Meet your Posher, Tonya
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Hi! I'm Tonya. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, UGG, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

13 others
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Hi there, Welcome to poshmark. Please check out my closet. Items that's $8 & under are on holidays sale. Plus 15% off for 2 or more items. Feel free to offer your desire price. My new item is phone wrist wallet. Available in 6 colors. Lots of space and convenient. It's coming soon. Happy holidays to you. Visit me.
Dec 27Reply

🙋🏻 welcome to Poshmark 🎉
Dec 27Reply

Awesome addition to your closet ! Can't wait to see more... Your first sale will be exciting!!!!! Any questions just ask! Happy Poshing! Patty 💍🎁👙👖👗
Dec 27Reply

Hi Tonya! Nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Apr 13Reply

Hello and nice to meet you! Happy Thursday!! Please check out my closet when you have a moment for great quality boutique clothing. Thanks!! 💕💕
Apr 20Reply

Hi! I am Tori, if you have the chance check out my closet!, it would make my day! I love your closet and will share many items! I hope you have a lovely and splendid day filled with joy & happiness! :) Best wishes from Michigan <3
May 05Reply

🌵🌺Hello! I hope you loving Poshmark as much as I do. It is a fantastic community full of friendly people. If you have any questions please let me know, and I will try to help out. Please stop by my closet - I have a ton great item. Thank you in advance! Best advice is to SHARE SHARE SHARE! Happy Poshing!🌵🌺
May 17Reply

@divamama1970 Burleson! Hello neighbor!
May 24Reply

Hi! I know there are so many fabulous closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! I always include a free extra surprise with any order. Either way, thanks so much for your time and have a wonderful day!
Jun 07Reply

Hiii!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Just wanted to stop by & say hi! Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞Hope you're having a great day! Xo
Oct 15Reply

Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you’re loving posh! 💕
Oct 16Reply

@threebeez nice to meet you as well!! I love Posh!!!
Oct 16Reply

Good evening Tonya. I just countered your offer at 375 and I truly wish I could accept the 350 but I have a lot tied up in these and with Poshmark taking 20% they are actually making more than I am. I'm really sorry, I wish I could go more. 😢😢
Oct 23Reply

Also, I had just marked it down today. Please understand
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 I definitely understand. I’m having issues with my card and will try to accept your counter offer on tomorrow.
Oct 23Reply

That's fine Tonya. Thank you so much for the offer and I hope you come back. 🌺🌸💗
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 order is completed
Oct 23Reply

Thank you so much for purchasing the bag. I am still feeling bad that I couldn't mark it down any further. Have a blessed day. 💗💗💗
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 please don’t feel bad at all. What was the original price for both items? Also what is the name of the bag? I’ve been looking for the Ink color for awhile now and can’t find it, so it was a great purchase for me. Have a blessed and wonderful day!
Oct 23Reply

I truly appreciate your saying that. The name of the bag is Harrison tote (the large one) and the original price of the two items was $470.00. I'm leaving the price tags with the price on them so you can see. It's really a beautiful set and the color is one of my favorites.
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 thank you so much!! Can’t wait to see them in person. When will you ship them? I think this is it for me as I have purchased 3 Brahmin bags / accessories in 3 months!! I think I have a total of 9 bags with matching wallets!
Oct 23Reply

I'm sending you an extra special little gift for your bag and for being so sweet. 💗💗
Oct 23Reply

Oh my girl, then you should stay away from my closet this week!! I got some new, really beautiful bags coming in. I love it when I run into another TRUE Brahmin lover.
Oct 23Reply

Oh and I'm at work right now but I will get it boxed up (and I box with great care) and maybe be able to get it to the post office tonight but if not early tomorrow morning.
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 ahh you’re an angel!! Thanks in advance
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 oh wow!!! You will have to let me know when you list them.
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 okay and Great!
Oct 23Reply

I sure will let you know but remember you said you have to stop buying bags now. 😂😂😂 just kidding but I really will let you know. Promise.
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 I really do need to stop!! It’s become an addiction!!
Oct 23Reply

I know exactly what you mean but they're so beautiful!! 😍😍😍 I won't even tell you how many I have
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 you have to tell me!!!
Oct 23Reply

It's really not that bad. It's about 60. But now with me selling them I'm sure it's going to be a lot more. My husband can't say a thing for two reasons, number one I spend my own money on them and number two, he has about 30 guitars.
Oct 23Reply

Do you like Kate spade? If so I've got two absolutely beautiful ones being shipped today.
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 oh I’m not bad at all!! Lol! I can’t wait to see what you have next!
Oct 23Reply

@deedee22222 Kate Spade is a great brand, but I favor the close over the hand bags
Oct 23Reply

Ok. I got it. Everyone has a preference. I just was asking in case you were interested. 💗
Oct 23Reply

ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Oct 24Reply

Good afternoon girl!! How are you doing? Your box should be there this afternoon!!! Also check into the best in bags party today at 3:00 and see my new stuff!! 💗💗💗
Oct 26Reply

@deedee22222 good afternoon!! I’m great and thank you!! I will definitely look at your new things.
Oct 26Reply

Good morning Tonya. I see you have received your package and I haven't heard anything from you. I hope it's because your out in the town with it on your arm. 😊😊 Please let me know how you like it. Have a blessed day. 💐🌸🌺
Oct 27Reply

@deedee22222 hey Doll. I should get it today or tomorrow. All my packages go to my moms and I haven’t been by her home yet.
Oct 27Reply

@divamama1970 that's smart the way packages get stolen now days. I'm glad I live next door to a cop and not many people are brazen enough to walk up in our yards. 😂😂 Ok. Let me know how you like it. 🌺🌸💐
Oct 27Reply

@deedee22222 I definitely will let you know!! I promise!! Have a wonderful and Posh Day!!
Oct 27Reply

HI Beauty!! 🌹I thought I would stop by and introduce myself. I am Vanessa from MODA ME COUTURE. I offer a large variety of clothing and accessories. I would be honored if you would visit my Boutique. I am always happy to be of assistance.😊Have a wonderful weekend.❤
Oct 28Reply

Good morning girl. How are you doing? You've got me on pins and needles. I keep checking to see how you like your blue bag, but nothing yet? I hope you love it and just haven't had time to accept it. Please let me know. The suspense is killing me. 😳🤣😂😳🤣😂
Oct 29Reply

@deedee22222 hey Doll. I still have not made it to my moms!! She says that I have packages like it’s Christmas!! I promise as soon as I get there I will let you know.
Oct 29Reply

@divamama1970 ok. Was just wondering. Thank you so much dear. 💗💗
Oct 29Reply

@deedee22222 no thank you for understanding!
Oct 29Reply

Tonya, your not going to believe this, I forgot to put your special little gift in your second box. I put a regular gift but not the extra one I want to send you. I'll get it in the mail tomorrow ok?
Nov 02Reply

@deedee22222 ahh okay honey!! Thank you so much!
Nov 03Reply

@divamama1970 how are you doing beautiful lady? Good I hope. I'm so sorry but I promise I will get it out tomorrow.
Nov 03Reply

@deedee22222 ahh bra, I am wonderful and how are you???
Nov 03Reply

@divamama1970 good but busy. You m trying to get Poshmark to send me your address again because once you ship something you can't access the address anymore.
Nov 03Reply

Good afternoon Tonya. I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you but Poshmark just sent me another shipping label so I could send you your gift. I might as well tell you what it's a real Brahmin Handbag charm to use as either a bag charm or Keychain. I will get this sent out Monday. I hope everything is going good with you and I want to thank you again for your purchases. 💗💗
Nov 04Reply

Hello there. Hope your having a great Sunday. Thank you so much for the great rating again but you need to start looking for the actual gift I had for you. Poshmark finally sent me another mailing label so it will go out in tomorrow's mail. Thank you for being so patient.
Nov 05Reply

@deedee22222 Hey Doll! You are a sweetie!! I will be looking for it!! Have a wonderful day!!
Nov 06Reply

@deedee22222 oh wow!! You are an angel!! I do love my Brahmin charms!!!
Nov 06Reply

@divamama1970 what great timing. I was just sitting here wrapping it so I can get to the post office. Have a great day day girl. 💗💗
Nov 06Reply

@deedee22222 thank you Hun! You have a great day as well!
Nov 06Reply

Hi! Welcome to my closet! Feel free to drop by and visit today! I'm having a NAME YOUR PRICE SALE! Thanks!
Nov 12Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase:)
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for your purchase! It will be mailed today. 😁
Nov 13Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Jan 15Reply

Thank you Tonya for the sweet love note!!! I'm especially glad your happy with your purchase! Stop by again sometime:)
Jan 23Reply

Good morning .. If you like the merchandise and don’t plan on sending it back .. Could you please accept and rate ? Thank you for shopping with me enjoy your day ❤️
Jan 27Reply

@tojaswithlove I’m sorry I have just gotten out of the hospital and have not picked up my mail.
Jan 27Reply

@divamama1970 wow I am sooo sorry I did not mean to be insensitive.. Hoping all is well !!
Jan 27Reply

@tojaswithlove i will pick my mail up tomorrow
Jan 29Reply

Happy Tuesday!
Apr 04Reply

Welcome! Please check my boutique out when you get a moment. I am now accepting offer! Happy poshing! 💕🤗
Jul 20Reply

Jan 22Reply

Are you still looking for an Louis Vuitton artsy?
Nov 23Reply

@paolaquinta2020 Hi. Yes I am
Nov 23Reply

Girl I have one great condition will even throw in matching wallet text me at 5416505636 I’ll send you photos love 💕
Nov 23Reply

@paolaquinta2020 oh, I don’t do sales off Poshmark. Sorry, but thank you.
Nov 23Reply

@divamama1970 love posh take 20 percent
Nov 23Reply

@paolaquinta2020 I know, but it’s my only protection. They will authenticate for us.
Nov 23Reply

@divamama1970 I have proof of authentication I can even FaceTime you just at least text me so I can send you photos
Nov 23Reply

@paolaquinta2020 no thank you. But thanks for reaching out in regards to the bag.
Nov 23Reply

I'm so glad you bought this one!! It's so much better in person too!❤❤😁 I have ran out of my ring boxes 😢 waiting on snail mail for the next bunch. I will pack your item with extra care😁😁 if you see anything new that I'm listing throughout the day or in future I will do a personal discount for you too!! Just add the word "RAINBOW" !!! 💎💯
Nov 26Reply

@crystalmberman thank you and will do!!
Nov 26Reply

@divamama1970 Hello sorry for the delay in shipping! I was injured but I'm getting it out in the mail today!! Once again I apologize for the 2 day shipping delay!! I feel like an ass!
Nov 30Reply

Hello Gorgeous! Tonya, 💫🌹 Thank you for visiting & liking my items! I’m having a 1 day sale I would love if your cane by to bundle & make an offer 25% off any 2 & 30 of 3, everything is in Sale now & The more the merrier ! Happy Poshing 🥂 ❤️💚❤️✡️🥂& A very Happy Holiday Season to you & yours, Adrienne @jakesheart :)
Dec 24Reply

Such a cute bio! 💐🌿💚🤗
Jan 06Reply

@divamama1970 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Apr 01Reply

Thanks for the like on the Chloe. I can’t do the standard 10% discount, but I can reduce the price by$30.00 if you’re interested. Have a beautiful day!🌸
Sep 22Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1000 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 04Reply

Hello Tonya, I noticed you purchased from @talk2usoon and I’m trying to make an offer on a purse in her closet and I think there is a glitch. Can you reach out to her and let her know I love her closet and want to put an offer in on a purse. Thank you so much.
Nov 17Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smile pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 07Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 13Reply

Hello, Tonya.
Just stopping by to show posh love and to invite you to stop by my closet. Any questions please feel free to message me. Have a wonderful day!
Feb 24Reply

Hey Doll! I’d love for you to take a look at my closet @king_kouture 👑. I carry a lot of the brands you love ❤️ 💕... great discounts on bundles... 5 ⭐️ Posh Ambassador and fast shipper! Happy Poshing!
Mar 29Reply
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