Meet your Posher, Tricia
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Hi! I'm Tricia. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Coach, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Thanks for visiting my closet about the red Nickels. I just had to comment on your profile pic! It is a beautiful photo, and powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing it!
Sep 26Reply

Hi Tracie, they are definitely not red. They are in brown family and pretty much the color in the picture is the color which they are. I can best describe as like a lighter saddle brown. I bought them mainly bcuz the color goes with anything. As far as fitting a 8.5 Wider foot, most definitely which is why I am selling them. My feet are narrow and they run wide.😊
Sep 26Reply

Oh, sorry, Tricia. Haven't had coffee yet. Lol
Sep 26Reply

Sep 26Reply

Actually just looked at box they came in and color is listed as saddle
Sep 26Reply

Actually, I dismissed your title on the item when I saw this: splove515 @haleighsbrownnn I'm accepting almost all reasonable offers for an hour. Let me know if you have any questions
Sep 27Reply

@sebq could you possibly measure across the bottom at the ball of the foot? I just measured and my feet are 4" across, fat feet! UGH! Thanks for conversing with me!
Sep 27Reply

They are actually 4" across. I bought them because they are very comfortable. It's because they are soft leather and handmade they are too wide for me
Sep 27Reply

Hi Tricia, thx for me the offer but I have to take into consideration the 20% PM takes off and that they are hand made leather and hardly used 😊
Sep 28Reply

I just saw a text saying someone just accepted offer for brown shoes and not to. Be offended bcuz they were going to be 2nd pair of like backup pair it wasn't to me or from me. I'm confused
Sep 28Reply

Even if they r to be your second spare pair that does not lower the value of the shoes but again it wasn't sent to me but on my page
Sep 28Reply

@sebq I'm sorry, I am new to this....did I post in the wrong place? I didn't mean to :(
Oct 01Reply

@thetricialynn at first it was my shoes you had asked about but then I saw a text but not to me although it was on my page. Let me see if I can send a picture of the shoes and if they are the ones you asked me to measure bottom just reply back to me. And don't be sorry. We all have to learn. I'll help in anyway I can. No worries❤️
Oct 01Reply

It's not letting me share to you. Cuz I've already shared it once. Go to the page where it has sales, purchases and so forth by clicking on bottom right icon and where it says find friends type In @sebq and then hit search and my page name.come up. My name is Ricki. Then go to my closet and shoes are way at bottom
Oct 01Reply

Did u ever figure it out or get to see the shoes
Oct 01Reply

That's fine Tricia, no problem, but just FYI.......I am a Registered Nurse and although weight gain can add some weight to feet and hands and certainly by your picture you don't look like you are as big as you make it sound. You might want to check with your doctor that it is just weight and not edema.
Oct 02Reply

Hello! Wanted to let you know I'd love to go over your offer if you'd like to bundle the earrings you liked! None of them are tarnished and they don't have missing pieces--I like to make sure my posted items are in excellent and like new condition! :) I think I replied to all of the comments. Let me know. I will definitely go lower than $4/pair!!! Thank you and I look forward to connecting with you! :)
Oct 03Reply

ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Oct 06Reply

Hey I wanted to make sure you got both boxes if so please don't forget to accept your package on Poshmark
Oct 08Reply

@sebq I just found out the my TSH is off (high) and my cortisol is off (very low). I should be as skinny as a rail but I have gained 125+ I really don't understand it. I am headed to the ER as soon as I get out of the shower (in case they keep me and I can't shower, I figure I better get that
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala12me sort. I didn't know this when I purchased it from you but I wanted to try and resolve it with you without leaving negative feedback. There is also a pretty significant crack in the handle.
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 there are two large spray like stains on the black purse :( What do I do? It came that way.
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 there is also a significant crack in the purse handle.
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 I am very ill & leaving for the ER but I wanted to notify you before leaving any negative feedback.
Oct 09Reply

Wait, when did u get these levels drawn and what made u decide to run to ER now
Oct 09Reply

In what period of time did u gain 125lbs. Your TSH is it hi or LO Cortisol depends on number but it depends on so much more especially what period of time u gained that much
Oct 09Reply

U sound like u r retaining wayyyyyyy tooooo much fluid
Oct 09Reply

If you don't want it. Return it
Oct 09Reply

It was perfect when it left. Check out the pics
Oct 09Reply

Send me some pics first. Really it was fine when I packed it. Want to see the mailing box as well. It's insured so. Maybe something happened on the way. I send nothing out that isn't right. Send those pics
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 The box was pretty spent and I threw it out. It barely held together (loose tape) but it didn't look like anything had gotten into it. Hang on taking pics now.
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 I have the pics. How do I send them to you?
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 I just looked at your pics. If you enlarge one and look just below the strap on the front on the right, you can see it. I thought it was just the lighting bc it is shiny. :( If I knew how to upload the pics I could show you.
Oct 09Reply

@oohlala123 I am leaving for ER now, for sure but I will respond as soon as I can.
Oct 09Reply

@thetricialynn Before I send any bag out, I clean it with leather cleaner and condition it, that must be where I didn't wipe the access off. If you take a damp cloth and polish it. It should come off. Where else did you say there was a problem?
Oct 09Reply

@thetricialynn you can post them and I'll look at them and then you can delete them from your page
Oct 09Reply

@thetricialynn Hope all is well, said a prayer for you
Oct 09Reply

@thetricialynn Also the box was tight together when it left, maybe you could tell your carrier and I'll speak to mine. It's insured
Oct 09Reply

Hi, Have you shipped the denim jacket back? The one I sent you by mistake. Please let me know how much I owe you to ship it.
Oct 13Reply

POshmark said they issued a pre-paid label for you to mail it back. PLease let me know
Oct 13Reply

Will you be mailing the jacket you received by mistake back ? I know you have received a free shipping label for it.
Oct 24Reply

@kuzya16 I am SO SO sorry. I had no way to know who's this was. I have been in & out of the hospital 3 x since you posted this, so not online. I still have the jacket (kept it in the bag it came in). I do not know how I get the label. Where do I go to get this? I will surely send it back to you. I am so sorry for the delay!
Nov 15Reply

@oohlala123 Thank you for the prayer! I have been in & out of three hospitals since we last spoke. Adrenal failure. Pituitary is not functioning :( Trying to keep up with my studies in law school. Not easy. :/
Nov 15Reply

@oohlala123 I figured out how to post the pics! Yay! So one shows the drip like mark down the front (there are two) and then the other pic shows the crack in the strap. :/
Nov 15Reply

@sebq as it turns out it is my pituitary :( it is not creating enough ACTH so my adrenals r not getting signaled for cortisol & my TSH is still high. I was on prednisone but they are weaning me off. I don't know what the treatment is going to be. They are sending me to a neurologist to see if brain damage & atrophy is due to lyme (I had in 1996) or M.S. (my cousin has). :( It has been a rough, rough road.
Nov 15Reply

@sebq Oh and I went to the ER bc I was short of breathe, getting chest pains, sweating, etc. It turns out I was having an addisonian crisis. I have one just about every day. I don't know what I am going to do. No treatment that I am aware of except prednisone but they will not give me a maintenance dose :(
Nov 15Reply

@briellemshop Did I accept your package? How do I do this? I am so sorry, I have been in the hospital off and on the last month.
Nov 15Reply

@thetricialynn the label should be in your email. So sorry for all your health problems :(.
Nov 15Reply

Did they give u a reason why they won’t give u a maintenance dose. Prednisone is a wonder drug, it truly is for so many things but the side effects depress the immune system and cause problems with healing and a vast amount of others which cld be why.
Nov 15Reply

As you know my husband went into heart failure and I am running to market to get certain foods he can only eat. When I get back I will try and give u some insight into Addison’s disease, foods etc. the are HRT that treat it but I will cover that when I return. Don’t go by one dr opinion either either . I will try and help u as best I can. What state are u in?
Nov 15Reply

@kuzya16 hmmm...I think it is using my FB email which is very outdated. Let me go check that one. I am so sorry for the delay. When I opened it and saw that it was not mine, I wasn't sure from the address label who the seller was or how to return. Let me see about the label and if it is there I will take to the post office (we can only mail letters from my house) tomorrow if I can get there before they close or no later than Monday. Let me confirm I have label first.
Nov 18Reply

@oohlala123 our postal ppl SUCK! I have spoken with the postmaster himself several times and nothing has EVER changed. I have even taken pics of the mail shoved so tightly in my box from their side that with the rim on my side I cannot even get the mail out. VERY ridiculous when they have lockers with a key for larger items. Pisses me off to no avail.
Nov 18Reply

@kuzya16 I have NO idea way and I have emailed poshmark but they sent the email to the wrong email account (yahoo). As you can see from my gmail account (I attached screenshots) I have always gotten message from them at the correct gmail address. So I am not sure where they got this old email account for me? I can't get to the post office tomorrow before they close (I am in the middle of law school finals) but I can drop it off on Monday for sure)!
Nov 18Reply

@oohlala123 I tried a damp cloth and it is still there. It is not noticeable indoors but in the sunlight, it really stands out being much lighter by about 3 shades. It is almost a gray outside in the sun. I tried using my black sharpie on a tiny spot of one drip and that makes it much less noticeable (indoors at least). I will take it out in the sun tomorrow and if it blends well I will cover up both of the drips with my black sharpie.
Nov 18Reply

@sebq yeah that was what they said too many side effects. They also said that my body will stop producing the little bit of ACTH and cortisol that it produces if I am on prednisone too long. I tell you though, I am TOTALLY miserable without it. Around 3p and then again around 7p I break out in a massive Adrenal crisis (sweating, short of breath - sometimes) but it happens every single day, like clockwork. It is horrible and it is embarrassing.
Nov 18Reply

@sebq My sister has RA and she is on either 2mg or 5mg every day. Yes, it has side effects but you know the greatest punishment is....hell....I am in hell, burning from the inside out without the is just miserable and debilitating.
Nov 18Reply

@sebq I am so so sorry to hear about your hubby! They checked me for CHF bc of the swelling in my ankles. That is terrible. I am so glad you are taking good care of him. My husband is not so good at nursing the ill. That concerns me. My 7 yr old takes better care of
Nov 18Reply

@sebq I am in Clermont, Florida near Disney and Orlando. You?
Nov 18Reply

@sebq I tried to get into the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. I even had a friends house to crash at (it is far, far away). But they do not take my insurance. How a teaching hospital cannot take your insurance, I will never understand. They said they take NO HMO's, period. WTH?! So, then I contacted USF to get a second opinion, they are booking appts now for May! I am crap! I could be dead by May!
Nov 18Reply

@sebq AWESOME! I see you are in FL as well. Not sure how far away Hollywood is. I know of it. An old friend of mine had a husband or brother (I can't remember which) that was murdered there. I am sure it is a safe place but that is what I think of when I hear Hollywood, FL. Now I can replace that thought with you....much more positive!
Nov 18Reply

It really is a different piece. How are you doing. What are Drs saying now?
Nov 18Reply

I agree. You know, I knew her name but cannot recall. I was in a very unique shop and saw this so I snapped her pic. She’s an old time actress I believe
Nov 18Reply

REALLY, what changed so much and how long ago was that?
Nov 18Reply

I know the feeling all too well. Youth is most definitely wasted on the young
Nov 18Reply

There is so much killing here and everywhere it seems. It’s really scary. I hate Fl actually. Where in Fl do u live?
Nov 18Reply

MAY, no, if u are that sick that it’s affecting your life u need to be seen. Go their ER and maybe they will admit you if u complain enough or if your labs are off enuf
Nov 18Reply

I know where u are. I use to fly up to Orlando to teach a three day review for student RN’s to take the boards
Nov 18Reply

I’m near Hollywood or actually in it. My address says Pembroke Pines
Nov 18Reply

Prednisone is a miracle drug and although has side effects it helps so much
Nov 18Reply

When u r in crisis go to the ER. They have to admit you. Waiting til May is crazy. If you are SOB how can u breathe
Nov 18Reply

@thetricialynn Great! Thank you
Nov 19Reply

We have similar styles! I think you’ll like my new listings 💘happy poshing
Mar 04Reply

Welcome to Posh and greeting from Nashville, TN. Have a nice Sunday.
Mar 11Reply

@sebq I live in Clermont, FL. I am so sorry that I have been MIA! It has been a whirlwind with my health. I have been to the hospital 5 times between Oct-March. I think I finally found a good endo. I see him again on Wednesday. They are looking for a brain tumor. I don't think that that is what it is though...
May 22Reply

@sebq I think it is Sheehan's Syndrome :( If it is I am going to be pretty upset. At least a tumor they can remove....there is no "cure" or repair with Sheehan's. If it is Sheehan's I may file suit and take action against my doctor's that allowed me to hemorrhage for 7-9 months after the birth of my daughter in 2010. :(
May 22Reply

@sebq The first Endo I saw was good at first. But then I had a crisis and his colleague who was the on-call called in prednisone for me and I took it. Two days later the first doc ordered labs. Everything came back in the very, very low "normal" range so he said I do NOT have Addison's. :( I was like, wait, but I had JUST taken like 200mg of prednisone 2 days before the draw?!
May 22Reply

@sebq He just blew it off and said he wanted to see me again in 3 months. I thought well, without treatment, I won't make it 3 months!!! So, I complained to my PCP and she referred me to an endo. Dr. Matthews. He is great! He looked at my labs (didn't wait for HIS labs like others have done) he immediately put me on 30mg a day of hydrocortisone.
May 22Reply

@sebq We still are trying to figure out how in the world I can have Addison's and BE FAT!!! He suspected I had a high GH (Acromegaly) but I looked through my old labs from Oct. and my GH was super low also. But he retested and now it is high. Still normal but almost over the line. So, I don't know how I could go from trace levels in Oct to almost just above normal range by April?
May 22Reply

@sebq This Dr. Matthews did re-dx me with Addison's based on my labs that I showed him and then he confirmed with his own labs. He did the 24-hour urine (gold standard that other doc did not do).
May 22Reply

@sebq I kept using my inhaler and I couldn't understand why it was not working on my asthma and all along it was adrenal insufficiency ugh! They even sent me to a pulmonologist who couldn't figure it out...smh. I have seen 8 specialists in 9 months (multiple visits to each one).
May 22Reply

@sebq I am trying to not be too depressed but I feel like my life is over. I had to take a medical leave from Law School and I don't know now if I can ever go back :( very depressing. (sigh).
May 22Reply

@sebq It is really crazy that I have 30mg of hydrocortisone and I have to basically dole it out throughout the day. I am supposed to take 20mg when I wake up and 10mg 3 hours later but then I am out for all of the rest of the day. I am so low that I almost go into crisis by around 6p so now I take 10mg when I wake and then 5-10mg a few hours later and 5-10 a few hours later...
May 22Reply

@sebq I just don't exceed my 30mg per day. I have some leftover emergency prednisone (my big guns) that I have taken like 20mg total of in the last month when I have been under stress. I also just ordered a medical alert bracelet for secondary adrenal insufficiency which I most definitely have.
May 22Reply

@sebq I hope you are well!
May 22Reply

@ziinniia following :)
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 I am so so sorry. I do still have the jacket that was sent by mistake. I have been in and out of the hospital 5 times and admitted for a week here and a week there (Christmas I was in the hospital). But I have the jacket and it is still in your envelope. I am going to go look now to see if I can find the label.
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 I had the jacket in the bag but it didn't say poshmark so I thought that I had gotten from someone on ebay (I shop a lot there) but I couldn't find it under my purchases. I am JUST seeing your message here again now.
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 Oh I just went to email customer service and I saw that they have my old email address! Let me check that one for the label. If I can find it, I will get it out in the mail today!
May 22Reply

@sebq ugh! I posted like 10 messages to you but now I don't see them :( Did they get deleted or something?
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 Ok, I got it all ready to go! I found an email from Posh from Dec. and I asked them to use the correct email but they still have not. I included my business card in with the jacket so if you want to email me, I can forward the email's between Posh and I, in case they give you any hard time due to the length of time that has passed.
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 I am completely disabled right now (using a cane or walker bc I cannot hold my weight on crutches) but I do have a doc appt at 2 right next to the PO so I will take it today!
May 22Reply

@lovemariac Thanks! Sending some FL Sunshine your way! Following you!
May 22Reply

@thetricialynn Thank you!!!
May 22Reply

Hey sweetie, I was just thinking about you the other day. If it is what you think from 2000 I’m afraid the statue of limitations might come into play bcuz even Medical has a statue in some regards and yours sounds like that. But definitely talk to a lawyer bcuz I cld be wrong
May 22Reply

You know about my husband right, or has it been longer than 8 months since we talked. Idk if you know but he went for a pacemaker/defibrillator and the dr had to stop bcuz he cut his aortic valve. The lawyer told me its good I contacted him bcuz of statues. How are you feeling? I cannot believe they haven’t done a brain scan already in you. What’s the latest
May 22Reply

Yes, it says you were last active September, 2018 when my husband got sick so maybe you don’t know
May 22Reply

Can you believe I just sold those and mailed them yesterday. Unreal!!!! I’ve gotten a lot more things in my closet since September
May 22Reply

I got the ones about the shoes, brain tumor, possible reason for bleeding. Anything else. Maybe you hit cancel instead if send or just forgot to send. I’ve done that
May 22Reply

Prednisone is an amazing drug for so many things but the side effects are huge so be careful. Medical care in Fl sucks since I worked as a nurse. I had to stop bcuz of back problems but boy have I seen a change since my husband got sick. It sucks worse
May 22Reply

Haven’t you told your idiot dr that the dose and timing isn’t holding you. You need to be your own advocate and you need to stand up against these drs. I sure do when caring for my husband. I don’t let the drs or nurses get away with anything
May 22Reply

Listen to me, you need to take care of you for you and for your kid(s). If you are Mrs t to go back to school you will and if for health reasons you can’t it’s bcuz God has other plans. Trust in him. Sometimes the worse things that happen to us is just a door opening to something better than we even know
May 22Reply

But have you told him the 30mg isn’t working or the timing of the doses! BE PRO ACTIVE FOR YOURSRLF BCUZ THESR DRS TODAY BCUZ OF OBSMACARE JUST DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR PATIENTS
May 22Reply

What did he say when you told him about all the prednisone you had taken although he should have seen it in your chart. Idk if you have unlimited texting or not but here you go. 305-778-0385. Or.
May 22Reply

Tricia, I only gave you my # and email bcuz I thought it might be easier to talk and you wouldn’t be putting all your personal info on Posh. I’m fine with talking here but was just offering hun. I’d love to know what’s going on with you and help if I can
May 22Reply

@kuzya16 did you get the jacket yet, sweetie? I am so sorry again. I just got out of hospital again tonight (6th visit in 6 months plus 3-5 doctor's appts a week since August). I am so sorry that I have not been on here or kept up with life in any form or fashion, including getting your jacket back to you!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq yeah, there is an exception on the statue of limitations in Florida. And basically the exception is if you were unaware of the injury when it occurred, once you become aware (a diagnosis in my case) then the 3 yr statue would start at that time. So once I get diagnosed I would have 3 yrs. I am still in the process of getting diagnosed and i just got out of the hospital again. I'm getting so used it that I am not uncomfortable there anymore lol. How is your husband?!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq i am so so so glad that you are taking care of him! That warms my heart! My husband is a jerk. He actually called me at the hospital last night to b&tch me out for being in the hospital! Really?! I was like hmm, ok next time I get sick, I will check with you to ensure it is convenient for YOU for ME to go to the ER and get admitted...smh. He didn't have anyone to take care of my daughter but he could have missed work and worked on Saturday (he works for himself). Jerk!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq what?! Cut HIS aortic?! That is horrible! He is lucky he has you to pursue it legally! In FL there is what they call the "free kill law" where a doctor can actually kill you without there. Wing anyone to sue!! The only people that can sue is the spouse and/or minor child (maybe under 24, I think) but like my Mom has no husband & no child under 24 so she is a "free kill" (for a FL doc)! Scary!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq they keep doing general MRI of the brain but no Tesla-3 MRI of pituitary so frustrating 6 hospital visits and get this between Jan-April I had 189 insurance claims with my health insurance!! And still no definitive diagnosis!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq no I had no idea about your husband! The last I had heard was that he was ah Inc surgery or had just had surgery? You were running to the store to get him some food.
Jun 01Reply

@sebq agreed about the doctor's here! It is pretty unreal what I have seen (as a paralegal, patient and family member to a sick sister). I tried to get into Mayo or Johns Hopkins but neither take my insurance. Trying to get the heck out of here for treatment and diagnosis!! They have me on hydrocortisone but what is the diff between hydrocortisone and prednisone? Just the doses?
Jun 01Reply

@sebq I was just back in the hospital from Tues-Thurs & this was my 3rd visit to the local hospital (other 3 visits were out of the area). So guess what they finally told me Tuesday?! The do NOT have an endocrinologist that comes to the hospital!! Lord, had I known that I would never have gone there. What is the point? That is like. Wing a cardiac patient w no cardiologist! You just wouldn't take your husband THERE!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq I'm on 30mg of hydrocortisone a day. Supposed to be 20 when I wake up & 10 three hrs later but it doesn't last long enough so I do 10 and then 5 every few hours until I run out. If I am asleep by 11 I don't get an additional round of sweats that come on around midnight. So I turn into a pumpkin at 11 lol.
Jun 01Reply

@sebq I called endo before I went to ER Tuesday and no one has ever called back and it is Thursday! But I ha e some good news (I think) I go in next week to UNiv S. FL in Tampa to see neurologist & next month endo there. Hopefully they will do a full work up and figure it out. Now one of the issues they are raising again is MS due to abnormalities on my MRI. They say it show delmynating (sp?) my cousin has it and I am HLA-B27+ (the autoimmune gene) so nothing would surprise me at this point :(
Jun 01Reply

@sebq I cried twice yesterday in the MEI machine. Now that they are saying hypopituitary, hypothyroid AND now possibly MS... how can I go back to law school?!? I just have to give it to the Lord and wait and see.
Jun 01Reply

@sebq the 30mg barely keeps me out of crisis but too much hydrocortisone is bad too so I am just trying to find the balance :/
Jun 01Reply

@sebq the endo just blew it off when I told him his colleague had called in prednisone as an emergency he just totally disregarded it and said I will see you in 6 months. You don't have hypopituitary (he undiagnosed me!!) I complained to my primary & she sent me to new endo. New endo looked at my labs the before prednisone and after & immediately put me on hydrocortisone.
Jun 01Reply

@sebq i like him but I don't believe he knows enough about pituitary issues. His office does not return calls, like ever. So I am going to USF and I will just keep him as a "local" doc. He didn't know some things that I had researched like the back pain "Rogoff's sign" that can come with adrenal insufficiency. I have to admit though that he did save my life by trusting me (and my labs that I brought) & putting me on meds right away!
Jun 01Reply

@sebq oh, God bless you! I would appreciate that!!!! My number is 407-920-3883 I'm gonna leave it up here until I hear from you. It is 3:30am so I'm not gonna text ya now but please text me tomorrow or in the the coming days! It's hard to talk on the phone bc my daughter is out of school. :she has autism and can be a handful.
Jun 01Reply

@thetricialynn I receive the jacket. thank you. Hope you are doing better.
Jun 01Reply

I’m dealing with problems with my husbands heart since 9/23/17 when I rushed him to ER. It’s almost 9 months since and I e begged for lung needle aspiration to see if he has Sarcoidosis and finally this cardio dr diagnosed him. Says we have to get him to Univ of Fl and go on transplant list. I’ll die if I lose him. I just can’t
Jun 01Reply

Forget law for now. If it’s meant to be it will be. You have a child who will need you forever so focus on you and let the rest play out. That’s all you can do. Get you well first
Jun 01Reply

If it is you will handle it. Trust me, right now all I can think of is keeping my husband alive. I’d give him my heart if they would take it. If anything happens to me he will stop all treatment so like you for your daughter I have to fight for my husband even when I feel like the unthinkable
Jun 01Reply

If you don’t have an advocate be your own. Research, ask question, demand answers. The medical system sucks. Dr cut my husbands aorta and had to abort procedure. Never apologized or called to check on him
Jun 01Reply

Yes, really no difference. What ins do you have and who will care for your daughter if you go out of state
Jun 01Reply

Your husband sounds like a major AHole. I wld unload him yesterday You don’t need him. That’s horrible that he treats u like thst
Jun 01Reply

Bcuz we just got diagnosis of of Sarcoidosis yesterday we are in the middle of trying to get him to Univ of Fl and a lung needle biopsy. Frightening
Jun 01Reply

I sent you an offer on the blazer that you liked😀
Feb 19Reply

Hello, welcome to Poshmark. We are Tracy/dad & Tracy/daughter who runs this business for my granddaughter Unique who is 4 years old. We sell a lot of New items and we try to keep our prices reasonable. Our goal is to raise money to send her to college. We appreciate all the help we can get. So if you see something nice in her closet, feel free to bundle it to save extra money. Have a blessed day from the Gooden family.
Nov 21Reply
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