My daughter is in charge of sending my things out. I know she’s sending my things out but I noticed that your address have not been shipped. She claimed she cannot locate it. I am giving her until the end of the day. I like to ship my stuff out immediately. I will get back to you to notify you if she can locate it.
May 12Reply
cnicholas126 I just came home. I will be looking for your dress tomorrow. As I have said before I was are we on location. My daughter was the one that was mailing my package. She claims she couldn’t find a dress, I did not sell it I will be looking for it as soon as I wake up in the morning.
May 14Reply
tiffanygold @cnicholas126 I understand such a situation.I am deeply grateful.
May 14Reply
cnicholas126 I will not ask her to help me with my posh whenever I am away. Nobody takes care of your things the way you do
May 14Reply
tiffanygold @cnicholas126 I think so too. Goodnight!😴
May 14Reply
cnicholas126 I believe someone with sticky fingers took this dress. I left my daughter to ship my sales out but she wasn’t watchful. I searched for four days. I will continue to look for it. I will reach out to u and offer you a bigger discount. I am crying right now.
May 17Reply
cnicholas126 This dress is downright gorgeous. I hope this dress was simply just misplaced. I have a room full of things. This doesn’t happen when I am in charge. I have to released your funds. It’s not fair to you.
May 17Reply
tiffanygold @cnicholas126 I am deeply sorry and thank you for your hard work in finding this dress.
May 17Reply
jrsavet dear Tiffany I am currently traveling outside the US and I am trying to coordinate the Sheisedo product for you. can you give me a few days to do so? I apologize for any delay.
Sep 10Reply
jrsavet it should ship tomorrow.
Sep 12Reply
maialein @tiffanygold Hi Tiffany, I am the seller of the C by Bloomingdale’s cashmere sweater that was just canceled. As I was packing your shipment I realized the sweater had been previously washed/dried. The turtleneck is dry-clean only, and as a result, has shrunk considerably. The texture has also changed. Initially I hadn't noticed this, so it was not mentioned in the item description. It would not be fair for me to send you a faulty item, and I deeply apologize for missing this in the first place!
Oct 05Reply
maialein @tiffanygold Poshmark will immediately begin processing your refund, which may take up to two days. Once again, I am so sorry!
Oct 05Reply
cnicholas126 @tiffanygold I found the dress and realized that I did not reach out to you. I can offer you this dress for $30 instead of $40. Let me know
Oct 19Reply
lmsaugie Hi Tiffany, I was just getting the cashmere sweater ready to send to you and noticed that the tag had come off when I had packed the sweater in storage. I no longer have the tag so the sweater is NWOT still never worn and in pristine condition. Do you still want it? If not, I’d be happy to honor the same price on one of my other NWT cashmere sweaters. Let me know!
Nov 05Reply
tiffanygold @lmsaugie That’s fine. Thanks for letting me know.
Nov 05Reply
syljr820 Hi, just wanted to let you know that I have to cancel your order for the Tommy Hilfiger sweater… I found a hole near the shoulder in the back when I was preparing to ship it.. I am so sorry 😞
Nov 08Reply
pokeymarie Accepted counteroffer, but says there are payment issues. Pls check on ur end.
Nov 09Reply
nava_chic Hi Tiffany! Thank you for your purchase. Will ship your order tomorrow. Happy holidays!⛄️
Dec 19Reply
tinnertoo Thank you for visiting my closet Let me know if you have any questions Kindly Cyndy
Mar 05Reply
erickajo90 Hi so sorry I rushed out of the house this morning, I didn't get a chance to grab the poncho. I will have this mailed out tomorrow!
Oct 24Reply
tiffanygold @erickajo90 No worries! Thanks for letting me know.
Oct 24Reply
erickajo90 @tiffanygold Happy Friday 😊 just letting you know your sweater is scheduled to be delivered later today. Hope you enjoy!
Oct 28Reply
dress4_success Hi! I am closing my closet, everything is reduced -final price. Don't miss the chance to get something at an incredibly low price. thanks!
Aug 13Reply
macymall123 Tiffany, thanks for your offer. hopefully we could have a deal !
Mar 14Reply

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