Meet your Posher, Tracee
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Hi! I'm Tracee. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Thanks for buying! Will send tomorrow!
Jan 18Reply

Hi. Thanks for your offer. Unfortunately, I can't do that; that'd be like buying one and getting on free for you, but for me, because Posh takes 20%, I'd only be getting $8 a piece for both items and both were triple that brand new. They are in excellent condition, so are worth more than 8 bucks each. I will counteroffer you, but wanted you to know why I did so first. I hope you'll consider my offer. I'll send a F R E E gift, if accepted. Thanks for your interest!
Feb 13Reply

@kimmired Hi - understand, just trying to off set a little due to the new s&h. I will review your counter after work. Thanks! 😊🌺
Feb 13Reply

@tljm_forever ~ Yes. I hate that it went up $0.54 too!
Feb 14Reply

Sorry, I would have readily accepted your offer!! But I went to find the bag and it's not in my posh stuff, I'm afraid I sold it at a consignment store 😞 I'm so sorry!
Feb 15Reply

ⓗⓔⓛⓛⓞ ♡ thank you for visiting my closet!
Feb 15Reply

@hoggyjo oh no! I have been trying to find this specific design. Please tag me if you happen to find one. Thank you for letting me know 😊🌺
Feb 16Reply

@elm32 sure! I'll take another look at your KScott again when I get a chance 😊🌺
Feb 16Reply

@tljm_forever no problem :) take care.
Feb 16Reply

Hi. Thanks for visiting my closet. Feel free to bundle items you like. My prices are low/reasonable and I am very open to negotiating.
Feb 23Reply

I'm happy to give you 15% off instead of 10% off the bundle. Minus what PM takes out I would get only 60 for 100 worth of items. They're already priced super low fpr the pristine condition. Hope $85 works for you! Thanks! :-)
Apr 09Reply

Yeah, I really hate to counter you, but at $75 that would be giving you both LOFT tops free. One of which is brand new never worn. Even at $85 I would only get $68. Hope you'll understand my 85 counter...
Apr 09Reply

@poogirl Hi - thanks for letting me know...I just hate the high shipping. Do you sell on Merc too? Thanks!
Apr 09Reply

@tljm_forever Would you be willing to meet me halfway at $80?
Apr 09Reply

No not on Merc. What's that??? Another site?
Apr 09Reply

@poogirl Yes, check it out. Sure, I'll counter at 80. Thank you 😊🌺
Apr 09Reply

@tljm_forever I will! Thanks so much! I'll ship out Monday when the Post Office opens. :-)
Apr 09Reply

Hi Tracee nice to meet you 🌻🌻
May 11Reply

Hi Tracee, I hope you are having a great start to your weekend!! I saw that you are from Irvine. So jealous, I used to live there years ago and love it. Absolutely, miss that weather. Please let me know if I can answer any questions about my listings. Thanks so much!!:)
May 20Reply

@kb3055 Hi - actually went to school down there & lived there for about 12 years, but moved back home closer to I miss it too lol I'm hoping to bundle some items. Super cute closet! 😊🌺
May 20Reply

@tljm_forever oh love it!! I lived in Irvine and Foothill Ranch. Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Please let me know if you have any questions about sizes etc:)
May 20Reply

Hey Tracee, hope you are great and thanks for the offer!! Unfortunately, I cannot go near that low especially with Posh fees. If I went that low I would be giving away 2 out of the three items after Posh fees. Not sure if you shop on Merc but I could do $70 on Merc for the three items. If that works for you, I just need to create a listing on Merc and I will have them wrapped up and shipped out first thing tomorrow. Thanks so much!!:)
May 21Reply

@kb3055 I am on M! And yes not fond of the fees here. R u under the same name on M? Thanks
May 21Reply

@tljm_forever great!! I am. It should be under kristin Bush or Kristin B.
May 21Reply

Hey Tracee, I am going to put a bundle ad on Merc so you can purchase if you decide too:) I have to head to bed since it's so late on the east coast. Thanks so much and have a great night:)
May 21Reply

Hi Tracee,
Thank you so much for purchasing! I'm out of town, but my fiancé will ship the purse to you today. I apologize in advance that there won't be a note, but he's not happy with his handwriting 😂.
Thanks again! 😘
May 25Reply

Find me on m e r c a r i
As well. Donald Duck
Jul 16Reply

I can do $34 for the Allison earrings
Jul 29Reply

Thank you for the likes- feel free to Bundle and send me an reasonable offer and I'll happily accept 😊❣️
Aug 07Reply

@janehyunju Hi - love your closet! Do you make make the quilted items? 😊🌺
Aug 07Reply

@tljm_forever Thank you ❣️ No I personally don't they are all handmade from the Philippines. But the beauty is that each item is handmade. If it's hand-sewn it is in the description and if they used a sewing machine that too is in the description 😊
Aug 07Reply

@tljm_forever also my listed prices are much cheaper than what you would have to pay for in places like Waikiki 😊🌺
Aug 07Reply

Hey if you're still interested in the the hand made quilt items feel free to send me a bundle offer 😊 Happy Poshing❣️
Aug 13Reply

On merc too ❤️
Sep 27Reply

Hi! Are you interested in the bundle you created? I keep getting reminder messages from posh. If you accept, basically the KS bracelet would be free.
Oct 03Reply

@amyktruitt Hi - I’m sorry I didn’t see your offer and it expired. Let me see if I can still accept it... ☺️🌺
Oct 03Reply

@tljm_forever let me know if you want me to re offer 😊
Oct 04Reply

Hi! Please check out my closet. Accepting all reasonable offers 😁
Oct 05Reply

Belated welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having as wonderful of a time as I am 😉 I shared something whimsical to your closet that I thought you might like 😙
Oct 31Reply

Hi there Tracee! Thanks for the like and stopping by my closet! :) If you're interested in anything, kindly make an offer. <3 I accept most reasonable offers, especially if you're bundling! I just gave you FREE SHIPPING on the items in your bundle! :D
Dec 04Reply

Warm Welcome To Posh! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Lots of cute items and great prices! God Bless You Always 🌺💜🌺
Feb 18Reply

Hopefully you’ll enjoy posh and welcome 🙏
Jun 25Reply

@pat46 Thank you!!! 😊🌺
Jun 27Reply

Sep 21Reply

@purequalityonly Aloha!!! ☺️🌺
Sep 21Reply

@tljm_forever Aloha 🤙🏼🐬🥂
Sep 21Reply

Hi-8abeag:) just wanted to let you know that I always have a "buy any 2 listings & choose a 3rd one free "deal. & I also luv to trade. Thanks so much for checking out my closet!
Jul 21Reply

Hi I invite you to my closet lots of quality handmade jewelry with Swarovski crystals and some gems most items under $12. Thank you kindly and happy poshing 💕
Jul 22Reply

Hi I invite you to my closet lots of quality handmade jewelry with Swarovski crystals and some gems most items under $12. Thank you kindly and happy poshing 💕
Jul 22Reply

Hi I invite you to my closet lots of quality handmade jewelry with Swarovski crystals and some gems most items under $12. Thank you kindly and happy poshing 💕
Jul 22Reply
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