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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posher Trish

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Hi! I'm Trish. I'm from Texas...I ride a bicycle everywhere I go.I love Athleta and I love Nike.Thanks for all the follows and the invites!😎
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nycole34 Welcome to poshmark! Wishing you all the best!
Jan 07Reply
blawndie33 Thank you! I can't believe I'm just now discovering Postmark.. I'm in heaven.
Jan 07Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Hi!, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help 😊 Also, I invite you to check out my closet for great items and great deals. I am always happy to negotiate, specially on bundles. Happy Poshing 😃
Apr 13Reply
wilsonsl5 I’m going to ship these Frye boots but I’m very close to canceling the order. You’re being very rude.
Oct 08Reply
blawndie33 @wilsonsl5 Then cancel it.
Oct 08Reply
blawndie33 @wilsonsl5 omg, didn't.Please do one or the other: cancel the order or ship the boots.You can't keep the money AND the boots.
Oct 09Reply
blawndie33 @wilsonsl5 it looks like Poshmark is sending you reminders too.
Oct 09Reply
wilsonsl5 @blawndie33 they’ve shipped. I’m not receiving reminders.
Oct 09Reply
blawndie33 @wilsonsl5 hmmmm.....weird.
Oct 10Reply
stacyana818 Hi Trish, welcome to Poshmark! cute pic & great arms! I just sent you a private offer for the Bass oxfords that you liked. They are really closer to butterscotch and vanilla or eggyolk & eggshell 😉, please let me know if that offer would work for you or feel free to counter!
Nov 03Reply
blawndie33 @stacyana818 Hi, thank you! I grew these arms unintentionally when I worked at the racetrack for the summer...keeping a tight rein on a racehorse is brutal🐎
Nov 04Reply
stacyana818 @blawndie33 I bet. I used to have cut arms, a la Linda Hamilton in T2 but broke my right shoulder in February and still very restricted in upper body activities but I loved having arms & made me feel sexier
Nov 05Reply
stacyana818 Actually, I had a client/family emergency; and USPS closes at 430pm and takes a 1 hour lunch break from 130pm-230pm (only one worker at this small location by my agency office). Definitely will go out tomorrow.
Nov 14Reply
stacyana818 That being said, I see that you also liked the FP sweater and the Steampunk boots. If you are interested in possibly considering purchasing those additional 2 pieces, we could cancel your shoes, bundle together the oxfords, boots, and sweater, and i would give you a 30% discount for the bundle! Just let me know, please :-)
Nov 14Reply
blawndie33 @stacyana818 “ground control to major tom” 🪐lol .i apologize if I seem impatient... I’m just so excited about the little oxfords! And , my current oxfords are duck taped together ( I’m a fixed gear bike rider and it takes a toll on my shoes)t thank you so much for shipping them quickly.
Nov 18Reply
stacyana818 @blawndie33 awesome!! I'm posting a different style with higher heel later tonight. You might like and I am very generous with loyal/repeat buyers😁
Nov 18Reply
stacyana818 @blawndie33 awesome!! I'm posting a different style with higher heel later tonight. You might like and I am very generous with loyal/repeat buyers😁
Nov 18Reply
stacyana818 What a lovely comment with your 5 star rating--thank you!!
Nov 19Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I sell clothes and lots of toys, plushes and beanies, dolls, figurines. I also sell home goods. I’ve been in business 36 years, online for 20. I’ve never felt comfortable bartering. Instead I keep prices very fair. I don’t send offers, but I give a 15% discount on bundles of three or more items. Stop by and visit my closet.
Jul 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Sep 18Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Feb 02Reply
kcarver6163 @mylovejewelry thank you for your purchase of the shoes. I had to go out of town today for a medical issue but will be back on Saturday to mail them.. Kills me as I am a same day shipper. I know that posh gives sellers 7 days to mail, but I wanted to give you a heads up. If that is an issue, let me know. This was unexpected.
Apr 07Reply
blawndie33 It’s ok! Thank you for letting me know😊I’m so excited about the shoes! They are the cutest things I have ever seen!❤️
Apr 07Reply
blawndie33 @kcarver6163 I wasn’t sure if you had gotten my message because I’m very much an amateur at technology 🙂but thank you for letting me know.
Apr 07Reply
kcarver6163 @blawndie33 oh I had not gotten the message and even checked earlier, so thank you for both responses. They are very cute shoes and I hope that you love them!
Apr 07Reply
kcarver6163 @blawndie33 I got home just in time to see the mailman going down my street. (I just moved and live in a valley in a mountain town so the post office was closed. 🥴 I have a medical issue that is thankfully at the end and go to a different town for treatment which is why I was away) Anyway, I wrapped the shoes and forgot to add a thank you card as I was in a rush to get them to the mail guy. So..... thank you!! I hope they are perfect for you!!!
Apr 09Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 07Reply

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Last Active: Jan 14

San Antonio, TX
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Last Active: Jan 14

San Antonio, TX
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