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Updated Sep 27
Updated Sep 27

Meet your Posher, Trina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Trina. Welcome to my Posh Closet! I love anything made of linen, chunky knit oversized sweaters, playing with my three dogs and bird watching in my backyard. We have five cardinals that we have named Chubby Carl 1, 2, 3, 4 and Cousin Carl who visits occasionally. Luckily, I can also Posh while hanging out in my backyard. I add new items every week so be sure to check back often.
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medusabou Welcome new Posher♡
May 22Reply
tmorella Thanks! This is ridiculously fun and easy.
May 22Reply
sseelochan @tmorella hello! Wanted to see if you received the Ralph Lauren dress? In my notes it says it was having an issue delivering to the address. So, I just wanted to follow up!
Jun 02Reply
tmorella No, I have not received it yet. Ironically, we received an email from Amazon that our items out for delivery today could not be delivered due to a problem with our address. This never happened before. Amazon called the Post Ofc and they could not determine what the problem was and sending items back out for delivery. We have had some issues lately with a new post ofc delivery person. Can you call and find out what the problem is? My address hasn't changed in 7 years. Thanks!!!
Jun 02Reply
tmorella @sseelochan I have not received it yet. Ironically, we received an email from Amazon that our items out for delivery today could not be delivered due to a problem with our address. This never happened before. Amazon called the Post Ofc and they could not determine what the problem was and sending items back out for delivery. We have had some issues lately with a new post ofc delivery person. Can you call and find out what the problem is? My address hasn't changed in 7 years. Thanks!
Jun 02Reply
sseelochan @tmorella it says it was delivered! Whew! Let me know if you still have not received it yet. Thanks!!
Jun 02Reply
tmorella @sseelochan I got it! Love it! Thank you!!!
Jun 03Reply
deb522 Thank you so much for all your likes !!! 🙂🌺🌼
Nov 01Reply
michelenowak Hi Trina! I really want that purse I'm just trying to make some sales first! Thank you for the pics!!
Nov 12Reply
merileeann And might I add, your closet is LOVELY! I'm so glad you came by. I wish we were the same size because I love your style. :) I just hit my year anniversary, so if you ever need any tips for sales or anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
Nov 18Reply
tmorella @merileeann Thank you! You are so sweet! I just might do that. A lot of the info I have found on Poshmark seems so outdated that it makes it confusing at times.
Nov 18Reply
heather4695 If you can counter back with your last offer for the sweater I will accept. I'm a little heartbroken to think I could miss it over a few dollars. 😳
Jan 22Reply
tmorella @heather4695 No problem. Just countered. :)
Jan 22Reply
anka0921 Hi...check out my closet and follow thank u 😉😉🙀😇🤗🤗🤔🤔
Feb 21Reply
anka0921 Thnx much for ur shares 🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘😊😊🤗🤗🤗
Feb 22Reply
merileeann Hi Trina! It was so fun to see you in my closet today. So, I thought I'd stop by your cute closet and share a little and make you an offer. If you're interested in bundling your 2 likes, I could do those for $24. If you're just window shopping, that's ok too. Hope you're well! -Merilee
May 12Reply
desert_dottir Hi there fellow posher!!!🌈 I like to help others whenever I get the chance so I shared my favorites from your closet to my followers. Share love always.💃
Jan 11Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Feb 19Reply
klbny74 Thank you for your likes If you make a bundle send you a great offer and discount shipping thank you
Oct 14Reply
macysgirl2019 Thanks so much for purchasing from me and the great rating! Have a great day! 💗💗💗
Mar 03Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 30Reply
makaronik Hi! Thank you for your purchase! As I was getting the purse ready to ship tomorrow morning I noticed a small pen mark an another mark (not sure what caused it). Both inside and insignificant but I am adding 2 pics and let me know if you would like me to cancel your purchase. Thank you!
Nov 28Reply
makaronik Please look for the the same item with COPY since I was not able to add pics to the original item. Thank you.
Nov 28Reply
tmorella @makaronik Hi. Thanks for letting me know. As long as the additional marks you noticed are inside the bag that is fine. I'll still buy it but would prefer to pay my original price of $80. If that is okay with you, please cancel this order and I'll resubmit my $80 offer on the "copy." If the additional marks are on the outside, I do not want to purchase the bag. Just let me know. Thanks!
Nov 28Reply
makaronik @tmorella Both marks are inside. I cancelled the order. I believe there is another grey bag for sale. Thank your.
Nov 28Reply
Nov 28Reply
tmorella @makaronik Thanks for letting me know. If you change your mind, just message me.
Nov 28Reply
makaronik @tmorella Of course. Thank you!
Nov 28Reply
cecebuck76 Cutie Pies 🌺
Feb 22Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Jul 09Reply
cutehosiery @tmorella Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 03Reply

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Last Active: Mar 23

Charlotte, NC
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Last Active: Mar 23

Charlotte, NC
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