Meet your Posher, Toya
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Hi! I'm Toya. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Tory Burch, J. Crew, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

20 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you need anything or have any questions! ❤️Shayla L
Mar 03Reply

@ellexchange Thank you so much! I definitely will.
Mar 03Reply

Thanks for buying the dress! But I wanted to say your closet is really nice, are you doing share and follow groups? Parties? I see you’re sharing, are you sharing your own items to followers AND the feed? 🎀
Mar 25Reply

@tannyaustin Thanks so much for the kind compliments. I’ve only been really using Poshmark for about 10 days although I signed up in February. I still have so much to learn. I’m definitely sharing others including my own and join parties when I can. But what are group follows?
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 the groups will help so much! @shareshowgrp is a nice one to start with, you have to sign in by 2pm. and @rosebisou5 look for the Aerosmith listing it’s a great way to meet people and gain followers. If you have trouble with any of the directions like I did, let me know! 🌹
Mar 25Reply

@tannyaustin This is so AWESOME 😎 Do I click Buy Now to sign in? And then what happens and/or what should I do next?
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 first click on the shareshowgrp above with the @ sign in front of it and look for Sunday’s sign in. I will go too. You will sign in by commenting your name with the @sign in front of it. Also you can just write New so the group knows you’re new
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 find Sunday’s listing and scroll down to comments. Well first read directions and look how everyone else signed in then sign in 😍
Mar 25Reply

@tannyaustin Thanks you’re the best 💐🌷🌸🌺
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 one other suggestion though. Your closet isn’t Posh Compliant because of the room spray and perfumes. People may choose not to share your closet because of that. You may consider deleting those listings? If you also are thinking of becoming Posh Ambassador or Host Parties in the future, you must be Posh Compliant anyhow 😌
Mar 25Reply

@tannyaustin 😱 oh... wow there is so much to learn here. Thanks so much for that advice
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 the groups are great fun as well as meeting places. Be sure to do the Secret Posher (follow) game I gave you the tag. It’s easy. You just push all the blue buttons and you won’t believe how your followers grow overnight!
Mar 25Reply

Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
Mar 25Reply

loving your page!!!! I want everything lol but wrong size 😣...Im gonna just share away!!!
Mar 25Reply

@kovergirl1908 @kovergirl1908 Thank you Toya for the 5*****star Rating! It’s people like you that make all of this so heartwarming! Your comments, your smile, your appreciation. Thank you, really!! Oh and ... that had to be record time shipping! I sent it yesterday! I guess because you live so close! 💞
Mar 28Reply

I LOVE poshing and I really LOVE your closet. I'm sure you will be very successful and if I can help don't hestiate to let me know. Happy poshing!
Apr 01Reply

@debilue Hi there. Thank you so much 💕💕 I am still relatively new at this and I do have a question. I do not understand what it means when someone starts a bundle. What am I to do if anything at that point?
Apr 01Reply

Hi welcome to Posh happy Poshing happy shopping and Many sales sales
Apr 01Reply

@kovergirl1908 Welcome to Poshmark Girl😁😀 Your so very Pretty, by the way .
Apr 01Reply

@southernwisdom Awww thanks so much! You’ve really made my day 💕💕 You are very pretty as well!
Apr 01Reply

@kovergirl1908 Thank You & Happy Easter!🐰
Apr 01Reply

Thxs for sharing 💕
Apr 02Reply

@kovergirl1908 Hi, Nice Closet! Thank you for following mine. New followers receive 15% off their first purchase. Simply message me with your username and the code #NEWFOLLOWER. I'll be sure to visit your closet and share it as well.
Happy Poshing! (Feel free to share this code to your followers so they can save too).
Apr 02Reply

@kovergirl1908 Welcome to Poshmark!!!😄💕💕🌹 It's a fun place to be! Happy Poshing!😊🌷
Apr 02Reply

@lilalovesstyle Thank you so much 💕💕💕🤗
Apr 02Reply

Hi Tonya Thank you for your purchase... I'll be out of town until Thursday and will have your purchase in the PO Friday morning... Thanks again 🌸
Apr 03Reply

@debicp I’m so excited. Thank you!
Apr 03Reply

Hi Tonya the the VC bag is awesome unfortunately had the 47 on the card but thank you so much count off was nice
Apr 03Reply

I'm sorry it sent before I can remove the N from your name :(
Apr 03Reply

@igotti Hi thanks so much. After thinking 🤔 about what a great day I’m having I want to make others happy also. I’ll honor your original offer if you’d like to decline the $48 and re-offer for $40. I’m in a really good mood 😊💕
Apr 03Reply

Hi thank you so much for the love note❤️! Really appreciate it! 🤗
Apr 05Reply

@sparklingcandy You’re very welcome! I’ll be back soon 😉
Apr 05Reply

Apr 06Reply

@sleon382 Yes sir 💚💕💚
Apr 06Reply

@kovergirl1908 hey sis SkiPhi....0000006666666666!!!!!!!! Morgan State 7BA85F
Apr 06Reply

@sleon382 000000000888888888!!!! Greetings Frat! 🖤💛💕💚
Apr 06Reply

Wow 😲 and thanks for all of the shares! I’m at work occasionally checking in on Poshmark. I appreciate the love!
Apr 06Reply

whats up frat, how you making out with this stuff
Apr 06Reply

@sleon382 Wow 😲 and thanks for all of the shares. I’m at work occasionally checking on Poshmark lol. I appreciate the love
Apr 06Reply

any time....frat pricing for you of course
Apr 06Reply

@sleon382 I just started officially about three weeks ago and I’m doing pretty darn good I must say. It’s addicting!
Apr 06Reply

i'm retired so i'm about to go fishing...i'm in South Carolina its about 78 today
Apr 06Reply

im just straight strung out.....bad too
Apr 06Reply

My oldest daughter is frat I have to wait to see if my wife wants to buy it. But I'm gonna get it tonight one way or another. Excellent price frat
Apr 07Reply

@sleon382 Thanks so much. I truly appreciate your business. My younger cousin is crossing next weekend. So I have to pull out my trunk of para to pass along to her.
Apr 07Reply

Welcome tonPoshmark Toya, keep that beautiful smile
Apr 07Reply

@kathrine27 Aren’t you the sweetness 💕💕 thank you so much and stay styled & beautiful 😉
Apr 07Reply

@sleon382 Hi there Frat! Thanks so much for your purchase! I will send it out first thing Monday morning. 💕💚💕
Apr 07Reply

@kovergirl1908 shi daughters gonna love it
Apr 07Reply

@mspollock72 Hi 😃 & good evening. Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the compliments 😊 I’ve been doing posh Mark for almost a month and it’s beyond addicting! I have spent pretty much all of my free time building my closet, following and sharing other people’s closets. You have a pretty attractive closet yourself keep building following and sharing and you’ll start to see the results of all your hard work. If you have any questions let me know but in the meantime stay beautiful! 💃🏽🛍
Apr 08Reply

@becomewinners Hi there thank you so much and for sharing my closet ;-)
Apr 11Reply

Love 💗 your style!
Apr 21Reply

@diablo_de_oro Thanks so much! You have great style yourself 💕
Apr 21Reply

@kennelly81 Thanks so much 💕💕💕 😊 you’re so kind.
Apr 29Reply

@kovergirl1908 Welcome to Poshmark! It’s a lot of fun! 💕😊💕
May 11Reply

@monicaclaire38 Thank you so much. I agree 1000% it is so fun!!
May 11Reply

Hi There, let me know if you still have the Dr. scholls black high heel sandals in size 9 ive been looking for these and would pay more for them
May 21Reply

@lnorth Oh wow! They just sold yesterday 🙁 I only have the brown ones left.
May 21Reply

@kovergirl1908 oh ok thx, I was looking for the black. Darn I’ll keep
May 21Reply

@lnorth Ahhh man! I know exactly how you’re feeling. I missed out on a couple of must have buys. They’re really comfortable but I cannot wear heels any longer
May 21Reply

@kovergirl1908 they are so cute! I had similar pair and wore them down. Thx anyways I was just a day late :( I can’t seem to find this style anymore
May 21Reply

Hi Soror!!! 💗💚 I’ve just signed up as well and will be beginning to use the app more to sell. I wish you all the best! Happy selling 😁
May 23Reply

@jdspencer3 Hi Soror and welcome! It is so much fun and rather addictive. Happy Poshing 💕👗💕
May 23Reply

@kovergirl1908 it is!!! Thank you so much!!
May 23Reply

@jdspencer3 You’re very welcome. I think I have purchased just as much as I’ve sold LOL feel free to reach out anytime you have questions and also feel free to create a bundle and make an offer I will give you a sisterly deal 😉
May 23Reply

@kovergirl1908 LOL!!! It’s so hard not to!! Thank you, I sure will and I look forward to shopping in your closet! Very cute items 😊
May 23Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 29Reply

@vaesbuisness Why what’s up?
May 31Reply

@vaesbuisness I see... I’m traveling in a week and wanted these for my trip. There is no way to expedite this?
May 31Reply

@vaesbuisness Thanks but I’m going to need a refund. Had I known in advance about your shipping dilemma which is not listed in the comments, I would not have been so excited to purchase and receive these shoes before my trip. Fast shipping is a huge perk I and I’m sure everyone loves and appreciates about Poshmark. I hope you’re able to work out your kinks for the sake of your business. Thanks again.
May 31Reply

@vaesbuisness I really love these shoes and pray they look exactly like the picture upon receipt. I will be patient after giving it a second thought and wait for you to ship them.
May 31Reply

@vaesbuisness Approximately what date are you planning to ship my order?
Jun 04Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet!
Jun 11Reply

Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. You can buy as many $50 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jul 07Reply

@firstclassbtq Okay you can cancel the order. Thanks
Aug 16Reply

Hi Toya! Thank you for your offer! Sorry it didn't exceed your expectation! Have a fabulous day! 😍💋🌹🎀🤗🌟
Aug 22Reply

Is there a way to privately message you or email you?
Oct 06Reply

Hello 🌸 just stopping by to share the love! Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck! Happy poshing ☺️💕
Feb 24Reply

@kovergirl1908 happy Sunday to you hope your enjoy a movie on Netflix !!!! From Chic Nation boutique
Sep 29Reply

Hi 🤗 welcome to the best Poshmark App where you find varieties if you see something that is flirty 😍 for your eyes let me know happy day.
Feb 07Reply

Hi Lovely!! Thank you SO much for visiting my closet! I would LOVE to make that ❤️yours!! My sales help me accomplish my life’s mission of spreading love to our hurting communities and helping kids feel loved and know they matter! Plus I get to give great clothes new life🥰
Mar 22Reply

@mamabearpdx Thank you so much I can’t wait to receive it 💕💕💕👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Mar 22Reply

Thank you SO MUCH for the love note! I really appreciate that you took the time to let me know that you liked your purchase! I aim to spread a lil extra Posh Love with all my sales! ❤️ Hope you come shop with me again!!
Jun 01Reply

Hi Toya! Thank you for shopping with me! Can you please send me your wrist size. I know standard is 7 to 8, but would you say your small, medium or a larger frame? I just want to make sure you get a good fit! Thanks, Julie
Jul 24Reply

@sassenachgirl That is a good question. I want to say I am a 7 if I go according to my iwatch wrist band
Jul 24Reply

@kovergirl1908 Thank you!
Jul 24Reply

Hi Toya! Hope your well! Thanks for re-visiting my closet. Please don't think I'm playing hardball on the peacock eye bracelet. but that glass eye is very expensive. Most Lampwork glass is. The eye alone is over 25 and the pieces are all new.
Unfortunately, with Poshmark taking 20%, I make nothing if priced beyond a certain point. I do appreciate the love shown on your prior purchase. Peace, Love and Light, Julie
Aug 16Reply

@kovergirl1908 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 18Reply

Hi Toya. I saw that you might have an interest in bodycon dresses. I have a few that might be of interest to you. Plus I have 1000+ other items that I would love for you to stop by and see. Thanks so much for your time.
Jun 02Reply
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