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Updated Nov 10
Updated Nov 10

Meet your Posher, Ursula

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ursula. I am a Mom of 10 children. Yes I said 10 . It is never a dual moment around here but I wouldn't want it any other way. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, J. Crew, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 7+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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dananjordan Hello and welcome to Poshmark! We have a great community here. Feel free to check out my closet, add items to a bundle or just send me an offer. Happy Poshing 💗
Nov 10Reply
clea13 Welcome to Posh and thanks for the follow 😊
Nov 10Reply
xoxokendra Thank you for the shares! Awesome put a smile on my face... Look how powerful you are! Wink
Nov 25Reply
siennamama88 thanks for the share. I’m doing a major declutter. Feel free to bundle any items you’re interested in for a private discount. No pressure. Have a great day. 🌸🌼🌺
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @dananjordan thank you so much 😊 have a wonderful day 🌸💐🌺
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @clea13 thank you 😊
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @2much_jewelry thank you so much PJ. Have a very blessed day
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @xoxokendra you’re welcome. Hope you have a fabulous weekend 🌹🌺🌼🌻
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @siennamama88 thank you for letting me know. Hope you have a wonderful weekend
Nov 30Reply
xoxokendra 10 kids... wow Kudos... 5 here!
Nov 30Reply
ursiescloset @xoxokendra Yes 10 kids lol 😂. My husband and I have 6 together, I have 2 and he has 2 ❤️. 5 is a lot too. I love having a big family it’s the best....... hard very hard but worth it. ❤️
Dec 02Reply
ursiescloset @beth1104315 thank you so much. 🌺🌸🌻💐🌷🌼 Happy Poshing 🌺🌷🌼🖤🌹🌸🌻💐
Dec 02Reply
xoxokendra @ursapat a yours mine and ours (we had yours, mine, ours and theirs) wink raised a nephew also...
Dec 02Reply
ursiescloset @xoxokendra that’s so awesome ❤️💙
Dec 06Reply
ursiescloset @gmalo sending posh love 💕 back 💙
Dec 06Reply
manypearls I would love to be pffs & share each others items on the regular, that way when you can’t share I’m sharing your items & vice versa😊😊😊
Dec 07Reply
ursiescloset @manypearls Sounds good to me !!! :) :) :)
Dec 07Reply
manypearls @ursapat super! We are officially pffs 😊😊😊😘
Dec 07Reply
ursiescloset @manypearls 😊😃😀😄😁😘
Dec 07Reply
nina_131 Thanks for big sharing sweetie ❤️ you have a wonderful day 🌺🌺
Dec 20Reply
simonette16 Thank you so much for all those shares. You're awesome!!
Dec 20Reply
ursiescloset @simonette16 You're very welcome. Right back at you!! :)
Dec 21Reply
ursiescloset @nina_131 You're so very welcome. Thank you :)
Dec 21Reply
softwallet Wow 😮 Ursula! I’m sure you have a lot to say about parenting! Sounds like you’re blessed! 🥰
Jan 22Reply
ursiescloset @softwallet I am blessed for sure but having 5 teenagers (4 of them girls) can be challenging. 😂🤣🤪😜🙃 but it’s nice to hear our older kids say that they are sorry for how they acted when they were teenagers. It’s funny, but when they turn 25, something snaps and they grow up some. 🥰😍❤️💙💕💝💗
Jan 22Reply
lyzibeth Thanks for sharing, Ursula☺️
Jan 22Reply
softwallet So true!!
Jan 23Reply
ursiescloset @rsuyaba you’re welcome. Thank you for sharing mine too. 💕
Jan 23Reply
ursiescloset @kstatecat988 you’re welcome 😊. Thank you 🥰😊
Jan 27Reply
newlaundry4u Thanks for all the shares! 😊
Jan 31Reply
ursiescloset @newlaundry4u you’re welcome 😊 Thank you 😊 for the shares 🥰
Jan 31Reply
2thrifty You have an awesome closet. Thanks so much for all the shares😊☺️.
Feb 01Reply
ursiescloset @2thrifty Awe thank you. Thank you for the shares!! Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Feb 01Reply
2thrifty @ursapat Thank you and you're welcome. May you have a wonderful weekend yourself 😊.
Feb 01Reply
jgreenec Thank you. You rock‼️
Feb 07Reply
ursiescloset @jgreenec right back at you 😊🌟
Feb 07Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing!!!! It's very much appreciated!!!!!!
Feb 07Reply
ursiescloset @s117 You’re so welcome. Thank you for the shares. 😊
Feb 07Reply
virtualcool Hi beautiful 💝 thank you for all the shares. Wow 😮 god bless you 😘 you are beautiful and god bless all of them :)) have a great evening . Lots of love 💕
Feb 08Reply
pacificwinds Hi! Thank you for all the shares!
Feb 13Reply
ursiescloset @virtualcool awe thank you. You are too sweet. Hope you have a fabulous day. Love right back at you. 💕🥰♥️🌹❤️
Feb 13Reply
ursiescloset @tanyrae you’re welcome. Thank you for the shares. 💕🥰♥️🌹
Feb 13Reply
virtualcool Happy Valentine’s Day to one of the most beautiful mom’s in the world 💝 hope everyday is as special as Valentine’s Day for you 🤗😘 thanks again 💕
Feb 14Reply
pacificwinds @ursapat you're welcome!
Feb 15Reply
irina001 Hi! Appreciate all your shares!!🤗😊🎉🎉💥💥💥 ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 23Reply
manypearls Thank you for being my pff! I think your closet looks AMAZING & I can tell how hard you have been working!😊😊😊😊
Mar 14Reply
ursiescloset @manypearls Well thank you for sharing everyday!!! I truly appreciate it!! I love your closet. You have so many AWESOME stuff!!! Happy Poshing. I hope you have a very nice weekend!!! :)
Mar 14Reply
trosegold Hi Ursula, thanks for the follow. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers Tim
Mar 31Reply
ursiescloset @trosegold Awesome thank you. I will share some of yours too. 😊
Apr 01Reply
classeecloset Thank you for the shares. I hope you will visit my closet again.
Apr 01Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Apr 03Reply
ursiescloset @classeecloset I will for sure 😊
Apr 03Reply
ursiescloset @vpl1116 thank you . I will check yours out too. 😊
Apr 03Reply
vibevault Thank you for sharing my listing!!✨💜
Apr 07Reply
ursiescloset @nikolle19 You’re so welcome. 💕
Apr 07Reply
inspiretoveer Thank you for following my closet.
Apr 29Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you so much for following me. Please check out my closet from time to time and, of course, I’ll do the same. Share and care. In the meantime, Be Blessed💜🥰💐💕
Jul 07Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 09Reply
ursiescloset @madblk3 You’re welcome 😊 I will Be sharing your closet. Happy Poshing 🌸🌼🌹♥️❌⭕️
Aug 09Reply
ursiescloset @suchitrat Nice to meet you too. I will Be sharing your closet. Happy Poshing ❌⭕️🌸♥️🌹🌼😘😊
Aug 09Reply
madblk3 @ursapat 💜Beloved, I’ve updated my introduction so it’s a little less abrasive, I guess🤪😜Thank you for all the shares💕🥰😇I truly do appreciate your efforts🌺💐🎀thank you for replying💜be blessed💜
Aug 09Reply
closetcupid @ursapat that would be great 😍 Thank you so so so much 💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 09Reply
kozy_kloset Thanks for following my Closet & Sharing ! 😘💜🛍
Aug 11Reply
sph1980 Thank you so much for the shares 💕 Best wishes!
Aug 11Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Aug 17Reply
bountyhawk Hi! You just sent me an offer on the earrings that I purchased earlier. Now I am confused! Did you not get my sale? I didn't receive a notification that it was declined. My purchase stat says it is awaiting shipment. Please help! This is my first purchase on Poshmark so I am not sure what I might have done wrong
Aug 23Reply
ursiescloset @bountyhawk Hi, if i send out offers and you have liked it, you will still get offers. Even if you have purchased it. I'm not sure why they haven't fixed that but that is the way it is. Sorry about that. I wish they would fix that. Have a wonderful day. :)
Aug 23Reply
bountyhawk @ursapat OK thanks, but I didn't "like" it, I put it in a bundle and you sent an offer. Do you have record of me purchasing it from earlier today?? I can send you the order number if you need it.
Aug 23Reply
ursiescloset @bountyhawk Yes I do and I will be sending it out tomorrow !!! :)
Aug 23Reply
bountyhawk @ursapat OK thank you!!
Aug 23Reply
ursiescloset @bountyhawk You’re welcome. 🌸🌻
Aug 23Reply
qwinkydink Thanks for the add! Have s great looong weekend! 💕
Aug 31Reply
frostyla Hi! Thank you for the follow All my proceeds are donated to my nephew to pay for his 8th grade school trip to Washington DC. I appreciate you checking out my closet. Have a great weekend!
Aug 31Reply
kbs_closet609 Hey @ursapat Would love for you to check out my closet
Sep 04Reply
sarahnicole412 Love your closet, can’t believe you do this and have 10 kids!! 😱 would love if you checked out my closet and shared anything you like! Thanks!! ❤️
Sep 11Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing! 🤙
Sep 22Reply
ursiescloset @qwinkydink You’re welcome 😊💕
Sep 23Reply
ursiescloset @frostyla What a great and sweet Aunt you are. I will for sure check out your closet. 😊😍💕
Sep 23Reply
ursiescloset @kbs_closet609 Hi I will for sure. 😊😍
Sep 23Reply
ursiescloset @sarahnicole412 Hahahahahahaha me either. 😂🤣😂🤣 I will for sure go check out your closet. Have a great week!! 😍💕
Sep 23Reply
ursiescloset @lellowandpink Happy Poshing 😊🍁
Sep 23Reply
frostyla @ursapat Thank you! I will be adding listings pretty much every day so please keep checking back :-) I appreciate you!
Sep 23Reply
gamom61 I need to fix my payment choices and I will make offer!
Sep 24Reply
ursiescloset @gamom61 Okay sounds good 😊🍁
Sep 24Reply
ursiescloset @frostyla I will for sure 🍁😊
Sep 24Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @ursapat Hi there 👋 thanks for stopping by - let me know if we can be of assistance 💕😊 Bundle your likes to receive a discount and a special gift! 🎁
Oct 08Reply
janfast Hi Ursula! Wow! 10! God bless you! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Oct 08Reply
michele9269 Thanks for the follow feel free to check out my closet and bundle n save have a blessed day
Oct 31Reply
megan274 Hi! 😀Just wanted to invite you to take a look at my closet. 👚👗👜👍🏻👢👠Hope you find something you like. 💚I am open to deals and bundles, happy poshing! 🎉
Nov 01Reply
dospac031 I’m sorry I know you have given me an offer but I’m in the process of relocating due to a medical emergency but if you can give me until at least Tuesday of next week I’ll just put in for a new offer and proceed from there, I’m sorry I just need to get settled then I can proceed thank you have a blessed day
Nov 26Reply
janzskincare Thank you for following me on posh😊
Dec 14Reply
ursiescloset @janzskincare you’re welcome and thank you 😊
Dec 14Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 08Reply
brandisstyle7 Good evening thanks for the follow i have some sales going on that you don’t wanna miss out on. Come check out my closet and see if you’re interested in anything. Always opened for offers. Make a bundle and get 15% off two items. All purchases are shipped the same day or next day.
May 29Reply
mommakatnyc L❤️ove love your closet! 10 children! Well I couldn't even handle the one I had but God knows what we can handle right! I bookmarked you and will be back for sure 🤗
Jul 07Reply
sairausa @ursapat please take a look at my closet❤️
Jul 26Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
Aug 17Reply
girlshopper2020 thanks.for the SHARES Ms Ursula! Have a blessed rest of the week w your Fam! 🌹😊
Aug 19Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe...Dorothy
Oct 27Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Oct 29Reply
andiron1 I wanted to makes sure to thank you again for a very pleasant transaction. (combat gray cargo shorts) You're awesome! Merry Christmas!
Dec 11Reply
andiron1 PS... I only know about Poshmark because my wife has a "closet" here... she's AmyF@beehivejive. Thanks again!
Dec 11Reply
ursiescloset @andiron1 You are very welcome and thank you for shopping with me. Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dec 11Reply
ursiescloset @andiron1 I will for sure go and check out her closet. 😊
Dec 11Reply
poshmf Hi, Check out my closet. I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, woman's, kids and maternity. I also add new weekly. Bundle to save! Thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 04Reply
docspot I  must say you have a very nice looking closIet. please take a moment and look at my closet and tell me what you think. I also have a YouTube channel which were working very hard to get it off the ground and were very proud of it. It's is called doc at the barn Snyder. please look at it and subscribe .it has been designed to help us all in the business we're  all in . thank you
Jan 11Reply
ursiescloset @fabulousstylen You’re welcome 😊
Feb 28Reply
ursiescloset @fabulousstylen It’s going out today. 😊
Mar 01Reply
ursiescloset @fabulousstylen You’re welcome 😊
Mar 01Reply
jewelry_heaven Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also size most of our rings for free. Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink: Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
May 26Reply
galsport Ursula, Thank you for all this shares. You have made my Thursday evening. I really appreciate it!
Jul 08Reply
ursiescloset @galsport Thank you right back 😊 Hope you have a great evening
Jul 08Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Jul 09Reply
oac998 hey thanks for the follow! fyi i am taking down my listings soon. so if you wanna check out my closet and see anything you like feel free to make an offer (price are definitely not set in stone)! i ship fast and have five star ratings!!
Jul 22Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Aug 19Reply
ursiescloset @amber2286 Hi thanks so much. I am super excited 😆
Aug 19Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Aug 19Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 14Reply
heavenclothes Congratulations 🎉 on your winnings for Make a Deal Days if you’re looking for a place to spend your winnings I’ve lowered everything in my closet to $10 bundle three or more items and you will get FREE SHIPPING everything is new in packaging. Have a blessed 😇 rest of your day!
Sep 28Reply
teenie024 hi! congrats on winning Deal Days! feel free to browse my closet if you're looking for anything specific and I'm always offering deals! have fun spoiling yourself😉🥳🤗
Sep 28Reply
ursiescloset @heavenclothes Thank you I will check out your closet. 😀❤️
Sep 28Reply
ursiescloset @teenie024 Thank you so much. I will check out your closet 😀❤️
Sep 28Reply
heavenclothes @ursapat 😘😘😘😘 shipping out orders this morning if you do see something that catches your eye🌻🌼
Sep 28Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Sep 28Reply
tatnaples Hi Super Mom Ursula! Thanks bunches for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 01Reply
claires1221 Wow! 10?. I have 4 and they keep me very busy. Love the choices in your closet. I sent some of my favorites along to the followers of my closet. Will stay in touch. 😊
Mar 26Reply
kmmontone Hi Ursula. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. After my husband passed away, I decided to try selling on Poshmark. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Most of my listings are new or excellent like new condition. I'm flexible on offers and I discount bundles. Feel free to ask questions. And I have to say that 10 kids definitely puts you in the SUPER MOM category. Thanks again for following me and have a great day.
Mar 28Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 03Reply
pmac368 Hi Ursula, thanks for sharing my closet, I really appreciate it!
Apr 11Reply
ski123373 Hi there! Congratulations on your success on Poshmark! I am a teacher that’s just getting started with selling items from my very own closet. I would love to hear your story on how you got started and where you went with it. And if you can offer me any kind of pointers I would surely appreciate it :-) thank you so much
Jun 20Reply
rcpnc4me I just wanted to say thank you for sharing the listings from my closet. I appreciate your time and support. Best Wishes ❤️ Corine
Aug 21Reply
cutehosiery @ursapat Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 27Reply
rad0529 Hello Ursula, my new friend, I pray your today is truly a blessing as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Sep 08Reply
2girls2122 Hi! nice to meet you. If we can help you with any questions don't hesitate to ask. You will meet all different amazing people here. Wishing you an awesome day! Happy Poshing 📬. And wow!God bless 10 children🙏🏼.
Nov 15Reply
astridcompany @ursiescloset Hi, congrats on your Make A Deal Day win! Have an amazing and blessed day!
Dec 14Reply
ursiescloset @astridcompany thank you so much
Dec 14Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! Then I can visit your closet and share some of your items too. It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 900+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 16Reply
vintagevixennn @ursiescloset Hi, sweet Ursula ♥️
Feb 02Reply
krystalmcc1621 L Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Feb 12Reply
rivergirl35 I will be live for my Posh Show - Feb 15, Wed, 4pm pacific time. Hope you can be there! (I am live every Wed at 4pm) 🥰🥰🥰
Feb 15Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Mar 13Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing and accessories, seasonal decor, plush toys, puzzles, books, arts and crafts, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you bundle two or more items (up to 5lbs per bundle). I hope you'll take a peek at my closet - all offers are welcome.
Mar 24Reply
amcgee827 Hey Ursula… I just shared a listing about receiving the wrong bracelet from the show on Sunday with Adele and her husband, Jay. Could you reach out to the regular crew that you know who attend the jewelry shows and let them know that I really really really need this bracelet. I purchased it for a very good friend of mine, who is very sick! There were three of us, I think, who were bidding for this bracelet.
Mar 30Reply
amcgee827 I think I spent around $50, which I normally wouldn’t spend, but again I was purchasing as a gift for my friend. Thanks so much for any help you can provide!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me find this bracelet!!!!!!
Mar 30Reply
ursiescloset @amcgee827 Hi. I would contact the sellers and let them know that you didn’t receive it. If that doesn’t work then open a case with posh. I hope you find it.
Mar 31Reply
amcgee827 @ursiescloset I already spoke to Adele. Unfortunately, she doesn’t keep pictures of who gets what. She’s making good on the situation. I was just asking for your help reaching out to the people you know who are usually in the same jewelry shows. Thanks again. Have a great weekend.
Mar 31Reply
ursiescloset @amcgee827 oh good , I’m glad they’re making it right for you but I will ask around & see if anybody got the bracelet. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Mar 31Reply
amcgee827 @ursiescloset Thanks very much, Ursula!
Mar 31Reply
rmccull12 Thanks for the tag today @ursiescloset ! I was in and out of the show today, but it looked like she had some great items!😍
Apr 07Reply
ursiescloset @rmccull12 You’re so welcome 🥰
Apr 07Reply
koolkel2000 Congrats on your closet clear out win.
Apr 12Reply
ursiescloset @koolkel2000 Thank you 🥰
Apr 12Reply
hellobrigid Hey there! 🛍️ I wanted to personally invite you to check out my store @brizabrigid where I'm having a massive 50% off Everything Sale! 🌟 😍 Like the item/s and I'll send you the special offer! 🌈💃 🎁 So come on over and shop 'til you drop – I really need to sell these items! 😊
May 20Reply
libbymackechnie Your items are beautiful!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Jun 03Reply
ursiescloset @libbymackechnie Thank you so much 🥰🥰
Jun 03Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jul 29Reply
gems_m You have a wonderful closet!!!
Sep 10Reply
ursiescloset @mstimmisme Thank you so much 🥰🥰
Sep 10Reply
uovitt Hello 👋 from another Ursula!! 🤪💖
Nov 17Reply
theresarc70 Hello, Please send me the bundle offer on Monday when I get paid please 11/20
Nov 19Reply
ursiescloset @theresarc70 okay I will for sure
Nov 19Reply
stpauligirl3 Hi! I am new to Poshmark selling. Always bought but never sold. I just got a notice that you mentioned me on your show. I just want to say that is sooo cool and very kind and thank you so very much!!
Jan 17Reply
mlejea beautiful closet come share your stones in my POSH rocks share show Sunday nights 930pm est on my channel @mlejea Hi I am an artist and lately have gotten into making jewelry! hope you can come check out my closet and art in the boutique! 🐾 MLEjea I am also selling off my crystal collection and stone jewelry I made, please check out my closet and come to a live show or bundle for big savings!
May 31Reply
ursulabergert Thank you for all the shares!
Dec 13Reply
ursiescloset @ursulabergert you’re welcome and thank you
Dec 13Reply
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Last Active: hours ago

East Wenatchee, WA
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About the seller



Last Active: hours ago

East Wenatchee, WA
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