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Updated Jul 10
Updated Jul 10

Meet your Posher, Tori

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Tori. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, CHANEL, Coach, MAC Cosmetics, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sapp12 Welcome thanks for the like
Jan 27Reply
divinefry1 Hi tori, thanks for all the likes. You can make a bundle and send me an offer. I make you a good deal. Thanks
Jan 27Reply
thesunriseiris Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Feel free to come on over and check out my closet! Happy Poshing! 😊🛍📦
Apr 08Reply
maceface9210 Hi thanks for your like ♡♡♡I can ship first thing in the morning with three FREE goodies and gift wrapped ☆☆☆closet is ALWAYS buy one get one half off. And Hoodies are ALWAYS buy one get one FREE THANKS for taking the time to peek thru my closet HAPPY POSHING
Apr 11Reply
mildred351 Ive packed your bag and will drop it at the Post Office in the morning. Thank you for your purchase
Apr 12Reply
samlorraine Please don't lowball my brand new items! I am very open to offers but I cannot cut my price by 75%.
Apr 12Reply
chat3388 Hi Tori🌹Thanks for following me and liking the cute Betsey Purse. As a new buyer to my closet I can make you a great deal. 10% off and Free Shipping. You may also choose a free key ring that is listed! Just bundle and send for offer. This purse us so adorable and one of my favorites. Enjoy your weekend ❤️
Apr 27Reply
mycreationsplus Thanks for the like. 😊 They are free with a bundle of 3 or more items from my closet.
Apr 28Reply
bklynchic50 Hi there I saw you liked my Jessica Simpson brown shoes. I also have a pair in black in s separate listing. Bundle & save! Thanks for checking out my closet....
Apr 28Reply
bklynchic50 Oops I meant to say the reverse of the color shoes. Lol!
Apr 28Reply
theorie24 Hi tori, if u bundle the Jessica Simpson purse with another item under 7 I’ll accept a 5 dollar offer. Or i can give u a good deal on any other bundle. I didn’t accept ur previous offer because I would only be making 5 cents from the sale.
Apr 29Reply
May 02Reply
chloemarieshop Thanks for checking out my closet! Have an amazing spring!
May 06Reply
arianamalm Hey Tori :) if you get a minute would you check out my closet please ? ☺️ I offer great deals and am always willing to negotiate 💕
May 18Reply
helenoftroysc Hi Tori! Thanks for your "like!" I started Posh this past fall & find there's much to learn to score&create great deals! As a veteran Posher, I'm pretty sure you already know about bundles. I just learned to share "likes" to dressing rooms to make it easier to "bundle" & submit an offer. You may also form the bundle & leave it open ended so I can offer a private discount. Hope you don’t mind my trying this "new" tool with you in the hopes of creating a win-win! Posh on!💕
May 20Reply
malibu02 Hi how are you? I saw you made a bundle last night from my closet. I gave you a lower price plus a break on shipping . Also if you do take it , you can choose a couple items for 5$ or less free. Ty
May 22Reply
lolitica Welcome to Poshmark you will LOVE it here. Please if you need any help get in touch with me. WELCOME. ❤️
May 24Reply
mafrank2 I apologize. I had to take something out of the bundle because unfortunately I cannot find the sweatshirt
Jun 09Reply
madikaysells Let me know if you want to make a bundle!!!
Jun 09Reply
malibu02 Hi tori , I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to get around to this. I’ve been packing , moving, dr.’s appointments and I have two girls one is 15 so I’m running her everywhere and one is 20 with twins that are 1 1/2 so lol I’m lucky to see my phone . I think I lowered a couple of the items in your bundle not even realizing you had a bundle , so if you’d like make me a offer on your bundle ( my posh stuff is just being packed today ) also it’s buy 1get 1 free so for every item you pick one for 5 $ free
Jun 12Reply
malibu02 Hi there, lol again I gave you a offer I hope its ok if not let me know Please
Jun 12Reply
malibu02 Hi I left you a message under the Jean shorts you wanted to buy
Jun 16Reply
malibu02 O I can do that white guess shirt white the black on each sides fie the same price? Sound good?
Jun 16Reply
malibu02 Hey u , women! Lol:) I’ve been messaging you lol I usually mail out the next day so this order is really bothering me. I have all then no any way I had one to replace one and I’ll double check tonight but i dont know
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 The shorts I just can’t find I’m snotty n
Jun 19Reply
toorawraye @malibu02 hey i'm sorry I forget to check this i'm usually in such a hurry but that is fine hun
Jun 19Reply
toorawraye @malibu02 if you can would you cancel it cause shorts is what I was actually buying I just figured I'd bundle some stuff
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 @toorawraye ok great, now I hope it didn’t go to storage lol, and ont more thing , I had the American eagle shirt out and ready ( the one with orange sleeves ) and some how it got stains from something , as we speak my daughter is doing her laundry and washing it , I soaked it all day yesterday ( I’ve never had so many probs, I’m so so sorry) if there’s a issue with that want me to substitute it with another one of your likings?
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 I’ll throw in another one of your likings for free cause you had to deal with this ( I know I never have lol) sand again I’m so so sorry and cause I didn’t mail it right out
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 Would you like me to tag you in a few pair that were never put on here? What size are you? And what size were they in jr? I have a few more of jr cause my daughter didn’t take them when she left and after she had the twins she’s now a diff size
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 Ok so 13 in dr so what size in women’s ? I’ll put a few pics on here for you cause I’m not selling anymore right now actually I’m gonna put my closet on vacation after I get these next 3 packages out Give me a few and I’ll send you some if you aren’t interested I’ll cancel I’m sorry
Jun 19Reply
malibu02 Actually yes I’ll cancel Until I’m settled in my new place I’m putting my closet on vacation mode please visit me again
Jun 19Reply
mydiy Hi! Good Luck Building your closet!🎇🎆🎇🎇 Feel free to follow me and browse. Have a great day! 🎆🎇🎇🎆
Jun 22Reply
prince_shah Hi Tori, Thanks for liking the Hollister shorts. You just earned 20% off for being the first to share a heart on them. Hopefully you'll get to rock them, before somebody else does.. ~ Prince
Jun 22Reply
tonya_elizabeth Welcome to Poshmark! Shop, sell and enjoy! 🎉🌟♥️ Make sure you treat your self from time to time!
Jun 27Reply
brokebutboujee hey girl! check out my closet ! I have tons of new and used items in great condition! I also accept most offers and offer discounts if you bundle more than 2 items ! happy shopping xoxo
Jul 02Reply
amber021992 @toorawraye Bundle your likes and I will ship out first thing tomorrow morning! 💕
Jul 04Reply
shopbethelight Thanks for the like! If you see anything you like and want to add it to a bundle I’ll give you a great deal! Having to downsize and needing to get rid of a lot! 💘 thanks again
Jul 07Reply
abeag Hi-its abeag:) just wanted to let you know that i always have a buy any 2listings and choose a 3rd one free deal &i also luv to trade. Thanx so much for checking out my closet!!
Jul 12Reply
divadee876 @toorawraye Hi, I see you like a few items in my closet❣I can offer additional 50% off of a bundle if you'd like to purchase let me know☺😉
Jul 13Reply
littleblondebee Hi love! Just wanted to pop over and welcome you! We are all about vintage, color, and chic work outfits- we’d love if you visited our closet! Just for being a new comer here’s 20% off an item if you’d like! Use discount code “DISCOUNT BEE” in the comment of the item you want to buy and we will give you a great deal! This is a one time use only discount. Happy shopping! 🐝
Jul 13Reply
jewwlzzhicks Thanks for the interest and I’m sorry I couldn’t accept your offer but most of the items are brand new.
Jul 14Reply
sbcalvo Thank you for all of the likes. Bundle 3 or more items from my closet and save 20% right off the top! Welcome to Posh
Jul 17Reply
doubledoxie @samlorraine do you know if there’s a way to block or report poshers? I got an 80% off of listed prices “offer” on a bundle tonight from the same user as you. It’s rude and disgusting and a waste of time.
Jul 18Reply
toorawraye @doubledoxie Well I sure didn't do it and no idk if you can or not
Jul 18Reply
samlorraine @doubledoxie yes, there is a way, but the best thing to do is just forget it and move on! Some people lowball because thats what they can afford, it is a little offensive to the seller be we have a right to decline. Hope you make some sales soon❤️😊
Jul 18Reply
hardyhangers @toorawraye I'm sorry I can't accept your offer , your bundle price is only $40 and you offer $12 for 4 pair of Jeans that's low balling, sorry no can do.
Jul 19Reply
reesepiece @toorawraye hi there! Let me know if you're still interested and I will make you a great deal!
Jul 19Reply
maryfashionista Hi I sent you an offer on the jeans let me know if you’re interested I can ship today 😊
Jul 19Reply
haleymariexoxo Hi there! I accepted your offer! I won’t be able to get your order shipped until Monday? I hope that is okay.... if not going ahead and decline. I was going to put my shop in vacation mode today but your sale beat me to it! Like I said if it’s a problem, decline! Or everything will be shipped Monday morning! 😊😊
Jul 19Reply
kimmihoward1972 Pleas no low ball offers!!!
Jul 19Reply
kimmihoward1972 @toorawraye I love negotiating on bundles, however, a $20 offer on a $65 bundle is insulting! Let’s start over 😊 shall we.
Jul 19Reply
cadillac30 Sorry I can't take less than a hundred for all the items together
Jul 19Reply
cadillac30 I'll take 100 for all 7 items together
Jul 19Reply
cadillac30 I won't take $25 for all 7 items sorry😊
Jul 19Reply
jazlynnbri Hi! I can do $12 for your bundle (: if you're still interested!
Jul 20Reply
maryfashionista Hi I sent you an offer on the jeans let me know if that works for you I can ship today! 😊
Jul 20Reply
tjet612 Thank you for your purchase! Your package is packed and scheduled for pickup!
Jul 20Reply
laurawelch241 Hey let me know if your still interested in the bundle of jeans!!
Jul 22Reply
meghangrant31 Hello there! I see that you recently liked a bathing suit from my closet. I am shipping some items out today and can ship this super cute, never worn bathing suit out to you today! It will only be about $12, after shipping 😞 but definitely worth the money! All of my earnings are going into my college fund, so I appreciate you taking interest in my clothing and possibly helping me earn money for college! 😊
Jul 23Reply
3messymonkeys Thank for making a 18 item bundle! I’m sorry but I cannot accept your offer at $2 per dress. I do need to make a small profit and that’s just too low. I have made a new offer for you that includes getting 9 of the 18 items ENTIRELY FREE as well as FREE SHIPPING & a FREE GIFT! Thank you! 📦📫🎉🎈❤️
Jul 23Reply
pagliawebb Hello! Thanks for the like on the Betsy Johnson wallet. Since it’s priced low I’m unable to make an offer with discounted shipping. If you’re interested I would accept an offer of $6. Thanks so much. Have a great weekend.
Jul 27Reply
unclaimed Tori Nice closet and pictures , wishing you much success, thanks for your support. Send me an offer for the tote bag it also comes with the free gift any other item in my closet price $10 or less
Jul 30Reply
bambi6660 Tori, If you bundle up 3 items from my closet you'll receive a 15% discount. I also have new 5 for $25 deals as well. Happy Poshing
Jul 31Reply
someclassystyle Hi Tori welcome to poshmark. and happy poshing!!
Aug 03Reply
dsplaceofstyle Hi there girl, I see you Liked 3 of my FOX fitted t’s... if you bundle them I can give you a private offer on the 3 together...
Aug 06Reply
alanaschmidt025 hi! if you are interested in anything make a bundle and get 15% off and make offers :) 💖
Aug 06Reply
beach_styles Hello, thank you so much for your likes! When you get a chance please check out the rest of our shop! We have lots of NEW with TAGS..SKATE and SURF brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you’d like, please put it in a bundle for one shipping costs! We also offer FREE with purchase items throughout our page. Have an awesome day🤙🏼
Aug 07Reply
chiarakyra Thank you for the like!
Aug 08Reply
alejandraswt Sorry Tory, I received your offer on my Victoria secret item, unfortunately $4 is low balling, I would do it to anyone so I can't accept it. 75% or lower is just not acceptable. I will respectfully decline. Thank you very much for checking up my closet nevertheless. Have a nice night.
Aug 09Reply
mariahhill123 I denied your offer because you offered more than 50% less of the initial listing price. I would’ve made literally $0.05 after Poshmark fees from that sale. My closet prices are very fair, please do not low ball like that. If you want the top, feel free to purchase it for what it is listed at.
Aug 09Reply
xolaurenmal Hi dear! I just saw you liked a bunch of items in my closet. If you bundle them I will give you an amazing discount!!! I am really trying to clean out my closet. 😍💖
Aug 10Reply
lilyvelasquez96 Items are for woman not kids
Aug 10Reply
vognibene1014 Please check out my closet! I’m always open to offers and would love to work something out with you!💕
Aug 10Reply
surfingcowgirl Welcome to poshmark! I see that you have visited my closet liked several of my items. I would LOVE to get rid of them. If you create a bundle I will give you a great private discount! Let me know if you have any questions!
Aug 11Reply
netti1106 Welcome to Poshmark feel free to check out my closet 🛍
Aug 13Reply
ashleysvntos hi tori! i see you’ve added a few of my listings to a bundle. if you add a 3rd item and purchase the bundle it’ll be 15% off and i’ll ship it first thing tomorrow :)❤️
Aug 14Reply
la_closet01 I’m having a Bundle Sale!! - 50% off bundles with 3 or more items
Aug 15Reply
lilyvelasquez96 Hello! Purchases come with a free $3 item or bow!
Aug 16Reply
highlyfavored44 Hi welcome to Poshmark and thanks for the like
Aug 16Reply
maleynagregorio Love your closet!! Check out mine, I always take offers into consideration :)
Aug 24Reply
faithdestiny16 hey! I wanted to stop by to say hi! If you have the chance stop by to take a look at my closet! some of my clothing have never been worn and is new with tags or is gently used. so take a look around. and if you like something but not the price make an offer! happy posting and good luck to you😊❤️
Oct 17Reply
giftsnthrifts Thank you for checking out my closet!
Oct 30Reply
amyfuss Hey! Thanks for all the likes! If you want to make a bundle I’ll definitely give you a discount!
Nov 21Reply
brookeekunstman Hey! i saw you liked the blue rue21 shirt. i’m willing to bundle it and the pink one, just make an offer!!
Jan 28Reply
julise7 Hey! Welcome to Poshmark:) Hope you are having fun Poshing! If you have questions please feel free to ask(: Anyways, I have brands that you seem to like! Be sure to check out my closet and feel free to leave a comment about any worries or wonders! I have all different types of clothes for both genders!! (: Xoxo, Julise
Feb 17Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Mar 30Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Joe’s Jeans, Nike, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Leggings, Tarte Cosmetics, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Apr 10Reply
jackiewwood Hey!! I saw you liked my item (bikini top) & was wondering if you were interested in buying. JW if you would like to look through my other listings & make a bundle? If you’d like, go through my closet & click “add to bundle” on each item you like & then I can give you a quote on the bundle price :) also wanted to let you know that there are a few items that will only be $1-$2 when you add them to a bundle with a “regular” price item. Let me know what you think!!
Jul 25Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Mar 30Reply
ladykrc @toorawraye Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Apr 30Reply
sumluckchuck22 Hello Tori, If you are interested in the four items you liked in my closet, I will give you an awesome deal if you put a bundle together. Clearing out!🙂
Sep 11Reply
pennylee701 Hello I see you like a few of my items. If you add each one to bundle it show 10% off and I will help w shipping too. No obligation! Happy poshing!
Oct 31Reply
wednesdaycappu @mariahhill123 she did the same thing to me and it looks like a few others. Yikes.
Nov 19Reply
pvincent49 $32 for all five bras you liked
Feb 03Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 12Reply
biggrinz14 Hi Tori, saw you made a big bundle. i think it's awesome that you went through my closet if you really want me to send you an offer we really need to split the order in half because of the five pound weight limit I would pay for one of the shipping fees if you're interested let me know , ok. please go to my meet the posher page & read my love notes se t by buyers. Terri😉
Feb 19Reply
ldunn425 Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! 💜 Im currently having a 5 for $30 sale right now! Anything with ⭐️💜 is included! I always ship same or next day. Let me know if you have any questions!!😊
Feb 22Reply
kapoosingh Hi! I’m doing a buy one get one sale right now. I saw that you liked an item from my closet awhile ago. If you are interested in buying it, bundle it with another item and I will give you the lower priced item for free! Happy Poshing!
Mar 16Reply
shuff4100 Hi, you sent me an offer on a big bundle. I am willing to accept $50 if you will split the bundle in to two separate orders. Otherwise the shipping will take away at least $20 extra from me to ship such a heavy box. Thx
Mar 17Reply
meadowsmouth775 Hi, thank you for following my closet and welcome to Poshmark. I have a lot of unique and vintage decor, clothing and dishes for sale so take your time looking around. Bundles of 3 or more items receive 20% off and i accept reasonable offers. Happy Shopping.
Mar 27Reply
ashleyhawkins21 Hi! You’ve liked my items before! I’m doing a sale 3 items under $10 for $15!! 4 for $20, 5 for $25 ... etc! Check out my closet ⭐️
Mar 29Reply
tspille11 Hello! If you are looking to do a little shopping I invite you to check out my closet. I am a college student trying to sell this stuff to help pay for school. I just moved so I need to sell everything. I am very willing to negotiate any price. Free shipping on bundles over $40! Thank you!
Jun 04Reply
thecaboose Hello swimsuit season is finally here 😁 I have many sizes A - DDD & 1-26 👙🏊‍♂️
Jun 16Reply
amorejewelryny Good day! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 🤗🌹
Jun 30Reply
jewelie72 Hi there. I noticed you like several items. If you would like to put them in a bundle I can offer a discount on all them!!
Jul 19Reply
asburymayjune please feel free to add more to you bundle and I'll make an offer plus free shipping
Aug 28Reply
503fancy 🙂🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Sep 08Reply
kayfeif I saw you liked a few of my items. feel free to make a bundle to get them discounted and cheaper shipping!
Sep 13Reply
thillbill Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 25Reply
poshpati57 Good morning. Welcome to Posh! I see you like some items of mine. I have a bundle discount which means discount and one shipping fee. Have a wonderful day🌹
Jan 10Reply
crmsales10 Hi! Thanks for all the likes! Feel free to make a bundle and send an offer! Happy shopping 😊
Feb 04Reply
mrspostoffice Hey there! Thanks for the two likes. Come visit my closet again to make a bundle!! 😘
Feb 22Reply
gavinshirk2021 Hi if you are interested in all the baby stuff il give u great deal on it all
Feb 23Reply
cassieshadle Thanks for the likes ^^ I'm currently having a 5/$10 sale on items under $5 and 5/$15 on items under $10 when bundled.
Feb 26Reply
poshtiques13 Hi! I’m not sure if you’re trying to insult me with your lowball offer or your simply embarrassing yourself. You bundled five items over $60 with the discount for $20?
Mar 22Reply
egardenvintage Hi Alyson! Thank you for the like on the infant Columbia. I have a 3/$30 special on items $15 and under. If this is something that interests you, please feel free to bundle and send an offer.
Apr 03Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 25Reply
michellewilder2 Thank you so much for the likes. If you bundle the 2 cardigans together I will do a discount.
May 10Reply
rustic_melody If you're looking for a little something for yourself or a gift for a loved one, you may just hit the right note and find it here.🎶😊We have a lot of variety, including, scrub tops, vintage books, glassware and more. If you decide you'd like to bundle items, please message us first, due to the five pound weight label limit. Thank you and have a nice weekend!
May 12Reply
ashleyhawkins21 Hi! You’ve liked my items before! I’m cleaning out my closet and donating everything that doesn’t sell in a week! Everything has been lowered to $10 or less!!! Bundle & save ✨
May 18Reply
pineapplexpres Hi I will include the PINK shirt as a freebie in your bundle :)
Jan 17Reply
thirza8807 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Please check out my closet. I have man, woman and kids Collection. 15% discount automatically if you put bundles more than 3. Hope you have a good time on Poshmark! Happy Poshing!
Mar 03Reply
miamarie03 Thanks for the Likes I Accept Most offers🥰
Mar 24Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!  I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me!  Please follow my closet @Missmoly
Mar 30Reply
missmoly Thank you so very much for your bundle. I hope you will accept my offer❤️❤️❤️❤️ Selma Posh Ambassador ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply
professorsealey The items in my closet are from my ex-girlfriend...whose cup size was ddd. So, if you're in that range, my closet is PERFECT for ya!!!!
Apr 19Reply
emmahendley Hey Tori, Thank you for the likes! If you would like all three pieces, we can bundle them together. Have a great day!
Jun 17Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything that you love 💕on Poshmark🛍️Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you all the best of luck ☘️
Jun 30Reply
asavage01 Hey there, from NashvilleTN! Thank you for liking my closet. I truly appreciate your time & wanted to let you know I have a bundle sale going on. Anything 10$ & Under buy 5 or more = 3$ each for You! ❤️ Truly Ally @asavage01
Jul 13Reply
hdlady7120 Hiiii! Stop on by my store and browse around…there could be some awesome stuff you may be interested in! Hope to cya there🤓
Aug 11Reply
kk9821 Hey love , I am accepting offers on bundles if you are interested in those toddler outfits in my closet :) @toorawraye
Dec 08Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Dec 11Reply
jmcd976 Hi Tony- Happy Holiday season. I’m a toddler mom Posh Ambassador. We have quality clothing for kids, women and men. We have high end designer shoes and we recently added cookware. If you see something please like it, bundle and submit an offer! Happy Shopping to you! <3
Dec 18Reply
jmcd976 Happy New Year! I’m a toddler mom Posh Ambassador. We have quality clothing for kids (J&J/Burberry), women and men. We have high end designer shoes ( Rothy’s, Tory Burch & Ferragamo) and we recently added cookware. If you see something please like it, bundle and submit an offer! Happy Shopping to you! <3
Jan 18Reply
txmav411 @toorawraye Hi! I want to know if you have any dresses and tops that are available for sale but not posted yet.
May 14Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

Columbia, KY
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Last Active: Feb 28

Columbia, KY
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