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Updated Oct 23
Updated Oct 23

Meet your Posher, Tracy

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Hi! I'm Tracy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jnavarro84 Hi there! 🤗 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a great time selling and shopping. If you have any questions, I'm happy to help. ❤
Oct 23Reply
jersey_threads Hi Tracy, I can ship the Almost Famous jeans today if you accept my offer. Thanks & Happy Poshing!
Oct 23Reply
jersey_threads THANK YOU Tracy! Your jeans are shipping today!
Oct 23Reply
littles0118 Hey :) your jeans were delivered. Just waiting for you to accept the order. Feel free the leave feedback ♥️ thanks so much!
Oct 27Reply
katyakazzz Thank you Tracy! I'll ship out tomorrow♥️
Oct 31Reply
katyakazzz Your jeans are on the way♥️
Oct 31Reply
shopnwithstacy Thank you for your purchase. I will put your package together and get it in the mail. Have a wonderful day and weekend. 😊
Nov 03Reply
dagza Hi hun, you put an offer for a 2PC bathing suit. Should you bundle with other items, I can entertain that offer. Happy Poshing !!!!
Dec 04Reply
mags1232 Hey if you're still interested in swimsuit I'll come down to 8. Didn't realize my boyfriend was gonna break up with me then steal half of the money out of my checking so every little bit counts right now
Dec 06Reply
richardtoribio Are you there?
Dec 07Reply
mags1232 @tkelkwy sorry I didn't see the offer I try to counter with 8 and it won't let me so I'll do 9 and you can counter with 8 if you still want
Dec 09Reply
2017lainey12 Hi Tracy! I wish I could accept your offer but with the fees is not make anything. I countered with even more of a discount than bundling. Hope that will work for you! They are really cute jeans.
Jan 27Reply
thequeenh Hi Tracy, I wish I can accept your offer but the price is already so low and please know that Poshmark still get 20%. They are brand new shoes. Never been worn as you can see from the pictures. Thank you so much for shopping my closet 💐
May 05Reply
vested4us Hi Tracy, I countered with my lowest offer on the D & N Floral Dress. It really is gorgeous. I love the style and the colors. It retails for $74, and even though I got a great deal on it I will only make about a small profit after PMs fee. Plez let me know if you have any questions, or see another item to bundle it with I might be able to come down a little more. Thanks for your interest.🤗
May 12Reply
tkelkwy @vested4us thank you for the counter. I can’t wait to try it on. I am wearing it to my son’s wedding so I pray it fits because it is truly pretty.
May 12Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy It is a really beautiful dress, and what a special occasion. I pray it fits too. I wont be able to ship it until thursday. Is that ok? When is the Big Day???
May 12Reply
tkelkwy @vested4us thank you. The wedding is in two weeks
May 12Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy Nice. Very exciting time for all I hope. Our oldest got married 3yrs ago this June. And, just had a baby boy on my birthday in Nov. He's amazing.......but sadly they're 10hrs away, so we dont get to see them much. Make the most of the time you get, right???
May 12Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy I'll be glad to take additional measurements if it would make you feel better. Just say the word!!!
May 12Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy Hi Tracy, I noticed the dress arrived on the 17th, but its still pending acceptance. Is it not a good fit? I sure hope thats not the case. And, I really hope you like it. Let me know. Thx, Sheila.😊
May 20Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy Thanks so much for the rating and positive feedback. Truly appreciate it. Happy to hear you like the dress and gift. Does the dress fit?
May 20Reply
vested4us @tkelkwy Oh good. Im so glad. I feel relieved now. I remember finding my dress at the last minute and honestly wasn't happy with it. There was alot going on, and my dress was low on the priority list. Its about the bride anyway, right? Let me know how things turn out. Take care. 😊
May 20Reply
dyeggs hi I can't accept your offer it leaves me with .05 after Poshmark takes their fee.
Sep 09Reply
tkelkwy @dyeggs which item ?
Sep 09Reply
dyeggs @tkelkwy the suede shoes, sorry
Sep 09Reply
helloxhue Tracy I have another offer me now 40$ now I’m sorry I want sell this 45$
Oct 18Reply
tkelkwy @helloxhue best I can do is 30 please let me know if it falls through thank you
Oct 18Reply
helloxhue I can’t she just offer me 40$ I counteroffer 45$
Oct 18Reply
tkelkwy @helloxhue I will do 45
Oct 18Reply
helloxhue Send me the offer
Oct 18Reply
helloxhue I will send out tomorrow thank you Dear
Oct 18Reply
tkelkwy @helloxhue thank you! Do you have any black leather 7.5 to bundle?
Oct 18Reply
helloxhue Let me check Dear
Oct 18Reply
helloxhue You can check all the VANS I have in my closet 7.5 black slip on 7.5 sneaker black
Oct 18Reply
valdy523 hello Tracy I hope you are doing fantastic. Thank you so much for you likes. As a token of appreciation I left my best deal. Talk to you very soo
Nov 24Reply
bkrome Hey girl, check out my deals on trendy or vintage denim and more🥰 Shipping a bunch of stuff out tomorrow, you can add an item or a special discounted bundle to that pile :) I’ll toss in a free gift and some sweets.
Jul 04Reply
bkgrenier Hi Tracy, I invite you to check out my closet next time you are on Poshmark 😃🎉💞 I have a variety of items and garments in several name brands and sizes. There's listings NWT which will make great gifts 🎁 Other items are NWOT and many are LIKE NEW and in EUC 🤩🌸🛍️💥
Aug 21Reply
smartgirlsummer Sorry I can't take 70% off the brand new boutique item. You are more than welcome to submit a reasonable offer.
Aug 28Reply

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Last Active: Jan 20

Pendleton, IN
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Last Active: Jan 20

Pendleton, IN
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